paiig (Etitgq,q, HABBISBURO, PA Nonday Morning, July i, 1862. lux lemaarn Thatons.—We regret to learn t ot among the killed in the late battles in tro t t l Ehhmond, are Captaine'TAaomrr, of S ta r,emberlaud, find 3 ; D. BOVITOWN, Of 111,1dletown, in thilicentity. l'espocirxra STILL ABOUT. --A gentleman from mire couniPhad his pocket relieved of a lkt containing a considerable sum of money, .1111 e attending the Democratic state cOnVen- : o n nt the Capitol on Friday. -.•.--,. NIA HAT AND CrA SWILL —Those of our rood .ll nant of anything in the hat and cap line ~,id no t forgot the estaigishinititiol Mr. L. Kinsrd, No. 111 Market street. W. $„ has and excellent stock of goods on hand, ,[,.,h he will dispose of at prices to suit the Give him a call. -....---. • PRIVATE LITTER PAM CAPT. 44AA0 S. A rENBUItI, received in this city on Saturday duct from Edisto Island, S. Q., repot& the tbtu in his command as being In good health, bhd as mustering one hundred strong on r9ll tall for duty. This is gratifying news, as no :et of men in the army, from the captain duan, have warmer friends In this city, than those composing this company. EN ROUTS FOR M'CLILLAN'S ARI(Y.-41016 W whose name has been before the public frequently in connection with his daring adventures among the guerilla's of the rebel army in the south-west, arrived here on Sat uritty from Pittsburg, at fti a. m., and left in the 7i o'clock train over the Northern Cen tral Railroad for Baltimore, and thence to Washington. Gen. K. is a man of small sta ture, elderly in appearance, his hair sprinkled with gray, wiry and compact frame, and bears upon his swarthy features unmistakable evi dences of an iron will and indomitable courage. FLO; RAISING AT TUN DAUPHIN COUNTY POOR lior , s Max.—Our country friends in the neigh .,aood of the Dauphin county roor house had patriotic time on Friday, the occasion ica: the raising of a large and handsome kericao flag over the poor house mill by the miller, Mr. Peck, at whose expense it was pur ddstd. A large number •of country people were present, and the assemblage was organized hr the appointment of Joshua Eider, Esq., preside nt, Peter Bishop, Jr., and John Peipher, me presidents, and John Moyer, Secretary. iNerins were made by Joshua Welstling, A. O. Smith, W. Ewing, and S D. Ingram, Esqs., of this cal', and a good time generally prevailed. Tie ceremonies of the day wound up in the evening with a very beautiful display of fire works. ONe OF Tee INCIDENTS of the late looefeco convention is shown in the consistent manner in which our glorione; friend Jacob Ziegler enii• rrted a good man for Auditor General. Jacob ed f"r Ziegler steadily, consistently and en a.iastically. He assured the convention that lead been acquainted with the same Ziegler r many yeare—elways found him generoue god At tidiest, and therefore Jacob could not aucentiously change his vote or desert Ziegler. He was right, and we endorse all the good Mogs which Jacob can utter of Ziegler. If M. Democracy had nominated Uncle Jacob, eeery widow in the state would have prayeti or his suoess, and every "milk drinker" gloried in 1m triumph. But the. convention had not a high an opinion of Ziegler as Jacob, showed the otoresMil Ziegler by sticking to his man, and therefore he tailed to get the nomituttion. I= Sue Fouls —We have it from reliable au thority that there is a the of she rebels in a car lila Ia silty in our city, %The take occasion to putter out the most offansive and blasphemous eseesh twaddle cud fish market language, on t‘ery occasion when Union sympathy and ['moo energy are made the ail-absorbing to- ON by loyal and respectable Amerleancitizens. It the notoriously loyal (according; to the Patriot' s .oruspondent) city of Baltimore, thew impru- Jest and shameless alto rebels are watched and iummuily dealt with by police officers ; and we see IJU just reason to discrintinate between rebel:, of either sex in any community. Let O'ery sincere lover of Wei. country, and her glorious flag—of her noble institutions and the zmiold blessktgs guaranteed alike to rich abi poor, great and 'humble—let every loyal citez-u in our city keep an eye to, that notori -06 this.s of people, and public opinion openly alress,d, will put the blush of shame npod th blazon countenances of those deluded ape rsens of humanity, If they are not altogether , ot to a sense of honor or common decency. Got. Cuarm arrived at Harrisburg late on I , Thursday night last, and on Friday morning I he wax io the Executive Chamber very early, busily engaged in receiving offers of troops, P te lve` 6 4 plans for the enlistment of the new quota, and t , saing orders to different parts of the State, fur the purpose of securing the imme diate and hearty en-operatlon of the people in filling up the new demand for troops. While Ulna engaged, we could not fail to note that t he wan was also suffering from the effects of hts late terrible surgical operations ; but not- . w ithstanding which he was bouyant and cheer tul, and apparently as full of energy as he was when in possession of full physical strength. Hi- proclamation summoning the people to ' r Q I R, was written and telegraphed to all parts th, Commonwealth, early in the day, and tr ,- plans proposed and adopted, after the de -1 ration due to their importance, are now in ; ,mica. 11 will become necessary for Gov. Curtin agisM ice himself under the 'care of his physl- . but in the meantime his care of the try interests and organisations of the State be unabated, so that there ueec P o I T' .• London Its to Pennsylvania being the first r• as she was heretofore, to fill up big ( Plata troops in a manner at once satiefactoty to . ti-e national administration and condieTie to the national, safety. "GLORY HALLELOJAII 1" . _with brilliant vari ations, by Charles Grobe, and the' Paturnal Word," are among the new sheetsof music just ceived by WM. Snows, 93 Market street: ..-...,1D.--,...... BROKI aI9 esm.-1. lad named Schenk, whose parents reside In the Sixth ward, bad one of his arms broken on.Fdday bylfalling frOm a cherry tree. The broken limb was set by Dr. Egle, and the patient is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. COULDN'T RESIST TEM TNINTATION.-011 Thurs day last, at Tyrone, after Van Anabnres' pa villion had been erected, a couple of " country gentlemen," with their " frarls," entered the ring interided for the performing animal's, and indulged in a regular "hoe down," to the music of the brass band. A middle aged lady who stcod by, with 'a "responsibility;" resting in her arms, gazed upon the scene until she became excited{ when she sung out to a friend --" Sally just-oome and miss my baby till I take a dance I" and awayzehe went' Jostanter Over the rope, into the ring, and round and round in a style that would almost have eclips ed the performance of an adept in that busi eila. EXBROIBII.-4L hot weather we are very little inclined to take exercise, and some think we 4o not require it during the warm season, When the fact is, that those of indoor and se dentary habits require a certain amount of tixeroise—more in hot weather than in cold, 'fin several reasons, one of which is, that the external heat tends to drive tbe wastage of lse body to the stomach, which produces fever, disarrangement of the stomach, debility, &c. Whereas, a proper degree of the right kind of exercise brings all the muscles into use, and cOusequently produces 'an Internal warmth, driving the wastage to the surface, and thus freeing the vital organs from this extraneous Matter, leaving you buoyant and cheerful. Tbis desirable condition can be bad by exercis ing from twenty minutes to Mit) hour three or four times per week. OUR Daum—Who can tell the agony of feel• ing which has existed for several days in the breasts of wives, mothers, friends, of . those who left us but a few months ago in health, but now who may be lying cold in death, slain by the hand of an clueing in war. The torture of uncertainty attending the absence of an enumeration of the casnalities occurring in the action in which they were engaged, has been dreadful. What sad uncertshity—what a hard lesson. Some hope, but mholed with anxious fear. If the name of a dear one, a husband, a father, a son, or a brother be found among those rooted dead, crushing as the blow may be, its force can be measured, the worst is known.— But who shall tell the woe of the .woman who reads the name.of a loved one in'elther of the lists. If wounded how is the mind-racked, and the heart tortured. And the report "miss ing" is, if anything, more terrible still. He may bo prisoner, and may return. He may have been so mutilated as not to be recognized —may have had just strength enough to crawl ont of the way and die in some obscure spot, Where only the filthy bird that scents the battle from afar, shall, by the stoppage of its_ Jam Melt, point out kiiii-reeting-place. Many a one reported "missing," meets such a fate as this. - ADJUST Or TIM •Romysa - or BIOIIAIID ASELORAFT. —Our readers will recollect the case of Richard 4hcraft, the lumberman robbed in this city, about two weeks 81000, of $437 by a colored woman named Elizabeth Holmes, with whom he had been keeping company. A warrant was issued for Elizabeth by Justice Baader, be- hire whom the inforniation was made, but Omehow or other she .continued to elude the vigilance of the officers, until the early part of this week, when Officer Fleck received such Information as led him to believe , that the fu gitive could be found in Pittsburg. He 'ac cordingly proceeded to that city at noon last Thrusday, and aided by the local police author ities of the place, succeeded in arresting her among a lot of colored people residing near the Monongahela river. She at once confessed all ahe knew about the affair, and said that while she entertained Ashcroft on the night of the robbery, the money was stolen from him by a colored man named Jake Jones. Upon receiv- lug this infoithation, Officer Fleck telegraphed the fact to this city, when Jones was arrested and lodged in prison to answer. The officer himself returned home on Saturday with the colored woman in custody, and she was also committed for trial. None of the stolen money has been recovered. , CHILD MURIA% AT. THU DAUPHIN COUNTY. Foos liousm—Alderman Kline was called on Satur day to bold an inquest upon the remains of a female infant about four weeks old, alleged to .have been murdered by its mother, a German woman named Caroline Miller, who formerly resided in River alley, this city, but at present is an inmate of the Dauphin county poor house. The testimony elicited by the in quest went to show that the deceased and its mother retired to bed in apparently' good health, at the usual hour last night, and that between the hours of two and three o'clock Saturday morning, one of two other women who slept in the same room was awakened by the cries of the child, as if in distress, calmed by strangulation, and upon getting up she found it in the arms of its mother, who was handling it in such a manner as to create the belief that she meant to cause its death by strangulation. Her room mate remonstrated with the moth er, and threatened to call the steward, to which, however, she paid no attention, but continued her singular conduct. Her com-1 panion then left the room to get a light, and when she returned she found the infant lying quite dead on the bed, its face resting on the pillow, with blood oozing from its mouth. The woman instantly gave the alarm, and upon searching for the mother of the - child, 'she was discovered in the act of ascending the "fairs to the garret of the building. She was immediately arrested by the steward, and asked to give an explanation of the matter, bat her answers were indefinite and unsatisfac tory. She admitted, however, that she had Struck the child. The jury, after hearing the testimony, returned "a' verdict of "death 'by traugulation," and coidtireciithe arrest, add mprli eat of thi =this% amoVitttenta , 61 o,railteThontto4 Mottling, ;nip 7, 1862. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONTENTION. The annual State Cunvention of the Demo cratic party convened ou Friday at ten o'clock A. u., in the hall of the House of Representa tives, and was called to order by Hon. W. H. Welsh, chairman of the State central commit tee. On motion of Mr. Searight, Gen. George W. Cass of Allegheny, was called the otkair.-• Messrs. Jacob Zeigler, T. Pith, Gar. *ttson and T. W. Sutton were ,appointed tem,. porary secretaries. The roll of delegatSs was then, ailed and tile iiamea of gentlemen. entitled to seats, -duly, Watered, the cases, of several , ditiputed,..seats. being referred to a special committee of five this corn Jiittee afterwards reported that no clai ßT had bekta t su i kruittiAL-A tioversitir"in regattile ihg• -"Melt n ("bolding seats having been amicably Eit s rviged between the parties thereto. • On motion of Mr. C. L. Ward, the rules of the last tholtiattf AetrestWACTereVetted fpr the OvisMnierilrof Vie doriVehtioii. Mr. Gilmore ' of,Pityeetts submitted a reso lution ,rehi.tireto 4 theftuthet: ormization of. a tiody; which was amended on motion of C. L. riemberton, Esq., of "Clatiohrpassed finally, as 44 1 v 8 ; 'Mat' this 'C;onvetitieri 6 new t Pixi ceed to the election of a per anent-President, e;hd that committees oft p_ ..kttent .orgainza tion and resolutions be adopted by the designa tion of one member of each committee by the delegates from the different Senatorial districts .rp-spectively, which latter committee shall be authorized to report to the. Convention for its action resolutions expressiVe of the views and opinions of the Democratic party of this State. It was further resolved that all resolutions indicative of the sentiments of members upon questions of national policy should be referred to the committee on Msolttions without debate. A ballot was then taken for President of the Convention, resultiot in the selection of Hon. grancis W. Hughes, of Schuylkill.; the next highest candidate being the t Hon. Richard Yeas.. of Philadelphia. . I The President was escorted to the chair by Messrs. Vans. and Hepburn,. and returned his thanks for the partiality of the Convention in selecting him to preside over its sessions. In view of the fact that the appointment of a,com mittee on resolutions bad alrendy been deter= mined upon, he refrained from 'the expression of any political sentiments. , A recess for ten minutes was taken after which the naMOS of members selected to con 81 Eitute the committee on 'permanent orgsxdiEi t(on and resolutions were handed in. The Cotiveption thin adjourned till three The Convention re-assembled at thee o'clock, P: M. • =PONT OP OOKNITTEE ON. PNBALANNNT ORGANIZA- ..The committee on permanent organization, through their chairman. KeporWitho following list of officers: ; . . • , Jesse Johnson, . John Ross, • A. J. Lechler, J. C. McAlarney, Michael Arnold., . J. G. Bush, Dr. Wm..o. Snyder, John 01r, John B. , Evans, Jacob Reed, Dr. E. L. Acker, William Forbes,:. Jesse W. Knight, JOhn. M. Thompson,l Robert McDe well, , jacolaurney, . • Phillip K. Miller; Wm. Patterson, Francis P. Dewees, Dr. D. A. Penney, John SMith, ; S..P. Ross, George D. Jackson, Wm. Lest, Thomas M. Biddle, J. J. McArthur, J. H. Young, Pearson Church, 'John G. Freeze, Kennedy L. Blood. .Jacob Ziegler, T. H. Purdy, J. H. Orvls, A. J. Oarrettson, T. W. Sutton. T. T. M'Adatm Joe. Erwin, John P. Delaney, Jacob Bushey, Wm. hi'llnight, Lewin H. Davis, Jas. Id.,.Arp din, Samuel Derrah, Dr. Losiißocli.Well. , . . B4CADINO OP TIM DROLABAXION OR, ZNDSPANDSMOIL By requeßtsiLthe Ocolore:L 'eq., read - the Declaration of Independence, at. the , conclusion of which a vote of .thanks was tendered that gentleman, as an appreciationW his elocutionary effort. •On motion, each member of the' body nods' assessed twenty;five cents, (the• customary amount,),to pay expenses attending -the con= vention. The committee on 'reriolliticins having con chided their labors, reported th:ough their Chairman, Hoe. Arnold Plumer, of Venango, the following series of resolutions, which were read by one of the secretaries, 001. Jacob Zeig -1:r: Wusases, The American Constitution was or dained and established by our fathers, in qr der to form a more perfect Union, establish jestice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of libert7to posterity, therefore • ' 1. Resolved, That the only object of the Dem otratic party is the, rsztoration of this.UnAonl4l3. it was, and the preservition of the Contlifiltion NI it ia. 2, .Resolved, That to the end .that the Untold be restored and the Comititition and , laws enforced throughout its whole extent, •We pledge our hearty and unqualified Support• to the Federal Government in the energetic protl;.' 4ution of the existing war. • •, • Resolved, 3. That the true and only object of the war is, to restore the Union and enfOrCe the laWs ; such a purpose' alone is worthy •the aWinl sacrifice which it. costs nu of life 'and treasure ; with such a purpose alone can we hope for success, and those who from sectional feeling or party or private motives-Would give any other direction to the efforts of , our nrinies are unjust and unworthy to be entrusted' with power, and would cause all our exertions; ek traordinary and unparalleled as thatare, to to prove futile In the end. ~ • 4. Resolved, That we With alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades some of the department's of the Feder& Government, and that a return to rigid 'eatiribmy and ac countability is indispensablertonirekie the sys tematic plunder of ther public' treasury by fa- Vored partizans ; and that; in view of the re cent =startling developments of Iran& and cor ruptions at the Federal metropolis and through out the country, we9ioldng entireichange of administration tote imperatively demanded. 6. Resolved, That the party fanaticism or crime, whichever it may be called, that seeks to turn the slaves of the Fouthern States loose to overrun the north and enter into competi ting with the white laboring masses, thus de grading and insulting their manhood by placing them on an equality with'. negroes in their cc- . cupation,,is Moulting to our race-, and.merito our Meet' emphatic and nnqualifie& condemna tion. 6. Resolved, That we denounce northern abii 'Monism and southern **Sion as OS es-SPeri tion sources of Our present calaMities, alike treasonable to the Constitution, nd inimical to the Union. • The only way to a restored Union and arespe*led , Constitution , with returning peace and' prosperity's through the overthrow ing of both. . • 7. Resolved,, That the Democracy of ?ennui-. *min is equally oppooed to., alt sectional legis lation - and geographical parties, which base their hope for continued partizan success on tip agragriaMem of emancipation and hypercritical ptulanthrqpy, abolition :' because neither is known to the Constitution, and both are in tended td aid in subverting the Constitution anar4Aprevent.the,restoratiqn.of unity, peace and-norlik ItMongthe BtiteS ind the people. B.t:the Constituttow amt.-laws" are sullicl4 knY eitergeneye• and -that the imppreesion of e freedom of speeehlliddiAlle AFTERNOON SESSION. TON SECIItEII.IIIBB RESOLUTIONS press, ande majcwfnl. ante*, of 'citizens and the suspension of the Wilt' of habeas corpus, in Violation of the Constitution, in States where the civil autllorities are, unimpeded, is most dang i ertuito'Avil'lltlirty; And should be resist ed at the ballot box by every freeman in the • -. 8. Resolvid, That this is a government of while limn, and was established exclusively for the White / race,. and'ifhat the itegro race are net en titled to, and inight nut to be, admitted to po litical or social (quality with the white race, b i b' that it is our dutyto treat them . with kind ness and consideration se an inferior and de pendent race; that the right of the several *tea "to deterinisie the position and duas of the race is a sovereign right ; and the pledges or the Cettrtitution reqoire ns es loyal eiliz :no not to interfere therewith. 10. Rasohvd, That Congress has no power to depritkid y perichi of hid tpkoperty- for any criminal offence unless that person has been first dill.llollrrictett of, the offence by' the'-ver dict of a jury, and that all acts of Congress like those lately passed by the House of Repre santativesj which ass Mite to ifdrifeifor . confiseati the estates of men for offences, for, which they have not been convicted by due trial by jury are.nneonstitutionat and lekul toroppressinn and Ityranny. It is no ; justification for auch acts that the'crintes committed in the 'prosecution of the rebellion are of unexampled .atrocity, andi drys ps,nq suchinst4(4alilqnlaNA,Sipte kho*n tivociegoVerritiebt or 11. Resolved, That the Constitution t he, Union arid the Laws must bd preserved and maintain ed in all their. proper- andrightfol , supremacy, and that the rebellion now in arms , against them must be suppressed 'and put'down ; and that it is our duty to aid , in all measures neces sary and proper to that end. 12. Resolved, That thi soldiers mithpieling our armies merit the Aran:nest thanks.of the na tion. Their country called, and nobly did they respond ; living' they shall tato* a nation's gratitude, wounded a nation's cad, and dying they shall live in our memories and monuments shall be raised to <teach posterity to honor the patriots and heroes who offered their lives at their country's altar Their iiidows and orphans shall be adopted by the nation, to be watched and, card fort.,as y wobjecht truly worthy a nation's gharditingtits. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. ,The cooventionthen immediately proceeded to nominate candidates for Auditor General and Surveyor Cleneral; to be voted for at the next fall election. The first and sixth ballots for a nominee of the party for the former office Yesffited 'ft& lows IST B ALLO T . eum Bazaar. . _ Richardson-L. Wright, Phi1a,.... 1 39' 89 . William P t Schell Bedford. . .24 17 Jacob Ziegler, Butler: 24 withdrawn. Franklin Vanaant , •20 •• ." ' Isaac S. Bleaker, Union 18 . 75: r The - nomination of lsaao Sliihker of lJnion. was declared unanimous, ' ; , , • The balloting for a canthdate for Surveyor General, resulted in - the 'seleation of James P. Barr, of Allegheny county, on the second ballot, that gentleman having recei v ed 79 votes r-a small majority over the, w,hole number cast. It was unanimously resolired that the chair man of the body, Hen. F. I C-Hughes be ap pointed chairman of the State Central Commit tee, with power to appoint the members thereof. ,The Convention then adjourned sine die. An informal meeting of the, body convened at o'clock in the hall of the House, when several addresses were delivered ratifying the nominations: CARD OP Tnaturs.—We the undersigned, committee of the ladies, of Locust Street M. E. Church, desire to return our thanks, through your columns, to : the following named per _ sons: To ,*iiip.l6l ,Shock„Lsq,_.o.f.....Calusa?6,-- c--- twelve ark . ... 4 . -." lord — rab - Pm - To Heston for his kindness,ln lending • us honiesi 4 . 'To Frank Murray, Esq., for the omnibus lent on the occasion. ' ~ , 1 . To .C4iiiirevr‘,/or_valushle services. to v. Dr. Moore, B. Ewing, the volunteers of the M. E. choir and others who assisted usand to the Mit s. of the church who so kindl -tr.. ylelped•us by their'gifts._ MRS. A. C. SMITH, MRS. E. G. UNGER, MRS. MARIA MILER. A blond EtrrAmasnmwrr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can poiut with pride as an evidence of pros perity and „Im'a determination on the part of our bushmilimen, no longer to iremain behind the •1 light house," the completion of „Eby & Kunkle'a large brick building at the corner of Market' iu'ul"Fifth 'striae, Which ie alike creditableidtbe owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The builfiing,ivnpt only ‘one of ,the, largest, evoted to the grocery business, outside of New fork, but the BUT& ch tltenges onmpetion.— ?Without goinglate detail, we may safely say that the firnkkeep.on hand everything usually kept in agrooery stow, (11pm:we excepted,) and clet they sell at very small profits. Their erks ere civil and accommodating, and have strict instruotious under no hircomstances what ever,to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended , to the Publielo 'visit the new building and exam hie the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not, ON ma 41n or Jew, 1862, might be seen Abraham Lincoln, a 'great and good man, as President of the Tiftited- States, holding in his 1 :1 hand a scroll, urxth ch is written in letters of gold, "This ice: IS • o r i - ths iiipifailio" ii of him`rebii ;" and tith the itt that actuated , the con duct toward the, pitcbgitl son w 4 invite those that are in operrebbllion mitifig ilihlitist - gOV-A ernment that the sim ever shone upga v to re ! turn to your fond and forgiving mother, and partake of ttOlatteAcalf. - Ad this notice goes to press, thoustrAii,, may be on their way, and should you get your dry goods spoiled, stop in the cheap shire of Mum& Bowman . . ByB-2t _ , -. 1 - $5OOO Doming-Iron= i or NaveGoonitl-400 . pair of mitip f irect,at 26, 87, 50, nand 76 cts.; 1000 Indies' white cellars, at 10, 20, 80, up 1415 - ctic • Grestbanitins! 500 new hoop skirts, r 50, 62 and 76 cts., up , to $2.60- cheapest S in ttowtlithe limest . assortment ,i . ,:if low priciiligss good ' s" - 100 . 11iices white Wiling ii* lyi otij 4)14 af-45 to 11. a .. , . ots. ; 60 dowskaf t glipt f b:o, at -14 cts., 20, 26 and 37 dig' akttifdllial. — 200 diem of 1 6,- dies' white c i i lings, at '11;84 Vf, Oh, , ~...1 1 i. Magnificent' rtmentof ein tors:l4o(l=mM band, and brie edging and 'Magri:lugs; •at all* prices. 50 Owen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 14 cts ; also hemstitched lvAilelit. wh o l e _ Sale buyers ire would invitaito our large stock.; and as we hive It buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We MrSitie t(i'ifell goods at city prices.,, ~ , k B. /MIT. We alsojreceived„ l lo ilbsen 'of real Ciirnban I men pocket luunAprchtiefs for . geiatiOnten—s l very scarce article ; also 20 pieces of whit e oplored straw mattip,g, and 6 plece3 of new car pets from aictiodh 6 Plilime of blackisfili:atotill urices. . , I , " . .0. TA= - ____.— .. . .. . jIROSS k.:,.rti, A, rig 14118: Geleprated. kj PIOgLidB, , SALKIMPBBSINVIS3, am, is. Alarp toply at the above, embracing arrilery .variety, jun re , ihroo„.ad lorsaie by: 4 1(11 WIL-LIOCK, Jr., a Co.' .. ' ETERSITA4BOA4 I , something o ' ;ter -tin itirriwat Httnitimidituelo ', a i e by Corner Front fewW/114. lao sad Marketimew, 2mnseintnts GAIETY MUSIC HALL ! alma Street between 2d and 3d. OPEN EVERY NIGHT WITH THE STIR NOVELTY CONCERT TROUPE MR& JULIA EDWARDS, . MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, MRS. JULIA EDWAIII33, The Queen of Songs. • LEONEITA, M'LLE. LEONETTA, MLLE. LEONETTA, The Great French Danseuse. 808. EDWARDS, ED. DE HAVEN, 808. EDWARD% {. 111111 Da-HAVEN, Negro Commedian. Condo Vocalist. PROF. E. 11. CLEKMENrs, Pianist.. ADMISSION 10 and 16 cents: Doors open at 001111:11811Ce 'at 8 o'clixik. ROB'T EDWARDS. Proprietor. jeBo-dlw eisctilantaus 17N WA RE AT REDUCED PRIORS 1:IYM A N GIL L ET R T ' Market &met, Corner, of ItivesAly. `RS tto it • CAFF o e arges ec of Tin nice. ir-n Ware In Harrisburg. Priipslower than tho'xi of lay 'oilier estAbllsh mnni. The custom co wore 'keapers "wno purdtruss to sell.erslali Inv teL "All work warranted. ' STOVES ! STOVES ! ! QOM E of the best patterns cooking stoves ate to be had at the Oheao Tin wate,itid stove Es teltetahment of Lyman laldret t, Market etreet. FRUIT CANS, IF the best patterns, Glass and Tin eon ', etantly en hand at 14 man GilberVe Tin Ware Man utketory, Market street, jetrlilm • WATER COOLERS. NICE aterortMent, cheap at Lyman 011bert's Tig Kai Skeet Iron Ware Manuteo.ory, M rke s req. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Av, ,ID";BSRST, of Booth, Hanover ,towastai., offers himmle as a candidate for the o .e of Col.l' -fir 0 MIMI -SIONEEt, subject to the Union ip . midi= Nominating Convention, and pledges himself If ominaum and e.eoted, t ) dlmbarge the ditties of the c a with fidelity il l . jelli'dawtos . . , - . .. WS.STUDY:'TO •-PLEASE: -• . . . . EN RY C. SHAFFER,. Paper Hanger, rAdt 4 ilibst opened a' large, new and well selected i kof Wall Pnpnr and Window Aisles, at !As new it N o. t..4 l . 2 e ld h a a r n k gi et . g at r p r r, r, o n n e s : to n lvi Rummel th to. All K A I: :in . :e r r: rrhear theßrilge. w antod., Je9 dim* - ATTENTION : FARMERS 1 1 i CY T Li &S. SN ATHS,. GRAIN CRADLES, RA Kb:B, soy . rail - , r9s as and RIVAS In great v.. ety, to bo bad carer. at :. . 011.4tHRT.4 Hardware Store, Opposite th Court U ones *lO-dtt N .MARBL.hA-NO STONE YARD O T 1 • 1-I,ENRY BROWN ItrAVINO - opened a MABBLB AND STONS YANA on Citual Btri t, rear Chestnut Street, oppo out the P nasyleauis Hal rimd Ift.ipst , is , en this method of ntOrming lila chinos of Harrisburg end vicinity that he is prepared .0 - 10 all hinds ef Marble' add storm work 10 a superior macner, end °tithe et .st reakomebie terms. fro-412te* 8 • EIKTIKLIS 13R02.1PRS & CO., WHULEsALE DKUGGISTS , • D DEALERS in Eersav--rode, Per . --...rarels Ger the sale of Fteline,l team, Illuminata% Lel, soperior to ady coal 01l • • haled hi en% quiliotlticut at the !owes% marzet rates ' 170 'and 172 = William .street, i s27d6m] • NEW YORK. VXMA•FAMILY FLOUR,'s : ':olicijoe tot 0, titre Family Moir, all warranted by bbl., or a ..ok, Just reoolvad and bar irale loci bi f ' —BUC:IIOI.I4CBOWS(AN; .1"30 Cotrat and Market streets. _ lIAP NESS OR MISERY ? T I ELAT IS THE QUESTION 'PRE Proprietors of the "PARISIAN L CABINET OF WONDERS, ANATOMY and MaDI OINE" hava,datermlned.retardleat of expolae, hams free', (foe the. berniflt of entlering hnmsuity) POI of thew must instrucilvo and 14terecing Lectures on Mar riage sod Its Disquallthhaticoa, Nervous Delelilty, Prema ture Beanie of manhettd, Indigestion Wealmeas or De. "'reason, Lose of energy and liallPetiers.. the. Great So s'al M add those alt dies' whic4 resul. from youth ful fat lea, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorance of phert. bids, ann Nature's Law. These Invaluable Lectures bay. been the means or enlightnligaol string Alton 'nods, dad willhe forwarded free An the receipt or sour stamps, by ad loaning SECEErAAY PARISIAN CABINICt o r ANATOMY AND Mitolcras,663 Broadway, New York. je FAMILY FLou K. . . E INyiTE,the Walitkon„of ,families W BAKE T,HEI**OWN BREAD, to our stook of Flour. We have j• et re ;elve'd SEVENTT•FIVE BKRRELS of the•Choleott (White Whoutrilt.' Louie , Flour that no Wed. to Mariet affords' We , gtutiantee every borzoi or bag we soil aeif to WO Bidet= lylottrer or.• [jM] W 03f1; JR., & CO GREVE!' AMERALEVEOIII. CIA Ll,..•at No. 75 biarket.:Street, where Wi.700 411111Od a tar/ and swell +selected stook of Valk and faacy , Confectionery: of all kinds, ~4a. ileat va ruity.or toys ot every desoriptioneladles' : Work Stands acid fancy Baskets, foreign. 'runs, fautseDatas and all ogler articles genscally.aela lo a confectionary and toy store. kteeeiving fresh supplies-6~y weak. Cali and °sliminess yousselyes, EL:WAMIONENti • apilB-dfan_ oprieler. . VANILLA. BEANS, IXTrare.. offering- for sale -a splendid v :gnat , or Vanilla Bemis% joie prices, by the petted, ounce - or:singly:- ' • „„,. KELLER'S DRIJEJTOaIt, - 6UPIItIOEt lot Or pandeliori "kw : -: r ii ti* , i,,. tv sale a; te. s , .. 0 .1 wtsg„ , iRI7IC E. illiNiA jg kOctqqnif r jq t et 1 re Oictifinikor , elk r ' itT 0 - 41 41 e_ MEWLS h BOWMAN, e 2 OmnetlYrutpcd Meikei sVpial . ' ' "iitti:hip °. ft l AM I-‘ — } -1 'small'' }Mt' of these o lebrated Ram; Jost received. iv 'll4 WM. DOCK, Jr., ac CO. ANIAWRIVINPOViaA '' ::4oo4LtaelpfLloo mid guezatiteed, b onto t be strictly oars ,el 9-41 T t .14 k 00. EDAR TITRE BIECRETE, BRElclag Aid evittythitethitkiointi; ribitvic in- 4 Clecaudiforßula. way low , e. „ or,. EdtiViting4 lipidirdaterdlarge weN csred. . •• . . . .. WM. *1(30 in UR ii)vi ly repleoished, stock' f Tiiitei lid May Grade Is . 11111SU/p~ in Ws ii - 44t. Wald oftquiTqfleet of waqiering eeninpollen, We Would ree• elregill dVritii 5 con ' ' . . HAW&R, 191, it kat itreet, two &ars *nen Or iiiirs„h „iiiraig. snide 1 , 40 0 , •• FINE ' fat of Messina, oranges-and' oilier I Feral& nuke, AA received and far side by ' r lor"t4Wa°64 805k2, rimer Front and ~,exket etr.eni IFSIIOII% Dandelion- Coffee; just , re -I,a received ald for sale by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, illerner Froistand 1 sea ALEBiI mvoice.of. Mwina Orangee and emaus,ler sate .by • .NICHOLS BOW . AAN, • (lonian *out and Market SireSiS. .114 geaerii variety of goods or ad know the - TO I L -E T , fe , be found a Kopti,lis u u saribuslea in this 10. . 91 Harlipi_ettre4 akEtwoocia..and Sweat Uttocolitia` ibleBtimutsinss% TL itiad w i a mit „ wt cituitzutta WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market ;street, ilarrifbiery, DRAYER. II? I lA] COI& ` STEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the /1 makers, from $2OO upwaids. MELODEONS. THE BEST HANUFACPURED HEMS, FROM $45 to tal l " Guitars, Violins, Accordant's, Flute Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambouritiiiti Violin and Guitar strings and musi etd merchandise in general. r SHEET MUSIC. THE 'LATEST PUBLICATIONS al ways on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSE WOO FRAMES, Suitable forlooking glasses, and all kinds of picturesalwayson band. A fine aefortment of beet plated LOOKING GLASSE 8 From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. IKNOCHB, 93 Market etreet febl9-wasly EDGEHILL SCHOOL. PRINCETON. N. J. Rev. JAimM P. Bonus, A. M , t Rev. Taos. W. Ca rite, A. M., 1 Fri/16 P d*. riIHIS Institution, founded in 1829, is 1 destined to prepare boys thoroughly for college or r a bualnasa Ilfe The buildings are large and commo dlt'us, and the grounds embrace more thin th•rteen acres. Both of the prinelpals dt irate their whole thee to the tabard, ailed in the department of lestruotton by Competent teachers .the inlitstylmtruction *ad drill, (under the charge of an experierlvd instructor,) is arranged so as oot to Interfere With the regular startler, occupwleg a pa.t or the I me stipropita.ed to exercise and recreation. Pupils are relived at any time a • d charged onlpfrom the date of ad. melee. Tams:- $125 00 per sefsion of Sae months. For circulars, or further hears - Wien address either of the Principals. Pe crew eis also made to the Rev. Mr. Candi, llarrisbun. PrOAt the Rea. Dr. ?lodge ant the Rev. Pr. HeOW, Professors in UtitTheoloyient Seminary, Princeton, XI. . I have for Beyond yeart been intimately acquainted with .the Rev. Tromai W. C.itt-n. He has ha 4 charge of "two 11 my soot, and I can safely ray I have never Grown cloy one to who fidelity aid devoti , n to hie pu pils,,lhave mitt confilenta. He IC a good echo] r end a coalmen' teacher. I kcow no one who has a greeter tscihty iu g.inlug the love of he aCholtre or who exerts over them a better influence lam aerie° of the responsibility in so° king in mob tarmac( commendation of s teacher; hut lam as-i.oted I am doing uothina bat. Mm just a to an ex ellent man, in mint the language which I have here em ployrd (SHARI BS Kt 'PG'''. 1 have great confider ee in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, as a teactivr, both n his aptness to give instruction. and hie ta , t in the admioipt•ation of , t‘acipt sta. I have had two gen. under his este, mi 1 from the most amoral ohgervs- tton•l am Pee to reaommood thu Fdgetod r oho& as o e or atb and tfiorough lostroolo . Ai FX ‘NDbit T. NIIMLL. je, 4dlit *TOEIN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Mere, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, _ - liartisburg, Pa. CONFEOITONERY OF ALL laNiig, ORANGES AND LEISIONS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And cerelables of all kinds, brlught direct from Ib e Eastern Markets, t aloe a week, uni ourobamd spoor my pc-I-soma ouparv•vion, thva en4 , lldig m• CO sell a better and cheaper artlele than any in - the murket iny- Rivera from a distal:ice attended - 0 promptly, and weeds dolvered any part of the my free of cbarge. FRE - H OANNEWFRITIT 4 constantly on hand Give mo a Call. nal] REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Becond and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Haynes Agriculture Mere, whore he intends to keep all kinds of 800 da^d Shoes, 0.4 t •rs, a large sto of Trunks and everything in hir Bee of bu siness • and will be Sbanslial to receive the patronage 01 his old.custouters and the ptibW in general at lots nsw Nam of busiaPss. All kinds of work made to order in the beet style and by superior workmen. Pepstring d tie at, short notice. [apr24l.ll JOHN B. filliTEl. ICE CREAMR ! ICE CREAM ! , flN.E . 'of' the greatest improveruents of NJ the lite is Pyne & Barr's Valenti feet:l,6,w F re ez er , and F•gg Better, Ito rea , saver or . libor. The em•al quanei yof ice used and Out exceeding short space of tme egulred to maze good lee rem to on. of their Freezers, ”ught to lodes, eve y family to welt st on of arm. They have received several s mblal an the highest premiums at ezhib t Ems, over all oth -r Freezers now In use. A printed circular • out undo: the very best receipt for ma zitie Ice cream, f- oz m custard, ice waters, &a., wita a number of certitLates a d full dimes lons ivtiompany rub Freezer. AB. rdere for Freezer% county or nide rights will be attended to by adiireashig W. CARS, • tnyil i d2m Barrisburg, WM A. PARKHILL, • PLUMBER AND GA'S FITTER• Third 'Street, next, door' to the, Telegraph Printing Officc („,TORES, dwellings, churches, public LI buildings, factories, ha., fitted op with gee, bout a,d lion pip. in a workman Rice manner. Hydrants, Wait' basins, Tubt, I lft and Force Funip., Water Clo et a, dan lids ~e for water, rat tett seam. A share pitbllctgaltronage is respectfully solicited. All wont saptly attatided to. „„„ ropaikl3m. Hi O. WIIITKAN. ALES. JOHNSTON. E. G. WHITMAN & 00., 818 CIL&STNU7 STEELY, PHILADELPHIA. MANIIPACTURIS OP FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES. DALES IN FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &O. Jela:• 'LYKENB VALLEY NUT COAL. ,JUST received a full supply of Lyken Vidley Nut Oixid, delivered by the weld weigh cdirle. For sale by JAMES 11. WIINKLEIL, I iprl6 ''EE CRACIII.R.B by the chest or box, just received god for sale by NiCILAS& BOWMA N, .14 Corner Front and Market streets Vit.6611 Lemons and Raisins, just re , x °Elyse and for sale low by NM MILS & &OWN AN, jel4 Corner Front and Market wee H. JUST REUEIV.ED. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Blbles of different styles or binding, at 900, $1 25 $1 +5O, $2, $3, $4, $5 and $lO. Also pocket Bibles of 411- Went styles:and prices at SOREFFEIt'd Booliatore. &bib y FLY PAPER. Union and Other new pauarni for sale at BERONKES OHEAP .1:00iChTORIB. HAY I HAY I I A SUPERIOR arlacle of Baled bay, at in—LlelB LO() per ton for BRA by JAMES 11. W agar El EN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers