Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 11, 1862, Image 1

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TERMlL—Srmair Sommiivion
The Minx TersonArs is served to embscribers In do
City at 6 cents per week Yearly subscribers will 1
charged $4 00, in advance
The Tmstmsru is also published Wee a week denim,
he aerates of the Legislature and weekly during the
remainder ni the year, and furnished to subscribers at
me following cash ratelms :
Single subscribers per year Semi- 110
Ten 1. Semi-
..12 00
Twenty s• it
..22 00
single subscriber, Weekly 100
It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news
papers, the publisher may nominee to send them until
‘ll arresrages are paid,
I subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa
era from the office to which they are directed, they afe
responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered
tlorn discontinued,
Bank 2pplicationo.
A PPLIC.iTION will be made to the next
Lers'ata , e, melon of 1888,) for an Act to incor
po rate a Bans of i sue, &Tett, &mount and other gen
eral benlorg rr vileges. with a capital of Two Hun:red
Thousand Do la aid authors yto increase the same to
Pour tiundred and Mar Thousand Dollen ; to be loes.ted
i , craLlon inzerne county, to be called the PCSAN-
W. W. W vN, •
je26 dlt-wCm
PTOTICE is hereby given that V - e BANK
0". MESA BR COI NT Y, intends to apply to the
Willa ure of Pennsylvania at their an=t 'maim for a
renewal of its charter. • Eald Bank la lorat• d in the
borough of Weat Chester, with an authorized capital of
Two Hundred anti Twenty•fiva Thoutand Dollars, a re
newat of which will be asktd for with the usual banking
privileges. By order of the Board,
jerhdlt-w6m Cash er.
BAMPHS' Lox or Bass Cousff,}
BlarroL, PA., Jane 24,1862.
NOTICE is hereby given, that an appli
cation will be mule to the Leglslature of Peonsyl
. wait at their next as • on, for a renettal of the charter
of the LotMEitti* BANK of Bucks coanty. The ant t
B*nk being located in the borough of Brisiol, Pennsyl
vania, with an authorized capital of . Two It utdred Thou
sand dada's, with the Mlle hamlet; privileges. By or
der Mate Board, it. 0. BEATTY,
je2fp.olt•w6ot dishier.
THE President, Direolors and Company
or the BANK OF DELAWARE COUNIY, intend to
make application to the next Legislature ol tuts Com
monwealth, for the recewal of Utah* Chatter with bank
ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, under the
lame name or title, at the present location and with the
same capital, two hundred thousand dollars, with the
right to increase it to three hundred thousand dol ars.
je2d-wdm. W. TAYLOR, Ceshier.
IVOTIOE ie hereby given that "THE
tend to apply to the 1 egisiature of Pennsylvania at their
new sesame for a re• ewai of their charter. Fad Bank
is located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorised
capital of One Million of Dollars, a renewal of which will
be asked for, with the neral banking privileges. Byor
der of the board, a. PALMER,
je23-doavrOm Cashier.
N OTICE is hereby given that the Presi
de, t and Hrectors of the LKBANON BANK located
borough of Lebanon, Lebanon county, intend to
make appLcation to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at
their next session, tor a renewal of the charter an , an
aslant on of the privileges of the said Bank now enjoyed,
with thr• sale name, title, location and capital of $2OO
- By order B. A. UHLER,
jellii-a1t.543111 Cashier.
'HE MINOR'S BANK of Pottsville, in
the county of Schuylkill, hereby give notice that
they intood to apply to the Legislature of -Pennsylvanta
at their next Elusion, for a renewal 'ofAhefe charter.
Fall Bank in located In the ho: ough bt Potlesville , in toe
county of Seen) Had. with an al:unwise.% Capital of Five
Hundred Th-usand Dollars. a renewal of which' will be
asked without any extengon of privilege*. By order of
the Board. Mahan LOlkEit,
jel4 dlt.w6m. Cashier.
June 12th, 1802.
116TOTICE is hereby given of the intend
ed application at the next meeting of the Ladles-
Wire for a renewal oT the cfm. ter or the BANK OF Odald-
BdittillOkll, with the present name and style, location
and spccific obstel with print!. ge to increase the capital
Mock from $2t6 ,83 8 20 to $lOO,OOO. By order of the
board G. B. itißaltitBMlTH,
eli•tilt weal '• • Cashier.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Presi
dent arid Director. of the L iNCASTER COUNTY
b.& s II intend to mate application to the Leglilature of the
Commonwealh of Penuaylvanie at their next Beagle°, for
a reo °Wel of the charter, and an .xiession of the privileges
or the said flank, With ail the rights and privilege, now
sojoyed, for a term of twenty years from the et piratton
of the pi ain't charter, with 'the same name, tale, lees-
HM and capital of $400;000. By order
W. L. Plan%
je1114111..w6m Cashier of Tattooer County Bank.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Wy
oming Baok at Wilke.. Barre will 'apply to the
Legislature of tile dtwe or Peathal sada at its next ses
sion, for an exten.ion of the of said Bonk, .and
a*o fur authority to tor ase the capital of nip Bank
fom one hundraa a d fifty thousand dollars to-tath hun
dred thousand dollars. The name and st)le LW loca
tion, and the oser 3 and privi, gt s 0 raid Back to re.
main the same as .1 prearnt string and excepting only
the .nereasu cf the capt .1 aforesaid.
G.ll. IiOLLEBACEC, President.
IDWARD B. LOU', Cashier. • th)Bo4lt-w6il
NOTICE is hereby given, that an ass°•
awl n him been tor mea end a cm Situate
for the purpose of vs abashing II bank of a aconnt, deposit
and • ircuiatmu under the provisions of the act, entiled,
"en act to establish a system of tree banking In Pennsyl
vania, and to secure the I,ubllc seams is a from hieol
vent batik... approved arch Slit, 1881. Said bank to
be called "FES aNGO SANS," in be located at the bor
ough of Franklin In tu. county of Veoaneo, with a cagdtai
01 oNk DUN i RED TED USaND DOt L, Rd to be divided
Into two thousand climes of fifty dollars each, and it is
contemilaten to . increase the came to three hundred
thousand dollars, or to litz thousand shares of fifty dot.
lava each. mar2B teem
LogNOTICE is hereby given that application
*lll be made at the next annual meeting or the
I.tu e f Pennell aola for ar• n. iga of the charter
of the ltlOnaliThe BANK or PITTsBIING, with Its
present name, location, p-icrileg. a and capital of One
=on dollar". By order ofthe Board of D xectore,
ipl4llt-wBin • • CealaPr.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
BANK OF DANV.LLE, a bank of issue, discount
sod deposit, located in the borough of Danville, Nowoor
county, with a et .pital of Two Hundred Thousand Dol
lars, intends making application at the next reke/ar sou
don of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for a reoewal of
its chart r and ez.ensloa of its present privileges, fir •
term t f twenty years from the expiration of Lie present
°barter, with the a , me cisme, title, location and capital.
By order of the Board or Directors.
Ts hereby given that an application will
be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their
next see ion for a renewal of the charter of the YORK
COUNTY BANS, the said bank being located in York,
Pennsylvania. By order of the Board of Directors
Jyg.dltw6m W. WAGNAIt, Cashier:
'VOTIVE la hereby given, that the ti.
dersigned citisens of Pennsylvania have formed
an mem tenon and prepared a certificate for the purpose
of establishing a Bank of issue, oiscotuit and deposit, un
der the provision: of the act, entitled a '-supplement to
an ao , to es aol sit a system of fr. a bank ingin roorinee t ennsyll
vents. and to secure the public against lots f
eau banks" approved the firrt day of May, A. , 1801,
the said bans to be call:d. 111, tIB COUNTY BANK, to
be 'Cleated in the borough of Hollidaysburg and. county
of Blair to consist of a capital stock of Any Thousand
Dollars in shares of Fay Dollars each, with the privi
leges of •inoreaaing the tame to any amount not expel
lug in all Two Hundred Thousand dollar.. = •
• yfra West 8. R. RYAN.
R. - " \ A- i r fel,
i . 'l\IN / eillillid •
de ~...,, -' \ • ,
be" unsDiban,
Bank *vacations.
HOWinpArn, PA , June 26, 1862.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
HONESDALE DAME intend to PEW to the Dolt
Legislature for a rfnewal a Ws charter. By Order 0
the hoard of 1 beam R. O. sElii Y,
1028 dlt•w6m Prof ident.
I s hereby given that an application will
be made to the legls'atare of Pennsylvania at their
n( xt minion, for a renewal • f the charter of rd. BOCK
UP IHE lc ORTIURN LIPBRTHKr, the e• id Bank being
located in the city of Mines Oda with an authorized
capital of give Hundred Thousand Dollars. By.order of
the Board, W. GlliiliFits,
je2s-w6m lathier.
Is HEREBY given; tbat application will
L be made at the neat ammal 1131181011 of the Legisla
ture of Penrsy ivania, for a renewal of the charter of
the tia RBIS BIIDO BANS, with its I resent name and
st le, locat ion, privileges and capital of Three Hundred
Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board of Di ectors,
J. W.
I N pursuance of the 25th Section, First
Article Of the amended remstitutiou of Pe State of
reassylvania, and the First Section of the Act of the
General As sembly, passed the first day of June, 1839,
notice is hereby given that application will be made to
the Legislature of said State, at its text session, com
menetng the Drat Tuesday of January, 1863, for the
charter of a bank, to be located in the borough of Mil
lersburg, in the county of Dauphin. and State aforesaid,
to be called the LIKENS VALLEY BANS; the capital
stock thereof to lie Twenty Thousand Dollars, with toe
privilege of increasing the some to kit y Thocsalid Dol
lars, and the specific object for which the proposed
corporation is to be chartered ,ie to transact the usual
and legitimate bnainaes of a bank of issues, discount
deposit and exchange.
je2f, dltwOm.
LaPOLstan, June 26,1862.
THE President and Direotois of the
application to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of
Pena V 'TINOS at their nertsesslon fora renewal of their
char ter, with its present location and authorised capi
tat or gfoo,oio, and with all the rights and privileges
new enjoyed. EDWARD H. oROWN,
Cashier of the Farmers Bank of Lancaster
NOTICE is' herebY given. that an appli.
cation white Spade for. the Charter of a bank to
be called the CI AKICINBIIkK OF ELK COUNIY, ciao
tat $lOO,OOO with Arlirttrotogo.-icto tikratlon when $4O .
000 shall have been paid In. 3e30-dlt item.
N OTICE is hereby given that THE
10 , a Dant of discount and deposit, locat3d in the bo r
ough of Easton, Northampton county, Pennaylven a, hay.
ing a capital of Pour Hundred Thousand Dollars, will ap
ply so toe next Legisl Acre or Pennsylvania for a renew ,1
of itio charter for Iliteen years from the expiration of its
present charter, with in present capital Moor, powers
ans prlvreges, ana without any alteration in or increase
of the same. .1. sTAWAR e, Pres't.
M. E. FORMAN, Cashier. jyt-dlt 7 vrthn •
I N pursuance of the 25th section, Firs
Arndt) of the amended Constitution of the State of
Pennsylvanis, and the PIM Section of the Act of the
General Assembly, passed the first day or June, 1839,
the undersigned camas of the Cr mmonwealth or Penn
sylvania,,,hereby give notice that they intend to make
application to the legislature of sa• d State, at its next
megaton, commencing the tint Tweday of January, 1883,
for the charter of a batik, to be located In the borough of
Huntingdon, in thee-county of Huntinidon, and State
aioresaid, to be otlied the "BROAD TOP BAN X ;" the
capital stock thereof 10 be One Hundred Thousand Dol
lars, and the specific , object for which the proposed cor
poration is io be chartered iraneaat toe usual and
legitimate business or a bank of wane, discount, deprent
and exchange.
- - - • - - • -
jell:Ny/0m ti. IL OLI GRAM.
TN Pursurtrice of ' the' 25th section, first
arisowortscioleoses Cementation of the Slate of
,nasylvanla. mid the first section of the Act of the
'General Assembly': pealed the drat day of June, 1839, the
uideretened citizens of the Commonweal 2 of t eons • 1 ,, a
nil& hereby give notice that they intend. to make appli
cation to the Legislature or add :tate, at its eat session,
oummencing the fires Tuesday of January, 1858, for the
darter of a Bank to be lam ed in the borough of Belle
fonte, in the county of Centre, 'and Rate afonmaid, to be
called "TiEDML,tiItiNTIE BANK," the eapttal stock
thereof to be one hut' dred thousand dollars telt' the
privilege of increasing IS to Two Hundred Thou-ane
D tiara. And the specific object for wbliti the proposed
corporation is to be, chattered is to Indic cd the aniai
and legitimate mimeos-0i a bout of lassie, discount, de
posit and (meanie.
Mtn P. Wilson,
Admued keencbard,
A. G. B. eh,
D. M. Waener,
Geo. W. Jarkson,
tt H Duncan,
Samuel otroheeker,
A. it. Barlow;
Harvey Main.
V. V. kleraihal,
John P. Harris,
Valentines k Co.
Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation ;
Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the
Inoorporatettl794—Charter perpetual.
Capital' and Asada $1 , 200 000
Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jonas. John A. Brown,
Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White,
John R. Neff, Richard D. Wool, Willttm Welsh, Willem
E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, 8 Morrie Waln, John
casen, George L. Harrison, Francs B. Cipe, Edward H.
Trotter,• Edward S. Padua
ARTHUR G. COB', IN, President.
As central agent for the above name k company, the
underalgoed is prepared to take fire risks in any part
of the tlate of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet
ually, °tithe Meet favorable terms. •
street between Walnut and Strawberry
alley, Be-kWa row. •
jelGdly Harreearg,
4.;40T.11Eit SUPPLY•OF
DEBT PENS-in the world, for 'lso, $1 25
it 60,112,i8, and 11, for gale at
tebtfil BCFLEFFEWB Bookstore.
A'`4 . ge aupplj of fresh Salad Oil, in
Sorge and small bottles,- and of different braMbi
met rewired and tar sale by
WM. DOOR, ji. £.CO.
FIRE CRACKERS' by the chest or box
jwitrixelvedvutti 5r isle by
jel4 Crowe hoot and Market atrisett.
DitllG 1:11:0111: id ilia phioo.
t,M, int Pail ilaildam. t.. • .• , • r.'l:
The joyful ringing of bells and the roar of
cannon fell like a deaden weight on the ears of
fully nine-tenths of the people of Nashville on
this the nation's great day of Jubilee, so fully
have they become entangled in the meshes of
secession, and, so embittered are they against
the flag whose star spangled folds had so am
ply and faithfully guarded their rights even to
that institution which is so inimical to free
government, modern civilization, and the first
principles of the Christian religion. When
the Saviour said " Do unto others, as ye would
them do unto you" he uttered a sentiment
which silences and utterly rejects all that can
be said in defence of Slavery. It is an extin
guisher that utterly silences all the arguments
that can be educed in favor of this darling pet
of the South, and yet as long as the Rebel
States remained in the Union that institution,
which is the darling of their hearts, was as se
cure to them as law and a faithful interpreta
tion of the Constitution could make it and this
the reasonable among the people of Tennessee
will admit, but say that a spirit of hatred
has sprung up in the disloyal States against
the loyal supporters of the National Govern
, 1
that they no longer can be made to of
ftliate, but that a semation Is necessary for the
reeetablishnient of peace Vetireen the two sec
tions. This at times lam almost induced LI 1 1
believe is the case, for in obedience to the du
ties which I am called upon to perform in this
quasi Rebel State, I am brought into contact
with nearly all clsssesof people, and with near
ly all of whom I. have found nothing" but dis
loyalty. The aristocracy are unanimously
against the Union, and they of the middle class
are mere asses of those who stand one range
in the ladder above them. One of such, an im
pudent rebel woman of this city' thrust;forth
this morning her Rebel Flag in the face of Union
soldiers passing peicefully along the streets,
and this notwithstanding , that during the pre
sent week nearly: all the clergy of the town by
order of Got". Johnston were placed in a mili
tary prison for acts of disloyalty less offensive.
This only serves to illustrate the boldness of
the actors and supporters of this work of the
Devil which is carrying weeping and mourn
ing to nearly every handet in the Republic.—
Then again, as I was passing within a few doors
of my dwelling, a young-lady not remarkable
for her beauty, although stepping from an aris
tocratic mansion, saluted my ears with a vindic
tive rebel song, warbled in a voice not remark
able for its sweetness, coupled with a venom of
hissing hate. What is the remedy for all this ?
what will make the people loyal? what will bring
back their affections for the old flag, and -for
the Government 11 once that of their sincere
love. Wipe out the institution of slavery, and
never before that act is accomplished. This I
utter from the honest convictions of my best
judgment, after much deliberation and obser
vatiiio Slavery was not a pretext, it was the
cause of the Rebellion. It was not a loss of
political power. The Democratic party have
before now been in the minority. The election
of Harrison was well received, as was that of
Taylor and Fillmore. The strongest secession
ists of Tennessee never affiliated with the
Democratic party, and the most loyal men of
Tennessee were-the supporters of Breckiarlige
and Douglas, and the disloyal aristocrats were
the ardent supporters of Abet arch , : old • traitor
John Bell, and they speak in no slight scarcasm
of the rabble of the Democratic party, as they
are pleased to call them. It was to them gall
and worm-wood. that Andrew Johnston was
sent back to control the ship of State, and to
pilot her through the. breakers against which
the unfaithful and dishonest Harris came near
shipwrecking her; as be did the treasury which
he entirely dispoied, carrying with him' all that
was available, either in funds, property or
credit. and not content with fleecing the State,
he laid violent hands on the State Bank, con
verting to hie Own u-e the very large capital
and assets of that institution.
C. T. Alexander,
John Irwin, Jr.,
W. F. Reynolds,
A M-11 er,
May J. Loeb,
Wm. A.. Moms;
Botre , Brothers,
McCoy, Linn & C 0. ,.
Thompson; Linn k Co.,
Damn Shoals,
game Beal,
'C. J. J. Curtin,
Our Tennessee Correspondence
[For the Telegraph.]
Nesavum, Tarts., July, 4, 1862.
For months past, as fine and gentlemanly
officers as ever gt aced the Ameticau army, have
been quartered in this city. Gay uniforms,
which were supposed so attractive to the
eye of all females, has failed here to catch a
passing glance unless accompanied with a sneer
of a pretty little pug nose. Gentlemen distin
guished in the army, and of the highest grade,.
have passed in and among us, but to them has
there been no bending of the inoxorable rule.
As guests the mansions of elegance which grace
this city have all been closed against them.—
Their dagughters and wives who may have ac
companied them -are not the recipients of
their hospitality or even notice. No seats pro
vided for strangers in the Episcopal and other
aristocratic churches, no cordial invitation to
the mititary to be present in the sanctuaries
when they purpose to worship one common
Lord. Ah, yes, there was one exception, the
wife of an officer not yet high in rank, married
a lady whose parents were the wealthy owners
of three hundred human chattles, and to her
the rusty portals of the relaveocracy were
slowly at first, but finally cordially opened, al
though, to the commander of the department
they wore a seahet look. Here is the bond of
sympathy, and if anything would reconcile this
people to a confiscation act, it would be a pro
vision condemning slaves to the hammer,
thereby making the - Government a participant
in the hellish toile, and this bond of spmpathy
might secure what nOthhig Ate Could.
Notwithstanding, the broken slumbers and
fierce scowl of the secession sympathisers, the
hells of the secesh Ouches by order of the
Provost 'Marshal, Colonel Campbell of the 69th
Ohio, rang in happy"' tmison. The soul-stirring
music of the military!' stationed near the city
and the waveing of flags from the State House
and all the other public buildings, awakened a
thrill of joy in the breasts of the few 'Union
men of the place. The 69th and 51st regi
ments of Ohio volunteers paraded through
the streets with a martial tread of firmness
that indicatedd a nerve within that would not
shrink from the path of duty, although that
path lay through fields that would be enriched
with their life's blood.
The ceremonies at the capital were imposing
and heart cheering. There was the representa
tives of the military ; the orator sound in the
text and eloquent in his delivery. There was
the toiling laboring man, who had no sym
pathy in-the staple production of the State—
young niggers, breeding for the southern mar
ket. There were ladies with clear bib and
tucker and smiling faces, a large majority in
muslin sunbonnets. Crinoline found no sympa
thisers here with her darling institution ' at least
f4otr such st heartfelt sympathy as she desired,
made, none of the,arowd. But the band is
discoursing sweet music, around one Twines
seem's, honest and faithful, the invincible old
patriot, Andrew Johnston, and drawls from him
a speech rich with eloquence and, patriotism.
There he stood firm as a rock, with the surges
of the rebellion beating against him, but he
has fairly witbatood the shock, and even he is
willing that slavery should fall though the
Union to preserved. God grant that his lifd
may be preserved till he sees this beantious
land breathing the life-giving , air of liberty and
freedom to every human being. .
But why should Nashville, a commercial and
manufacturing city, be So. devoted to the insti
tution of slavery ! In the rear of nearly every
mansion stands within the enclosure an Isola
building, from the doors of which may be seen
issuirtgatul returning a band of negroes half
clad, ranging from one to ten years of age, the
offsprings of a good breeder, who may or noisy
not have a husband, or- who by the constant
buying and selling, may have had many, for 'lt
is common to believe that as soon as one hus
band is sold off, that the divorce is complete or
the wife thereby made a widow, and she is at
full liberty to choose 'mother. The children
are fed upon offalls, and clothed in the cast off
clothing of the children of the larger man
sion ' much of the same age, only the
pickaninies come faster as the mother
is made to wean her ,child at three
three months from its birth, that the machine
may be kept in motion. As soon as a boy is
ready for a Northern college, one of the picks
ninies is sent to the slave mart to be returned
in silver dollars ; or, if a daughter's wedding
troossie is to be got ready,it is quite convenient
to send the " boy Jim" or " girl Jane," with
her handsome brown face, to the plantation of
the Mississippi planter, who will pay well for
such hands, before the rebellion broke out, not
less thin fifteen or eighteen hundred dollars.
It is an unquestionable fact that in healthy
localities the breeding of slaves is largely
profitable, and has been bringing into the cof
fers of those in the trade mints of money, and
this source of revenue in a private family in
Nashville is no mean sum ; and to this, more
than anything else, is to be attributed the sym
pathy of the ladies and clergymen of Nashville
in the awful amount of criwe being perpetrated
under the guise of the patriarchal institution.
Nashville is situated in one of the loveliest
countries under the broad canopy of Heaven—
s climate mild and genial in winter, refreshing
and healthful in summer, and a soil unsur
passed in richness, with a diversity of crops
such as cannot be found north or south of Ten
nessee. The forests are redolent with the sweets
of the magnolia and cedar. The richest clus
ters of Catawba grapes grow wild in the
valley and hill side in the most luxurious pro
fusion. The wild plumb, so large and luscious
that the beauty and flavor of the peach is
eclipsed by them. Why, then, with a govern
ment so mild and patient in all its provisions,
should the people of Tennessee unite in this
dread rebellion. Simply because the free
States did not sympathize in their darling in
stitutios—ttutt they would not "basely bow
the knee to the dark spirit of slavery."
From our Itorning Zdltion.
A British Steamer with Powder At
tempts to Run the Blockade,
but Buns Aground.
Niw YORK, July 10
A rebel despatch says that 'the British steam
er Modern Greece, while going into Wilming
too, N. C , on the 27th was run aground by
the Blockading fleet, who hauled off on the
opening of the fort on them She has 1,000
tons of powder aboard. The fort succeeded in
striking so as to wet the powder and prevent an
explosion by the federal shells. It is belieired
that a large part of the cargo will be saved.
The passengers and crew were saved.
Exchange on London was quoted at 28,1 p.
C. prem. this afternoon. The. Chamber. of
Commerce, Union Defence Committee, Mayor's
Office Committee and Fifth Avenue Hotel
ommittee have united in a call for a Union
war meeting to be held,on Tuesday evening
It was signed, by Dr. S. N. Sherman, New
York chairman.
The Express of this evening, nye the dry
goods importers have declared to .nake no
sales, except in small loth, and credits at the
end, until the prim of exchange will allow
them to know what goods are worth.
Meeting of Ikpublioan Members of
Between fifty and sixty Republican mem
bers of Congress—both Senators and Bepresen
taves—held an adjourned meeting , to-night
at the Capitol, with Hon. Mr. Sherman; of
New York, as Chairman, and Hon. Samuel
Fessenden, of Maine, as ecretary." Remirks
were made by Messrs. Stevens, Potter, Kellogg,
of Illinois; Arnold, Lane, of Kansas, and
Dawes, when, on motion of Bingham, a resolu
tion was adopted for appointing a committee
of five members of the' House and an equal
number of Senators to prepare an address to
be submitted Arm adjourned meeting on Satur
day evening.
WASIUSIGTON, June 10.—The committee !lip
pointed, pursuant to the resolution. adopted ; 17
the Republican caucus last night,, sonielgt of
senators Howard, Wilson, Wilkinson, Lutei,
(Nails is) and Morrill, and representatives Bing,-
ham, Stevens, Sedgwick, Potter and Eargennt,
to confer address ,to , the-:peeple,
to be presented for approval at an adjourned
meeting of the caucus at the capitol, on Entlir
day evening. This announcement was .read after
the adjournment of the House to-day.
The steamer City of New York from Liver
pool on the second, and Queenstown on the
third just., was boarded of Cape Itace at 10
o'clock this morning.
The steamer City of Washington arrived at
Queenstown on the 23d.
The sales of cotton on Thursday amounted to
20,000 bales, the market being buoyant but
unchanged. Flour and wheat was quiet but
firm at unchanged prices. Corn dull, and 8®
6d lower. Provisions dull ;. and nominal non
!Nils 911(4911. Illinois Central shares 48i p.O,
discount ; Erie R. R., 29k.,
The political news is unimportant.
Firing Into Transports•
Sick and Wounded Pennsylvanians.
The steamer Canonicus was fired into yester
day by the rebels a few miles this side of ear-
Aeon's Landing. No damage was done. Not
withstanding oar gunboats were statlbned at
every three miles along that portion of the
river, yet the rebels, with about six field
pieces, dodge down near the river, and pop
away at our gunboats about every day. They
fire and run away before the gunboats can: be
brought to bear on them as they are' in the
President Lincoln arrived at Fortress Monroe
at three o'clock this morning, after a short
visit to the army on the James river. He was
received with great enthusiasm, and salute af
ter salute was fired by the several batteries
where he hod occasion to visit. His visit to
Fortress Memo.) was short—only an hour and
a half—during which time he dined with Gen.
Burnside on board the Alice Price. At about
half-past four o'clock the President took his
departure and parsed down the Roads, and was
saluted by seventeen rounds from the English
frigate Jason, which has been lying abreast of
the fortress for several days.
All. is quiet: in the army. Nothing is - going
on except throwing up breastworks and clear
ing away trees.. Many of our transports are
fired into by the rebel artillery down the river
at different points below Harrison's Landing.
The John Tucker Capt. A. L. Colinary, left
this point on Sunday at five o'clock, under a
flag of truce, for White House. The design
was to bring away the sick and wounded.—
On arriving at White House, Monday morning
about eight o'clock, Dr. Bradley and Capt. Col
mary set out for Talleysville, eight miles from
Cumberland Landing, where they found the
sick and wounded to the number of one hun
dred and twenty. These men were, with the
exception of a dozen or two, able to walk.—
Glad at the prospect of reaching home, the
poor fellows began to get themselves ready,
and many of them were actually on their *ay
toward the river when despatches were ire
calved from Richmond countermanding the
order for their release, and directing Colonel
Goode, commanding the Third Virginia City
airy, to send them all as prisoners to -Rich
mond. This was a terrible blow to hopes al
ready excited, and the thoughts of home which
had filled the. bosoms of all. Finding . that
their efforts had failed,,Dr. Bradley and Cript.
Colmar' , returned with their empty ambulances
to the river. Enclosed is a list of the prison
ers, which is believed to be correct. Nothing
of any special interest occurred on their pas
sage back, the .Tucker arriving at the wharf
about one P. Y. this day.
List of patients and attendants in Gen. Kear
ney's Division Hospital, at Baltimore Store,
Virginia, under charge of Daniel Weisel, As
Blatant Burgeon United States Army, sent to
Fifty-seventh Penmlyania.—Lient. D. Mist
ier, company H; A. Hamm. company F;; 0.
Shores, company H , ; 0. W. Douglass, company
D ; F. 0. . Ferman, comiony G; J. gager, com
pany F; H. Armstrong, company H; 0.. C.
Douglass, company CI ; J. E. More, company
; J. M. Brady, company H ; Serge ant H. C.
Wells, company G ; John Spear, company ;
L. J. Bowles, company A ; Sergeant J. B.
Hedges, Company G; J. B. Morrow, company F.
Silty-third Pennsylvania Ma rtin Naylor,
company D ; B C. Donds, company C ; 11.• G.
Warden, company C ; John Crooks, company
F ; S. Shall, company I ; B. Perkins, company
I; Geo. Cline, company I ; A. Watson, COM
pany I.; Qeo. Wolfkill, company G ; M. KOer-
Ric, company E ; John Henderson, company
G ; John A. Robinson, company 4 ; John
Packer, company I; H. Smith, company :B ;
N. M c Graw,
company 11; W. Mco. Wills,
company C ; J. M. Blair, company K ; G. W.
Heine], company F; J. Galbreath, company
E; G. Worden, company C; W. Bell, compa
ny K;C. J. Cooper, company ' G ;J. Gilfctrd,
company F;J. B. Danalinger, company ;
G. Lawrence, company F ; E. Cimino, company
F; Car. A. Potter, company F. 1
One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania—,L F.
Livingston, company D ; J. Taylor, company
B ; C. Kesler, company A ; J. McEl hoes, com
pany li; C. Smith, . band ; A. Eddinger
pany I.
The following soldier's were brought down
from Bigler's Landing, on the York Avail in
the Tucker:
Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry.—Henry
son, company F ; John C. Merry, company
Thos. Hibbard, company I); and C. Halbert,
company F.
J. Arnold, company I, Eleventh Pennsyiva
nix Cavalry. ,
D. Campbell, company C, Fifth Pennsylva
nia Cavalry. -
kt . .w a hh, o , c ompany I,Eleventh PermaylVa.
pia Cavalry.
D. Gordon, company B, Fifty-sixth
J. W. Orumley, company 0, Seventy-Witt
York. . • ,
NO 59.
Sr. Jonas, N. F. June 10
fitaz Iriitting Mats.
Raving procured Steam Power Premix, we are proper
ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING otarery dearrlp
ion, cheaper than it can be done at any other estahltah
maatin the COnbtry.
W Fear lines or lege constitute one-half square. light
men or more than four constitute a square.
Half Square, one day
41 one week.
ene month
three months...
An months
one yeay• ........ • • .......
One Square, one day .......
one .............. 2 00
one month ............ ........ 600
three mon& 10 00
41 Mx months 16 00
one year.... 20 00
si r Bal m= mikes inserted in the Local Column, or
before Narrlges and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS PER LINT
for eachineetton.-
sir Marrigee and Deaths to be charged am regular ad.
A. Benedick, company H, Forth Penosylva!
nia Cavalry.
R. H. Bliss, company H, Fourth Pennsylva
nia Cavalry.
They are all in the Hygeia Hotel Hospital.
The Georgeanna arrived this morning, hav
ing on board upwards of three hundred pas
sengers, consisting of soldiers, sailors, negroes,
and a few civiliaus.
When the steamer quitted Fortress Monroe
the Burnside fleet was anchored in the Roads
awaiting sailing orders.
From - officers who came no in the boat, we
were informed that everything remained quiet
with McClellan's army at latest dates. A
large number were on the sick list, suffering
from swamp fever, a disease troublesome in the
The effective portion of the army is in an ex
cellant condition, and the boys are anxious to
have another bout with the rebels. -
During the late battles the rebel devils re
sorted to their old method of using explosive
bullets. These devilfish missies when they
strike a person produce a terrible wound.—
Our informants corroborates the 'statements
already made relative to the rebels using
whisky mixed with gunpowder. In some of
the rebels' canteens there was no powder
mixed with the whiskey, the latter requring
nothing further to fire the blood ; it was the
meanest truck that could be imagined, and
appeared to have been about two days old.
XXXVIIth Congress—First Session.
In the opinion of the Senator from Michi
gan, Gen. McClellan must have committed an
atrocious crime worthy of the severest penalty
of the law. Gen. McClellan has not been a
newspaper General, written up by .correspon
dents, but had been must indiscreetly de
nounced, yet ha made no reply. He,
Mr. Wright, would not go -back to
his operations on the Potomac, but ven
tured to say that General McClellan'e ten
days campaign in front of Richmond, fighting
an infuriated enemy, would arouse as much
admiration among the people of foreign coun
tries as it has awakened hope and confidence
among our own people. There was no
doubt that General McClellan would come
triumphantly out of any examintion, but this was
not the hour to go into any such question, and
make an attempt to divide our people He, (Mr.
Wright) was in favor of a vigorous prosecution
.of the war and in favor of a strong cords
cation bill, but he would do nothing to
divide the true Union men of the coun
try. This was not the place to pass such
resolutions as this with the sanction of the
speech of the Senators from Michigan. If
President Lincoln can trust NcClellan and Stan
ton he was willing to trust them, and he would
stand by the man who was fighting the battles
of the country.
Mr. Gamin= said it was plain to every man
that when we sent an army to the Peninsula,
we must have retained foices to defend the
Capital. He had the evidence of nine Major
Generale, taken belore the committee on the
conduct of the war, in which they said it was
absolutely necessary to retain a force for the
defence of Washington. Gen. Richardson in a
sworn etatem nt, said that it would
require 90,000 men, and a corps of 60,000 men
to atop the movements of the enemy above or
below. Gen. Franklin thought 35.000 to 50,000
would be necessary, and all said that from
50,000 to 75,000 men were necessary to be left
here. When Gen. McClellan's went to Fortress
Monroe it was found that he had not left a soli
tary regiment, except nineteen, and not left a
solitary gun on the wheels for the defence of
the capital. Was it not proper that these facts
should go to the country, and that the people
should know what the facts are ?
Mr. Lase, (Kansas,) moved to postpone the
resolution till next December.
Mr. Cowen, (Pa.,) thought such a resolution
should not have been introduced, bat now
that the issue was made, the resolution ought
to be passed and the facts come forth.
Mr. HSNDSBSON, (M 0.,) thought this was go
ing to have the effect to make two parties in
the country in regard to the operations of the
General in the field. It is idle to talk as the
newspapers have that the rebels will not fight.
They will meet us at every point but if re-in
forcements are promptly sent to McClellan the
rebel capital can be taken in a month. These
mischevious resolutions only tend to excite
party feeling. If any General is incompetent
let the President him at once, but he
had seen no incompetency in front of Rich
The resolution was then passed—yeas 39,
nays—Messrs. Anthony. Foster, Lane, (Kan
sas,) M'Dougal, Saulsbury and Wright-6.
On motion of. Mr. Wrmos, (Mass.,) the bill
amendatory of the acts of 1795, calling, out
the militia, &c., was taken up. The question
being to receive _negroes into the service far
labor in entrenchments, &c.
Mr. Commas. said he should vote against
the bill as it stood on the ground that it pro
vided for unlimited conscriptions. He said
this country bad always decided in the res
olution and in the war of 1812, not in any
way to adopt the system.of European conscrip•
tion, but this bill allows the President
to draft men in such numbers and for such
time as he pleases, which in fact, is conscrip
tion, but he believed the country had the right
to the services of all people whether black or
white. He 'knew they did use blacks in the
last war, and believed they did good service.
inti M ew r. S t e e tuse ly. uaßeviecmtedov—edyeatos, p m c es st s p e the bill
rs on .
Davis, Henderson,Kenney, McDougal. Powell,
Saulsbury, Stark , 9. Nays 27.
Mr. Hornr.ssom, offered an amendment as a
new section that all loyal persons shall be com
pensated for loss of services, such prneona as
taken by this bill. Agreed to—yeas 20, nays
The Sat section of the bill authorising the
President to receive persons of African descent
in the service of the United States; as thus
amended was adopted.
The question then on the second sectionigiv
log freedom to the mother, wife and children
of persons who render such service.
Mr. SUNMAN moved an amendment RI, that
this section apply only to slaves of rebels.—
Mr. BROWNING moved to strike out the
words "mother,
wife and children provisions
for freedom." He spoke at great length on
the amendment.
On the question, no quorum being present,
the Senate adjourned.
$0 25
1 26
2 60
4 00
10 00