Senat rfrom Michigan yesterday, he doubted the Nilo , and propriety of such an expose. Mr. Di.otints, (Wis.,) from the committee o n foreign relations, repported with amend ments the bill to establish a bureau of naviga tion. object is to superintend the emigration of an d settlement, and colonization of colored peo ple of African descent, who may desire to mi glide to countries beyond tee limits of the lluited States It appoints a commissioner of m igration with a salary of $3,000; a clerk at a salary of $1,800; and two assistant clerks at $1,200; if. in the opinion of the President, the duties of the Bureau may require their service. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The reading of yesterday's journal consumed half an hour. Various mess.tges were received from the Senate concerning the passage of certain bills. The Speaker signed numerous enrolled bills, and much confused prevailed. The bill to divide Michigan into two judicial districts was passed. - Hr. STIMBNB, (Pa.,) moved that the Houtle concur in the request of the Senate to extend the adj urnnaent till two o'clock to-day. Mr. Boom, (Mass.,) asked the consent of the House to introduce a bill providin; that, on and after the let of August, all postage ..ud other U. S. stamps shall be received for all dues less than five dollars, and which may be received in exchange for U. S. notes. No.pri rate corporation or bank shall make use of any token, note or device for less than one dol lar, to circulate as money. Any person so of fending shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or im pris.nrueut for six months, or both, at the decision of the oonrt. 01 jectiun having been made, Mr. ROOM moved a suspension of rules. Agreed to—yeas 60, nays 88. Mr Maoris cause to be read a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury urging measures and Enclosing the draft of a bill for the object stated, and also one fur one changing the weight of small sliver coins. Mr. PIMPS, (M 0..) briefly contended that the second clause prohibiting paper issues below the denomination of one dollar is unconstitutional. Mr. Cox, (Oniu,) moved .o lay the bill on the tai le ; not agreed to—yeas 89, nays 64. The bill was passed—yeas 62, Maya 29. The House posed jilint resolution suripending sales of lands of the Kane is Sac and Fox Indi ana until the 4th of Match, 1862. A NRESACIE PROM TUE PRESIDENT was received and teed. He says he has ap proved both the confiscation bill and the sup plemental resolution considering them to be one act. Betore he was informed of the pas sage of the resolution he bad prepared the draft of a veto message which he transmit. As the bill does not touch the p goons o properly loyal citizens, it Is in this just ant roper. It i• startling to say that Congress can free the slavts in a Mate, but of rebels forfeit their slaved to the government, the nutistion is whether they shall be declared free to slavery. He had no objection to the former course. lu reviewing the other parts of the bill he says : military commanders should seize and use whatever real or personal property may be necessary fur their commands in some way, preserving evidence of such appropliatlon. Re also thinks it proper that military com manders should employ as many persons of Airican doses rit as may be used to advantage. The message was laid on the the table and ordered to be I Tinted. The lipeAlser also laid before the House a message from the President recommending that some suitable ackuowleiluement be made to Mr. 'Vanderbilt for the gift to the government of the vessel of 'hat name which has been doing valuable service. Referred to the COM mittee on Naval Affairs. 210 house passed Senate joint resolution milking further apprcrniation fur the current and incidental expenses of the Indian Depart ment. Mr. WIORLIFPIII, (Ky.,) asked leave to intro duce a resolution, that it shall be the duty of the Government to a record to be kept of the manes, ages and sex of all the slaves received jute our lines under protection of the army, together with the names of the, owners of the same. Mr. liorons.x. (0.,) objected to the introclac of the resolution. Mr WICKLIMI moved a suspension of the mks. Not agreed to ; yeas 68, nays 45 ; not No thirds. ARRIVAL OF SICK AND WOUNDED. NEw Your., July 17 The steamer Daniel Webster, arrived here at IlriColl toqlity, with sick and wounded from Har rison', lAnding. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PaiLmmuxubt, July 16 flour in better demand, and 4000 sold at $4 75 for superfine ; $5 26 tor extra add $660 i 75 for extra family—chiefly of the latter , ription. Receipts small and holders very Con in their views. Rye flour steady, at $8 26 aLd corn meal at $215 Wheat in good re , and sales of 60,000 bushels at $1 283 .7 lor red, and $1 8031 87 for . white. bushels rye sold et 690. Corn wanted at . but very little coming in. bats better c ,, 1150,000 bushels sold at .400. for Peonsylva -tc and 380. for Delaware. Doff .e In good I, uulucl, with sales of rio at 21322 and Kt 23c. Sugars and molasses looking Provisions dull. Mess pork steady at 755[1 00. Hams at 7f394.. tildes 45 g.i. Shoulders at 4341. Whisky firm its. • NBW Yolac, July 17 Flour firm ; sales 80.000 bids. at $4 60(i) 4 63 fur State, an advance of 60100., $6 20 :6. 5 35 for Ohio, and $5 0006 76 for South 'Ll• Wheat advanced le.; *wee 160,000 bus. at $lO6Ol 10 fur Chicago spring, $l. 10(41 13 Milwaukee ClUb, $1 2201 I.Ves , ern. Corn firm ; sales 160,000 bus. at o;;i(:i-sryic Beef quiet. Fork steady. Lard h uu nr Vane. Whisky dull at 84. BALTIIIMII, July 17. ant.Fliitt active but unc hanged. Whrat buoy eon, Os te i.uoyunt. Coffee firm Wtilaky flrtu ut 3430036* New York Money Market. Stock better. C. &R. I. ; Ills Cent. R. R 6111; Mich. Southern 63i ; N Y Cent. 891; I 4 '4(1111g 55; Qlil. & ; Virginia Ws ; Mies .uri We 46 ; Tennessee's 60 ; Ken ky'ho-1i; Ohio's 108; Treasury, 7 8.10, 102 j; us, LABOR SAVED! DY using PUTMAN'S 6 XOELSIOR CI) Tilid WRINGER, which wriogs Clotho. rye,. 1 4 , ran b e -one by t and, and waugs a bed quilt or 1 , . ' , orchid without limy atter *Goo. Call and examine 1. 'kt sYNE'S AGRICUI VIRAL tITORE, idndatuwlm 1 thNTR k O YES 1 O Yhb DESIRING to rest from the active cares aJ of trade, I have passed the at re Into the heeds of con Joun T. r condom, 1,11610 con blue the bust twit herotefore at the sticSiOtt Store, he. Si, corner oh . econd and Chestnut ar,ots In this, ray; where I Iwou pupga ld respectfully cell thu attention of my friends end ,be 4eiter 'llY to my large sleet i/1 neW and second hand Clothing , sea , and mom d wed furniture, and at e , uolcsa variety of usatul :Ws, at of which will be BOW t he hwr st auctUn prices. Cg h will lys .pittd tor al , Witeles In my I no of be,iness. PH :LP FNSMINAEL N. B. Prying Ades, Bel lug bore, s, ethic:lo j 814 ee• et ate, and 4 1 ! ther or. party will be puutitieetirat. ,o upon reasonable. tarot% by call .nit at mr. 24 , tomer of Facaad and nbeitien meek' In to 8 Jon T. RbinitlNGSß,. Oily Auctioneer. ltl2-aut aw pailp (Etitgrapp+ HAIIRXIBBURG, PA Friday Morning, July 18, 186'0 HAIM SHIM CRABS, Soft Shell Crabs, Oysters, Spring Chickens, Corn Soup, Ice Cream, to gether with all the delicacies of the season, will be served up at Chester's Restaurant, under the Buehler House, this evening. It =I Fats Atm.—These pretty winged vesper in sects of summer have made their appearance to the great delight of eager boys who chase and capture these miniature-will o'the wimps—mak ing the twilight sparkle with their gleams ; and gemming the hours of darkness with diamotid brilliance. Some old fogies call them by the vulgar name of " June bugs ;" but in doing so only prove that they have no eye for the beau. tiful. - PEOBABLI Rumor Two Vountxxxes.—A pais senger in the night Express from Elmira, in forms us that two deserters from the 28d Regi ment, N. Y. Volunteers, in charge of a Lieu tenant, jumped from the train while under full head way, toetween Northumberland and Sun bury. As they were handcuffed together at the time, it is supposed that they were both killed. They were not missed for some minutes after the occurrence, and their fate remains unknown. We fear it was a Jump "out of the frying pan Into the tire" in their case. FROM TM EIGHTH RENNOYLVANIA MURMUR.— We have been permitted to examine a private letter from Dr. P. 0. Alleman, of Highspire, in this county, who is acting surgeon of the Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves. The letter is dated Harrison's Landing, July 12, 1862, and was received by his brother in this city. He gives a graphic description of the seven days fight before Richmond, commencing at the bat tle of Mechanicsville and ending at the battle before Harrison's Landing. His regiment was commanded by Col. George S. 'Hays, of Pitts burg, who bad a horse shot under him, and has suffered so severely from injuries sustained by his horse falling upon him while charging his regiment upon a rebel battery, that he is totally disabled from duty and has according ly resigned. Lieut. Colonel Oliphant, of the same regiment, took paralysis two days after the fight, caused by exposure and over exertion in battle; he is entirely deaf, and has no use whatever of his limbs. Major Bailey, of the same regiment, was shot through the head. This regiment marched into battle numbering 861 men ; there are but 800 left, and of those 177 are in the hospital. But six commissioned officers are left in his regiment, the ballance have been killed and captured. On the two first days of the battle, Dr. Alleman was in the hottest of the fight. It was at this time that his hospital attendants and medical cadet deserted him, leaving him alone, to take care of the wounded. Two shells burst by his side, in. straitly killing three of his wounded, and tear ing to pieces the body of one of the men whose leg he was amputating. For four consecutive days and nights he did not get a wink of sleep or have a mouthful of food to eat, but was kept constantly engaged in amputating and dressing wounds. He writes that a more hor rid sight than that battle field exhibited he never witnessed, and hopes to God he may never look upon its like again. His regiment was in the first brigade of McCall's division, commanded by acting Brigadier General Sim mons. He was close by Col. Simmons when he received the fatal wound, saw him jump from his saddle and fall apparently dead to the ground. He says the Colonel is dead beyond doubt. ALL Csa HELP.—While many of the ladies, misses and little girls are vieing with each other in their efforts to supply sick and wound ed soldiers with articles suited to their condi tion, there are still others who are doing no thing, and often ask "what can I do?" An opportunity is now offered where all can do something r young and old, boys as well as girls. Edmund G. Harrison, Dr. Benjamin Smith and commissioners appointed by Gov. Curtin to take care of the sick and wounded soldiers from Pennsylvania, have issued a circular and sent it to many 'persona with the request that they will act as agents in the matter of pro. curing the various kinds of trait, which are ripe and ripening at this season of the year, and to prepare them by drying, making jellies, wines, &c. The circular calls upon "Farmers and others having any kind of fruit suitable for drying and for making jellies and wines, and families willing to prepare them, to report to some one of the agents." They request that funds be raised by contribution to buy sugar, pay bOys for gathering the fruit, and prepare the articles without delay, before the fruit rota or dries up. In many cases boys will be found patriotic enough to gather fruit gratu itously, but Mr. Harrison has set the example of mine some boys who in ono day gathered one hundred and twenty-five quarts of cherries at a penny a quirt. In the evening he assem bled some of the neighbors, who set about beefing and drying them. Currants should be made into jellies or wine, both of which are greatly needed. Here a direct appeal is mace for spotifio articles which nearly every one has growing upon their place. Dewberries black berries, whurtleberries, &., maybe found grow log wild and can be gathered in abundance.— Blackberries make an excellent wine, which is very beneficial in complaints of the bowels, and to which the soldier is subjected, owing to the bad water he is obliged to drink. The plan of neighborhoods and schools getting up pie nics, for the purpose of getting fruit, is re commended, and 18 an excellent one. Pleasure and profit will thereby be combined. Will the people organize for this matter at once. Thou. sands of bushels of cherries will soon rot upon the trees if not gathered, and by gathering these and preparing them fur the soldier yoa are serving your country. It is a much earlier matter_ to give a little time and money to the service of the eoldiere, than go to the battle field and subject yonnielf, to be maimed Jor life orieven killed. Hy**#:.'little liaro, heriff'it'honzemany bfairii4bilow's life may be saved. Pamegivintia itktitg itttest - 4, 1:1•11rap 4ttaning, . blip 18, 1862 THE Hanvzsr Homo AT COLD SPRINGS. —A large number of our citizens, including many ladies, left town yesterday to attend the Harvest Home celebration at Cold Spring, Le anon county. DAMMIII BY TIM STORM.—The storm which passed over this city on Tuesday "last, be- , came (lure, a tornado in the neighborhood of Churchville, some three.miles east of thiiiPlace The bent of Mr. Wolfe was' unroofed;' large trees were broken asunder and shocks of grain were thrown down by the violence of the wind, And scattered in all-directions. Pic-Nice To Ooit , osr,-,The pic-nic season has fairly set 111..1' number: . have already "come and gone," and !t h ere. are :oth'ers' an the way. The'fClioriing =to be' next upon the list : Citizen Fire company- on'' the 22d 'inst., at Hahenlen's woods. • • ' For the benefit'of the families Of ;the gal lant volunteers at Haehnlen's woods on the 24th inst. • A GOOD Mont.