f H. BY GEORGE BERGNER. TUEI'FA, I 4_',GRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, F-4v REORGE BERG-NEIL TERl4l3,—Smou Sc rhe DAILY TIMM/AM 111 served to subscribers ba the at 6 ecutis per weet Yearly subscribms will be bqrged $4 00, In advance. Weeny Are 13Z1U-WRIKLY The TICLIGRAPH is she published twice a week during nc cession of the Legislature and weekly during the reminder of the year,.aud furnished to subscribers at tie iollowing cash rates,via Single subscribers per year Seml-Weekly..sl 50 Ten it f 4 ..12 00 Twenty " 11 u .. ga 00 =logic subscriber, Weekly 1 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Four lines or lesseeonetitute one.half square. Bighl lees or more than four constitute a square. HMS Square, One day . is one week one month three months SS months one year......... .., OncSquere, one day....... .... one week........ 2 00 one month 600 a three months 10 00 SIX months 15 00 " one year..........' ...20 00 sir Business notices inserted In the Lecol'Oolumn, or before Nantes and Deaths, SIGHT CENTS PER LINE for *soh Insertion. 'Kr Itarrigee and Deaths lobe charged as regular ad vertisement/ filisullantoui. RELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION iLY CONCENTRA fl a," COMP , UND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Swine Remedy For Dieeasen of the bLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine incree-es the power of Digestion, and excites the A BSORBENTS lot bealtny action, by which the WATKRY OR CALCAREOUS deponitiona, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAIdaTION, and Is good for MEN, WOMEIN OR CHILDREN. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits or Dlesipation, Earllan discretion or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Esertion, Lose Of Power loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease" Wakefulness, Dimnese Ll Vision, Pain In the Beek Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tSe Body, Dryness of the Skin, Iroptlons on toe Face PAU LUDINFENANOE, These ay 'booms, if allowed to go on, which this med loins invariably removes, soon follows IMPOIENCY FATUITY, bPILEPTIO FITS, IN UNE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY LILPIRE. Who can say that they are not ftequeL ily followed by those uIdItEFUL DBEASES," . . . •'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware or the cane° of their snaring, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECO'DS OF Till I•S ANS ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Conitomptiott, BEAR ARYLS WITIMS TO TOO TIWTH OF MO .I.7OORTION. THEN CONSTITUTION uNCK AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC W !MENEM, Requires the aid or medicine to strengthen and , Invigorat.-thstEtetem, Wage* fleureurie EXTRACT MICRO twedleinAly dos A TRIM. COINVWRIMS 110.2 aY,X214,14.. FEMAISIS-FIMALES-IFESIALEB, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FRMALES, the Extract Buono Is unoqnsiled by any other remedy, as In Ohlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Sepprestio it of Customary Ritacuations, Ulcerated or Bedtimes elate of the Uterus, Leucorides Whites, Stern ity, and for all complainta incident to the sex, whether arising from Indigeretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OE CHANGE OP LIPS: HU IMMO= •HOVE NO FAIRLY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT I Lill NO NOM BLLKAM, MICIIINY, OR lINPIMAIIANTIMIDI fill toa ONPINANINI AND DANONROUN DIONIUNIL IZELLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW' Cum SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little nixpense ; Lille or no change in Diet ; No inconvenience; And no It MUM a frequent dealt* au = strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra Allaying Palo and Imflammation, so fr equent in the Was' of olsouses, and expelling ail Poisonous, Diseased end worwunt Mater. Inoommis UPON TROVRABDO TWO HAVE BERN .71111 VIOTiMS OF QUACKS, and who have paid NWT PM to be cured in a. abort thme, tutvo bland they were deceived, and that the "POI. SoNi , has, by the use of “POlrlitterL ARTRINGIIIIII4 " been dried up in the system, to brain out In an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER JuluaAag. URINARY ORGANS, whether existing In MALE OR FEMALE. From whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid or KURR PIO HRIABOLD'S s , n"nuar BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURREW, And is certain to have the desired effete In all Diseases 10g WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. &idols*, of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, lam 8 to 20 years, standing, Wua RUM 'MOWN To SCIENCE AND FLEE. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for 15 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser: ration. DESCRIBB SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS, Curait Gularantsed I Advkc Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, en Aldermen of tho city of Philadelphia, 11. T. aNIABOLIN, wit° being m y sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no nom° no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely' ye e• table E. T. HELM %vont and subscribed before me, this 23d day steam, hind . WIL P. RIBBER% Alderman, Ninth St. above Race, Phila. Addretatetters for Information in t s T HELKBco nC,fihdence itoEt Depot, leH.ouTwoLD Chem.s n , n, nEwAttx or coukriatine u as AND UPRINCIPLED DIALERS, Who endeavor to di N vine "or mica owi" and 1 4munt" Anima ON rill as OUNICIN NITAINID Sr lelmbold's Gamut Preparation s, Lztract Be he, " Sarsaparilla, Improved Roao Wash. Sold by C. K. defier, D. W, Wogs, J. Wyeth, C A, kenvart. AND ALL DRUOPT3T.3 .117111ZYWHBRI. ASK FOR HELM BOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. • Cat out the advertarement and send for AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. noVl3.dly 100 PERCH OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE, YOB BALI AT TUB KEYSTONE. FARM. my 27 dif JE,RSET J 4 I—Ten tierces of these O celebrated pr cured time, received ant Or el ld I.im urge ore um. quaulltiOB . . . CCtUEß.—uoustaotli on hand a$ ‘,/ very superior article of kilroa PLO awl. Wad. nnoir..,Jat&OU. _ SODA Biscuit, City Crackers, justreceiv. ad and for ewe by Ma 4.. s aBO WilA Gullet From and market DR. JOHNSON 33ALMaTrACC)XLM LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effetoual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRIIDENCR A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, In from one to Two Days. WeaknessAVON& or thifuN I MWTSS 6 :4 4I O ,OI— the h lifter and Bladder, Involuntary dismarmii Im potency, Otweral OebileT, Nervoussees, DYliPerlY, I so oner, Low 'Writ'',Goninsion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. TisWity, Tnablings, Dimness of Bight or Giddi ness, DI seas of tbitHead, Throat, Nose or Skin, Agee. dons of the Liver Limp, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders 14dag from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those sainun u Artarr pratstma more latal to their victims than of yreus to the Mariners of Ellyn set, blighthig tbsiliemost brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering mardi am, impossible. ...SO 16 ... 146 ... 260 ............. 4 00 ........ ..... 00 .............10 00 1A Young Men Especially, whisllave become the Evictlmß of Solitary Vice, that dreadral and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to cuntimely grave thomanda of Young Men of the moi&,'Osalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might oth in have entranced listening Senates with the thondegni of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being e ware of physical weakness, organic debid ty, deformities, hes., speed' y cored. He who Maass himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously amide in his bonor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as • Physician. immediately Cared, and full vigor Restored, This distressing Affecition—which renders I lie misera ble and marrhopsimpossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. 1 ming persons are too apt to commit asoeratei from not being aware of the dreadful oonseig.euees that may ensue. New, who that understands tkullableet wilt pretend to deny that the pow or of proonatlltp4s lent sooner toot° falling We Im proper habits - than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy oillipring, the most se- Howland destructive symptoms to both body and mind miss, The syetem becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened. Loan of Procreative Power, Nervious Irritability, Dyspepds, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Odartlinilon 1 Debility, .a Wasting Of 'the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay acid Death.. Office, NO. 7 south Frederick-Street. Lett hand side going f.om Baltimore streak a lew door. into the 6011101 r Fall not to observe tiptoe and number. Letters must be paid and imntain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas bail to his office. A Cure Varranted• in.. Two Days. No Arm" tly /ran sous Drugs, Dr, Johnson, Member of the Royal College.ut Surgeons, London, Grad uate from etas of the most endoent tkillegee in the United States, and the greater put of whose the has been spent In the hospitals of London, Parts, Philadelphia and -else where, bas effected some of the most astonishing 'cures that were everitnown ; many troubled with ringing in `the bead and ears when asleep, great neriohari e ss, wg 'alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,' with -fireqben a t torarng. attended sometime. with detrinisimont of mind cured immetftater. Take Paskittular Notice. Dr. J. whimsies all iirWai who have Injured themselves by improper indulge ea and solitary habits, which ruin note body end mind, unfitting them for either business., study, society or marl Ix These are some of the sad and melancholly effects pro. dinned by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Bank anti Limbs, Palos in the Head, Dimness ...1" Sight, Loss of Muscular Power,Palpitation of the heart, Dys pepay, Nervous irratibty, Derangement of the Digestive Puernions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, litirraux.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas D epression of Spirits, Forbodings, Avers on to PoZiety, Seif Distrust, love of solitude, Timidity, go., are some of the evils produced. TROUILLNDS of persona of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young Bien Who have injured themselves. by a certain practice in dnlged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and. if not cured renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. - What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling ()ChM parents, should be snatched Irom all prospects end enjoyments of life, by the ccm.equence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons Inter, before contem plating Min% reheat theta sound mind an al d body are the most neon miry requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life, becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes; shadowed with despair and filled with the melancbolly rill Mien that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the mirguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that ho has imbibe . , the seeds of this painful die. ease, it too often hapens that an tll-timed Bence of shame or dread or discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from Matti= and respectability, can alone be. friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this horr d disease make their appearance, such as ul cerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the trod, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at lest the palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that Urdiscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It Is a steinnehoffy fad that thousands fell victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilthltness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly P 0401%, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o hie miserable. Strangers. • Trust not your lives, or Desalt, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's &dyer vertisements, or style themselves la the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling mouth after month taking their filthy and poisomouenras compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despalr, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson tit the only Physician ~de Ms credential or diplomas always bangs in fib office. Ilia remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, Prepared from a Ufa spent in the g eat hospftab of Kn. rope, the first in the country and a more extensive Pri vate practice than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many tnousauds cured at this institutton year af teryear, and the numerous important Surgioal Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witneessed by the re porters of the %en," 4 Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, baldest his standing as a 'gentleman of character and responsibility, is a . su Indent guarraotee loth, afilletted. ;skin Mimes bpeedily Cured. Persona writing should be particular in directing their totters to his Inatittukin, in the following manner : WHOLESALE • 'MORELIA MANUFACTORY! No. 69, Market 'Street, below Third, ILLltahgginw, PA. M. H. LEE, IVIANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARBOI.9 and WALKING CANES, win letnieb goods at Lima MOM than can be bought in asp of Maulers einem *Entry merchants will do well to all aut main prima utqaMilidandimavinee them OYU 0 OM*. - 5112144, Wit DOOR. I. t f1:0 Iltbital. ItILIXT IN SIX TO TWSIO73 DOM. No Maury or No:lotus Drugs. Organic Weakness JOHN M. JOHNSON, X. D. 01 the Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1862. illistellantous. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, • - • TEAR, r , C 1 C 414 246 , ORANGES, 0 1 4ktONS , AC., &C. FLOUR, Flt3H, , SALT, LARD, - BUTTER, &c We ht,lta it,eiaminatiou:of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, It!OkatiligOltmarket every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, MAPES, BURNERS, SPICES and • GLASS CONES,. Cheaper than any place in Barriaburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QUEENSW/IRE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stazut,','NlOHOLS di BOWMAN, my2o ~;iner Front and Maritet Ste. BIOTINA BOOTING ;147#1:1FACTUEEI . D n Till UNITED STATEN BIOTINA ROOFING CO., .NO. 9 GORE BLOCK Corner q*etr i aird Pitts Streets, Boston, Maas. .THlS.Por%ble Roofing is, the only article ever offoied to the public, which ia reedy, prepared to go on the root without any anishih • Oferatiou. It is ugut, handsome and amity applied, and .an b 0 rely and cneepirtrainuorted to any part. of. tae world. It will not I tint or,dlsoolor water runn ng over, or lying on, it, and Is nu all rape ts a very ea...treble article. Int' noncunductinfliroperties adat.t tt especlatil t, covering manufiattories of various kinds, an' it to 'confidently oi fered to the pui t llc after a teat of four yoars in all taste. Bee of el maten t ad tem,torature, fur covert az all, Kinds oi toots, flat or 'Waned together with care,:ste.artiVate, &a It Is both alibp and durable. Agents wants 1, to whom • lberal inducemeuts are ()tiered Send. for sample, cirou ar, SO, with imrdculara, to ••tl.. RuOPING Cu., era arm No. 9 Gore Bloat Bost •n." AGENTS 1 IERUHAAF9I PEDI,N It -• • READ,411113." EN ERG ETIU men make 465 a day by aching our UNION PHIZa. STATIONERY Paufrli superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVO.N 6tslvitßAlS, and a place of Jewelry. We guaraUtesi sat archon iu quality of our goods. The gifts cams let of fifty varieties and Myles of Jewelry, all useful and vela- Able. Circulars with lull particulars mailed free. Ad dress. L. B. BAdKLNS 3r. CO, apBB-2ind 38 Beekman street, New Turk. THEO. F. BCHEFFER, BOOK AND,_, JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. Aar-Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Checks, Drafts, Sits, Cants printed at $2, $4, $4, and $5 per housand In elegant style. 120 ATLANTIC AND OHIO TELE GRAPH COMPANY. THE Stockholder's annual meeting will be h•ld at the office of thi tecretwy, (2 Forrest Fume) 1283( South rearm Street, rhi.adaphota on THUHSDA , JULY 17th, at 103( o'clock a. w., at Ala time an ele.2ion for nice directors will take place, and such other Du/WU trans toted us may be brought be fore the meeting. H. 11. SHIL.LINGFURD, elb dtjyl7 STEAM BOILERS. HAVING made effiaient and permament arrangements fur the purpose, we are now pre p& ep to tpian d I KAM BOILHee of every bind, prompt ly and at eeeeoneeie rates. We alma use troll made by Salley it Brother, the rapxtation of which Is second to note in the menet. None but the beat hands employed. Repairing prompt ly auended to. Address EAGLE HONKS, mj by Harrisburg, Pa. DETERSIVE SOAP, something better than Harrison's Household Soap, Just reoetved and tor sale by NICELOI.3 k BOWMAN, JeS Corner From and livreet, streets. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. I'IHE Proprietor° of the "PARISIAN GaB,NBT ti 2 WONDERS, AMATORY and MOB- GiNE'' have determined regardlesi of expanse, to hone free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) POOR of their most instructive and isteresuna , Lectures on Mar riage and its Disquallilcations, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of manhood, Indigestion Weakness or Do preision, Loss of energy and VitalPeirers, the Great So- coal Evils, and those Maladies whioo remit from you] - tut Wes, hxcesses el Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology and Nature's Law. These iuvaluable Lectures WM. been the means of enlightning and saving thou s ,uds, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by adareashag MODE fAttY PARISIAN Camel or ANAIN•NIT AND Moracsam, 663 Broadway, Now York. jel9-u/y FREER BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having made contracts with some of oar most eliaole farmers to furnish as with fresh and sweet butter reguiarl 7, will be enabled to supply our customers with sweet fresh ice cold batter at all times. my2o WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO• T'AMILY WASHING BLUE, ea excel .11: sent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the wholesal and retail grocery store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. PURE Cider Vinegar, which we marl ant to be made solely from cider, just received and for able low by NICHOUt v 0 iv MAN, Jel2 Corner Front and Mar et streets. SULDIER'S CAMP COMPANION. - A very convenient Writing DadiL. • also, portioned, Memorandum Bootie, Portmonumee, 0L3., at n2O SCHEPIBM'S 000 K 2TOIO. EXTRA Family Flour, just received and warranted to give satisfaction, for sal. by N.ltaLiLs a &AV %lAN, Cornei of front and Market street. my 92 PURE Cider Vinegar, warranted, just received and for sale by NIONOLS & BOWMAN, Oorner Front and Market streets. myllt aatving; call' and exam-' , § 'LMIAItB for Pre 'xidtuits BOWMAN, rr im at 'Snot and Mutes etreibs.... BACON, BY TELEGRAPH. THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. I BILL DRAFTED BY THE PRESIDENT, WASIELNOTON, July 14. Fellow Citizens of the Senate and House of Repro- ;tentative+, Herewith is the-draft of a bill to compensate any State which may abolish slavery within its limits, the passage of which, substantially, as presented, and I respectfully and ,earnatt*re - Iratd) ABBAHAN LINCOLN, Itel' Si'' ed by the Senate and Rouse of Rem ' of the United States of America in Congress ass ' That whenever the President of the Hid ' ' States shall be satisfied that any Stt4' all have lawfully abolished slavery withiir and throughout such State, either imalekilately or gradually, it shall be the duty' - of the President, assisted by the Secretiiry of the Treasury, to prepare and deliver to ea6h State an amount of six per cent interest bearing -bonds of the "United States, equal to the 'aggregate value at dollars per head, of all the slaves within such States as report ed by the census of the year one thou sand eight hundred and sixty. The whole amount for any one State to be delivered at once, if tte abolishment be immediate, or in equal annual installments if it be gradual ; intermit to begin running on each bond at the time of delivery and not before ; and beit further enacted.' if any State having so received any such bonds shall at any time afterwards, by laW introduce or tolerate slavery within its limits. Contrary to the act of abolishment uponrwhichituch bonds shall have been receiv ed, said bonds so received by said State shall at mew be null and void, in whosoevers hands they may be, and such State shall refund to the States all interest which may have been paid eta such bonds. The louse select committee on emancipa tion in the Bolder States will probably report on that subject to-morrow. PROM WASHINGTON. WeamuiteroN, July 14 Major James Gilliland, Assistant Quarter Master General of Penusylvauia, has been act ing as agent for the State during the cam paigns of the spring and summer has been with the armies reporting to the authorities at ria:risburg. Governor Curtin has instructed Major Gilliland to remain at Washington to see ito the comfort of the sick and wounded soldiers from Pennsylvania at this point. The Provost Marshal has issued an order pro hibiting the employment of girls as waiters in the ounceit and drinking saloons, under penal ty of having the establishment closed. The Navy Depaftmeut advertises for propo sBil3 for 'SWAM I:llaotanery for poOdle . steamers. The project of the treaty with Mexico, pro viding tor a loan of eleven mil ion dollars to that ilepablic, was briefly diacuseed in the Sen ate in Executive Session, on Saturday night, and then laid on tee table. The State Department has been informed by the U. S. Consul at San Juan, Porto Rico, that the regulations regaiding the Custom Houses of. that island, have been modified as follows: Either National or Foreign vessels entering them, of whatever nature it may be, will have to pay, besidei the port charges, tonnage dues on the measurement expressed in their register, as designated in the tariff. FROM KENTUCKY. ROUT OF REBEL GUERILLAS. Destrnotion of the Town of Lebanoni .I,OI7IBWILM, July 18. At New Hope, Nelson county, on Friday night, a party of the 85th Ohio, under Lieut.- Col. Moore, encountered 460 rebel-cavalry, un der command of Jack Allen, about half a mile south of the , railroad. After twenty minutes bribk fire of musketry the enemy were routed and fled. No casualties were reported on the Federal side. Blood was found along the road by our skirmishers sent out, but no enemy was to be found. Later accounts say that these guerillas or their comrades burned the town of Lebanon and robbed the Commercial Bank. Telegraphic communication has been perfect ed to Nashville, but the Lebanon branch is not in order, thus preventing the reception of further p articularsito-night. The Federal reinforcements moved in the direction of Lebonon could not have arrived until after the destrudtion of the town, but they are in hot pursuit of these guerillas. FROM FORTRESS MONROE CAPTURE OF A SPY SHELLING THE REBELS [HA 4111,:13r05b:04 ers)44lo-)*f: Fourazas hiozatoz, July 13 Two of our military telegraph men, while upon their usual routine of line repairs and inspection yesterday afternoon, captured a rebel cavalryman who had been prowling about and had even been inside of our military camps at Hampton. The two telegraph men were un armed, and as the rebel drove psbt them they jumped from their horses and caught his horse at the same time telling bim he was their. pris oner. Although he was thoroughly armed, he made no attempt to use his weapons, and at once considered himself captured. He is a spy and probably a valuable acquisition to the Rip Rare archives before this time. The Federal gutibmits have been shelling the woods to-day along the banks of the River.— Much of it was done in sight of the mall-boat, and only one gun was observed to be fired from the shore by the rebels. A schooner was seized at Harrison's Landing yesterday by Gen. ki'Clellan, and was sent to Baltimore witirall her cargo. She had liquors on board .and belonged to antlers . A skirmish took place . at Williamsburg last Friday between the Federal. and Ethel pickets, in which the former killed three and captured seven of the latter. About two hundred laborers came down on the mail boat from the army last evening on heir way home to the North. Generals Richardson and Gorman are on a flying visit to Fortress Monroe to-day, but re turn immediately to the army. Hospitals are being rapidly constructed at Hampton for the accommodation of the sick and wounded, and in a short time thirteen acres of land will - be covered with hospital buildings at that place. The locality is we ll selected, being on the narrow portion of the Peninsula, and between two beautiful sheets of water, giving a fine breeze at most all hours of the day. Three rebel officers arrived here , last .night fronigHarrisOn's, and beve put up•at' ther4lY gala Hotel. They were wounded and taken prisoners at Williamsburg. Two of them are Colonels, and the otherone is a captain. They have their liberty and comfort to the extent the place affords. It is to be hoped that our men now prisoners at Richmond and other lo calities fare as well and are as comfortably situated and provided with servants, &o. Their names are Col. Forney, of Alabama ; Col: Wil liams, of Virginia ; and Capt. Murphy, of Ala bama. They receive more than their share of attention from the ladies present—either from sympathy or curiosity, which, lam unable to say. FROM .BALTIMORE. 114:01011110MMOYO30):Miiii STATEMENT OF A REFUGEE. TIIM REBEL ARMY AT RICHMOND ESTIMATED AT 210,000. GENERALS MCOALL AND REYNOLDS NOT WOUNDED. Constmotion of Gunboats on the Plan of the Merrimac, THE OBSTRUCTIONS ON THE JADES RIVER. • Fort Darling Greatly Strengthened. Movements of " Stonewall" Jackson. The Rebels Confident in their Ability to Destroy Gen. McClellan's Army. The Cannon Captured During the Recent Battles. NOT A SINGLE SEIOE PIRGS CAPTURED. 'Beauous, July 14 The following statement of Mr. Wm. Airey, of this city,. is published in the AntalCan, of this afternoon. Mr. Airey escaped from Rich mond on Tuesday last. He says that rebel troops in and around the city prior to the recent b Ades, were estimated at from 217,000 to 220,000. Large reinforce meats from the direction of Petersburg had been arriving for the previous ten days and nights, which were said to be from the coast, but he could not ascertain whether any portion of them were of Beauregard's army. They ar rived by the railroad,ani were marched around the city during the night towards Hanover Court Howe. Gen. Beaureeard had been in Rich mond several weeks, suffering from a severe attack of fever, and was still at the Spottswood House, confined to his room when he left. Generals McCall and Reynolds are neither of them wounded. After remaining a day at the Spottswood House they were taken to the offi cer's prison. The gunboat on the plan of the Merrimac, though much smaller, is rapidly approaching completion at Richmond, though great difficul ty was experienced in obtaining iron for her MUM Tne obstructions in the James river were considerably weakened by the recent floods.— One of the sunken vessels had so swung around that the Teaser was able to pass through, and was soon after captured. At the time of the flood great fears were entertained at Richmond that they would all be swept away. Fort Darling has been greatly strengthened, and the batteries are iron clad. A whole divi sion of the army had also crossed the Jamas river on a pontoon buidge, to assist in its de fence against any land force. The bridges destroyed by General McClellan in the vicinity of Hanover Court House have not been reconstructed. The trains are running however, and a foot bridge has been put up to enable passengers to cross to the .train on the other side. The Rebel papers had announced these bridges as being rebuilt, but such was not the case on Tuesday when our informant cross ed them. The forces of General Jackson had moved off, it was thought, towards Fodericksburg, and it was said would again strike a blow in the Val ley. The Maryland rebel regiments with him under Generals Lowe and Bradley Johnion, had suffered terribly in the fights with Fre mont and Shields. Bradley Johnson's regi ment had been cut down - from seven hundred to two hundred efficient men. The Maryland Light Artillery, tinder com mand of Snowden Andrews, was considered the moat efficient in the service. The greatest confidence was felt at Richmond among the rebelb in their ability to destroy General McClellan's army, and those who had previously sent their families away were bring ing them back again. The Union men, were, however, confident of the final capture of the dty. John Minor Botts was compelled to go south and had not been heard of for some time. He was supposed to be in Alabama. A large num ber of political prisoners,principally Virginians, had been sent to North Carolina. The cannon captured during the recent bat tles were all brotight into Richmond, number ing twenty-three pieces some of them howit zers and three army rifled guns. They were all light pieces, and with the exception of the howitzers and one English gun, were sent to the foundry to be recast, the rebels haying no shells to fit the rifled cannon. Not a single Beige piece had been captured, and mach surprise was expressed that McClel lan had succeeded in getting them all off. The falling back of the rebel army towards Richmond had caused considerable dissatisfac tion, as it was given out thatMeClellan would be attacked in bis ptssent position. PRICE ONE CENT. XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. WASHINGTON, July 14 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVI23. Mr. Srivmvs, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill making appropria tions for sundry civil expenses. It is similar to that laid on the table on Sat urday, with the exception that no provision is made in the former Tor the purchase of the annals of Congress, which was the cause of its rejection. Mr. Mamma, (Hy.,) moved to strike oat the clause appropriating a half millian to carry out thetolonisation project contemplated by the District of Colombia and confiscation acts. The same is to be reimbursed to the treasury out of the sales of confiscated prop erty. Mr. STZVICAB said this appropriation was ren dered necessary by the terms of these laws themselves. MALLORT . I3 motion was disagreed to— yetis 41, nays 70. The bill was then passed. Mr. STEVENS, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill imposing an addi tional tax of one cent per pound on paper, un der an internal law. A proviso was added that the proposed tax of one per cent should not apply to sugar manu factured from Sorghum. The bill was then passed by three of a ma jority. The project of a slave emancipation bill re commended by the President, in a special mes sage, was laid before the House and referred to the Select Committee on the Abolition of Slavery in the Border Slave States, with leave to report at any time. Mr. Corm/La asked and obtained leave to in troduce a bill to reduce the rates of mileage of members of Congress fifty per cent., to be com puted by the most usual and directy travelled route, to and irom the residence of members. Mr. ALDRICH submitted a substitute that all laws and parts of laws, giving mile4ge to mem-. hers, be and they are hereby repealed. Mr. THOMAS offered the following amend ment, that this provision shall apply to the present Congress, and the mileage already re ceived for the same. Mr. Cox, (Ohio,) moved that the House ad journ in order to stop the buncombe. Nega tived. Mr. Prtir.rs, (Mo ,) moved to lay the bill on the table. Not agreed to. Without concluding the subject the House adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PHEL&DNLPHLA., July 14 Breadstnffs are firm ; live hundred bbls. Northeastern extra family flour, sold at 6 dol lars, and 500 bbls. Ohio, at 565 ; superfine moves slowly 475 ; receipts very small ; rye flour steady at 825, and corn MBlll at 275 ; there is not mewl wheat r ffering ; sales 2,000 bee. at $1 254241 27 for red, and $1 840$1 88 for white ;-rye sales on arrival at 68cis , but some holders ask more ; corn is in demand, but little offering ; sales 3.000 bus. yellow at 66 cts ; oats are dull at 40 cts ; cloverse. d• comes forward slowly and commands $513.55 25 ; flaxseed is wanted at $2 20@2 25 ; coffee very firm with sales of rio at 21@,211 and Laguaira $1 22 ; provisions are unchanged, sales of mess pork slo 7543,511 ; 100 hhds hams at 7®9} and some lard at si ; wh'iskey looking up ; small sales at 82@,38 ; but moat holders demand higher rate. NEW Yous, July 14 Cotton firm ; sales 1,200 bales at 43®43ic. Flour quiet ; sales 86,000 bbls. at $4 SO® 4 66 for State, $5 1046 20 for Ohio, and $5 ®45 75 for Southern. Wheat very dull ; sales 160,000 bus. at $1 05®1 09 for Milwaukee club, $1 2001 23 for red Western. Corn de clining; sales 80,000 bus. at 50®62ic. Pork firm ; sales 14.000 bbls. at $lO 75 tor mess.— Lard firm at 7-1(0.9c. Whisky steady at 313 c. Barrutokw, July 14. Flour steady ; wheat firm ; corn quiet ; oats advanced one cent ; provisions very dull ; lard buoyant; coffee quiet; whisky firm and ad vanced one cent, Ohio 35. N. Y. MONEY MARKET Stocks dull and lower ; Chicago and Rock Island 63i ; Illinois Central 67 ; Michigan Southern 66} ; N. Y. Central 90i ; Hudson 45; Missouri S's 471 ; 11. S. (I's coupons 101 ; 11. S. Treasury notes 104; Kentucky S's ; N. Carolina 70; gold 16. TELEGRAFEE OUT OF TOWN LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS. The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following REGULAR AGENTS ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. .ANNVILLE—G. W. Hooverter. . BELL'S MILL'S—John Campbell. BLAIRSVILLE—Wm. Behen. OHAMBERSBURG—George Rickey. CARLLSLE—Wm. H. Cornwall. COLUMBIA—John J. Sayler. CLEA.iiREILD—M. A. Frank, DAUPHIN--Jefferson Clark, EBENSBURG—Ed. Jaw:, F IZABETHTOWN—CharIes Hester. GREENCASTLE—M. D. Detrich. HUM MELsTOWN—Chas. Dipner.l RIGHSPIRE—F. 0. Apeman. HOLLIDAYSBURG—A. F. Diffenbecker. HAGFRKPOWN-0. Swingley. INDIANA—Henry Hall. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LEWISBURG—SamueI Slifer. MILTON—Dr. E. Franciscan. MoVEY TOWN—J. Orisswell. MIDDLETOWN—George H. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG—John W. Stout. MECHANICSBURG—J. Eminger. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart. MILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. MIFMLINTOWN—Weidman & Littlefield MAPLETON STATION—Dr. Getty°. NEWVILLE—Jos. Laughlin. SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinkle. .SELINSGROVE—Jeremiah Crouse. SUNBURY -- J. Washington. TYRONE CITY—J. R. Morris. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.,—Ayers & Lundy. wlinetsyrir R—W. M oore . YORK—J. B. Boger.