tettßrap4. ADVERTILSERIL—AII Ad rertiaoments, Business Notices, Mar. rlages, Deaths, Ac., to ,sil l bure E insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably ,be accompanied with the CASH. communications recommending candidates for political calicos must be paid for at the time :they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. HABRISI3IIRG, PA Saturday Afternoon, June 21,1562. A Efanaresusa SOLD= WOUNDID.- Patrick Kennedy, of t Ida city, belonging to the 45th Peuesylvania regiment, (Col. Welsh,) vas slight ly wounded, during a recent engagement of the regiment with the enemy. ARRIVAL Or COL. CiIIARLLB CAMP/MILL-COL Charles Campbell, formerly of the let Penn sylvania Artillery, but now of the 57th Penn sylvania Infantry, arrived in town at noon to from Baltimore, via the Northern Central Railroad. The Colonel participated in the re cent battle of Fair Oaks, Va., where he was se riously wounded. .---44..----• TUB LAMM= Express of yesterday, says that the body found in the Susquehanna river, near Lowes Ferry, Manor, Lancaster county was not perfectly identified by Mrs. Wennels se that of her son—though the probabilities are in favor of that supposition. His forehead was much cut and bruised by the rocks, pre venting identification by means of a scar there which would have been conclusive. RIMY sou Boms.—lnstead of the use of the lancet for the suppression of boils at an early stage, Dr. Spooner, of Roston, recom mends an etherial solution of iodine (thirty grains of iodine to one ounce of ether,) applied with a brush, morning and evening. The same application gives relief in chillblaine, and in erysipelas, or it may be varied by a solution of nitrate of silver. It is easy to try. To Pruovissm Bus Ssrriso.—Put the hen in a tub, fill it with water so that her feet will touch the bottom, and her body be at the top of the water ; then cover the tub up, so that it can not fly out. As she cannot sit down without •rettitig wet, and will have to stand up, leave her in this rosition two or three hours, and th,u let her out. She will not sit any more.— .s.cchange. To mAxs Haas LAY.—Put, the hen in a tab of VATH —the water to come about three inches over h,r head—leave her in this condition for a few minutia only, then remove her and she will lay incessantly. STRAWBERRIES.—The editor of the G 811119.1 1- town Telegraph makes the following recommen dation on the management of strawberries : " When the fruit is forming, and especially when it has commenced to ripen, the beds should be plentifully watered once a day, at least. You need not be afraid of putting on too much ; the more tho better. It will repay the labor ten-fold. We End that rather low, moist ground, not glaringly exposed to the sun, and mulched, is far to be preferred to high, exposed ground, without any protection. A little shade does not hurt strawberries, and moist soil, artificially or naturally, is decidedly to be chosen. The best uniform crops we ever raised, or ever saw, were produced under such circumstances. If properly treated, there is no crop more certain than the strawberry, or easier to obtain." 1=1:2=1 LOCAL News.—The local news market is de cidedly dull—yet every person glances at the local department, and if it contains nothing the editor is lazy. If he speaks of things as they are ; ho is mad. If he glosses over, smoothes lown the rough points, he is bribed. If he ills things by their proper names, he is unfit .r the position of an editor. If he does, he a rattlehead, lacking stability. _lf he con . cams the wrong, be is a good fellow, but lacks keretiort. If he lets wrong and injuries go meentioned, he is a coward. If he upholds a uhlie wan, he does it to gratify a spite—is a i o l of a clique, or belongs to the "outs." If t. indulges in personalities, he is a blackguard ; lie does not, his paper is dull and insipid. , aw vi•ould'nt be an editor? 'firs Focara. —From every side our exchanges Oyes us such items as the following : "The Portland (Me.,) city council have voted .1,500 for a celebration of the Fourth of July. hey are to have a procession, an oration, ring ug of hells, salutes, and perhaps a regatta." "Boston is making arrangements for a grand telebration of the day." - Philadelphia will celebrate the Fourth in a creditable and becoming manner." These are but few of the many indications of an unusually brilliant celebration in these and hundreds of other places ; yet we hear of no concerted movement to do the thing on a large scale among us. Why is this ? Is it because there is less of patriotism, less of generation for the noble declaration of human rights which CMlle into being on that day f Surely not. •IN'All'ex is wanted but somebody to lead off in the matter, to ensure a creditable celebration. If we have uo public movement at all, our city will be diEgrae.ed. If that is our citizens' de sire, they can fulfil it by remaining quiet and doing nothing in the matter. There is nothing but the want of interest in the subject to pre- Vent a good celebration. The material is here; we have a splendid body of firemen; we have a number of singing associations, which are a credit to our city ; we have a fine military com piny, who we know will do its share towards waking up the celebration ; we have good, honest, patriotic Union men among us, who have stood firm by the government from the beginning, who would be willing to give us orations appropriate to the occasion ; we have hundreds who would contribute liberally to audit purpose; all we want is a few guiding hands in each of these departments, who will organize each their own branch and confer with the others to bring outs splendid anni versary. We trust that the different elements referred to will organize and harmonise early so that everything may not be crowded into the last few days, and thus the celebration' "fall through" altogether. EiraAwsintatzs, from the celebrated patch of John Olwine, will be for sale by Mr. Chris. Eby, at the corner market house, at six o'clock this evening. THE turns of many peach trees have com menced curling this season, amd the fruit of all such has • dropped off. It is said that by digging around the roots of the trees, quau tides of worms may be found penetrating the balk and seriously damaging the trees. These worms may be destroyed with lye, &c., and the leaves, after the destruction of the worm is accom plished, will straighten and the young fruit will remain. " How To JUMP PROM THE CARS IJanunasn." —This is the title of a paragraph we find occa ionally in our exchanges, and which recom mends persons who jump from cars in motion to jump in a contrary direction to that in which the cars are running. A man should not jump from cars in motion at all—even when a colli sion occurs it le safer to remain inside, and at all other times there can be no necessity for getting out until the cars are stopped. If any one believes he can safely jump in the manner recommendedabove, from a moving train of cars, we would recommend him to first try a less dangerous experiment, by jumping from a canal beat moving three or four miles an hour. If he jumps towards the stern of the boat without catching a fall he will be very lucky. If you must jump, jump in the direction you are moving while on the boat or train, and un less you are in very rapid motion, you will probably escape without injury. Frazwoass. The near approach of the Fourth of July has started the boys, as usual, ahead of time in the way of exploding torpe does, parlor matches and such other pyrotech nic productions as the state of their finances will admit. It is scarcely necessary to say that this is a dangerous practice and should be dis countenanced, as many accidents have previ ously resulted from this cause. On the two days allowed for celebration, everybody is ex pected to be on his guard against these projec tiles and the casualties therefroln proceeding ; but previous to that time the violation of the ordinance is certainly a nusiance, and a dan gerous one at that. No one has less dispetion than we to interfere with the amusements of the boys, and no one 'can more desire a tremen dous celebration of the coming anniversary ; but we think it a duty to the public to caution the youngsters against subjecting themselves to the penalty of violating the law, as well for their own sakes as those of the "children of larger growth." Wait until the day comes, boys, and then make all the noise you can not more. A MODEL Esmasusxmatrr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a, determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch Menges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. PENALTY PON Tasssessuno UPON GARMAN AND ONDHARDS.—Now, that the season for fruit and vegetables has commenced, it may be well to call attention to the legal penalty prescribed for treaspassing upon gardens, orchards, or other private grounds—stealing fruits, flowers, vegetables etc. Everybody knows it is wrong to take a single berry, or pluck a single flower, without the consent of the owner, but from time immemorial there has been a laxity in this respect, until boys and men even think it a small matter to trespass upon the property of others, and appropriate whatever suits them.— Boys have become particularly troublesome in this respect, and in the cities and boroughs es pecially, it is next to impossible to prevent de predations upon gardens and orchards. So great had the evil become,that the Legislature, two years ago, found it necessary to pass a stringent law for the punishment of this class of offenders. It is only necessary for the injured party to make information before a magistrate, and have the offender arrested and held for trial— when the testimony of the owner or occupant of the premises shall be admitted as evidence. Another method of procedure is by civil ac thin before a magistrate, against any person who shall damage any garden, orchard or field of growing crops, in any manner whatever.— Judgment shall be given by the magistrate for double the amount of the damage proved to have been done, together with costs of suit ; one-half of the damage or penalty to go to the use of the poor of the district in which the pre mises lie ; and in default of payment, the party may be committed to jail for not lees than one or more than twenty days. The criminal prosecution, however, is de cidedly the most effective, and wherever it is enforced it works like a charm. It is unplea sant, we know, to prosecute boys, but it is equally unpleasant for persons to have fruits and shrubbery, the product of years of patient labor and watching, stolen, broken or mutilated by rascally boys. It is a terrible outrage upon the rights of citizens, and let the offender be man or woman, boy or girl, they should be made to pay the penalty. The fault, perhaps, lies not so much with the boys as with their parents, who either directly encourage these depredations, or are not card& to warn their children of the great moral and legal wrong they commit in thus trespassing upon the property of others. We have given both par ties a clear knowledge of their rights and lia bilities under the law. To escape purdahment; it is only necessary ,to Yapeot , the ,rights of 9t11411% tunsDitlanict- Map eelti2raph, eatyrbap 'Afternoon. Sun, 2L 1862 PROP. E. W. BLrnYtt, one of the Liberian commissioners to this country, will preach in lbe Second Presbyterian church, (colored,) on Walnut street, at 6 o'clock, P. M., and at 8 o'clock, P IL in the Masonic Hall, on Tanner's 'rue CITY LOCKUP contained only two ten ants last night--individuals charged wits, at tempting to force themselves into a house east of the Capitol, where their presence was not wanted. They had a hearing before the Mayor this morning, and were sent to prison for forty elght hours. PAin o.ll.—The soldiers of the 87th Pennsyl vania, Col. George Hay, .were paid off a few days since at. 'Camp McKim, each man re ceiving several months' back pay. The mem bers of company "B," Captain Detwiler, sent their respective " piles" to their friends in this place, which fact we take pleasure to an nounce. The citizens who had charge of the "spons" informs us that the amount sent home by the - respective parties, varied from fifteen to forty dollars. Among the "good boys" who evinced the commendable dispo sition to save their well-earned money, we notice the names of Capt. Detwiler, Berg't. Leib, Gallagher, Hiney, Keller, Rupp, Rudy, Voglesong and others. In our. frequent visits to other camps, we observed with regret the spend-thrift propensities of some military men, literally throwing away their well-earned dol lars at the gaming table, for strychnine whisky and useless luxuries. Truly, the "Colder Fen clbles" are an honor to our city. Pursuant to orders from the War Depart ment, Capt. Detwiler left Camp McKim early on Friday 'horning with a company of picked men chosen from squads of the different com panies of the regiment, to proceed on a secret ten•days' mission—some surmise to New York city, while others will have it to Fortress Monroe. FROM NEw YORK AND PRIDADALPRIA.—Good morning Mrs. Price! what cool and rainy weather we have had during all of this spring. Indeed it has been so much so that 1 have de- f red making my usual dry goods purchases for summer until I am positively compelled from the condition of my wardrobe. Now, Mrs. Price, I understand, that Mr. Bowman, (of the dry good firm of Urich tr. Bowman,) has just returned from New York and. Philadelphia with a beautiful stock of summer goods. Thus Mrs. Early said to Mrs. Price; and reader the ladies called and made their purchases, and not only got handsome goods, but , the worth of their money. 2t $5OOO DOLLSRS WORTH OF NSW GOODS 1-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 87, 60, 62 and 76 cts. •, 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 80, up to 76 cts. Great bargains ! 600 new hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 75 cts., up to $2.50 cheapest in town; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 pieces white brillants at 121- cts.; some at 15 to 18 cts.; 50 dozen of shirt breasts at 121- cts., 20, 26 and 37 cts., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies' white stockings, at 121- and 16 cts. A raignifieent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging an 4 insertings, at all prices. 50 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 121- cts ; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell. goods at citiprices. S. 1...z.wv-4 We also received 10 -dozen' of real Gerniaa linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article 4 ' also 20 pieces pf white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; b piece* of black silk at all prices. S. Laws. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. 7.11E8E5.7 IN THE TV70.12L.D \VI - 11 4 1,1AM lIATCHELOR'S v cele brated Hair Dye produces a color not to be die degulahed from nature—warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the 11l abets of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GM, RIM) or RUSTY HAIR Instantly turns a splendid Rittekor Brown, leaving the Hair aoft and beautiluL Sold by a Druggist; am. Air The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. RATOIIELOR, on the four sides of each ben. FACTORY, No. 81 Barclay Street. (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond Street.) New YORK my2lly • HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE ! I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known All others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to, a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Helier Skin. ' PIPLEEN MSDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. Ban:anon since 18;9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WM/INTIM not to injure In the least, however long : it may be contin ued, and the W effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop. erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. . . . Sold lu all the cites and towns of the United Slates, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers. The Genuine has the name 4 . William: A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plats engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholerale Factory, 81 Barclay St., oct2•dkwly. Late 283 Broad Way, New Yerk HALL ! POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY EVENING, TUNE 26TH. AM .N" 3111 .Ir_s ES. Numbering 16 Star Performers, 32( THEM Chaste and Varied Entertainment, An given by them at their Orr* House in Philadel phia. The performance comma of Nino Songs, Dances, Burlesques, Original Jokes, Beautiful Ballads, &c,, &c. Making in all the Best Performance ever presented to the public. ADMISSION 25 cents ; CHILDREN 18 =ht. Doors open at 7X o'clock, commence at 8 o'elook Tickets for sal, at all the principal Hotels and Music StorFs, and at the door on the evening of performance. wir Gentlemanly Ushers will be in attendince to con duct Ledi. s to Seats. THOS. O. PONSTOII, Je20481 Agent. FIRST ANNUAL PIC-NIC OP TEE Liederkranz Singing Assoolation, AT HAEHNLEN'S GROVE, ON MONDAY, 11:ME 23d,1862. - TICKETS 25 cts. I\TO Improper Characters will be allow edill on the grounds. Chonibusees win run every hour during the day from Frisch's Salosn, corner of Mb and Market streets. Jel7-d2t tkee .• - FRUIT CANS, OF the best patterns Glass and Tin con rstaltlrm Mad at Lyman Gilbert's Tbs Ware Man natatory, IllaticetaGaat. , jezdim IktiLLER ' i`DRDt}ITORE ie,,U is place to Ng' Patent Wediehies. Nem fairntrtistmeuto CARNCROSS BIXBY'S Ntu) abutritsentents. INSURANC E. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the , INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brows, Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, dmbrosa Wh , te, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wool, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Wolfson, 9 Mortis Wain, John '..asen, George L Harrlvn, France R. Cape, Ed card R. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. C 14%, Presides/. CHARLES PLATT, secretary. As central agent for 'h., above name company, the undersigned is prepared to take Piro ri3ks in any pad of be state of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry a'ley, Bu ke's row WILLIAM BIMEGER, KO dip Hauruiburg, Pa. TIN WARE AT' REDUCED PRICES. LYMAN GILBERT , Markel Sired, Corner of River Alley. OFFERS for sate the largest stock of Tin 1.) , sad Sheet Iran Ware in Harrisburg. Sir Prioes lower than tho •e of say other establish nrnt. The nostom or store „keepers woo purchess to sell again is invited. AU work warranted. jelt •dlm. O YES ! 0 YES ! DESIRING to rest from the active cares of trade, I have parsed the sire Into the hands of u.y son John T. linsrninger, who will con lone the busi ness as heretofore at the suction stove, No. St, coiner of i'econd end Chestnut straits In this city; where I would respectfully call the attendon of my friends and the public generally to my large stook of new and second hand Clothing, new and second baud furniture and an endless variety of nsetnlartides, all of which will be sold at the lowest auction piices. Cath will be paid for all articles in my l ne or business. PHILIP ENSIIINGER. N. B. Crying sales, eel ing borate, vehicles, stock, real esisAi, ' tut ail thor property will be punctually at tended to upon reasonable terms, by calling at No. 24, corner of Second and chestnut streets in ems city. JOHN T. ENSMINGBR, jel2-dinataw city Auctioneer. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD IiENRY BROWN RAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Canal Street, near Chestnut street, Opp°. sue the P nnaylvania Railroad Depot, Ut. es this method of informing the citizens ataarriaburg and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superior manner, and on the ni)st reatoaable terms. le 0 d2m* EDGEHILL SOHOOL. PRINCETON. N. J. Rev. Jesus P. HIXIMIS, A. M., Princtpals. Rev. Taos. QV. CATTItLL, A. M., THIS Institution, founded itt 1829, is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or fr a business life. The buildings are large and commo dints, and the grounds embrace more than thirteen acres. Both of the Principals devote their whole ,time to the echool, ailed to the department of 'animation by competent teachers he military Inetruction sad drill, (under the charge of an experienoed Instructor,) is arranged an as not to in.erfere with tee regular studies, occupying a part of the Vms appropria'ed to exercise and recreation. Pupils are received at any time and charged only from the Gate of ad •• ission. Train:—sl.26 00 per seesion of five months. For circulars, or further Information, addrees either or the Principals. ite'erenre is also made to the Rev. Mr. Cattail, Harrisburg. Prom the Rev. De. Hodge and the Rev. Dr. McGill, Professors in the Deoloytcal Seminary, Princeton, I have for several years beenintimately acquainted with the kev. Toomas W. Catteli. He has had charge of two of my sons, and I eau safely say I have never .nown any one In whose fidelity A 4 devotion to hia pu pule, I have equal confidence. Retie a good scholar and a succeseuil teacher. I know no one who has a greater facility lo.philog the love or his &Molars or who exerts .mokr_ump , A.bacmiciaustwe lam aware of the responeibility in spa iking la such terms of commendation of a leather; brit' am e Waded lam doing nothing but simple Justice to an ez.ellent man, in scut the language which I have here em ployed. CHABIBB 110DGE. 1 have great confidence in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, as a leather, both in his aptness to give Instructlon„ and his taqt to the administration of discipline. 1 have had two sons under his Care, ani from the moat careful °henrys tion lam free to recorannend the Edgehill tichool as one of safe and thorough Instruction. jet 4 dlm sit.R.S&NDER T. SPHiI.. OHIO 001411811ABN of SUBUSTENCB. Harriabury, June 18, 1862. O - BALED proposals, endorsed "proposals for rations," will be received by the undersigned at his office until 12 w, on TUN 25TH INST., for supplying complete army rations (raw) to all United States troops or volunteers, now or that may be hereafter located'at Camp Curtin. Said rations to be delivered at such times as may be designated by the properoffmer, and on hisequisition, - ST& must state the price for rations delivered as above. .A contract which must be executed (with bond and approved security for the faithful performance) within three days after notification of acceptance of bids, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, for the period of three (8) months, from July .Ist, 1862, unless sooner terminated by the U. S. Commissary General. The undersignedreservea the right to reject all unreasonable bids. H. JONES BROOKE, Capt. and C. S. Vol. Ser jelOdtd HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS-THE QUESTION. . . THE Proprietors- of -the "PARISIAN OAB!NET UP WONDERS, ANATOMY and MNDI OINE" have determined regardless Of expense, to inane free, (for tbe benefit of suffering humanity) POUR of their most instructive and Interesting Lectures on. Mar riage sad its Dlsqualilicatioas, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Deane of leauhrod, Indigestion, Weakness or De. gression, Loss of energy and YgelPewers; the Greet So cial Evils, and those Mal. dies which result from youth ful Mies, Exoessea of Maturity, or Ignorance PLUM . ology PLU. ology and Nature's law, These isvaluable Lectures have been the means of enlightuing and swing thou s 'aids, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four slumps, by addressing BROO' ARY Postulate CAM= or Assuan' AND Disomora, 568 Broadway, New York. jel9-sly E. G. Whitman. Alex. Johnston. E, G 1 WHITMAN & 00., 318 CHEST.N777 STREET, PRILADBL.PHLt. NANTIPACTURNI3 FANCY AND PLAIN „CANDLES, DEAL= 3N FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &O. jele.dlm• PREBERV.E .;JARS JELLY aIaASVES, 7 all sizes, patterns and4rices, jus received and for sale by vgi" el 3 , WK. DOOR, Jr , & CO. T" general variety of goods for ad justlng the TOILET, M be found at Keller's, Is unsurpassed in this city. je6 - 91 Market street QIIGA_R Curell,Canvaesed Rims, a very k e y choice lot just received and for sale by .14316 NlOuois IWHAN, Corner Front and Market street CHEAP Oil for all kinds of machinery, in small and large packages for sale by N &HON & EOWMAN, Corner Froct 011 d Market street jel9 f AMIE and extensive Miser .;nent of GLersware, bickering all kinds of Jelly Glasses, Tumblerri; Preserving Jars, Bowls, Dishes, ko, Jul reoeivest and Tor sods by NICHOLS Jr.IIOIVILLW, 5019. Cornesieront,o4ldarket -Street. PP Es, Om' gew and Lemons, atJOHN: Walla A tnyl Viottilemons WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market ,street, Ilarrisbary, Pa., MI I A_ INT CI NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bed mailers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. • TES BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU• MMUS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi T cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES. ) Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GIAASSE B From smallest to largest sues. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street febl9-wtsly 100 PERCH OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE, FOR HAIR AT TH3O KEYSTONE FARM. mYTt-dtt STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries by the quart, Chest or Bushel. ORDERS sent through the Post Ofßoe, or left at the lower Market, on Wednesday or Sat ur-sy mornings, will be promptly atended to. A Ito they can re had at the place at any hour of the day, fresh plaited from the vines. Keystone Farm and Nursery, Immoduitely below the city. Je2' ' 111 MI. WM. £. PARICHILaL, PLUMBER AND GAS . FITTER• Third Sired, next door to the Telegraph Printing Oita. 4„,,1T0R,E5, dwellings, churches, public VV buildings, factories, Au., fitted up with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman lite manner. Hydrants, Wash balms, Bath Tube, l ih and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share .of public patronage Is respectfully Molted. All work pr mptly attended to. rngliNtiSm. FIRE INBURANOE• THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSVEANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1895. Capital and Assets '5869,126 37 DIRECTORS. Wm Martin, Edmund A. Ponder, Theophilus Paulding, leo E. Peoro3e, Jno. C. Davis Jas. Traqualr, Wm. Byre jr, James C. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr: B. M. Huston, George Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Comae E. ritokes, J. P. Penntiston, Henry is loan, Bdward Darlington, H.. 701103 Brooke Spencer 11 , 11vatoe, Thomas C. Eland, Robert Burton, Jaiub P. Jones, James B. allariand, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple. Pitts. burg, D. T. Horgan, Ptusburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM MARTIN, Preeirkat. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice .Preicideni. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. The undersigned as agent for the above named C OM. pany , continues to take Fire Risks In Harrisburg and vicinity. WILLIAM BUEHLER. 1010.dlt REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH fiAs removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Haynie' Agriculture Store, where he intends to keep all kinds of Boots w'd Shoes, Gaiters, &c., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of ba abl/INS j and will be Quo:teal to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public in general at kis new place ofhuoiness. . All kinds of work made** order in the beat style and by superior workmen. Sepairlng dune at Short notice. [apr2ritij JOHN B. SMITH. B. . HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Ilanufacturer NO. 112 - MARKET AIMEE?, HARRISBURG. 1_ If AS always on hand a full assortment • I trim and Ispanned WI4/43, Goosing and Parini') Stoves of the beat manufamuriets, Gate. Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manufactured and up at reasonable rates. • sir Repairing promptly attended to. Apr/1041y TH.EO. F. EICHEFFEIR, BOOK AND JOB • PRINTER Y I NO. 18, ALLIUM STREET, RAIIRISBUEG. ,Particular attention paid to Printing, Riding and eluding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Paticlas, Clocks, Drafts, &c. Mans printed at $2 tat, $4, and $6 per housand in elegant sty le. - 82,0 ATLANTIC AND OHIO TELE GRAPH COMPANY. pui Stockholder's annual meeting will be bald at the ctlice of the secretary, (I Forrest Piece) 1.283(, South Fourth Street, PhtsAelphtt, on THtiItSDAY., JULY 171 h, at /OM u'olottir a. Y., at whlsh. time an election for nine directors will take brought and such 2ther business transacted es may be brought be fore the meeting. H. H. S.HILUSGFORD, jele dtjyl7 AGENTS! MERCHANTS 1 PEDLERS I READ THIS. ENIERGETIO men make $5 a day by setting our UNION PRIZE STATIONERY PAULEN °outshining superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENelt A 11 ;3, and a piece of Jewelry. Vie guarantee sat. 'erection in quality of our goods. The gifts consist of UV varieties and styles 01 Jewelry, ad useful and valu able. Circulars with Bill particulars mailed free. Ad. &ea. L . EL HAMM & CO, soe•Emd .88 Beekman street, New York. FRESH: BUTTER • 'MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fated up a large Retrig orator, and baying made contracts with sops e 0 enr most /tillable farmers to furn•eh us with hush and Sweet butter regwarP, will be enabled to supply oar customers with sweet fresh ice cold butter at all times. my 29 WM. DOM, Jr. & CO. Dr. WM. R. DE W/TT, Jr., OFFICE SECOND STREET ABOVE LOCUST. jal dlm LAKE TROUT. e rn received a small invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The waits , very aeperlor, and the price Very Low. WM. DOCK, JR., & CO ATTENTION FARMERS ! QCY TRES, SNATHS, GRAINCRAbL - ES, IJ RAus, BOft SfONIIS and RULES In greet variety, to ba batl osear et GILIRRTS Hardwert Store jai " tx • Oncelts tha Court $4 mite CA.6I, sad see , those nice and oheap Su gars for taiobilarving, etc., at , hiCllOl3 I 11014 AN;. 01.2 Corner Frani and Market, wain. illistrllantons LIFE INSURANCE, The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CHESTNUT STREET (CHARTER PERPETUAL ) CAPITAL AND ASSILTS $1,643.380 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMS, actuary, cONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reason able terms, hey set as Executors, Trustees and Guard rase under Last Wills. and as Receivers sad Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly incr. wing reserved fund, Wars • perfect secnr ty to 115‘ insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or guar. terl. The company add a BONUS periodically to the Insu rances for lfe. The FIRST BONUS appropriate) to De cember, 1844, the SECOND B 'NUS In December, 1849, the THIISD BONUS In December, 1864, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1869. These additions are made without re guiring any increase In :he premiums to be pa Id to the Company. The hi/lowing are a few example; from the Register Amount of Po'loy aDd ' I Sum Bonus orl bonus to be increased Polley. 'ramrod add,' ion by future additions._ No. 85 525001 3 887 60 I 83387 60 " 183 8000 1,050 t 0 4,060 00 ..199 1000 400 00 1,400 00 3 833 6000 1,376 00 6,876 00 Agent at Harrisburg and 'le'nt jelo-dly FROM READING NRW YORK AND BACK, ONLY $4 50. 'IPA East Pennsylvania Railroad, good da ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at the office of the above company at Read. lug, good for all passenger trains. EDWARD M. CLYMER, je9-dtje2B President. EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ILANUFALOTIIIIER or BOOK-BINDERS' BULLIMICIIINES AND PINS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACIIIINEEI YOH GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANOEM, SCROLL SAWLNO, PLANING, MU., Mc., yr Any tilachine of Wood, Iron or Bras made to order. • Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS sir Cash paid to? Old Copper, Bra=s, Spatter, &a. STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA :rel'A in Dil3 t 4 DIN CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stations ry and swinging. Sash Platens and various °dm building (maltase, for sale very throw at the [my2lL-131 k Gt.h WORKS. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES! PARTICULAR attention is called to the fact that, besides the machines =skies our Delo. batted h•titeb, we manufhoture, In great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH' MACHINES. The peculiarities of each tattoo will be cheerfully shown and explained to purchasers, and they have the great advantage of Wing able to select front our stock either a =tame making the GROVER AND BAKER STITOK or ono makinglho LOOK STITCH, the only valuable Smug Machine etitehee 3it, practical use. PRIORS FROM 140 UPWARDS, Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For mile by MRS. B. BRENIZBE, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myBol2m GEO. W. McCA.LLA, WATOMIAKER & JEWELER, jek• NO. 88, Ore Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, Ac., Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones , House. marBl-d3m THE BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST HONEY A. HUMMEL, Denier In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DES CRIPTION and at au P.R. I E S. Next door to the Court Housedi MARKET STREET. Alec a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISE:3 awl CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prioes. mar2B-d3m EXCELS/OR HAMS I I THESE HAMS are cured by a NEW YORK FARMER, And are decidedly the mail delicious and delicately fa vored to the =Amt. They rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and oast little more than half W. SOCK, Jr. , & Co. my2S WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY C. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, has Jost opened a large, new and well selected stock of Wall Paper and Window Stades, at hia new store No. 12 Market street, next to Hammel & HI/lingers grocery neat the Bridge. it Paper hanging personally attended to. All work warranted. JO) dime ELLASS Jars for putting up frutt, the ILL eitlebrated /diFrills patent, Cheap, abrou an d e f. Amnia!, warranted to give s., twraction,Jast received and ter sale by. NICHOLS & Bu WIL; jel9 corner grotit and Market street. LIIBRICATING Oil for all kinds of ma &Leery, In convenient packages, for sale very ROW NiCaas a Bowmen, corner Front and Market street. by An CaLt. and examine those new jars for YZ II % the beet, cheapestands'mplesttn In market, for sole by NICHoLS & BOWMAN, iol 9 Corner Front and Market street. CRAB OIDER.--Conatandy on band a t IRlperior aril& of nriu ous atm. ty, BUEHLER. RAILROAD,