etegrapo+ Ali 09ntinutituations recommending ..wild:Wes for political offices must be paid for at the time they are handed in, o therwise they will be laid aside. P tie ii TO ADV tr: ftTLSV.R.4.— Ad lertiseutents, Business Notices, Dlar. r ts.stes, Deaths, Ate., to seoure t insertion Iln the TELBORAPII, must invariably 10, accompanied with the CASH. HA F. R .i b! 13 U H fj Monday Morning, June 16, 1862. A STATED meeting of the Friendship Fire company will bo held in their hall this Monday evening at S o'clock. Punctual attendance is nqueded as business of importance will be troweled. ILSE STRANYBERRINS.—We bad the pleasure or tasting some fine very strawberries raised by Ur. Geo. Rodfong, of Middletown. In richness of II ivor, size and beauty of shape, they were uninrpa.•sed. A CORDESPONDIENT in another part of this morning's TELBOIIAPH, writing from Tennessee, biddy compliments the bravery and military skill of Captain C. C. Davis and other Harris bursars of the 7th Pennsylvania cavalry regi rant attached to the army in that State. TIJS BALTIMORS MIIMICIPAIS.—The Baltimore municipal authorities who framed through this city lust week on a visit north and west, are having a high old time generally among the western officials. The last heard from them they were stirring tip the elephant in the smokey city." RENDEZVOUS FOR MOUNTED TROOPS.—Orders have been received at the mounted troops' head quarters and riding school, at Carlisle, to have a battery ready for the road at a moment's no tice. All recruiting officers for the dragoon service are to send to Carlisle, immediately, whatever men they may have enlisted. A RELIC OF THE BATTLE OF PITTSBURG LANDING. We saw at the bar of the Jones' House Saturday morning an immense bowie knife, picked up on the battle field at Pittsburg Landing by Capt. Phillips of the 771 h Pennsylvania regiment. The weapon foimerly belonged to a member of the famous Mississippi Tiger regiment, and is Altogether a formidable looking affair. Prof. ihamAN has opened a Gerru%n and Eng- Wu school in the basement of the German Lutl,r,u church, where all the brand's's of a geed Eughsh education, together with the Gentian, French and Latin languages are taught. 1112 alto gives private lessons. Ap ply at the office of the German Democrat, oppo site this office. I=l STRAWBERRIES.—We are now in the midst of the annual strawberry festival. There is an abundance of this delicious fruit, and large quantities are daily hawked through the streets ; still the demand Jim been so fair, that sales have alWilyB been effected. Prices have ranged at from eight to eighteen cents per quart, but comparatively only a few of the larger varie ties commanded eighteen cents ; nor were many quarts sold as low as eight cents. The general price has been from nine to twelve cents. The enormous crop may regulate future - prices at hem eight to ten cents per quart. I==l THE Loss a THE LATE FLOOD. —The loss by the great flood in the Lehigh valley, is esti mated at five millions dollars. The Philadel phis Invitrer publishes an elaborate report of the ois,leters, which says that about one hun dred persona were drowned by the sudden rise of the waters. At Mauch Chunk, there was a high I.,ck which gave way, engulfing a large cumber of boats on which at least fifty persons ;rere sleeping, all of whom perished. At that point the water was twenty-seven feet high, b,hig six. feet higher than in the great flood of 1841. NATIONAL Homo Fma.—lt is not generally known that the great National Horse Fair will he held at the Keystone Park, Williamsport, Pa., September 2d to the 6th, inclusive. Ar rangements have been made to secure the finest aiiiemblage of imported, blooded and native breed of horses that has been collected in this eountry. The list of premiums will be large, ranging as high as $2OO. Liberal arrange meets have been and will be made with the different railroads. Williamsport is situated in the beautiful valley of the Susquehanna, and aeceseible by railroad from all parts of the United States, and is eminently well suited for the extlibitlon. COUNTERFEIT Cora.—The Baltimore Sun says: "A large quantity of counterfeit half and quarter dollar coin are now in circulation in th e city, and they are generally so well execu ted as to entirely escape the notice of thoso not familiar with metal. Some of them are said to be composed of a portion of silver, and ring almost se welt us the genuine•colo, though they are utterly worthless. They are heavily lasted by aid of the galvanic battery, but are light, tam more easily detected by scraping the sur f ace than nth, twist)." • . We publish this for the purpose of putting our citizens on their guard. Doubtless the same spurious coin will he circulated here, if it has not already been dune. THE WEATHER is rather warm—warm enough to induce spring fever, and its natural conse quences, a state of somnolence whenever one tits down in a shady corner. , Even to us the Weather seems to suggest the "dug days"—h„ mutt it be to those who are many degrees south I of this latitude, who still are accustomed to our climate ; some of whom, too, are lying on a bud of pain in the hospitals. Let ns remem bdr them, and contribute any little comfort in our power to ameliorate the hardships they so patiently suffer, and give them at least the consolation of knowing that they are never forgotten, and can never ask in vain for the s'atpathy of those left at home. It is but little We can do fur them, but let us have that little done well ; let them preserve the course mark ed out by the Patriot Daughters, and the.blea-• ling of 'the sick and wounded soldiers will nit Upon us. Arativm, oe blonsass,—Two large mortars passed through this city on Wednesday last, from the Fort Pitt works, Pittsburg. They are tLe way to New Yolk, via the Pennsylva nia C,ntral, and Camden and Ariaboy Railroad. They are each thirteen inches iu the bore, a..d weigh respectively 17,196 pounds. Naw Mamma AND STONB YARD —Mr. Henry Brown, by his card in our advertifieg columns, announces to the public that he has opened a new Marble and Stone yard on Meadow Lane, between Market and Chestnut streets, where he is prepared to execute, in a manner not to be excelled in this city, any orders that the public may give him. PA Crier TAX.—The County Commissioners an nounce that they have completed the levy and assessment of taxes for the year 1862, and an abatement of five per cent on the amount of their respective city taxes, on payment of the same to JOHN T. Wilms, Esq., city Trea surer, (at his office in the new Court House,) on or before the 20th day of June 1862. RAY Mem:No.—Our fat mere are directing their attention to gathering the crop of hay, which will produce an average yield, notwith standing the grass was short and looked indif ferent a few weeks since. The recent rains have effected a wonderful change in clover and timothy. The storm which prevailed heat week lodged much grain, some of which will not re cover. With this exception the wheat and rye are promising. ' FLAG PRESENTATION TO THE ONS•HIINDRBD AND FaTIOINTH BEGIBIENT.—A very handsom silk American flag is shortly to be presented to the One-hundred-and fifteenth Pennsylvania Regi ment, Colonel RoiskaT E. PATTIMON, n w at Camp Curtin, by the numerous friends of this military organization, in Philadelphia The flag is to be five feet by eight in size. On oue side will be a representation of a harp and shamrock, and on the obverse a portrait of General SARSITELD, mounted and' in full uni form. Yellow trimmings and tassals, com posed of setting silk, will adorn the flag. A gilt eagle surmounts the pole, with the motto —" No retreat from sword or bayonet." THE no-Nro of the "Tycoons" in Haehnlen's grove yesterday, was a very pleasant affair. A very large number of the lads and lassies from the upper portion of the city were in at tendance, all of whom entered into the en joyment with hearty zest. It would puz zle any association to turn out a more gal lant and jovial set of fellows than the Hope Fire company, and the attractions of a pic-nic could bring forth from their homes, no more lovely ladies, and more beautifully attired than were present yesterday. An excellent dinner was served at noon, to which all did ample justice. Dancing and social and innocent pas timra were then re commenced, and kept up till the "shades of night" commenced to fall. All present had a happy time, YANKEE CONTRIVANCES IN THS CIIIIROFIEB OF Bowrox.—lf the organ blower's occupation is not already gone, there appears a fair prospect that the period is . uot very remote when the organist may dispense with the services of his " assistant." In the new Methodist Episcopal Church, on Tremont street, Boston, the organ blowing IS performed by water-power—a small stream of Cochituate being introduced, which does the work admirably, without getting the "sulks" and quarrelling with the organist. All that the latter has to do is to turn a stop cock, which lets on tho water, and the organ bellows are put in motion, -and supply all the wind desired. In the new church spire of Rev. Dr. Dannett,•also in the City of Notions, theta is a chime of bells, which is to be played upon by means of electricity, so that the perfgrmer may cause them all to sound exactly in the re spective order be m ty desire, while seated at a key-board similar to that of an organ. laroamerrox was made at the Mayor's office on Friday against Mrs. M'Curtin, charged with keeping a disorderly bawdy house in Tanner's alley, near Walnut street. A warrant was issued, and officer Campbell proceeded to the house indicated, where he arrested Mrs. M'Cur tin, two of her daughters, and Ellen Toy, Mary Horner, and Ellen M'Ellwee all of whom were arrayed in their best " bib and tucker" in waiting to proceed to Highspire for the pur pose of attending a ball, which took place in that town Friday night. Th 9 party were taken to the lock-up, where, during the course of the night, Mrs. M'Curtin was attacked with a fit, when she was released and permitted to return home. S 4turday morning the remainder of the party were brought up before his Honor, the Mayor, when one of the daughters of Mrs. M'Curtin was also attacked with a fit,. creating quite an excitement in the Mayor's office. She soon recovered, and as the charge against Mrs. M'Curtin did not seem to be well sustained, the two daughters were permitted to retire. The girls, Toy, Homer and M'Ellwee, however, being notorious street walkers, were sent to prison for thirty days. Idumrxrows.—Daring a recent trip over the Pennsylvania Central railroad eastward, we were particularly struck with the appearance of filiddletown, this county. There are thou sands of localities, which, could. they boast of such a pleasant, picturesque, industrious and thrifty borough, they would never tire in ring iug the changes upon it—the scribes would point their pens and indite labored paragraphs upon its natural advantages and manufacturing importance, whilst the graceful poet would em balm in breathing verse its beauties in hill and valley, rippling stream, and glowingly portray the evidences of wealth, comfort and happiness, with which the pleasant little town so quietly and so snugly esconsed amongst the hills, abounds. It seems to us that there exist there but two classes of society—those who luxuriate in wealth nobly gained, and those who possess a competence honorably, and, may be, labori ously acquired, and the utter absence of that last link in the social chain of which squalor and filth are the almost invariable attendants, and on which poverty and wretchedness are the almost inseparable companions. It con tains palatial mansions and comfortable homes, and there appears to exist a spirit of order and femme for good, emanating from some pow eiful and benevolent source, which pervade and clunnoterize all things in amiaround the place. PeutuTtomThe earttV litionbaill Morning. dune 16, 1861. I=l =MEE =I I=l FOR SALE. —The Ephrata Springs, located a few miles horn Lancaster city are offered for sale. See ad vertisemt nt. =I MAJOR A. Mc D. LYON, Paymaster United States army arrived here this morning for the purpose of paying all discharged stildii rs and paroled prisoners in the State. He bas already paid off the twenty-four paroled prisoners of the 15th, 113th and 6th Pennsylvania, of the three moi.ths volunteers. These soldiers it will be recollected were taken prisoners at the bat tle of Falling Waters, July 2, 1861, and have since been confined at different points in tbe stir:ahem States. 'Each of the - privates were paid the sum of $lB4 96, by Major Lynn, and eai it also received from Capt. Dodge the ad ditional. sum of $62 13, being the,amount due them for commutation of rations—making a total for each of the prisoners of $247 09. FROM THE 7th PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. 'Correspondence of the Telegraph.] • HEAD QUARTEIta, leF BATTALLION, PENNA.. CAVALlt i tir, CAMP MOREHEAD, COLUMBUS, TBN. June 7, 1862. GEE). %roma, TEAR Sit:—Knowing that you have ever felt a lively interest in the wel fare of all Pennsylvanians engaged in fighting for freedom in ibis unholy rebellion, I think a few lines to your valuable journal may not rove uninteresting to your many readers. The TELEGRAPH is frequently received iu our camp and greatly sought aft.; containing, as It does, the latest reliable information. Oar First battalion of Col. Geo. C. Wyn koop's Seventh Cavaly, is commanded by Maj. Jno. E. Wynkoop, and is composed of two com panies from Schuylkill county, one from North umberland county, and one from Dauphin county, and commanded respectively by Capt. Jennings of company A, Capt. C. C. Davis of company I, Capt, Newlin of company F, Capt. Newcomer of company D. The battalion has been very actively employed since their advent into Tennessee, capturing a large namber of prisoners and an immense amount of confed erate stores, with a comparatively small ex pense to the Government. One squadron of the battalion has been in Alabama twice, doing excellent service and bringing back to Colum bia two hundred prisoners at one trip. Tee second squadron, under command of Capt. C. C. Davis, was detached to Col: Starkweather's A B G command, and his command gave to the acting General the very beat sallsfaction.— Whilst detached under Starkweathqr we cap tured in three weeks eighty rebels, about eleven thousand dollars worth of provisions, beside a number of horses and mules, and drove a man rending band of Cavalry out of Maury and Lewis counties. The General at our parting gave to us a very flattering testimonial, which we have duly preserves. Capt. Davis is from your own city, and the most of his boys are Harrisburgers. His command is as good a one as can be found anywhere.. A few weeks ago orders came for a march ; everything was in readiness, Morgan was near us; we went in pursuit of him as far as Pulaski, Tenn., and drove him and his band from that neighborhood. He heard of our cowing and left ten 1 ours iu advance of us. Morgan is a shrewd scoundrel. After remaining in Pu laski several days we returned. Shortly after, we, in company with Gen. Negley's whole com mand, made a forced march to Pulaski, and from Pulaski to Rogersville, Ala., where we bad a email skirmish with the rebels. The Harris burg boys had another opportunity to show the rebels wnat they were made of, and to their honor be it said, they acquitted themselves nobly. The whole command, save a very few, are now in or near Alabama, co-operating with . Gen. Mitchei I's command. Our cavalry boys, headed by their officers, made a grand dash into Winchester, Tenn., capturing one rebel preacher captain, a lieutenant and several other prisoners, and were at latest accounts pursuing the flying rebels through the moun tains. The Union feeling here is fast gaining ground —the better judgment of the people is showing itself, althougo to many of them it is a bitter pill to swallow. There is a marked change in the feelings and actions of the people toward us; they treat us now with consideration. I hope old Tennessee will very soon to a man come oat boldly for our old Flag. • Gov. Johnson is doing a great work for this State and for the Union. He is a stalling pat riot, a great statesman, and en honeat On the 2d of this month we had quite a large turn out of the people to attend 'a Union meet ing. About fifteen hundred in all were addressed by Gov. Johnson, ex-Gov. Neil, S. Brown and others ; it passe i off very satisfactorily. The rebels are getting disheartened, and well they might. The command is in very good health. There have been very few deaths, and but little sickness. All our men are in good condition for active service and you will have a good ac count of them. Respectfully yours, F. $6OOO Dmarts woara or Now Goonsl-400 pair of mitts cirect from auction, at 26, 87, 60, 62 and 76 cts.; 1000 Ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 30, up to 75 cts. Great bargains! 500 new hoop skirts for 60, 62 and 75 cts., up to $2.50 cheapest in town ; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all prices. 100 pieces white brillauts et 12i cis.; some at 16 to 18 cts.; 50 dozen of shirt breasts at 12i cts.. 20, 25 and 37 cts., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies' white stockings, at 124 and 16 cts.. A magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric band, and cambric edging anu insertings, at all prices. 60 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 124 cts.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. LEVI. We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerChisfs for gentlemen—a very scarce article ; also 20 plecee of white and colored straw matting, and 6 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 5 piecers of black silk at all prices. S. LBWY. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE, 211 E BE S 7 IN T-118 WORLD IVILLE.AIf L. itATOELELOR'S cele• brated Has Dye produces a color not to be die tiuguish-d from na'ure—warranted not to Irtiure the Hair in the lea= t; remedies toe 41 ooects of bad dyes, and invigorator the Hair tor life. GREY, .1L.1) or RUSTY Held .ust Indy turns a splendid Block or Brown, leaving the Hair sett sod bvautituL Bold by all Dr ugg tot oat The Genuin of e each,ts signed WILLIAM A. BAIC &KWH, he four suits Lox. FACTORY; No. 81 Barclay street. (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond Street.) New yaps - my2Ey HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided Ifyon wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to beautiful andhinutal groirn or Black, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN' Mi-DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Ws. A. Batotuunn sines la 11, sod over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of tne patrons of hla famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHRLOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished frominature and is warmest:o net to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ual, and the UI Lffects of bad Urea remedied. The hair is invigorated fbr life by this eplendid Dye, which is prop erly apPlied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. Sold to all the cites and towns of the United Staten, by Druggists f okianpy (koodp Dealeri Thrill/mann has the natnk "Ihtliatu A. Batchelor," al4.d adtbreea ppon a 4e8 4 Vat° 4180 living, on the pew *VA IDOL 'What:rale Futory t 81 Bnialay, Ri o onL4-dawly. Late 238 Broadway treitstark. tZrui 2brtrtismenta VF subscriber will have Fresh Fish, I. Peat, Beets and other fresh trunk In season, fresh every Tneedsy and Fridly. Aiso Apples, ()ranker., Lemons, Pine App:es, Bananas, ike., for isale at the store of John Wine In Third near WaSolt street, Next door to Bradley's; Barber 'bop. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER n AVID BERST, of r`outli Hanover towtoilip, offers him elf as a candidate for the off .11 of cocr • TY C SIuNEK, subject to the Union Kepublican Nominating Convention, and pledges himself if nr.minated an I eueted, t di eha-go the ditties of the office with fidelity je , 3 da if* PRESERVE JARS IM3 JELLY GLASSES, OF all sizes, 'patterns and prices, just received and for sale by jelB WU. DOOL Jr , do CO. VALUABLE NSWEIPAPER FOR BALE T""Herald and Torch," an. urcoodi tionnl Unio, Newspaper pri tod In Hagerstawn, Md., and well known as one of tne oldest and most pros- Perna nomtry inpers in Marylon wid be sold upon rea.onable terms. For particulars address j 01.3 d3t* 1111"Fatil do 'NEARY, FROM READING , TO NEW YORK . AND BACK, ONLY $4 50. YI& East Pennsylvania 'Railroad, good du ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at the office of the above company at Bead ing, good for all passenger trains. EDWARD M. CLYMER, .je9 dtjegfl President. STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries by the Quart, Chest.or Bushel, ORDERS sent through the Post Office, or ' oft at the lower Market, on Wedoesday or eat lir ay mo mugs, will he promptly a vhded to. Also they can en had at the place at any hour or the day, 'resit pinked from the vmes. • Ile atone Faroe and Surgery, Immediately below the city, jo2 J. 1111,,H. POMADE - HONGROISE FOR FIXING TN MOUSTAC je6 KELLER'S L.RIZIOSTDU rpHF, general variety, of goods for ad juating the _ _ TOILET, ti be forma st Keller's, is unsurpassed in this city. 91 Market street ICE CREAMY! ICE CREAM ! ONE of the greatest improvements of the age 18 Pyne & Barr'e Patent tee Cream Freezer, amA Fgg me great saver of Ithor. The email quanta yor lee used and the ems:ening . short place of Ime required to maze good toe ere im in one of their Freezers, ...ught to induce ova y family to purchase one of therm. They have received several sive , medals and the highest premiums at mint/ t one, over all oth er Freezers now in use. A printed circular eoutaining the very best receipt for mailing ice cream, f n oualard, ice waters, ice., with a number of cerlid.Ates a d fall dim ions adcompaoy each Freezer. All orders for if roust., county or State rights will be attended to by addressing W. OARH, nay9-d2m • Harrisburg, Pa. B, J. HARRIS , Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET BYRNE?, HARRISBURG. H AS always on hand a full assortment orl'in and Japanned Ware, Ooiming and Parlor Myna of the beat manuittoturioa, butte- Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized IromOurnisb, manntamured and pu t up at reasonable rates. mar Repairing promptly attended 10. aprBo-dly THEO. F. OCHEFFER, BOOB_ 410 JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. gir Particular attoutiou paid to ?fluting, Ruling and Mildew of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Pellets% Checks, Draftn, Su. CARDS printed at $2, S 3, S 4, and $5 per battened In elegant style. 120 AL C. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREETi mylOy) NEAR hiARKET. AGENTS I MERCHANTS! PEDLERS 1 READ THIS. ENERGETIC men make $5 a day by selling our UNION PRIZE STATIONERY PACKETS contaluing superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and a piece of Jewelry. We guarantee sat isfaction in quality of our goods. The gifts consist of day varieties »nd styles cd Jewelry, all useful and villa. able. Grunlars with full particulars mailed free. Ad dress. L. B. HASKINS at CO 30 Beekman street, New Yoik, apB6.3ind ,PURE Cider Vinegar, which we warn ant to be made solely from cider, just received and for, *ale low by , NICHOLS At P O *MAN, jel2 Corner Pront and Karlin streets. ARGH and extensive assortment of _I_J G assware, including Ttunolere. Gobleu l / 2 Dishes, bowls, &0,, sc., and.averythinx 1 Qr. preseiving, at alO HMS B JWMAN, jel2 Corner F rod and ilArket st. eels. OUR newly rep . leniehed stock of 'foilet and Fancy Gads is unsurpaSsed in this city, and jesting confident of rendering satielaction,.we would res pectfully invite a call. . R LLAR, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street. south SALT, Coarse, Turk's Island, Fine, in large ant small racks for dairy use, alt purottasod before the late rise ; and for sale low by NionoLs al BOWMAN, my 22 'Cornet' Front and Mariet streets. THREE - CENTS PER PAPER. UR fresh stock of Superior Flower O 191 Vs den Seeds we have determined 'to Sell it lute cents per paper. Call at No. 91 c arket street, seller's drug and tatioy store, and you wilt get to the right place.: ' J. Wesley Jones' line double esters and ten week stocks at some price. P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NhW SOAP. Dis economical and highly detersive. It con tains no Horan and will not waste. It Is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart, an agreeable odor, and 18 therefore' 'suita t Ole for every purpose. Far ale. by... . W. DOCK, Jr. & Co. FLOWER SEEDS ACHOICE lot of - ASTER'S and TEN WEEK CTOGKS , with a general variety of Fresh Flower sod Garden Seeds, received and fiir sale ut No. 91 Market street.' , LELLEit'S Drugstore. BAK,ER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, for gal at JOHN WISES, Third and Walnut. nlyl 'VINE Choice 'Piss and Pare spices, at JOHN WIS.:'S. myl CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everythiogin the line, Pat received in large wreathes and for ease very low by MON. ar. kCn BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPr.R, OR 1-1 . covering Looking .Glasses, Piatnr Franies, ornamenting Ceilings; trim Ming ass Me stai. and cat so as to tutog over strings in the chaps o n, points, circles or festoons. For sale at my St SCHEMR'S sooKerol E. FIE lot of Messina Oranges and other Foreign Fruits, Alt received and for sale by kJ/1;11°w a so WsigN , S, rnylO corner Front and Market streets BIRD Fountains and seed Boxes, Ca nary and Hemp aced fur sale by NICHOLSk BOWMAN, my/9 Corner Yron% and Market, meets. I'4MITN ASIMG excel= lonwnthoutiate,fterfoLugo, for &a le at the wholeaale W roteameopeff Mora of T• t NJOHOLS & BOWMAN,. .corner of Prima and Market Monti, Miscellaneous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PEAN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their tar. e and wall selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FISH, SALT, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, &c. We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beat in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place in Barrizburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NlOl-10LS St BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Martset Sts. PLANTS! PLANTS 11 TOMATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS 1 CABBAGE PLANTS. 8 cents per dozen ; 26 cents per hundred ; $2 60 per thousand. TOMATO PLANTS, 10 cents per dozen, 76 cents per hundred, $4 00 per th;usand. Also all Kinds of VEGETABLES Wholesale or Retail. SEED POTATOES. Davis' Seedling per bushel, 70 cents. Peach Blows, 60 cents. EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. Per bushel, ears, $2 00 Per bushel, shelled, • 4 00 Per quart, shelled, 25 Orders sent to the KEYSTONE FABAt will be promptly attended to. J. kEISII. my24•dtf 100 PERCH OF GOOD BUILDING LIME STONE, FOR SALE AT MR KEYSTONE FARM. my27•dli DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. SANE, graduate of the Baltimore College of Natal Surgery, havingp er msnently louattai in the city of Harrisburg and taken the affix formerly °coupled by Dr. Gorges, on Third street between !dirket and Walnut, respect fully_ informs his friends and the public to general, that be Is p f9p Arad to perform all operations lu the Oantal prolesaloa, either surglea ;or mechanical, fa a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any other city: His moue of inserting artidolal teeth Is upon the latest Un proved scientific principle Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted on tine Gold , Silver, Platte% plates or the Vulcanite Base. I lake great pleasure in recommending the above gen tiem in to all my former friends of Harri tburg and vi aud feel contld:itii that he will parierua ail opera tions to a scientific mtnner p from my knowledge of his [aty3 dtfJ F. J. 8. GOtGAa, li. D. S. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles or binding, at 900, St 26 $1 60, $2, S 3, $4, Sb and $lO. also Pocket Bibles or dif tercet styles and prices at soaaFFßßllltookstore. y GOOD HAMS at eight cents per pound, just reronved and for ado by myld DOCK JR., & 00. P'S. B. & O. A. YOU will find by applying at the Drug Stores of C. A. BanuVart, tiro t 8 AI CO., and G. W. Mlee, and Drugguda poen' y throughout tie cou airy Pm. 25 cents per untie. Try lt. erepare.l by h. M. POWER & C.l. myl.9 cl4in . Roche tor, Venus. BOLOGNA. ASMALL, but very superior lot of Bologna sausage just received, by WM. LOCK, Jr. & FRESH: BUTTER AT MARK ET PRICE. NATE, EL&VING fitted up a large ktetrig orator, and having made contracts with some 0 our most • enable farmers to furn . eh us wi,h fresh land sweet butter regu arl will be enabled to supply - o.r customers With 8W:001 , fresh ice cold butter at all times. mytte WK. DOCK, Jr. & CO. Dr. 177.61. R. DE wn-r, Jr., OFFICE SECOND STREET ABOVE LOCUST. jel dial ATTENTION FARMERS 1 SCYTHES, SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, HAKES, 80YniE r•10N143 and RlBitiS in great variety, to be bad taw at , ' OLLAERT'S Hard ware Store, jelo-dtf Opposite ih • Court cuss. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAYING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Cabal. Street, minx Cheatuut Tweet, oppo- SILO are P. nnsylvaula hailroad Dapot, Ulla me hod of luiorming tha chasms of klarrhrourg ant ',whiny that be Is prepared .0 ao at kluds of marble and stone w ra in a sup-rior moaner, and on tbs mast reaao 1•11.10 terms. le' 0 d2a* WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY O. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, bathed opined a larde, new ant well selected tuck of Walt Paper and Window haJes, at his new store No. 11 Market street, next to Hummel & killinsera grocery near the Bridge. *gr. Paper o hanging personally attenled to. All work warranted. je9 dlm* LAKE TROUT. J UST received a small invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The qualitr very Superior, and the very low. a. DOCK, JR., & CO CALL and see those nice and cheap Su kj gars for preserving, NICdOLS BOWMAN, ' jel2 Corner Frond and Marker. streets. HAMS. . 741000 LBS. Huns au J d er a se si li ondi S a tig i ci o r t of C o llt w ed See York) Ceti:Jed Sup; Caret Hams just received. apr IR W. DJOK, JR., & UO. A BIIPARIOtt lot of Dande 'on • I 's id. coffee, for Kale at the store of JON WIGS, my Iniscellantons. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 1 PARTICULAR attention is called to the fact that, besides Lae machines mating Our aale• brated stitch, we manotactere, in great variety testifies, Superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES• The p•cuharitles of eseh stitch will be cheerfully shown and captained to purchasers, mid they have the great advantage of being able to eelint from our Mock either a machme making the GROVER AND BAKER STITCH or one making the LOCK STITCH, the only valuable Scwilia Machine stitches Je prsctleei 11138. PRICES FROM U 0 UPWARDS. Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. For pale by MRS. E. BRENIZPR, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myl3-d2m COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 1 1 N consideration of the hard times, and 1 sal sell exclusively FOR CASH, I bare redtioed the price of Coal as follows : Lykens Valley Broken ogri 12 90 per ton c. ‘. Large Egg .• 290 " " II II E m u, Ic a 0 2pp 8101 , 11 " 2 410 " " " Nut " 25 " Wilksbarre .. 90 .. Lorberry " 200 " efir-All Coal delivered by the ['Arca Wawa Caare;:lt can ho weighed at the purchasers dcor, and ii It falls short 10 norm, the Coal will! be forfeited. All Coal of the beat quality mined, aelivered fres from all impurities. Mr -Owl sold lu gantitios, at the Lowest. wttots*A Ll nem Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always no hand, at manufacturers prices. siir-A large lot of superior baled Nay for sale. _ ill JAMBS hi. wasmuta. GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATCHMAKER t JEWELER, NO. 38, 011.15 k. II Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY mad FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. N B. Don't forget the place, opposl , o the Jones' House. matBl-d3m rIIE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY A. EC II BE .111 E L, Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION and at all PRICES. Next door to the Court House MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash priers. mar2B-d3m EAGLE WORKS, Hanisburg. Pennsylvania. MANIIFLOTUBSit of 8008-BINDERS' RIILING•MACIIINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND DAMN= TOD GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE MVO. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WO3D TURNING IN ALL ITB BRANCHR.3, SCROLL SAWN°, PLANING, RM., ETC., or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS Cash paid for Old Copper, Brea, Bpelter, STEAM. BOILERS, &C. PENNSYLVANIA * RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of varlousjoatterns, both stalionsry and swinging. Fast' Wel,;his and various other building castlnss, for sale very (limp at the Ltay2t-ly) WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAB FITTER• Third Street, next door to the Tdegraph Printing Office. c,ITORES, dwellings, churches, public bulldmgs, factories, to., ti.ted up with gee, tern •.d iron pip- in a nee mum r Hydrants, Wash bas na, Bath Tubs, t if lied Force rumps, Wirer CM eta, Lead an. Iron ripe for water, VIII eon a earn. A eba,:e of patronage is reepeutinily solicited. Alt wont pr raptly attended to. n43.!.113m. EXCELSIOR HAMS I ! THE.'-sE HAMS are cured by a W YORK FARMER, And are decidedly the moat delicious and delicately fla vored in the marKet. y rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and cast little more thin half. W. LOCH, Jr., & Co. my 23 NEW Patterns o' Coal Oil Lampe, with all the reernt y improved borne s f, r sale by mciiol,s a 'AMMAN'S corner F—out 4r).1 a a r eel In 19 WA. 1M hi EDIAT ELY . —A. few • Macttinasta and Thactom tint. Enquire at the tiy2o , eu B titelrßUßtit Ca it ItEOP. DANDELION COFFEE. I—A Fresh and large supply or thia CelebraZed Coffeel net received by fja3) WN. Dooe j r .. &t 0, ( i aIdUK.SIJ BEEF.—A splendid lot, large k) end well cured. wit. DOCK, Ja. k CO VRESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday I! at JOHN WISID'd Store, corner of third and Wet. nut. myly . GOLD YANd I—The largest and best Mock, tromn.ce to s4.oo—warnsotod—at SHEFPER S BOOKSTORE. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAL. TIIST received a full supply of Lyken u Valley Nut Oast, delivered by the patewt weigh. carts. For sale by JAMES M. WRBBLER. aprl6 DRI &D FKUIT3, tiouaiuy, Beaus, Su). at. JOHN WI MS. myl Dates, Prunes, ' aims, and a mode of stun,* JOH.It WISE'S Store, Third sod ntyl TERSEY HAkfl—Teo tieroea of thes4 t o justly oslebratod sugar eared hams, reuetsad as or swots law tersutaU quantities. WIL.DOOK., Pr. t C 9.