Etlegraft. OUR e4A9PFORM ru ONION--THE 00N. lartiON--AND TUB ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, Jane 98,.1882. MI EVENING EXPBXSO, Lancaster, exposes one : of the mean tricks on the part. of the Patriot, which' is in the habit of printing extracts, pur porting to have been copied irom its exchanges in various parts of the country, deploring the influx of negroes in such localities, and setting forth that the freed slaves thus penetrating the free states, north, east and west, are daily coming in competition with white labor. The. Patriot recently credited one of these extracts to the Lancaster Patriot, hut no such a newspaper is published in that city, and the only other lo cality named "Lancaster" is in Ohio, where, the Express declares, there is no journal with the title of Patriot published. These are the shifts becoming the conductors of the Patriot and Union. They must lie or fail In their most insignificant purpose ; and nothing so delights the entire faction to which the Patriot belongs, as to belie all principles, parties or people op posed to negro slavery.. The people of Harris burg understand this fact ; and•here neither the veracity or, the valor of those who control that sheet ever exceed their par ,value. They started a story in relation to negroes being em ployed to cut the grass on the capitol grounds, and when the fact was elicited that those ne growl had been employed by a Democrat, the . Patriot never had the manliness to retract the first assertion and state the plain truth. —We leave thiii subject with the people here, with the reflection that journalists who will re sort to the meanness of concocting falseflood, and crediting them to mythicalnewspapers, for the purposoof deceiving the public, are among the moat contemptible of all liars, because too cowardly to father their own lies. TR) VOWS AND EmoRMYRNIMB or ma ARMY, we are now led to expect, will be practically increased, so that victory may follow fighting in a inanner to keep up the spirits of the brave boys now under arms, and end the war before the warm weather of the south has been able to breed its usual series of diseases so fatal to northern men. We are assured that the vieit of President Lincoln to West Point, , and his interview with Gen. Scott, was part of the pro gramme adopted to endure speedy results from the past and'present °Orations of the armies of the Republic. The consolidation of the , armies in the Shenandoah valley took place immedi ately after the return• of the President from West •foist; now we are informed that Gen. Scott, has been summoned to Washington,, , and that important changes in other commands will soon.follow,' all having in view an immediate 'losing of the campaign, by the prompt reduc tion of the rebel capital and oVerthrow of 'the rebel army. These movemente and,consolida- Mon of armies are no doubt the result of the deliberation arid Conviction of the President.' They', prove that President Lincoln has deter mined to bring the crisis to an end, by such a prosecution of the war to will put it out of the power of the rely army to entrench itself in any other locality after it has been defeated and routed at Richmond. Amain Imerzerom or COWARDLY Tammuz on the part of the rebels has 'tomato our know ledge. On• the 16th inst., the citizens of Lew isburg, Greenbrier county, Va:, sent to Meadow Bluff, where several regiments are stationed, asking for surgical aid for the sick in that• town, no physicians being,there. The surgeons —Dr. Colin Mackenzie, Araistant Burgeon of the Thirty-sixth Ohio—with and escort of, forty-Ave men, started for Lewisburg on , the errand of mercy. When within two miles of the town they were attacked by over three hundred rebels, who had been lying in ambush for them. The national party retreated, and succeeded in escaping safely, but it was a nar row chance for them. The application for aid was only a ruse to &Noy the nationalpaity into capture or death. It is only another illustra tion of the cowardly style in which the bush whacking rebels do their fighting. got. Cons, as will be seen by a letter in another columri, is still Iri New Tork city.— His presence in that locality is prolonged by the serioui importance of the surgical treatment to which he has been recently subjected, in volving an operation at once terrible and criti . cal in all its lanes. We are happy, however, to be able thus to relieve the public mind of all , solicitude in regard to the full and final reco very of his Facellency from the shock of the treatment alluded to ; and the letter we print this afternoon is another proof of the indomi table' •peteeverence with whichtgovernor Cur tin devotes himself to public service,`'even while abriritt from the Executive Delriwtinent- We hope, =before many days, to announce the the return^of the governor to the State Capi tal. Ti hiavon, several *2 diticilmi3n, and over 1600 other pertains of lifeoaphia have taken the oath of allegiance. ! . thousand troops;unclerll . 4,l Briigg and pillow, are reported to be atAokshrag. Joio OliStrwhits rocetved the locthico mind nation for iriteiotfilii Bedford'oAnif:' IT is reported that Gen. Heneok will return to St. Louis very soon. PREMENTIAL RADICALISM. When a man boldly stands up, for truth or justice, and persists hi refusing all Compromises with error, he provokes what is called by ob sequious lips, " the high-toned conservative sentiment of his age." Many of our dough face cotemporaries have thus stigmatized the .7 &graph, but surely we .have no right to onto-. plain, when the President himself falls into this spirit of radicalism, and pushes forward his own just convictions far beyond the comprehension of that "high-toned conservatism," of which we have all heard so much laudation. Thus when both Houses of Congress-had passed that radi cal measure, the bill abolishing,slavery in the District of Colaniliis greiit Was the anxiety in all conservative circles lest President Lincoln should commit the fatal error of approving the bill. Would he thus throw himself into - he em brace of the radicals? Hisrecord was searched, and for a brief period hope wee indulged and founded on some expreselon of his, years ago, I that he would veto the enactment. " Seldom is such opportunity offered to Mania this We s ". so we were told, " as is now open to President Lincoln. ,to make himself an imperishable•re noit by vetoing that abolition meastun." • Whatever of odium could be attached to " abolition" belonged to this bill, which by its very terms aboliehed slavery. It bad received the support of the radical members of both Houses of Congress, and the fierce opposition of the conservative Democracy.. Here was the crisis of Mr. Lincoln's Presidential career. By his action on , this, it would: be decided whether or not he would discard from ,his counsels the pestilent Abolitionists, and be governed by the opinions of prudent, careful, conciliatory advi sere. With amazing perversity—in utter dis regard of the short road tolmmortality and the ready guides to point it out—forgetful alike of the praise on the one ,hand and . wrathful censure on the other, of the conservative press, the' President signed the- bin and Made it a law. Some gnashing of teeth there was at such reckless disregard of the feelings of "our Southern brethren;' but the act stands, and there is no slavery, by law, in ,the District of Columbia. This was talled'a triumph of the More recently the President has let slip an other opportunity of achieving what the con servative press would call immortal renown; but with the same heedless disregard of their wise and . prudent counsels, he threw it away as a tired child casts away the toy , of the hour. A bill quite recently passed both houtes of Congress declaring that there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the ,terri tories of the United States. Once more peren nial conservatism was ready with her counsels. Would he but vino THAT! Was it not the off spring of radicalism? Had any Democratic Scribe or conservative Pharisee, in either branch, voted for the, measure ? Not one. Here was a vacant throne among the historic hn mortals . for kr. Lincoln, , upon , the sole condi tion that he ahould pronounce the imperative Obstin'ata, Perverse, reckless of counsel, forgetful of what was -due to venerable stu pidity, the President; by his approval, made the bill a law. . . , Other offences Mr. Lincoln has, committed which are written down against him in all the records of venerable conservatism: , He 'could have pardoned Gorden, convicted of the piracy of the African slave trade, and sentenced to be hung. The mere subscription of the Presi dent's name would have saved that man's life. Guilty only . of , the peccadillo of imPorting skies from Africa, two voidsmight have saved him from the igriominY of ,the gallows. ' A.rad laal President refused to grant a boon so small to clamorous ,request. Evidently t !rem these and other indications, Prct4dent Lincoln must 'be counted in that abused class, the radicals. HOW DEMOCRATS DIFFER The men who struggledto elect Breckenridge President, that the monstrous plans of a Demo cratic Conspiracy could be carried to success without a " struggle, now peroist in opposing the . . . war on the plea , that ite cost will bankrupt the , nation. These old dough-faces go out of the way to show that the North is responsible for the, war. In answer to these pleas,Hon. Joseph Bailey, an uncompromising ,Democratio,.mem• ber of Congress, recently made a most power ful speech.. His speech was delivered in sup port of the bill for the issuing • of additional treasury notes, from which we make the follow ing extracts: "There is no'use in talking about the causes that may have produced this rebellion—ab Out abolition and the conduct of entluasiasts. We have the terrible and tangible fact staring us in the face that'sportion of the people of the United States have arrayed themselves in armed rebellion against their country. Some of the States, in violation of the Constitution, haie entered into alliances with each other to destroy the Government, and commenced this unholy purpose while still enjoying its patron age. After committing these menstrousand treasonable outrages, the self-copstituted gov ernment into which these traitorous states had entered audaciously declares that all it wants is to be let alone. Very likely. The perpetra tor of crime alwdys desires that. The wishes 'of these bad men cannot be gratified. The Government of the 'United States is 'obliged to see that the , laws ;be faithfrilly execnted, and cannot consent that rebels against ire authority anywhere 'shall be lit alone. ' They are to be punished; and tb . do this armed men are re. 'gutted. a a . "Talk about coat 'when the existence of with a government as this is at stake I The trustee , of the rights'of man throughout the world, we will, as we ought, incur the curses of mankind if we atop short, for -fear of expense. in our ef forts to maintain its supremacy. What signify thousand millions br five thoUsand rlullaons corn. pared with the existence of a nation that has produced such startling results in the history of the world in the short space of three gumtirs of a century? Why air, it has conquered a wilderness overspread continent, and peopled it. It has pro - - duced the raw material , with which the people of the ' earth have clothed themselves. In a very short time it will prodUCe food sufficient to sustain the wants of all mankind: Its are carried in its own ships to every port on the earth. 'lt has tamed the lightning and made it the Metals of transmitting thought. It has made the terrific 'power of hiated'vapor sub Missive to itiewill,and'immtielled it to per form labor equal`to the effort' bfmillions of men. Its edliciitiolueinutitationii excel in tituribei and usefulness thorn Of all 'other pa ttons, and.ite4allantiolaieri , and isailoni have never meta foirible " - - These are a few of the great results produced by a great people under the benign influence of Fenno)) am a ;BMW eltgrapt), eaturbav 7ittentoon, tune 28, 1862. this greatest and best form of government in a period much short of a century. Will a people who have accomplished these great purposes lu BO short a time be alarmed at a debt of $lOOO,- 000,000 incurred in the preservation of their Government? I think not, when they ascer tain the share each one will be liable to pay.— In eight years more we shall have a population of forty millions and over. Divide $1,000,- 000,000 by this number, and we have the tri fling sum of twenty-five dollars, for which each one of the people will be liable, the intereA on which, per year, is $1 60. Double this amount of indebtedness, and you have the sum of fifty dollars as the liability of each one, subject to an annual interest Of three dollars—not very alarming to a great and free people. The ordi nary revenue has most generally been sufficient to defray the ordinarrexpenditures of the Gov ernment heretofore, and , :we may, confidently expect that to . be the ,ease hereafter, at least as soon as we belie, peace, and hiiiiannd busiOess have resumedilieir usual Chtinfiele ' While a democrat of Mr. Bailey's stamp Is thus pledging the unlimited resources of the government, dough-faces of ; the ,Patriot ilk are howling Over the MAO ' subject; and attempt to Induce the people to withdraw all their sup 'port from an administration that is honorably laboring to' remedy the produced. , by a long series of locofoco misrule. • LETTER FROM GOV. CURTIN. GeNzukt.:—Enclosed I send you the list of nameS Of Gentlemen dotal:l6Bin," g the Eteoutive' Committee of the Penusylirtirda Soldiers Be lief. Association," lately_organized in this oity, to any onetof whom letters of. unqslig ; rpay be, addressed, atNo. 19 . 4 HrTudiyay, ; , by the,,tele dyes and friends of our Pennsylvania volun teers—viz: , JERODir; BHC3t, 6"Zirman. W. W SELkI:OIIGE, S. B. H. VANCE-, W,. n. ARTHIIB,. 0; W. BURTON L. A. ROSENKiLLER, W. J. MINCE, JACOB. L. POSSLEB, 1 1 ,;CHUR; &retie*: The arrangements of this organization have thus far worked admirably for the promotion of its object, the relief of vick and wounded Pennsylvanians, in the army of the United States. Reliable reports, from careful personal inspec tion, are made regularly and immei iat ' ely upon the arrival of a vessel, and 't,he condition of each individual case accuratelyitated. Such as are able to proceed, are, without delay, for warded to their homes or to 'hospitali within our, own state, whilst• the 'pressaing 'necessities of such as require it, are promptly administered to- c their wants relieved, and their sufferings alleviated through the medical art angemelit of the ; association. The `work undertaken by this association, is indeed a benevolent task, a labor of love, which it is, successfully carrying 'out in all its practical' benefwent'operatione. I. shall, during the period I may be constrain ed to remain here, which I think will be very brief, continue to forward, as heretofore, the reports of the emaciation, relating' to the vol unteers of our State, .that their publication within the State, may carry reliabli3 informs= tion to their relatives andlilende. th the same' view I shall also arrange for the:regular transmission of the reports - to me, after my return to Harrisburg. - lam very truly yours &c. " A. a. atrEtTlbT. Adjutant (lateral A. IA; Itasesat, It t avisbary : " George F. Traln and the !Inters. George Francis Train is out with a letter in the London Amiss'', on the positionlaken by Arnerican English 'tankers, in reference to at Wit in their native country, from 'which we extract as follows: lAmerice has a pbvierful enemy in Europe., That enemy , is her bankers. • Who hive misled England on this question? The bankers. Who openly expressed their sympathy With seeessioat The bankers. Who Bear down American secu rities but the. American bankers? Did not Mr. PeribOdy realize mereduring the three weeks' Trent excitement that he has paid to the city Of London lam glad of it; he is a clever Man, and knows which side the bread' the butter is placed. Mr. Peabody was badly treated in the last panic; a combination of bankers - did:their best to break him, but he fired too, many guns for 4them. They were jealous of his success.— Who are decrying everything American ? I still answer, the international bankers. When a nation is in danger, ministers generally peek information from leading minds Comiected With the, nation in distreas. On' their opinions mea sures are taken. Our American bankers deli berately misled the English ministers. Earl Russell made Rothschild a member of Perlis ment. Rothschild ,owes the Itimos----thelinies dahbles in stocks. Hence the cocoanut anal agy. The Times represents the bankers, and the blinkers are our, worst enemies. The min istry consulted• thesemen before acknowledging the bellig,erency. Hence such :sudden "action. The bank.ers sold our people: Talk 'five Min utes with William Brown--,discuss Ainerica with the Dennistenns--argue a' Moment with John Pickersgill-ask Russell, Sturges, or Joshua ; Bates if Amerlps'is solvent. (Joslunt Bates is American born, but he is now an En glitthman—naturalization herd denies him citi zenship in America-but although English, I believe him to be a better man than his part,' ner, Mr. Stiirges, or Mr. POtlxwly,'or Mr. Mor gan. Mr. Bates to this day delighti in there- memhrance of being the powder-boy on boird the Constitution when she captured the' Gad - ride.) Pass an evening With Lionel Rothschild, or ; hold Tom, Barring Jiy„,,e,button any time during the epoch of secession, and your warm Union sentinientii y 09 4; 40' shocked by a coil bath of hortituisini -It:frankly &tin that Mr. Peabody was no colder for his country than those other bankers who, have been enriched by her. Was not Mr.-Morgan, MrY Piabxly's partner, among the first to-: call upon the wife of the rebelpnvoy plidell ? Was not Mr. Ben of: the: -rebel dibinet,, Peabody,'.l3 guest in London? Did he not also entertain Mt. Faulkner, the traitor embassador at Paris ? After the battler of the Patterson treachery (immortalized for six. weeks by. Bullßun Russell), most Americans,.in• London looked blue and, expressed douhte. Such; days try men's souls. Having mentioned some names, let me recite in a word what I call secession. It is this:— Talk with the aforesaid Americans about the Union, and this.. was. their style,' Why not Ist the ,Soush go ? The , courdry toai fall under. lhe debt.: The South cannot be conquered,' and so, forth.— Sudi words from. Amerimine,to Englishmen 'formed public opinion by being repeated, and such Englishmen as 'Bright, CObden, Reiter, M. and Geo. Thompson, proved better Ameri cans _ than.many so-called representative, Ameri cans:''By the bye;'a thought strikes me ; all conclude. On the threshold-of the rebellion, the Eew York awing Pod -published a letter purporting to have been written by Mr. Pea body, declaring that Government Could make no compromise" with, traitors. Mr. Peabody denied its authorship, and stated that pcmpre woe Was the only salvation of the country, - I translate 4oFriNonatthoe.:l4' this - Way. Mr: Peabody - wee - accused ' of 'being a: gold Union man; when he avails himee br the first oppoi`: tunity to deny it. Yon must have the corms pondence; it will speak for itself." o o Nsw Yeas, June'26, 1862 •- ' • ,-, A , A`