—Columbus Lodge of Odd Fel lows, at Chambersburg, have adopted a plan for getting up a fund for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers that is highly commend able. It has been agreed by a resolution adopt ed at a recent meeting, that,the members con tribute each a certain amount, to be applied to the above purpose, at the next regular meeting of the lodge. DI:63BBING lifortvarrr.A few mouths ago, during the prevalence of 'the black Measles, and other fatal diseases, the Rev. Mr. Pressler, residing near Fishersville, in this county, at tended one hundred and fifty funerals la the course of about six weeks. Some of them for want of time on the part of the officiating min inter had to be deferied to the silent hours of the night. Hauvasr.—During the past week the firmeis of Dauphin and counties have been busily engaged in gathering their harvest. The weather has been favorable, and large quanti ties of precious grain have already been hOnsed. The yield is all that the moat sanguine could expect, except in a few instances where the crop was injured by the fly. • AMIDE:NT. —An interesting little girl aged six years, daughter of Mr. Byrun, residing• at the corner of North and Second streets, was acci dently run over by a wagon yesterday while crossing State street, towards the store of Mr. Garrett, whither she had been sent by her mo ther to make some purchases. The child re ceived a number of severe cuts and bruises, but none of a very dangerous character. Rnrusszo.—G. Net Loamy, a member of the Lochiel Cavalry, returned to town Wednesdy night, 'direct froaiKentucky. Mr. Leanly par ticipated in the fight between a ;:portion of his regiment and the rebels, near Tompkinsville, Kentucky, of which he gives a very interesting description. He was among the prisoners cap tured by the rebels, and released on parole. Mr Loamy witnessed the death of Lieutenant Sullivan, of this city, and assisted to perform the funeral ceremonies over his remains. ma CI . TIZEN Fins COMPAHY'S Pic Nic, which is to come off at Haehnlen l s woods on the 22d inst., promises to be one of the most pleasant parties of the season. Extensive arrangements have been made to accomodate a very large number of , people, and the utmost. precaution ary measures` have been taken •to prevent drunkenness and disotder. The refreehinent stands will be under the immediate superin tendence of a committee of . the company, who wane that the privileges are not imprOp'erly used. In fine, the m•rnagers have left nothing unturned that will tend to the comfort and pleasure of those who may favor them with their presence on the occasion. NORTHERN drarrnAL RAILWAY.—The ordinance introduced into the Prat Branch of the Balti more city council, by Mr. Sauerwein, a few days since, providing for the completion of the Northern Central Railway ,to Tidewater, was last evening passed by that branch'. L_lt was amended so as to give , the, company.until the 81st of December, 1867, to' complete it, agreea bly to the provisions of OrdinanCe No. 57 of 1854, and if not so finished the latter ordhutnce to•be of non effect. It also provides that the President and Directors of the Company shall, within thirty days after the apprOval,'of• the Mayor of the ordinance, signiry their acceptance thereof. By the measure they,are required to hold forever its chief offices, namely,-the offices of •the Treasurer, Secietarf; fi l ittairititendent, Master of Machinery and Mester of transporta tion in Baltimore, and that, the regularmeet ings of the Directors and elections Of officers shall also be held here,' arid that the'piincipal workshops of the company shall be established within the limits or one mile of Baltimore. A MOM ESTAmisaluirr.--Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house,'!' is , the completion of Eby Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devtited to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— - Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm kelp on hand everythiog nasally kept in a grocery , store, (liquors excepted,) and that they self at very detail tfirofits. 1 heir clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under riticlicumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage or any customer:. '4 gone* invitation is extended to the ptiblic to visitthe new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. • . Atom nu Sas Bossn.—Amidst the chang ing tortunes of success our coun try, whose laws are violated by bad men and bad measures, the cheep dry goods firm of Mich . & Bowman continue to,pursue, the even tenor of their way. In this connection, we ttolar tOisgi,A ll l4, Mr. Bowman, ofOhl Bior:,,hasjust, returned from the Bea BostitAtijtkal tiisOrtiOritofrn kiwi& for •tle WQIICA ; M I weather :eta be: open for inspection during the y, the south east corner of Front and Market. =cm= I== A Patriotic Anthem. for Vie Telegraph.l Rouse, ye sons of freemen, Of partiot sires of yore, Who gave you charts of freedom, They purchased with their gore! Bold traitor arms assail, Now, our venerated laws— Rouse, your country to defend, 0, consecrated cause ! Shrill Bunker's deadly fights And shall Monmouth's bloody plains, And.fierce Saratoga's, too, Have been for trs in vain? O'er Atlantic's water, Strong foes look threatening on. Shall jealous malice triumph, :Shall traitor cause be won? Arouse, men, 0, rally! •Hasten where your standard calls ! Honor to the brave who fight, . 'But gio4 his who falls. For riglitainiduey firth, Sternly smite each traitor band: Jiistice, law and liberty, And thou, God bless our lead. - Wesoorr HARRISBURG, July, 186/ Tag Prom or. Camsau. Comm, in conveu tion assembled at - Ebensburg, nominated the following ticket: Congress =A. A. Harker, subject to the deci sion of the district conferees. Assembly—James Cooper. With a full county ticket embracing midi dates for the usual local officers. $5OOO Dorsauts wham or NEW Goons I-400 pair of mitts nirect from auction,At 25, 87, 50, 62and 75 ots.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10 1 20, 80, up to 76 cgt.. Great bargains I 600 new hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 76 cts., up to $2.50 cheapest in town ; the largest aesortmeut of law priced dress goods—all ptiqts. 100 pieces white brillants et 14 cts.; some at 16 to 18 cta.; 50 dozen of shirt breasts at 14 cts., 20, 26 and 37 cts.,extra cheap. 200 dozen of La white st ockings, at 14 and 16 cts. A magnificent assortmentof embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging an t insertinge, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 14 cte ; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole tsald buyers we would invite to our large stock; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. LEWY. We also received 10 doses of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article; also 20 piecels of white and colortd straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 6 pieces of black silk at all prices. $. Lsvry. TO TH YOUN4 OR OLD Male or Eforeale, If yon have bean so Werona . 'rein beo.t Indulged In by the YOUTH OF BOTH ,8121 ZS, WHICH CAUSK SO 111 , NY ALAR WHO SYMPIDHS It Unfits them fur itarrive, And II the grew" t ova Which can befall MAN OR WOM AN. See symptom% enumerated In adirerttsement, and If you are a sufferer, Cut out the alvertigensent, And send for It at once. Delays are dangerous. Ask for nelmbold's Take no other. Cores guaranteed; Beware of Counterfeits and kailations. jylB-d2m AIR DYE I I-I.AM DYE! 1 Win. A. Batehelor's flair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided ifyon,wish to escape ridicule: GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to le beautiful and nitturalßrowit or ulootz without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MATIALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar.! ded to We. A. BATOHILOR emus 18 9, and over 990,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHBLOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be dlstingeished front nature and is asunnurati not to injure Itithirliasse, however long it May be amain , ned, and the ill effects of bad Ores remedied. The hair is invigorated for life bithis splendid Dye, which is prop. erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold In ail the cites and towns of the United 'States, by Druggists arid Fanny Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale, Factory, 81 Parelly Bt., oct2 d&wly. ,Liattt 289 Broadway, New York. Nun laburtistmrnts. BUILDING- LOTS FOR BALE:. PESIRABLN Building Lots on Ridge Road and Bose kraals, on reaisonable terms. lror wailer rartiou'ara enquire of JOON R. HCOVER, Agent, )5 , 17411m* South street between Second and Third. FOUND AQUANTITY of shoes was found in a La. buggy belonging to the undersigned, which the owner can have by proving property, paying charges ana calling titthel'onnh Streit ',lvory stub.e. A. MURRAY'. . SAMUEL PAGE, of. Swatara township, ~norentous hicatelt at a can idate for the office of unnny Colt ml stoner, Rettitot to the (it olten ot.the Red poop .atibounti tNidveriden. He pr. mho If homloato 4 and electol• to discharge the, duties of ad office for the good of the tax pay eta ot the county. )yle dlw one • CIIIIIBEMUED VALLEY isitivutp, FOB YOUNG GENTLEMEN, dfIitILLIVICSBURG, PA. • REV, 0. 'FAB & SOD*. AN ACADEMIC AND' - COMMERCIAL SCHOOL PromSiPllOxr t 7 rerg b ry er lis l i e t ot; lat77.6ll4.}AsmvAl": Cbarge. $76 to $BO per 106111011. I fir Srnd for a Orem jyl64ltal NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. A LL persons ire prohibited to trespass A on the lands .the soden( geed in Lallier Polon ton hi , alboking lands n tee west ~r Peter Kiwi ker a, on the south t f Dr. Bmt b „and cn the east or John Had.agle, caber for lishlngor hunting, and - all parte ni die erarding tuts settee st I be dea.t with in sixkotance mal law. ISA:110j - B. W. AV. 04. WANTED. INERAL Machinists. A leo a stout: bo In the olatorsmith sbop. Apj 1 et the jyl6-dtt. ILAGLAI 'YORKS. N 0 II E. . . ratites's Chooco, cerrot RAshowaso,Jutl.4th, 1662 C _ TO Jacob Melly, F.HBoyet, John' wing, Jacob I..pdearxrei-Ml•hael Newmab,ll.ll Clay, titory Rh; deurmel, tilftll am Brown. Getori' Yoush I g Michael korai*" John sr loss, A. X. ',top—, a WI dam ItoFadee.,., A. W. Barr, 0. C. Ramo, 151., : t. n.l B. F. Etter, tag.' . . . asmustuts u-Bethel Church In Fourth rivet In, the cit f via rutbarg, 'Motto at the taat , oh of Go 4, level on by virtue or [binary writa of /lira Fa ias' to me el acts .1, vlda to tnerefore to:madly you ihit Court of Inquiry for the coed—onation or real pr , p rty,. willbe.hebret, the the Gla e *-n tho Gig of Hat is ,urg on WM. AY, thall-t thy of - Jul; ibat4,E'at sere o'ciock P. IL , wh: re you sod wan of may attend If thinklproper. - J. D.llO .2, ' tyl6 d6t • MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, XENsIoNs,. SUBSISTENCE &c.' EIIGENE Snyder- Attorney at Law, , office., nerd street, Harrisburg, Pa., will attend. w .ne collection 'of nititary dab* wait the act on eriembly'at'Aprn .6,, Hie Bole ply or liscbarga4 anditoinity uodor Act of congrecK fint,i;•22lnter. • ki*Amencamckung Apr 108, Dates, Prunes Raisins Milo of Nu JOHN ' WIBIII3 Otos; , Third sod awl N . gto 22Joertisments. ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. A. MAGNIFICENT 7 octave Piano from STEINWAY & SONS, NEW YORK. Airco 4i OCTAVE SCHOOL ORGANS, Price only $BO, Piinise's make beet and cbelpest in market. Melodeons and musloalmerebandise generally Picture Warne', a choice au.ortment ot our own make HE - GILDING Specially atiand.d to. S. WARD & CO., New Mu& and Frame Store, 14 Market Square. sir Oall and lee. dtt DISSOLUTION OF I'ARTNERHIP. Wsounimo Sept. lit, 1861. r" partnership heretofore existing be. tween Jas. L. Sutton and Henry Thomas ander the name and style of Sutton & Tbomas, in the bodiless or mini g coal, &O. have thus day been dissolved by m dual ()queenly which business will be berea , ter o Lined un by salt Henry Thomas, J LS. L lICXO. , ,1714.-dat • 11 7 NRY TH. Didn't. EAGLE WORKS, Hairisbarg, Petuisylvania, IILiNTRA,== OR BOOK-BLIDBILS' RIJI,I2IG-LIIOO3.IND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND NAOIIINIB FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills antl Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TUNNIND IN ALL rra BRANcluv, SCROLL SA WING, PLANING, ETC., PJC., f Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN bCllO.' W CUTTING TOOLS. fir Cash paid for Old Copper, Braes, 9pelter, STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various Witt'''. both station iry and owingins . .Sgsh nia and various Whir building atstings; for sale very ih so at 'the [iny 2 t-ly] 1S 04 WORKS. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION FEE "Proprietors of the `PARIzIAN c CAB NKr t,/ WONDE -IL AN sTOIiIY sod M. ba^e deternalord re; ardlesi of expense, VI 1 ac e fre., (ro. the benefit of suffering bum.nitr) R of ,heir met instrucdve and i -tares int to :tures on Mar riage and its Dispaildcationii, Nervous D:bl ity, Prema ture Declne of wanly od, Indigestion Weakoess or Da proasion, LOBB of euergy aod Vu.lPdwere. the Orbit caal Evils, and those Kai idles whic t I enn.t from youto hd to) les, tamest' of Maturity, or •Ign , rancsi of Physi ology and Natureia law. These iwelnable Lectures ..av- been tbe means of enbahtning sod awing thou s , ode, and will tie forwarded free on Lao receipt of four amtme, by ad leasing SECSE rA sY PARI:JAN Cannier or &MTV= AND MIDIUNI, i 63 Broadway, New York. jele-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store .1.1 from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET , Next door to Haynes Agriculture Store, where be intends to keepall kinds of liana a"d shoes, Gaiters, &0., and a large stock of Trani% and everything in his line of bil abials ; and will be tbaneltd to receive the patronage el his old customers and the pub& in general 'at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing ti-no at short notice. rapildtf) JOHN 8. 83111TH. 100 FERCII OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE, FOR BALI AT MR KEYSTONE FARM. my'27 dlt FREER BUT TER MAR, SET PR I 0 E. UT• E . ; HAVING fitted up' laige Retrig orator, ind having made contracts with some of our most reliable farmers to forweh ua wilkillVlt and sweet butter regularP; Mil ` be enabled to Supply oar customers with sweet fresh toe cold butter at all times. my 29 WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. TIN WARE AT REDUCED PRICES. • LYMAN GILBERT, Market Street, Corner of River Alley. OFFERS for sate the largest stook of Tin • s ee Vieeilion Wire In: EisiriMurg. Price; towerthan.thote of soy other eitOtblieb - at at. The custom of wore keepers woo purchtse to Fooll Ogale is inv,ted. AU work warranted • let-dina• STOVES I - STOVES I ! spldE of the hest patterns cooking stoves are 19 be had at Um Ghetto Tin ,ware and Stove ES At. nahment of Lyman Gllnel t, 'Maraca street. PAT-dim , FRUIT CANS , IF the bait patterns, . Glass and Tin oonJ &Ally on head at Lyman ettbert's Tus Ware Han isfactory, Marna street. • jell dlm WATER COOLERS. A NIOE assortment, -cheap at Lyman' Qllbert's Tlu .and Sheet Iron Ware ,Mantlee ory; Marko Jet7-dlm SCHIEBBELIN BROTHERS & 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A , ND DEALERS 111 ,m:toy Goods, Per.' funierk, Ste. - Ala%) agents for the sae ot Refined Petroleum illuminating till, esnesior to any, coal oil • furnished inane guanines at the lowest marset rates. 170 and 172 WiUiam .'Street,, .62 . 7dem] NEW • YORK. AN.01 . 1kb.13,-.E3tIPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, BEsr PENS in the world, for 75c, $1 25 El 0, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at tebl6 y SCHEFFER'S Bwkatore. PLY-E.:AVER. FANCY COl,O D. Paxer, ready cut, for' coverinc I`o.ltug Oki{ tb, Picture F. &Mee t &c. UPIOII ace other tie+, pattertrt - ror sal, at .BERUttI PR'S ClirAP 100ED.TORA. ATT.ENTION FARMERS! QCYT . RE6,BNit.TRS GRAIN CRADLES, O.FAICFS, BOY rO.IB .10NBS end in grea variety, to be bad initiar at CULBERT -1 .11-rdware Mere, jelo-dt; Opposite lb Court oust .r,AttGE and extensive as,orment of JUI 0 luisware, Includlog Tuz Jere. Goblets, Mates yowls, &0., &c., sad everythin to , preserving at DIOR , L • a B WieAN, ,Jel2 Corgi er • Toot lull % , arket vt•eete. iilbAP Uil ter all kinds - of 'machinery, k..) in small and ittrge.packages for tittle b NA:MA*3 at, 11.0W.H.A.g, j4:19 - Corile'rFroht nd td.trket street. ARDELL & LEVIN Ed:s, Pickles and • v :00 f rnim for .ale st, JOHN m v • - LI UPoitiOß Quality of Imp. nal and Black ja Tea, for sale by NIOdOLS & BORMAN, my 22 -I orner Front and il a ket ebeeta 1 EMONS, raisons, cucoannts &c., just LA received and tor Bale by N/OBOLS & P•OWMaN '• . • iY/ 5 ' Cor• irsst 6 Fit bleriSt streets. 1 4 FRESH; PISS eveirynieeilay aid Friday k_atJOLINIVISIPS Store, aOrnoir:oPlifirdAand nut.. ALA VA?, 11-• A gayly, qtlis ''"riSNis"l- - rhii - 14 gest and best Moak, from sl.ooto s4.oo—worranted—at am= a BOOUTOBI. MintHaman*. NICHOLS & BOWMAN , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the publie to their taro and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including-among others, SUGARS, SYRUES, TEAS, • COFFEE, f* SPICES, • ORANGES, LEMONS,i,BtO.,:&C. ALSO FLOUR, FISH, SALT, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, &c. We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The best in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaptr than any place in Harrisburg. We keep on hand always all kind a of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & 130 W MAN, my2/3 Cotner Front and Mar,. et Sts. HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. TEIS handsome property recently occu pied by the Pig t FSM ILK C LL&I€ l• fl.r,d for sal.. It is well ~tsued a tier f r p l , ato Re:ldence or a B ars n sx, buns' ruppl ed Write gas, oyster. bath rams, heater, 'sine, etc. fro grounds onraln ca stable Fret Treat and shruboery. rue ploCe wtil be sot t low aed pose. sslon given withla reasonable date. Fur terms, ats., apply t . . MRS. A. c. W ►ITGH, or D c WM. H -LB • Exec.otors of Rotate of Rev B. R. Waugh, deed je24-ecodu PARSON BROWNLOW'S BOOK. Is now Out, and for sale at E. S. GERN.A.N'S ROOK STORE, 27 SOUrn SECOND. ABOVE CHESTNUT ST., HARRIt , BURG, PA. It Is illustrated with a likeness of PARSON BROWNLOW, and various scenees that show the spirit of the rebel Nn sod the sufferings of Mr n men. Cal soon. Sent free of postage on toe re min of the retail price, El 25 WO. 1 wend* EDGEHILL SCHOOL, rRINORTON. N. J. Rev. JAMES P. Rooms, A. M., Rev. Taus. W. Centar., A. M., Principais. THIS Institution, founded in 1829, is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or fr a business life. lire buildings are large and commo 'diens, and the grottoes embrace more than th rteen acres. Both of the Principals &vote their whole time to the retied, ailed in the department of lastruotion by competent teachers " he mditary instruction and drill, (under the charge Of an experienced lostructor,) is arrauged so as not to interfere with the regular studies, occupying a part of the t•me appropria•ed to exercise and recreation. ' Pupils are reueived a , any time add charged Only from the ante of ado lesion. TiRMIE—SL26 00 per session of Ave months. For circulars, or further information address either of the Principals. Ite'erence is also made to the Rev. Mr. Cattell, Harrisburg. Prom the Rev. Dr. Hodge and the Ben. Dr. McGill, Professors in the Theo loyical Seminary, Prinadatsa I have for several• years been intimately acquainted with the Hey. Thomas W. Cattell. He has bad charge of two of my sons, and I can safely say I have never known any one in whom fidelity and devotion to hie pu pil'', I have equal confluence. Ile is a good scholar and a sueressful teacher. I know no one who has a greater facility in gaining the love of his scholars or who exerts over them a better influence lam aware of the responsibility in spe +king Is snob terms of commendation of a teacher; but lam s Waded lam doing .nothing bat simple to ma es - anent man, In using the language which I have here etn- PIMA/. CHARLES HOW& 1 have great oonfideree In the Rev. Jas. P, Hughes, as a teacher, both m his aptness to give instruction, and his tact in the adMinutratlan of discipline, 1 have bad two sons under his care, ant from the moat careful observa tion lam free to recommend the Irdgebill tehool as one of cafe and thorough instruction. jes4 dim-rdjyl6dlm) ALE.X..4III)r R T. WGILL. JOHN WISE'S . Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STIWET, NEAR WALNUT, Barn/Any, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, . ORANGES AND LEblOOlB, j PINE APPLES, BANANNAS FRESH AND SALT FISH, And ve.etables of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and ourchated molar my p ramial supervision, thug encolidg m. to sell a better and cheaper artele than any in the market sir oroers from a distance attended o promptly, and roods de4vered t u any port of the coy Iran of charge. FEE, H CANNED FAUN 4 ammo dy on hand Give me a call. e 26 JOHN WiSK. INSURANCE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 ..DIRECTORS. Arthur 0 Cronin, Ss wadi W. Jones, MAO A. Brow; Samuel P Smitn, Courier Taylor, .-mbrose lA h te, John R. Neff. Riaba d D. 1,. WWI weten, Wit Iran E. &meat, J.mee N. D citron, S .horrit Waln, John risen, Ge rre L Band ea, Fr mos R. 0 ope , kd sand IL Trotter, toward S. tiarke. A R fIICR G. CuF President, CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As cetard a geut fir to al ors name company, the under.ig~+ed to urepared to take Fire tidal in any pa t of he -tate or Pennsylvania, ernes anuutlly or ',trod nally, on the woo favorable terms. °Moo Mire street between Walnut and Strawberry a ley, Ba ice's row WILLIAM BUEHLER, jelo.d ly 114 , r D OTIS TRY. D. GEO. W. 8 JANE, graduate °lithe Baltimore College of Delve' SUrsery, havin.per m nently located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the offbe formerly °coupled by Dr. Burgas, oa Th ird street , ietween Market and Walnut, miner fully ialorms his friends and the,public ha general, that be Is p repUred to perform all operations in the Dental proressio4, ether eurelca ior mechanical in a manes- th it shall nut be sniptssed by operators In this or any ott 0- City. IN, moue of inserting &edam' teeth ta upon tile latest Un proved scientific principle Teeth, from oue to a full set, monntul on fine Gold, Silver, natal pities Or the Vulcanite Base. flake groat pleasure in recommending the above gen tle= tn toga my former friends of Harrisburg on v[- 0104, and fbeleonadeat that he will perform ail opera ikies ianaotentigo minner,TrOur my knowledge of his [myB dtri F J. $ GO G es. IL D. 8. G A RI 100 S e mr d. (Refined a r kci ty }::NV u l will WNW It kowest market price*. J. 20 • WM . DOM., JL, is 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers