Maim! ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, YRE'NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM: ANM RISMEDY, -...• • . . a opt.TIIN j REMZDV, I vil ' • ' '' - -'' -"" ACM RH kUMATISM,. " - CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, " RHEI7EAn3it OE WriveY WIND • . • Ne NATIKR. .1 Row sTUBBORN, • HOW LONG STANDING, PEOPYLAMIN WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. TUE /WET TIISTMONY imn , lael, Aprmien% Douroßs BMW PATIENTS BELTENTrt, TRIAD AND TRVE. PENNSYLVANTA HOSPITAL IFRom Ornate. Hoeprrit :RIPOICTS4 MAT ItY, 1860;.i—Hies S., set. 28, - single, never Was very strong. Two Veal*. ;40 elm bad an attack of acute theuma. tism,from whieh sbd was confined to her bed fbr two weeks and su bsedent.q from a relapse fin' four more. She has been well aluna then till list Bator day, while engaged to boner eleanhig, she took gold, bad' path In her 'back, felt cold, hot bad no decided 'chill. Two days later her ankles be gan'ealteell„ which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and — Ortfiehniiiin. -- fhe h a s nOW — dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both lianas are afferted, but the right Is most so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, 48 It Is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It is a well remarled typical case We will carefully watch the case, and from time to Woo crtllsonir attention to the Tari m syixintbinhilfittfi prdeddt thimildtstea. lay V.lntef objetit In bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which his recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatism. I m':an propy/amine. Dr. Acbefiatlli bf 13tt Teterethity, .redoiribibbde' tt , hi' able highest terms, havinderlyed great benefit, from its use in 260 cases which came under hie aro, 'Various com mendatory testimonials have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give it another VIA I 'lintel cblifess I, am aiwayeineretautoue-asrtez ;be worth of new remedies,. which are.Vitunted as specifies ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial., SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER MAY 28,1800.—1 will now eihiblt to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and was then labor = mg under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it to doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I found ber much more comfortable, better thin she ex pected to be for a week or more, Judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked into the room.) The improvement bas steadily progrelssed, and you cannot fall to notice a marked change in the appearance of her joints, 7 , ,hkah ere cw,w,4e4Aly alt i or )heir natural size . Thur far eur experiment would have seemed very sue awful ; but, gentlemen, we Juust . wait a little while be fore we can kovea , decided. ppluign as la:arhatal 0 - 64 the result. Here i 8 anpihitr patient tvllo,Waff Placed on the Use of ...1P same medicine - 1m dunday last ; she his Shag' been suffering from c bromic rheumatism, midi found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her ohronie Motion. The wrists'and knuckles Were Mgcbk swollen and ten se. 'She took the chloride of Preppie,' mine In three gram dia,ms every two hours, and -you will perceive that the swelling of thejoints hai much dinilit• %shed, 'DARE DAVS I LAUR ll' MAY 26, 1860.—This is the case of acute rheumatism Vomit with, propylarpine, the r flrFt oftimse ter . which I called your attention at our laat clinic, bhi3 is still Ver'y comfortable, and is inow,t Jong three rains g thrice daily. In this case it his seetnrd'to be ti lioidd 'by very sat- Islactopy restatif. The second cow to which your atten tion was called at our lastlecture, has also continued do wel r I will noW bring before you's very characret iatic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat. factory,l think, as good jurymen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor . tf prnpy lamin • Be is a seaman, ret.-26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has OcaasiOnal rheumatic pains, but nut so ae to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains. began in his right knee, subsequently affected the loft knee, and lately the joints of the upper extremities.,, These joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is furred ; his skin, at Tirane% dry, though there has ,Imert much sweating. His pulse Isiah and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylamine Tor twenty-four hour 4 This gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typical %me of , acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold sud.wet, and this expo Sure is followed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, In the lower joints. there is fever and the profuse Sweating, so generally [Attendant on acute rhautnatlSM. . . I did not brine this patient before you with the i ['Mo tion of giving yOu a lettere on all timi Voititsi„ conceded With rheumatism. but to again give a trill to tke new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as I have celled it than which there en uld not be a fairer opportunity for testru's , thb medicine in. question'. We are. therefore, avoiding the use oil all other medicines, even alio fyilen, that flier, may be no misafilkWas to which was the efficient remedy.' ''Tau 'half rate the ease of a future dial e, THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT 1880.—The nest of our convalescents 1q the 'Case o 1 acuterbeunattisno before you at our clinic OrMaY Iletb, which I thee called a typical case, and which It was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the Werth oi our now remedy, It was theretrire.steailli y given in three groin donee every two hours for four dayS: The patient hue get along very nicely, and is now able to italk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to soy that I baie nevea seen as severe a case. of acute. Then:nation] so tomb restored to health ea thiB Mill has been, and witheut being prepared lc decide positive by as to the vat ueof the remedy we have used, I feel booed to state that in the cases in which we here tried , the Chloride o Propylamioe, the paiiests Ii tve regained their touch earlier than under he treatment health Rarity pure. Cued.. I wish gentlemen, you would Yourselves try it, and report the results. Per a full report at which the above fs a oehdetwed extract, see the. Philadelphia Mediatil'and Surgicett Re porter. It ieltie repOrt after a fair trial by the best med, lead authority In this country, and makes It unnecessary to give numerous' Certificates . freer. 'astonished doctor and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY Milt, AN EFFECTUAL CORE THE SAU R.,,EULT WHAT rttag DONE, Ibi Creatia*, a firm . wfill known td - moat *tacit 0411 zien, by whom the Wait Propylautine .hawbeen In trodneed, have Bold k. ne the exclusive right tomannfae tare Wanton:ling' tathe original recipe, and we - 140 , nude arrangements of such magnitude as to einitbie to . leatter tt broadcast amongst o'ufferink hnmanit3t- . • . A WORD TO DOCTORS. f - If yea prefer to net the same' ennedy in another for ' with/vita yeltu• attention to the - Pe= 0/1117411ZilD Catotrum Thitorru mirri PinuiPidnexua Livini, • . Pofi Thibramittsboxcrig7w 7D , PultsTholld Of ' Whial "lie 043 tlie sole manufacturers.' ' • uo other virtue for tbe Ellzir Propyitimiu Crystalized Chloride of Privy TO a-4'4*JB _ ; ;fitf:lfaitzykl iENT, YE READ FOR IHMEDL!!..TH ,U AND I AY st lie** Ao3oll,4Hiti TO D144710N5, Hf ANT ON It' . , . • - • BY &PhBYON WHO BAS,RHEIINIATIiNfOr ANY KIND, Sold iu airrbibarg by a't 76 Cul *aorta. °Hen .tnay be tiddrgplmd to PROPrLAMINE ) 1 1,ANi1i4 , 172771i00 . Oftlen„ Room No. 4, • • • S. W. co'. Vourtt and chestiut streets, Ur to either of 'the following Wbceetaile Agentp e• • Tri,uriJ & OTURISHAW, RICHAP.ntik, 00., JOliN M oms. GAL n.MT•rHERF.U. & to 4 PRlfft• T.'Wl Thiifi & zuoLICEI. & SMITH, T.tmoRRIS MOT & 00 POILADRIZEIaI lIIM wW141.7 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD FJV TRAINS DAILY TO AND Wlll CONQUER IT, WILL Mtn IT,' Parisepger Trains, Of ' the . Penlaylvania Railroad mpatiy will depart *MI arid arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : . . EASTWARD. noon READ READ, DOCTORS /XAMOTFI , TRYIT. , THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leavas Eihrrisburg daily t 1.15 a. m, and arrives at Wed Philadelphia ats:lo' .m. . . . FAST LINE paves Harrisburg daily, (except Monday,) 5.20 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.46 .m. FiSf MAIL TRAIN . leaves Ifarrbtburg daily ((except ,unday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia t 5.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Via Mouni Joy, leaves arritiburg• at 7.00 m., -and arrives . at West PhDs elphia at 12 25 p. rn.. HAHRISHURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Warn is, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 D. m.. sue arrives at West • hiladelphia at 9 25 p. m. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 0 no, p. m., Harrisburg" at 3.00 a. in.; Altoona 8.10, a. in, I arrives at Pittsburg at 12.86 T. sii. . • • MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.18 a. tn.; and ar !lves it Harrisburg at 12.80 p. tn.; leaves Rarriaburg at 3.00 p m., Altoona, 7,0(1it. rm.,- and arrives at Pittsburg ' 1 12.15 a. m. .. • • , FAST lINS leaves PhiladelObla at 11.30 a. m., Harris. piurell.46 p. in., Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arriving .at Ittburg at 12.45 a. m. HARRISBURG AMOMMIXIATION TRAIN leaves Phil'. kie'phla at 2.30 p. m., .and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 lICIINT JOY ACCOMMODATION yla Mount Joy leaves , twister st '10.50 a. la. arrives at llirrlabarg at 12.40 m. • . . SAMUEL D. YOUNG,. Supt. East; Dly.,Paxina. Railroad Harrigbart, May 2, 1862 —dtf . • YAW AIR LINE ROUTE. RIGS TRAINS DAILY • TO NEW YORK, • AND • P H.:ILADELPHIA QN AND A.FTVa-MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leave the Plana de phis and Reading 'Railroad Depot, at .13arrisburg, for New York. and Philadelphia, as follows, viz • EASTWARD.. FSP/tWB N leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival olt Pentisylialuik Mufti ficfai the West, arrivinikie New York at 8,15 *g. m.; ,atid at Phila. ; delphia at 9.00 aM. A Sleeping car attached to the tram through front Pittsburg without change. . MALL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in.. arrt*hfg in New York at 6.30 p. In., and Philadelphia at 1.26 P. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. on arrival of Pennivlvactia Raßroad Fast Mall, grriving to New York at 9.450 and Philadelphia at 0.40 p. m. FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. tn., and Philatie 1. pals at 8 a. m., arriving at Haraiatiiire at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New Yotlearl2.oo Boot', and Phil, adeiphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg At 8.10 p m. EXPRISS LINV reavea New York at '8 •p. m.,--itni ving at Harrisburg at 4.00 a. m and connecting with the "eonsylvanla Expreale YAM ~ ' l'itildiferg. A sleeping ear Is alas attached to this train . Connections are made at Harrisbur with trains on the 4t Pen No an, lisqlenillOnNeyi 11 4 1 40. at r ftatirlt Ptina HSI W4iitillei Wilkesbarre, Motown, ton, Ste: Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Ha. rleburg, Sb 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. llbiLltaliragraZNlPl lsll l J. J. CLYDE, my3-dtt General Agent, Harrisburg. Northern Oential 'Railway 9 3 iiiinaß I lAl4.44o l hitp I "19 13 A. T_TrIET . Map ~Connection.. andel; , at ..;11ax - risbusg TO .AND FROM .NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL .NIGHT TRAINS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862. the Passenger Travel of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and4eparA foul ant! BilltimOreas follows, viz , _GOING SQIJ.TH. MAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 and leaves " rib P. M EXPRIMIS . arrives at, . ,„ 12.55 A. M and leaves " 1.15 A. M MILL TRAIN 'haves. Itf 8 M i l lMod Isbulg. M and leaves or at. .1 P. M faint p3IPREI.. TRAIN leavesar riVeir Ra at- plngore , M 4 0.39 , A. 16 p,,,m 6 , and leaves North at.. 3.06 A. M FRltilikMdt "i6eVadVAritSiiAthlN. reates Etartrtabdrifbr Balkiritortt 'at - A. M. p t eturata i g—leaves Balttmora l at ........ ..... 3.09 P. M IN EVERY tIAsE, 'Pi/TENURE rEIENEVER TRIED TRIRD LT N'i'IM:DO AGAIN The only trait) _leaving flarriebarg antutay will : the ilertisburg AceommodattanTrain,lomn at 740 A. M ' For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl yenta Railroad Depot. • Flarrilburg, 44/y.24.180;1y , , , 1862. sx Id E .1 8 62 ABBANGDMENTI . CUMBERLAND. VALLEY AND, FRANKLI HRTI . -4iviani I Miff Monday', May sth , 1882 P i sse . ger Trains will rul lalkraeigis 4 oiindariiy,eptti) ,, II mi , / &Wit' bik Ildniburg . I-B.E Ili T. A.C. - 0? ALL Three, fcnr and"RvejointTrattroltods., C 4 andMalr, Trout Lbw. from 10 to 60 yards long. '.•• doo Patent*Tront - Lines; - • . „, Twisted Silk Trout; Lime, : -1 " " "- gains-tiravaLoses - Ljnen an i ctittoe Floattiries foriiiihed with Hookii, Corks,gc . '- • • . .; 'BraselnititiplyingNeefs! Into 60 yard's. •. • •-- . -A• lot et Choice Trout nes, "7 . „ • 1 , Slat Worm Cint tenders,. bottom kto 9 feet. Slat &mad& I. I a • Hooks, list, Trchtilikkets, Kirby Trout and Rrver Hooks; - loh,Tront said itiver EioottF, i t koMF6thaw and ifirtak -ILIMI./Mgd.Drgra Mims 91 Ices &psi. " fi lrhEle • -, 3fe , d+ett - firtrrett.rff••• , ,,B,4r 2 " rrewoßle 1 0 02 3 IMPROVFMENT IN DENII.IBTR -.Y4 _Shtupeasburg. - • • .... . v.. 10 33 4 11 1 .117' p A11,4134CA " Chambereburg Arr ive_ll. 00 - . P.. , • I. ; 4 . 2) : " chtimhershor,g „ „ t .."...Lc0ve,A1 19 . -bet; Manor:winker Mibelitrlale-Teetb, the" Oi c emicastle lir 65 5 •mtlida thatobvtatea r everrobiaction td 18 ,- 06 Arrive at. Hagerstown...'. ..... .-.1 286• — 8 , ^ eacaleetwiesa Bl l loo 4llPartilar Ithif-eod ; wheie acts . , c " . • N , LULL,-s, e. • 0n1Y,.0( sere stntindisocraBo4le thane 111 e R. R..01D0e,. Cbanthersberg, 00 OTElVidell fOi the wdocumnlauon of m im e . of I, „• and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, a t ilp T.Tshii[g4 tg11844 oF,ar tamm !alits%rgo 1 1 :44 mlifra° for '. sale by . cloyed erne een elank o 4l t 4i tirreackiektieette, ms Ofte 4ll-*a Ntli • S• I . tt rr th it go l , P ß O ati L ga l i and Eogl'sh, all NICHOLS & BOWMAN, North Second street, Hartsborg. corner Front Lad Market streeta • caiiMay L,b_agerstown. cIC7L'..I i.tVa loi I oi I . 2 43 2 ; Ag V l7l4"37lt.(l it: l T iiensb ! ~,,..I . 4 4 i ia...lict::tr:2:ilYiligi ai 2 0 Carlisle .... ~............... 10 10 24( n Mechaniesbuig .............. ...I0 42 31; 14f ri Mi l larfR I PPrk • • 4:04-z.,„-y... 4 - „ „ e lk*, „ ,:i;/ .. .i'or ambersbarg:aaid Ragerttown ?r:Vilielr.hVaigrlti -- 7::Ymr- Iriffe , : ', i, 11E1 New 21thertiannento. FROM PHILADELPHIA • ON AND AFTER MONDAY MAY sth, 18132 WEST WALItD BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. WESTWARD. GOING NORTH. RAIL ROADS r p atruighiatita etlegrapli, n,estaZ lkftertto_oii, Inne_ 24, ID.. q.roes 1), W.. GRO S S & DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 -- NIARKE T ST R•EET EARRISBURO, PEIVN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STQA47 KEEPERS AND .100NSTAIERS, We are' AAR adding 0 our assortment of goods all sack- . artiolos , fai . iiie . oesisabli, and would respectfully your: eitonifon to Ike , &meet and:best isle:lite:l stook in.tlus day; of DIMS CHEMICALS PaNTS. Oth l / 4 Irpirrilakkes art51,1311.u4.1a.,, • • , Arttat EloloriaYsd Toasts,, Omura illrojuid dpiesla -; Burning Fluid and Alcohol , ' • Sperm itadliiins (fila Bottles, Vials and !Ai,. FEBRITIORT **VMS ARTICLES, -elected from tes . beat mannfacttirere and.Pe; lemma of 'Wraps and ' tieing xery large dealers ' . . PAWS; TEELIE LAD! • IaNSOID ' 6 I I 4VARSP I M; ' ivnnx,i* cams, .ABTOrs . OfPBS, PAM AO ARTIST'S BRUSHES :: • IN AmiiiKat VAEIICPIFs, COLORS ANAII3RONZES:.' ;OF . ALL ODE, . t. We reepeqtftuly itirte 'call; ileos that:tire ootkiCOPPl.Y.the Wo ' Oto, of, 4 1 on , term! tor thelz eittlefeyjtiim. " ITETni TEETTAI! - : Yorta*AND VitTEWSPOBOAthiarMirA: PATENT IVIEDIdINES AND Of all kincla L dirept front the PrOprietofs. kxmifier and Cfoillientisia Lye WholeSteie Agents- fort Eieponider, which we 'eel ae low isE4 rolyss - eti ;the cities. , : FRAY-EE's;- MEDICAL naulD PixTRACTs Being-urge purchasers to timely Oils; we pfter inflneern,nte . tp Coid ; 01 Lampe of the piost improved: pattornei • 'Cho4pl AU 140 of is du** to doal OIL zoliviEjts :41115! CI - itAratit6 l , ' Those o~ . . fprivlict luive riot givek9ir 110ftil AND.OA.TrLIi 03W-1)1tli9 knoli t. 1 4 6 ,,409146,,tb* all iSI keeoag Him* and:cstiiiiiieldiati-and ; ' Thoooktoliscau testifylo4W borififtbei deriveil from; the.nsi_of our-Cattle rowdies b the Wore - Wilk quintfty gtialityck:f,) besides Improving-the genural--health4Mi a, pearauce'of"their (: ante: - '7oiir lbng ex fitirieneAl in - the 'Widnes ghreo the advantage of a thorough knowledge of ibd our antingenients - hr the' 'Mee ar , such very short thou furnis to mil bi>atnesi on . th beet of terms. .__Thankful for t4s:liberei. ,patronage 3 o oa out haul*, Wilidpe 'by - strict dtttailtoti busload; A ba - r - eful selection of DRV G 8..... ..... at fair prices, and the desifela" please - in, merit a continuance of the favor of a discri of t • 906-44 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ,Dro i SUM 4 Gbuygaintik:Pucim Cpstllle Soap, iiionig•Wand raf . k4Dricit; 4 S o .,:,#;c•i:dge., 0'4,,,,e,; With a : general variety of 'RESTORATIVES GOAL: OlL;1 , CARBON VII. 1 =I 1111isctllantgus. lib- Destroy--Rats, Roaches, Stc. lo Destroy--Mice, Moles, and Ants. - 12b Destroy—Bed-Bags. - • 'lb Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. lb Dutroy----MoixinitoeS and Fleas. fo Destroy--Insects on Plants and Fowls. 7b Putroy---Insects. on Animak, An. 2b Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin. ii • - - • - Whs.; C:PatiairPgaPP - VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. THRI _ , "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES K N OW N.' DESTROYS ormornar EVERY PORN AND SPECIES OF VER-MIN. %hoes Preparstiong (Unlike' all others) eke: "Fren-front:Poisentk" 444 4 - - - -"Not dangerods-tO-the4lumOn-Faml4." "Pato do not die oil the ptemlsee.') , - "They come out of their holet to die:" "They are the Only infallible remedies known." . _ "12 years - and more established-in New York city." - Used by—the City Poet Offiee. Used by--the City Prisons and Station. Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hiisbitals, Mins-Houses, . • Used by—the Pity Hotels —`Astor'—‘St.Nicilo las,' &c. Used by—the Boarding Hotises, &c., &c. Used by. l -inote than 80,000' Private Families. or&r. otie'or nob Sixximend of what is everywhere • satdbythe•Povie—Editors—Dealers, &e.• MOUSEBEFPERS-.--troubled with vermin need be str nd :lob' ger, if they nee "Cdsma r s" Exteriniiiatora. We' have used .it to out satis &WW2, ,and If a box coat $5 we Would have: it. Vre had dr ierrpoisobs,: tint they effected nothing; but "Cceran'ettrtiole knocks: the ;breath: out of Bats; Mice;Bbltches aixd :Bed-Buggy; quicker than:we. can write it. It la in great'.'deniand all over the country.--Medirea (o.)' Gazette.- MORE ORM:Maud provisions are destioyea annually Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Eat and InsectiCiller. Lew:aster ( WU) Pena.. • • ntsitY Et; COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. . Wherever they have been used, Ras, Mice, Roaches anti Vermin disappear rapidly. EMIR & STOUP PER, • • '' • • Druggists, Windsor, .110. "Coster' et' Rat, , B4ch, Aro. Azierinimapr. Vostar's ; • . 4 "Oestar's" , *d•Ong Atierminatoi. _. : . 0. Coetar'e' glectrieTowder, for Ireaktii, Stiy. I lx 2 5 c-. 60 0. ANA .$l.OO • Box's Roan= AND Yuma, SA $5 Enos /PCB PLADrLVITOPs., . MAPS, BOATS, ROTES, t &O `* ' "" • CLIPTIONII To prevent the public from being imposed upon by.Spuriout and Highly Pernicinal :fragaient, a ‘ pewjabel bas been prepared, b,ear4 log afae sande& the Proprietor's signature.-1 tritzildhe each boz; b ottle,, - dr flask carefully bei fora purchasing, and take nothing bat "Cos 4 =I Or Hold Everywhot6Lby • • - • • !..AU Wilinaskta, Dzneumvs .the large cities Some of the • Wholesale, Agents in New. York City!, Sehleffelht Brothers & Co'. -- • • L B. A. Fatuaestoolc, 1411_.& . A. B. &,D...llarnlsA , • - ltWhbellef Hart. • " - Jatabaiik`AaptawalL' " -- " 4-' -" Morgaa-& - - - 4 - I $414, Attdsfi.lBlAt. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis._ Briliiir'&`Kttefien: `• . --4 Bhsh;Oahrbfrobtnsorr: . " - " ' 4 M. Ward, Close & Co. Malting:on-A Bobbins. !? •- • 4 D. B.,Parnee &CV. & Wells Co. - LaztlTh; Mahar " " - , 4llall,.Dizon & 4 30-i- - - L - - .Coarad F0r........aun. OMANI. •- - - - • - • - Philadelphia; PC - -"- T. Wt-Mybtf & - • ! 8.. A.. Fahnestock. & Co. - - 1-• - . 1. f • French, Bieharcle & Co —amp mums. Tnetidaihrt, Qsooiee, Sioaxiu aas and'ltvta - ass genemlly - hr all -- Critners•sr"Town-, And . „- , .41/mukass-ia-the. AUBITED-STATES. _ ilni =BM I;MEMI 114 1{ 1; ma 17 ft: - PEN N. A. ger , saa by--- D. GfoBll & 'CO 0 k Keller"' ,' Principal .Wholesale-ands Retail Agents 4t Harrisburg, and by, the Daupusts,, Stoat- Kum= and Rigrarram generally. iir.COMX./ 1 241,141tS (Am .erdeZ se Dhow; „ Otiaremiri.oislege,. direct-7.1P1: Jr _Plic+,‘ Terme, Fix., is destrod, Ariliettd [IB6A Circular, ref:lll9A proe g . - • ' 'HENRY - Eh COSTA.S. - PUMA& Dspor—Ntt. 512•BrcedWay"- - (Bp* site the St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. febl3-dtka POW Johns arosttps. SOMETHING' FOR THE TIMES I I gA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American. Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORT ". THE" MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE , RLD. THE ONLY 'RBI TABLE GLUE DI THE A ORLD. THE REST GLUE IN THE WORLD. 1 - AMERICAN CEMENT • GLUE . s t he only article of the kind ever produced which ILL WITHSTAND WATER : . IT WILL MEND WOOD, ftee the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throwaway that broktn Ivory Iran, it is easily' re paired. • IT WILL MEND CHINA-, Toor broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as rrwiLL MEND MARBLE, Thatpfece knocked out or lour Marble Mantle can be f %f i % That costly Alabaster Vase s broken and you can't match it s mend h, it will never slow when put together. • - It will Mend t One, Coral, Lava, and in ' = flint everything but Metals. /14' ;titian demented witn AMERICAN CtIIENT .GLUE • will not ahow where•it is mended. - • ttEvery Housekeepers should have a supily of. Johns & Cleoley's American Cemenrillus."—N. P. 2imes. on Is so convenient •to have in - tne. house."—N. Y. Erretc. It is always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—indepestddrit. - - "We have tried it, and And it as useful In our homes as water."- - fa lle Sprit of the Times. $lO,OO per year saved in every fatuity by lane Brittle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. . „Price 25 gents . per Bottle. . Price . 2s Pel;aB per 33ettle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. . Price 26 Cents.per,Bottle. Price 25 Cente per Bottle. • . Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberalßeduegops to Whe4esale ,Buyers. TERMS CASH. sa-For sale by all Druggists, and store&pars general ly throughout the country. (SOU M.oxtfac)urers,): - '7B ;WILIAAM'STREEt,:: I Corner of Eitr eet:: . NEW. o.lllki • Important to Hail ILoali CoMpaniea. Important to , Farmers. ; . 2b a ll whom thu t;;c11/ imam, ang'slowneerse ire* b ?#' JOHNS .& cßosLpy's CEMERT. ROOFIN-G The Chee.p"ct most durable Poofp3i, in ;use • • IT'IS FIRE AND WATER PROP. , It can bo applied to new and inn 11001.11 er-all kinds, • steep or ILA, and to.SanoluiROOPEI . 10Th011t rea:tovlbg.tbe hingles... •• iheCtitt telOaily:sklbuut: n e : Thlrdf. tliat -TI h • th " ,New . V Thig 'article has. een'°roughly tested in or Gay and all other parts 'of- the: United :,S'lat'es, Canada West Intlfes Central and South Amerlea‘ on-buildings o all kinds, such as VACtisliti3, I , OIINDRIW, COURCHiI, RAI ROAD DILIPOT3,.CAID4, RV% on Pintia Buttonas genersliP (3051i1MMICHT iIDILDINGIA. &0., by the .priuciPal. auitders Architects and--Otheri; during the past lintylears,;an has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MckAll DURABL ItOOFlbit. pi use; it is in every;respeet &VIM; WAIER I wEATgrgkt and TOM ''PROOffl covering -for ROM+ 0 ALL HINDS" " Thu it the'ONLYintiterial manuraelared in the Unite , Sates w hi c h combings the very desirable properties o Elasticity and Plseabiisly, which are universally acknow )edged to be possessed ;by gfr/.2.4. .rEitaHA :NOLA RUBBER. - ll=l lIMMIZEI No Heat is required in making applieationl The expense-of applylog-ii is trifling, as an ordinary ral • . i. It can be applied ' , by any ems, : 4 . . . and when finished Term ilk peifectiy Fine fiteoi sanlito with an elastic body, •wiiicte cannot be wittreti by Han!, Cow or Smuts, SEULINIUMI : Or lI.QOy . BOARDS, nor any e 4; ternal action whatever. I GIITTA PERCHA --CEMENZI, Metalrof all Kinds 'when exposed '-' to the Action of the Weather,. and , FOB PIOOKBVING AND BEI : MUD:NG-MA - - BOOFE, OF ALL HINDS. . is the only Compositionknowe which will success fully resist extreme changes or all climates, for illy length of time, when applied - to-metals, - to-which' it ad bores firmly, tpriolug a < body equal to coats of orcljnally paint, casts much less and will LAAr tHREE TIMES AS. - Lostev; and froth Rs elude)** Is' not injured by le contantion and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roo , consequent uddri au4den thanica et the weather A Theill not ORA° k IN cat_ 1521 liuN IN WARM' WRA2HIR, AND WILL NOT KOH. OFF, . 'Lasky. Tin,and,ether Metal Roofs va i n be readily. repair ed with GUTTA PERCHA CR - RENT, andlreeented . front llirther core:Mon and leaking, therebyn. ensuring a per. far+ly tlghtroolLforrnapy years. This Cement is peculi arly.adapted for the preserTatitm of IRON IntiLThlo*. STOVES, RANI 3, SAFES, AGRI CLELTLISAI, IMeLPTYNA'4 'tcr , alsoThr general mami" recturars use. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For yriarierviug and repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs pOoof every demi - 200n, fromlts great ehunicity; is not injurdd by the cooraiwon. an d al/panel/in of Metals, and will a 1 crack in cold or run in warm Weather. , These materials are ADAPLILD ‘ TO ALL minis: and tie are jollepariii to supply orders from any part of the coon. at short notice, for PERCHA ROOFING th rolls, ready prepared far use, and GOTTA PRRCRA CR. lifFSiT in borrelkwith fdll printectdirections for appli cation.. AkitINTS . 9PA2Tk D. ' " We will make liberal and Satisfactory arrang'ementa trittiresponsible parties who would hay to establish them• selves In a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE 'CASH. • _„Weeell give abundant picior 'Of 1913 C (au 1:12 in . .r&Vd P or (Air liabgevediteeibig baying aptiliedir-tbem lo seveld tbousanii../309 in New,Y9rk 91v . aad EEMM ~f ZOHNS CROSX 4 Ey t , - - - SUE.. BUNITUCTURERS, jitiia —Wholesale Warehouse-78 William .ot.,' Vter - ner or -lAbEll Weld. - • N*Vfr A 7 C? r Full deseripthm Circtqars and Vricft , will be furniBh OD aiiplicatitin. -- • - TlGARaernslibd,. - Pulverzed and R 4. araked r for oale _NIGRO Az .110 W MAN,. Corner Front and Market.otreets.! PORPTOIIOB--WILITMILDEBBB - entire new assortment of these *dui* tides just opened at BEKJITEirti Cheap Bookstore. 862. Bare your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Wend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, good as stew .' put OD.AS strong as ever. IT• WILL MEND PORCELAIN, ling, a shilling saved is a shilling-earned. 1T.W4,14: MEND ALABASTER, ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ;taws ik PROSLIIY, Importo* to House Ow i ners importini to . Builders . Tf(PRO®ED GinTir t'EVCRA mU canto covejed and finished thesawn dal LIQUID floWitcti: I --- AYER'S SARSAPARILLA ) FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy owe of the sub. Soloed varieties of Diseases Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Bores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pastilles, Blotches, Bons. Blain, and all Skin Diseases. Ossusin, Ind, 6th June, 1859. J. G. Avx & Co., Gents : I feel It my duty to acknowL edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous Infectien, I have suffered from ii in various ways ior years. Sometimes It burst out in Ulcers on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned la. ;ward and distressed me atthe stomach. Two yearipago ht broom out on my head and covered my scalp and ears 'with one sore, which was painful and loathsomebeyood .description. I tried Many medicines and several physt. clans. but without much relief from anything. In rad, 'the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to :read In the Gospel Messenger that yon bad prepared an * alternative (Sarsaparilla,/ Inr I knew from your rep :utatlon that anything you maJe must be good. I see: tO eine Mai and got it; and use it till it cured me. i took ft, as you advise, in, small doves of a teaspoonful k mouth, and used almost three bottles hew and healthy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell oft; my skin is nowclear, and I ksow by my feelings that. the disease has gone from my system You can well believe that I feel what I am saying w bet I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age; and remain ever gratefully. Yours, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettei and Salt Rheum, Scald Bead Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859, that he has cured an inveterate case of Drop , ay, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse vering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at tack of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; Says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Terri t writes : , -Threo M lles Of your Sarsaparilla awed me !roma clerrata hid eous swelling on the. neck, which I had mitered. from over two years." • - Leueerrhcea or Whites, Oyaxian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Dißales. Dr. J. B. S. Channing, of New York City, writes ; must cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent in saying I have found your sarsaparilla II mo t excellent alternative In tbrinomerous complaints kw which we em oloy such a remedy, but especially in Pentaie Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. I h eve cured many Inveterate dome of Leucorrhcea by it, and some where tile nom= Plaint was 'Caused by 'acetone!' of the uterus. The - ul r Nitration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge equals t. far these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes; "Arlan. woes croarion tumor on one of the females ininy which had defied all the remedies we could employ, hair at length been completely cured by your ltxtraotof Sar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afferd relief, but he advised WO trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and If proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weelor no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NiV Osman, 261 h August, 1959 Dr. J. C. Anna : Sir, I oheerfilly comply with the re. quest of your agent, and report to you some of the teems I bave realized with your Sarsaparilla. . _ T have cared with it, in my practice, most of the oom. plaints for which it Is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of reneral and ifer. curial iyis d ates. One of my patientabad Syphilitic ulcers in.his throat, which were Oonsumine his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily take; cured him-In five week. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms In his nose, and the ulceration had Sat in away a considerable part of It, sit that believe th e disorder would soon reach his brain and kit. vim. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; th e ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disSguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same die - order by Mercury was suffering from this poison, in her bones. They had become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating twin in her joints - and bones. Mt; too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from Its formula, which you agent gave me, that tilts preparation-from your laboratory mast be a gre t remedy; consequently, these truly . remarkeble results with it have net surprised me. Fraternally yenra, G. V. LA . 41.1:112R, m..ei Rhewnatiam, Goat, Liver Complaint. Isuaruxueuas, Frock% Co., Va.; 6th July; 1869 Du. J. C. ATBit : Elr , I have been aillicied with, kpaln ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled theskill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies. I could tin , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.- - One bottle cured me In two•weekS, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far better than before I was attaeked. I Oink it a wonderful medicine. ' ;mks Y. Golchell, of. St. Lonis..writes : have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which doeiroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; and I have been -a brwren down-man for some years from no they manse than de. rangstentef the Liver. My beloved - pastor, the Rev. Mr . Vany, advised me to try your Sarsanarrilla.,hecsase he said 110 knew you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it has cured me. Lfeei voting again. The best that can be Bald of you is not half good enougo,,, schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries. and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety olleases have been reported to .as where cures of these formidable complaints have result- Tom the use of this remedy, but one spew here will not Omit them. Soek. of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased -to furnish gratis to all who call.far them, • , Dyspepsia, geart Dimase; Fits, Bpilop sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia, 'Alanyiemarinible curds of these atfeotibus have been made by the alternative power of this medicine. It slim• elates the Malfunctions Into vigorous action, and thds overcomes disorders which - would be supposed beyond IVs reach. Such a remedy 'Pp been required by the ne ctiesitles of the people, and we are confident that this wit do for them all that medicine can Ayer's Cherry Pectoral SOB THE RAPID MR OP. • Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con. gumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients in 'advanced' Stages of the Disease • This tea remedy so universally known to surpass any calker for the cure of throat and lung complaings, that it Is useless here to Publish the evidence of Its phloem, It , unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and Its truly wonderinl cures of pulmonary disease, h aw , made 1 , known throughout nalifonti of the 'earth:— Yew are 0/communities, or even rankings, among theni who have not some personal experience of lbt abets.— 'tome living trophy fu their midst of 1 to victory ovlir the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throatand Map. As all know the dreadful fatality of these dleotlths'and a s they kr.ow, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more - than to assure them that tt has now dif the sir. goes that it did have when making the cures which have 'won tai strongly upon tile cOnfidenne 01 koankind. Prepared by Dr. IL C. AYES i t - Lowell, Mali. • Sold by C.A.` Hannvart, C. IC. Beller, D. W. rii Co., J. M. Lutz, & Co., Armstrong, BArrisbari, s aeal. ere every where. , oetl4-6tnd4w • • 0. ZINIMERMA,I4'S BANKING STOCK, ULU/ND COLLBantia WPFROI This been remcnied from No. 28 Second St , • :NO. 'l3O MARKET, r.wsTßztv :• HARRISBURG, AA• • TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. iep244.t.r • - RUBBER GOODS 1 Rabbe Balls, ' ' Rubber . Watches, • , • . • • • Rubber Battles; . - . ' Rubber Toys generally 'at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOBR, 10111URE Fresh Ground and:Whole Spice, ll Pepper; Alspice, Cinnamon, Nuimegs and Mace, at 'NICHOLS & pm/ANN, . j 6 cernei - Frotit add Marketr ',Wet& C - F4ABRATED . DANDELION COFFE 1. E. Ms good, nutriifoai igf d fliu3 Uav4 ad eotae, now;offered [or tale wry km by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 121 corner Front and *ekes. Weds. 11 ALFRED B. man J. PRZADI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers