nil etitgrapq, HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, June 24, 1862. Islleums & BOWMAN, grocers, Comer of Front and Market streets, have just received another lot of prime sugars and other groceries which they are disposing,of at regular war prices. Gvie them a call. I===!l A. COLORED girl, about sixteen years 21d, was arrested this morning by officer Cole, charged with the larceny of fifty-one dollars and fifteen cents from Elizabeth Baker, residing at Dr. Stine's, in Third strk , et. In default of bail she was committed to raison by*Alderman Kline. Forty dollars and ninety-four cents of the stolen money was recovered. FOURTH IN THE UPPER Exn.—The preparations for the celebration of the Fourth in the Upper End have been quite extensive. The Odd Fellows and the citizens generally have made arrange ments to participate. Col. A. J. Herr hasbeen selected as the orator, and Wm. T. Bishop, Esq., will deliver an address in German. We have no doubt that the whole affair will pass off very well. The spirit of patriotism burns brightly in the Upper End. THE FOURTH OF JULY. —At a meeting of the First City Zouaves, held last evening at the ar mory for the purpose of making arrangements to celebrate the approaching anniversary of American Independence, a resolution wis pass ed inviting the Lancaster City Artillery Cadets, COl. Patterson's regiment at Camp Curtin, and the firemen of the city, to participate with them in the proposed demonstiation. Bully for the Zouaves. I=E:=Il ARRIVAL OF MORE REBEL PRISONERS.-Fifty seven rebel prisoners, captured by Gen. Fre mont's division of the army in the Shendanoah Valley, Virginia, arrived here at 11 o'clock this morning via the Cumberland Valley rail road, They were guarded by a company of the 3d Wisconsin regiment, commanded by Capt. Hubbard, and in dress and general ap pearance, differed very little, if any, from the rebels who arrived here two weeks ago, whose imprisonment at Camp Curtin they, for the present, will share. REMOVAL OF THE TREASURER'S OFFICE OF THE NORTHERN CENTRAL LLAXLROAD.—By a circular issued from the President's office of the North ern Central railroad company in this city, we learn that the office of Mr. John S. Leib, Treas urer of the company, will be removed, by order of•the Board of Directors, from this city to Cal vert station, Baltimore, on the first of July next, where all communications to him should after that date be directed. This office was originally located in Baltimore, and removed here shortly after the riotous proceedings in that city in April, 1861. I=l AnctameNrs.—We are promised any quantity of amusements this week. Carneross & Dixie's Minstrels give an entertainment at Brant's Hall next Thursday evening, consisting of songs, dances, burlesques, original jokes and beautiful ballads. Of course the company will draw a full house. On Saturday the "gay and incomparable" Sanford returns to his Opera House in this city with a new company and any quantity of new songs, burlesques &c. He will only stay with us one night, having engagements to fill else where. • THE GAIETY Concert Saloon advertised to be opened this evening, in the Exchange, Walnut street, will nut be opened until Thursday even ing. I== HEALTH OF Gov. CURTIN —False Report. —A ru mor prevailed on the streets this morning to the effect that a telegraphic dispatch from New York had been received, setting forth that Gov. Curtin, who had been in that city for a week or more undergoing medical treatment, had taken a relapse, and that his life was die pared of by his physician. We could trace this rumor to no responsible source, and on inquiry we learned from the private Secretary of the Governor that no dispatch to this effect had been received either by the family of the Gov ernor, or any of the officers connected with the State Government. The latest reliable infor mation from his Excellency, and also his physi cian, assures us that there is no doubt of the nlitmate recovery, and speedy return of Gov. Curtin to Harrisburg. We advise the public to place no reliance on any rumor which may be circulated in this connection, as ae have it in our power to state the fact, should any change endangering the life of Gov. Curtin take place, while he is in New York. --•0.---- CITT OIUDINANOE lIELAITVN TO BUILDING PER EHTEL—The attention of the citizens of Harris burg is particularly called to the following sec tions of an ordinance, passed in 1858 and 1861, and it Is presumed that they will cheerfully comply with them without further notice: Wtritases, It has been represented to this council, that a large number of buildings have been erected within the borough during the present season-, into which the Susquehanna water has been introduced without a permit, either for building or other purposes ; there fore, SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the TOWri Council of the borough of Harrisburg, efc., That hereafter au person or persons, intending to erect build ing, or buildings of any kind, requiring the use of the Susquehanna water, for mortar or plastering, or for any other purpose, without having first made application to the borough treasurer and obtained a permit, stating the quantity of stone or brick, or other materials to be used, and pay into the borough treasury the fee required for the use of the water for said purposes, he, 'she or they, so offending, shall forfeit and pay the sum of thirty dollars for every neglect, said fine to be recovered be fore the chief or assistant burgess, as other fines are by law recoverable. Sac. 2. Be it also ordained, by the authority afore said; That hereafter the fee required to be paid to the borough treasurer for the use of the Sus quehanna water for building purposes, shall be as follows, viz: For brick walls, six cents for every one thousand bricks, an d twenty-five ve nts per one hundred yards for plastering; for frame buildings, twenty-five cents per one hun dred yards for plastering, sad the same rate for foundation walls, &c., as other buildings. Passed November 6, 1858. THE 87TE PENNSYLVANIA VOLVETEERS —Sword Presentation.—The 87th Pennsylvania Volun teers, Col. Hay, commanding, which has for some time past been encamped on Hill, near Baltimore city, left yesterday morn ing for a more active field of labor. Since their encampment near Baltimore, the ct. ntiuct of the regiment has been such as to make many warm friends, and elicit the good opin ion of all the people in the neighborhood of the encampment. On Sunday afternoon, immedi ately before dress parade, Capt. Jae. A. Siahle, Company A, was presented by his company with a handsome sword. The presentation was made by Sergeant Sleymaker, and, though a complete surprise to the rt cipient, received with a graceful and appropriate speech. After the parade, the Zouave company attached to the regiment, performed the inter esting drill peculiar to that class of troops, to the great delight of a large number of ladies and gentlemen who were visiting the camp.— The "Colder Fencibles," of our city, are at tached to this regiment. ~~_ CAN SNAKm CliAßM.—Altho' denied by many and doubted by more, we are inclined to an swer the above in the affirmative, and from the following fact: A few days ago, while two young men of this place—in whose word we have the most implicit confidence—were gunning on the Blue mountain above this city, their atten tion was attracted by the unusual motions and callings of a pair of old robins. On looking around to learn the cause of their fright, they discovered a large snake, coiled up and perfect ly motionless, with its eyes fixed on a young robin, some feet distant, which seemed to have lost all fear of its snakeship, or rather lost the power of flying from it, but instead, with wings extended and by short hops, was gradu ally nearing its deadly foe. This they watched until the bird had hopped to within four inches of the snake's head, when they, taking more interest in saving the life of a bird than in the settlement of this mooted question, kill ed the snake. It proved to be a black snake. We think the above proves conclusively that snakes have this power, at least over small an male. ARRIVAL OF SION AND WOUNDED BM:FAILS. —Forty-six sick and wounded officers and pri vates of the Pennsylvania Bucktail and other regiments arrived here last night in charge of Surgeon S. D. Freeman, and are now comfort ably quartered in the military hospitals in Camp Curtin. The following is a correct list of the names of the sick and wounded derived from the sur geon in ch irge: HISCHTAIL REGIMENT. Sergeant E. Jammu, company C, left thigh. Tho. Campbell, company C, head. J. S. Covert, company C, hip Avery ill. R. Inglesby, company C, head, and weak. ; Geo. Greene, company C, ankle. Jno. Redding, company 0, thigh. J. A. C. Johnson, company C, finger. Tho. Lindsay, company C, arm. John Strauble, company G, leg. H. C. Bailey, company G, arm amputated. Lieut. J.J. Swain, company H, left hip, very Corporal E. A. Rowel, company H, leg. E. Greenfield, company H, back. S. Huss, company H, leg. H. Carter, company H, side. L. W. Taylor, company 11, arm and head. Capt. W. T. Blanchard, company I, both knees. W. Richardson, company I, leg. J. M. Wood, company I, elbow. A. J. Hammond, company I, leg. F. Crandall, company I, wrist and ankle. S. Beckwith, company I, shoulder. Chas. Nelsen, Sergeant. James Grace, company H, knee. Win. L. Pierce,. company H, finger shot off. Edward Debeck, company G, leg. J. D. - Varner, company G, leg and thigh. Aug. Smith, company C, wrist. Chas. H. Robbins, company I, shoulder. L. Lacore, company C, left arm. H. Penhellow, company H, thigh. Jno. Rinehart, company G, thigh. W. Bridge, company I, fever. Capt. J. W. Gifford, company C, right wrist Sergeant D. C. Freeman, company 0, thigh. TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Jno. Ulman, company D, diarbma. Jno. Eslinger, company D, chills. SEVENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. Jno. Beiley, company K, fever. SEVENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. W. Bowermaster, company F, fever. Fred. Dana, company D, fever. Fred. Grrinnagel, company I, leg. . Fred Fling, company E, side.. SEVENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Fred. Fries, company C, arm. Tux ALLEGE) SECOMION SPY.—The stranger arrested in Fourth street, back of the State Capitol last Sunday evening, charged with at tempting to tamper with the rebel prisoners at Camp Curtin, noticed in yesterday's TELEGRAPH, had a final hearing before the Provost Marshal of the camp this morning. It seems that the man is really what he re presented himself to be, a Catholic priest, and has only been in this country from Ireland ten weeks. He landed in Canada, and came to this point from Cleveland, Ohio. After a rigid investigation, the Provost Mar shal concluded that the only offence of the prisoner lay in his imprudent expressions ; and he was accordingly discharged with a repri mand, which will doubtless prevent him from committing a similar offence. A MOMBL Esrartrasrumwr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Famkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch Menges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase , Or WA. fleunegluanict Waft etlegraph. - grub:Oar, lfttrnonn. July 24, 1814 DAUPHIN COUNT/ UNION CONVENTION.—Agree abIy to a published call, a number of the " voters of Dauphin county, who are in favor of upholding and maintaining the supremacy of the Government, and aiding and sustaining the State and National i.itrations in their determination to preserve inviolate the Constitution of the country, to secure the Union of the States, to enforce the laws of the land, and subjugate the traitors of this unholy rebellion at the cost of the treasure of our common country and the precious blood of our fellow citizens," Met iu Convention at the County Court House, in this city, at 2} o'clock. yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of select ing a Senatorial and two Representative dele gates to the People's State Convention. The Convention was called to order by Henry C. Alleman, upon whose motion J. C. Bomber_ ger was appointed President, Lase Idurnma and Philip Irvin were chosen as Vice Presidents, and J. C. Kunkel and George Bergner, Es quires, as Secretaries. Mr. Allemati moved for the appointment of a committee of five for the purpose of draft ing resolutions expressive of the sense of the Convention, and presenting the names of three gentleman to represent the meeting in a State Convention to be held in this city in July. Mr. Kunkel submitted the following as au amendment Resolved, That Daniel liendig, of Middletown, and Daniel Heiser, of Wiconisco township, be and they are hereby appointed Representative delegates, and (with the concurrence of Lebo non county) John Adams Fisher, Fug., of Har risburg, Senatorial delegate to the People's State Convention, to assemble in Harrisburg on Thursday, the 17th day of July next, "to nomi nate candidates for the offices of Auditor Gen eral and Surveyor General ; and to take such measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country. Resolved, That the delegates hereby appointed be and they are hereby instructed to support Thos. E. Cochran, Esq., of York county, for the office of Auditor General. B.F. Etter, Esq., moved to amend the amend ment by striking out the name of J. A. Fisher, and insert the name of J. C. Bomberger. The question was put, but pending a divi sion, which had been called for, the matter was discussed by Messrs. Kunkel, Alleman and Etter, when the latter withdrew his former amendment to the amendment, and substituted the following in its place : Resolved, That we, the the people of Dauphin county in Convention assembled,hereby express our determination to uphold and maintain the unity of the States and the supremacy of the government throughout the length and breadth of the land ; and that we shall aid and sustain the National and State Administrations in every effort made by them to preserve inviolate the Constitution of the country and to enforce the laws made in pursuance thereof. Resolved, That we are in favor of a vigorous and earnest prosecution of the efforts now making for the suppression of the present infamous rebel lion and for the condign punishment of the leaders engaged therein ; and are opposed to any peace which does not provide for such pun ishment. Resolved, That we have undiminished confi dencein the National and State Administrations and that the manner in which the various members thereof have severally discharged their duties, deserves and merits our hearty approval. Resolved, That J. A. Fisher, Esq., be the Senatorial; and J. C. Bomberger and David Keiser, the Representative delegates to the, People's State Convention. Resolved, That the delegates thus duly elected to the State Convention be instructed to vote for Thos. E. Cochran, the present Auditor' General, as he proved himself in said position, a faithful, honest and efficient officer. Pending the consideration of the amend ment, Mr. Kunkel moved to postpone the fur ther consideration of the subject, for the pur pose of making a motion to the effect that a committee of two, to consist of Messrs. Shell and Fleming, be appointed; for the purpose of waiting on J. A. Fisher, Esq., and 'ascertain if he is willing to accept the nomination as Sena torial delegate to the State Convention. The motion was agreed to ; when Mr. Kun kel made the proposed motion, which was also agreed to ; whereupon the Convention took a short recess. After a brief absence the committee returned and reported that they had waited upon Mr. Fisher, who stated that if nominated as a Sen atorial delegate, he would serve. The question then recurring on the substi tute offered by Mr. Etter, the matter was further discussed, when Mr. Etter Moved that J. Adams Fisher be the Senatorial delegate, which was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Etter moved that J. C. Bomberger and Daniel Keiser be the Representative delegate. Mr. Kunkel moved to amend by substituting the name of Daniel Kendig instead of J. C Bomberger. The amendment was declared lb be disagreed to ; and the question recurring on the original motion, A motion to adjourn was disagreed to. After some further discussion, the mem bers of the Convention proceeded to vote for representative delegates by tally, which resulted in the election of Messrs. Daniel Ken dig, of Middletown, ' and Daniel Keiser, of Wiconisco, as Representative Delegates. The Convention then proceeded to vote for the resolutions offered by Mr. Etter as a substi tute for Mr. Kunkel's resolution, omitting the one in reference to the election of delegates, and passed the first three unanimously. After the resolution instructing the delegates to support the re-nomination of Hon. Thomas E. Cochran, Mr. A. C. Smith moved to amend by submit ting the following as an additional resolution: Resolved, That we, the Union voters of Dau phin county, in Mass Convention assembled, re cognize the Jacksonian doctrine, that "to the victors belong the Spoils," and we do hereby instruct our delegates to the State Convention to support only such candidates as will pledge themselves to practically carry out this doc trine. Mr. Shell moved to amend by striking out both resolutions, and leaving the delegates to the State Convention, free from instruction. Not agreed to. Mr. Allernan offered the following as a sub stitute for both the original resolution and the one offered by Mr. Smith. Resolved, That the delegates this day elected to the State Convention be instructed to vote for Thos. E. Cochran, Esq., for Auditor Gener al, as he has proved himself a faithful, honest, and efficient officer. The substitute was not agreed to. The question recurring on Mr. Smith's reso• lotion, it was agreed to, The original resolution offered by Mr. Etter was also agreed to Mr. Philip Irwin offered the following, which was agreed to: Resolved, That this meeting approve of the action of the County Conimittee had this day, in changing the place of holding the next Convention from Millersburg to Harrisburg. The election of the delegates to the State Convention was then made unanimous ; after which, the Convention Adjoutued. Notice to Absent Soldiers Capt. Lane, U. S. Mustering and Disbursing officer in this city, has handed us the following for publication, which has just been received from the Wir Department. All absentees now in this city will take particular notice of its contents: GENERAL ORDERS, No. 65. WAR DEPARTMENT, • ADJUTANT GENERAeI OFFICE, Washington, Tune 12, 1862. L Paragraph 1269 Army Regulations is here by so modified, that Private Physicians, em ployed as Medical Officers with an Army in the field in time of war, may be allowed a sum not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month, besides transportation in kind. If. The 113rtificates of discharge to be given by the Medical Inspector General, or any Medi cal Inspector of the Army, under the Act of May 14, 1862, published in " General Orders," No. 53, will be made on the printed forms for Certificates of. Disability, prescribed by the Army Regulations. The Inspector giving the discharge will endorse it with his own certifi cate that it is granted upon his own personal inspection of the soldier, and with the soldiees consent ; and for disability, the nature, degree. and origin of which are correctly described in the within'certificate. 111. Each Medical Director must, under the orders of his Department Commander, regulate the distribution of the sick and wounded to the hospitals within the Military Department to which he belongs. When want of room in such hospitals, or the nature of the wounds or dis eases of tiny invalids, require that detachments shall be sent beyond the limits of their depart ments, the Surgeon General will designate to the Medical Directors, either by general instruc tions, or specially by telegraph, to•what points they shall be sent. Officers, whose duty it may become to forward such detachments, will take care that , no men, except those provided with written passes from their hospital surgeon or the Medical Director, shall be allowed to go. Furldughs will not be given by Captains of Compailies or Colonels of Regiments on any pre text wiettever. - A furlough from such author ity will. of relieve a soldier from the charge of desertion. Enbated men absent from their regiments without proper authority, are in fact deserters, and not only forfeit all pay and allowances, but are suliect to the penalties awarded by law to such °fenders. No plea of sickness, or other cause i rot *Wally established, and no certificate a physician in civil life, unless it be approved by so e officer acting as a military commander, will hereafter avail to remove the charge desertion, or procure of pay, when a soldier has been musteied as absent from his regiment without leave .1 By pplicatunk to the Governors of their States? or to any Military Commander, or United Statesi Mustering Officer in a city, transportation can 104 procured to their regiments by soldiers who e otherwise able to join them. Were no Military Commander has been ap pointed, the senior officer of the Army on duty as Mastering or Recruiting Officer in the place, is hereby authorized and required to act in that capacity until another may be appointed. Under " General Orders," No, 36, it is the 4 4 6 duty o Military Commanders to collect all Abra A _. Fulrltrward them to their regiments. To 'Us,. tit must establish camps or de pots, rider strict military discipline, and main tain sufficient guards to enforce this order.— Convalescents in army hospitals will be reported by the surgeons in charge to the Military Com manders, to be kept at their camps or depots until they can be sent to join their regiments. ' Muster rolls of each detachment will be made out from the best data at hand, the statement of the men being taken in the absence of other information concerning them. • A duplicate of each muster roll must be forwarded to the Ad jutant General the day the detachment starts. To avoid confusion and retain necessary con trol over all soldiers in the United States ser vice, those who are entertained in State or pri vate hospitals mint be subject to the nearest Military Commander, and are hereby required to report to him in person as soon as they be come convalescent. Immediately after receipt of this order, each Military Commander will publish, three imes, in some newspaper, a brief notice requiring all United States soldiers in that city and the country around,who are not under treatment in United States hospital, to report themselves to him without delay on penalty of being con sidered deserters. In cases of serious disability from wounds or sickness, which may prevent obedience to this requirement, the soldier must furnish a certificate of a physician of good standing, describing his case, on which, if sat isfactory,; the Military Commander may grant a written furlough for not exceeding thirty days, or a discharge on the prescribed form of a cer tificate of disability, made out strictly accord ing to the Regulations. But no discharges will be given on account of rheumatism, or where there is a prospect of recovery within a resona ble Military Commanders may discharge men, at their own request, who exhibit to them satisfactory proof of their being paroled prisoners of war. To other paroled men they will give furloughs until notified of their exchange, or discharged from the service. Military Commanders will report to the Adju tant General, tri monthly, the names, compa riies, regiments, and residences of all the sol diem furloughed or discharged by them ; and forward, at the same time, the certificates of disability in case of discharge. They will make timely requisitions for the blanks, and such other things as may be neces sary for the proper execution of this order. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR : L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. ()mass Gso. D. Ruoaszo, Assistant Adjutant General. je23-d8 The Florence Nightingale of the Nursery The following is an extract from a letter written - by the Rev. C. Z. Weber, to the Ger man Reformed Messenger, at Chambersburg, Pa.: A ISENEFACTRF.SB There is a woman in the public eye, whose name had all along been associated, in our mind with the "Yankee," "Quack" and "Humbug." But it is no longer, and we desire to wrest her name from all such suspicious association in all other minds. Whatever notions we may have of womanly delicacy and propriety, we will all admit, that woman alone is the Nurse— the GOOD Nurse—the mar Nurse. Whether we shall have Female Physicians or not, is a ques tion which must be decided by time and prin ciple, and not as a matter of taste. Pride, pre judice,-caprice and custom, may as Well behave themselves, for if there is really a want, there will also be a supply—if there be "a calling," there will be a COXING. Nature and Human Society are always self-supplying, and though Art and Fashion may hinder they cannot pre vent. Mrs. Winslow does not want to treat you *mans ! Nor does she'prescribe a regimen for your wives: but modestly appears as a mes senger of health and happiness to your INFANTS in the cradle. Is there anything improper in that? A Nurse of "ten years" experience can boldly say what is or is not good for a babe— and ought to be listened to. God speed her, on her humble but happy mission. She is the most successful physician and most effectual benefactress our little one ever enjoyed—her doting parents not excepted. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teach our "Suss" to say "A BLISSLNG ON Mas. Wngsr.ow" —for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collating and teething siege. We confirm every word set forth in the Pacsmrus. Away with your " Cordial," "Paregoric," "Drops," "Laudanum," and every other "Nar cotic," by which the babe is drugged into stupidity, and rendered dull and idiotic for life, We have never seen Mrs. Winslow—know her only through the preparation of her "Sooth ing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power, we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant Race. je24•d&wlt CAUTION.—The public are hereby notified to buy no tickets for the Paxton Hose pic-nic, un less the signature of Jno. J. Zimmerman and number of ticket is on the back, as all others are spurious. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMRNTS. IT IS JUNE, the month of leaves and roses. No one we think can now visit the country without feeling delighted with its beauty, and the cheering prospect of abundant crops, while nature has thus been lavished of its gifts, art deserves her meed of praise, in furnishing those beautiful summer styles of dress goods, just re ceived at the cheap dry goods house of Urich & Bowman, southeast corner of Front and Mar ket street. $5OOO DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW GOODS !-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 37, 50, 62 and 75 cts.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 30, up to 75 cts. Great bargains ! 500 new hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 75 cts., up to $2.50 cheapest in town ; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all prices. -100 pieces white brillauts at 12,1 cts.; some at 15 to 18 cts.; 50 dozen of shirt breasts at 121} cts., 20, 25 and 87 cts., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies' white stockings, at 12i and 16 cts. A magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging an.t insertings, at all prices. 50 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 12 cts.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. Laws. We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article; also 20 pieces of white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 5 pieces of black silk at all prices. S. Laws. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE, TEE BEST IN THE WORLD vILLIAM A. IiATCITELOR'S cele brated Hair Dye produces a color not to be dis tinguishiid from naiure—warrauted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill &tests of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRILY, RFD or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautilul. Sold by all Druggists, &c. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BANCEIS.I.GR, on the four sales of each hex. FACTORY, No. 81 Barclay Ftreet, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond Street.) New YORK. my2fly 1 2tmitoements. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY EVENING, June 28. SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE THIS GREAT COMBINATION COMPANY. EIGTHEEN STAR PERFORMERS. THE LEADING COMPANY OF THE PROFES SION. NOT TO BE EXCELLED BY ANY TROUPE IN THE WORLD In Connection with Garatigni's Brass Band, Who will give a Free Balcony Scrtnade in Front of the Opera House on the above evening, commencing at 7 o'clock CARDS OF ADMISSION Doors open at 7i o'clock, commeno at 8 o'clock. S. S. SANFORD, Proprietor. H. CONRAD, Agent. " je23 GAIETY MUSIC HALL • Walnut Street between 2d and 3d. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, NEI.7 THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 24th. T('+ HE Manager, Mr. Edwards, has the pleaccve of informing the CiIiMITIS of Harrisburg, that bavint leased the above named Hall will open it with the following array of Talent nut ta be excelled by anf Company in me world. OBSERVE THE NAMES: Miss JULIA EDWAID3, the Vacinating Cantatrice and Queen or Songs. LEONTA, the Beautiful Dausense, from tlo &meanie Ballet Troupe, New York. ED. DE HAVEN, tile Comic Vocalist Banjoist and Ethiopian Comedisn. Prof of,EuId&NTS, the Eminent Pianolst. 808 IDWABDS the Great Ethiopian Comedian, Daocer and ouly living Delineator or the Con trabaad. Doors open at 7i, to commence at 8 o'clock. ADUISSION 10 cts ORCHESTRA SEATS 16 cts ROB'T. EDWARDS, je24-d2tmae Sole Proprietor. BRANT'S HALL ! POSITIVELY ONE NIbiTbNLY, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 26TH. MMUS & MY'S WC I T Eil "L" M Numbering 16 Star Performers, IN THBDI Chaste and Varied Entertainment, As given by them at their Opera House in Philadel phia. The performance cm:wets of New Songs, Dances, Burlesques, Original Jokes, Beautiful Ballads, &e., &c. Mating in all the Best Performance ever presented to the public. ADMISSION 26 cents ; CHILDREN 13 cents. Doors open at 7) o'clock, commence at 8 °reknit Tickets for sal, at all the principal Hotels and Miele :tares, and at the door on'tbe evening of performance. Gentlemanly Ushers will be in attendance to con ductdieg to Seats. THOS. O. KINSTON, Jadeit Agent. Bank 2liapticationg. BANK NOTICE IN pursuance of the 25th &ikon, First Article of the amended constituent of the State of yenieylvanio, and tile First Section of the Act of the General A sembly, passed the first day of June, 1839, notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of said Gate, a t i t , text ses s ion, com mencing the first Tuesday of January, 1883, for the charter of lersburg, in a t b h a e ri c k, outnotvbeorocriaateudoiinn. attedbsteartoeuagthoroaef to be sailed the LUKENS VALLEY BANE; the capital stook thereof to be Twenty Thousand Inman, with the prixilege of increasing the same to Fif‘y Thoceaud Dol lars, and the specific object for which the proposed corporation is to be chartered is to transact the usual and legitimate busintes of a bank of issues, discount deposit and exchange. je2s-dltw6to. NOTICE IS hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their m at session, for a renewal r f the chatter of Tilt BANK NORTHERN LIBERTIES, the said Dank being located in the city of Philadelphia with an authorized capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board, W. Gummelts, je2s.w6in Cal bier. NOTICE, rillHE President, Directors and Company of the RAMC OF DELAWARE COUNTY. intend 10 make application to the next Legislature of this Com monwealth, for the retewal of their Chatter with bank ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, under the same name or title, at the present location and wdh the same capital, two hi ndred thousand dollars, with the right in itirre use it to three hundred thousand dollars. jell•w6m. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. tall 21twer Cis aunts. INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH BIMINI. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff. Richard D. Wool, William Welsh, Wiliam E. Bowen, James N. Dmkson, S Morris Wain, John twee, CeJrge L Barrkoe, Francis R. C ipe, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COE e I , Preside nt. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for th &awe name company, the uuderaigued is prepared to tan Fire riiks in any past of the rate of Pcnosy [value, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Ftrawberry a ley, Bu se's row WILLIAM BUEHLER, jele d ly Harrisourg, Pa. TIN WARE AT REDUCED PRICES. LYMAN GILBERT, Market Street, Corner of River Alley. OFFERS for Fa' e the largest steel; of Tin sod ,beet Iron Ware in Harrisburg. Prices lower than those of any oth. r ebiblish m'nt. The custom of store keepers wno purchgeu to sell again is inv.ted. All work warranted. jeli.dlm FROM REA:DINO To NEW YORK AND BACK, ONLY e 4 50. VIA East Pennsylvania Railroad, good du ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at the office of the above company at Bead ing, good tor all passenger trains. EDWARD M. CLYMER, je9 dtje2B • President. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Canal Street, near ebestent Street, oppo sitn the P tinsylvaula Railroad Thpot, ta, es this me'hod of informing toe oltizias of ffarrlsourg nnt vicinity that he is prepared lo do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superior manner, and on the mist reasonable terms. je'O d2m* EDGEHILL SCHOOL. PRINCETON. N. J. Rev. JAMES P. HOMES, A. M., / Rev. THOS. W. CAITELL, A. M., Principals. riiIHIS Institution, founded in 1829, is &signed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or fr a business life. 'llse buildings are large and commo dious, and the grounds embrace more than thirteen acres. Both of the Principals devote their whole time to the school, ailed in the department of InStruOtion by competent Leachers he ni,litary instruction and drill, (under the charge of an experienced instructor,) is arranged so as not to interfere with tile regular bddies, occupying a past of the Vme appropria , ed to exercise and recreation. Pupils are received at any time and charged only from the dote of ad, ission. Tsams:—.ll2s 00 per session of five months. For circulars, or further informa'ion, address either of the Principals. kle'erence is also wade to the Rev. Mr. Cattail, Harrisburg. From the Rev. Dr. Hodge and the Rey. Dr. McGill, Professors in the Ihno/nyical Seminary, Princeton, I have for several years been intimately acquainted with the hey. Thomas V. Catlett. He has had charge of two of my sem, and I can safely say I have never known s ny one in whoie fidelity and devotion to his pu. pile, I have ectti.l confidence. Ile is a good scholar and a successful teacher. 1 know no one who has a greater facility in goitdog the love of his scholars or who exerts over them a better influence MI lam aware of the responsibility tu bps king in each terms of commendation or a teachcl but' am s Ltisded lam doing nothing but simple just.te to an ea:•ellent man, in using the language which I have here em ployed CHARLES I bave great confide cc in the Rev. Jas. P. Hoghes, as a teaober, bath n his aptness to give hatruction, sad his tact in the admin wt. anon of 1 have had two sun; under his care, ant from the most careful observa tion lan to rscommeew the tiogetull 1,4Aml as 0..,e or sate and thorough instill.; tea . jei4 dim ALEXANDi , .R T. M'GIL:. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. Harrisburg, June 18, 1862. BALED proposals, endorsed "proposals for Orations," will be received by the undersigned at his office until 12 M, on THE 25TH INST., for supplying complete army rations (raw) to all United States troops or volunteers, now or that may be nereafter located at Camp Curtin. Said rations to be delivered at such times as may be designated by the proper officer, and on his requisition, Bids must state the price for rations delivered as above. A contract which must be executed (with bond and approved security for the faithful performance) within three days after notification of acceptance of bids, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, for the period of three (3) months, from July Ist, 1862, unless sooner terminated by the 11. S. Commissary Generig. The undersignedresarves the right to reject all unreasonable bids. H. JO2TR4 BROOKE, Capt. and C. S. Vol. Ser. jelBdtd HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. TIHE Proprietors of the "PARISIAN CABINET uk. WONDERS, ANATOMY and ILNDI OINK. have determined regardless of expanse, to issue tier, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) ROLM Of their most instructive and interesting Lectures on Mar. riage and its Di s eualificatiors, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Deane of Manhood, Indigestion, Weakness or De pression, Loss of energy and VitelPewers, the Great So- Mal Evils, and those Maladies which result from youth ful fates, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology and Nature's Law, These invaluable Lecture. halm been the means of enllghining and saving thou s tads, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECRETARY Pismo( CABIPOIT or ANATOMY AND MEDICOTE, 663 Broadway, New York. jel9-dly PRESERVE JARS JELLY GLASSES, 9F all sizes, patterns and prices, just received and for sale by 1.3 WM. DOCK, Jr., az . °°' IMIE7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers