(134) (retegrapq. oti or, To ADVERTISERS.-11.1 Ad t teements, Busbies. Notions, Mar w,„,,, heaths, dso., to immure ; insertion ~, the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably ~croinpanied with the CASH. A dvertieeMenti ordered in the regn,. Evening Edition are inserted in the m ooing Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA. ;; haturday Afternoon, June 28, 1862. WYMAN opens his budget of mysteries at : ,,.101 1 's Opera House, in Ws city, next Tue.- evening, and, of course, will be well pa- 111 uuzzA I Our Union Forever," a song and chorus ; " When first my ,„. beheld thee smile," and the " Tic tac are among the new pieces of music :„, Ivo] at Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market it .tt I:MOND IN MO FOCKIIT.—A lot of torpe f. exploded in a boy's pocket in the upper a,, ,, ket house this morning, which fortunately .111.-ed 'Jo more serious damage than tearing pantaloons, and frightening him nearly of his wits .-.-......--. DO. CITY SEWIIIIII. The ordinance recently isi,ed by the City Council relative to sewers Is t,lruort s literal copy of oue passed on the same ,I.leet by the Borough Council in 1861. The Moor, in his veto, therefore held that the p,-.4age of the new ordinance was entailing an unnecessary expense on the city, and conse i,.ently sent in his veto. N,TERS OP CHARITY.—During the past week, suite a number of "Sisters of Charity" have ~ n eed through this place for the purpose of i..ting as nurses to our sick and wounded ,01.11ers in the various hospitals. They at tracted considerable attention with their large snowy white hands. If there is a class of ~ c tsons who live not for themselves, but for , tiers, it is these same "Sisters of Charity." iikAll BALL CLUB.—A number of our hadiug • IeUS met at the depot of the Pennsylvania „',7011d, in this city, last evening, and organ- Base Ball Club, by electing the following 1-. , ident—Samuel D. Young, ti.o President—John Runk, Jr, .-eiary—R. P. Gemmel, Trworer—W. G. Thompson, E. L Da Barry, bicul,ve Committee—D. 111cCary, 0. W. Bees, W u. Muoro. (11.;IB FIRING —Our juvenile friends should roaemb.tr that the only time they have aright to burn powder in the street is on the Fourth ui July, and they must bottle up their patriot• idm until the arrival of that great day. Firing dquibs and crackers is all very good fun, but a proper regard for the limbs and lives of people in our crowded streets, makes it necessary to forbid all such amusementa. Next Friday, however, Is '•independence Day," in every ieth.e of the word, and If the boys do not have ,rood time then it will be strange. sliirrAar Hoskrret, Vrarroas.— Visitors en- Itq a ward of a military hospital should not ':tribute oranges or other delicacies to the ~.natee uuless they have enough to give to all. a.rgrone and nurses say that it is no less pain to them than to the slighted ones to see a :,.unction made among men who are equally Late and deserving. Sick and wounded eol .l,ere ale naturally sensitive. Away from home, th nothing to engage their attention but :Leh. own sufferings, their thoughts naturally on the friends, the affections and the com- ria which they sacrificed for the sake of their uutry. they therefore see and feel a slight 6 l,tre me way have been intended. If you Lave HL) - thing to give, and cannot treat all LL., ti It• better to give it to the nurse or sur . to be added to the general stock, out of • will be supplied alike as their neces tiro require. 'iv)ite To maim— Sanford with his inimi oi will open the Opera House this , Lefli, with one of the funniest and beat en- Fli,letits ever served up In this city. We diet omit the house will be tilled to its ut tt c apacity. The music and singing will tqlheie, the acting excellent, and wit irre ,tiLle It is rarely that such an orchestra found, even in the large cities, and cer -1.-') m, It delineators of negro character are t o hi , found in the world. Everything ,c the performance is In admirable taste, and of the music is of the most elevated .-ilktur tln variety, in elegance o aim ^ hti well as the pure moral sentiment pervades the whole, the entertainment • ,ualled. Every one that sits through this , t'% %/ Anon will leave, entertaining more beutiments towards himself and hie fel "a'u4u.Every laxly for the Opera House to• og,Lt AUN IN AND DONS Foa.--Itiobard Ash unit tY s lumberman, and Ilene from one of the tip aver ek)uuties. He oame to town day before Y ebl 'eldfty from one of the lower lumber markets, and flush in fundatihe proceeds of the sale of his lumber, concluded to lay ' 7, r one night in the Capital city for the per °se of taking a peep at the elephant, and 4tin hg up the animals generally. Having ad- .ited bin "orculars" by frequent observations Ittuligh the bottom of a glass tumbler, he wilt.d forth in the best possible humor with tluotlf and everybody else. In this condi it is alledged, be fall in with one Tom Nlthats and a negro wench named Ann litthues, whom he took to a lager beer saloon I ;adherty alley, where after imbibing sun dr!' Epee of that delectable compound, he (tired with the wench to some locality not `tared, and the consequence was that yester day morning he found himself minus the snug of four hundred and thirty-five dollars. 44 was rather more than the jolly lumber- It aeharganied for, and not fearing au expo lure, he laid his case before Justice Baader, !he betted warrants for the arrest of Tom tisthans and the aforesaid wench. The foriner h earing, promptly arrested, but discharged after It % ring, there being no proof that he paitici- Pkted la the robbery. The o f f i cers are still testing for the Woman, Holmes. fit sTAren meeting of the Friendship Fire company will be held In their ball on Monday evening at the usual hour. A SPECIAL meeting of the Good Will Fire company will be held at their house this eve ning at the usual hour, for the purpose of making arrangements fur the celebration of the Fourth of July. -.,o,_____ THE committees of arrangetuent of the dif ferent fire companies who intend to participate in the parade on the Fourth of July, are re quested to meet at the armory of the First City Zouaves at 7 o'clock this evening. By order of the company of First City Zen ayes. =:==l Fr= SERINADS.—The brass band attached to Sandford's Opera Troupe, arrived in town at noon to-day,and paraded through several of our principal streets in an omnibus, discoursing ex cellent music. Of course, the band will be on hand at the concert to-night in the Opera House. I=l Axtx Baouaa.—An axle of an emigrant car attached to a train on the Pennsylvania Rail road broke near Ninevah station on Sunday, causing a good deal of alarm among the pas sengers, who were thrown against each other with great violence, but fortunately without doing them any very serious injury. The acci dent caused a slight delay to the train, but otherwise nothing serious resulted from it. The " Nsw laossums."—Our citizens visiting Philadelphia should not fail to pay a visit to the. "New Ironsides," recently launched at that city. The latest intelligence in regard to the completion of this formidable vessel, is to the effect that it will be ready for service sooner than the contract calls for. She was to be ready by the 15th of next month, but she has now so far advanced towards completion that she will probably be turned over to the government at an earlier day. Steam was let into her ma chinery, to test it, this week. ammo!) CLAM —We had the pleasure last evening, in company with a number of our citizens, of witnes,ing an exhibition of the class now under the tuition of Mr. Alfred Annstrdng in the important art of elocution. The per formance of the young gentlemen was exceed. ingly gratifying, and they displayed a proficien cy which we would scarcely have expected in a clews which have been only six weeks engaged, for an hour each day, in th ) study of the pleas ing branch of elocution. The exhibition was a novelty to most of those present, illustrating, as it did, the elementary principles of correct speaking and gesticulation. Mr. Armstrong, in his system of Instruction, goes to the root of the matter, and his aim is first to develop the voice and secure a proper intonation and artic ulation, and then to teach the pupil to accom pany the delivery of his thoughts with appro priate and graceful gestures. In this, we think, he has succeeded admirably, and if his present pupils will but remember and apply the instruction they are receiving, it will prove of incalculable advantage to them if called in the future into the arena of public life. Mr. A. should be erwouraged by all who wish their children to become good readers or speakers. SOW:TM* ABOUT MELD 4INGIENCI.—The sound of a bell has more or lees significance, accord ing to the judgment or Inclination of the per son ringing it. The church bells of this city, ringing every morning at the same time, pro duce an effect at once so harmonious and at tractive, as to awaken the wonder and admir ation of every stranger. A merry peal of bells creates a sensation of pleasure, and quickens the thoughts of any one who le susceptible to sweet sounds. Bells have a language that is understood— being interpreted by usage for generations past. Rapid, regularly successive strikes indicate an alarm. A slow, measufeil.stroke at greater intervals gives a melancheily sound, and an nounces a solemnity. A bell affixed to a re volving axle and rung with a wheel, produces an irregular stroke—that is, a bard stroke from the effects of the force used in ringing, fol lowed by a lighter one, produced by the fall of the bell to its normal position. A bell so ar ranged and rung rapidly gives a merry sound, and portends an occasion of joy ; or, rung with leas speed and more business-like regularity, is well understood as a call for meeting. A bell not rung with a wheel should never be sounded either for calling a meeting or expressing joy. These well understood principles are in some places extended to answer local purposes. Thus in our largos cities, the citizens can at once tell from the fire bells—not only the direct:on, but, by the greater or less rapidity of the stroke— the distance of the fire. All this is well understood by every man, woman and reasoning child among us, and the question is naturally asked, why we are daily inflicted by a violation of a custom so familiar to every one. Some of the fire bells in this city are tolled most dismally, in time, and out of time, and altogether treated like new toys by children. We have in mind a bell persistently hammered upon four evenings out of five this weak. The sound emitted his no meaning, but is like the gutteralof a stam mering imbecile. Now tolling solemnly as =if a funeral cortege were passing—then two quick strokes—fire South I Next a rapid suc-. cession—lateral alarm, followed by all kinds of strokes representing anything from a funeral to a burning brush heap. 'We mu tell of at least one case of the pain ful effects of this excess of dismal sounds. An invalid, whose reason, for days Is flickering be tween extinction and restoration, has its first dawn of returning light, shaded by the sound of a funeral bell. And, after a twenty-four hour's wandering of the mind in darkness, its first return to its throne is again greeted by the Brune sound and again banished. Fire bells should be used for no other pur pose than that for which they are intended. It cannot be pretended that a neighborhood should be annoyed, that a few members should be reminded of a meeting that they know of as well as the officious bell-ringer. Besides, it is impossible to ring a call, properly, on any bell not revolving. Will the nuisance be abat ed by the appeal to the judgment of eur moo t or,must the City Fathers, ho asked to da Sae this matter by an ordinance! Pantsgluattia elegraptl. Oaturtrap "Afternoon, tune 28, 1862. CHLORIDE OF Lam AS AN INSECTICIDE.- Ding ier' a Polytechnischos Journal says : "In scattering chloride of lime on a plank in a stable, all kinds of flies, but more especially biting flies, were quickly got rid of. Sprinkling beds of vegetables with even a weak solution of this salt, effectually preserves them from caterpil lers, butterflies, mordello, slugs, etc. It has the same effect when sprinkled on the foliage of fruit trees. A paste of one part of powdered chloride of lime, and one half part of some fatty matter, placed in a narrow band round the trunk of the tree, prevents insects from creeping up -it.. It .has even been noticed that rate and mice quit Places in which certain quan tity of chloride of lima luur been egad. Thhi salt, dried and finely powered , can no doubt he employed Or the, eiMerinifixhikits lour of=;,ept phur, and be spread by the same means." Tay Ittvrar FEII4LLE Commi COMIKROVaiIiNT. —The annual commencement of the Irvin Fe male College, at Mechanicsburg, last . Wakes. day evening, was a very interesting affair.— The Baccalaureate AddiesS was:delivered to the graduating class by Prof. R. D. Chambers, and the annual address by G. W. Chalfant, of Me chanicsburg. The commencement exercises were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The honors of the class were announced by Prof. Chambers, as follows: The Classical Honor to Jane M. Weakley, The Mathematicial Honor to Susan A.Adams. The Belles Lettres Honor to Alverda M_ Here. The Musical Honor to Ida H. Porter. The Honor for Deportment to Martha A. Bowman and Mary E. Redden, ex-equo. The degree of A. 8., was conferred on the graduating class by President Marl**. • The self-possession. of the young ladies, who made their first essay in public, was highly commendable, and the style of their composi tions reflecte d credit on the able faculty connected with the institution. Not the least feature of the occasion, was the aapearance of the procession as it wended' its way from the College to the china, headed , by the Harris burg band, which discoursed most excellent music. To see sixty young ladies, uniformly draped in flowing white drapery, their eyes lighted up with the excitement of the hour, and their faces wreathed in smiles at relief from the thraldrom of school-life,,or the pros pective pleasiiretrof vacation, is a sight not of ten witnessed, and may be better imagined than described. At the close of the exercises, the procession returned to the college, accom panied by the band, who, after dining at the college, favored the students and. visitors with several choice pieces of music, and returned to Harrisburg in the afternoon, apparently much pleased with their trip, and leaving a very fa varable impression, from their gentlemanly conduct, no lea than the music they had fur nished for the occasion. In the evening the President and his estima ble lady, entertained a large number of invited guests, among whom were the, members of the Bethoven (dub, of Harrisburg, who gave addi tionaLzest to the festivities, by their admirable music. The exercsises were of the most inter esting character throughout, and, were attended by a large number of strangers, among whom were several of our own citizens. A MODEL EEITABLIBBYENT.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros parity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby Er. Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike. creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building Is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New . York, but the stock chillenges• competion.— Without going into detail, we may. safely, ,say that the firm keep on hand everything 'usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very .small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. 86000 DOLLARS WORTH OP NEW GOODSI-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 87, 60, 62 and 76 eta.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 30, up to 75 eta. Great bargains ! 600 new hoop skirts for 60, 62 and 76 tits., up to s2:6o— in town; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all .prices: 100 places white brillante at 124 cts.; some at 15 to 18 eta.; 60 dozen of shirt breaste at 'l2fetiii:; 20, 25 and 37 eta.,extra cheap; 200 dozen of La dies' white st ockings, at 12i and 16 'eta. magnificent assortment of embrolderedrcaMbilc band, and cambric edging and intiertings, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs;'at 124 eta.; also hemstitched 'kerchipfs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We'promise to sell goods at city prices.. Lswx. . We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article ; also 20 pieces of white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 6 pieces of black silk at all prices. Lsrwr. Do not trifle with your Health, Constitution and Oh a. rioter. If you are suffering with any Diseases for which - ILLIMBOLD'S RIJRAOZ BOUM is recommended. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It will Cure you, Save Long Sabring, Allaying tiPaln and Inflamation, and will restore yott.to Out out the Advortleement In another column, and col or Bend jhr It. BEWARE OF CO UMERFEI.7.B I Ask for Holmbold'a. Take no Other CURES GUARANTEED. my12412m Win. A. , Batchelor's , Hair; Dye;! The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer'Known! All others are more imitations, and should be avoided Ifyou wish to escape ridioule. , (IRE?, RED OR Mica H AIR insiantly: to a beautiell and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MCDAIS AND DIPLOMAS Lave been awar ded to Wm. A. 111TCOUILOR shine 18.9, and over 200,000 applications havisbeenntade;to thelair of the patrons of b le famottiDpe. ..-. • Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be dietingaidied from nature and is WAYILIOTIID not to NUM 1114 the leapt, however long it may be eontln• ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes :remedied. The hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop. arty applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York-. Sold to all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," - and r.ddreee aerial* steel plate =giallo& on the four Sidecar' each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barolay - ?IN/Apt:drily, New York. , • . Vek ;W I /MOW' IV r igic); COD BDAit' eltbig dm; ' ` oki* OW by Nicums k BON Wad Corner of Front and Market strews. BE WISE BY TIMES! HEALTH AND PURITY, lit Little Arlreeid HAIR DYE i IiALR DYE 1 I BATCRELOR'S HAIR DYE, 771 E BES 2 IN THE WORLD AVILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S cele brated Five Dye produces a color not to be die tinguish. it from nature—warranted not to Injure the Hair In the lea+t; remedies the stints of bad dyes and invigorate; the Hair for life. OMIT, RFD or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, tearing the Bair sensed beautiful. Sold by all Druggist+, &c. WY' The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATORALIR, on the four sides of each box. PA(ZORY, No. 81 Barclay Street, Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond Street.) New YORK my2tly Nen- abuertistnunts 1 7761 JULY 4th. 1862! FIRE" WORKS! FIRE WORKS! JUST ILSONWED AND NOS SALA LOW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT JOHN WISE'S Fruit &Confectionery store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT. Harrisburg,, Pa FIREWORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDING- ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, PIN WHEELS, MINES, SERPENTS, Er9k l. st B l PROCESSION TORCHES, (Burn Three Hours.) SOFT CASE TORPEDOES, HARD CASE TORPEDOES, PULLING CRA0.112138, FIRE CR4CKEES, MAMMOTH CRACKERS, LADIES' UNION FANS, For Waving, burns at once a Red, White and Blue Fire—a new and beautiful article. Together with an innumerable quantity of smaller Fireworks, all of which can be purchas ed cheaper than elsewhere. je2s , jOHN WISE. FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY• TIIST received at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore, el a large assortment of Flags—all sizes, from 4 inches to 10 feet. FLAGS FOR 1 CENT. ' FLAGS FOR 2 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 3 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 6 CENTS. FLAGS FOICI2 CENTS. • FLAGS FOR 25 CENTS. FLAGS FOR 40' CENTS. FLAGS FOR 75 CENTS. FLAGS FOR $l.OO. FLAGS FOR $2 50. FLAGS FOR $6 00. Flags of any size not on hand will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice at BERGNER'S. TO NEW YORK AND:BACK . Fog SIX DOLLARS. EXCUSION TICKETS Will be boned at the READING RAILROAD DEPOT, from Harriabint to New York and Baok, Via READING, ALLENTOWN & EASTON, Good from Saturday, June 28th, until Monday July 7th, 1862, AT SIX DOLLARS EACH, With the privilege of laying over at any inter mediate Station, in either direction, between the above dates. J. J. CLYDE, &nerd Agent Reading Railroad, Harrisburg. Ram 24, 1862. je26-dtjys. WHITEHILL'S PATENT WAGON. P HE above wagon is now on exhibition _L at the Bomgatainer Hones where the Patentee is stopping, and will be glad to have all call and examine his patent. The na ore of the invention is making the front and back hounds alike, eo as to be connected by and adjusta ble coupling pole and bol , that the horses 01111 be at tached to either end of the wagon. County and State Eights for sale. jel6 dBt. - JOHN S. WHITEHILL. SCHIRFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per fumery, An. Also agents for the sale of Refined Petroleum. lllaminating , Oil, superior to any Coal oil • furniahod to an, quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William &red, a27d6m] NEW YORK. 100 Irracll. of pOO.ll BUILDINII:LIIIE STONE, TOR WI AT TE KEYSTONE'FARM. my27•dtt SUGAR! 100 BBLS. Sugar (Refitted and Raw,) oral grades and kind' Just received and will be sold at the /omit market prices. Je2o ' WM' DOCK, JR., lc Co. • ATTENTION, FARMERS SCYTHES, SNATHS,, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, IiKIYTEE STONES and ROLLS In great variety, to be had osier at 431L,SEST.3 Hardware Moro, JelO,TtT Opposite the Court ea ones. EW Patterns of Coal Oil Lampe,- with N 11111 the recently Improved Mune for pie by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S m'l9 ennwr:lltorit and Harkin. atreets. lIRERIOR 47,01 . ,1ity of Imperial and Black re:; rot # l, :fbr . imeous & Bowsaw, mi , 22 - 'Crozer Arrei, aiAd Iflaket Itr oo6 r, (11_1JARA iJKLLY.—A largo suPilittli' kj received* JUL Dots, , amusements SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY EVENING, June 28 SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE THE GRIM COMBINATION COMPANY. EIGTHEEN STAR PERFORMERS. THE LEADING COMPANY OF THE PROFES SION, NOT TO BE EXCELLED BY ANY TROUPE IN THE WORLD In Connection with Garatigars Brain Band, Who will give a Free Balcony Serenade in Front of the Opera House on the above evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. CARDS OF ADMISSION. 25 cts. Doors open at 7} o'clock, commence at 8 o'clock. S. S. SANFORD, Proprietor. R. Comtan, Agent. je2s SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! I UESDAY, WEDNESDAY, TEORS'DAI', FRIDAY AND SATORDAY. . JULY Ist, 2d, Sd, 4th and 6th, AND FRIDAY AFTERNOON, RILY 4th. -YMA.N THII INCOMPARABLI AND INOOMPREDINSIDIN WIZARD AND VENTRILOQITIBT. Whose performances far umpire in print of mystery and originality all the illudoo Fakirs and other Criental Necromancers, precenten in the startling annals of Trab lerie. Professor WY MAN whi.mako the Invisible Visi ble, and compel men, women and other objects to appear and disappears at pleasure, and In his SEVBN DIFFER ENT VOICISS represent a whole Congress of Nations Ih his own person. His Fxperim.ote will be given in the spacious Boom of. tho above named estabbsoment,. and will enibinee a .aried s&ecnon from bis copious catalogue of entertain • lug novelties. , ADMISFION CHILDREN. ORCHESTRA CHAIRS. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance com mences st 8 o'clock. je2B-d6t GAIETY MUSIC HALL Walnut Street between 2d and 3d3 GRAND OPENING NIGHT. NEJ7 TEORSDAY EVENING, JUNE 26th. 'IIHE Manager, Mr. Edwards ' 'has the L pia vire of auforaing hens of Hart labor g, .41 bavln leued the above named Hall will open It with the following array of Talent not to bo, excelled by any Company hi toe world. OBSERVE THE NAMES : llles JIItIA. EDWaRD3, the Footnoting Cantatrice . and Queen of Songs. ANT& LEWIN., the Beautiful Daum:lse, from the Kona t Ballet Trcnpe, New Writ. ID. DE staVE.si, the Comic Vocalist BanJoisit and Eli °plan Coined Itn. Prot 4..1,E lith.NTS the Eminent Plemoiet. 808 aDVittilDS ' the Great Fth•opt.o Clinedlau, Dower and oar living Delineator tlt tile Cci.trabiaci. Doom open at 7}, to commence at 8 o'clock. ADSIP 4 SION ORCHESTRA SEATS 15 eta. ROBV. EDWARDS, je24-d2tmae Sole Proprietor. f~hEtlluncuus. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Ilarrisburg DIALER DI 1 :::1° I A. INT • NEAP SOSSWOOD PIANOS; from the bee makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED IMMO- , MEN'TS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mroi • eal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. • TEE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part , of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable for looldiig glitenea,.and all kinds of pictureaalpaya on hand. A fine anintment . of beat plated LOOKING GLA'SBE From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to oraer at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street. febl9-waslir FOR ItENT. eTHE Three btory Brick Dwelling House oppcaile the Magnetic Telegraph Office on Third tree& near, illitraet, owned by and formerly the. resi dence ofErAleorge D.anc. -Owl .g: to the location a &a., this is one of the moat desirable residences for a small family In the taw. nohow° being low furnished; any article of Furniture therein' desired, can be hnrchased at reaaonaole rates, Possession given on the Ant of July. Esquire of .', ' , . R.' 8. CARRIER, jail-att' '' ~ Onathe Premises. NOTICE MILE tuaderaigned having been appoint ed aitaigneenatiimil , Wallower; of Lower Pautm township, under a voluntary deed of assignment for the benefit of creditors, hereby gives notice, to all persons in debted to said Wallower to mare payment, ana thoSe having claims to present them-to • ROBE= W. MrCLUBE, je24.d4t•w3t• imagines of tamuel Walower. • FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE. the . attention of families' Who BAKE THEIR OWN BREAD, to our stook of Flour. We have Jest received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS or the Choicest (White Wheat) fit. Louts Flour that the Western Marset affords. We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to be strict ly sum' or. [jam] Ww. Jli., & CO. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY C: SHAFFER, Papar Hanger, h a s pia opened a large, new and well selected :tack of Wall Paper and Window Shades, at his new stOreMo. 12 Market street, next to Hummel St 8111ingers grocery near, the Bridge. sir . Paper bangby g personally attended to. All work warranted. je9 dlino FLY PAPER. meFANCY COLORED Pager, ready cut, for covering looking Glasoas, Picture lhfunee, n and o th er new patterns for Salo at • IignONKB'S BOOKSTORI. • • 'HAY! liAir 1: ASUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at, sre oroirial for sale b JAMES ILWILICELBH. 31Gem lbriertistintats. HAPPINESS OR lii-ISERY? THAT IS THE QUESTION. THE Proprietors of the "PARISIAN CAWNNT tiF TVINDESS. ANATOMY and MrDI CINE" have determined rerardles; of expanse, to I sue fret., (for the benefit of suffering hen:molt)) FOUR of their most instructive and laterestittz Lectures on Mar riage and its Disqualincations, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of matihrod, Indigestion Weakness or De er, salon, Loss of energy and Vaal Powers. the Orrot So cial Evils, and those lial 'dies wine, rein't from youth ful fates. Faces3es of Maturity, or Ignorance of Pbysi. obey and Nature's Law. These invaluable Lectures hays been the means of enllghtoing and swing thou seods, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by adiressing SECRETARY PAR.FIAN Cantors or ANATOMY arm Miromors, 663 Broadway, New York. ,lelB-sly SHAW'S SICKLES, In Lots of 10 dozen or more, 1.4 PBR DOZEN. Sole agency at 121 WATER STB.KET, PITTSBURG. T. WILSON SHAW. Je23 •dlw EDGEHILL SCHOOL. PRINOBTON, N. J. Rev. Jams P. HUGHES, A. M., I Principals. Rev. Taos. W. Cantu., A. M., THIS Institut'On, founded in 1829, is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or fora business life. The buildings are large and commo dious, and the grounds embrace more than Bunsen acres. _Both or the Principals devote their whole ;time to the camel, aided in the department of lustruotion by competent teachers She military instruction end drill, (under the charge of an experieoeed lostructor,) Is arranged so as not to (martini* with the regular elndies, occupy Irg a pat of the time apprepriaied to exercise and recreation. Puptht are re.stived at - any time sod charged only from the date of ad. Mon. Tatum—CZ 00 per maim of five months. For circulars, or further information, addreas either of the Principals. Re'ereute le also made to the Rev. Mr. Cattell, Harrisburg. Prow the Rev. Dr. Hodge and the Rev. Dr. McGill, Protectors in the Theoloyiati Seminary, Princrion, I have for several years been intimately acquainted with the rev. Thomas H. Cattell. He has had charge of two of my sons, and I can safely my I have never nown any one hi whom fidelity and devotion to hie pu • Ihave equal confluence. He is a good scholar and • successful teacher. I know no one who has a greater facility in gaining the love of scholars or who exerts over them a better influence • lam aware of the responsibility in ape Icing In such terms of commendation of a teacher; but I. ant s tits tled iten doing nothing but simple must ce to an excellent man, In using the language which I have here em• ployed. CHARLES _Meta —l5 " _6O " I have great confider cs in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, aa a teacher, both n his aptness to give itstruction, And hie last in the adminultation of discipline. I have had two song under his care, anc from the mad careful observe don lam free to recommend the Edgehill ehool as 0-e of safe and thorough instructioa. Jo 4 dim At,pga,ND, R T. M>QIL . INSURANCE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTE AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P Smlin, Goerles Taylor, Ambrose 9.6 te, John R. Neff, kllchsvd D. Wool, With ma welsh, Wit lam E. Bowen, James N. &tumult, S mores Wales, John *son, Cu roo L Bard Franc.s R. ()me, Ed ward S. Trotter, balward S. (Auks. ARTHUR G. CuF President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As neutral agent far ta a ) name comOltuF. Ike underagoed is orepared to lake flee ri:ka to any pa t of he `tateor Penney IVama, *9l.oer annually or pvvoet- Ually, Oa the most favorable terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry slay, Be ke's row WILLIAM BITERLEIL, jellt•dly HAI r.mut g Pa. 'WM. A. PARICHIL.L, PLUMBER. AND GAS FITTER• Third &red, next door to the Telegraph Printing Orm QTORES, dwellings, churches, public bulldeigs, factories, Au., fl , ted up with gas, lead aid Iron pipe in a voroman like manner. Hydra-ale, Wash balms, Bath Tubs 1 ifi and Force Pumps, Motor Clo-et 6, Lead and Iron Noe for water, gas and ream. A share of pubilohatronage is respectfully solicited. All Work pr mptly attooded to. myBo-dSco. STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries by the Quart, Chest or Bushel. ORDERS sent through the Post Office, or left at the lower Market, on Wednesday or Set uroay mo flings, will be promptly a tended to. Also they can be had at the place at any hour of the day, fresh plotted from the vines. Ks atone Farm and N ursery, Immediately below the oily, )02 J. MAI. E. O. W lITMAN. ALEX. JOHNSTON. E. G. WHITMAN 45 CO., 318 CEESTRI77 STREET, PRLLADELPHL4. MANETAOTHRIS OF FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES. DEALER IN FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &O. jel6Alm* O YES ! 0 YES 11 DESIRING to rest from the active cares of trade, I have passed the store into the hands of my sod John T. Enaminger, who will con:lune the busi ness as heretofore at the Auction Store, No. 3i, corner of Second end Chestnut streets In this city; where I would respectitily call the attention of my frleods and the public generally to my large stock of new and second hand Clothing. new and second hand furniture and so endless variety of useful articles, all of which will be sold at the lowest elution prices. Cash will be paid for all articles in my line of business. PHILIP ENSMINGER. N. B. Crying sales, Kiting horses, vehicles, stock, real estate, and all other property will be punctually at tended to upon reasonable terms, by calling at no. 24, corner of second and Chestnut sereets In this cl.y. JOHN T. HNSMINGSR, City A untloneer. Jel2-dlm3law NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened a ItLiaBLE AND STORM Yes]) on Canal Street, bear Chestnut Street, 'oppo. site the P, magical& Railroad Depot, !Ages this me hod of informing the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of marble and atone work in a superior manner, and on the must reatoaabie terms. je7o•d2m* GREAT ATTRACTION. • CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will tind a large and well selected stock of plain And fancy Confectionery of all kinds. A great va riety of toys of every description, Ladles' Worn Stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Frans, Nuts, Dates and all other articles generally itept in a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. Call and examinefor yourselves. WM. H. WAiXONER, aprlB4l3ln oprletor. PRESERVE JARS AND JELLY GLASSES, QF all sizes, patterns and prices, just received and for sale by 13 WV. DOCK, Jr & CO. Dr. WM. R. DE WITT, Jr., OFFICE SECOND STREET ABOVE LOCUST. Ijol dlm • D S NDELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and ' iirge soppily of this Celebraied Cod* ad received bJ Oa/ WM. DOOM; Jr., 11 Co.