Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 17, 1862, Image 3

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    message from the President recommending that
some suitable acknowledgement be made to
Mr. Vanderbilt for the gift to the governnient
of the vessel of that name which his been
doing valuable service. Referred to the Com
mittee on NaVal Affairs.
The House passed Senate joint resolution
making further approptiation for the current
and incidental expenses of the Indian Depart
Mr. WICKLIFFB, (Ky.,)r asked leave lo intro
duce a resolution, that it shall be the duty of
the Government to.a record to be kept of the
names, ages and sea of all the slaves received
into our lines under protection of the army,
together with the names of the owners of the
Mr. BINGHAM, (0.,) objected to the introduc
tion of the resolution.
MT WICKLIFFE MOFtli a sospeosion of the
rules. Not agreed to ; yeas 58, nays 45 ; not
two thirds.
NEW YOUK, July 17
The steamer Daniel Webster, arrived here at
noon to-day, with sick and wounded from Har
rison's Landing.
Floor in better demand, and 4000 sold at
$4 75 for superfine ; $6 25 for extra add $660
®6 76 for extra family—chiefly of the latter
description. Receipts small and holders very
firm in their views. Rye flour steady at $3 26
and corn meal at $2 75 Wheat in good re
quest, and sales of 50,000 bushels at $1 23®
1 37 lor red, and $1 30®1 37 for white.
1000 bushels rye sold at 69c. Corn wanted at
570, hut very little coming in. Oats better
and 50,000 bushels sold at 40c. for Pennsylva
nia and 38c. for Delaware. Coffee in good
demand, • with oaks of rio at 21®22 and
laguira at 23c. Sugars and molasses looking
up. Provisions dull. Mess pork steady at
$lO 75®11 00. Hams at 71.®9i. Sides
at 5®57i. Shoulders at 4®4i. Whisky firm
at 33.
Flour firm ; sales 30,000 bbls. at $4 60@
4 86 for State, an advance of 6@,10c., $6 20
@6 35 for Ohio, and $5 00(45 76 for South
ern. Wheat advanced lc.; sales 150,000 bus.
at slo6@l 10 for Chicago spring, $1 102/,1 13
for Milwaukee club, $1 22 @ ,l 25} for red
Western. Corn firm ; sales 160,000 bus. at
631@64c. Beef quiet. Pork steady. Lard
firm at W.9lc. Whisky dull at 31k.
active but unchanged. Wheat buoy
ant. Corn quiet. Oats buoyant. Coffee firm.
Whisky firm at 34i@S5.
New York Money Market.
Stock better. C. &A. I. 611 ; Ills. Cent. R.
R. 561 ; Mich. Southern 531; N. Y. Cent. 891;
Reading 66 ; MU. & Miss. 431 ; Virginia 6's
541 ; Missouri 6's 45 ; Tennessee's 60 ; Ken
tucky's 941; Ohio's 103; Treasury, 7 3-10, 102 k;
gold 118.
pail g deg*.
Thursday . Afternoon, July 17, 1861
large number of our citizens, including many
ladies, left town this morning to attend the
Harvest Home celebration at Cold Spring, Le
an= county.
Pio-Nics To Comm orF.—The pic-nic season
has fairly set in. A number have already "come
and gone," and there are others on the way.
The following appears to be next upon the
list :
Citizen Fire company on the 22d inst., at
Hahenlen's woods.
For the benefit of the families of the gal
lant volunteers at Haehnlen'a woods on the
24th inst.
A Goon Movv.—Columbus Lodge of Odd Fel
lows, at Chambersburg, have adopted a plan
for getting up a fund for the relief of the sick
and wounded soldiers that is highly commend
able. It has been agreed by a resolution adopt
ed at a recent meeting, that the members con
tribute each a certain amount, to be applied to
the above purpose, at the next regular meeting
of the lodge.
lberuasso.—Geo. W. Leamy, a member of
the Lochiel Cavalry, returned to town last
night, direct from Kentucky.. Mr.'Leamy par
ticipated in the fight between a .portion of his
regiment and the rebels, near Tompkinsville,
Kentucky, of which he gives a very interesting
description. He was among the prisoners cap
tured by the rebels, and released on parole.
Mr Leamy witnessed the death of Lieutenant
Sullivan, of this city, and assisted to perform
the funeral ceremonies over his remains.
THE CITIZEN FIRE Coaretres Pic Nic, which
is to come off at Haehnlen's woods on the 22d
inst., promises to be one of the most pleasant
parties of the season. Extensive arrangements
have been made to accomodate a very large
number of people, and the utmost precaution
ary measures have been taken to prevent
drunkenness and diem der. The refreshment
stands will be under the immediate superin
tendence of a committee of the company, who
will see that the privileges are not improperly
used. In tine, the managers have left nothing
unturned that will tend to the comfort and
pleasure of those who may favor them with
their presence on the occasion.
introduced into the Fret Branch of the Balti
more city council, by Mr. Sauerwein, a few
days since, providing for the completion of the
Northern Central Railway to Tidewater; Was
last evening passed by that branch. It was
amended so as to give the company until the
31st of December, 1867, to complete it, agreea
bly to the provisions of Ordinance No. 57 of
1854, - and if not so finished the latter ordinance
to be of non effect. It also provides that the
President and Directors of the Company shall,
within thirty days after the approval of. the
Mayor of the ordinance, signify their acceptance
thereof. By the measure they are required to
hold forever its chief offices, namely, the offices
of the Treasurer, Secretary, Superintendent,
Master of Machinery and Master of transporta
tion in Baltimore, and that the regular meet
ings of the Directors and elections of officers
shall also be held here, and that the principal
workshops of the company shall be established
within the limits or one mile of Baltimore.
DAMAGE BY THE STORM.—The storm which
passed over this city day before yesterday, be
came quite a tornado in the neighborhood of
Churchville, some three miles east of this place
The burn of Mr. Wolfe was unroofed, large
trees were broken asunder, and shocks of grain
were thrown down by the violence of the
wind, and scattered in all directions.
FIRS Ans.—These pretty winged vesper in
sects of summer have made their appearance to
the great delight of eager boys who chase and
capture these miniature-will o'tbe wisps—mak
ing the twilight sparkle with their gleams ; and
gemming the hours of darkness with diamond
brilliance. Some old fogies call them by the
vulgar name of "June bugs ;" but in doing so
only prove that they have no eye for the bean
senger in the night Express from Elmira, in
forms us that two deserters from the 23d Regi
ment., N. Y. Volunteers, in charge of a Lieu
tenant, jumped from the train while under full
head way, between Northumberland and Sun
bury. As they were handcuffed together at the
time, it is supposed that they were both killed.
They wero not missed for some minutes after
the occurrence, and their fate remains unknown.
We fear it was a jump "out of the frying pan
into the fire" in their case.
We have been permitted to examine a private
letter from Dr. F. 0. Alleman, of Highspire,
in this county, who is acting surgeon of the
Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves. The letter •is
dated Harrison's Landing, July 12, 1862, and
was received by his brother in this city. He
gives a graphic description of the seven days
fight before Richmond, commencing at the bat
tle of Mechanicsville and ending at the battle
before Harrison's Landing. His regiment was
commanded by Col. George S. Hays, of Pitts
burg, who had a horse shot under him, and
has suffered so severely from injuries sustained
by his horse falling upon him while charging
his regiment upon a rebel battery, that he is
totally disabled from duty and has according
ly resigned. Lieut. Colonel Oliphant, of the
same regiment, took paralysis two days after
the fight, caused by exposure and over exertion
in battle; he is entirely deaf, and has no use
whatever of his limbs. Major Bailey, of the
same regiment, was shot through the head.
This regiment marched into battle numbering
861 men ; there are but 300 left, and of those
177 are in the hospital. But six commissioned
officers are left in his regiment, the ballance
have been killed and captured. On the two
first days of the battle, Dr. Alleman was in the
hottest of the fight. It was at this time that his
hospital attendants and medical cadet deserted
him, leaving him alone to take care of the
wounded. Two shells burst by his side, in•
stantly killing three of his wounded, and tear
ing to pieces the body of one of the men whose
leg he was amputating. For four consecutive
days and nights he did not get a wink of sleep
or have a mouthful of food to eat, but was
kept constantly engaged in amputating and
dressing wounds. He writes that a more hor
rid sight than that battle field exhibited he
never Witnessed, and hopes to God be may
never look upon its like again. His regiment
was in the first brigade of McCall's
commanded by acting Brigadier General Sim
mons. He was close by Col. SiGllllOlTh when
he received the fatal wound, saw him jump
m his saddle and fall apparently dead to the
ground. He says the Colonel is dead beyond
NEW Youx, July 17
ALL CAN Heir.—While many of the ladies,
misses and little girls are vieing with each
other in their efforts to supply sick and wound
ed soldiers with articles suited to their condi
tion, there are still others who are doing no
thing, and often ask "what can I do?" An
opportunity is now offered where all can do
something, young and old, boys as well as girls.
Edmund G. Harrison, Dr. Benjamin Smith and
commissioners appointed by Gov. Curtin to
take care of the sick and wounded soldiers
from Pennsylvania, have issued a circular and
sent it to many persons with the request that
they will act as agents in the matter of pro
curing the various kinds of fruit, which are
ripe and ripening at this season of the year,
and to prepare them by drying, making jellies,
wines, &c. The circular calls upon "Farmers
and others having any kind of fruit suitable
for drying and for making jellies and wines,
and families willing to prepare them, to report
to some one of the agents." They reques
that funds be raised by contribution to buy
' sugar, pay boys for gathering the fruit, and
prepare the articles without delay, before the
fruit rots or dries up. In many cases boys will
be found patriotic enough to gather fruit gratu
itously, but Mr. Harrison has set the example
of paying some boys who in one day gathered
one hundred and twenty-five quarts of cherries
at a penny a quart. In the evening he assem
bled some of the neighbors, who set about
seeding and drying them. Currants should be
made into jellies or wine, both of which are
greatly needed. Here a direct appeal is made
for specific articles which nearly every one has
growing upon their place. Dewberries, black
berries, whortleberries, k., may be found grow
ing wild and can be gathered in abundance.—
Blackberries make an excellent wine, which is
very beneficial in complaints of the bowels,
and to which the soldier is subjected, owing to
the bad water he is obliged to drink. The
plan of neighborhoods and schools getting up
pie nice, for the purpose of getting fruit, is re
commended, and is an exeellent one. Pleasure
and profit will thereby be combined. Will the
people organize for this matter at once. Thou
sands of bushels of cherries will soon rot upon
the trees if not gathered, and by gathering
thee: and preparing them for the soldier yon
are serving your country. It is a much easier
matter to give a little time and money to the
service of_the soldiers, than go to the battle
field and subject yourself to be maimed for
life, or even killed. By a little timelf labor
here at home many a brave fellow's life may
HARD SHELL CRABS, Soft Shell Crabs, Oysters
Spring Chickens, Corn Soup, Ice Cream, to
gether with all the delicacies of the season
will he served up at Chester's Restaurant
under the Buehler House, this evening. lt
lenneglvanMa= Mai — lg it elegrapi:Chttri!tiall Itfttptoott, Julg 17, 1,962
during the prevalence of the black measles !
and other fatal diseases, the Rev. Mr. Pressler,
residing near Fishereville, in this county, at
tended one hundred and fifty limonite in , the
course of about, ,six, weeks. Some of %them for
want of tiinoon the part of the officiating min-'
later had to be deferred to the tlllent hours of
the night.
Tfartvmsr.--During the past weeklbe farmers
ofDauptin inkadjoining ; connties have been
busily engaged in gathering their harvest. The
weather ,- Itas!bsm;lnVillAre:,74l jirge quanti
ties of pr ecious grain have already been horsed.
The yield i 8 Slrtliat thatost sanguine could
expect, except in a few instances where the
crag **WilliiftglilbY-Rig fly,[t
Accmincr.—An interesting little girl aged six
years, &tighter of Mr: SYrinl;lesiding at the .
corner of North and Second streets, was acci
dently run over by, a wagon this morning while
crossing,State street, towards the store of Mr.
Garrett, Whither sheiliacl been sent by her mo
ther to make some purchases. The child re
ceived a number of severe cuts and bruises, but
none of a very dangerous character.
Written for the Telegraph.]
Rouse, ye sons of freemen,
Of partiot sires of •yore
Who gave you charts of freedom,
They purchased with their gore!
Bold traitor arms assail,
Now, our venerated , laWs—
Rouse, your country to defend,
0, consecrated cause !
Shall Bunker's deadly fights
And shall Monmouth's bloody plains,
And fierce Saratoga's, too,
Have been for us in vain?
O'er Atlantic's water,
Strong foes look threatening on.
Shall jealous malice triumph,
Shall traitor cause be won?.
Arouse, men, 0, rally!
Haatenwhere your standard calls!
Honer to the brave who fight,
Bat glory hie who falls.
For right and duty firm,
Sternly smite each traitor band:
Justice, law and liberty,
And thou God bless our land.
• 4 , •
A. WoLocer
Hmuqssmi, ! ] . uly, 1862
At a meeting of the , officers of the bth'Regi
ment, P. R., held at their . camp July 6,11362.
Lieut. Col. J. W. Fisher, was elected'President
and Adjutant A. G. Mason, Secretary.
A Committee was appointed consisting of
Major Geo. Dare, Captain H. C. Ullman, and
Captain A. D. Collins, to draft resolutions ex
pressive of the feeling of the officers at theloss
of our late Col. S. G. Simmons, and to Offer
our heartfelt condolence to his bereaved fami
The Committee offered the following report,
which was adopted :
Wustutts, it -has pleased an All wise Provi
dence to permit Col. 8. G. SIMMONS. of the sth
Regt., P. R., to be taken from us, in the midst
of the great struggle for the protection and
perpetuatien of our Republican institutions,
and while he was in the very height of his
usefulness, Therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Col. Simmons,
in the struggle of. the 80th of Ibitei.whihelead
ing his Brigade to the charge, this .Begt., the
Penna. Iteservert Corps., and the:service at large,
has sustained a loss that will be long and deep
ly felt.
Resolved, . That in Colonel Simmons was a
complete blending of the brave soldier, the
true patriot, and refined gentleman, who by the
association of the past year, had won the COD
fidence and esteem of every officer and privet e
of his coulmand, and in his death we feel that
we have sustained an irreparable loss.
Resolved That we tender our sincere con
dolence, to the bereaved family of the deceas
ed, and trust that although the heavy hand of
affliction has been laid upon them, that an all
merciful Providence will sustain them in this
dark hour of their grief.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to Mrs." Simmons, and published in the
pepsin of Dariphin, Schnylkill,..Centre,•Clear
field, Huntingdon, Union,Lycoming, Bradford,
Lancaster, and Northumerland Counties.
Lieut. Col. J. W. FISHER,
Attest—A. G. MASON, Lt., and Adjt., Sect.
a .Bxernovxa, ATTINTION !---A *eating of this
club will be held at their room this (Thursday)
evening at nine o'clock.
By order of the President.
A MODAL Dersinasnasart. 7 - 7 ntnong tie many
improvements lately mode in. our city,,to which
we can point with pride as an evidence of pros
parity and as a determination-on the part of
our business men, no longer to remain behind
the " light house," is the completion of Eby
& Kunkle's large brick - building at the corner
of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike
creditable to the owners and ornamental to that
part of our . city. -
The building is not only one of the largest,
devoted to the grocery business, outside of New
York, but the stock challenges competion.—
Without going into detail, we may safely say
that the 'firm keep on hand everything usually
kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and
that they sell at very small profits. Their
clerks are civil and accommodating, and have
strict instructions under no circumstances what
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any
customer. A general invitation is extended to
the public to visit the new building and exam
ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase
or not. ' '
Fnom Tas Sat BOARD.—Amidst the chang
ing fortunes of sweets or disaster to our coun
try, whose laws are violated by bad men and
had meatures, the cheap dry goods firm of
Urich & Bowman continue to pursue the even
tenor of their way. `,ln this connection, we
have to say this morning, that, Mr. Bowman,
of our firm, .has just returned from the Sea
Board,with anise little assortment of dry Poda
for the present warm weather, which will be
open for inspection during the day, at the
south east corner of Front and Market. n
Tie Pineal; or Caionn a Comrrr, In ( =yen!
tion assembled at Ebensburg, nominated the
following ticket:
Corigreas—A. . ar er, subject to thy , dec
eibn of the district conferees.
Atiembjp—James Cooper:
With a fun county ticket cand
dates for the usual local officers.
A Patriotic Anthem.
Tribute of BeePeet.
toraDQuearrus Eau Rum., P. 11.
CAMP REAR 'Heaßlisos's BAR,
JAMBS RIVER, July 7,1862.
The Rant on jams Island, and Who Should
Bear the Responsibility.
General Stevens has addressed to , -Major Gen
eral Hunter the subjoined letter, giving the se
cret history of the attack and defeat before Se
HILTON HUD, South Carolina,
July, 8, 1862.
'Akar Gourd David Bunter, Commanding De
partment of the South, Hilton Head, South 02r
Sir—l desire to state briefly a few facts in
relation to the operations of my division at
the battle of Seemeionville, fought on the 16th
of June, in reference to which there is some
misapprehension, to present some of my own
views in regard to that affair, and some partic
ulars of the conference held by Gen. Benham
with Jiffs General Officers on the evening pre
vious to the battle.
1. That conference was held with Genirals
Wright and Williams and myself. All were
unmistakably opposed to . make the ,attempt,
in the then condition of the enemy's works,
to take them by a coup de main, and so une
quivocally and unmistakably expressed them
selves. When Gen. Wright was called upon
for his opinion, he answered that he would
make his reply in the shape of certain inter
rogations to me, to which he desired an
Ist interrogatory—Save you impaired the
strength of the enemy's works at Secessionville
by tbe firing'of your battery ? Gen. Stevens
answered: "Not in the least. I have driven
the enemy from hie guns by my fire, and I can
do it again ; but as soon as the fire ceases be
return& Uhavenot dismounted a- gun, and
we shall find him in the morning as strong as
2d interrogatory -Do you know of any instance
where volunteer troops have successively
stormed works as strong as those which defend
the approach to Secessionville ? Gen. Stevens'
answer—"l know of no such instance." .
8d ieferregalontHave you any reason to be
lieve that the result in the present case will be
different in its character from what it has in
variably been heretofore? Gen. Stevens' ans
wer—"l have no reason to expect a different
result. It is simply a bare possibility to take
the work."
In this Glens. Wright, Williams and myself
concurred. I then proceeded tohtate with, all
possible emphasis my objections to this morn
ing attack. I urged that it should be deferred
to a much later period In the day ; that we
should first shake t h e morale of the garrison
and endeavor to weaken its defences by a con
tinuous fire of the battery and of the gunboats;
that in the meantime we should carefully sur
vey the ground and prepare our troops, and
make the attack when the battery and boats
had had the desired effect. I closed by saying
that under such circumstances I could do more
with two thousand men than I could with three
thousand men in-the way he proposed.
Gen. Wright, moreover, warned Gen. Ben
ham that his orders were in fact orders not to
fight a battle. In this Gen. Williams and my
self in express terms concurred.
Gen. Benham, however, overruled all our
objections, and peremptorily ordered the attack
to be made.: I assured him, as. did the other
gentlemen,that he should rely upon my promp
titude and activity in obeying his orders ; but
I considered myself as obeying orders to which
I-had expressed.-the &trowel .possible objec
tions, and I therefore determined that there
should not be the least want of energy or
promptitude on my part.
2. It has been charged that I was behind
time. This is not true. I was exceedingly
prompt and up to time. The orders were to
move at four o'clock. My division was formed
At two O'clock, and was at the outer pickets
before half past three o'clock. It was a very
dark and cloudy morning. I moved at four
o'clock.. It:was so dark that one man could
not follow another except at very short inter
vals. It was much darker than on usual star
light nights. My men were at the enemy's
works about half-past four o'clock, and the
conflict of twenty-five minutes, so dreadful in
its casualties, was over, and the men returned
at five &clock. Porter's section of Rockwell's
Battery - advanced to the hedge, within five
hundred yard- of the enemy's works, with the
troops of Fenton's brigade, fired one hundred
shots from his two guns, was joined in the
midst of his fire by one piece of Seward's sec
tion (a rifle gun), which fired twenty-six shots,
and the three guns were withdrawn to the sec
ond hedge, and actually there reopended fire at
five o'clock. The watch was actually consult
ed by one of Rockwell's Sergeants at the very
moment, and it was exactly five o'clock. In
my official report I have stated that. the sharp
conflict was from five to half past five o'clock.
I am perfectly satisfied that it occurred between
halt past four and five. lite men moved very
rapidly frnm the pickets to the work—much of
the time at the double quick—and they moved
that distance in about half an hour.
S. It has been stated that my regiments were
not within supporting distance of each other.
This is a great mistake. They , followed each
other closely. There was not a pause in the
movement. They entered successively under
fire without hesitation. They entered necessa
rily in the following order: Eighth Michigan,
Seventh Connecticut, Twenty-eighth Massachu
setts, Seventy-ninth Highlanders, One Hun
dredth Pennsylvania, and Forty-sixth New
York. They moved at first by the flank
on the road, to avoid ditches and hedges and
the rough cotton furrows, and they neces
sarily marched one behind the other. As they
came into the field before the work, they
pushed forward by regimentsinto line of battle,
and entered the close fire. I have mentioned
how Bockwell's Battery pushed up. Quite a
number of the Eight Michigan and Seventy
ninth Highlanders gained the ditch and para
pet of the Work. All the regiments pushed
close up to the work, and more or less men of
each made lodgments at the marsh and abattis
on either side. The Seventy-ninth Hilanders
went in to fire the Fourth regiment. They
passed by the Seventh Connecticut and the
Twenty-eight Massachusetts, and'actually sup
ported at the parapet, as every one admits, the
Night Michigan: .. They pawed those regiments,
too, within less than 200 pulls of the enemy's
works. The Highlanders have been in many
battles and skirmishes, are very expert in drill,
and are indeed, old soldiers.
If they were iu supporting distance, _certainly
the Seventh Connecticut and the Twenty
eighth Massaehusetts were. But the terrible
force of grape, canister and musketry, from
the front, and the rifle fire of sharpshooters
from the flanks, poured upon the several regi
ments as they were passing on in line to the
very neck of land on which the enemy's work
is situated, and which is stated by them to be
only thirty yards wide. Large portions of
each regiment were that thrown upon the
marsh on either hand, and were unable to
go forward. The succeeding regiments, in
pushing forward, became much intermingled
with them, and the only alternative was
to retire the regiments to reform them. The
very thing happened which is to be feard in
such in attempt. When it is recollected that
in twenty-five minutes every one of my regi
ments passed the advanced hedge, pushed clean
up, or nearly clean'up to "the dithh, made the
best fight they could, and were withdrawn by
my positive orders to the same advanced hedge
again, loosing over 500 men, every regiment
suffering largely, and two,iregingents
there can be no doubt bat' they followed each
other closely. The fault is not in my orders
or arrangements, but in having a fight there at
all under such circumstances.
4. SO rapid and prompt were the operations
of my division that I was hard at work, re
forming my troops before Williams' advance
came, in sight, and I was afterwards ready
with. all my battalions in line of battle to
move to the assault of the work the second
time whenever General Benham should give
the order. This I announced to General Ben
i ham by Citptitin Elwell, his. Aid, and by offi
cers of my own Staff. At this very juncture
Gen. Benham withdrew Williams, and, as
Stated in my official report, at a subsequent
wriod ordered me to withdraw.
6. All the above facts Tam establish by the
most incontrovertible testimnny. I have en
tered the service with the earnest purpose of
doing my duty, and I submit the above state•
went to show that I was prompt and faithful
to my orders on the day of the 16th.
I am, sir, very respecfully,
Your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General Commanding Division.
Delivered in Washington City, Jaly 11, 1862.
At the lastmontbly meeting of the Association
for the Relief of Pennsylvania Soldiers, in hospitals
in and adjacent to the city of Washington, the
President, Hon. J. K. Morehead, announced
that Governor A. G. Curtin was in the city,
looking after the interests of our soldiers. Hon.
Charles J. Biddle said he would be very glad to
offer a resolution, if it were necessary, to invite
the Governor to address the meeting. An as
sociation of this character could not omit any
honor to the distinguished Magistrate of Penn
sylvania, who, to his many other titles of re
spect, adds that of being a dear father to the
soldiers of the:Keystone State. A committee
was appointed to invite Governor Curtin to ad
dress the meeting. The committee consisted of
Messrs. Biddle,Forney, Hale, Grow, and La
sear. The committee returned in a few mo
ments, accompanied by Governor Curtin, who
was received with great applause. After being
introduced to the meeting, His Excellency spoke
as follows:
lam much obliged, gentlemen, for the re
ception which it has been your pleasure to give
me. It cannot be expected that I will address
an assemblage of this character at length, for
it could not be supposed, that any man could
instruct the intelligent gentlemen present, as
to the duties they have undertaken to perform,
and which, up to this time, they have discharg
ed so well, for the relief of the wt untied and
sick of the army contributed by Pennsylvania
for the support of the Government. You may
rest assured that the formation of this associa
tion at the capital of this country was received
in the Keystone State with great • satisfaction ;
for this, being the seat of government, and the
centre of information, it was expected, and that
expectation has been realised, that it would be
the centre of information to all the-benevolent
of the State who would be willing to contribute
their mite to the comfort of the sick, and those
who have suffered in this war from every State.
It was thought by the people of Pennsylvania
that the government of the State would take
charge of the sick and wounded at the pub
lic expense, and carry them into the State,
and there provide for their comfort and, after
they were restored to health,retuin them again
to the service of the government, or, when dis
charged, to their homes. The Legislature, by
a unanimous vote—and it is just to the people
of the State, as well as to their representatives,
that I should remark to these intelligent and
loyal gentlemen, that no resolution or law of
fered for the support of the government, or to
strengthen the arm of the public service, since
the beginning of the war, has been offered in
the Legislature of Pennsylvania that was not
adopted by a unanimous vote. [Applause.]—
With the entire unanimity which has charac
terized.the action of that body, they authorized
me to take charge of the sick and wounded,
and to use my judgment in order to strengthen
the regiments et Pennsylvanian troops sent into
service, and, that I might have full power in
executing that duty,they voted me any amount
of money from the public treasury.that might
be necessary for that purpose.
We gathered the wounded from Winchester
and placed them in comfortable hospitals, in
Pennsylvania. Oar boats, while in James riv
er, brought the wounded from Fair Oaks, but
it was found that our authority conflicted with
the regulations of the National Government,
and, that our old Commonwealth might be
obedient, as well as loyal to that Government,
we surrendered our boats and gave to the Uni
ted States the charge which belonged to them
of the sick and wounded.
I have the:pleasure to announce to this meet
ing that an order hag been framed to-day, at
the War Departinent, under which, so far as
cossistent with the public service, and in jus
tice to the wounded or sick soldiers, they are
to be carried by this Government to hospitals
erected in the States where they are enlist
ed, and provided for there at the expense
of the National Government ; and it is ex
pressly provided that they shall be there
visited by their friends, and the benevolence
of the States shall reach them. That is going
as far as we can expect the Government to go.
This is as much as any people can desire.
When they are brought within the State, their
friends and relatives—the good, the loyal and
the benevolent—will have an opportunity of
ministering to their comfort. When they are
restored, if it should . please Providence, they
will be again returned to the service of the
Government; for, let me,assure you, while it is
true that the battles of the latter part of June
and - the beginning of this month have put our
State in mourning, (there is scarcely a family
circle in Pennsylvania that has not suffered a
death,) and while, my people are appalled by
the visitation of battle, they have never flinch
ed in their determination to fight this rebellion.
[Applause.] From the beginning of the war
down to tnis pariod of time, those who have
watched public sentiment in Pennsylvania
must testify to the fidelity and to the loyalty
of our people. [Applause.] However it may
be with others—however they may falter in this
great struggle for constitutional and organized
liberty—the people of Pennsylvania have not
yet faltered. In their mourning they are yet
determined that this monstrous rebellion shall
be crushed by power. [Cheers.] Legitimate,
authorized, physical power. [Applause,] and
while the widow wails, and the orphan cries for
the lost, let them give us back our crippled
and our sick and we will provide for them, and
will send fresh battalions. to fight the enemy.
[Thunders of applause.] Gentlemen, there Is
no time to falter now. If this inestimable lib
erty be worth anything, blood is well shed for
its protection. AU humanity is one great
family. It is made up
of the living and the
dead. Those who have gone before us hav e
bestowed their benefactions upon us, and it is
for us to imitate their glorious example.
I thank you, gentlemen, for the cordiality of
your rece ption. Igo back to Pennsylvania re
freshed by my interview.
At the conclusion of the speech, Gov. Curtin
was most e nthilidastically cheFred, and num
bers pressed forward to shake him by the hand.
After a few more speeches the meeting ad
$5OOO Dolmans wort= or Nsw GOODS I —4OO
pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 87, 60,
62 and 76 cts.; 1000 Ladies' white collate, at 10,
20, 60, up to 75 cts. Great bargains ! 500 new
hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 75 de., up to 82.60
cheapest in town ; the largest assortment of
low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 pieces
white brillants at 124 els.; some at 15 to 18
cts.; 50 dozen of shirt breasts at 124 cts.. 20,
25 and 87 cis, extra cheap. 200 dozen of La
dies' white stockings, at 12i and 16 cts. A
magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric
band, and cambric edging ant insertings, at all
prices. 50 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at
124 cts.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole
sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ;
and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys
promise to sell
g o oods nly at at th e e ity large auctions .
We also received 10 dozen of real German
linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a
very scarce article ; also 20 pieces of white and
colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car
pets from auction ; 5 pieces of black silk at all
prices. S. Lswr.
Male or Anuile,
Hyatt have been suffering erem a habit indulged inby She
IL unfitg them for Marriage,
And is the greatest evil which can befall
See symptoms enumerated in advertisement, and if you
are a sufferer,
Cut out the adveriimment,
And send for it at once.
Delays are dangerous.
Ask for Belmbold's
• Take no other.
Cures guaranteed.
Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. jyl6-d2m
Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye
The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known. I
All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided
If yen wish to escape ridicule.
GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least
Injury to Hair or Skin.
.DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar
ded to Wie. A. BATCHELOR. since 18 9, and over 200,000
applications have been made to the hair of the patrons
of his famous Dye.
Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature and Is wet:aspirin
not to injure to the least, however long it any be contin
ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair
le invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. which is prop
erly applied at No. le dond Street Now TOOL
Sold in all the cites and towns or the United States, by
Drugglets and Fancy Goods Dealers
The Genuine has the name " Wilburn t. Batchelor,"
and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four
Ades of each bor.
Wholesale Factory, 81 Parclay St.,
Late 233 Broadway, New York
oct2 d&wly
On thel6th inst., in this city, Tnoxas ALDEID, aged
63 years
(The funeral will take place to morrow, (Friday) af
ternoon at four o'clock, from his late residence in Mar
ket street below F unit, to which the relatives and
friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend
without further notice.)
Philadelphia and New York papers please copy. •
Corner Front and Market Streets,
RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of
the public to their 'arse and well selected stock of
Including among others,
We invite an examination of our superior
The beat in the market in every respect, to
gether with all kinds of
Cheaper than any place in Harrisburg. We keep
on hand always all kinds of
All styles and kinds of
at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN,
my2o Corner Front and Market Ste.
THIS handsome property recently °con
is offered for sal4. Ii is well suited either for a pirate
Residence or a B iarding School, being supplied with gas,
water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. The grounds
contain valuable Fruit Trees and Shrubbery. The place
will be sold low and possession given within reamnable
time. For terms, &0., apply to.
MRS. S. S. WAUGH, or
Executors of Beate of Re, B. R. Waugh, dec'd
Is now out, and for sale at
It is illustrated with a likeness of
and various scenes that show the spirit of the rebellion and
the sufferings of Union men. Call soon. Sent free of
postage on the reteipt of the retail price, $1 25.
CLOTHES WRINGER, which wrings clothes Aryer
thau can be done by rand, and wrings a bed quilt or
handkerchief without any alteration. Cleland examine it
je3o.otawlm 110 Market Meet.
_ _
O YES ! 0 YES 1 1
D ESIRING to rest from the active cares
of trade, I have viand the store into the hands of
. linerninger, who will continue the best
nmassy "'ens John
T etofore at the s nation Store, No. 31, corner
of Second and Chestnut streets in this city; where I
would respectfully call the attention of my friends and
the public generally to my large stook of new and second
hand Clothing new and second hand furniture and me
endless variety of useful articles, all of which will be sold
at the lowest auction prices. Cash will be paid for all
articles In my I ntl of business.
PHILIP usursaira.
N. B. Crying sales, selling horses, vehicles, stock,
real estate, and all other property will be punctually at
tended to upon reasonable terms, by calling at No. 24,
corner of Eecond an•t Chestnut streets in this Shy.
City Auctioneer.
100 BBLS. Sugar (Refined and Raw,)
et all grades and kind, mast received and
will be sold at the lowest m i. ke t prices.
14 0 Wit WC'S, & 00.
BAKm."B Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate,
Ibr ale at JOHN HMV, Third and Wslnut. taiy/
- ,