• - "'l✓Wl THE SOLDIERS of the war of 1812 will meet at (11,,ttegrap Brant's Hall on Friday, July 4th, at 9 o'clock + A. m , and elect officers of the association for the ensuing year. w ilClti TO AHVPIRTISIgitS.—AII Ad. ortneMeaill, BMWSSe Notices, Her ribge4, neaille, &C., ,seo ure tinsertion t u 10 b ThILEGRAPH, must Invariably be ac companied with the CASH. erilsements ordered in the regu to Cvening Edition are inserted in the Edition without extra charge. LIARRISBURG, PA Thurgau) , Morning, July 8, 1862. )JILITARY B i.i FUND.—This week's . pay 10e 't W ill be made on Thursday evening, In ttrul of Friday, at the usual hour and place. Gao. BIDIGNIIIR, Pre& U. EDWASUiIp Scc'y. Sams—The mandudle of the respective or ptizitione proposing to join in the procession op the coming Fourth of July, will be good oloiill to meet at 124 o'clock P. X , July Bd, A t the office of Wm. H. Bluzza, Second street. IlmssuLAs—Sun umbrellas, parasols, walk can. s in large quantities, and in great va no), tau be found at Lim's, No. 69 Market plant. Closing out the season, and selling clop, Give him a call. A :II IDDLIBTOWNKR PRoM3TED.—The Philadel [tit Daily News of yesterday contains the fol locnbg announcement under its telegraphic hod. Li.nt.-Col. Nevins, of Middletown, Pa.,bas !ern commissioned, by Gov. Morgan, as ola o•I of the 62d New York regiment (Anderson • WILL Crises TIMM STORM—In addition to groct ro, the dry goods and hardware mer bolts have signed an agreement to close their =pective stores from to morrow night until Aurday morning. Our citizens tihould make ,note of this, and buy what articles they need . Friday before elosing up time to night. Ilse SWAM, the old lady residing in Front ,;tent, noticed in last Friday's Tamtaaern as racing been seriously burned by her clothes c;411 g fire while attempting to destroy cater• p i r, l oelis on some fruit trees, died about six itr; Tuesday evening from the effects of the revived on that occasion. The deceased e4,,iged seventy-seven years, and a most PS tivilhe lady, whose huts will be deeply deplored la 4 large circle of glands. SA WRVS OPERA House— Wyman.—This prince of magicians will hold forth at Sanford's Opera douse this evening. Without detract ing from any of his contemporary Magicians, we thitl Wyman the liveliest of them all. He has more companionableness, more wittiness and mil th-provokativeneee than any other living professor of the black sot. He gives another performance this evening, and we advise all fond of the marvellous to be on band. DECLINED.—Some few days since our towns- Mr. Alexander Rosier, In a commendable tit of patriotism and liberality, offered to tommittee of arrangements of the First ut. Z ,uaves, a fine large ox, which he pro * to have slaughtered and roasted for a Awl public feast on the 4th of July. The ailuittee, however, while fully appreciating gilt, upon conaultatiqn with the sub-com- Wee+ of the military and fire departments, ery politely declined the liberal offer in a latter, of which the following is a copy: Harrisburg, July let, 1862. d. Emu, DEntt SlR:—Your very liberal offer of an ox for a roast is duly appreciated, and would have been accepted in the spirit in which it was ten toed, but ate consultation with the committees •vasenting the military and fire departrneate, ; feared that the time for preparation! was too .4ort toga up a collation that would_ do you ourti.ives that justice which the occasion kwatided. Your respectfully, . D. L. JAUSS, Chairman. W T litsnor, Jr., Secretary of the Committee ct Arraugeirtentki. THE FOURTH or JULY—Route of , the .Procession -16 First City Zonaves have completed their qiugerueuts for the celebration of tlle Anni • r , TAry of American Independence., The lead tq. Wm in the obsorvance of tha day will be :Le Node of the military, firemen, and such oodles Hess may report theMeelves for that pus.- Gen. Wm. H. Miller.has boon appointed LLeI Marshall for the occasion. The following oWe route of the proetvslon /h e Proceseion will form. on Market 'street; :it rooting on Second, countermarch out ticket to Third, down Third tp Chestnut, down Aotnut to Second, down Second to. Paxton, iXtOU to Front, up Front to Chestnut, out 1, 1%at to Second, up Secoild to Market, out /1 "k"t to Fourth, up Fourth to Walnut, down It shalt to Thies d, up Third to North, out North 10 l'iliesylvania Avenue, up Pennsylvania Sv , ua e to Cumberland street, up Cumberland t" ttul n tuad, down Ridge Road to North istreet, down rth to Second, down Second to locust, up Ltut to Third, down Third to Market, where the parade will be dismissed. , A GOOD otrooarios.—A lady of.J.iiincaster zikes a suggestion to the editors of the likPrese that city, in reference to a pleasant mariner which the approaching Fourth of July '4 1, 1 he observed, that id equally applicable to city, tele proposes that all ladies whose mil, or fathers, or brothers are not in the vLY, - hould visit the families of soldiers urcuinstances are limited, lu their int neighborhood, and contribute some ar '• ~ 1 luxury, or sufficient change to purchase '''" t hlug, if, as the lady remarks, it is only `h l " to purchase a saucer of ice cream, and •~ 6 lethem to enjoy the,Fourth with the .t t ue. Should this suggestion be generally r. I, what pleasant words of cheer and ea ,,.uleut would be conveyed our brave r.w fighting for our glorious Union, and log thousand and one hardships Incident • , m e . Let it be crrried out by all Snit* the most liberal scale, too, and we can tlrt• U to our slumbers at the close of the day: `IL the consciousness that we aided others he Ring anniversary as pleasant a one as a„to SAtturits ON THZ FOURTH.—We understand that Adjutant General Russell has directed the firing of a national salute from capitol hill at sunrise, noon and sunset, on the Fourth of July. FOURTH op JULT—Ice Oream.—The ladies who Intend furnishing the sick and wounded soldiers %Mk ice cream on the Fourth of July, are in formed that Dr. Barr will loan them one or more of his new patent Ice Cream Freezers, which far excel any now in use, both in saving of labor and ice, and making good, smooth, rich ice cream. ASSAULT AND BArraar.—Hugh Kelley, James Oats, Michael Dougherty, Mary Dougherty and Susan Oats, were arrested Tuesday afternoon by Officer Fleck, and taken before Alderman Kline, charged with committing an aggravated assault and battery upon one John Gilmore.— Upon a hearing of the case, the offence was di rectly fixed upon James Oats, who, in default of bail, was sent to prison, and the remainder of the party were discharged. TEM STANDARD AND PAREIRTTNRIAN EXPOSITION, published in Philadelphia, is one of our best religious weeklies. It is ably edited by the Rev. Dr. Nevin, and, we are glad to know, has, a large and increasing circulation. Its amount of religious reading and general news; makes it a valuable paper for the family circle, while its bald and manly support of the Na tional government, in putting down this re bellion, recommends it to every patriot. We hope It will receive many subscribers in Harris burg. Toe Cur On.—A barefooted lad, aged about eight years, whose name we could not learn, while ; handling a patent washing machine in front of the White Hall tavern, Market, street, yesterday, accidentally displaced some part of the machinery, which caused the fly wheel to fall on his left foot, cutting the middle toe entirely off, and brgaking the holies of one or two ethers. The lad bore the pain which en sued, with remarkable fortitude, and st emed to be more concerned about replacing the fallen wheel than with the condition of hie foot. He was carried to his residence, in the lower end of the city, where the wound was dressed by a physician. Wire, asks an intelligent cotemporary, do pretty young ladies put their hands in the pockets of their cloaks and sacqucs when pro menading, and thus incur the penalty of a vulgar habit, and a stoop too decided even to please the most fervent admirers of the 'Grecian bend ?' Why do ladies who wear stylish Bal moral. petticoats, or the even more chaste look ing white ones with ample skirts and delicately worked borders, hold up their , outer garments at so great a height, while those who are less luxnriouely provided, keep theirs down with invincible prudishness? Why do stalwart young fellows, with shoulders worthy of the Farneea Hercules, stand loaning on the street corners complaining of "nothing to do," when Uncle Sam wants the help of all his stout handed, broad•shouldered kindred in putting out the fires of rebellion? Why do young men who never smelt gunpowder, and never mean to, wear undress military caps, and assume a I military strut, as they parade the street? Why do other young men, who affect to be gentle men (Heaven save the mark I) smoke cigars as they walk with ladies—can it be because they fancy they add to their attractions or reputa tion for refinement by so doing ? Why do drinking saloons flaunt in gorgeous array and sport magnificent mirrors in front of the rubi cund noses and imilamed visages of their mot tied victims? Why do undertakers wear an habitually solemn face, and modulate their tones, in the most commonplace conversation, even to the minor key of subdued and sypathi sing grief? Why do apothecaries dress off their windows with show bottles of green, blue, and crimson, that are never touched except to restore the lading hues of their garish liquids? Why do dealers pretend to be "selling off at cost," andconstantly replenish their stocks to again incur the like "tremendous sacrifices?" Why, in fine, is it that thin are not as they Beam," and that men saciTlice so devotedly and unre mittingly to the false god, Smut " STlLB."—Reader, have you ever noticed what a "big thing" style is, in this world ? Take, for instance, society in a country town, LEt a fancy looking stranger, with a big, galvanized watch and fob chain, come along, put on, "style," wear good clothes, (no matter if. he has cheated some poor tailor 'in the las town he stopped at, out of them,) and instant ly he is a lion. Soft young ladies, their weak brain loaded with sentimental trash of "yeller Myer" literature, go into ecstacies over hie "beautiful mustach," and lie awake at night, thinking over hie charming ringlets. Managing mammas gives parties for him, and lay their plans to secure him for "Cordite An geline," or " Seraphina Floretta. " Weak minded young men consider it an honor to pay his billiard and cocktail bills, and ape the style of hie collar and drawl of his voice. Where, thqn, are the honest, upright, straitforward young mechanics and clerks of the town Y Ont of the ring altogether. Though they may have souls and intellects, by the side of which his would dwindle into the size of a mosquito's eye—though they may have good names be yond the shadow of reproach—though they may have been raised from childhood in the community, and no word can be said against their oharacters,—yet the " style, " of the crack-brained fop transcends all, and in com parison with him, they dwindle into insignifi cance. He tarries probably for a few weeks, or perhaps months, takes on big airs,wheedles the young ladies and their unsuspecting mammas, borroWs all he can from the soft youths, and finally turns up missing, some fine morning, having forgotten to pay his hotel and other billt ;:.and the next that is heard of the gentle mati,la that he has been arrested in some city, as a swindler or a thief. Then the confiding mammas and weak minded daughters exclaim, le ,44 Deari uka, What a pity.' he was atuth a very itylig oung man I' and disconsolate they wait for so Oker.youngman of 4 fityler ..to turn up. adegraph. ir4ursktp morning,lp 3, 1862 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY TIDE WATER CONNEMION , —ln the first branch of the city council of Baltimore on Tnesday,`a communi cation was received from the Mayor, enclosing a memorial from the president of the Northern Central Railway Company, A. B. Warlord, &q., of this city, which says : "The legislation of the city on the subject of the extension to tide water of the Northern Central railway presents difficulties which need for their removal the concurrent action of the municipal authorities and the company ; and as the company desires to prosecute that work with as little delay as possible, it asks the attention of the council to the subject, with a view to such further legis lation as may be thought necessary." Pus GROCERS i►xn. MB Voupsu,—We are glad to learn that the principal grocers of the city have signed an agreement ,to close their re spective places of business from the night of the 3d inst. until the morning of the sth. This is an excellent movement, and we hope all the other business establishments will follow the example. Let everybody join in a good old fashioned celebration of our natal day of freedom. Rartrarmu.—Dr. J. W. aloffiit having return ed from his tour west of the Alleghenies, can be found at his office No. 25 North Second street, adjoining the "Buehler House," by those, desiring his professional services. Hav ing made some valuable acquisitkons in the operative and mechanical departments of Den tistry, he is fully prepared to perform all opera tions entrusted to him in a manner satisfactory and complete. Thankful for the confidence heretofore repos ed in ,him, and being determined to excel in all branches of his profestion he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. d2t. A Mona ReLunasnitssr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros parity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of arket and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city, • The building is not only one of the largest devoted to the grocery badness, outside of New York, but the stock ch alenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very, small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodatiog,•aud have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. RICHMOND.—The public mind for the last forty-eight hours has been in the position of a man that has been willed a fortune. While there is no doubt of the fortune, it is not yet in his possession; in regard to Richmond the suc cess of our army for the last two days, and the advices of advantages gained, makes the cap titre of Richmond certain, and when the fourth of July shall have arrived, we will again ratify the magna charts of human freedom and con tinue to purchase our dry goods at the cheap' store of Urich & Bowman, South East corner of Front and Market streets. jeBo. $5OOO DOLLARS WORTH or Nsw GOODS 1-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 87, 60, 62 and 76 eta.; 1000 Ladles' white collars, at'lo, 20,.80, up to 76 Cts. Great bargains! 600 new hoop skirts for 60, 62 and 75 cts., up to $2.60 cheapest in town; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all prim. 11/0 pieces white ; brillants at 121 eta.; some at 16 to 18 cts.; 60 dozen of shirt breasts at 121 cts., 20, 26 and 87 chi., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies' white stockings, at 121 and 16. els. A magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging and insertings, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 121 eta.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who bays only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. Lawr. We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article ; also 20 pieces of white and colorrd straw matting, and 6 pieces of new cor pets from.auction ; 5 pieces of black silk at all prices. B. Law". Do not trifle with your Health, Oonsutuilon and Cha racier. If you or* suffering with any Diseases fer which BELMIBOLD'B .BUCIBT is recommended TRY IT! TRY a! TRY. IT! It will Cure you, oeve Long Suffering, AllayiogjPeln and Milamation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY, AL Little kxpense, • And uo Exposure. Oat oat the Advertisement In another column, and cal or send for it. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I Ask for Holmbold's. Take. no Other.. CURES GUARANTEED. myl2-d2m HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE 1:1 Wm. L. Batchelor's Bair 'Aye The only Harmlees and Reliable Dyer Known AR others are more imitations, and should be avoided ifyou wish to escape ridicule: GREY, RED OR RUSTY BAIR dyed. Instantly . to .a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, wßout the least Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MtDALS AND DlPLOMAthireibeeh dad to Wm. A. ilsvossum sauna 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of big lemons Dye. Wat. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARHANTID not to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this spleodid Dye, which le prop- erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New, York. Sold In &lithe cites and towns of Use United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine has the n a me ...William A. Batoktelor, ,, and address upon a Steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay SL, oci2-d&wly. Late Wla Broadway,; Now York EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, a choice lot oartra Family Flour, all Warranted by bbl., or neck, just received and for .ale low by NK8301.8 & BOWMAN, Greer rout and Harker streets. 4TH OF JULY, Dnioont'e Powder and Shot, for sale in large and small quantities by NICEIOL3 & BOWMAN, Jean Corner front and Market streets. FOR PRIMER:TING PURPOSES AVERY superior article, (pure,) jIIB received and ir sale:by • • • Jeep WMI DOK, JR., Ar CO. PARE CRiCirRAS, Yirfo Ciao esa an t reaaired ad 10'614kr box or pack by MfloLl, &AMMAN, Owner Froid, aM Market oared& =I BE WISE BY TIMES I WHITE BRANDY New 2ibiltritstments. FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY• JllaS'TarrgeceeaisysoedrtamteßentrgorrA':gsCheaain l sizes, Bookstore, 4 inches to 10 feet. FLAGS FOR 1 CENT FLAGS FOR 2 CENTS FLAGS FOR 8 CENTS FLAGS FOR 6 CENTS FLAGS FOR 12 CENTS FLAGS FOR 26 CENTS FLAGS FOR 40 CENTS FLAGS FOR 75 CENTS FLAGS FOR $1 00 FLAGS FOR $2 60 FLAGS FOR $6 00 Flags of any size not on hand will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice at BERGNER'S. TO NEW YORK • AND BACK FOR SIX DOLLARS. EXCUSION TICKETS Will be lamed at the READING RAILROAD DEPOT, from • Harrisburg to New York and Beek, Via READING, ALLENTOVTN & EASTON, Good from Saturday, Jane 18th, until Monday July 7th, 1861, AT SIX DOLLARS EACH, With the privilege of laying over at any inter mediate Station, in either direction, between the above dates. J. J. CLYDE, General Agent Reading Railroad, Harrisburg. Jcus/4, 1862. je26-dtjy6. READING RAILROAD. EXCURSION TICKETS TO PifiIABLPHLI MD BACK AT $3 25 EACH. And Between all Other Points AT REDUCED FARES, I OD FROM SATURDAY, JUNE 18T11, TO MON DAY, JULY 7TH, 1861. J. J. CLYDE, .General Agent. je26-dtjys TIN WARE AT REDUCED PRICES. LYMAN GILBERT, Market Street, Oorner of River Alley. OFFERS for ea!e the largest stock of Tin aid 6beei. Iron Ware In Harrisburg. Priaeulower thaa ihoutof, any- °that .establish. nowt. Tbo custom of wore keepera woo purclrisa to selliagabi is invited. All work warranted. jell-dim. STOVES 1 STOVES 1 ! SOMESOME of the best patterns cooking stoves are to be had Kt too Cheap Tie ware and Stove Ka tubitabment of Lyman Gitbet t, Market street jell-dim FRUIT CANS, IF the best patterns,;Glass and: in con stantly on band at:Lyman Gilbert's Ttn Ware Man Cory, Market street. jel74lm WATER COOLERS. ANICE assortment, oheap at Lyman Giltrart's Tio awl Sheet Iron Ware Afanutoccory, Market sweet. .oa-dim FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER.. DDAVID BERST, of South Hanover townelfip, (Aforehim :elf im • candidate for the ottk.e of COUTY 11.0611-SIONER, eubje - et to the Union hepublhan Nominating Convention, and pledges himself if nominatai and elected, to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. . jel3Klawtc* HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. rrE.IS handsome property recently occu -1 pled by the PR VNitYLVANIA asmaLs UJILLBGE 18 uttered for sal,. It-is well suited either furs Titivate Residence or a B , ardlng dolind, being supplied with gas, Water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. Tie grounds contain valuable ltu 1 Trees and tlbrubbery. The pluCe will be sold low and possession given within reasouable dme. For terms, & e., apply t 4. S. S. WAUGH, or • DK. WM. H. It ]LB Executors of Estate of Kos. B. R. Waugh, dec'd. je24-deodtt WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY C. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, has just opood a large, new ant well selected stock orWall Paper and Window Shales, ac bia new store No. 12 Market street, next to Hammitt at Killingers grocery near the Bridge.. /Or Paper hanging personally attended to. all work warranted. . ,189.dlin• LABOR SAVED 1 BYusing PUTMAWS EXCELSIOR CLOTHES WRINGER, which wrings clothes ryer Gate can be cone by band, and wrings a bed quilt or handkerchief without any alteration. Gaited examine it at . 11. RAYNE'S AGRICULTURAL STORE, jeoo4Btawlin /40 liask^t street. FOR RENT TTHEThree ti tory Brick Dwelling House opposite the Magnetic Telegraph Office on Third btr.'et near Maraet, owned by and formerly the rest denCo of Dr. blearge Met.. Owl ,g to the location, &c. ' tail is one of the most desirable residences for a small family in the city: The boase being now furnishol, 'any amniaef~ Furniture therein desired, om be 'pan:Aimed at, reasonable rates, Pdssestion given on the &at of July. Enquire of D. el. CAN-KIER, On the Prrinises. SALAD OIL. A ' :rge supply of fresh Salad Oil, in serge and small bottles, and of different breads lust received and for, sale by WM. DOCK, Ja. h CO. SUGARS • - , Q 10 - ! ? ; B at L gi. B.:S des ii katA f it e a f i i,n i t e , /*d i tt w i w ill bow a at the lowest market price& je2o . ; . • ' WM DjOK., JR., & 00. VIRE CRACKERS, Fire Crackers, just received and for sale cheap by , N1CM.01.3 & BOWMAN, 1e14; , Corner Front and Market streets. IbIXTENSIVE stock of White and Brown . E 0 Sugars of aJlgrades, and very to A, just received and for sale by NICHOLS & CO W MAN, j•2l Corner Front Rua Market streets. OALL and examine those Cheap Sugars lbr preservlni at . NICHOLS & LaMiani, je2l Corner Front and M4rket sweets. WANTED EDIAT ELY . —A few Machinists and Ithcirsmiths. Require at the w yge-ett • IiaItMEHMIRG uae. SHOP. ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 boxes Joel received and In prlmeerder. • prlB . W. D001E..111., & 00. CANNID Tornatoes and Green Corn at Jouri , torl A 'FPI Oranges and lAmons atJUIiN w(sk,s. = 4 a AKA& 8 Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate' air nab st JOHN WISCO, Tltlc4 and Walnut,. mu 2musements. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE ! UESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATORDAY. JULY Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th, AND FRIDAY AFTERNOON, .TITLY 4th. Y . M.A__N . I THE INCOMPARABLE AND INCOURRAHINBEEILB WIZARD AND VENTRILOQUIST. W-os t perforation's; tar atupwe le point of mystery and originality all the Melina Fakirs and ottr r Celestial Necromancers, pee.enten in the startling annals of trab• lerie. Professor WY 4.01 wia make the Itivieiblei Via! ble, and compel men, women and outer objects to appear and disappears at pleasure, and in his SEVEN DIFFgR FN.'. VOICES represent a whole Congress of Nations in his own person. Firierim•nts will be given in the spacious Room of the above name establishment, and will embrace a varied se action from his copious catalogue of entertain Ing novelties. ADMISSION CHILDREN....... ORCHESTRA CHAIRS. . Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance com mences at 8 o'clock. je2B-d6t GAIETY MUSIC HALL ! Walnut Street between 2d and. 3d. OPEN EVERY NIGHT WITH THE STAR NOVELTY CONCERT TROUPE MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, The Queen of Songs. M'LLE. LEONETTA, • M'LLE. LEONETTA, LEONETTA, The Great French Danseuse. 808. EDWARDS, ED. DE HAVEN, 808. EDWARDS, ED. DE HAVEN, Negro Commedian. Comic •Vocalist. PROF. E. U. CLEBIMENTS, Pianist. AD MISSION • 10 and 15 cents. Doors open at 7f, commence at 8 o'clock. ROB'T'EDWARDS. Proprietor. je3o•dlw iflistellawanc WM. KNOCHE, 93 .Market ;street, Harrisburg, Pa., DIUSIR Di pIAIV - ' CO ST EW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bee IN makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU. RENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeous, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. • A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GL•888E From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM.. KNOCHE, 93 Market street febl9-wasly DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. UTNE, graduate of the Baltimore Ooilege of Denial Surgery, haviugp er manently located in the oilyofHirrlsburg and taken the office formerly °coupled by Dr. Gorgas, ea Third street between Market and Walnut,, respectfully informe his friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations to the Dental profession, either ; surglea for mechanical:ln a manner that shill not be surpassed by operators in this or , any other city. His mode of inserting artidenal teeth is upon the latest Im proved scientific principle Teeth from one to a full set, mounted on floe Sol d Silver, Platinn plates or the Vulcanite boo. I take great pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former friends of Harrisburg and vi • chitty, and feel confident that be will perform all opera tions in a scientific manner, from my knowledge of his ability. (my 3 den ' F.J. S. D. 8. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE: LETTERS testamentary on the,estate of _ Emanuel Hall, late of the oily or Harilsirurg, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the, said deb all pers ms having Maims or 'demands against the said estate are req ni shed to make hnoun UM same and those tudEbted to pay their debts to him without delay. gORDEt Al YoNINNEY, myl3.cloaw6w • -Executor. EXECUTOK'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby -given- that letters of administration on the estate ot Rimund Porter, late et Harrisburg, Dauphin county, deed; hive heen granted to the uneersigned by the Register or Dauphin county . All persons indebted to said , estate are request ed to metro t ayment, and those having claims to plresent them for settlement to sonata venous', Esq., at the Pennsylyania House, who is hereby emeowereo by the undersigned to adjust any claims presented to him. SAIdUnT, htOORE Executor. my2o-deaw6w* Easton, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING been appointed auditor by by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to ulnae d Istribution of the money in court, made on a certain writ of.Veadifioni tzikinas, No 39 April T. 1802, direct Ate the <eriff of Tiogacounty in the case of the Commonwealth of Pehnsylvaida tal Williara'D. Bait win meat all those having Leas annust the real estate Of the aforesatd William D. ilsoluy, at my omen on. .Third street in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday the ,gOIA day of July neat at 10 &clock, a. M., at which place and time all persons interested will attend if they deem proper. EUGENE SNYDER, jerg-noaw3w uditor. • LAND-FOR 'SALE. ABOUT 1300'neres. 'principally Chestnut epiont land,- situated . nary and Conearogo townships, Dauphin conity. Also a number of fine Chestnut Timber and Pasture lots in Londonderry and South Anville towinhips, Lebanon comity kor turther particulars apply to Samuel Hoffer, Gonewago,. or to John Simeon, Colebrook Furnace, Pennsylvania. apr7 doaw3m , . W. G FABENANDi • .N - oT.lvE.::_xoticE is hereby given that , Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Mtiler,lite of Dauphin county, deceased, baye been granted to the subscriber, who resides in the city of Harrisburg, insaid county. All permits baying shams or demsads against the estate of said decedent aro here by requested to make 'mows the same to the subscriber, and all persons indebted io the same will make payment wi.hout delay. JOHN A. MHO. Harrisburg, May 210852.—my29-eawd6w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE • .N OTICE is hereby given that letters o f administration were this day taken out of the itegistet's Milne of Dauphin county, on the estate of Richard Popel deu'd., of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, by the uadersigned. All creditors to said estate will present that. claims prcperli authenticated, and those knowing themmires to ue indebted will make im mediate payment to the undersigned . MAMIE PERRY, Administrator, CAP Oil for all kinds of machinery, In Small and large packages, for sale by NLOBOLS&BOWN.kN, .19 , , Corner Fres!. and Market street GRAIM.F4III3.b7I e pboaitt, or box, reeitivedand for irate by MICRO'S& BOWMAN. _4 Corner Prat and Market OWL itriStrauusiatur. 17761 JULY 4th. 18621 FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS! aimr ILECTIVBD AND FOR 9 ALI LOW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT JOHN WISE'S Fruit & Confectionery Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT. Harrisburg, Pa FIREWORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDING- ROMAN CANDLES, 26 cts .15 " .50 II SKY ROCKETS, PIN WHEELS, SERPENTS, GRASS HOPPERS, PROCESSION TORCHES, (Burn Three Hours.) SOFT CASE TORPEDOES, PULLING CRACKERS, FIRE CRACKFTS, MAMMOTH CRACKERS, For Waving, burns at once a Red, White and Blue Fire—a new and beautiful article. • Together with an innumerable quantity of smaller Fireworks, all of which can be purchas ed cheaper than elsewhere. je2s EDGEHILL SCHOOL. rRINCKTON, N. J. Rev. Jsmes P. Humus, A. M., 1. P r . • pa i s. ROY. THOS. W. CATTKI.L o A. M., rpHIS Institution; founded in 11329, is &signed to prepare boys thoroughly for collme or Ir a buten/es life. The buildings are large and commie dire., and the grounds embrace more than thirteen acres. Both of the Principals di vine their whole time to the school, idled in the department of lostruotiou by competent, teachers The military instruction end Odd, (under the charge of an experienced Instructor,) is arranged so an not. to Mindere with the regular stediee, occupying a pert of the t me appropritved to exercise and recreation. Pupils are re,eived at any time and charged only from the date of Ida lesion. TZ11118:—$125 00 per Brest= of five menthe. For circulars, or further information, address either of the Principals. Ne'ereure is also made to the Rev. Mr. Cattell, Harrisburg. irons the Rev. Dr. Hodge and the Rev. Dr. McGill, Professors in the 7heological Seminary, Princeton, N. J. I have for Several years been intimately acquainted with the kev. Thomas W. Canell. Re has had charge of two of my sons, and I can safely say I have never mown sny one in whom fidelity aid devotitn to his pu pHs, I. have equ•tl conftlence. Ile is a good scholar end a successful teacher. I know no one who has a greater ready in gdning the love of Ire scholars or who exerts over them a better influence tam aware of %he responsibility In spa king in such terms of commendation of a teacher; but lam alluded lam doing nothing but simple justmo to an ea :silent man, In using the language which I havo here em ployed CHARLES HMOS% 1 have great oonfidecce In the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, as a teacher, both his aptness to give itstruction, and his tact in the administration of titsciphne. 1 have had two sons under his care, ant from the moat careful ob.serva tibn lam free to recommend the itdgehtli retool as one of safe and thorough int:Urn:Aim' . jel4 dim AI.ESAND' R T. hi% ILL. FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE the attention of families who BAKE THEIR OWN BREAD, to our stock of Flour. We have jest rezeived SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS of the Choicest (White Wheat) St. Louis Flour ihst the Weetrci llarzet affords. We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to be strict ly superior. [Jae] WM. nOCK,Jii., &Lk) WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER• Third Street, next door to the Tekgraph Printing Orme. STORES, dwellings, churches, public buildings, factories, kc., fitted up with gas, lota and iron plpia'in a woreman like manner. Hydrants, Wash basins, Bath Tuba, lift and Force Pumps, Water Cle , ots, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas sea steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work pr raptly attended to. my3o-d3m. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Quaid Street, near Olmsteat street, oppo site the P niasylvabla tiallrosid Depot, wee this ma hod or Informing the citizens of Harrisburg an.t vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superier manner, and on the most reasonable terms. jelOantivit GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL at No. 75 Market Street. where kt., you will end a large and well Belot:tea stook of plain IRA fancy Confectionery of all kinds. A great va riety °Myst cos every description, ladies' Wont titands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Dates and all other, articles generally keys in a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. Call and examine for yourselves. Wal. 11. WitUtIONRR, .6one-dem P oprietor. E'RESERVE JARS J LLY GLASSES, OF all sizes, patterns and prices, just recoiled ate for sale by jel3 . Whir. DOCK, Jr ,dc CO. 100 PERCJIff OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE. FOR BALE AT THE KEYSTONE FARM. my2l-dtf NEW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with all the recently Improved burners for sale by 141010 LS & BOWMAN'S (weer 4.ariCel..areet, m 19 SUPERIOR Quality of Imperial and Black Tea, for sale by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, my 22 roamer Front and Market streets. DANDELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and large supply of this Oeiebyead Coin* us& received by f.laBl WM, XXV Jr., Ri ClitOSS & BLA.CKWELL'S Celebrated ki PICKLES, SAUCES, raEssavii4, sic., aus. A large supply of the above, embracing every variety, just re alm:el end for sale by [ WM. DOCK. Jr., &Co DETERSIVE SOAP, something better than Harrison's Household Soap, Just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jet Corner Front and Msrket streets. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything in the line, must received in large nuantitiee and for sale very low by QMOKED 13.6%F.-4 splendid lot, large kJ and well cured. war DOCK, Ja, & CO LiUARA.i.TELLY.—A large supply just la Maud by WM. DOCK, JR. kt 00. HARD CASE TORPEDOES, LADIES' UNION FANS, JOHN WISE wmi nocK. ir kCn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers