THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISLIKD . wimps DAY, Hy GEORGE BERGNER. TERll6...4lintna • ' The DAILY Thkewitise ; te mimed to subseetere ip the Lay at 6 emit!! pet' Week' Yearly will be charged $4 00, in advtinte. - 97111KLY ..1210 $llOl3-WASKEIr • The IaiIIIHAPH la also liablidoed" tattoo a week dining he aestritht the'Ledinlature and weekly during the rennouder of tbo . year,Tand furnlattcd to anbacribera at nc milowioa cash ratoa,via: Single subscribers per year 60 Ten • " • _l2 000 Twenty " ..22 00 ziugle subscriber, Weekly... 1 00 1111 LII, OF ifFIFSIWZIM. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, She publisher may continue to send them until dl arrearages are paid. subscribers neglect or retune to take their newepa ere trout the office to which they are directed, they are reaponititile until they have settled the bills and ordered th , m discontinued. inisallantons. BIOTINA ROOFING mAmorsormED BY TIN . UNITED STATES BIOTIN/1 ROOFINO NO. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner Green and Pitts Streets, Boston, Mass. THIS Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public, which is reedy prepared to go on the roof without any linishin? Operation. It is light, handsome and easily applied, and van be ea lel, and ohe.ply trannoorted to any part of the world. It will nal aLut or discolor water running over, or lying on it, sad is in all reaps to a very uesirable article. IM nonconducting properties adaft it eapeciaily to covering manutactonan of various kinds, any' it is confidently of fered to the publio after a test of four years in all varie ties of el mateaed temArature, for covert is all kinds of i roofs fiat or pitched together with cars steamboats, Ate h. s both (shop and durable. Agents wants t, to whom Iberia inducements are offered Send for sample, circa ar,.sic., with particulars, to "U. d . ROOMING do., apr24 dam No. 9 (lore Bidet Boston:, DAN'L. A. *IIENCH, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line respectfully Informs the public that this Old 'Daily Itansporta - lion Line, (the only Wallow it Line now in exist• ace in this City,) la is In successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low An any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunoery, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Harm and all other points on the Northern central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MiniNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacoek, 2011 & inctuntni, NO3 808 and 810 Market street woove Eighth, Pltibulelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. It., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo-remyl FIRE INSURANCE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1836. Capital and Assets . $869.126 37 DIRECTORS, Wm Martin, Edmund A. Solider, ThetiPhible Jno R. Penrose, Jno. O. Oasts Jas. fraquair, , Wm. 11yre,jr J a me s 0. R e ns, wawa 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George G. LMpar, Hush Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel E stokes J .J 1 Pennis ton, Henry :loan, Edward Darting on, H. Jona • Brooke, spencer Wilvalue, Thomas 0. Band, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jonas, James B. In'Faeand, Joshua P. Eyre,John B. Semple. Pitts burg, 7). T. Morga.. , WILLI 4M Pitiaburg, M a ARTIN, Pi. B. Berger, at Pittsburg. eta:k. • Tso AAR 0. RAND, Flee .rreldeirt. lIVERY LYLBORN, beers/dry. The undasigued as agent fur the above named c om patty ceutinues to take His _Risks in Harrisburg and vicinity. WILLIAM BUEHLER. 1010 dlt AGENTS I MERCHANTS I PEDLERS I READ THIS. ENERGETIU men make $5 a day by selling our UNION PHIZei 6TArIuNKBY PACKS ES °miaowing ,uperior Stationery, Portr ai ts Kt.KYON' KNOBALEL and ia rearm nr e glaarantee sat lISIIMUOU in quality of our goods. The gilts ambit of fifty varieties .nd styles of Jewelry, all -awful and valu able. Ctroularewantallpartloulare mailed free. Ad dress. L. B. HASKINS & 36 Beekrna street, New York. FREER BUTTER AI A . 14 K. V,;ier. , P.III•O E. WE, EtAVING fitted up a largo Retrig. . 'lgor, mud having made contracts with some of our fnwt ..iiii",thk.lartflerhs to tarn eb uc WWI fresh saw sweet butter regwa 1 , will be enabied to so ply 0..,r customers with sweet fresh ice cold cutter at all times. rnyZe WK. DOCK, Jr & 0, TRZ BEST GOODS FOIL THE LEAST NOM A. HU.11111E44, /ha l er ►a BOOTS AND SNOBS, of every DESCR•I'PTION and at all PRICE S Next door to the Court Houee,l MARKET STREET. Also a general moortmeat of TRUNKS, LISRS and CABY.ET BAGS, at the lowest cash pricts. mar2B-dBm REMOVED. JOHN IL SMITH HAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streak; to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Harries Agriculture St ere, where he intends to keepall kinds of liochs a-a shoes, Halters, ho., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything in tila line of bu sbies. ; and will be Monied to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public in general at his new Alia, of business. All Muds of work made to order In the boot style and by superior workmen. /repairing done at short notice. [aprlitf] JOHN B. 8111TH. THEO. F. ISCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. P sr flout sr attention paid to Printing Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Checks, Drafts, gel CARDS printed at $2, $3, $4, and $5 per housand in elegant style. 120 ATLANTIC AND OHIO TELE— GRAPH COMPANY. THE Stockholder's annual meeting will be /id at the Oka of the t-ecreta , y, (2 Forrest Piece) nag South Fourth Street, Phi'adelphia on THURSDA JULY' lith, at tog CPCIOGIC. li., at Aid' time an *taloa for nine directors Will Jake place, and sun ocher nusiness transacted as mai , 'be brought be fore the meeting. H. S. SHILLINGFORD, eta dtjyl7 STEAM BOILERS, lI4VING made effiefetit4ndpergiagiett JAL.airiegements for the purpose, vreisie don pre p& op to Make S , Eat& ROiLERto of every kind, prompt ly end at reasonable rates. Wo shall use iron made by Bailor a Brotner, the reputation of which is second, to nose in the ir Nose but the best hands employed. Repairing prompt ly & vended to. Address RAGA E WORKS, my 22 1 7 • klarriaburg, Pe. • LAKE TROUT. J UST received a small invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The q uality very superior, end toe price very low. WM, DOCK, JR., & co SMALL lot of Choice Dried v suit, at 1.40110 LS Is FO N, Corner Trout and Market street. MACKEREL in kale, half bbla. and ads., !Jr 'We law ry NICHOLS & asy 22 C.rner Yruat Rad Market streets. HP. & W. O. TAYLOR'S N bW SOAP. .it tig roonbmical and highly detersive. It cpo tam ao Rash and will not waste. It le warranted nog to 'clue the hands. D will Impart an agreeable odor and is therefore suitable for every purpoipi. y or ale 1 p WM. DOCK. Jr. is Co. lUalLtictlilLLY.—A large supply just roselved WM. MOM, JR. 190. _ . VOL. XVIII. filebitat DR. JOIINSON XI ALLIVIDDLCOMLIZI LOCK HOSPITAL! a AS discovered the most certain, speedy L 1 and effetoual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE BEIM' IN SIX TO TWRIATE NOM. No Mercury or Nolo= Drags. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affeetions of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas; Pa Initatismor the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, DI seise of the Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those nos= and solitary pracbcas more fatal to their victims than the song of r yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impossible. Young' Men lepeolally, who have become the ',victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit widish annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the, most exalted , talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise We entranced' listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. ' Marriage• Married . Persons, or Young Bien contemplating mar riage, being aware or physical i weakness, otganic debid ty, ilefOrandes, speedby cuied. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his timer as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cowed, and fall visor Restored. This distressing Ailection-.which renders I lie misera ble and marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid by the violate of improper indulgences. r oung persons ate too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner vy those falling into im proper habits than by tile prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions We/mined, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Odnetumlon-il Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Clough, Consumption, Decay suit Death. Office, 80. 7 south Frederick Street Len tuuh, side going f-onviastumore street, a tee uoor trem the corner Fail not to observe urine and number. Letters must be pad and contain a stamp. lb* Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous DMA Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal. College of John son, London, Grad uate from oue of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, sod the greater part of whose ide has been spent In the Wapiti& Mjsuidaan- mac- %suit, Diner., ms s eau° some o most astoniunlog cures that were ever KUOW11;, many troubled wile ringing to the bead and as wnenusteep, great nervousnasa, being alarmed at sulliPen sounds, bashfulness, wan frequent bleating attenued sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. lake Particular Notice Dr. J. addresses a i moue who baveiecured themsedvee by improper Indulge Ca and soloary habits, whi,th rule both oody and mind, minus% them for either business, study, society or men . ' .ge. 'Deese are some 01 tae sad and melancholly effects pro ducal by early habits of youth, viz Ws skness of tne Dams and LIMON Pales in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Was of Wes:mbar Power, Palpitation of the heart, Lys. pepey Nervous irrabbil ty, Derangement of thelLgastive ' , unctions, General Debility, nymptonts of Consumption, 60 lleirtaxix.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Contagion of Ideas , De pression of Spirits, avA Fornouloga, Avers on to society, de.fDestrust, r ove of solitude, Timidity, &a., are some of the eollt produced. Violin/Nan of persons of all ages Can now judge what is thetwow of their decliains health, losing their vigor, .oeconting weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a s i ng ular appearance avoiut the eyes, cough and symptoms of sonsamptibw• Young lon Who have Injured thettiserdas by a certain practice in aimed in when alowa„ a hauls frequently learned from ova companions, or at school, Ma Wrests of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and II not cured renders marriage impassible, anti destroys both mind and body, mould apply immediately. What a pity that a man, the hope of his coun- try, the darling or ills permits, should be snatched limn Al prospects •nd enjoyments of life, by the eon.equence of deviating Irmo the path of nature and indulging to a certain secret habit. Nu& persons moss, bettor, dintem plating . MUTT/Bp, reflect tbata Wand mind and body are the meat nines- Very lieqte , Leell to proton* connubial happiness. Indeed, without Uwe, the Journey through become a weary pilgrimage •, the prospect hourly darkens to the v few ; the mind becomes shadowed with despadand filled with t h e me i ane holv red anon that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. . When the guided and imprudent votary of pleasure Inds that he has imbiber the seeds of this painful die. ease, it too often hapens that ad tll.timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those Who, from emulation and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on Weis hoer d nesse make their appearance, such - as ul. oersted sore throat, disessed nose, nocturnal pains in the head sod limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the OM bones and arms, blotches on the had, fain and ea n. e ndilee, progressing with frightful rapidity, at hist the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall ii, and the victim of this avant disease become a horrid *knot * commiseration, till death pats a period to his dreadful snfierings, by sending bun to " that 13r Macey vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It la a sacianchidly fact that thousands fall victims to this terr ibl e disease, owing to the unskilfulness of igno ant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o life miserable. Strangers. Trust not your lives, or twain], to the care of the many Unlearued and Worthteal Pretenders, deststute of know ledge, inisne or charades, whOicopf Dr. Johnson's adve.r vertlsementa, or style Memoslves in the newspapers, regularly Adulated Physiolankinonittble or Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisonOttan , as compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin. ed health to sigh over your gallffig disappointment. Dr. Johnson is theordy Physician Ateiwtislog. • His credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. • His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared trom a life spent in the g eat hospitals of Eu• rope, the first to the country and a more extensive Pri. vale Practice , than tiny other Physician in the world. . . Indorsement of the Press. many ttiouistwda cured at this institution year af ter year, and the numerous Important surgical Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witneessed by the re porter of the "Bun," AOlipper," and many other pa pare, notices of whkih have appeared again and again bolero the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibiiity, is it sufficient guarrautee tothe atlikted. thin . Diseases bpeedily Cured. Persons - writing staditi be natienisii in directing their inters to to Inintutien, the folietricg manner JOHN X. JOHNSON, X. D. 01 the BalOomre IP& Hcomital. Baltimore. Md. wiluLtaiLs UMBRELLA MANIITAOTORY No. 69, Market Street, below Third, munumnoxia, Pd. R. LEE, titANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, L PANKOW and WALKING :CANES, Will furnish , ex i s is BONE PAM than can be bought in any of ' i l e u mm istse. Country marabouts will de well t o all andexamine prices end quolny u andisMivitice then dirt % WOW 14284/7. "INDEPENDENT IF Al,l TIIIN.GS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1862 NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PERN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, FLOUR, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, &o We invite an' examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beat in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place in Barriaburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of WINENSWAILE AND GLASSWARE,' at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Sts. VIEE - ItifITTRA.SCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. ceirAL ♦ND ABUTS. JOHN V. JAMES, Actuary, nONTINU E to make INSURANCE ON wirß - on the most ream , able terms. TLIEY set as Executors, Umpteen and Guardians under last Whim. and as Receivers and lifeignece. The capital being paid up ant invested, together with a largo and (Kinn= ly inure sing Pinery's! fund, Mars a perieut recur ty to th Insud: ' li mit De pa in y early, yearly or quar terly. The company add a BOND- periodically to the lam• mem for lie, fhe eittuT BON Ud a p opr aie iin De •ember, 11544, the El isvJf.).ND B NOS is D .ce.nber, .184 9. the THI - 1) Et NIA iu December, 1854, and the TOUHTEI BONUS In 1459. These audits .ne are without re qusougauy hurries,. iu she premiums to 00 pit id to the Toe following are a few examples from the Register : I• Amouut or Po Icy sod Sum Bonne or oouus to be Mantissa Poliey. Polley. Iteurod I add lon by luta , . kdditiorm. No 8952600 $ 887 6 I 8 8,887 50 132 I 3000 1,050 0 6,050 00 195 1000 400 00 1,400 00 ABB3 I 6000 1,875 00 6,875 00 Agent at Harrisburg and visint je OAly EAGLE WORKS, 'Harrisburg. Pennsylvania. ALA MANUFACTOBBIL ON lors BOOMINDERS' BULLMACIIIIIES AND PINS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARD AND NIAOIDENNS NOE GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. : Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOLAINNITURE, General Machine grand Iron and Brass C A.B T I woon TURNING IN AI SCROLL SAWING, PL Or Any Machine of made to order. Gear ant 'ELIDKO PATENT WOODEN SORE' W Cra paid for Old Copp, STEAM 801 PENNSYLVANYA ABOVE STATE STREET, CELLAU WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging. , , .; Weights and various other building oealinge, ferasle very cheap at the [ ury24-Iy] 11 , 411.0 WORM ICE CREAM I ICE CREAK Itf: ,- ,.'t ORE of the greatest . improvements el the age is Pyne & Barr's Patent lenoream Freezer ; and Egg Beater, the great saver of. labor. The email quantly of ice used and the exceeding: short space of tme I squared to make good bee cream in one of their Freezers ought to induce evel- family to of them . ' They have received several silver med ''' 4 the highest premiums at exhibit one, bver I T Freezers now in use. A printed,circular coat . 0 very best receipt for marring ice cream, frozen c 'tt, ice waters, &c., with a number of certificates aid full . direvione accompany each Freezer. All orders for freezers, county or State rights will b e attended to by addressing W. RABB, myeom Harrisburg, Pa. JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT' of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 90c, $1 25 61 50, $2, $3, $4, $5 and $lO. Also Pocket Bibles of (Br ierent styles and prices at SCEILIFFER'B Bookstore. febls y HAMS. 7,900 LBS. Jersey Sugar Cured Muns, and a splendid lot of Owego plow ork) Corn-Fed Stigar avec Rams, just received. swill. W. D & CO. PURE Cider Vinegar, which we war ant to be made solely from cider. just received and for 0..1e low by NIOHOLN 4 r 0 'YUAN, jel2 Corner Front and Harlot streets, SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION. - A very convenient Writting Dealt • also, Portfolios, memorandum BOWEN Portmonnines, &c., at n2A cVHElrlfltitltt BOOKSTOH.t. EXTIiA Family Flour, just received and warranted to give satisfaction, tor sale by NILIOLO & BOW taN, 1123122 Cornet or Front and Market street. PURE Cider Vinegar, warranted, jnat received and for sale by racco 9kB7wMAN, Corner teroct and Market streets. QlllPratiOlt Dandelion Coffee, just re )o mewed and for saw b . Nl y OHOLS & BOWMAN, min igral corner Front and Market strookoj liliucdluncuub WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &E., &C ALSO SALT, BACON, OFFICE NO. 408 CHESTNUT STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) PIONASIikIXOWAY, President ty, BUEHLER my2B tirta) Pitimertisements HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "HIG 'LY CONCHNTYA rw. COMM CND FLUID EXTRACT. EUCLID, A Positive and Spedlie Remedy For Diseases or the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS . . This. Medicine inereai,ee the power of Digestion, and excitee the, ABSORBENTS let • healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGRICINTS are reduced., as well ai PAIN AND INFLAHATION, end la good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, • For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indispositionto Exertion, LOBEI of Power Lon of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak 'Nerves, -' Trembling, Horror of Disease, • : Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitude of the Ausculir System, Hot Hands; Flushing of tile Body, Dryness of the Skin, ' Eruptions on the Face PALLID LI)ONTENANOE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med Wine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC HIS IN ONE ON WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EMP IRE. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." May are aware of the came of their suffering, BUT NONE WILLOONEFES. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Meiaitclu4 Deatht I COnstimption, BEAR AMPU WITHAM TO TSB TROTH OP TIM AHOIIITTION. TEI CONSTITUTION MOS. AFFECTED WITH , ORGANIC. WEAKNESS, Regeires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which HISIXIOLD'S EXTRACT &WHO' illLVOriably doe A THAL MILL OONTICI IRE MOST BIIMPTIOAL. FEMALES-FRBL,WM-FEIiALEB, LD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR COMTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, TN MANVAPFECTION3 PEOULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Gumbo is unequalled by any other remedy, us in Ohlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppressio nof Customary Evacuations, I:liberated or Scirrhous state Of the Uterus; LeueorhoSa Whites, Steril by, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether twisting from Indiscretiop, Habits of Dissipation, or In the DROLLY& OR CHANGR 01 LIPS. BL sIiIPIONS ABM NO FAMILY SHOULD BE: WITHOUT IT I TARN NO MORN Byisam, MUNN; OR IINPLIMIANT 'MEDI. OMB FOR lINPLBABANT AND DANDIROITS MUM. HELMBOLD'S EXIRACT BUOEU orrue. SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet ; And no &posters, $1,513 386 It causes a frequent desire and &ea strength toUrinate, thereby removing Obstructions.. Preventing and Curing Strictures Of the Urethra, idlaytng Pain and Imilammation, so frequent In the class of alseases,Jaiid expelling ail Pees anew, Diseased =album-out Naito. • tnotraiure WON Tnevairine • *so trAvi rEzzir lgE - VICTIMS OF Q/740/18, - - . D .l I.l.n..l4me*ifpica b. 4 -awn thne,have loinid - thhy were deceived, and chat the "POI. ?ON" has, by the use of "rowmant, Mivaninurrs, " been dried up in the system, to bream out in an aggravated form, and or Baum for all affectionii and '" 6 • I r Use E diseases whether 'ih JR FEMALE. From whatever Ciao originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases 0l these Organs require the aid of DUMB rio ITETJHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM° IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, certain to have the deaired eftimi. in all Diseases • RICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. of tile meet reliable and responele character enpany Lhe 'indices. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, breed to 20 yearn standing, Wire NANO SNOWS SLIENCE AND FAME. rite! $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. , to any address, securely packed from obser , 1 ::191,IPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. • Lime 0 teed I Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT:. d before me, on Alderman of the oitya ?hued o.- H. T. Maximo, wno being duly cloth pteparetionecoutabt no narcotic, no loitary, or other iolurlopu drugs, but are purely rage. • Addi Who ei AIMOLI Halmb x:'`l4l = Oat out . PROF. ADOLPH P. 'TEUPSER, .s. fairOULD respectfully inform his old k p s t ro i sa id, -gambit@ generally, that he will give innt - ine on the PIANO FO/tTE, ME. LORONATIOLIW - .,.., go in the science of THOTIOUGE s Ailkijleinkfive hare wen upon pupils at then -ii, T tr - Fe = r . 18a f g e ° w as dr4 trgentt radii-it II b.. or ed riefiliitit" . 7 , 7;1 HE substri or ill have Fresh Fish, Pegs, BeeM sad Mk 2 - ifresh truck in season, fresh every Tuesday and ' ny. Also Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Pine Apples; .an; fre., Air sale at the store of Jolin Wise in Third near Walnut street, Next door to Bradley's Barber.shep. klB . . FLOWER SEEDS A CILWICE • lot of ASTER'S and TEN A wm• afroals, with a general variety of Fresh PloweiiiiiiiVirden Seeds, received and for sale at No. 91140E4 street:, • KELLER'S Drugstore. T"general variety of goods for ad. jujungitlie TOILET, to be found st Keller% is unsurpassed in this city. je6 81 Markeystseekt QIIGAR Cured Canvassed Hadiu ver • choim lot just received and for Bale NICHOLS & B AN, , r s Jae corner Front and t Week. CHEAP Oil for all kinds of mat anery, in small and large packages. for sale by N LCHOLS & EOW MAN, jel9 Corner Front Fnd Market street. FIRE CRACK bßti. by the chest or box ' jest received and for sale by NICHAS & BOWMAN. jel4 Corner Frontand Market etreete. SOAP, Harrison, Country and Fancy, for gale . by ICILit dr. & Row m &TT] north-oast corner of Front and Market streets. inETERSIVE SOAP, soraettking better , than Harrison's Household Soap Juan received nee tot sale by . Nientm & eowii.r4l, is 2 Corner Front sod Id rket streets. CRAB CEDER.--Conatantl3r on hand at Tory laterke article of Inv.. alum. cmns _ . WM. DOOK—Ig. &Ou CiDFdt 11 r ,V.I.NE4IAIt 1 I 1 'ItArADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by oa to be strictly pure. eisqs mi. Dow. 4 00• • I4tetai b At little Espouse ; No iEcouveniecise; AFTER MARRLdGE. ORGANS, .F.LNDOI D. Id day of No klermcni, Lace, Phila. eo • emist, nay Phi* ,ITS d 4 ionzia " eth, CIL /ERR. OTHER. 1M BY TELEGRAPH. From our Morning Edition, From Washington. . FLAG-OFFICER DAVIS' REPORT OF THE WHITE RIVER EXPEDITION. Later from Com. Fagagat's Fleet. Full Particulars of the Fight at Grand Gulf. I=E:=l THE REBELS REPULSED. WASHINGTON, June 26 Flag Officer Davis, in his official report con cerning the expedition up White river, men tioning that, a'ter the accident to the Mound City, the wounded men were shot by the enemy while in the water, and that the Navy Depart ment and the country will contrast these bar barities of a savage enemy with the humane effort of our own people to rescue the wounded and disabled under similar circumstances in the engagement of the 6th inst. Several poor fellows, who expired shortly after the engagement, expressed their willing nom to die when they were told the victory was EMI Flag officer Farrangt communicates to the Navy Department the report of an encounter between our gunboats on the Mississippi and the rebel artillery, in the vicinity of Grand Gulf, between Natchez and Vicksburg. A boat sent down to bring up the coal ves sels from near that point, discovered earth works in the process of erection. The Wissa hickon and Itasia were stnt down to attack them. They found a battery of rifled guns actually there erected, and a form, of some five hundred artillerists ready to receive them. A vigorous fight ensued. The Itasia was struck twenty-five times and the Wissahickon seventeen times. They, how ever, lost but one man killedaad six wounded. The fort being - too set iOlll3 an obstacle to have in the rear of ourboats, Com. Palmer serving at that point decided to bring the remainder of the squadron down and break up the business before it became too formidable. On the afternoon of the 18Eh inst. he dropped down abreast with the squadron and shelled the town for an hour, but they deserted their bat teries, and, with the exception of a few rifle shots, manifested no resistance. Corn. Palmer says the heights were filled with riflemen, and if they give him any more annoy ance he shall burn the town. The new gunboat Paul Jones, Captain Stud marl, having taken on board 'her armament and complement of seaman, left the Navy Yard yesterday afternoon. The select committee appointed by the Speaker to whom all papers on file in relation to the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of Niagara are referred, consists of Messrs. Vauhorn, of New York, Blake, of Ohio, Menzies, of Kentucky, Trawbridge, of Michigan, Rice, of Maine, Davis, of Pennsyl iania and Cravens, of Indiana. Hon. Emerson Etheridge will deliver an ora tion from the steps of the Washington monu ment, Baltimore, on the 4th of July. Exten sive preparations for celebrating the national holiday have been made by Union men of that city. From Gen. NOlellan's Army The New Picket Lines held Undisturbed ALL QUIET ALONG THE BANKS OF THE • CHICHHOHINY. I=E:=l W.temsoros, June 26. A dispatch received at the War Department this afternoon from Gen. McClellan states that the affair yesterday was perfectly successful— that we held the new picket line undisturbed and all 113,, very quiet on the bank of the Chicka --:, hominy. , MUM Congress—First Session, SENATE WaseameroN, June 26 The usual ceremonies were proceeded with wben evidence was taken to prove the disloy. 810 of the accused: Mr. Jacob Malaya, Isaac Lyton, John Hugh Smith, H. B. Scovill and Was.. G. Brownlow gave direct testimony to that effect. The President pro tern then put the question whether the accused was guilty of high crimes of misdemeanors, as charged by the articles of the impeachment of the House of Representa tives. Mr. Sarinanuur said he should vote for the impeachment, on the ground that while hold ing the office of Judge of the United States, the accused assumed and acted as Judce of the Con federate States ; but he, (Mr. Saulsbury,) would not commit himself to any of the declarations or sentiments uttered by the managers on the part of the House or the Senate. Mr. Briskness on the part of the managers, said be should offer no more evidence, thinking the facts charged were abundantly proved, he should therefore demand of the Honorable Court, in the name of the House of Represen tatives and of- the United States, whose liber ties were so outraged by this reckless Judge, that a conviction be had of impeachment. The accused was then Jeclared guiity on the first,article by tb e unanimous vote of thirty , one,enators present. Messrs. Bayard, Carlile, þ, Pearce, Rice, Simmons, Stark and Wilson, (Maas.,) were absent. fittart trinting figut Raving procured Steam Power PressesZwe are prem. .3d to emote .1013 add 10011 PRINTING of every dascrip on, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish amain the country. RarES OF AIivEnTISING. war Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight Ines or more than roar constitute a square. - Hair Square, one day one week ene month._ three months, tax months : .., one year One Square. one day 2 00 ton on e e m w o oe n k tb ........ 5 00 11 !three months 10 00 six months 16 00 one year. ........ ....... 20 00 ,sar Business notices inserted in the Loral COZWritt. or iefore Ifarriges and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS PER LINE for each insertiont gair idarriges and Deaths to be charged as regular ed. 7erthemente 11:Mil 'NO. 48 On the second article charging him for sup porting and advocating the act of seceasion Hr. Browning voted not guilty—guilty 35, On the third article charging him with organ izing an armed rebellion, the vote was guilty, 32—not guilty, Anthony, Fessenden,;,Foster and Harlan. On the fourth article, charging him with conspiring to oppose by force the government of the United States--guilty. 27, not guilty, 10: Messrs. Browning, Cowan, Harris, Henderson, Kennedy, Latham, McDougal, Nesmith, Ten Eyck, Wilson, (M 0.,) and Saulsbury, excused. On the fifth article the vote was unanimous. On the sixth article,on thespecification charg ing him with the confiscation of the property of citizens not guilty, twenty four ; guilty eleven. The court then took a recess till 4 o'clock At 4 o'clock the court again met. • Mr. Foams offered the following question to be put to the court : "Is the court of the opin ion that West H. Humphreys be removed from the office of the District Judge for the District Court of the United States for the District of Tennee ee Mr. Tamrstru moved to add that he be dis qualified from holding or enjoying any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. Mr. Trummum.'s amendment was then adopt ed, yeas 29, nays 10. Mr. Thum called for a division of the quell on. The first part of the question was then adopt ed, yeas 38, nays none. The second part was then adopted, yeas 36, nays none. The President, pro tem. then pronounced judgment. It is hereby ordered and decreed that West H. Humphrey's, Judge of the Die i trict Court of the United States, for the West ern, Middle and Eastern District of Tennessee be, and is removed from said office, and that he be, and is disqualified from holding or en joying any offices of honor, trust or profit un der the United States. The court then adjourned sine die. The Senate then Adjourned ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. When the members returned to the hall, Mr. BIOECAM, on the part of the managers, reported the proceedings and results of the high court of imp. a ehment. Mr. WALTON, (Vt raising to a question of privilege, cans d to be read a communication from the N. Y. Tribune, entitled "the Inttlli geucer Book Job," sent thi. her by one of its Washington reporters. He thought it due to himself; having introduced the resolution to which reference, by one, who by a iurtesy, oc cupies a seat in the reporter's gallery. That charge m.,de in that article shaold be investi gated. He therefore offered Use following: Resolved, That the Committee on the Judici ary be instrucmd iorthwiih to inquire by whom and on what authority such charge contained in artime referred to has been made, and to make a thorough investigation as to their troth or fals.ty, and lep..rt all evidence to the House with the opiniuus thereon, and such resolu dous as to them shall seem meet, and that said committee shall have power to send for persons and papers, ai d to report at any time. Ihe resolution. was adopted ; yeas, 102 ; nays, 8, namely : F. A. Coultiin!, Ely, Fran chut, riauk, Lansing, Lovejoy, TritaJle and Wash urne. The House passed the Senate bill which pro vides for additional med.o.d offi ere in the vol- UU(eer service. The members again proceeded to the Senate by invitation of that body, to hear judgment pronounced in the impeachment case. Atter they returned therefrom, they ad - jo u rued . VICKSBURG CONFESSED as Lost —The fall of Memphis is garded by the Whig as fatal to Vicksburg. That paper of the 10th says:— The time is up—the die is cast, and the late of Vicksburg is sealed. With the evacuation of Fort Pillow followed the fall of Memphis, after a gallant but unsuccessful defense above the city by our cotton fleet, under General Jeff. Thompson and Captain Ed. Montgomery. We had hoped that our government would hold the river above Memphis as long as we kept the enemy at bay bete ; but it has seen fit to do otherwise, and now the contest for this Im portant stream is almost closed. We had con fidence in the ability of our forces here to repel any attack of the enemy's wooden fleet from below, but we cannot expect them to success fully cope with a combined attack from above and below. All other towns on the river have fallen into their hands, and now their whole force will be concentrated here. Our city must, therefore, we think, soon fall into the hands of the enemy, and consequently it behooves the people to contemplate the realities around them. TELE PEESLEENT REQUESTED TO - SEND HOME A REGIMENT.-At a meeting of the City Council of Cincinnati, held last Friday, the following was presented and unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Fifth Ohio Regiment, of this city, has been sadly decimated in battle, and by hard, long and fatiguing marches ; and whereas, the gallantry, efficiency and heroic bearing of the regiment in the several battles in which it has participated, entitles its remain ing members to the kind consideration of the Government ; therefore, be it Resolved, By the City Council of Cincinnati, That the President of the United States and the Secretary of War be solicited to order the regiment to Camp Dennison, near this city for rest, and that the regiment may recruit its de imated ranks. Loafs NAM:V.—A most extraordinary freak of nature may be seen upon the farm of Mr. Henry Bowman, about two and half miles from Hanover, York county. The object is a colt, ap parently strong and healthy, but having only three kge. The wanting limb is the right fore leg, the place of which is supplied at the shoul der by something resembling a dog's paw, which it moves when walking precisely as it would the missing member. The colt is lively, well formed, rather handsome than otherwise, and, with the exception which we state, entirely t r ee from any perceptible deformity. REVOLUTIONARY PATRIoTS.—There are only 62 revolutionary patriots alive, viz :—ln Massa , cbusets 8, Maine 9, Vermont 8, Connecticut 2, Now Yo.k 18, Pennsylvania 1, Ohio 4, Mnhi gan 3, Illinois 1, Indiana 2, Wisconsin 1, Ken /AWL Tennessee 6, North Carolina 3, Georgia 5, Miiisouri 1, Virginia 8, District of Columbia 14:411tausas 1. There are none in the State of ittiode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, lowa, Louisiana, Aialiama, Florida, mibbiolop P 4 California or South Carolina Tun Plumylan (o.,liturnia) Republican ear; that upwards of tweuty-tive hondrtd pounds of silver bullion have pass, d through teat city within the week ending May 80th, from the silver Woes of Washoe. so 25 1 25 2 60 4 00 6 00 10 00