• a All communications recommending ca ndidates for political offices must be raid for at the time ',they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. NOTION: TO ADVEnTISERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar stages, Deaths, &a., to isernare I insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. HAREISI3UIIO, PA Tharsday MOPIIIIIg, June 19, 1862 WOODCOCK SDOOTING.—The season for shoot ing woodcock in this State commences on the 4th day of July nest. Persons found killing theta before that date are liable to pay a fine of five ,SOUarB. I= MORE Pookirr PIOKING.—A paesenger on the Northern Central Railway had his pocket re lieved of a wallet containing some money, at the depot yesterday. Is there no way of having these " light fingered gentry" weeded out of the city ? Sasroan.--The gay and incomparable Sam, we ses by our exchanges has organized a new Ethiopian Opera Troupe, and Is doing a thriv ing business among the towns and cities in the States of New York and New Jersey. One of the attractions is a full brass band, which en livens the people up handsomely to the pat ronage point. Sanford is a favorite in this city, and we hope to have him along here shortly. THE PlO-IHO to be given at Haehnlen's woods to-day (Thursday) by Mr. Sprucebanks, promises to be one of the most pleastint affairs of the kind we have had in this vicinitylor a number of years. The beauty and galantry of the city will be on hand in great numbers, and a good social time generally will prevail. Omnibuses are to run every hour during the day from the Washington Hotel, corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. No improper characters will be per- mitted to i emain on the grounds. FIREWORKS —Caution.--The attention of our citizens is directed to the following city ordi- ECM Sm. 1. Be it ordained by the &annum Council of Meaty of Harrisburg, That if any person or per sons, except on military cccasions, shall fire off any gun, pistol or fire arm, or shall at any time sell, or cause to be sold, or shall fire off any squib, cracker or annoyance in the nature of a emit, or cracker, within the limits of the said he, she or they, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor or any alderman thereof, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one dollar, for the use of the city. Pro tutted, That this section shall not be construed so as to prevent or prohibit the sale or cast inc, throwing or firing squibs, rockets or other fireworks on the 3d and 4th days of July of each and every year, (Sundays excepted.) Fousn DROWNKD :—On the 13th inst., the body of an unknown young man, supposed to have been from twelve to sixteen years of age, was found on a rock in the Susquehanna river, just above Sour's ferry, in Manor township. Deceased was about five feet in height, stout built, had auburn hair cut very short, was en tirely nude and considerably bruised, and may have been in the water from five to ten days, An inquest was held by A. IL Witmer, justice of the peace ; and, after a post-mortem exami nation by Dr. H. S. rue lazy rendor ed a verdict of accidental drowning.—Lancaster Express of yesterday. We publish the above under the belief that the body is that of the boy Wenneis drowned, while swimming at one of the piers of the bridge in this city, about two weeks since. The fact can be definitely ascertained by writing to the coroner of Lancaster county. NEW USE FOR COAL OlL.—Coal oil is Stid to be a sure destroyer of bed-bugs. Apply plentiful ly with a small brush or feather, to the places where they most congregate. The cure is ef fectual and permanent. Gilt frames, chande liers, &c., rubbed slightly over with coal oil, will not be disturbed by flies.—Exchange. Ttie editor of the Easton Argus says on read me the above the idea struck him that if coal oil was good for bed bugs,.it would be equally I efficacious for roaches or "varmints" thatmany house keepers are more or less troubled with and heartily detest. He accordingly applied some of the oil with a stiff feather to the cracks aral twice the roaches were lathe habit of visit lug in his kitchen, and it drove them away— the smell of the oil being so offensive to them that they immediately sought other quarters. He also applied a few drops of oil to the heads ~f several live roaches, and in a second they laid Over and "gave up the ghost forever."— We publish his experience for the benefit of such of our readers as may have the misfortune to own a colony of these troublesome insects. The remedy don't coat much, and is worth a trial at all events. I=l=l ACCIDENT AT THE MARKET ON WEDXIMAT.-A young woman met with an accident in the up per market house on Wednesday, which came near resulting in the loss of one of her hands. There are several reports in circulation with reference to the affair, some of which. reflect very severely upon a certain butcher, who is eilarged with having purposely committed the deed. 1 ' fact, so well attested did . some of the reports of this character seem to us, that we were at first convinced of their truth, and had made up our mind to speak very plainly on the subject, when we fortunately encoun tered a gentlemhn of reliability who witnessed the whole transaction, and who made no hesi tancy in declaring that the unfortunate affair was the result of pure 4ccident. His statement was, in effect, that the girl while waitin g t o b e served at the stall of Mr. Walters had set her b sket on the meat block of another butcher, whoiie stall is adjoining. While there, the List named butcher had occasion to use the block fur the purpose of cutting a roast of mut ton which our informant had purchased, in do ing which the lid of the woman's basket be came displaced by the concussion, a'id in at tempting to replace it, her hand unfortunately got under the descending clever, and received the wound, which is of the most frightful char acter. Our informant quickly staunched the flow of blood, by binding up her hand with a h andkerchief, after which she left theanaiket for the purpose of proceeding to some physiciiin to have the wound dressed, heard of her since. and he has not PROPOSED RE-OPINING OP TIM "GROTTO." Some parties in yesterday's Philadelphia Ledger advertise for performers for the "Gaiety Music Hall," Harrisburg. CAPT. INCCursorrota, of lichinion township, Cumberland county, wps killed at Tompkins - % ille, Ky., on . the . 6th inst., in a conflict with the rebels He belonged to the 9th regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry. I= THE " OLD SOMMERS " AND THY FOURTH. The old soldiers—the scarred veterans of the war of 1812—held a meeting last Saturday eveniug, and resolved to celebrate the ap proaching anniversary of the natal day of Freedom, by a dinner on Independence Island. Fins.—The alarm of fire about twelve o'clock Wednesday night was occasioned by the burning of the remains of the old frame school house on Brioad street, 6th ward. The fire was put out by the Good Will Button, En gine. It was evidently the work of an Moen. diary. RELEAszo.—By a recent order from the War Department, published In yesterday's Time- GRAPH, by which medical officers are not re garded as prisoners of war, a surgeon in . the rebel army, among the prisoners in custody at Camp Curtin, was yesterday unconditionally released by Capt. Dodge. JUDGE PROISON ut /MENEM COUNTY.—The last number of the Wilkesbarre, Lucerne county Record of the rams, contains the following: During next week Judge Pearson will hold a special court here to try causes which Judge Conynghara cannot hear. The following week, the business being disposed of, the court, ac cording to custom, will go a trawling. We un derstand the distinguished Judge displays ability in the creek, as well as on the bench. —Section 6 of an act amendatory of the license laws of this State passed in 1862, reads as follows: "That it shall be the duty of every city or county treasurer to sue for the recovery of all licenses duly returned to him by the mercantile appraisers, in each and every year, within ten days after that date, and said treasurer shall not be discharged from any such licenses, un less he brings suite to recover the same within said date, and presses the same to judgment and execution as soon thereafter as practicable " SHALL wa OSMIUM P—We notice that in most other cities preparations are being made to celebrate the coming anniversary of our Na tional Independence. It seems to us that we should this year, of all others, in considera tion of the brilliant victories attending our arms, and the gratifying prospect of a speedy suppression of the rebellion, feel especially grateful and joyous. Do not, then, let the day pass without a celebration of some kind. DEAD BOLDIERIL—A few days ago the bodies of five soldiers killed at the battle of Fair Oaks passed through this city, on their way to the homes of the decensed. It has become so com mon to see the coma in the' cari,..tliat it ex cites little attention. Poor fellows—they have fought their last battle. "Oh 'shroud them in the flag of stars Beneath whose folda they won their scars Through which their spirits fled, From glory here,to glory where Tito -imam:iv- bhzo-in-fields.of — Is bright with stars forever there Without a streak of read." PAY or BITURNEDVOLUNTEERS AND PRBONERB. —lmportant Notice.—We previously announced the arrival in this city of Major Lyon, United States Paymaster. The Major comes here lin den a special order from the War Department for the purpose of - paying all the Pennsylvania volunteers, who have been dischargedby reason of disability, as well as those who have been held as prisoners in the South. There are a large number of both these classes scattered throughout the State, who will find this an admirable arrangement for the hasty settle ment of their claims against the government. Major Lyon will remain in this tityfor several weeks, where he can be addressed in all mat ters concerning his mission here. As a matter of information to the volunteers interested in the matter, all the papers throughout the State are requested to notice. Letters should be ad dressed Major A. N. D. Lyon, U. S. A., United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Penn's. CT= SWIAIIIIIO Bemoan EMPLOTBIS.—To =insure the transit of Federal troops, government sup plies, and the persons and property of loyal citizens over the Baltimore and Ohio and North western Virginia railroads, from loss or daniage or danger arising from the, action of disloyal employees, if any such there be, operating on the said roads, Gen. Kelly has issued an order directing all officers, agents, clerks, conductors and other employees of said railroad companies and the agents, clerks and other employees of Adams' Express company, or any other Ex press company, within the limit of hie district, to take and subscribe respectively, before conipe tent authority, to a stringent oath of allegiance prepared for the occasion. The work of swear ing the employees commenced on Monday, and thus far it is believed that all have taken the oath without hesitation. EscuasioN 111. CITALBERIAND Vsxxsr.—We learn that a few days ago Col. Thomas A. Scott, President pro tan of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Messrs. Bodine, Morris and Bacon, direc tors of the same company, left Philadelphia in that elegant car known as the " Director% Car," which has its distinct compartments. dining, sleeping and setting rooms elegantly furnished, with its stewards, attendants, &c., for Hagerstown, Md. They by invitation were accompanied by Hon. F. Watts, president of the Cumberland Valley Railroild company, and some of its directors, and A. J. Jones, Esq.,. president of the Franklin Railroad company. They occupied the sleeping departments at Hagerstown, and breakfasted on the cars. They were attached to a special locomotive, and made their own time. They were uncon2only pleased with their visit and the rich .promise o f a n abundant harvest in season. On 'their return they spent an hour in dining with Judge Watts in Carlisle, where the entertainment was of the first order and very ahupdant, from *inch plqqe..the °wreathed- Harrieburg, and thence Philadelphia. Pandi Uatictloam telegialik uoting morning. lunt 19, 1862 $6OOO DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW GOODS 1-400 pair of mitts k irect from auction, at 25, 87, 60, 62 and 76 cts.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 80, up to 76 cte. Great bargains! 600 new hoop skirts for 60, 62 and 76 cts., up to $2.60 cheapest in town ; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 piects white brillants at 12* cts.; some at 15 to 18 cts.; 60 dozen of shirt breaste at 12* OW., 20, 25 and 87 cts., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies' white stockings, at, 121 and 16 Os. A miignlficent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging ant ineertings..,at all prices, 50 doien of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 121 cis.; also hemstitched 'lttrchiets... Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stack ; arrd,as we Emma buyer In New York, who buys carlyat the lave ayotliiris: We promise to, sell goods at city prices. S. LEWY. • We also - recelieil 10 iltissen of reel German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very,:iwarcel4cJ6i Plipcigt of white and colbra strii matthii, - and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction.; 6 pieces of black silk at all prices. • , , „ , 8 Isnix BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE, 7BD BES 7 IN THE WORLD .i;s4ITUEfELOR'S tale v • brated i3a r Bye produces a color not to be. die tiognished from nalure—warranted not to injure the Hair in the least ; remedies the edects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Rate for life. GREY, RFD or RIIBTY Rant instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft audbeautlful Sold by all DruggistN &co. sir- The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHISLOR, on the four rider of each boa. 'FACTORY, No. 81 Barclay street. (late 238 Broadway and 18 Bond Street.) New YORK. , my2ey Do not trine with your Health. Constitution and Chap ranter. If you ara auCering with any Plenum for which HELMBOLD'S EX7RACI BUCH77 la recommended TRY IT I TRY IT I TRY if t It will Cure you, have Long Buffering, Allaying )Pain and Intimation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND 'PUBrTY, at Little Expense, • And no Expoeure. Cut ont the Advertisement In another column, and cal ...BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I Aek for Helmbold's., Take ao Other • : CURES GUARANTEED. myl2-d2m HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 1.1 Wm. A. liaMhelor's Bali Die I The only liarmleie and ;Bo liable Dyer - Known All.others are mere Imitations; and should be avoided if you wish.to escape rldlimle. • GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly •to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least Injury.to Hair or Skin. . FIFTEEN. Itt•DALS AND DIPLOMA,S have been awar ded, slime IS:9, aria Oyer-200,000 applieatiousliave been made to the Mar of the-paLrone Wx. A.DATCIIIII.OB93I3AI.II,DIEB..producee a color not to be dtadeaxtebed from-Ware ia,, , wesalaXitt not to tojurein the heat, however 104 X may be contin ued, and The ill effects 'of bad Dyes relifedled. The hair la-invigorated for life by this' splendid Dye, which is-prop erlyepplied•at No..lBittond StreetWew Mork: • . ftld in all the cites and towns ef the United , States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers - • • The fienuino has the•name Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. oct2 d&wly LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life blames, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CHESTNUT STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND AZSKSTS JOHN V. JAMS, Actuary, cONTINDE .•to make • INSUEANDE ON _mvs_oathe _rimou ahlo_terms. - bey aet as Meciutors, Trustees, spa - orlaratini tinder last Wills. and as Receivers sad Assignees. The capital being paid up and Invested, together with a large and constantly Worst/ging reserved fund, offers a perfect secur ty to th. insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or gear. terly. : the oompsdly add a' BONUS periodically to, the . hien raneee for bfb. The FIRST BONU' appropriated' in De • cember, 1844 i the SECOND DEMOS in. December, 1849, the THUD BONDS in December, 1854, and the PODItTII BONUS in 1859. These additions are made withoutre• quiring any increatte in the premiums 'to be peact to the Company. The (chewing are a few example I from the Register Amount of Policy and Sum Bonus or bonus to be increased Policy. Insured I addrion Iby Ware additions. No. 891 12500 18. 887 59 13,887 50 ' ~ 1 32 3000 1,050 tO 4,050 00 ' ~1 99 1000 400 00 1,400 06 .‘ 333 5000 1,875 00 8,875 00 Agent of Harrisburg and vicinity, Jelo-dly • $lOO REWARD. w s es stolen from the stable of the üb scriber. residing about three miles south or Hagerstown, on the night of the' itth fast.; two hones, a BLACK BOK-B having one front tooth ont,:andia BAY MARE having her front hoof The, aboye reward will be paid for the recovery of tbe betties. HENRY DIISING, Jolt dat - Hageristown, Md. E. 0. Whitman. Alexp 'Johnston. E. G. WHITMAN ds - 00., 818 CHESTNUT STREff, PRIUDELPHIA. MANI:MUTT:IBM' FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES: DEALER DI FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &O. jell-alms LT P. &W. o. ' TAYLOR'B NEW SOAP. Axle It is seeeemiesitthillottay- detersive . . It con tains no Rosin and *lll not - wivatt. It is Warranted not to injure the hands. It will intlart an agreeable odor, and is therefore suitable for. every purpose. far ale by WM. DOCK, Jr; a Co. -ICE CREAM ! ICE okurdukt! ONE of the greatest improvements, the age is Pyne At Barr's Patent Ice Cream Prienir, and Egg . Beater, the . greatsaver of labor. The small quaMl7 of ice used and the exceeding short space •of tme required to Maim good toe cream in one of their Freezers, might-to:induce Overyintrally - to purchase one of them. They have received several silver medals and the highest premiums at exhibitons, over all other Freezers now in use. A printed circular containing the very best receipt formaalng ice cream, frozen custard, Ice waters, do., witn a number of certilizates a,d ran direr lons accompany each Freezer. Ali orders for Breexerd, county or State rights will be attended to by addressing W. RAU, myitd2m Harrisburg, Pa. SODA Biscuit, City Crackers, justrecuiv ed and for swab; Mai &BO *MAN,- ,c Corner Front and Market silents. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC - or` mai Liederkranz Singibg Association. AT )14ERNLEN'S GROVE, ON MONDAY, JUNE 28d 1882 , , TIbEETS 28 eta. VO Improper Characters will be allow ed on the grounds. Omnibuses will roe every hour during the day 4111:a ?Mach's Saloon, conning filth sind Market drunk jei74121 CEDAR TIII3B BASKETS, BROOMS , aid,emythingin4belhie, Juat received in 'Argo euantities and for sale very low by • * e r 'lßAlictES BAP LEAD: WS-60 _boxes .7.0.1 , repeil , "4l4d CdO , u aprlB -' W. 1),1 eigt. CANNED Tomatoes and Green Corn, at JOHN WI I'S. myt BE WISE BY TIMES! Wholesale "Factory, 81 -Barclay St., Late 28BNroadway,. New York New ahertiatintuto THOMAS RIDGWAY, President BIIEHLEIt, 110C11,ir , & 01 Nra) Mintrttarments. `'STOLEN. VAS stolen from the subscriber, on the cars coming from Philadelphia to Harris burg, over . the Reading Railroad, A POCKET BOOK, containing eight $lOO bills on the York Bank, one $2O bill on the York County Bank, and in the neighborhood of $lOO in United States Treasury notes ; a draft of Purvis & Thomas, of Baltimore, on the York County Bank, of $520 ; two certificates of deposit on the Hanover Savlotta' Institute,--one of $2OO and the other of $700; and a small quantity of worthless paper money in one section of-the pocket book. Any information relative to the above can, be left at this office, or a note ad dressed to the undersigned. A liberal reward will be paid for its recovery. JOSEPH DELLONE, dat. Hanover, York co., Pa. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of GROCERIES . ; PROTISIONS,IOIIEIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among othere, SUGARS, SYRUPS, THIOFFEE,- FLOUR, ' FISH, - SALT, BACON, LARD, • ' BUTTEIR, Br.e. We invite an examination of our superior LION • EXPLOSIVE .GOAL OIL ; The best in the market 'in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WOKS and GLASS CONES, _ Masker than may :lace in Harrisburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND. WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QIIEEItSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN,. my2o Corner Front and Market Ste: PLANTS! PUNTS 1 I TOMATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS . . CABBAGE PLANTS. 8 cents per dozen ; 26 cents per hundred ; $2 60 per thousand. TOMATO PLANTS, 10 cents per dozcn, 76 cents per hundred, $4 00 per thousand. Also all Kinds of VEGETABLES Wholesale or Retail. SLED POTATOES. Davis' Seedling per bushel, 70 cents. Peach Blows, 50 cents. EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. Per bushel, ears, $2 00 Per bushel, shelled, 4 00 Per quart, shelled, 26 Orders sent to am KEYSTONE PARK will be promptly attended to. J. MISH. my24-dtf 51,518888 100 PERCH OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE, nit 13ALa AT TM KEYSTONE FARM. my27,,Alf PRESERVE` AND JELLY G - LASSES, (3.) F all sizes, patterns and prices - , just received mod for sale by el 3 WK. DOCK, Jr , & 00. FROM READING NEW YORK AND BACK, ONLY $4 50. VIA East Pennsylvania. Railroad; good du i' ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at.the office of the above company at Bead ing, good for all passenger trains. EDWARD M. CLYMER, je9-dtje2B ' President. S:T R A W.B E - .lt - RIES. Sttaltrberries by . the-'quait f Chest or - Bushel, ORDERS sent thiough the Post Office, Or left at the toviet Market, on :Wednesday or Bat erday mo:nings, will be promptly Laltended to. Also they eau ne had at the place at any hour of the day, fresh picked from the vines. Keyetenerarm and Nursery, Immediately below the city, ' je2 - ' • J. MESH. AGENT. IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully i.u_l4forms the public that this Old Da ll y irransporia tionline, (the only Wallower Line now In exist:nee- in this, City,) IR is in successful operation, tied prepared to carry freight as Mar as any other Individual line between Philadelphia, Hairiaburg, Sunbury, 'Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Havon and all other points onxtteNortherweentral, Philadelphia and•Fris:! and {YU lismsport and 'Elmira HallroadM . DANL. A. MIIHNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of - Hamm. Peacock, Zell &.i1 .Nos: 808 and 810 Market street above ct'clock,,t - M., will arrive ai Handebrirg, ready for delivery neat Malting. apr3o-ramyl REMOVED. JOHN„ B. SMITH r_TAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store -fret:llllmi corner or Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 AfAXIEL'T STREET Next door to Haynes Agriculture Here, where he Intends to keep all kinds or Boots a...d Shoes, Gaiters, Ara., and a large steak of Trunks, and everything in.his line of bu siness ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old Customers and the' publie in general at Ms new place of business. All kinds of work made to order In the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing dune at short notice. [enr2dtf] JOELN 5. SMITH. T. gp eneral variety of goods for ad- TOILET, • VI be lurid at Keller's, la onsurpszeed MAW city. See9l Market street; AGENTS 1 MERCHANTS I PEDLERS I • READ. THIS, " E NERGETIC men make $5 a day by Esoiling our UNION PRIZE STATIONERY PACED ututirdrang. superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and a piece of Jewelry. We guarantee sat lafaCtion_in quality of our. goods. The gifts onus Wt. of filly vedettes and styles of JeWelry„ all uselhl and !rain. hia. Oireolitre with full particutara, fre& dress. B. CO. WidiE3md , -=-'Bb Beekman street, New•Yortr., PPPLES, Oranges and Lemo ,at JOHN WES'S. mil SPICES, 01UNGMS, LEMONS, &0., &C. ALSO filiscellantons. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., PIILN" O' NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from e bes th makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. 11-1 E BMT MANUFACTURED INSTRU• RENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aocordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar airings and mut& cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUABS, GILT AND ROSEViOO PRIMBEI, . Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand A fine atisortment of beet plated LOOKING GV.A.BSE S From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street. febl9-waisly CITY TAX. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Common Council of the City of Harrisburg, have completed the levy and assessment of Taxes for the year 1862, and that all persons shall be en titled to an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective City Taxes; on payment of the same to JOHN T.• WILSON, Esq.-, City Treasurer, (at his office in the new Court House,) on or before the 20th dai , of June, 1862. • By order of the Common Council. DAVID RABBIS, j el 1-dtje2o Clerk. 'EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Emanuel Hall, late of the city or Harrisburg, deo'd., having been rritated to the undersigned, residing in the said oily, all pen ins having claims or demands againist the said estate are recanted to make known tne same, andthose indebted M pay their debts tn him without delay. MORDELA( McKINNEit, myl3-dopmew Executor. J. HARRIB, • Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET SIREE7, HARRISBURG. ur AS. always on hami a full assortment .1 1:11 of Tin and Japanned Ware, Oooting and Parlor Unveil or the boat manniaotnriea, Grate , Spouting, Roof big and Galvanized Iron °orals' 11,inanunietured and pu t up at reasonable rates Aar Repairing promptly attended to. aprSO-dly THEO. F. BCHEFFER, - BOOR AND JOB PAINTER, L AW. 18, AL4SSE7 _STREET, TTARRTRBURG, aa-Partieular attoritlixt paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests Policiba, Checks, Drafts, Bo: Cams priotod at $2, CI, $4, and 116 per housaud to elegant style.' uYU - POMADE ifON:G.ROISE FOR HEIRS" ZEE MOUSTACHES, jee KELLER'S•..RUGSTORE. • BOLOGNA A SMALL, but. very superior lot of Bologna tiausago Just received; by •orvt9 WM. DOCK, Jr. az Co. FRESH BUTTER as MARKET PRICE. wE, ELIVING fitted up a large 'twig orator, and baring made contracts with some o our most I eliaole farmers to thrash us wills fresh land sweet butter regu:arl r, will be enabled to auoidroAr customers with sweet fresh Ice cold batter at all times. my 29 WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. Dr. WM. R. DE WITT, Sr., OFFICE SECOND STREET ABOFE LOCOS?. het dl ATTENTION FARMERS 1 LCYTt 3, SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, 1k) italEt.S, litOrfti.E.SlONgti and ECRU'S In great variety, to be bad caw at GILBERTS Hardware Store, jelo-dd Opposite Ms Court o owes. NEW MARBLE AND STONE . YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened a kieIIBLIC AND BTotn YARD on Caual Street, near Chestnut Street, o,ppo stui the P. nneylvauis Hailrcsad Depot, times meirtod of informing the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he la prepared to do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superior manner, and on the meet reasonable terms. jet 042m* WS STUDY TO'. PLEASE. ITENRY C. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, ...ILL has jest opined a large, new and well selected .teck of Wall Paper and Window .shades, at hie new store No. 1L Market street, next to Hummel St Killingers grocery near the Bridge. soy. Paper hanging personally attended to. All work warranted. jadlm• LAZE TROUT. J UST received a small invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The quald7 very superior, and the price very low. WM. DOCK, JR., & CO CALL and see those•thee and cheap Su gars for preserving, &c., at, NlOllOlB $ BOWMAN, jel2 Corner Front and Market aLreets. 7,000 LBS. Jersey Sugar Cured Hams, and a splendid lot of Owego (rte.. York) Corn Fed Sugar Caro( Hams Just received. aprlB W. DJCH, JR., &Co. 10IIRE Cider Vinegar, which we wart ant. to be made solely from cider, just received and for ads low by NICHOLS t e 0 jel2 Corner Front and Market streets. LAli .o and extensive asbortment of G eusawarei. including Tansolers, Goblets, Macs, Bowls, &0., &c., and everything s or preseivivg, st NIOHOLY & BJWILAN' jel2 Corner Front and Market alt eels. OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Goods Is unsurpassed in this City, and leafing conUdent of tendering satisfaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. KI_LLIIR, di Market street, two doors.east of Fourth street, soutb aide. SALT, Coarse, Turk's Island, Fine, in large and small sacks for dairy use, all purchased before the late rise, and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, mri2 Corner Front and Mantel. streete. THREE CENTS PER PAPER. OUR fresh stock of Superior Flower and Oa den Seeds we have determined to sell at brae cents per paper. Call at No. 91 liarket street, Row s drug and fancy slum, and you will get to the right place. J. Wesley Jones' line double Asters and ten week stooks it lame Prima AStlklllll' 0 - Inot'of Dandelion.alkd &die, for sale at the taws or JO 4N W&If: mY TA DULL & LEVINEW, Pickles and v Catsups, for sale at JOHN VIM& mn fifisullantons. GROCER ite BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING - MACHINES! PARTICULAR attention is called to the loot that, besides the machines math; war cele brated stitch, we wisiouraoture, In great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES• The prealiaritlet of, each stitch will be ebeerfhlly Munro and explained to purchasers, and they have the great advantage of being able to select from our stook either *Machine making the - • • - GROVER AND BAKER STITCH or one making the LOCK STITCH, the only valuable Sewing Machine stitches iin practical OM. • PRIORS FROM $4O UPWARDS. Office 780 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For rale by MRS. E. BRENIZER. 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myEt-d2m COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 ! 1 N consideration of the hard times, and aa I sell exclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lykena Valley Broken te $2 90 per too It LC Urge Egg 2 90 . L/ as IL s m aj Egg 6. 290 IC .1 Li ie stove " 290 CI " Nut " 226 lL Wilksbarre '2 90 . 4 .. Lorbarry CC 290 BAH Coal delivered by the Perna Woos Csarsa It can be weighed at the purchasers dcor, and 11 it fal Is short 10 mine, the Coal wllll be krfetted. All Coal of the beet quality mined, de leered free fern all impnritlea air Coal sold In qandlies, at the Lorries Wiloceeliti PROM Agent for Dupont's Celobreted Powder, a large supply always on band, at Kannfacturers /fire. large lot of superior balod Hay for sale. fEE JAM 11. WHEELER. GEO. W. )I°OAM/di, WATOICIIAKER & JEWELLB, hNO. 88, Market Street, Harristan k HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, Ac., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. Jar N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Arnett' House. ma.f3l-d3m THE BUT GOODE FOE THE LEAST HENRY A. H II BUN. E Ls Denier In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION and at all PRICES. Next door to the Court Housejl MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2B-dBm EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. MANIIPAOTII7II23 01 BOOK-BINDERS' RULINII-MACHINES AND PINS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRRSS BOARDS, AND RAOBINIS FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Nadine Work and Iron and Braes CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL FM BRANORW, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EM, Vir Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brase made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS air Cash paid for Old Cbpper, Erma, Spelter, &o. STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging. sash Weights and various other building oastAngs, for sale very cheap at the (my24-Iy] NAGLk WORKS. WM. A. PARECHILL,. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER• Third Sired, next door to the Telseraph Printing Orwa• STOREI3, dwellings, churches, public buildings, factories, to., fitted up with gas, lead aad iron pipe in a workman like manner. Hydrants, Wash basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and /one Pumps, Water gets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work pr-mptly attended to. roi3o-d3es. EXCELSIOR HAMS 1 I THESE HAMS are cured by a NEW YORK FARMER, And are decidedly the most dellciona and delicately fla vored in the maraet. They rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and mat little more than hale W. DOCK, .11. & Co. my 23 NEW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with all the recently improved burners for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S corner. Front sue aunts iireets m• 19 WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—A few Mach Mists and Blacksmiths. Enquire at the my2o-dtt - IitIEILISBURG CAR MOP. DANDELION C OFFS E I—A Fresh and large supply of this 4:3elebrahed Ccifeej Uld- received by Da) WM. Door Jr.. Jz re SMO BEEF.—A splendid lot, larg VRSSH FISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of 1131 rd and WM ma, myly quo. PEN I—The largest and beat dock, from 31.00 to s4,tot—womtotett—at BEIEFIBR 9 BOOKSTORII. LYEENS VALLEY NUT COAL. TUST: received a full supply of Lyken tJ Valley Nut Oo& delivered by the palm weigh Carta. for Bale by JAMB IL WHHICLIZR. aprl6 RISD FRUITS, Hominy, Beaus, &O. of DEN WISWS. ngyl yDates, Prunes, ' ins, and Mods of Nuts, At JOHN WISE'S Store, Third sod myl JERSEY HAM I—Ten tierces of 'these PA, militated sugar oared hams, misdeed sad or saesia . large or.smadquardltites. .174 CO. RAILROAD, WM. DOCK, Jr. lb CO