THE TELEGRAPH IS PITI3LISHEID- EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERMlL—Sitene thliecarenoi, The Rare Titaasara ittieeved t 3 orebeeethera 'ln the City at 6 cents per week Yee* eeteverlbele *lll charged $4 00, In advance , • : Wriaur t111.1(111APIR. The TELEGRAPH US also published' twice a week durini he session of the' Leglslahlre• and weekly during th• remainder of the year, and furnished to subarzibers al :ea rollowing cash ratenonz : .• • Single subscribers per year Send- 10 Ten .. • _l2 00 Twenty 4 . a l' ~2R 00 e ogle subscriber, Weekly.. ......... 100 THE LAW' OF NEWEIPAPIES. _ _ It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearagee are paid. subscribers neglect or refuse to take their sienna ors from the offiee to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. • iffisallantans. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "RIG •ILY CONCENTRA TED" , • (=Pi BIND FLUID EXTRACT RUM, A Positive and Specidc Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Ws Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Intl healthy adieu, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS dere:mittens, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGRVINNTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION and is good for MEN, WONEDI OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLIY3 'EXTRACT DUCH% For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Earlrin. discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Exertion, Toss of NOW, Loss of Memory, Ditilenitf of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,' Dimness et Vision, • Pain in the Bask Universal Lerattude Of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tile Body, Dryness of the Skin • Eruptions on tne Face . PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, width this mad icine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC PILE -'',-• IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EMPIRE./ Who can say that they are not frequea tly (Wowedby those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the metanchazy Deaths by Consumption, BEAR AMPLE wrsomms To REM TIMM 01 111 AMMON THE CONSTITUTION ONO AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to etrengthen and Invigorate the System, Which IIIIMIX)1/013 EXTRACT BITOHU isoarfaNy doe A TEAI WILL CONVICI 11l /10111IIICIPLICAL, FEMALES.--FEMALES-FEMALEI3, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, ~lk MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES the !Moho is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Moroi% or Retention, Irregularity,Pninfulneta, or Suppresslo 11 of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhoua state of the Uterus, Lencorhcea Whites, Steril ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE 01 LIFE. SSE sIMPTO.IIB ♦BOW NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 Sun NO HORN BLARAM, MUMMY, OR UNPLIASANV, MIDI. craci FOR lINPLIASANF AND DANGIRODB MUMS. - . . SEMIBOLD'S WRAC? BMW' mum SECRET DISEASES. • In all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change in Diet ; No inconvenience; And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength tothinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Caring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imilammation, Be frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling a Poisonous, Dawased and worn-out /falter. THOURABIDS crop THOINANDS NEW HAVE BEEN 711 E VICTIMS OF QUACKS, and who have paid EIKAYY MS to be cured In a short tints, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI. PON" has, by the UM of "rowmant. aavanwiwas, been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Hirt.fasow's Salaam Boone for all %Mations and diseases of the 'URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FRMALR. From whatever cause originating and no matter of 110 W LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid or KURE Ho 111111/IBOLD'S EXTRACT MMHG IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired effect is all Damsel FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED: Brideneeof the most reliable and rapotufble character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, kroes 8 to 20 years: ettaxDay, WIWI NAZIS KNOWN TO SCIENCE AND FAME Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to alty address, securely packed from obeer;, vales. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATION& Gouts Guaranteed I Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho city of Philadelphia, H. T. HILKIBOLD, who being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mortuary, or other injurious drugs, but are purely page table H. T. HRLMBOI D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this man day of No ember, 1864. Wit. P. HIBIRERD, alderman Ninth Si .' above Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence to H. T. HMOOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St. bel.,Chestnat, BEWARE OF COUNTEbtPIGITS • AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "OH MEN OWN" and "ass" APTICL ON WI WOWTATION ATEWENNI) NY Helmboldfa Genuine Preparation a, La tram 14 tt " Sarsapimills, " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. K. Keller, D. W. Groan, J. Wyeth, 0 A Eannvart. AND ALL DROGFIST3 EVERYWHERE. • ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAR OTHER. Cat out the advertisement and send for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. novl3.dly INSURANCE. . Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the EisuRAHE COMPANY OF NORTH AIIIRRiOA I .' OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P. 'Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. herds wain; John Masan, George L Harrison, Franc's R. Cspe, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Uarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presides!. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above name I company, the undersigned is prepared to take Ylre risks in any part of she State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. °thee Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Bwke'S roe. WILLIAM BUEEELIER, Jelo-dly Harrisburg, pa. ANOTHER SUPPLY O P MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BEST PENS in the world, for 75c, V. 25 10, 52, *3, and $4, forzle &t a feblo.7 ws Bookstore. EXCELSIOR RAMS 1 I THESE HAMS are cured by a NEW YORK FARMER, And are decidedly the most delicious and delicately fia cored in the mariteL They rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and °list little more thin half. W. weir, CO. my2B ERBEY HAM l—Ten tierces of these J Justlr celebrated sugar cured barns, received asso or onleirtWrge or.llo33o l Ationtitias. Wit.'lloolC, At lip C R AB ClDER.—Constantly on hand.# " 1 1 4e ." 1 " Doork*lcie '' ' 0L tl' ii.€ L 1. - rtn Willi I': If fl6;Firf[i :l , t f': q .., ,;,.:„.; : :: '' l"-'1 r. :!').K , ~ I . . • . r) • , r.. 1 , 1 . „.•-•;1. - 4 •-„,, Irrk , • . . . .. • . . L . : . I; i : •:.,•1 3., 4 lIF - ri v i. 1.. ~..I k AA ~ , ia,e /4 1., ,. .. eim is , . . .. ~, .. ~ , s be • • 0 ..) . r ...,. - 4 , ? 7 --- . r . , n . Lt „ I W i r : , -- -+ — ... : l i tg . ~..,.. ... 7 -----__ 2_,,. ..,• . ~ .„_,•:.,: ~ , ,:. . :,:,, : : ~i: •:.• lt ip 7: !,:' ,7. : ' 7 1 .1 . .° . I , • , , `t. , , -.•=4.. -"1.- ' -,: • ' ,•. • . ~,- . I I . • . -, • . . .. VOL XVIII ftD caL DiLlj'aflNSON , B4kXillaC3lidEOAM3a LO P Osprigs I LT AE3 discovered the most certain, speedy, and eilbican remedy in Ow world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. ILIUM IN BIX TO TWILVI noun. i No litatury or illinioalithigs4 A Care Warranted, or no Chargegin from one' to Two.Daye. Weakness of Hteliack %Limbs,. Strider's, Mintions of the kidney; and SlidderlnvoinsiDiri illitarges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervenends, DrtiterYi lan suor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas , Pe illiteuesduthe Heart, 'Thxddlty, Tremblinp, Dinneen of Sight or nese, Di use is the Heed, Throat, Nose or Skin, diem.- Eons of the Liver Lungs. Stomach or Howels— , tiden ler rible.dhoWdera shier Men the Solitary Habitat of Tenth ..;thoidimoari and solitary pratecas more Walla' their victims than the song of ;Irene to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighengtheit most brilliant hope Cr , anticipation, rendering marriage, impossible. • Yoftelten) Espeolally, who - have become the ...victims of Solitary Vies, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an undnielY grave Dimmed" of Young lien of the meat malted Wentz and *Silent 'intellect who might otherwise have enhanced listening Senates with the thundered euois or waked ;, 10, 'classy the living lyre , atity call with' calidence. Marriag. . Married Persona, or 'Young Men e . contemplating mar riage, being'aume or phytdcal weakness, organic . debiii ly nefoindtbsi, am, fpeedili_cured. 40'7,110Plaoachismeiribilettile COMM rellgiriusly coda° in hl. toner u a gentleman, mug con fidently rely upon hie UM as PigIMAM Organic Weakness Immediately Cored,Vind full Vigor Beeriored. i This dwell* Affection..Vrtdcli mitten rife misera ble and marriage impoesible.--is the penalty paid by the Victims of Improper indulgences. young persons are too apt to commit excesses them not beings aware: °Cate dreadful eonseopesioes that may ensue.' Mew, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner by the* falling Into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de privetthe pleasures of healthy = °Miming, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system bosoms deranged, the , Physical and Mental Filial/DS Weakened, Loss of Procreative-Pow*, Neevicus hTalNit,Vo Dyspepsia , PalPitaUon of the Heart, ragigosika, Constionilona I Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death.„ Office, No. 7 Sea* Frederick Street. • Left band side'going trout Baltimore street, a' lew dean' hem the corner. Ball not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doe tor's Diplomas hang In his (dine. - A Cure Warranted it Two u Daya iforrawicer,/faurefiss pram . . • Member of the Royal College of furgions, London, Grad nate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose hie has been spent in the hospitals of London, Patin, Plffladelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great usriouStiess; being alarmed at sudden sounds, baahfainessi with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with'derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. . Dr. J. addressee ill those who have injured themselves by improper indulge-ce and solitary habits, which rain both body and mind, unfitting them for either business,. sandy, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholly effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz .Weakneatt of the. B a ck and Limas, palm, in the . Head, Thinness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye-. pepsy, 'Nervous Irratiblity, Derangement of the Ingsetive Functiont,Hetteral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, sic simmatir.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas i De• pressiou of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Avers on to Sosnety, Self Mistrust, Love oftsolitude, Timidity, ho., are some of the evila produced. THOUSANDS of pergola Of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, loam their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance aoout the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young lon Who have injured themselves by a certain practice In dalged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the °nets of which are nightly felt, even when saleep, and if not cured renders marriage Womble, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that &young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling Milli parents, should be snatched from all pr.spects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit Such persona nom; before content- Miirriiiiph reflect theta sound mind cud Wily are the most neces sary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens 30 the view ; e mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with e metancholly red. °thin that the happineis of another omes blighted with oar own. Disease of Imprudence. • . When the mirguided andfinpfudent votary of are Ands that he has imbibed the seeds of this paint dis mal, it too often Mans that an tibtimed sense of shame or dread et discovery, deters him from applying loth's* Who, from situation and respectability, can -alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptaris ea this horr d Masan make their appearance, such as int imated sore threat, disessed nOse, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, codes on the shin bens and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, programing with frightful rapidity, till at butt the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full and doe victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his -dreadful sufferings r by sending him to 46 that Undiscov leered Country from whence no traveler esturwo It is a whmeellany ferithat ttioutande . 401 victims to this terrible disease, owing to the taskillbllness of Iva.. rant preteeders, Who by the ups of that peaty ..Pasen; !Zaps% ruin the constitntion aid make the residue o life Wearable. $ trafigers. • Trust not your lives, or heath, to the care of the many Unlearned and-Werthleat Pramual's, destitute of know ledge,O&M or &wader, who oopy Ik . Johnson's adver verthsments, or Ole themselves in the newspapers, reg ularly Educated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month attar month taking their May and poisoneumeas compounds, or as long as the smallest he can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin. ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Phyeiciamadveradng. BB credential or filplotou always tams In his oho& Hie remedies or treatment are unknown to ail others, Prepared e from a life spent In the g ample* or Ea. rope, the brat in the Country and a orOre • Wearily.) M ade Practice than any other Physician* the world. _ Indinemient of the The many thousands cured at that thititutton.year of teeear, and the numerous important Surgical Opera performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessacd by the re re of the "Bon," "Clipper," and many other pa pore, notices of which have appeared again and Again before the public, luuddul hies landing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient warrantee Stile skin Diseases speedily Cured. Persons writing shonld be particular in directing their fetters to Ws Institutien, in the fallowing manner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, N. D. Ot the Bilibuor• lisek BMW, lialtimore, WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFAOTORY 1 No. 69 - Market Street, below Third, IL AILIMIRMCI, PA- M fa M. R . LEE • ' I MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, pawns and wetzthe luta, will ( folate e LOWilji PRIORS than can be bought in, any of Do atil &lee. alindry oneenbante will; do 'well 'ep manna peto&i. ,liyasiny,yond:ebnybiee lbws', 0(40 1147 " eaddlitly. ' " - ,IN DE P X1)..,E,1411,.; 117 ,:ALL .T 11:iS t G.S.7.N41:tr::YR-../t LHi N - N'6 YE 11 . .0.41(M.14 . 9;::,.,P4.':,:,,::',111 - TrA§o.4)r. *.it.T...'4sl3()N - ,.' JULY' ' 16, .:I OP, Nionots cBoOtAN' G R s Corner Fro* and Market Streets, ii.ERATSBURG, RESfPROTE[3LLY- invlie- the. attiAtiort of .Ahe Publielo iheirllarge navel] Maeda duck of #IOCDRIES, 'PENNONS, FOREIGN 'AND DO , - Including amine ' SUGARS, - ' , TEAS, _ ' LEHONS, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FlBll, • . 11 7.'2. X RACION / 1 - ; ::: 4 " BUTTER, tie. • We :1 1 0 4 tet an,Axtuoiaiglion of our superior NON; EXPLOSIVE ... , 400AL ,The lest inlhe: itiarketltfl3verY" resp ect,' to' gather with all kinds. of 1 ' LAKES; BEIADVR, BinifEßS, WICKS and • -• On d P k Wer,, Chart alwa in, iitrfialuff‘, We keep n hanys CEDAR AND , WILVAV''YfAII. All styles and kinds of , , • ;WEAN, swit.RE (tiiiiisstveas, at the old stand,. NICHOLS-it •BOWMAN, my2O Corner Front and Market Sta.:. ..maiturAorosiD7By TEI UNITED STltllB `ROOFING _ . . _ GORE BLOOC, •• • • • _ • 9 corner preen-and Pitts Streete; Boatoti; • ~ , mao3B. paw Portable Roofing is the article LL, ever tared tb the public,= which lireedX prepared to go on thf,roct[ without any, nalithint. operation.. It Ise light, handsome:mid east', appl4ed t anC,can ba satol9 end cheaply transported 'to' any _part Othe world. it notlaint or discolor water rurmtng'oyer; and is in all respe to a very- rieehlitile iirtiele: ti nonconducting properties adapt d titpeolaitylin. never* Manufactories or varioua kinds, an 4 confidently of. fared to the public after a test of roar paira in all eerie nee of climate and tenverattirei coireel ;real' kinds of roofs, flat or pitched. ,together with cars, stetunbcata;-. de - It is both chap and durable,AVMS sosithvlivlo whom Abend induconeattare offered Send for sample, circa.. ar, he., with particulars, to "LI. S. itOOPING apr244llm. Nw.sGoreßlootl Bott.e." • DAN'L. A. 111113NOH I - 'A4ENTi IF the Old 'Wallower Line :reAlpitetfully Infoirtes the public - 11'441101d Dally fransportit. lion Line, (the only Wallower Line now to -exfst...nee in this clqh In %mold °potation; and: prepired to clafas l o w as any etaeriadirldwahne oetween dello a; Variistrarg, Buntioxy, Loodonarg, ilintldfortßeini3y ,, Shoro, Look llavmani; O th er ; pointe oe the Northern•CentrikPhiladelpide ehanzifilied WIL- Illuniworlaod Broke •Itailreads. • ; • DANL. d„.1141:180141 . 104024.• • ...Elairiaburd, Pa. idoode sent to Abe Ware lime' of L ites Zell & • , Inehnian t Nos 808 and 810 Market, etreet , above * l t Philadelphia, by 4 o'eleslk, P. Ws sat arrive - at ready for morptaif. aprBo-remyl ' FIRE N 13:11 N ,O.E • THE DELAWARE' MUTUAL • SAFETY INSERLICE COMPANY. INOORTIORA TED,1835.- • Oapital and Ameta..::'.......5869,136 37 Wm Martik, -Edmund A. Pluder;lheoPliibiel l aul64, Jito R. Penrose, Juo, C. Davis Jas.. Traqualr , Wm. Eyre, jr, James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. Huston,.H Ell. George G. Dottier,- Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Pommel E, ztokes,J.P. - Pennistou Henry eloan,: Edward Dailirdpou, It, Jane, Ereoke, Saucer . Wllvalue, Thomilskt Band,-Rebeit, 'Barbie, Jacob - P: Jones; Tames hiGUilaud, Joshua, P. Arse, John BerriPle• 'Pitts burg, D. T. Mingo, Pitiaby, A. P. Berger, Pittsburg. . WILLI - ,I4APTIK, .PreridertS. - mom 13..itaND; V tPresdant, HENRY LYI t3UHNj dlecrdbsyl ' • The undersigned sisAgentithe.the -abovis4suied c con. Pray, colas/OCW 4913ioklPs Rieke is Harrisburg . and vieinitY• InZWUK 'WEXLER. johnt • • . AtrENlth ,M44oft , Wll3_l P•EDLERS , . i READ THIS. UNER . GETIO men make. $5 41 day seeing our UNJON nos STATIONERY PACKETS cost/tieing Superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and • piece of Jewelry. We guarantee sat briotion in quality - or.our:gerids. The gifts consist of AO varieties and styles of Jewelry, all useful and valu able. Chttlare with fall particulars trolled free. Ad dirties. '. • ' L.! B. -HA SINS At CO, d . 88 Beekman street, NeW York. • . - • • .._ ~ . =Bo. P.4loELsittEnti--- --- 001iL AND . JOB . !TIMMER, I NO. 18, /LAMM STREET, , i.- '' ' lIABIMBIThia.;i , ':..'" .... 65'; y ug Particular attention paid to Printing, billing , and 81n of Railroad Blanks, thiamin, Pellelea,;Oheoirs, Dr , &a. Canoe printed at s`4 $3, tri, and $5 per h Band liCekwarstyle: . .: - . 120 AILANTIC ' AND OHIO TEIE ( . `GRAPH COMPANY. E.Stookholder i e animal meeting will be hold id the &Hein! the Secretary, (2 lowest ut s 12t% SOnth Fourth Street, Philadelphia, On TH DA r, JULY nth, alO% o'clock a. at., at which Um an eiwz.tion for nine directors. wilt take place, and such other coldness trans tate& asknir be brought b . (meths meeting. H. H. kaIt.I.INGIOHD, 61.6.di1y12 Li STEAM BOILERS, AV IN ainade efflainnt and permament arrangements for the pdrpme, we are now pre w to maim saran BOlLlitti of every kind, prompt tyer at reasonable rates. We shall us •iron made by Bail y A Brother, the reputation et which is second to ROD In the !wicket. • Nana but the best hands employed. Repairing prompt ly &fended to. Address , AMA WORKS. : Harrisburg, Ye. L: •• miu4tell " ii r ticriaSALE ANTI 4.114 Ji • . Cl4 l 4.1)0- , =EI -. :Bli:0,1:III:il i tY ,k:.,1 iitct_ LAKE TROUT. • _ IST reoeivel nmall invoice of MACKINAW ' LAKE TROUT. m 7 vary anparkor, and the prize Very kW. 'AVM.: DOCK, JR., & CO . SMALL lot of chdice Dried' Omit, a „ Kcatma politer grant andAllsrket atreeVi • A.CirikadA' ‘ kittli, half bids: and .b j o r a le kiir by NRIEWiItarBOWNAN, -,) ONXll"ko4l:aadliarreistreelts. arg6 B i•OlftAbe " 4' 4- 'ling ' DCKIII I 14 . • - CIRCO 3.• MI . • GL E WORKA IpOsbgri o jejmultanit. ~itqu!, 4 ".rt!itp BOOK - BINDMIMIIIND-LIIIINIA AND PENS STANDING PRESSES, • . • ... • BAWINO MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS' AND , MACHIN= 10* GBINDIED Cp'PELEG-24ACTEOTE illovss. POrtilile; Cider Mills 4 4 4 Fodder Cutters, 0119.0 j, FunLvruitE„, GraSiat , *ork and Iran tat Brass CA Al INGS, r2IOLk,TFIRNINEf, ALL 3.16 BILLNOWBS, SCROLL 441#7.1tA PLANING, N2U., E 76., IF Any Maahiae o f'Wood, r ITOIL or Erase made to brder, Gear and' Screw thittiog, &C. :H I 0 Ic'o K . ". 8 =CI PATENTWOODEN SCREW. CUTTING TOOLS. caoiO4./Priold Ropper, Brags, aPelter. &c . . . . STEAM BOILURS,-&O. RAILROA.p, ABOVE STATE STREEE. ORta NS, Or vatithikpatterns,,bab istitionary L and.swingto„. ash Welthili *lit krthel• iFiatingsjor eple 7ery:cheap at -the ttni2l l l7l , - •:ifirrlittlit . (jAkOlißt• ? H A T I ST i UE .; ,QU,E ; ST ; ION. HA..lkroprietore ' of the 'ARISIAI4I V OF ; NET , WONDERS,: -ANATOMY. and Mini tel. CAS defernined regardleos of ,expenee,l'i Issue peeff for the 'benefit Of adifiring homanlty) POUR of !their most distractive end iiseresting` LfMtures.on lifer ,sago and itaiDiagnellikationo, Gervotts Dainty, Prema lore Decline of ktaxihrodi Indigestimr; Weakness or Do-' nresidon, Dmitof energy and Vita [Peeress the Greet So. ad Evils, sent these llortillesithlett reedit from yOuln rui Encased ot alidurity, or IgdorsOoe' of Physi nlogy and Nature's law, These :Invaluable Lectures bays heen thd Means of enlightning ,and. saving ; thou-, 'tads, and will be forwarded free en the receipt of four starbpa r by addressing satotsrAßv PAnteLta Connor or, Annotty, amp gamma, 663 Broadway;Nektifork. • jel9-dly. - • . • , . , -APRE BR ' B E R •AR. K E , T -PR I G E. WEi , IIAVING fitted tip a large 'Reffig"- i v orator,.ana having made contracts with some of . Our most reliable farmers to furnish us with, fresh and tiweet butter regularl will be enabled to gamily mar eustomern . Witb sweet fresh ioe Old butter stall timee. inyW. • WM. DOCK, Jr. OCCO. 100 PERCH OF GOOD . BUILDING LIME STONE. pint FILLIIIAAT TOD E R. M. my2T-dtf, PRESERVE JARS . • . '!ETEL 'la-LASSES, Ran sizea , Warns andtines • 'mit P J • received mad to We by ;jelB , WM. DOOL Jr ti 00. : p,o,m4.pp. •HONGROLSE 1011 111111110 Tas - ..',NIQUSTA.CI4ES, jed %BEIER'S ,Z.BIJOSTORes EW Patterns 01 Coal Oil Laws, with N s , . lithe recently Improved burners for sale by .. .. • . . tiIe.HOLS & BOWMAN'S ,m"l9 - corner V.nnt %oil ki .hto =11,..k5. BOLOGNA, A, SMALL, but very superior lot of ` Bologna sausage just received, by ' DOCK, Jr. SI Co. riALL and see4lioae nice and cheap Sn gLißars for preserving, As., an NIC,OLS S BOWMAN, lel2 , . 'Corner Front and Market 'streets. t riLASS "Sara - for putting , up fruit, the VA celebrated Milidlee pitterkt, cheap, timPla and et fectua`, warranted r to give a Insfactionjost received and for sale by " NIOIIOLB It BOWMAN, jel9 . Corner tront and Market Street. TEE CREAM Saucers, PhiladelPhia style, ifbr Wetly , • , - zooms & BOWMAN. iny23 owner Front and MUll'el ntrodda BLACKING 1 MASONIP!CHALLBNIIBBLA.OKING. , I 100 Gross, assorted Ovs.jost rivelroil, sale WY. DOCK. Jr.. & Co. BIRD Fountains met Seed Boxes, Ca _77 -s" hem aced Bowmeri, ikwir . . . . aßAgir.m3, riKe_CtiokOrs, just recelved.esAlerriAle'eheip by NICHOLS X BOWMAN, 144 Corner Front and Market streets. 4 XTENBEVE stack of Whiie BrOwn sugars of allgrades,.aost Atery log, jest received Agi. for sale by NWHOLtaI dc BOW MAN, j 421 : . ... airier Front and Market streets. CALL and intaiiiine those 'Cheap Sugars kr preserving, it NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 021 Corner Front and Market streets. ItATANTED DEMEDIANELY.—A few 'dadaists and Blacknonthit Enquire at the my2o-dtt 1WA51540:11166 CAA SHOP. nft.l.&D FRUITS., Hominy; Beans, &c. JUIF at SOEIN DIGS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all kinds or Nuts, at JOIDI WIOE'S Store y Third and Walnut. myl BIITTER, Water, Beda and 'Sweet Crack era, at JOHN WISIVB. mrl FAMAY WA 9 .IIIAG• BLUE, a mop I ientietbstnute for Indigo, for ea lo ad the wholeaa/ and 'rota grocery store of- • NICHOLS.* BOWMAN, oornerof Word and Ifarket streets. rURE Cider'Vinegar' which we Wart ant to be made solely from cider , Joist received : and for e low by NICHOLS ItSONIL&N, Censer hoot and Martel streets. SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPiXION. A 'very convenient Writting Desk; also, Portfolios. Memorandum Books, Vortmenintak go', at n2O BOOK4nint EICTRA Family Flour, just received and war/111 4 43d to give satisfaction, for sale by . • NNTHOIA & BOWMAN, , Corner or Front and Motet street. 'LIRE Gide* Vindgar; l warranted, just niceived and for mile by • , M a - COOLS BOWSL&N; • • m3a Corner a inadjifnrkokeireeng. WOTIONS:--tinita-a variety ot r -iteefel O m , " 4 T ,oB P i ng a r"Z7437 1 1 ) 7 1 ., 1.)1; :4 • )50-. - Ai** ithd . .e - telisivfk,a B bfitrilikent, Of T hird`, triciidthi Tiiiintaric i _GAT9tei;spiiir ipz• hem, ihniravoimintoriggranibgat 4 _,i : , -110.0Barivirsifflikf,: . , lei Wrier Front and Market streets. ==M=M =1 • *wit Nottihig From-Wasimi gton. .•: . The Cerresiiondeiee Between the Wu. liepart, meat anti Gen. McClellan. TRH TOSTAIi TRU? WITH HEIM 0. WABEIDAITON, Jilly 9..' CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN ME WAR! DEPARTMENTAND GEN. McCLELLAN. The correspondence between General McClel lan, was to-day, transmitted to the House in reaponce to a resolution of inquiry. ;The hitter says that:Ohne of his explana tions, tho , e Who hwte originated the false state ments 'concerning the' White Meuse yard and spring . , are in fact, as *tad in any dispatch of the 7th inst., enenAise x ot this why and the cause in which it, is fightim., They have imposedfile 'Burgeon General and (nuked him to Mike dacha representations which ;on > examinatlori"- prove to be um; founded: in fact, and whir-ll:are disrepectful to the superior officer They unnecess arily occupied the attention 'of 'the Secretary of War and have ' Interrupted -the comman der- and the medical director of the army in the midst of most arduous duties. POSTAL,TIMITY WITH MEXICO By the recent postal convention with Mexico ,proclaitned ? by the President on the 20th of June, 1862, the following rates of postage are ,established: First--The single letter rate, inland of !cents - per half ounce and by sea 7 cents, is 10 'cents per half ounce, and for each fraction over an additiOnal rate, for whichpre-payment is re quired. This applies to all letters sent to Mex ico from the United'States by sea. Second—On all letters received frem Mexico by, sea, the United States domestic late of pos tage to be dieted, rating them at the first United States' Pest Office at which' they are Mailed to: their destination, either fp or 10 cents per single, rate. This Is to be collected on de- . livery. Tbird--Chi all letters sent to or received from Mexico When not conveyed by sea, United States domestic postage of 8 and 10 cents the single rate is to be charged, this_ranst be pre paid at the mailing office on the letters sent, andcollectNl . at the office of delivery on the letters received. ,Fourtithe am rate on printed matter seat tb'llexico is one cent for each newspaper, and one . cent per ounce or the fraction of an ounce, on-all =garbles, periodicals, publiCations and Other printed matter, and this is to be added, when sent to sea, to our usual inland rata of postage, and this combined rate must be . pre paid at the mailing office in the United States; When sent by land, the United States - inland rate of postage only is to be charged, and pre paid at the mailing office. Fifth—On all such printed matter received from Mexico, only our usual inland postage is to be collected, and this must be paid in all cases on dt livery at the office of the address. Sixth—These regulations must be strictly Otserved, sa no accounts are kept with the Mexican 'Postal Department. Federal Prisoners in Richmond, WAsturiarox, July 9 The Richmond Braminer of Ju ly 4th, says: "The number of prisoners received at the prisons, according to the returns made yester day morning from all the prisons, was 4,281. About 300 more were received yesterday.— They represented Maine and Michigan regi- Ments. Among them were sappers and miners. SOW° of the prisoners were almost unable to drag themselves along to their quarters, and seemed glad when the doors closed upon them. About one hundred officers are among the pri soners. More prisoners remain to be brought in ICXXVIIth Oongress—First Session. WASIIIiGTON, July 9 SICETATE. Mr. Cowart a amendment was agreed to, and the bill 101121 passed. • Te report of the Committee of Conference on the bill making appropriations for sundry civil expenses was agreed to. On motion of Mr. WusioN, (Mass.,) the bill aniendatory of the act of 1795, calling forth the militia, &G., wet; takeri up. Mr. Gsmre , (10wa.,) offered an amendment as a new section. "That there shall be no. exemption' from the performance of , mili tary duty tinder this act in any militia of the United States on account of color or lineage ; or whenever the militia shall be called into service. All loyal, able bodied node persons shall be called into the defence of the country, and when the militia shill be galled into the service of the United States under this, or any other law the Presi dent shall have pOvier to organize them into battallions, regiments, brigiuks and divisions according to race or color as he may be lieie the .puolic interest may require. The provisions of the preceding section shall be coustsued so as to apply and include all volun teers; who may hereafter be called into the ser vice of the 'United States, and all persons who have been or may hereafter be enrolled into the service of the United States as volunteers, shall receive the same pay and rations as std. diets Who are now allowed by law, according to their respective grade. 'This caused a lengthy debate, Messrs. Sauna mum, Simmers, Csurgai, KM, and others par ticiptting. Mr. Fosesnus, (Ele.,) said he would not deny that in his State there was not that disposition shown to enlist as heretofore. This was in coniequence.of the policy of the government in Protecfing, the property of rebels and sacri ficing our men in digging entrenchments, when thete were plenty Of negroes ready and willing to do the work. The people did not lack spirit and determination in suppressing this rebel , lioni but they were opposed to.this kid sieve ware for he was also opposed to the government decenving the people Jo endeavoring to make them ,believe defeat to be, a grand strategic movement.: Wiao2.i, (Muse.,) coincided " with the 1 views elfiressed by the Senator front Maine .After.-Tan .exectititre elusion the Senate , ad.: 1 jourtied. itsam titinting man. 'ltaaing procured Steam Serer Press* 'we ar eit 10 execute JOB add BOOK PBINTING", at every etrrp ealeePer thin it can be do tti,r y ether establisb the Country. - mut - - OF ADVERTRRNO. Aar Four lines or less constitute one•hslrso ms or more than foot. constitutei t t u ut,; Half Square, one day one Week . . ........ . ene month three months Nix months ........ ......... one year. On; Square, one day ........... ••• • " one week.. "one month. 1/ [three months six months one year........:. 20 co air Boldness notices inserted in the &toe OT before lionises and Deathe, EIGHT CENTS PER LINE for each Insertion- - Fa- Marriges and Deaths to be ohargtd as replant vertleements , NO 58. HOUSE OF REPIIESKffiIiTIVES, The bill to promote the efficiency •of the corps of engineers, and the ordnance and quar ter masters depots was passed. Oa motion of Mr. STEVENS, (Pa.,) the House non-concurred in the Senate amendment ,to the tariffbill, and asked of that body a'com mittee of conference on the subject ' The House non•concurred in the Senate's amendment to the pension bill. and asked for a committee of conference. The Senate's joint resolution that the Sena tots elected after the commencement of the Congressional term to fill vacancies shall draw compensation fram the 'time of that of their predecessors ceased ; pravidid, the amount shall not exceed three thousand dollars for auy one year, was passed. Also the Senate's resolution reriniring tiie publication, weekly, in a Washington raper; of A list of sill the contracts solicited or pro. posed.; the contents of them to be briefly star ted with the names of persons directly or in directly intLrested. ' The House concurred in the repot of the Committee of Conference on the naval appro. priation bill, and took up the Senate bill sup plementary to the District of. Columbia emancipating act making' provision for non .ratidents, minors, etc., to verify their claims and in case of persons having claims and neglect to fill the necessary papers the slaves emancipated under the law may , pre : ient their own statements in behalf of their freedom. All slaves under' the law of any State,who since April last with the consent of their owners hate been actually employed in. the District of Columbia, or shall hereafter be thus employed are declared free, and there' shall be no exclusion of the oath on account of. color. Mr. Cox, (Ohio,) moved to table the bills; disagreed to —yeas 86, nays 67. Mr. ASHLEY, (0121 o,) demanded the previous question. Mr. CHESINUTELD, (Md.,) appealed to him. to him withdraw it as tie desired to offer an amendment. Mr. AMERY declined for the reason that if such delays were granted the bill would be lost. Mr. CIaaSFIFs.LD hoped the House would vote down the demand for the previous question. This, however, was subsequently seconded. Mr. WICKLIFFE condemned such legislation, saying that he would decline voting any further. Mr. 14011-ARDSON moved to adjourn; disagreed to. ' The bill was then pissed—yeas 69, nays 36 The House concurred in the Senate amend ments to the post route hill ; one of the most important was that regulating the bridging, of the Ohio river for railroad purposes. The House then adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New 'roux, July 9.. . Cotton buoyant ; sales of 1,000 bales. at 41c . @Ali Flour 10 cents higher, market unset tled and excited ; Bales 52,000 bbls., at $4 55 @A 75 for State, $5 1545 25 for Ohio and $2 1646 80 for Southern. Wheat market also unsettled and excited and prices advanced 2(4 8 ; sales or 45,300 bus. at $1 2241 25 for Bed, $1 30@1 85 for White, $1 0741 13 for Milwaukie Club. Corn advanced 1c42 ; sales of 213,000 bush. at 48c453/. Pork heavy at. $lO 37i410 60 for mess, $8 3748 371 for prime. Lard steady. Whieky firm at 29c430. THE. NEW EDITION PURDON'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEETPUBLISHED, PRICE $5 00. AN MITRE new edition of this well know.' Law Book has just been issued. It is now: distin g uished by the following snperadded features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated -in the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisers of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The. work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. BRIGHTLY, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at je2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE SUGAR CURED HAMS. DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. (A large and fresh scpply just, received by eb26 WAL DOCK & CO SALAD OIL. Averge supply of fresh. Salad . Oil,. in Large and small bottles, and of different bread.; ust received and for wile by - LYKENS VALLEY NUT 00AL. • .• • TUB? received a full: supply of Lyken u Valley Nut Coal, delivered by the patent Weig a carte. For sale by JAMES X WHEELER. aprl6 FIREIRE CRACKERS by the chest or box, received aad for sale by . NICHuIS 'BOWMAN. jel4 Corner Front and Market greet" VitEdit Lemons and Raiams, just re. calved sad for sale low by NICHOLs tit FP 49M 4N ) Corner Front and Market stree's. • HAY! HAY!! SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay , at or 00 per ton for Bale bp 8 JAM lI.WHEELEIR .. ETERSIVE SOAP, something better D thanuarrigoges Hoatehold Seep, just received and for sale by- NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jet Corner Front and Market streets. HAMS: -.- / d r i oo a LBS. J ersey Sugar ettied splendid lot or Owego Act YoriOCorniFed SugarVrec tiamsinst received. aprlB • W. DOCK, J R., & Co; FEXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, a choice lot :Ot Eliza Family Flour, all warranted by bbl., or sack,„:jtost,rezeired and for sale ,low by ' . t - Nicaots &.BONVIdiN, jag ~ ' C.,roor Front and Market streets. 41_ 0 wit) rZNo 1 —Pas " largest, and Des E i Buidc..,,from id.® to 34.00—Warranted.-at BREPIPIIR 13 130011STORB. ODd Biscitit,'City Crackers, just receiv od and for sale by NICH 4k BO OMAN; 111 ClOrrier Front and Marini drools, 4 =ME = ruutmuus Wit. DOCK, J. & CO e. Sight SO 25 1 25 2 56 4 00 6 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 .16 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers