pailp Etitgrapq. Ng TO ADVIVETISEES.—AII Ad ,,,tigeinents, Easiness Notices, Hate.. Maths, Apo., to immure t insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably ne a ccompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regu.. ler Evening Edition are Inserted in the 'naming Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Morning, July 1, 180, fas pic-nic of the Excelsior club in Hastm , n lw(Xide is postponed until to dly (Tuesday), i nbliQses will leave Frisch's in Market street, tI I: woods every ten minutes. An efficient „1 1 ,, will he in attendance to preserve good r.lrr. I=l :I,IIIC ON Till FOtIRTIL—It is suggested that :•tate authorities authorize the firing of .Iti.,llllSHltites from one of the Mexican cannon n i'vitol hill at sunrise, noon and at sunset, st i'i iday. The suggestion is a very proper 31.(1 we have no doubt that if an applies !. t. , ibat effect is made to either the Gover ot Adjutant General Russel, it will be railed without a moment's hesitation. Let have the salute by all means. flit LANCASTER COTTON MILLS.—The Lancaster .;", , ros, of Saturday, says that the No. 1 cotton -Ai .4 that city will resume operations on Mon the ith proximo. The mills Noe. 2 and ready in operation, and such arrangements Live been made in regard to a supply of cotton .1 4 IfOrdS a reasonable hope that the mills will It kept running now without interruption. the mill in this city still remains idle, under the plea of the high price and scarcity of cotton. THE KRYSTONR BARB BALL CLUB, recently or. ganized in this city, played a very entertain ing match game un one of the fields above the city lest Saturday afternoon. Parties, who were present on the occasion,state that,although the game at first was entirely novel to moat of the members, they soon gut the "hang of the Ping," and suhsequently made some excellent ?laying. The club, we believe, meets for prat• every alternate Wednesday and Saturday ,x❑ou❑9, and hope to be able shortly to be in FaJent trim to challenge a club in some , 411bering city to a friendly contest for the Excrasios.—Our readers will observe that th.. Reading Railroad Company issues excursion tickets from all their stations to Philadelphia sal New York, good from the present time until the 7th day of July To those of our citizens* who Nish to celebrate the great anniversary with their friends'at a dis tance, this will be an additional acoommoda tio.o. The company deserve all credit for their endeavors on this, as well as many previous occasions, to give the public a good opportunity to improve such occasions. They are following the right crack in this respect. Such evidence of an enterprising and accommodating spirit never fails to bring about a return of the favor 2 one Shape or another. gl - DDY WATMR MAY DM CLBARBD.-Our citizens lie frequently annoyed because of the impure aid muddy condition of the hydrant water, without any apparent means of relief. A little trouble for the time will perfectly cleanse the water, and for all family purposes it will be Tisit as pure as before. The mode of cleansing by the use of a small piece of alum which Impala no unpleasant taste. A piece of alum ati int the size of a walnut, suspended with a tiring and kept gently moving through a pail A weter, will cause all the mud to participate in a few minutes, when the crystal fluid may be poured 01. The trouble is but slight, while the i see tit is of great importance, though the fact if the knowledge should not relax the ef t.irt to obtain a supply of pure water. Iki6 (i LOIUOUB " FOURTH." —From present in ii.atams, there is every reason to believe that IL, approaching anniversary of American In v,Loleoce will be celebrated in our city in a 1 table manner. The First City Zauaves, I, r whose auspices the arrangementa were have been assured of the presence of at t two military companies from a distance, I these, together with the firemen of the tr and the inspiring mualo of several braes will altogether make up a procession of tula.t imposing character, and attract to City a large concourse of our " country 0011- ,4 > The object of the proposed celebration should be, the proper expression of the-. tit.tro for the day, the recollection of the brave 1 %1 snfrering in the field of war and carnage, at, l a heightening of appreciation of the great ct fur which the loyal citizens in every part the land are striving. It is the profound. de are of very one that proper decorum, be ob ltrved, and that those accompaniments which 6,l fletithei supersede the intent, and demoralize tha erercibea, be eschewed and guarded against. • Mona 12,,, NEAB. _ An i i ntpl ilgerzt contempor ary complain s that while many of our citizens have foregone the pleasures and. comforts of home, separated themselves from all they hold dear on earth, and girdled on their armor and went furth to Little for our glorious country arid its flag, skulking cowards at home, having af., respect tor themselves or their country, have iet their slanderous hearts at work, in concoct tce and circulating rumors touching the bre vity of our soldiers on the battle field. Such belch rumors give uneasiness to dear friends at dome, accomplish no good, and are calco tated to depress the spirits of those facing the "'non. We should do all in our power to live such persons aid and comfort, instead of kjuring their fair fame and reputation by the circulatio n of idle and malicious falsehoods cuncerulug their conduct in battle. These rumor s are not confined to the soldiers of any tatticuly county, but the idrps of the devil, cowardly cure and foul-mouthed defamers, in v.rieue parts of the State, have been busy of l ate, in circulating rumor s impeaching the courage of brave men, now undergoing great Preparations in camp and facing such &Mai, that they know not at what hour their heart may cease to beat! The tories of the revolu tion were kings to such persons as we speak of. THE PANORAMA OF THE GREAT REBELLION. 7 This magnificent work of art is progressing 6nt•ly in the hands of the young and talented, artist, Harry Davis. The scenes recently com completed represent the "Battle Of Winches ter," the "Bombardment of Island . No. 10." "Great Battle of Shiloh," "Ohio troops re•cap turiug artillery near the church of Shiloh," a double picture of the "capture of New Orleans," and the great "Battle of Williamsburg." hisses/writs TAXEI3. —The storekeepers in this county may be interested to know that by an act of the last session of the Legislalure, it is declared "that it shall be the duty of every city and county treasurer to sue for the recovery of all licenses duly returned to him by the mer cantile appraisers, if not paid:l66,ore the Ist of July in each and every year, within ten days after that date ; and said treasurer shall not be dis charged from any such license, unless he brings snit to recover the same within said date, and presses the same to judgement and execution as soon thereafter, and pays the amount of all such licenses received by him into the State treasury, on or before the let day of October ensuing. STRAOOLERB, JOIN YOUR Rzoneaeva. —We often see in our streets strangers in uniform—and some in citizens dress— who are either on leave or nominally sick, and are making use of any pretext to avoid their duty. Many such have been really sick, but are now well and are lengthening their furloughs by means of the certificates of easy conscienced and friendly physicians. It should be a disgrace fog a well man, noi, on duty, to be seen wandering about the streets in uniform. The true promenade is in front of Richmond, and every man who wears his uniform there, and bears it in a manly way, is entitled to the very opposite of disgrace —the highest and most enduring honor. So, all ye to whom these reproachesapply, "'South ward, Face ? Forward, March l' and don't halt until you bring up at Richmond." Camas or TEMPIELANCE.-At a stated meet ing of the State Capital Section, No. 21, Cadets of Temperance, held on Friday evening, the 27th inst., the followingofficere were elected to serve the ensuing term : W. A., Andrew J. Reynolds. V. A., 0. Warren Rowan. T., Charles W. Maurer. A. T. Henry A. Krichbaum. S., Harvey E. Smith. A. S.,John Edwards, Jr. G., illiam L. Reber. U., William L. Cooper. W.,.D. Truman Boyd. A. W., George L. Kepner. C. S., G. Washington Fenn. The annual elective officers holding over are W. P., G. Washington Fenn. 2d P., William T. Bishop, Jr. The Section is in a flourishing condition, and numbers of our youth are being added to their ranks. ==l THB WAY in Mean AN AIIiBBIOAN FLAG.— The following rule is obtained from an officer of the Navy, and at this time, when many per sons are desidons to construct Union flags, and inquiry is frequently made, in consequence of the proper proportions of such flag, may be useful. The length of the flag, is of course, proportional to the width of the etzipea, there being thirteen of the latter, red and white al ternately, the red being the first and last. The length of the flag should be twice the width, less the width of one stripe, or equal to the width of twenty-five stripes. The dimensions of the flag, therefore, are twenty-five by thirteen. The blue or Union square at the upper head corner is, of course, equal in width to seven stripes—a white stripe coming next to it underneath. In length it should equal the ten stripes, or two•fifths of the length of the flag. The number of stars equals the number of States (34,) and they should be arranged in seven perpendicular rows, the first or last row containing four stars only, the others five stars each ; or the stars may be arranged in five horizontal rows, four rows containing seven stars each and one row six. --....--.. INCRRABB or ARMY Esusrumrs.—The recent order issued by Secretary Stanton, announcing . that hereafter a premium of two dollars would be paid for each and, every accepted recruit, has, it is said, produced a general increase of army enlistments. Any person who now ob tains a recruit Is entitled to that sum when he is accepted, under this order. It has proved an incentive to the recruiting officer, as well as to others who wish to labor for the premium by prevailing upon men to enlist. The most im portant feature of this order of the Secretary of War, however, is the announcement that every person who enlists, either in the regular army or the volunteer force, for three years or during the war, will receive, immediately upon the mustering of his company into service, the first month's pay in advance. Heretofore many men have been deterred from enlisting by the fear of leaving their families without any support until they had served long enough to receive pay from the Government. The payment of the first month in advance is a decided im provement, and is calculated to encourage men to enlist. === Escoiasos Hors Etrzzarsusz—We set it down as a maxim, which cannot be disputed, that it is the duty of every citizen, to encour age the mechanics and business men of his own community. By so doing he builds up trade as home, and helps to make himself and his neighbors prosperous. The man, who, in order to save a few pennies, goes abroad to get his work done, or purc h ase his necessaries, may not be aware of it, bat he is really doing that mncu to retard the progress of the place in which he resides. We urge upon all our read ers the importance of patronising their own mechanics and business men. If you have printing to be done ; clothing to purchase ; furniture to be made ; provisions to buy—what: ever you need,—get it at home—better pay_ a little more for it, if need be,—the extra ex pense will eventually come back into your own Pockets. We are led to these remarks, by noticing a too prominent disposition amongst some of our citizens to obtain their articles in the large cities—a habit which, if generally practiced, would completely ruin the trade of d our otiintimnity; and which wellope to see avoided in the future. peuttepinanict 11:1ctilv elegraph: eutobap imrnittg. hip 1, 1962 ADAM HOFFMAN, a graduate of Duff's Mercan tile College, Pittsburg, is desirous of forming a class in Double Entry Book keeping: He can be seen at his residence, Walnut street, near Fourth. Ito JUST received and will besold low, a large lot of gold, gold and velvet, gold and silver and paint, d window shades, of various colored groun , le, such as buff, pearl, stone, green and chocalate; buff and green Holland for shad. s ; also, a large lot of window papers, which I will sell lower than can be bought elsewhere, at No. 12 Market street,mear the bridge. EBERT C. SHAFFER'S New Wall Paper and Window Shade Store je3o-1t Scsaorn op SMALL OILLFGB.—Great scarcity exists here and elsewhere in small change. Dimes, half-dimes; and even pennies, heretofore a drug, are latterly in great demand. Merchants and business men find it difficult, and some times impossible to change notes for small put chases. Hundreds of dollars of small change would find ready sale in this vicinity, even at a premium In view of the scarcity of coin of the lower denomination, we suggest that the Mint be set to work to meet the demand. A week or two exclusively devoted to the coinage of dimes, hall-dimes, three cent pieces and nickles, would no doubt supply the deficiency and prevent a possible issue of shin-plasters. Unless something is done in this matter, a re sort to small notes, however, much to be deprecated, will follow as a necessary conse quence. At a meeting of the First Sergeants Forty seventh regiment, Pennsylvania 'Volunteers, held at Camp Brannan, the following resolu tions were adopted: %Vanua, It has pleased God, in his allwise Providence, to remove from our midst our friend and equal in rank, Charh a Nolf, First Sergeant Company I, by the accidental dis charge of a loaded rifle in the hands of a fellow soldier belonging to a different regiment to that which the deceased was a member ; therefore, Resolved, That through his death we have been deprived of a kind friend and good sol dhr, one whose only motive was the good of his country and his fellow men, through which he gained the respect of all with whom he was associated ; and, though now his body lies mouldering with its kindred clay, yet his mem ory will be cherished by all his associates as one who died deserving the warmest regards of all. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sym pathy to his parents and friends in behalf of the deceased ; and while we mourn our loss, may it be with him as with the apostle Paul: To live is Christ, but to die is gain. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the friends of the deceased, and a copy to the Catasaqua Beretd, and each t f the Allen town, Easton, Harrisburg, Bloomfield and Sun bury papers for publication. John H. Stein, let Serg't Co. A. Allen A. Gamier, let Serg't Co. B: Christian S. Baird, lst Serg't Co. C. George Kosier, let Serg't Co. D. Wm. A. Bauchanan, let Serg't Co. N. Henry Bartholomew, Ist Serg't Co. F. Chas. A. Hackman, let Serg't Co. G. George Reynold, Ist Serg't Co. H. Conrad A. Volkanant, Ist Serg't Co. K. A Moon. ESIABLISICKIENT.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion, of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building . at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners arid ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, brit the stock ch ttlenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. 'Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive 'Stock, whether they purchase or not. RICHMOND. The public mind for the . las t forty-eight hours has been in the positio n of a man that has been willed a fortune. While there is no doubt of the fortu.le, it is not yet in his possession; in regard to Rich mond the suc cess of our army for the last two days,, and the advices of advantages gained, makes the cap tura ofltlchmond certain, and when the fourth of July shall have arrived, we will again ratify the magna charts of human freeriom and con tinue to purchase our dry goody " a t, the cheap store of Mich & Bowman, Soutit . East corner of Front and Market streets. jeSO. $6OOO DOLLARS wows or New GOODS 1-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 26, 87, 60, 62 and 76 cts.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 30, up to 76 cts. Great bargains 600 new hoop skirts for 60, 62 and 75 cte., np to $2.60 cheapest in town; the largest :aseortment of low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 pieces white brillants et 121 lets.; some at 16 to 18 cts.; 60 dozen of shirt breasts at 121 cte.. 20, 26 and 37 cts., extra cheap. 200 dozen.of..La dies' white stockings, at 12i and 16 cts. A magnificent assortment of embrokkavd.cambric band, and cambric edging ani insertings, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 121 cts.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. LIMY. We also received 10 doken of real German linen pocket lumdkerchiefe for gentlemen—lt very scarce article; also 20 pieces of white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 6 pieces of black silk at all prices. ;S Lsw OROS'S & BLACKWELL'B7, Celebrated MUM,' SAUCES, PBSS3ERVE3; &o. A large supply Of the above, embrachig every variety, jllBl re eved and ler lU] _ ° WIC DOCK, Jr., & Co. DETERISIVE SOAP, something better thamllorrbou'aOosehold Soap, fat receivedand for sale by NICHOLS & BO,WMAN, .102 — - Corner Front and It•trieet streets. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS; BROOMS and everything in the line,,Just received in Jame bnantitien mid the mile very low by . Wl4 MM. &en rtJ'ANGES SPFAXed!" AND LEMONS.-60 bosee 1 4- 11 .1 P4N, IVe r; &pm - . WICK, JR., & 00. CiANNEDT 4a, ABA' qrpoili.r,oci; at no Prl ES, Oranges and Lemons, it URN 44111. wawa all I=2=l Tribute of Respect. CAMP BRANNAN, KEY WEST, Fla., June 14, 1862. } =I BE WISE BY TIMES! Do n , t, 'rifle with your notliti, (11. , natitution and Ch a If you or , sokiring Witt any Divailea for which RELMBOLD'S EX7RACI BUCBII is recommended TRY' IT! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It will Core you. 'nee Long Suffering, Allaying rain and 10Juni:darn. and will realore you to _ _ _ • HEALTH AND PURITY, • At Lillie f ipouae, nd no FarFure. Cut out %be Any( rlkement In anothcl - column, and oat ./ Bend fo it. BEWARE OF CO UN7 ERFEI7S Ask for Helorboldk Take Do (Wier CURES GUARANIRED. myl2•d2m HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I L Batchelor's Bair Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All otharware more imitations, and should be avoided Ryon wisb'to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the leaat injury to Hair or" Skin. FIFTEEN IiFDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu: A. Bwressiem sine HI 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE producea a motor not to be distinguished from nature and is WARILINTID not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Shuts of bad Dress remedied. The. hair ie InviEntited I r itfo by Hai oleo did ore; which is prop erly applied at No. 16 itend"Street Ne* York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Heaton. " The Genuine has the name William X. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate- engraving; on the four itides of each box. . . iTholesaltaaotorsr, 81 Pailiy St., oci2-d3rwly. late 233 Broadway, New York Ntu , e2tbriertiatments 17761 'JULY 4th. 18621 FIRE WORKS ! FIRE WORKS! .TINIT RROIDI7ED AND FOR SALE I.OW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT JOHN WISE'S Fruit &Confectionery Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT. Harrisburg, Pa FIREWORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDING- ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, PIN WHENTS, MINE,S, SERPENTS, GRASS HOPPIMI, PROCFAION TORCHES, (13arn Three Hours.) SOFT CASE TORPEDOES, HARD CASE TORPEDOES, PULLING CRACKERS, FIRE CRACKERS, MAMMOTH' CRACKERS, LADIES' 'ONION FANS, For Waving, burns at once a Red, White and Blue Fire—a new and beautiful article. Together with an innumerable quantity of smaller Fireworks, all of which can be purchas ed cheaper than elsewhere. je26 JOHN WISE. FOR'THEFOURTH OF JULY. UST received at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore, d a large assortment of Flags—all sizes, from 4 inches to 10 feet. FLAGS FOR 1 CENT. FLAGS FOR 2 CENTS. • FLAGS FOBS CENTS. FLAGS FOR 6 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 12.0ENTS. FLAGS FOB 25 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 40 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 75 CENTS. FLAGS FOB $1 00. FLAGS FOR $2 50. ' FLAGS FOB $6 00. Flags of any size not on hand will be fur. niehed to order at the shortest notice at BEIigNEIVIEL TO NEW YORK AND BACK FOR SIX DOLLARS. EXCUSION TICKETS Will be issued at the READING RAILROAD DEPOT, from Hanisburg to New York and Back, Via READING, ALLENTOWN &PARTON, Good from Saturday, June Bth, until Monday July 7th, 1861, AT : SIX DOLLARS EACH, Wittrtherpritilege of laying cli , er'tit any inter mediate Btatien;in''either dire-lion, between the above dates.,: J. J. J. CLYDE,. Gen General Agent Reading Railroad, Harrisburg. JUNE 24, 1862. je2s-dtjy6. 100 BBLS. Sugar (Refined and. Raw,) of all grades sod kind' Met receleed and will be sold at the &meet market prices. - je2o WM DOGK JR. , &o ). . . ATTENTION FARMERS 1 SCYTHES,'SNATUS; GILAIN bRADLES, RAKE , B,orres KOKES and RULES in groat TArtety, to be had caw at ,GLIAMIT'S Hordwart Store, Jeld-dtf • ' • Olipoisite the Court. dm SORIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND 'DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per fluttery. he. Alio nerds foi the tale oi Refine.' Petri:deem, Memltukting OA warier etty oat ou • furpilalB4 la ti SuaPthiett OA the loweekinartet rates. , liatand.l72:.ll4SiOn. blreety a27d6m] ' " - NEW YORE AU ARA _JELLY.—A large supply jus reedited bI WM PODS, JR. A 00. 2museinents. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE . 7 UESDAY, WEDNESDAY, TIIDRSDAI' FRIDAY AND SATORDAY. JULY Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th, AND FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 4th W Y - MA.N . I THE INCOMPARABLE AND lINOOMPREBENSIBLE WIZARD AND VENTRILOQUIST. W. os performances far surplva la p Int or mystery and originality all Ow Hindoo Fakirs - and Otlyr Melva' Necromancers, pre. ante in the startling annals or D ab• I•rafessor WI VAN WI I tusks the havhible firtaf ble, and compel men, women and otter objects to appear and disappears at pleasure, and In hm SICVNN PICK ISNT VDICaII represent a Whole Congress of Nations in his own person. His Fxperim •at will be given in Ibe solemn }loom of the above name I setahlisoment, and will embra, e a , 7aried sect on from his copious catalogue of ebtertain• ing novelties. A DkTISS ilsT 26 cts. CM:LOREN 16 " ORCHESTRA. CHAIRS 60 " Doors open et 7 o'clock, Performance com mences et 8 o'clock. je2B-d6t GAIETY MUSIC HALL Walnut Street between 2d and 3d, OPEN EVERY NIGHT WITH THE STAR NOVELTY CONCERT TROUPE MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, MRS. JULIA EDWARDS, The Queen of Songe MLLE. LEONETfA, MLLE. LEONETTA, MILE. LEONETTA, The Great French Danseuse. 808. EDWARDS, , ED. DE - HAVEN, 808. EDWARDS, ED. DE HAVEN, Negro Commedian. Comic - Vocalist. PROF. E. 11. CLEMMENTS, Pianist. ADMISSION lO and Ho cents. Doors open at 7f, commence at 8 o'clock. ROB'T EDWARDS. Proprietor. je3o-dlw atistttlantoug. DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. s LINE, graduate of the Baltimore College or Denial Surgery, haviugp er maneiitlY locate." In the city of Harrisburg and taken the Witte formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third Sir eet hotween Market and Walnut, respectfully inform,' his friends and the public in general, that he le p rep trod to perform all operations iu the Dental proressloa, either aurgica for mechanical In a manner that shall not be surpassed by OperalorS. iti this or any other oily. His mode of inserting artieuial teeth- is upon the latest un proved acilentilla principle Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted on line Gold , Silver, Plattni plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure in recommending the above gen ilerwin to sll my former friends of Harrisburg and vi cinity, and feel confident that he will perform ail opera tions in a scientific int niter, from my knowledge of his ability. [lny3 dtfl F. J.B: GOIIGAS. D. D. 8. .FREBH BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having Made contracts with some of our most reliable farmers to furnah us with fresh and sweet butter regular),will be enabled to supply our customers with sweet fresh Me cold butter at all times . my 29 WIL * DOCIC., Jr. 14 CO. REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut tercels* IVO. 108 MARKET STREET , Nezt door to Havne's Agriculture .'tore, where he Intends to keep altkinda of 80018 Shoes, Gaiters, &0., and a large etozik ce-Trunki, and everything iu his Roe of be. Meese ; and wilt be thatiaini to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public to at his new place of builoesa. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superkir . workmen. Repairing done at short notice. rapr2dll], ' JOHN B. 8111TH. ANOTILER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S • UNRIVALLED GOLD - PENS. DESI PENS hi the world , for 750, $1 25 Jo Si 60, $2, $B, and SS, for sale al , 6661 5 1 OCHEFFER'S Bookstore. SALAD OIL. A 9rge supply of fresh Salad Oil. in uge and =ail, bolles, and of different brands iust received and for sale by WY. DOCK, JR. & CO. CHEAP Oil for all kinds . of machinery, in tmall and large packages, for sale by N LCHOLS & BOWMAN, jnl9 - Corder Front end Market street. FORACiiERS by the cheat or box, J. bast received'and for Rae by NICHOLS& BOWMAN. jal4 Corner Front and Market streets. FIRW CRA.C.KERS, Fire C'i,ickere, just received and or Este cheap by N1C3101.2 & BOWMAN, 1814 Corner tFiinL and .Market ktreeta. and XTENSIVE stock of White Brown . .La sugars of sillgrades t and very lo v , jut received and for sale by talOEl4B gc 80HMAN, J. 21 ' Corner Front and Market streets. ("TALL and examine those Cheap Sugars 1„,/ fbr presercen, ,at • NICHOLS & Buifiterv t je2l • Corner Frce t dud M.rbet streets. WTANED IMMEDIATELY.—A few Machinists and Blacksmiths. Enquire at the my2o-du ItaithLMOßl3 VAR 8110 P. BLAOKING l• 'fi4 I 3"'CLIALLENGE BLACKING: Anjou firma, assorit* logos, justrttunve4 r and tot sale at, Wbolessla Oust; • • doll WII. IVOR, Jr., &Oo DRi6D FAIJad, Hominy ,Beaus, &c. atloaN WISEr.4. Myl yltid, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all kinds of Nuts, at JOIN WISE'S Store, Third and abut. my). ERSEY .ECA:&1:1"--Teia tierces of these J _ justly celebrated sugar cured hams, remised sea or m e In large or amen guetnities: • : W,St . BOOK, k CO QODAL Biscuit, City Crackers, juetreceiv IJ ed and for sate by NICH IL* &BO Willa 9, Corner Front and Market streets. A SUPERIOR lot of -Dandelion and Ri s 11 coffee, Per sale at the st ,re of JO (v WISE my "BOLOGNA. A SMALL, but very superior lot of JOll.. Woos sausage jest received, by ni929 • WM. DOCK, Jr: k Co. CALL and see those nice and cheap Su gars for preserving, &C., at NICiiOLS S BOWMAN, inn Corner Float and Harket'streets. LASS Jars 'for putting' up 'fitat, the Ur 'celebrated Milvate patent, cheap simple and ef fecting', warranted to give a wra action just , received and for sale by ' NICHOLS At BoWitAat, jel9 Corner Yront and Market street POMADE HONGROISE vox MING 'DO MOUSTAC - ic6 KBLLSA'S ia.IIGSTQRB OHOIGE-FIGS, in ig-11r - Oartoons zetuived and:lbr sale by ... • . just ^ • NICIELOLS*IXIWKIN, _ ju g = orner Front and Market streets. NTWEOLD HAMJEL—A: small lot of these celebrated Muss just received. gale WY. DOCK, Jr., Jc CO. New 2briertisemtitts. HAPPINESS OR MISERY? THAT IS THE QUESTION. -1113 E Proprietors of the 'PARISIAN I CAWNErOF WONDE4B. ANATOMY and Mt• Dy. CINE ' bare d..termiced re4ardlesi of exp.nse, V+ I sue fre,, (for the benefit of suffering humsolty) POUR of their meet Instructive and i , teresting Lectures on Mar riage and its Ihaquatincatioes, Nervous DobFity, Prema ture Decine of kiauhrod, IndigLetlou Weakness or Do or. esiou, Loss of vergy and V... 1 Powers. the Great csal Evils, ani those Mal•dits whie., Fein t from Tonto ful fjl lel, Excesses of Maturity. or Ten , trauce or Physi ology and Nature's law. These i , yulusble Lectures bay been the means of enlightnlug an .l string thou s.nds, and will be forwarded free on ten receipt of fear stators, by ad 'regains SECHE rA