lb I ailD q....ttegrapq, .111 communications recommending ca ndidates for political °aloes millet be paid for at the time they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. NO 'ICIC ADVititTiSiCßS.—All Ad. v ertisernents, Blindness Notices, Mar. riages, Deaths, eac., to iseenre rinsertion In the TELDGRA.PiI, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Morning, Jane 18,1862, Tue REBEL PRISONRES.—We secured, with much trouble, a list of all the rebel prisoners uoiv confined at Ctirop Curtin, but withhold its publication for prudential reasons. The a , tianities have positive assurance that a large ntutbtr of them are deserters from the rebel army, and as many of them have families still h iding in the south, and engaged in business, a publication of their names might be attended kith very serious results. We understand that a large number of the priFonera are ready to submit to the oath of af t wee, whenever ()Were to that effect are re lOiVed from Washington. The negro, with the party, is a slave,. who belongs to a captured rebel cfficer, confined at toe other point. The contraband is held as prawner here • util further orders. A foolish rumor prevailed last night, that a dozen or more of the prisoners had effected their escape from the camp. Such a result is uut only impossible, but from the knowledge we have gained of their disposition, by our in teremose with them, we very much doubt if any of them would escape if even they had a chance. SAD INCIII&NTL—Saya the Easton* Express Two sisters who had barely escaped the flood with their lives, at Penn Haven, one having been pulled out of the water by the hair, came to Mauch Chunk yesterday afternoon, on their way home. The father had just arrived in town to see if his daughters were safe, and Curling that they were, he started for home. A short time after he was gone, the daughters 0: into a boat to cross the river, and while lt,ey were sitting in the boat a young man imp,il in to cross with them, when the boat uppct. and both of the girls were drowned. Their bodies were recovered in a few hours af ter, and by the time the fatner h d reached home he received the news ef the death of his daughters. A woman was l found drowned a alert die. Once from Mauch Chunk, she had a child in her arms, also dead. The child was receiving nourishment from its parent when overtaken by the water, as its position upon the mother's breast when found proved. The complete his tory of the recent disastrous freshet will never be written. Many a heart has been wrung by it, and many homes rendered desolate by its ravages. I=l Doom FACES TAMPRRINO FOR THE ESOAPB Or BEI3EL PRISONERS AT CAMP CURTIN—An Offer Aid in the Treachery of the 7raitors. —We have at xn}a believed that there were those in this city whose sympathies ran to such a height that they could be induced to extend to the rebel canoe any comfort in their power. We have al wars believed that there were in oar midst, too, whose prayers and hopes were centered in th, traitor cause, but we never imagined that these men would venture so far as to plot the es tipe of rebels taken in battle, and sent north that they might feel the clemency as well as the rizur of the government. But such has actu ally bw•en the case in relation to the prisoners at Comp Curtin. Developments have been IGEttle since yesterday, that certain of the dough- I.e,ra of this city have offered to afford any of WIN! prisoners desiring to escape, alt the aid . ;%tility to secure their success. These de -lupments wen made by some of the prisoners Ic, ic,t desire to escape, and we have it on autlwrity of the Colonel and Lieutenant ,hct ii command at Camp Curtin, that such ictcrcents were really held ont to the pria vr, :-11.nuit these facts to the loyal men of trii,tirg. When we have such wretches in ti toe that plots for the escape of , itor, mkt n in battle, we may well be watch : .1 a inure positive demonstration in favor reholiun. ==l l'mmovni.—We had presented to us, today, a neatly printed , photographic Limire of The Unknown, the Harrisburg cone ' luit of the Philadelphia Beaky Jourtutl.' • lot length, thus displaying the superbly: 'L'upe I proportions of the man. Adopting I adapting what the Great Bard put into the uth of the nigh and sensitive Danish Prince, V" re forced to exclaim, while ming at this I ' 'Ult., ‘hat a grace is seated on this brow ; / I, ; . erion curls, the front of Jove himself , Ai , eye like Mars, to threaten and command , A t , tatien like the herald Ill_troury, New lighted on a Heaven ; corntanation end a form, indeed, Whtut every God doth seem to set his seal, To give the wand assurance of a man. The Unknown, le perhaps, personally, the best kriown man in the Keystone State. He has been identified with the legislation of Pennsylvania !or the last twenty years, and in this particular, the force of. his Intellect and the effect of. his Amity and energy, are spread through the lima which have given a stimulous to the en terprise of the Commonwealth, in a manner which must make his name immortal. In Principle, he is a man—in motive, he is a pa 104A, and in action, a gentleman. His mem (4Y. with us, will outlast his miniature ; be photographs, like pleasant dreams, are blund to fade and vanish before the light of 4140 ; but the tecolleotion of one clever fellow 'that's the title) outlives the vicisitude ofe, and becomes strengthened and incresed yars as it glows older and more hallowed. Ha a s The Un kr.cva faith in our friendship ? Let him only r"ciPrwate oue.tenth of that which we • edge 0 that hat, and the beauty in which the cm aatice en paper before us is wreathed, t nnsed and enhanced in attraction in the --Let every milk dritilter join with us, then, t " Ibis %lotions toast, and drain their pails, "to it 41 44 of Thidt IMPORTANT ORDER FROM TEO WAR DRPARTKENT. —We have been requested to publish the f.l - important order leaned recently by the War Department; GENERAL ORDERS, No. 61. r WAR DEPARTMENT ' ADJVTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, June 7, 1862. The great number of officers a [sent I rom their regiments without aufficent causes is a serious evil which calls for immediate correction. By paragraph 177, General Regulations, the power of commanding officers to grant leave of ab sence is limited to a "time of peace." In time of war leaves of absence will only be granted by the Secretary of War, except when the certi ficate of a medical officer shall show, beyond doubt, that a change of location "is necces„ u to save life, or prevent permanent disability."— (Paragraph 186, General Regulations.) In such case, the Commander of an Army, a Depar meat, or District, may grant not exceeding twenty days. ' At the expiration of that time, if the oft& be not able to travel, he must make application to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension, accompanied by the certificate of a medical officer of the army, in the usual form, and that he is not able to travel. If it be not practicable to procure such a certi ficate, in consequence of their being no army physician in the place where the officer re sides, the certificate of a citizen physician, at tested by a civil magistrate, may be substituted. All,offi.cers of the Regulars and Volunteers, except those on parole, now absent fro duty with leave, will be co - isidered "absent without leave," (paragraph 1826, General Regulations,) unless they are found at their posts within fif teen days from the date of this order, or are authorized by orders from the Adjutant Gene ral to be absent, which orders will in all cases be based on a certificate as above described,and must be exhibited to the paymaster before pay ment is made them. All invalid and wounded officers who are able to travel, although their disability may not have been removed(paragraph 187, General Regulations) will repair, without delay—those from the East to Annapolis, to report to the General Commanding the Camp of Instruction; those from the West to report to the com manding officer at Camp Chase, Ohio. At those points they will remain until able to proceed to their regiments, or until. an examining board may decide adversely on their ability to return to duty within a reasonable time, and orders may be given by the President for their dis charge. Their Excellencies the Governors of States are requested to make known this order, and to contribute to its execution, as may be in their power. Mustering and recruiting officers are directed to do the same. Extra copies of this order will be furnished them for distribution. Failure to comply with the above regale., dons will be reported to the Adjutant General by Regimental Commanders. By order of the Secretary of War. _ _ Official] Panzeroass.—Last fall a number of gentlemen of Williamsport formed themselves into an as sociation for the preservation and propagation of partridges, and offered a reward of 20 cehts for each pair furnished alive to them. Under this proposition they received about three bun. dred, which were carefully housed and fed du ring the winter. These were in spring set at large. It is hoped that any person"who may encounter these birds, or any other of their kind, will permit them to go unmolested, and in case of a severe storm; afford them shelter, if the should seek it, as they probably will.-- Lycomirq Gazette. We copy the above for the purpose of appeal. lag to our farmers to be particularly careful that no injury shell be done to the partridges and other birds on their farms. To kill one of the former now is to destroy 20 to 50 in the fall, for they always brood not less than 20 and frequently repeat during a season. To kill a' cock pheasant or partridge is as bad as to kill the hen, for she will not batch without him, and he performs his full share in brooding.— These birds are not only important to the farms, because they destroy inconceivable numbers of insects, but if cared for and cultivated would prove profitable for marketing at the proper season. In imparting trees from all parts of the world, the nurserymen are filling the land with almost every fruit-destroying insect kno'n to civilized nations. As the woods are out away, the insects that inhabit them are driven to the farm, to multiply amazingly and to live upon whatever suits their natures. Birds of every species are the most effective guards against these, and if the farmer will allow carelese gunners to destroy them, his grain and fruit must pay the penalty. TmUIEMPORTAINON FOR Somens.—lt seems the item in last evening's Telegraph, with reference to transportation for volunteers was slightly in correct. The following is a copy of the gener al order in relation to' the matter. WAR Dasesrmayr, ADJUTANT GINHEAL'S WASHINGTON, June 6, 1862. General Orders, No. 69 1. The Volunteer Recruiting Service, discon tinued by " General Orders," No. 88, of April 8, 1882, is hereby restored according to the principles laid down is " General Orders," No. 105, of 1861, and a, of 1862. Invalid'or disa bled officers, necessarily absent from their regi ments, will be detailed for •this duty whenever they are able to perform it. 2. A large number of volunteers are absent from their regiment who are now fit for duty. To enable them to return, the Governors of States are authorized to give them certificates or passes, which will entitle them to transpor tation to the station of the nearest U. S. Mus tering Officer or Quartermaster, who will pay the cost of transportation on such certificate or pass, and provide transportation for the soldier to his regiment or station. 8. All captains of companies are hereby re iqn an uired to report quarterly to the chief of ord ce the kind of arms in use by ' their compa nies, their opinion of the suitableness of the arm s the general extent of service, and the number requiring repairs since the previous re port. 4. The principle being recognized that medi cal officers should not be held as prisoners of war, it is hereby directed that all medical offi cers so held by the United States, shall be im mediately and unconditionally discharged. By order of the Secretary of War. L. Thomas, Adjutant General. A Dai TRaT amt. Bs Rinuumasso,—Events are crowding upon each other in rapid succes sion. All the surroundings seem to indicate the final conflict of arms at Richmond, so long expected, and now about to take place. The very air, the lowering quid flying clouds, ,the heavy atmosphere, and frequent rains, tend to impress.the mind with a deep and solemn awe: idat the roar of cannon and modern war eath-dealing engines of deetruction, the Union • ps will come ont comparatively unharmat L Ith the gloriotut emblum : ol)ibert, floating er theria: Amidst this general rejoicing, it not be strange if you all call at the cheap 1 goods don of Una & Bow. 16 Petmepluanta iDaitg Ctelegrapk Wetntee illarning, tune 18, 1862 Mg UNION Plc-NIO to be given at Haebnlen's woods on Thursday next, promises to be the largest and gayest party of the season. Exten sive arranuements have been made, and several larre tents have been engaged, so that in case of rain the participants will have a place of refuse. Omnibuses will run • evely hour du ring the day from the Washington Hotel, cor of Sixth and Walnut stre,ts. $5OOO DOLLARS WORTH OF Naw GOODS!-400 pair of mitts trent from auction, at 26, 37, 50, 62and 76 cts.; : looo.l..adies' white col tars, at 10, .20, 30, tip' to 76 eta' Great bArgaind ! 600 new hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 75 cts., up to $2.50 I cheapest in town ; the largest assortment of I low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 pieces white, o brillants at cts.; some at 15 to 18 cts:; 50 dozed of shirt breasts at 12/ eta.. 20, 25 and 37 cts., extra cheap, 200 dozen of La, dies' white stockings, at 124 and 16 eta. A magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging and insertinga, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen. pocket !kerchiefs, at 124 eta.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would.invite to our large stock; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. Luvrr. We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for geotlemen—a very scarce article • also 20 pieces of white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 6 pieces of black silk at all prices 8. Lvsvv. BATCHELOR'S' HAIR DYE, lIIE BES. 7 IN THE WOR LD I V JILT Ahi . ti.gTC EIELOR! S cele . brated Hair Dye produces a color not to be Ms Rapti& d frOln na'ure-rwarranted not to Injure the Flair in the lent; remedies the ill eneeta of bad dyes, and levigomtet the Male for Ilfe. OR BY,. RFD..or BUSTY BAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or BrOwn, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful. Sold by allDruggistt, No. rfir Th e Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATOBISLOR, on the four sides of each boo. 8A11.71 . 011.Y, No.Bl Barclay Street. (Late 233 Broadway and ld Bond street.) New YORK. The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere Imitstkers, and should be avoided Ifyon wish to escape ridicule. GRIT, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to, a .. beautiful an. natural Brown or Black ; without the hoist injury to Hair or ,Skin. • FIFITEN et bDAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wrt. A. Baratrimex since 18,9, and over , 200,000 applications have been made totho hair of we patrons of, his fatuous Dye, Wit. A. HATCHRLoWs HAIR DYR produceo a color not to be distinguished from nature and is wasmanun not. tc injure in the least, howeverlong it may be Contin ued, and the 11l effects of bad Dees remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this aplendld Dye; which is prop. erly'applied at N0.'1,8 Bond Street. New York. ' it in all the cites and Marne of the United M Slates, by Drtiggists and Fancy (Roods Dealers The Genuine has thetame "William. A. .Batchelor," and addrese upon a steel plate engraving, oat the four sides of each box. • L. THOMAS,• Adjutant Goneral Wholesale Factory, 81 Purley St., octld&wly. Late 233 Broadway, New Yerk EDGEHILL SCHOOL PRINONTON. N. J. Rev. JAMES P. Hennas, A. Principas. Rev. Thos. W. CATIELL, A. M., pHIS Institution, founded in 1829, is j, designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or for a business tit.. The buildings are large and amMe dicos, sod the grounds embrace more than thirteen acres. Both of the Principals devote their whole time to the ir °hoot, ailed in the department of Instruotion by oompetent teachers q.he on Mary instruatton uod drill, (under . the charge of an experienol , d instrinnor,) is arranged - so as not to in. ertere with tee regular studies, occupying a patt of the true appropria'ed to exercise and recreation. Pupils are renewed at any time end ehargou only. *sin the date of ads lesion. 751331111:—5126 00 per session of five months. For circulars, or further information, address either 4f the Principah. NO erenre ie also made to the Rev. hfr. Cattail, Harrisburg. Iron the Rev. Dr. fledge ai►d. the Bev. ,Dr. Mega& Professors the 24cokryical Sontwary, .Frinerten, N.J. I have for several years been intimately acquainted with the Key. Thomas W. Cattell. He has had charge of two of my sone, and I can safely say I haira never known soy one In whose fidelity anti devotion to hiapu pile, I have equal confidence. He is a good scholar , and k successful teacher. I know no one who has a greater facility In gaining the love of his scholars or who exerts over them a better influence lam aware of the responsibility in ape 'king In such terms of commendation of a teacher; but lam a 'flailed am doing nothing but simple Justice to an excellent man, in using tin language which I have here em: ployed. CHARLES BODO& 1 have great cOnlldesce in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, al a teacher i both in hie aptness to give instruction, and his tact in the administration of discipline. I have had LWCi Was under his carry and from the most careful observa tion' am free to recommend the Pdgehlli Pohoel as ose of safe and thorough instruction. jel4 dim aLRICANDI•R T. WM • . $lOO REWARD. • • WAS stolen from the Stable ~Ofthe sub scriber. residing 'about three'inilei south of Hagerstown, on the bight of the jab inst., two horses a BLACK 110ic E having one fronitolith out, anda BAT MARE bavieg her hunt hoof split.. ~ The above retard, will be paid for the recovery of the Mmes. B&Bs' ; je1.6.0t • Bagerstbwn, Md. L G. Whitman. Max. Johnston.; E. G. WHITMANIG 318 CHRSTNUT STREET, .P:II.IIaDELPHL4. MANIIMOTIIB2I3 OF FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES. BROM@ fl FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS; &C. jelll•dlmo i - xyAS stolen from the .subscriber, on the V V cars coming from Philadelphia to Harris burg, over the Beading Pbanroad, A POCKET BOOK, containing eight $lOO bills on the York Bank, one $2O bill on the York, County Bank; and in the neighborhood of :$lOO in United States Treasury notes ; a draft of Purvis & Thomas, of Baltimore, .on the -York County Bank, of $620 ; two cerifficatw of deposit on the Hanover Savings' Inetitnte,--one of $2OO and the other of $700; and a small quantity of worthless paper money in one section of the pocket book. Any information relative to the above can be left at this office, or a note ad dressed to the undersigned. A liberal reward will be paid for its recovery. JOSEPH DELLONE, : • Han Over, York co., Pi. CITY TAX NOTICE is herelkyierinilthati the Coitimon Council ofthe City of - Harrisburg, have completed the levy and assegemeut of Taxes for the year 1862, and that all persons shall be en titled to anoeutoment of FiVE PER 'CENT. on,the amount of their respective City Taxes,, o n :payment of the same to JOHN T. WILSON, Esq., City Treasurer, (at his office iu the new Court House,) on or before the2Oth day of June 1862. By order of the Common Council. DAVID -RABBIS, j el 1-dtje2o ' Clerk. P.,& TAYIONS•PIM BO &P. A detersive. It con_ taws polLoolimukd wilLgotillolta. , . It la wairasted -tot to to me the hanOli: It will 'lnput an, agmordge odor, nod is, tikaiefbra -sbibibte• Ibr every pu ale by WM. DOCK; JR 'a cb.- QlX•good hands wanted to pink Straw berries imatedlately, at the Keystone Nursery. J. NISH. HAIIVDYE I 'HAIR DYE! 1 . Wm. A.. Batchelor's Bair Dye I New ltbotrthtelneuts STOLEN. New abrertistments NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their ler e and well selectLi stuck of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN HO DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FISH, SALT, BACON, LARD, - • BUTTER ; Ric. We invite art examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beat in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, • Cheaper than any place in Barciabary. We keep on'hand always all kinds of • CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Sta. PRESERVE JARS AND JELLY . GLASSES, (IF all sizes, patterns and prices, jdst 1,1 received and for sale by jela WM. ADOIC, Jr & Og. FROM -READING NEW YORK AND BACK, ONLY $4 50. VIA East Pennsylvania Railroad, good du ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at the office of the above company at Read ing, good for all passenger trains. EDWARD M. CLYMER, je9-dtje2B • President. STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries by the Quart, Chest or Bushel. ORDERS sent through the Post Office, or left at the lower Market, on Wedoeaday or Cat. ur, ay mo nings, will be promptly a tended to. Alao they can re bad at the plao3 at any boar of the day, fresh picked from, the vmea. • -Ke atone Farm and Nursery, Immediately below the oily, je2 J. HIM. BIOTIN/4. ROOFING MANITPAOTITRID BY. THE UNITED STATES -BIOTINA ROOFING CO, NO. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner Green and Pitta Streets, Boston, Mass. rpms :Portable Roofing is the only article ± ever offered to the polar, Which is wordy prepared to go on the roof without any Slashing' oparatton. It la light, handaome and easily applied, and can be ea tely and cheaply tratuiported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is in all respe:ta a very desirable article. Its nonconducting properties adapt it especially to covering roanufactones of various kinds, am' It is con fi dently of fered to the public after a test f fbur years In all vario- Iles of olmateand taporatnre, for coverlog all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched together with cars, steamboats to It is both ohep and durable. Agents wants., ,to Whom iberal inducements are offered Send for sample, circa. ar, So., with particulars, to "U. ROOPINO 110., • apr dam No. 9 Gore Block. Boston.. ICE CREABI! ICE CREAM I rINE the greatest improvements of ibemge , Ppm & Slues Patent ice Cream Freezer and Egg. Seater, the great savor of labor. ....,atho .7. 8ma 1 pan* 3 , of' teb used and the 'exceeding abort Place of, tme required to make, good lee crest:ado one of their Preezers, ought to Induce eve one family to purchtse of them. - -Tbey have received several elver medals and the..higlaset premlumi et ezhibtt ans. over all other Freezers now in use. A printed circular containing the very best receipt for marling tee cream, Veva custard, Ice waters, Ao., with a number of certificates a fall , dtrocionaacoompany each Freezer. All orders ler Freezers, comity or State rights will be. (tended to by addressing . W. nAlttt. m9 9412 E0C ' Harrisburg, Pa. 11E(E,suhaeriber will have Fresh Bah,. Peas, Beets and other fresh truck in' season, fresh , every Tuesday! and Friday., Also Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Plne Appise, Bananas, AM., for sale at the store of John Wise In Third near Walnut street, nest door to . Bradley's Barber shop. ' - DAPL. A. MUENOR; AGENT. F the . dive r' 1 1 08 p ct fu Ily t. „ J. informs the public. that this Old Daily transports. itonliiie, (the only Wallower Line now in exist,- nee in thisfity,) F. Is in eneoessfal Operation, and prepared to carry freight US /olf ea any other individual line oetween philactelphis, Harrisburg, iunbsry, Lewisburg, Wil litunsport, Jersey Shore, look Haven end all other points tia the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and . WU. liamsport and Elmira flak oads. DANL. A. MIINICH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware Hausa of Kasen. Peacock, Zell & a inelunan, No 808 and 810 Market street above Eighth; Philadelphia, by.4' o'eleek, P. at., will arrive at maritakuig, reedy for delivery next. morning. apr3o-rdmyl. REMOVED. •:.)= 4,0 HN. :B. T H E A ! removed P9o,t, and Shoe Store theof.2oeond...aud 'Virsinutistrbeta to NO. 108 MARKET STREET , . Nt41.4 10 HaYne's Agrienlibie Liter; where:lieintends talk 'BTUfrthids ofilorms amd Bficiel, Gaiters, mss., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his Ilse of bu siness ; and wilt be thankful to receive the patronage of •his old customers and the public in general at his new Pittoo.ablnYlCsa•—•Alf kinds of Fork made to order in the beeVetyle int& byeriMirier:woritmen. Repairing done at yiprreter lom B. 0111TH. , ITIELE general variety of goods for ade justlng the _ _ . . TOILET, .‘ VI be found at Keller's, ra uneeriiassed in this eity. jet. : ' 9131arket street, •PL" .01.itk.'gREDS. , A CHOICE lot of ASTER'S and TI N joilL WEEK STOCKS, witti a genera variety of Freak Rower and Garden Seeds, received and fur sale at No. 91.Elarket street. KTIV.ERPS Drugstore. QptAlt, Cured Canvassed Hams, a very choice lot just received and for ealo by' NICHOL. 94 BuWhiLN, jel6 i Comer front and market. street. FHIE CRAPCSES by-the : phest or box, Ru3t imAired"guld ibieele by NICHOLS h BOWMAN. Cartier Frorit and Market streets 060 - WANTED.—A: good cook who eau came well reasmmended, will receive a situa Una: ',Good wages paid. by applying at PHILIP DOuGIIERTY, ' Second street. VIM; ORACKERS, Fire Crackers, just rearefitind. for pale cheap by NICHOLS et BOWMAN, Corner Pront and Market street,. ns . .. Raisins te . • , . crivediand for mkt • - • ;- ' qatHOLS & BOWIL4N, jel4 Corner Front and Market stree e. A SMALL lot of ottoioe Dried Fruit, at sionoLs at BOWMAN, Coon lir;st sad Market Argot. filistiellantaus LAND FOR SALE. ABOUT 800 acres, principally Chestnut 'Sprout Land, situate I in Derry and ConewOgO t iwuships Dauphin con , ty. Also a number of Sue Chestnut Timber and Pasture lots In Londonderry and South Anrilie townships, Lebanon cou• ty , For further particulars apply , to Samuel Hoffer, Conewago, or to .1, lan Benson, ColebrookFurnace, Penn sylvania. air 7 doaw3m G FREEHAND, NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given th at Leiters of Administration on the Witte of Mary miller, late of Dauphin county, dtmeaied, have been granted to the subsc her, wto resides In the city of Etarrisburg, la said county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate or said decadent are here by requested to make known the same to the sat scriber, and all pore , ms indebted to the same will mate payment wi hoot delay JOHN A. Whltt. Harrisburg, May 28, 1862.—my29-cawdew. AUDITOR'S NOME • h 3I Auditor appointed by the Orphan'e „I„. Court of Dauphin county, to dem. 'tette s et ee t t the creditors the Wanes remaining to the h rods of H eery Sgolf, administrator of William tree, dec'd., will meet rile parties interested at Ws aloe, to the elty of Harris burg, on Tuesday the 17th day o t June nextat 10 o'clock st., at which time and place they are notified to attend and present their oititns.. H. ii. GRAYDON, noyl9 dSt Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TJOTICE is hereby given t that letters of administration tae -estate of Edmund Porter, la.e of Herriseurg, Dauphin asssty, deold., haws hove grouted to the enuersigued by the Register .of DAupbin county . dll persons indebted to sate estate are request ed to mike J ayment, and those having claims to present tbem t'or setttement to Russia veuunbr, Vat., at the Pennsylvania Souse, Who is hereby empowered by the aderoigned to adjust any claims presented to him. 4 &Mita. MOORS, Executor. my2O &maw* Easton, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING been appointed auditor by by the Court of Gammen Pleas of Dauphin county, to mane d stritmtion or tin money in court, made on a certain writ-of Vewlitioni I , wponas, No. 89 April T. 1882, directed to the Bheriffof Tiomt county in the case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanians. William D. Ball,y, 1 wilt meet all those having Mena against tile real eitate of the atotesaid Ithaca D. Ba loy, at my omce on Third , street in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday the 80th day of July next at 10 o'clock, A. Y., at wbtoh place and time all persons interested will attend if they deem proper. =&M& SNITIEIt, Jel2-doawBw Auditor. 0 YES 1 0 YES I! DESIRING to rest from the active cares of trade, t have passed the store into the hands of my eon John T. rnsmiuger, who Will coninne the best new at heretofore at the suction Store, No. 21, corner of second end Chestnut streets in this city; where 1 .4 mild respectfully call the attention of my friends and the public generally to my largo stock of new and second hind Clothing sew and second band furniture and: ao ,ualess variety of useful articles, all of which will be Cold at the towel auction prices. Cash will be paid for all articles In my t lid of business. N. B. Crying sales, tiering borses, vehicles, stock, real estate, and &I (Aber property will be punctually at tended to upon reasonable terms, by calling at No. 24, corner of Second awl thestnnt streets in this dy. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, jel2-dLoaStarr City . 4 u,tioneer. B 1 Z. BARRIO, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET RIREEZ, - HAERISRUB,G. L.. 1 AS always on hand a fall assortment I of Tin and Japanned Ware, 0001 big and Parlor Stoves of the best raanuntoinries Outte , Spouting, Roof ing and Eistraatzed Iron Cornish, manufactured and pu t ap at reasonable rates. air Repairing promptly - attended to. aprBo-dly THEO. P. .scHEETER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, HAREM STREET, ifir Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and dinning of Railroad Blanks, Stranfesia Pollolea, Oho okn Dram, &o. CARDS printed at $2, SO, $4, and $6 per housand to elegant style. 12D POMADE HONGROISE FOR FLUNG TES MOUSTACHES, ito HBIZER'S 2,1111GHT0109 BOLOGNA A SMALL,but very superior lot of jos_ Bologna sausage just received, by en. 29 Wild. DOCK, Tr. di Co. FRESH . BUTTER AT MARK ET PRICE. vvE, H.AVlNGatted up a large Hair 4 .orator, stud having made contracts with some o our most reliaole farmers to us with fresh land sweet butter regaled will be enabled to supply "eisr customers with sweet fresh toe cold batter at slit Urges. my 29 WIC DOCK, Jr. & CO- Dr. WM. R. DE WITT, Ir., OFFICE SECOND STREET ARO fl Loco= jel dlat ATTENTION FARMERS 1 SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, SOYIS_R RTONNS and RIFLES in great variety, to be had CHIMP at GLIABRT's Hordwary Store, jelo-de Opposite the Court i woe. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN 'LAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Canal Street, near Chestnut Street, Oppo - aka P. nnsylvarda Railroad Depot, takes this mwhod of informing the Wilkens of Harrtelinrg and vicinity that be is prepared 10 do all kinds of marble and stone work to a superior manner, and on the most reasons we terms. jeift.d2m* WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY C. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, has just °paned a large, now ant well selected Lock orWalt Paper and Window ohales, at his new store No. 12 Market street, neat to Hummel & kftgrise t s grocery near the Bridge. ggy- Paper hanging personally Wended to. All work warranted. LAKE TROUT. J UST received a small invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The wild/ vary superior, and the price very lOW. WM. DOCK, JR., & CO TIALL and see these nice and cheap &L - TV gars for preserving, Ato., et NiutlOLS $ Bowen, Jetz Corner Front and Market streets. HAMS. 1,000 -es. - Jersey Sugar Cured Hams, and a splendid lot of Owego pJew York) Corn Fed Sugar Curet Same just received. aprlS W. DJCII, JA., & CO. PURE Cider Vinegar, which we wary ant to be made solely from cider, just received and for sale low by NICHOLS k SO WILS.I.I, jell Corner Wont, and Market streets. LARGE and extensive assortment of G asswara, Including Tampion!, Goblets, Dishes, Bowls, &G., Sze., and everythinr I or presents:4l, ea NICHOL'S Sr BSWMAN, Jel2 Corner Front and 'Market streets. OUR newly replenished stock of 'foilet and Fancy Goods is unsurpsased In this city and tacilug confident of rendering eatiafaution, wa.w.ocud res ife invite a can. BEIM, 91 Market street, two doors east °flaunt) street, south side. SALT, Coarse, Turk's Island, Fine, in large and small sacks for dairy use, all purchased before the late rise, and for sale low by magoLs ag BOWMAN, mys 2 ()caner Front and Marset streets. THREE caparrs PER PAPER. AIIR fresh stook of Superior Flower ,‘„, and 6ivden Needs we nave determined to sell at Lee cents per p a p er . Gall at No. 91 learket street, Keller's drug and fancy store, and yon. will get t o t o right place. J. Wesley Jones' due double esters smiten week steeles at same price. A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Ri XI. Coffee, foristo at the store of J 0314 went ray GROVER & WEEMS CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 1 PARTICULAR attention is called to the ha that, besides the macbines making our cele brated stitch, we manufacture, is great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES• The pseullarities of eaeh Mit& will be cheer filly shown and explained to purchasers and they have the great advantage of being able to token from OUr stook either s machine making the GROVER AND BAKER STITCH or one mokingthe I.OOK STITCH. the only valuable Sewing Kalblnc stashes lu practical FOR sale by 1aY841203 COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 I 1 N consideration of the hard times, and i tut sell exclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lykens Valley Broken ell 22 90 par ton Large Egg 64 2 90 c. " Small Egg " 290 64 64 . :Ater r 290 41 It 14 Nut " 226 Wilksbarre go Lorberry . 9 go alrAn Coal delivered by the Pexsarr Wales Ceara; Jit can be weighed at the purchasers dcor, and if it falls abort 10 Penni; the Coal wild be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, delivered free Item all Impurities. sa-Coal sold In qanUtles, at the tawny wsoznaeta MGM Agent for DepOnVe Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. glare large lot of superior baled Say for sale. i 22 JAMBS M. WHEELER. GEO. W. ZdoCALLA„ Waif /MAKER tk JEWELER, NO. 38, oE,Ale* h Market Street, Harrisburg. JAS constantly on hand a large stook jUL of WATOIIFS, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &0., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired- N B. Don't forget the pleoe, oppeelle the Jones' Home. InSal-d3m PHILIP ENSMINGER THE BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST MONET BOOTS AND SHOES, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISES and OARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2l3-dBrn EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ILANUFAOTVRRII OP BOONINDERS' RIILING-LiCHINIS AND PM, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND imam= YO GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable. Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNINO IN ALL ITS BRANOUS4 SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EIV., fenny Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. PATENT WOODEN BQJEW CUTTING TOOLS sir- Cash paid for Old C4par, Brims, Svelter, ho. STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, CELLAR WINDOW GRATES,. Of various patterns, both stationary and mitten/. Sash Weights and various other bonding eastings for salt very cheap at. the [ tny24-I.y] Rana I+OBXS. WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GA'S FITTER• Third Street, next door to the Telegraph Printing . ( ft :JO RES, dwellings, churches, public UU balldings, factories, £c., fitted up with gas, lead and Iron pipe in a workman like mariner, Hydrants, Wash beans, Bath Tubs, lift and force Fume, Water Modal, Lead ant Iron Pipe for truer, gas and steam. • share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. all work pr-Mptly attended to. mg304130u EXCELSIOR RAMS I ! THESE HAMS are cured by a NEW YORK FARMS, And are decidedly the most delicious and delicately fla vored In the 1111X/Celt. They rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and cast little more than half. W. IXICK4 sr., &Co. my 23 EW Patterns. of Coal Oil Lamps -with tkikracently *roved burnere for sale by Nicams& BOWMAN'S unirner. Front and Vwritet street-, m 19 TATANTED IMMEDIATELY.--A few If V Machinists and Blacksmiths. Noquire,sit the my2o.dtt Haltillagilha OAR enop. DANDELION CUFFED Fresh and large supply of We Celebrated Coffeel est received by Da3] W L 3:0001 , Jr. , /a Co. SMOKEDBEEF.—A splendid lot, large FFRESHFISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN WIB8 1 3 Moro, corner of Third and Wa lnut. snylfr ql!.1,1) -.PSNIS l—Tne largest and beat stook, from -SLOG to s4.O o—worranteG-Lat ' SHEYTek S G;3OGSTORS. LYKEES VALLEY I, COAL. JUST received a fall sup y of ~.,Lyken Valley Nut Oual, delivered by the West wolli k carts. For sale by J c.: Ktrle - r‘aLKD FACIITe 11, ,Liat..3082 , 1 A JFGIS, Dates. ' kinds of anti, as *lout. TEugIRBEYeI/Limp HA el J 7 at W Ii in'mato. PENS FROM 140 UPWARDS. Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia MRS. R. BRBRISER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg A. HUMMEL, Dealer In of every DESCRIPTION and at all PRICES. Next door to the Court Honee,g MARKET STREET. HICKOK'S PA:Avacilv:imaroPoiwo W N: - DOCK, k CO r els • : i ll s, and ' wows pt are, Third and myl I—Ten tisrees of these sugar cans hams, reefedand quaanties. 11,11000 8 , JR. & CO. , 3r, Bearia, 85Q * myl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers