ID. in erosz $3 010., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU GGISTS NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PERN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORL KEEPERS AND OONSIIMERS, We are daily : adding to our assortment of goods all each articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this cnty,lof DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, Odle, varaleheweeed Glues, Dt•Stalla, Glan and Putty, .Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices gurulug Fluid acid Alcohol, Lard, Simian and Pine 01le Booth,. Vials and La.ap Globes, castide Soap, Sponges and Corks. sc., &c., &e., &e.j&e., &e With a general variety of PERFUESBY & TOILET. ARTICLES. selected from the best manufacturers and Pe tamers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, 'WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, 'VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETEES, COLORS AND BRONZES ' OF ALL ILLETC 3 gr, 4k 9 ; TWO 0 - , • We respectfully invite a call, feeling, conll dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH II JONWS AND WEEMS'S PORCIELA Pi TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietom Papopifier and Cloneentasted Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased In the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBOIV OIL I Being large purchaseil In these Oils, we can oder inducements to close buyers. Coal 011 Lampe of the moat improml patterns,•very cheap. All lands of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our nofzE AND OA.T.LIS POWDERS a tried knovi no their supetiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they-have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Onr long experiesice in the business gives us the olveallage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities aro each that we can in a very short time-furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberel patronage beetowe on our house, we hope by , strict attenticm to Matinee, a careful selection of • , PURE DRUGS •t fair prime, and the desire to please all, to merits continuance of the favor of a dleerim inattng public. apl6-dly FISHING TACKLE! OF ALL BINDS. Twee, four and *rejoin' Trout Rods. cud Hair Trout Linos. from 10 to lid yaftl long. London Patent Trout Lines, " " -- -Twisted *ilk Woes Lines , " " " " 'mast tams Lines, Ii it 64 64 Limn Cotton Linos, •' tt 44 te Moat Linos furnished with Rooks, Corks, dm.. Skims Multiplying keen, 10 to 60 yards. A kit of gkome Trout Noes, ,ilk Wain Gut Leslers, bottom Ram Btoi ll ies. tit IS 46 Strands. Snoods, Limerick Rooks, assn., No. lite, $ Trost Baskets, Kirby Trout and River goeki Limor• le Trost stud Blinn Hooks, Flom Vaskrand °OP.—% KlMUldrd DAUB AND FANCY Ear, - „ d • Mar ks% treat. IN DENTIBIII,..Y. ALLABACH, thirgeon Den • Notore r or Mineral Plate Tomah, Bee only ti Thai " Ti , , Hawn, a every abjection tothe 0/14$ Of amt. irmeL•twit half and Meer oliibrieint • • tiLL minemdwhole , sins there of am one TiOnelnlY r CC Pun "0 otanwl,partioles of food norweroloos diftits *ono uu. yar n tRo brag', all so ms eiridtiaerMan„noOdensive, thaw a slid Is media W . obasianon sa the isltil be vuia d' olas aeUme or metailikr taste. Heat •ehe, to, 411 .Jkl with sore throat; heads 7 1 ‘ 1 08 16. 84 " 1 4re00fs„-th0 1 441. , filtbicai ELIXIR PROYYLAMINE, 2718 NEW REMEDY' FOR RHEIIMATZSMI A NSW WM= • • csarAlN AMITE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, • 11.11101.111111 OE EVERY KIND ; No muml BOW STUBBORN HOW LONG BTAIIDING, iWOPrmicar nE , I. CONQUER IT S ww, CURB IT, WHAT IT HAS DOH; IT WILL DO AGAIN . . DOCTORS READ, worms RIATE, DOCTORS TR Y IT. Tag BEST TIMBIONY MET MICIMIAL #Ol2 tITY. Docrogs SNOW IT PATIME BlLlglai IT, TRW AND B. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. prim onsow. warm& swami KAT n0n0,..-glee S., at. 58, single, never Wel very strong. nsm,to w h p ic a h t s s h ewa s s he hada e a d t a o tt h ack bd f u br e w h we m eks and subseeently from a relapse for four more. labels= been well since then till last gatur day, while engaged In house cleaning, she took co_lel t had pain in her back, felt cold, hot had ao derided chM. Two days later her ankles be gan so rwell, which was followed by swelling of the knee feints and of UN bands. She teis now dull pale in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and palatal ; both bands are affected, but the right is most so. Tble, then, le a case of acute rheumatism, or, es it le now fashionably called. L rheumatic fever. It. is a well remarked typical cue. We will carefully watch the Me, and from time to time call your attention to the oatemin kkai se which present, themselves. My chief object In ber before you now, Ii to call attention to a remedy his recently been recommended in the bailment of dimwit:MM. Dagen gongsyliestine.. Dr. Awenarlus, of :St. Petersburg, recommends it In the highest having derived great benefit trout its use in 260 cases which 'came under his care. Perdu oom mandatory testimonials reepeettng It have amazed in our journals, and I propose therefore to give It another VIAL I must collie lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, trhinh are vaunted as diastase ; hut this cornea to us recommended so highly, that we ore bound to give It a trial. SAME CASE FMB DAYS LATEST 23,1860.—1 wilistow exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and wee then, labor ing ander an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it hi'doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting Kitt night) The day after yeti saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be form a week or more, Judging from her other attack. (The tient now walked into the room.) The improvement steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice I marked change in the appearance of her joints, which are new nearly all of their lateral sire.— Thor Da our experiment would have seemed very sac- NOM ; but, gentle Men, we must wall a little while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what Is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of ...aa sante medledne on litany last ; she bas long been sabring from cihronic rheumatism, and I Mud her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her &redo affliction. The 'wrists and knuckles were much swollen and tense. :She took the chloride of Preppie mine In three grain doses every two hours, and you will =dye that the swelling of the joints has mach Mugu- THREE DAYS LAT= I I Mir 2e, 1860.—This Is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first of those to which I Wilkie your attention at our last clinic. She Is still very comfortable, and Is now taking three grains thrice daily. Inthis case it has seemed to be (allowed by very sat btfactory malts. The woad case to which your Atm lion was called at oar last lecture, has also continued to do weir I will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and If the result be sat. factory,,l think, as good Jurymen, we stall justly render Our verdict in favor of propyhin. Re Is a sesmanoet. wino was admitted a few days ago. This hid o rhiiumatio pains, but not so as to keep his tied, until eight:demi ago. The pains began In his right knee, subsequently affected She left knee, and Wei, the Rants of the upper extremities. These Otani are all swollen, tense situ leader. ills Coosa° Is tarred ; hla skin at present Oxy, though there has been moral Swoosh:lg. Ells pease is toll and strong, sad about 90. Re has now oned.propylamine for .swenty-four boon. , This gentleman is what may be called a 'trimly typkal case of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a lbeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually does, In the lowarjointe. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally atttendsint on some rheumatism. I did net bring this patient befbre you with the l emo tion of giving you a lecture en all the points connected with . rtuormattem. hut SO again give a trial to the del stnedy we are • te s ting and to exhibit to you this ',pious:was, as I have called it, than which there oo uld not be si fairer opportunity 11w testing the mwiletne In question. We are, therefisre r avoldlog the use of all other medicines, ems anodynes, that there may be no misgivings se to whist: was the ellkdent remedy. Yoe shah see the oafs of a hums clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VESIDIOT. Jane, 1800.—The next of our oonvalssoents is the sue of acme rheumatism before you at our clinic of May Indy which I then called a typical ease, and whialt It was remarked was a fair opportunity for testies t the worth of our new remedy.. It Ism therelora stea dily given in three grain dome every two lime for four days. The patleat hanimt along !toy steely, ars* I s cuw able to walkabout;do as you ape. I hot Otab to sty that 1 have arm menus severe a sue of haute rheumatism so soon restored to hada as this man has been. and without befog prershror to decide positive by as to the val ue of the Moody we have used, . I feel. bound to state that In the oases In which ,we have tried the Chloride o Prepylandoe, the padenta have regained their, health mach earlier, than under the treatment ordinarily , pur sued. / wish gentlemen, yon would yourselves ill and report the MIMI% Tor a fah report of which the above is a eondeneed extract; see:the Pldiadelphia Medieal and balked 116- 11 la the report alter a tale trial by the beet med ical authority in this qountry. and makes it unnecessary to give numerous eartkilesdas hom astonished doctors sad rejeictog patients. A SPEEDY CURE, AN EFFIGTUAI, GORE THE BANE EnEULT WHAT IT HAS DONS, Balletic al Crenshaw, a arm well known to most:medl aal by whom the laxly Propylamlati been in. irodualdi Neve wad to us the ezolcuive righEto mama*. Lure it wording to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements tir snob znagnitade as to enable as to scatter It broadcast amongst suffering hamaillt7. A WORD 'lO DOOTORS. If you pretax to nee the mime weedy in another form we invite your attention to the Roue Gamma= Cum= Paormaluam, Pam Pxorrimania Loam, yinta Pnwrawima Colawarmaren, • PONE PII,OPTIMMIN at which we are the tole mandiustamers. WWe chain no other drtne tbr the Stibir Propy lamina than is °obtained In Pure Orntabsed Ohloride.of bony- AND NAY BETAKEN_,_ A00351,D1N0 TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY °AAA JiY BYRRY ONi. wao ass,aszanuasmiar ANY KIND. Nob Lia aarriatottrg by n OIL • Borns. Orders may be addressed to PROPYLASUIVZ 111 A1M44.0217211119 aDy Ode% Boom No. , B. W. Ote. route sad * Manua streets, Ur to eNber rif,tho allowing Wbotor Aim* , 1410_ uL • . RLOME & CRIMiSMAM, FIRM% BIORARDIS a op., JOHN It MARES & - .IIIISALL & 004 XIMREIS—WiImIoT & Co,„ maux**.malr, T4w3imaniim***3 0W14411 Pasonary. . . to iittlegrapb, PMIII3IIII3Ct PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS .DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Passage, Trains of the Pemisyltuuda Railroad company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaver Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia it t 6,10 FART LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except liondayj 'at 6.80 a. and arrival; at West Philadelphia at 9.46 ilk EL PAST WIG TaAlti leaves Barrisbarg daily (inept Sunday) at 1.20 p. ioi, and arrive! at West Philadelphia at 5.26 p. m. ACOOKHODATION PLUS, Mount Joy, ieavie liarldeburg at 7.00 a. tn., and Orman at West Phila delphia at 12.26 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leave, Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrivis at west nuadelphla at 9 25 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH KURDS! TRAIN leaves Pbßadelphia at 10.86 p. m., Harrisburg stB.oo a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. and arrives at Palatal at 12.86 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leavesPbiladolphia at. 7.15 and ar theist Harrisburg at 12.80 p, m.; leaves Harrisburg at I.oop. m., Altoona, 7,009. m., and arrives atlittaberg at 1215 a. m. FAST LUIS lessee Philadelphia at 11.80 a. m., Harris burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arrhtqg at Pitlaburg at 12.45 a. m. HARRIEGIORG ACOONMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphia sa 2.80 p. m., and &mho. at Harrisburg at 8.00 P. 111. MOUNT JOY AOCONMODAINON via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.60 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p.m. SALM D. YOUNG, Supt. Bast, lily. Penna. Unread Harrisburg, May 2, 1862 MN Alit LIND ROUTE. MIS ISLINB DAILY: TO . Nix Ten, AND PHILADELPHI A QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will lem the hia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York arid Philadelphia, as Mows. Hs • MORASS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m, ori ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Mcßae. Train from the West, aniving in Neer York at 8.16 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 11.00 a. in. A sleeping oar is attaohed to the train through from Pittsburg without change. 11.1111, TRAIN leaves Harriet st. 8.00 a. in., arriving In New 'fork at 6.80 P. in, and Pbliadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FART LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival oe Peitnavivanla Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New Yore at 9,60 p. in„ and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. in. FAR LINK leaves New York at 6a. m., and PitUadel. phia at 8 a. m., arriving at Elaxtiebarg at - 1 p. m. MAUL TRADI leans New York at MOO noon, and Phil- Maiphia al 8. 16 it, ro., arriving at . Harrisburg at 8.10 RSPB S 9 LINE leaves New York at $ pp m. arri ving at irarriaburg at 3.00 a. m., and manacling with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A aleephig car b . also **obeli to this train . • Connedlotus are made at Harrisburg with tritium on the 'Pennsylvania, Northern Ointra3 and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Baullug lbr Philadelphia, PodteetUe, Wilkestmnn, Alletitovnt, 80. Baggage checked through. Para between New York and Harrisburg, Se 00; between.' Harrisburg and Phila. detpbla, 118 2n In No. 1 cars, and *2 TO in No. 9. For tickete or other information apply to usyS•dtt J. J. CILTDB, General Agent, Barrisburg. IN BURY CutAik_ WELENEVER =ND, WHENEVER TM). IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONY KNIENT__ , AND AIN/ AI'S NUM FOR lICIODUMB I99, _ , TT Q TRIPOLI, Washing :Ina; tj • 1J• bap, 'Bog& oat Itaglbskior gala to 7 KKlllollig 3 / 4 IPlrltall, all ionise . %ant aa1,11,461. New ativrrtiottnatta Ceir AIM A.PrIM MONDAY MAY bth, 1862. EASTWARD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. r u 1 ILiternm, hut astdiarstans lb Destroy—Rate, Roaches, &c. to Destroy.—mice, Moles, and Ants. 2b Destroy--Bed-Bags. 2b Destroy---Moths In Furs, Clothes, &o. lb Dworoy----Moscuttoes and Flees. lb Awroy---Insects on Plants and Fowls. lb Dednw---Insects on Animals, &o. 2b Asow-----Rvery form and specie of Vermin. C:ineitiSirrlgaPP EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY INFALUBLN BEMEDDIS KNOWN.I menwris tawny EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bats do not die on the premises." "They come out of their boles to die." "They are the only infallible reniedies known." "12 pare and more established In New York city." Med by—the City Poet Office. Cited est—the City Priam and Station Mum Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, ho. Used by—the City Itospitais, Elm( by—the atty ItoteltAstoe—lt.bilaho- Uiedby—the Boarding Rouses, &0., mei by—more than 60,000 Private Families. Fr& oils or two *limns of what is wirywhoro anal the People —likiitoto— .& ' HOMIKEEMIW--troubled wlfh verwhi need be so no longer. if they use "Comm's" Exteradruttors. We have used it to °Weeds faction, and Ws box cost $5 we would hair°, it. We had tried pcdsoos, but they effected nothing; but "Cceran's" artiole knocks the breath out of Eats, Mice, Mochas and Bed-Bugs, qquicker than we can write it. It lain great demand all over the country. —Matlns (O.) Gannik MORE GUM and provisions are destroyed annually In Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tone of thie Eat and Insect Killer. Leman* ( Wis.) Herald. " REMB. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Aisle, Mice, Bo _ aches andTmnin disappear rapidly. roma & Stourrsi, Druggbts, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Bat, Roach, Ito. Exterminator. " Cortex's" "Coetar's" Bed-bug likterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Law* &O. br 25a. 600. Azo $l,OO. Wm. lams 4Na Isuics, is Etta, raa harcirscin, rir . Ikuss, an, ha. CARTON: I To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and ifigNy Paniciour heitatkas, a new label has been prepared, law ing a fac sine& of the Proprietor's rignature.— &amine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but • ,4 tanhr or Sid Merstidere-- AR WRomeaus Dam by e= in thelarge cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Bchleffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. • James 8. AspinweJl. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Buckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvls. Harrel Risley & Kitchen. Bush, eale & Robinson. • "M. Ward, Chile & 00. Mcitiman & Bobbins. D. S. Banns & 1. 0. Wells & Celle, Marsh ; Oafdner. ' Rio t 'Dixon & (Jo. copied Fox _Aim • Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dpott:& Co.' 'B, .A. rahnestock &Co. ' pAxikliatc*akerfas Co. Ffma;likthards & Co. , grn MEM 440) Bit Dsooesers, - Gineitadi thigairmosand Buss- ass generally hi all Commix Town and fygi. e pres hi the 171111ITED STATES. PENILL fir Sold by D. W. Gross &. Co AND L ,Prinoipal Wholesale And- Beta Agents at Harrisburg, and by' the Davoarars, manins and Batman generally. • • or COMITRY in mak order as abore. ' Or address orders direct— or if Price; Terms, ac., is desired, seat for bl=l 9irmair, giving aced Prices] ' BMW B. CPSTAIit. .. • ,_ - _ Parsareer. Dssor--Nca,61.2 BreildwitY-1471M7 sitetheaClll*JlLHotels) Now pair. ' 1, 1862, /alms SP &aka SOXICTRERG FOR MIR TIRTS I 1 ars NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & MOSLEY'S American Cement Glue TIN DIMOND'S? DWI IN THE WORLD. THE CEINAPIDIT OLDIC DI TIM WORT . WEE MO@T 00IthELN OWE Di TM:)RID. TEI ONLY RELIABLE GLIM IN TEL 'WORLD THE BENT GLUE IN THE 'WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE I. the only article or the kind ever Prodword which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Bars your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Nand your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, ha IT WILL MEND GLOB, S•ti the re that armoire Out Ghee Botha WHTLL MEND WORY, DWI throw away that broken Pre rom Pan, It 12 easily; . paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Tour broken Ma. Onin and amen an be =We at good ea now. IT WILL MEND MARBLE. Thursisce knocked out at your Marble Kumla ass • bs put an as Aram 33 erar. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter If that Wolcott Molter did wit am but aloha. Hog, s Winn moved to loaldlilog owned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER; That corgi Alabaster Vase a broken and you can't matoh ft, mead It, ft Will nerarehorrwben pot together. It will Mend Bone, Conk Lava, and in !sat everything but'Metala. Aity article Cemented with Alli11:11KILN ,GLEIS - will ixst show whets It Is weeded. ltr7lt.“1111. alltvory• Hosattcoopero should hue wuty of k Cadets American Osman Glao."—P. Y. tun Johns. "It Is ottour&rot to hays in too trottostr—N. P. li iii odyrt Swag reatti; thla cruusudr Itself to our y .ll--Asileprolii. ootfo WO tried It, w and Ind It as metal in oar home so water."—dike' Artrit if Du Thad. EOONOMT IS WIALTH. 510,00 par year wed to army tkakity bi,. Gas. Bottis AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Prke 26 °ante per Bottle. Price 25 Owls per Bottle. Price 26 Orate per Bottle. Me 26 Gents per Bottle. Price 25 Dente per Bottle. Prioe 26 Orate per Bottle. Vvy Jlberol Bativatiorts is Wholesale Boyers. TERMS CIAf3H. ti's sale by and Storekeepers stave • t country. JOHNS & CROBLEY, (ate xiouniatererm 78 IVELIZAM MEM, Comer of Übe street. Important to Home Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Bail Road Companies. Impartant to Barmen. lb all swim Ws may man% emir *comma 01111, bay. JOHNS & =DOLBY'S xmeadviD gam MIMI OEM.ENT ROOFING, The Cimaped and moot durable Bmfing in me. IT IS VMS AID WATER IrBtOOP. h out to willed to sew and ash soon or W kinds, • MO or ttat, and to 'Siam Roar without , romoting ahotlbtuilua The OM le only etwest SSD OnwThird illutitaf Tin TIS won= AU This actials ban been thowaighly Weed in ,New York Qty sae all Gum ports of the United 4311sten, °made, Went belles Osatral and &math Aceetice. on belldbage all Mods, such u taceosues, Toonewie, Onenwein, Ain Alta Lem, CamAand on revue Bertateee paternity Gamentoure Daum* ice., by the principal Sudden eicelleobtabdi Ottiirly, the pent her years, and me to be the CHAAPIIST and MST DSRAWIAIs NG In weitlS to In every respect AnitIrgALIIII, WILMER and t MO, oohing - hit td ALL HINDS r** ea k oNZYsigenkil monstifacesaaci i sßite Miffed Asia which escobines the very desirable properties of =o a rfa i f=I;iy"GOTTA Are .atinisOw- PZBO AND INDIA XIMLIMB. • • • • , No Heatin required in making application. Tha awns of applying it Whiffing; as en ordinary roof can if• covered and finished t he saws day. It can be applied by a I kir one, •P pas au r NCO =3 witbluk Matto bodly, whiei canna be ugureeThili tai onD'er ereervi e: . rnm sarnme Of Row Baena, nor aby e LIQUID GIITTA PEMBA aBBILENT, Pcir Gnaw Heads of all Khalil when mimed to the Action of .the Weatlua, and FORPREMBVING AND BEEPILiMieIEITAL ROOFS OF ALL KENDS. Tau Is the only Companion known tbdit will mamees fully rodat extreme *Magee of an ollinates, for ray length of Ma, when *paled to rattaksoo which It Amway, wsmwga body wall to coma ot. ordinary ma i t t s ti•tt l i nucilk from irs.aid ela will l iroot r I=lllB eS tONO the oontatkon and manakin of Tin and Mar Metal Lroa, cieuespent as= sadden changes of the weather ' atottadOlf Iff'OOLD OR RUN at WARY 'W4CA25314.4frfl WILL NOI WASH Ofta. Jassby Tin and ether Metal boob can be readily repair. ad with QOM PERM& OfatENT, and prevented from tairtber aarrodon and Makin& thereby ensuring a per. featly light root for many ran. stile Cement Is peci rly adapted for the p of IRON RAGSNOB, RA.NOii3, W. 114, AGRI SMILTGIIAL iro n also Ihr general mans leeteninnee ' GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For' and repatng Tin and other Metal Roo& of evszy decd p from its great elasticity, is not Woad by the owarnittion and espanakin of Medals, and will no I Griot Oda Or rutebt warn weather. These matesiale are. soma ro in ammo, and we aro prepared to supply orders from anyy pert or the one. mnlat short notice, for GIIT4 MORA ROOFING Is ready oieparsd fOr UN, and GUM MORA OIL In burs , ly with Gill printed directions lbr appil. Auxins WANTED. we will wake Hemel and eattelMWorY arrangements withreeposeible pontes who would Mee to eltab Bah them selves In a ItOCTILIMI and permanent beanteen. "'.. " OUR TERMS : MO' OABII :We Limba cm gi ed ve alounitat proofb ooing of eli we claim in fay° r pm Boonng applied them In Nen York Oltynnd to sever al • :mars .& caosmy) 80L1 MA?itUFAOTURiss, linWage Waiehattaa7B William St., . Mew of Libe . iF Enst. NE W YORK; Yin damoriarrio CtitimAars' and Priem will be thruished QllGARlleniaked, Pulverized and Re- Nj deed, Ibr ewe by mow. s BOW MAN, febn Corner trout and Market streets. VOLIO&--WRITINlii WOKS. 'EP exithe new assortment of these oneftil ar iii kiwinit opened sA fiIIEIGNIES Cheap ikookitoro. AYER'S BAR,sAp FOR PURIFITSGBLL 1) AND for the speedy cure 00 ' A 1 joined esrletles of Diseases we Scrofula and SCrOfilious AZ•6',:,,an 6,, RI Tumors, Ulcers , s ums 4. Pimples, Pantiles, te r Blaine, and all Skin Diseases."' Oara.csz J. O. drin & Co, Gorda lee: m . edge edge what your Sarsaparilla ba- inherited a Scrofulous wenn. p , I „ in various ways for years. :_ . ona, ulcers on my bands and arm, ward and distressed me at the at, L it bro., out on my bead and cos. with one sore, which was pa .11111 ..1 description. I tred many turd, dans, but without . re, vr r/ the disorder grew worse. at 1, cK .t. read in the Gospel iiessenger th.t. alternative (garsagand ,I for 1 citation that myth ins you m. e to Goo null and got it, sni a toot It, as you advise, to .mll d, over a mouth, and used almmt t); healthy skin soon beg an to corm tn. after a While fell off, my skin i elle my feelings that the disease hal You Can well believe that t tett w I tell you,. that I how you to be 0 , so, and retrain ever gratefully St. Anthony's Fire, Rose c.c i Tettei and Salt- eLL", Ringworm, Sore Eyes, L. t Dr. Robert M. Preble 9ep., 1869, that he nas curd un ic, . Oy, which threatened to Dru:h..l, miring nee of our Sarsapard. a , lack of Malignant erysipa.a.. says he cures the cumuw,, Bronchocele, Goitre or Zabnion moan of Pr..... eN.i. 1, 1 Rea of your Sarsaparilla cu-v sons swelling on the 1.1 w:, over two years." Lenoorrho3a or Whites. I s ; v Uterine Ulceration, F e - Dr. J. B. S. auttiolug, o, most cheerfully 0001 1 y u I,L . ' ILI saying I Imye 10huct slesenallee in the numera.. c... . • : ploy such a remedy, but . . the Scrofulous diothosie. I u o . Chita of Leueorrtmea by R. aal • plaint Was cansad o) . Oftratkin itself was PIP).] ,•ure: SmoWledge equal. . - Edward S. Marrow ,01 prom amnion au ;.1, • • which had debt all at length beau compiatel; saparttlf• trer phy...huh Mesa:mid &Herd ou. .., Bars/marble as me 1...5t o • • proved effectual. Attar DO symptom of the ausesoc Syphilis and ltierLuriai New _ Dr. J. C. Area : Btr , I , . . , gnat of your aged!, and mi., n. I 13111,0 realized With your :r .3 I have cured WILL 11.,, , *lola far which It _ eQew truly Don lerlul In his throat, , tog or his most... „-; „ cured him in its oocuuy sympionu • 40 away a coteud.r., disorder would /400 C. yielded to my ,•: . _ takers h0h1..3.1, .3 3,.• 1 4 s . •• some Otothgtuhuoa .13 .1 'noted tor the aim, 4 from this her vo Seattini 10 the wean..: , 01t01114331W4 94.-r: :11 her 5 cured eua»l y 1.7 • gnaw from to lartouu. AlitiLl gave this rnpiljl4/0.0 Jr.),, your 41/ . , remedy the -VC lrtikf With it bore her s,-pr.,5...; me. ; aces, NZW YORK Rhecmatim , Qant,Liver k. amp 1 t Drim-Drytt Da. J. C. _kre.t nr, I ti:u ee t2.,.,1 fW obtoute :141 , 4 nc.aL the situ of pupa:Acts, wu itto.x to 2,.:._ remedies Icoail La , .zaL. tt ri 5 000 Dottie cured tat two , re eta! health w ca.wri Ilint I at:. lar ,uur RY 1 IL 111,4 .... Jab% Y. Getched, of St. Lau_i • : ICClied 10r years with ao 4 destroyed my beo.M. e.:c ; _ thing wood to relieve tue , down an for e.,ito yens n.,J.11 ... nIONOWN,4II tA4 Liter. oy , Dipy, advised me to try j odd he knew you, aud •.: • • • • trying. By the 13.em,a, u. young &gam. The Dcatzmo half good enodgu,' &lir' rue, Cancer Tumors, Ulceration, Canes and the Bone'. A great variety or where cum of tom., fmlb . . . form the ago of thi6 • WWI them. eom of :14,03 • .._. _ . Osa AllasasC, Retch Lo• 10 tutelar' grata to ehl labour. , Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fit; kr sy, Melancholy, liahy remarkaole CLItOI made by Om :• - slats the vital luneboa , tut. , . - - 090reomes disorSers IV react. blicl2 a retard). - OSSaalai of the people, aid - do (or them all that meoxic ,, Ayer's Cherry fecluid; YOE TELE r Caughs, Colds, Influenza,'Coup, Bronchitis, loc,p;F:::, sumption, and for tr., itc,,,! of Consumptive ta::e:::l in advanced of the I.nse , ie Thus lea remedy ao nu ve,s... • . other Gar the cure oLutc,t.ini , • • ualklas bore to publish U.t. unrivalled excellence ft,r • • wooderbal cures 01 putmv , known throughout the • - Pew ars the conitououtes i;r • t, who have not Bowe peraous. es,••• • - same living trophy wee . wt.* subtle and dangerous d.a.rder• • : Al all know the dreadat . • as they know, too,` eJect..l • do more than to assure thew . • twee that H&J Lays won CO strongly upOD the Prepared by Dr. J. G. six t!' Igeo dby 0 B.s4lllVari, h a, Luis , drag r,,4 ere every oc4m: C. O.:Z/NENIER:‘I•I—\ BANNING STOCK, BILL •SD ;- " Has been removed from N;, :: - ro NO. 130 ,N1A.011:r.1- fIARRI;iBC KG, TREASURY NO'rli..s TAKES sep2-1-dtf RIIBBZR GOODS Rabbe Bails, Rubber Wtit . BERGNER'S CiiE.4ll,-: -DUBS Fresh Liroxid Auspice, corner____Fr.mL etELEB"---liRA DANLYD,•.,,„,.I - a/ 3 "' " Dow Thi s good, nL —.two, Dow 04nDI for DA ArY En l y cn ,,L,, oOrner krwl d tiltbitc l i MEI 1111=IIII!! MEI