Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, June 12, 1862, Image 2

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    tait Ldral.
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Forever float that standard sheet 1
`Where breathes the foe but falls beforens,
With• Freedom's soil beneath nor feet,
'And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us.
desire cordially to unite in sustaining the
efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy re-.
hellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUB
LIC, and who desire to support, by every'
power of the Government, one hundred thou
send heroic brethren in arms, braving dirierisa
and the perils of the field to preserve the Union
of our Fathers, are requested to select the num
ber of Delegates equal to the Legislative Re
presentation of the State, at such times and in'
such manner as will best respond to the spirit
of this call, to meet in STATE CONVENTION
TEENTH DAY OF JULY next, at eleven
o'clock, on said day to nominate Candidates for
tho offices of AUDITOR GENERAL and SUR
VEYOR GENERAL, and to take such measures
as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the
lovetnment in this season of common peril to
.t common country
Chairman People'a State Committee,
ase. W. Hammel.; I Secretaries
Thursday Morning, June 12, . 1862.
We agree with the New York Evening Post
that it is doing the arch•traitors of Charleston
—the cradle of the rebellion—too much honor
to send a fleet and army against them. Such
is their arrogance—such the conceit that they
have of themselves—that they will only be
flattered by the extent of the preparation made
for their reduction. They will boast for all
time to come that it took a large and power
ful armament to compel their surrender. They
will say that they only yielded to an cner
whelming superiority of numbers, and that if
they could have met us ou equal terms their in
vincible valor and chivalric dash would have
proved victorious. We could have wished,kuow
ing the vainglorious character of the people, that
a single vessel only had been sent against their
city. We wish that the Monitor alone, with
some twenty-five or thirty Yankees of the
bluest blood on board, had beeu selected for
the work to be performed. With her invulner
able iron sides she could easily have passed the
fortifications in the night, stifled up to the
wharves of the city, and th-eatened a bombard..
meat in the event of a refusal to surrender.
Charleston, we have no doubt, wonid have
been obliged to succumb, and there would have
been . a grand moral triumph in a conquest ef
fected in, that manner. As these boastful
South Carolinians took ten thousand men to
dislodge a small garrison of seventy half-starved
troops, so we ought to turn the tables upon
them by capturing their entire city, including
the forts,, with a mere handful of sailors.
When' the place is taken—as taken it assur
edly will be—we hope General Anderson will
be placed once more in command of Fort Snna-:
ter—that he will be the man chosen to run up
the American ensign on the very spot where it I
was flowered a year ago—and that the same
slag which .he brought away will be the one
that is waved in triumph in its old place. • It
is enough to conquer the rebels of other states
who have been forced or seduced into the
rebellion, but to the conquest of the very be
ginners of it should be added some degree of
moral humiliation.
is now the debt of the Confederacy. War is an
expensive business. A year ago Mr. Mem
mimger advertised his "advantageous loan" of
ten millions, and the conspirators flattered
themselves that .not half this sum would be
needed. , Bat debt does not trouble Davis ; it
was by his influence, chiefly, that Mississippi
was led to refuse payment of her just debts ;
and he has tried on the same game in his new
sphere of action: It will be remembered that,
to seicare the payment of interest on that
"most advantageous loan," the rebels pledged
themselves to lay an export duty on cotton ;
and that the whole cotton crop was made the
basis for which were issued the millions of Con_
federate treasury notes and bonds which now
flood the south. But, with the coolness of a
practiced swindler, Davis, having pledged the
proceeds of an export duty for the payment of
a debt, next prohibited the export of the arti
cle ; and when he had issued as many treasury
notes as the south would take, he ordered the
destruction of the cotton—which was the only
security for their payment.
Tills debt may be summed up as follows:
Borrowed from banks $50,000,000
State aid, to be reimbursed 45,000,000
Due bills for property seised 65,000,000
Due bills for property destroyed.... 40,000,000
War loans 66,000,000
Treasury notes 100,000,000
Due soldiers 46,000,009
Total $410,000,000
Tux Jeraszsos STAR in a long article in re
ference to Gov. Curtin, says that he deserves
the thanks and the praise of every loyal man
in the land, and that he stands a peer among
the greatest and truest patriots in the land. He
has been, tried in the crucible of that fiery
public opinion from which so few escape un
scathed. Re , has been tested by his country
men. Their verdict is recorded pow in that
confidence and 'approval which constitute the
highest reward the statesman can desire.
Having exhausted their sympathy for the
rebellion, by openly applauding
• the rebels, apd
having used all the argument at - the command
of sophistry to prove that the expenses growing
out of this war should be charged to the people
of the north—having engaged thus for the
traitor cause, and failed, we find-the dough-face
journalists changing their tact, and about to try a
new pretext with whichto deceive and mislead
the people of the loyal states. A few years
ago, the cry was, - raised_that,slavery would
never be extended, because the negro could not I
live in a latitude beyond tliose of the southern
states. The south was his natural home, and
there he would remain until death severed hie I
chains and put an end to his sufferings. Theae
arguments were used to rebut the reasoning
of those who were freely opposing elaveiy, an
opposition, then, too, 'confined to the south.
"We must have the negro," was the plea of
the southern slays driver ; "the south is his
natural home, and to keep him without a state
of bondage would be to endanger the pew of
every community in which the population of
the African might predominate." iduee.was
the special pleading of the southern slate.;
' holder, in answer to the. arguments of the
southern abolitionists, urging the policy of
gradual emancipation for the slaves, with the
colonization of both,the emancipated slave and
the free negro, in some locality distant from
this country, and adapted to the nature and'
pursuits of the race of black men. Sincethese I
plans were announced in the south, and since
southern abolitionism has spread among, the.
intelligent masses of the Sorth;the sentiment
at the south which first justified emancipation
has changed, while • another sentiment at the
north is busy misdirecting the effort to emelt
orate and reduce slavery. Forty years ago,
the southern advocate of slavery declared that
the negrocould not 'exist in any other latitade.
To-day, the northern advocate of that institu
tion claims that emancipation threatens to.
overrun the north with every liberated slave.
Free the slaver, and the raoth will at once
become burdened with his ignorance and idle
ness. These barren assertions may do to star
tle timid people and control the prejudice and
passion which make up the :elements of Modern,
Democracy, but .they have no influence upon
the minds of men resolved
„to view the dis
posal of the African race in a sensible and a
reasonable light. No man, white or black,
ever attempted to escape from freedom. If a
liberated slave seeks the north, to find a region
where he is certain he will be free, it is because,
he fears the slavery from which he was eman
cipated, and the probability that he might again
:be brought within the influence and control'
of its chains and whips. But let the border
•states become free states. Let slavery. jie
'abolished in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky,
Tennessee and Missouri, and eight out of every
,ten free negroes in the free states will seek
those localities, while not a single emancipated
slave will leave the state in which he was
;freed. There will be nothing to compel hitr
Ito leave ; but every influence will conspire to
!induce him .*to remain. The climate, first,
'which the northern dough-face, the southern
;slave driver, and common sense, teach us is
'adapted best to his health and development.;
.and, second, the attraction and familiarity of
fold scenes,. home and associates. When the
'state becomes free in which.the slave is eman
:cipated, the negro will have nO desire to coma
north. He will not trust himself among the
busier and more exacting scenes of commercial
and mechanical coMpetition, but be glad to
reniain where he belongs, among the tobacci,
potton,.rice and sugar fields of the txmth.
While emancipation by confiscation, for a
time, will flood the north with "contrabands,"
a general emancipation law, .would have an
opposite effect. The plan of setting a man
free, and asking him to remain among-the scenes
of his forteer suffering and oppression, with
Ali the influence of slavery still-prevailing and
threatening every day to reclaim a vic
tim, is simply- ridiculous. An idiot would
ahrink from such an alternative, and the.worst
slave that ever groaned beneath the lash would
find speedy rescue in flight, if freed, or be forced
by the influence of his oppression either to ab
sent himself from its presence, or submit at
14:1C0 to Its rigors. In this view, we ITIUBC re
gard the isolated freeing of the slaves. If
slave states are made free, the danger of the north
being overtun by the freed slave will .never
Occur. Our. wiley political foes understand
this fact too well, not to oppose general eman
cipation.' They predict an influx of emanci
pated slaves, in order to startle the north from
its reason, and thus create au influence which
can be used, when its passion is aroused, in
favor of slavery. But if emancipation, snob
emancipation as will make free all the border
states, be recognised as the policy of the goy
et:on:tent, the negro population north and south
will seek, remain and become attached to these
states, as their after rightful homes, made
stich by the arguments of northern dough
faces and southemnbolitionists, that the south
was the natural locality for the negro, both on
aocount of climate and soil.
!Since the above article was written, we no
ticed the following among yesterday's special
despatches from Washington. It has a distinct
bearing upon the subject, and we submit it,
without a word, for the consideration of our
readers, reserving such comments as we may
have to make, until we can learn more of the
particulars of this important propositi on:
:The contraband question has suddenly taken
a new phase—no less than a practical scheme
of colouissation upon Danish territory. The
Judiciary Committee of the House this morn
ing received from the State Department copies
of an interesting correspondence which has just
passed between Secretary Seward and the Da:
nish Minister in relation to the contrabands.
The Danish government has made'a foraml
proposition, through its minister here, to'take
all thr negroes woo have , escaped from their
masters and remove them to St. Croix, free of
charge. It then proposes to put them under
an apprenticeship of three yearg, permitting
them to receive regular wages. At the expira
tion of their apprenticeship it proposes to free
them unconditionally.
. One hundred and ftity-nine rebel prisoners,
captured at Front Royal, latvobeffitinVrisonet4
in the old capitol military prison at Washing
pennopluanta ditltgrapti, C.lptrobap fliorning, June i 2, 11162
With the dough-face sympathisers, the de
fiktoe and protection of slavery, is the enforce
tient and preservation of constitutional law.
All other interest*-the welfare of the white
man and the elevation of free labor—sink into
insignificance, when the political and social
claims of slavery are involved, and then the
issue becomes one of life and death in the de
fence of that institution. Our northern dough
face has no word of defence for any other in
terest- When bsttles• are' fought, and thou
sands of freemen are slain while in defence of
this Union, net a Word of sympathy or regret
is uttered by the northern dough-face. When
wdmen are whipped and children fairly forced
from their homes by banditti and the incendi
ary, the dough face: accepts that. deed as the
result of war; and pasha Beide the censure of
such an act to howl over the escape of a fugi
tive slave, or denounce some measure of con
leaon deaigneti to day iv, the 114 traitor
lit3i3loility i4umititti leroMparison
T ..., ~+ ik
print the - -
etch itetrons, wefollowing letter of
Col. Joshua T. Owen, ,a denuaTat ~,who has
clung to his' arty aa fetmdy, ana
we may
add,argallantlyas.he now olMgs to hjikoqur.
tiry, i pitter litidinitptaised,io A - m.1%116m
D. Kelly; Aid read' by him ni the 'House' Of
Representative only a few days since. Not; withstanding that this' ; leiter has been eaten;
lively circulated among, the
,; papple, we deem
itiettfin OurOoluottila rentplement
aline the soldier and patriot imbued
with such sentiments. We recommend it to;
the people who read the Patriot and Union, as a
letter which thatjonenahrefuses to prin! t - siul-:
pli hecariiie it pdts the rebels in their' true po
sition, • ..,, .. , . -,.., ....: ,•- -: . ,
- dad' NEAR TIM CuielthiOnniv, Va,. t .
•,•: - to i . May 260862.
Mr DEAN.' 1114/a b . a .4 We,
who are in the field, are often disheartened by
the ill-advised and traitorous speeches of mere
politicians in Congress. For God's sake lash
them when you have thsCopportunity. „The
man who; at this momentous erktls of the
country, condescends to prostitute his official
position to the making of capital for future
party use is a trotter or it fool.
Let Mr. pees, as I have, through the
most of Virginia and listen to those even who
style themselves Union men, and even he would
be disgusted with the deep-seated corruption of
these deluded people.. patriots in
Virginia, and there have been none since Bull
Run was lost. The Union men so called are
neutrals only; and . even 'that only while the
Federal annyikilk their neighborhood. They
are deceitful, blood-thirsty and boastful,, and
their conduct, in shooting down our pickets,
and . :ulting our troops. whenwer, we, hay°
' . > 1 charging us four iiiitettfOrverygting
web .), lif them and even then selling to us
with condescension, has so infused a spirit of ha
tred into our men and officers, that to suggest
the conchiskin of a dishonorable peace, or a
compromise, would be disastrous to ! the disci-
pline of the troops. I am not, at 'all pleased
with a military life, and would, of all things,
like to go, back home • but I say.frankly, ,that
before DiVbilld lavikilliese !textunifiels . iicipti
from the punishment justly due them, I would
remain in the army and fight on without the
hope of promotionnintill was gray and ready
to step into an honorable grave.
They must be made to she fdr peace and lay
down their arms. Their , leaders most be givtn
up to the halter; and the system Which has caused
this war must be wiped au& .AS to the p r o of
doing that; Frank.l3litir's greet speech In d icates
the most safe mode to pursue, I think.. Grad
ual envincipation, coupled' with 'dolen&ation, must be
the rallying cry of the future. In the meantime,
cripple the slave powet by excluding from all
offices of or under the government any matt
who has served lin any capaeity in the rebel
iirs .. .tiasaVazilliioitpiote4tii,and with jtts;
Lice and triAtti, agalitsk.the of thh term
southern chivalry, to designate the rebels who
are laying waste the southern states. 'Ate Union
atiys they should lie 'Called rkel chivaliy, 'denies
that they aro representatives . of sonthern char
eater, and affirMs "that they hold the same re
lation to the sterling people of the south that
a bar-room ruffian and street bully holds to the
decent and law-abiding denizens of a city. -Let
not the southern people, we ask, be confounded
with the lawless and turbulent oligarchs whom
God in his inscrutable tvisdom, has suffered to
trample for a season on the necks of • civil,
worthy and honorable men.'". • ,
The Union is right; and though the injustice
is.done inadvertantly=by theSe who say south
ern when they mean rebel, loyal southeps, men
may rightly ask that they shall not, even inad
vereutly, be- , confounded-, with the -wretches
who have brought so much unhappiness on
every part of our'country,' and by their wicked
ambition have made widows and orphans by
the thousand in, every et,tp,of the Union...
Fasuon Arm fil'aumtax.—lt is a fact which
the public is not "generally aware of," that ktajdr
General Fremont, by tile army regulations,
ranks Gene . ral M'Clellan. They both received
the appointment of Major: General on the same
day. ld'Clellan is a retired army captali2;hnd
Fremont retired lieutenant colonel in the regn:
lar army.. By the army regulations, when two
Officers are appointed to high rank of the same
grade at the same time,,the one-having the
!hest previous rank ranks the other, and
r • aural Fremont , having. been lieutenant
colonel, and General N'Clellan only a captain,
Fremont is of higher rank.
Paz:Trios, of the Loufaviik Journal, is respon
sible for the following facetious and sarcastic
A she rebel writes to us that the sight of our
piper caused her dog to fall down in. a fit, It
does seem to have that effect upon a good
many dogs--of both sexes.
'We guess, that after the next naval battle
near Fort Wright, the rebel flotilla will float
Be-uregard has issued quite enough procla
mations. He had better die without further
It is seriously feared that the horrors of war
are to be aggravated by the extension of the
Congressional session through the snmmer.
There are no salt sellers in the South now.
the Atlanta :Confederacy calls William Gil
more Simms, the novelist, one of the most tUI
fortunate men of • the day. He lost all of hi
property and sources of income by the disrup
tion.of the-country., the fu/plishers ant , the
holders-of his copy-rights residing in tlieVettb:
He bad fourteen children. Lately he buried
aims' of thein and afew days ago his bows
add all of Aiis effects Weck consumed by fire :
Nothing was from-the general' ruin but
his library.
ic artAv
, A , 10 - / 7 . !tor' •
Brom our 'tuning adttton of Yesterday
_.... r .
The Bill for the collection of direct taxes in
the insurrectionary districts has become a law.
It provides for the sale of real estate in certain
cases for this purpose, where the owners have
used their land to engage in the rebellion.
Alter the same shall have been struck off
to the United States at vendee, fl6e com
missioners • proposed to be appointed, may
lease the same under such regulations as
will secure proper and reasonable employment
and support, at wages or upon shares of the
crop, of such persons and fatnilies as may be
residing upon the land. The proceeds of the
leases and sales are to be paid into the treasury,
one fourth of which amount shall be paid over
to the Governor of the State wherein the said
lands are situated, or his authoriz d agent,when
such insurrection shall be put down and the
people shall elect a legislature and state officers
who shall take an oath to sawed the Causti
tution of the United States, and such fact shall
be proclaimed by the President, for the purpose
of reimbursing the loyal citizens of the said
State, or for such other purposes as the said
State may direct, and one- fourth shall also be
paid over to'the said State as a fund to aid id
the colonizatien or emigration of any free per
son of African descent, who may desire to re ,
move therefrom to Liberia, or any other tropi
cal State or colony. •
Secretary Seward left to-day for New York;
to be absent several daye.
The Hon. Ileverdy Johnson, commissioner of
the State Department, will take passage for
New Orletun in the first steamer.
The Treasury regulations heretofore declared
respecting the resumption of interior commerce
with the points rescued from the rebels, re-•
main , unchanged. Shipments may be made to.
Memphis, and all other places in possession of
the United States forceS, under the existing
provisions, to prevent aid to the enemy, sub
ject to inspection and control by the military
commanders at the points of arrival and desti
Arrival of the Steamer Africa.
HeLusa, June 11.
The steamer Africa arrived from Liverpoo
with dates to the let inst.
The French army in ,Rome is to be reduced
, to a single division.
The conservatives in Parliament are muster
iog all their forces for the purpose of upsetting
the present ministry on the retrenchment ques
HALM; Jane 11.—Thu steamer Africa left
Liverpool at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 81et ult.
The steamer Nova Scotian arrived at Liver
pool on the 80th.
'rue ship Sue had passed off Queenstown for
Glasgow with cargo of turpentine, having
run the blockade of the coast of Georgia.
The Bridal government, at the reque.-1 of
the Atlantic Telegraph cutupauy, has ordered
two steamers to be got ready for the purpose of
making a further survey on both sides of the
A llautic.
The United States Consul at Paris has issued
a notice that no farther applications can be re
ceived from foreign officers for commissions in
the federal army.
The Turks are reported to have gained a
great victory in Montenegro. • .
• Baring's circular reports American securities
stcady ; Erie railroad shares 334 ; Ills. Cen.
4544444 ;• P. C. District U. S. 6s 85(486, U. B.
58$00801: : . .
Grand Union Demonstration at Norfolk
The QM Point boat arrived at this port at
6.15 this mottling. She brings the following
Fouxasss Bioxaos, June 18th.—The weather
is unusually severe for this season of the year,
and still continues.
lbe steamer Louisiana with a number of
Wounded will sail for New York as soon as the
weather is favorable.
4„.The privateers who have been on board the
hiassachusetts since her unsuccessful trip up the
James river were this morning transferred to
the steamship Fulton. The Fulton will take a
lot of wounded to New York es soon as the
Weather permits.
The steamship Belvidere run foul of the
British steamer Jason this morning, carrying
away obe wheel house and a part of her after
upper works. The Jason was not much dam
aged. •
The Port Royal - returned to;.Roanoke bland
lit niAbt.
A guild Union demonstration bythe citize
of Norfolk and Portsmouth will take place to
Governor Pierport and other distinguished
speakers are exp.cted to, be preteat.
FROM NAShA.' 11, N. P.
Haw Yons, June 11.
Advice from Nassau, N. P., state that the
rebel steamer Naahirilie was still at anchor at
that port on the let of June.
Nsw Ye= June 11.
The United Sbitais gtriboat Cayuga hence for
New Orleans, has returned ina leaky condition
Parranstmtm, June 11.
Mtor continues dull:--salcs 1000 Ws at $4
84 for northwest super., $4 624 for extra, and
$4 87.1215 for extra; about 600 bbis. fancy
sold at $5 50(gt6. Small sales of Rye flour
at $3 25, and corn meal at $2 64. The
offerings of wheat are small, and the tendency
of prices upward. Small sales red at s'llB@l23
and white at $1 30(r .1 88. Rye steady at 65c.
Corn leas active, 8,000 bus, yellow sold,at 52
(453 c. and white at 60c. Oats are advancing,
sales 5,000 bus. at 400. tor •Pa., and 89c. for
Delaware. Cloverseed scarce and wanted at
$5 50. Coffee firm, with sales Rio at 18a421e
and Laguaira at 21a21ic. Sugar dull. Mo
lasses is in steady demand--two cargoes of en
ba kluscavodo sold at 27®28c. Provisions
dull. Whisky steady. at 24,M42.5c.
Ammons, JIM 11.
, Flour dull—sales of 1,000 bbls. at $5 In@
for state, Wheat steady—western zed.
$ll 100"1 2 0. Coin steady. Provielons dull.
Whisky firm at 24c. Coffee steady at 14020%
XVllth Congress—First
From Gen. Fremont's Army
Further Particulars of the Battle with
Jackson's Rebel Army.
• • Ifierrionbury, June 7, 1862.
In th e skirmish veiterday, beyond the town,
the rebel loss is ascertained M. have been very
heay . y. litostof our wounded have been brought
in. . - ; . _ • -
CA113131 Katte,- of theßnektall,negiinent, Is in
thtertetilyi bandit; The body of Ceptsild Haines,
of the New Jersey cavalry, has been found.
Captains Sheilmire and Clerk, of the same re
giment, are prisenere, and not wounded.
Col. Ashby, the famorte rebel cavalry leader'
is undoubtedly killed. This is ascertained from
people living near, end from the prieonexs Caked,.
Major Green, of his roglairint, was shot by Ni s .
lain Broderick, of theliew Jersey cavalry.
Gee: P i asmoisrr's HEADQUARIEN3r
8 miles beyond Harrisonburg, Va., June 8. 1,
Gen. Premeat has overtaken the enemy, of
whom he has been In putenit for a week, and
has forced him to fight, and dtiven him; with
heavy loss,, from his chosen_ position. Be left
Harrisonburg this morning at 6 o'clock, and
advanced in pursuit of Jackson by the read
leading to Port Itepublie. the left of the
turnpike to Stanton, seven miles beyond liar.
risonburg, the advanced guard discovered the
enemy posted in the 'woods, to the left Ind
front, apparently in force. Artillery was sent
to the front and commenced shelling, without
eliciting any reply. •
Jackson having at last been, forced to make a
stand with his whole army, had completely
masked his position in the woods, and various
skirmishers and cavalry were sent forward.---. 1
The whole column came rapidly up, and a line
of battle, extending nearly two miles, -was'
promptly formed undeStle direction of Col.'
Albert, chief of the staff. Before it was com
pleted, Gen. Stahl with the. Garibaldi Guards,
became engaged with the enemy on the extreme
right, and forced him to fall fack.
At half oast 12 o'clock a general adirance
was ordered, and the whole line moved for
ward. Gen. Milroy had the centre, General
Schenck the right, and Gen Stahl, with ail his
brigade except the Garibaldi Guards, the front.
Gen. Blanker,' Gen. Bohlen, and Colonel Stela
weickher's brigades composed the reteuve.
The line moved down the slopes of three:
hills into the valley, and up the opposite as
cents, which at the summits were manned with
woods. In these Woods, and in the belts and
heavy timber beyond, t he; enemy were•posted.
General Stahl, On tie left, was first engaged.
General Milroy and General Schenck found the
enemy soon after, and the battle almost imme
diately became general:
General Stahl, after -Seriviures battery had
shelled the rebel position, advanced the Bth
and 45th the.
.York regimenta through the
woods into an open fimd, on the other side of
which the enemy's, right wing was concealed
In the woods. The Bth advanced gallantly
under a heavy.ire, but being so long lineup
ported by the 45th, and largely outnumbered
were finally forced to retire. Cell. Witstahali
wag severely wounded, and the whole regiment
badly cut up, losing not lees than 800, more
than half of its strength. 'The enemy's par.
suit was checked by the artillery. General
Stahl finally withdrew his brigade to a strong
position, repulsing a flank movement and hold
ing hie wing firmly.
Gen. Milroy advanced his centre, the artil
lery fire coropellieg the enemy to give ground.
Gen._ Schenck, on the •right,• > twice drove
the rebels who attempted to turn his position.
Alongthe whole line our artillery, under
Colonel Pflson's direction, was served with
great vigor end precision, and our final success
was largely due to rte effect,
The enemy Buttered most severely. One
repel regiment lost two-thirds of its number
in an attempt to capture Wildrich's Battery,
which cut them to pieces with canister it fifty
paces. The rebel, batteries were repeatedly
silenced and forced to abandon their positions.
Col. Clusrid., with his weak brigade took
and held the centre of the enemy's p osition,
and has his encampment there toAlight.
Our forces were outnumbered at ail tants,
but have occupied the rebel line, and forced
them to retreat.
The lees is heavy on both sides, the enemy
suffering especially from our artillery.
The Garibaldi Guards lost nearly 200, the
25th Ohio 00. The total loss is estimated at
from GOO to 800 killed, wounded and missing.
Col. Van Giles, of the DeKalb regiment ; Capt.
ritual, of the Bth N. Y.; Capt. Mimes, of the'
29th N. Y.; Capt. Bichute, of the 89th .N. ,Y.;
Capt. Chas. Worth, of the 25th Ohio, and Sur
geon Courtwell, of the 82d Ohio, are all wound
ed. Many other officers «are wounded or
Bertuioun, June 11
The rebels fought wholly under cover,'while
our troops were forced to advance through open .
fields. The enemy's advantagtii of position,
and numbers were counterbalanced . by 9tautaal
Eremont's skilful handling of his troops and
the coolness and determination with which he
pressed his success.
The fighrwas furious for three hours, and
continued till nearly dark.
Our army sleeps on the field of battle.
The Battle at 'Union Church. .
Came ama PORT RIPUBLIO, Jane 8, 9 r. x.
At the lion. Edwin At. Stanton Steretary of War :
The army left Harrisonburg at six this morn
ing, and at half past eight ray advance engaged
the rebels about seven miles from that place,
Union Church. The enemy was very advan
tageously posted in the timber, having chosen
his own peaition, forming a smaller circle than
oar own, and with his troops formed in masses.
It consisted, undoubtedly, of Jackson's en
tire force. The battle began with heavy firing
at 11 o'clock, and lasted With great obstinacy
and violence until 4in the afternoon. Some
skirmishing and artillery firing continued from
that-time until dark. Our troops fought oc
casionally under the murderous fire of greatly
superior numbers, the hottest of the small arm
fire being on the left wing, which was held by
General Stahl's brigade, consisting of five regi
Bayonet and caniater shot were used freely
with great effect by'itiur men.
The lota on both sides is very great, and OMB
is very heavy among the officers. A. full ,re
port of those who distinguished themselves
will be made without partiality.
I desire to say that both officers and men
behaved with splendid gallantry, and that the
service of the artillery wee especially admira
ble. -
We are encamped on the field of battle,
which may be renewed at anxmoment.
Major General Commanding •••
Daimon, Jane 11.
The royal mail steamship Europa, elm this 1,011 To)
'morning' far Liverpool with 138 paseengeis and
421,000 in specie. crAgivo,
for tale JOBS IriPo
Mr. LAI LIAM, tCal.,) uttered a r„, l
Meters. Cannon and Hoop-,r, ci,,,
Senators from the State of a - serrt b
to the floor of the Sen..te. L a id ;
Mr. DixoN, (Conn.,) ofier,A a t
all acts or ordnance,: of sec t ,. •
have been adopted by
vention of the people ill any 61.1tv
Union absolutely null and
acts may and dosubject the
therein to forflture and penalti , .. t
in any degree effect the tehttieh, :,f
wherein they purport to h ic e he •;,
the government r.f th e v„i tt ,, i
as to such government acte (-if te,..•
rection and hoitility.
On the part of individual s
and giving assent thereto, mei
are, notwithstanding such art;
stilt members of the Fetieril
such aro subject to all the
ties imposed on them by the C. ,„
the United States, and the loy a l, i t .
States, and entitled to all the pri,:
by guarranteed and conferred.
Mr. Powers, (Ky.,) introiln,i
vide the means and mode of ta,:
in support of certain cases ttgalro',
Referred to the Commit[,,,,
blr G saws, (lowa., ro In
better goverrunent of the N.m-
States. Referred.
MY. WADE, (0i.i0,l prc“.4e141...1
and documenta in suppo r t
Deseret for admission as a
The bill inrelation ti ..
lieutenants to the wadi..
and after a diectit*ion
Mr. HARRIS, (N. J. , j fr,in 111 ,
mtttee reported back the hill
vbsional governments in c
reccmmendation that it .1,,
-4166. WHALLEY, (Va.,) Oti,re r 7
acknowledgment of the .
demon, and his Wheels mid is -ti. i•
ter, and providing gold Ati I
Theilouse passed the bill it;
teen thousand dollars for .
neatly - passed pot route 6111
The House resumed the !
Senate amendments to the
pay of certain army oth:eis.
At the brds's home L oar V, ,?
tug of the bth of Junt , , . h.
CEIARLIN F. With Lg, of ..
liOtrx, of Czniberlng , t county,
New /Z,buertistinclit
frer.h Strawn,r,,..., 7 .
40, In the loner Market
eight and trn o'clect
one newt c,„
NOTICE herehy tzt ver, nt tl,
Council of the ctty H trri•
completed the ley% v. I
the year 15t . ..2, unl t 6 it all
titled to an al. aut., t
FIVE Pi-,tt CEN .
On the amount ol u.. ,
on paytueut tl , • • .its 1
City IR. or .r f. I
Court, /lOUS , 4 t - 1, 1
By urd • ,1.
, 1 , ,i1 1111
IfgAmpAr:rl:l:- I\l \
• '.',
SPECIAL 010)1 I, I
No. ;J.;
She thanks o IL- ovb
In chidi, au hervtiy t tot, t 1 t., Stu
end, Hums 11. NnitL,
P. Thomas, C. S. 1:t..1” , p. H 1. to, \
George W. ti,-i.in2yr .
iiVllliatn IL Canipts II 11,;titm
cal Cadet, King ; fir th-lr 1111',1111,„
Jo the arduous ~1 ;. , jll
`fields of Yorktown,
No higher compliment
professional skill of
and his emiiritant4, thui ,t
It single soldier lost a hien
care of the Pennsylvania
Drs. Gilbert Woninger,
Guth, Applegate, M. 11. ide,
Pittsburg, Crawford and
useful assistance.
The Sisters of the Order
of whom volunteered their -,•ry
a devotion worthy of their It:.
tern of Mercy.
Their good deeds require o. we: !-
trims of Acting Quarterma•mn I
and his economical adiuirmtiat:
appreciated. By order of
a..: it
Governoram. i
Como: ,t,
A. L. Missal, Adjutant ti. u,
RANYS, SCYrRE 3tuNc3 -a,
rAtiety, to be had taw. at
OtLURP- Art 4.
.1010-da 0p. ,,, t • t.
THE account of David M.
nee of WMlam F, war., of k .i-L :I
Las been filed iu the Court. o
County and t Übe continued :`['.
11364 un;ft's cause be shown Loth. v:
jelo-wit 12t
HENRY 131{0
?Almon Camel Street, reir
Slit ate P. nttsylvania Hallrua 1 11 p , t
"Informing 02: clt.zNis of flarrist ,
he la prepared to ao all km& ..1 in t •
Raupertor manner, and .11 tna -L r •-
IMO ti2sroo
RESOLUTION determint m
or Pt/ FroM ti:fevt, A.•
LBesoired by 1M Common Co
burg, That thP pavemeot on Friq,l
ton and /1.6 y tip eta, slash be of Cie
lix Inches,
Pasted June 7, 18-•
Attest.--Disco Haws. Ctark.
APProved JUDO 9, Isti;:.
Pr .EN R C SHA Ik'Ell,
atOre.No. 1S Mark..t wear, oast to fl i om,
grPCery:fieer the Ltrtige.
Bar Paper liAugtag perroJe!ly
klarrisburg Car Ai tifiiet
eight gnod. titers.
JUST received a mall invoice
T- 68 (tow Tay superior, and tee p r
," 11t
DOC& fi'
-.4,,.„ 4 , 04
Prop.c. •