etiegrapq. p; ADVSRTISERS.—AII Ad nts, Business Notices, Mar- Deaths, ate., to . secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably he .e e umpaitled with the CASH. 11l communioatione recommending o ncildates for political ofilces must be slti for at the time they are handed in, o therwise they will be laid aside. R I 8 I; - . _ t _ A Tuesday Morning, June 3, 1862. IN TOWN —Rev. leeac R. Gates; the popular it prt ache., has arrived in this city, and . tavor our citizens with s.dilicouraat the of Market and Third streets next Friday Rev. Gates' le an excellent speaker, n ; doubt attract aelarge audience. The st •i his discourse will be "The Millenium Oil the Lord comes." I E tvuu delight in circulating idle rumors , they know that by thus giving credence ,1.. hoods they are wounding the feelings °cent pawns, would as readily damage , a use of the tfnitm by wllle as AO now tully make use of the name of a Union in connection with the misfortune of iot,, th., hands of the rebels. We have kiwra in this city. RIVAL OF THIRTY-818 SICK AND WOUNDED Ens —A. number of sick and wounded rt. from Gen. Banks' division arrived here ;,,day, and are comfortably quartered in the at Camp Curtin. Our patriotic till uuw have an excellent opportunity to I, Ibuto clothing and hospital supplies for unfelt and benefit of these brave men lilcd and suffered in our country's cause. ope to see a movement in this direction immediately by our citizens. Who will - - art the ball ? HEN rns LANCASTER EXPRESS published a tt .4 its employees as having resolved to enter army fur the defence of the Union, it titttiti I also have announctd its intention to ,tt,pttttd the publication of the Express until the t rid of the campaign, because the list em brace., all its employees as going to the wars, is a v rain indication of suspentAon, However, as it has melit us on the "six" good men invttsted in the character of one clever fellow, we intst give the Express credit for being sharp, when it, own glotitication is concerned; and whatever wag he our rivalry in numbers, we feel certain that with the Express we are for the Union. I=l LIEUT. GEORGE FISHER., company 0, Lochiel Cavalry, has had in contemplation to resign, ou account of the sickness of his father, J. Adams Fisher, Esq., a fact which rendered it positively imperative that Lieut. Fisher should L.; at home to assist in the great professional 1,1..irs of his father. This resignation has at been accepted by the War Department, e,d George Fisher is once more a plain. civilian. hr the circumstances, he has done only what !dated by a sense of the hightest filial in, and when a man acts purely from • otives, ho is serving a cause as nuble as -' • his country. RAPHY OF A FORMIC HARRIESUROER.— ? the following biographical sketch of h General Hammond, from Saturday's •Iphii Bulletin. The statement in the that Dr. Hammond "studied medicine wl,lphia and New York," is incorrect, 141,w I.,ositively that he read medicine for years with Dr. E. W. Roberts, of this 11- attended medical lectures, however, t.ivlphia which is about all the instate , a,, Brine that he received in that oity: A Loncuond, Surgeon General U. S. an in Maryland in 1828, his parents to Harrisburg, Pa., when be was four 1 ge, where be resided until entering in 1849. He studied medicine in I,i,nt and New York. His first services NoN Mexico, where he was actively I ‘.ll the field for four years, subse s >eryieg in Florida, at West Point, and in Ha was the most intimate friend of the 1 Lyon, with whom he served in Iran ou4Luut the Border-ruffian war. While •at he twice accompanied topographical as t o the Rocky Mountains, and was din etor of the Sioux expedition under I Harney. Atter this he visited Europe purpose of acquiring information rela tes, arrangements of the Military hos uf France, England and Germany, and witness the workings of the medical rations of the various armies. He re in 18ii9,and after a year's service resigned 'pt the professorship of anatomy and ia the University of Maryland, Haiti- The wounded soldiers of the Massa . • is Sixth regiment, who were the victims Baltimore riot of the 19th of April, were irk by Dr. Hammond. After witnessing that scene, be inammtiately applied to head quarters, and was restored to the army as an As-istant Surgeon. Si„„ then h e h oe be en i n active service on the Matta of Generals Patterson and Banks, having chahge of the largo hospi- Q a in Hagerstown, Predesiiii and Baltimore, sad was, at the time of his a ppointme n t t o his pn, en t high position, the medical inspector of `amps and hospitals in Western 'Virginia. Da :tag hi s many years of service he has writt en ir 'lh9 works on scientific subjects, many of which have been translated and reprinted in foreign countries. He was appointed Siirgeon teneral of the United States army.on the 28th °f Aptil, 1862, with the rank of Brigadier. C ' e tieral. In stature Gen. Hammond is very Imposing, being six feet two Inches in heigh th, w eighiug two hundred and thirty pounds, and Lgis es demeanor is that of a thorough soldier. varied cipabilities and practical knowledge Di the wants of the sick and wounded, and his A n mptness in personally seeing that all sant tarY met cures are adopted throughout his de- P . artmeut that will tend to elleviate the -suffer -1:80 of our unfortunate soldiers', will be well DPraciated, not only by the Government but 117 the PSople of this country_ Vetinevipania tai: ettegraii;, ON HAND —Gardner & Hemmings Circus has arrived in town yesterday, and hate pitched their tent on the old circa ground, Colder's fi e ld , on the opposite side of Paxton Creek.— The company luxe a very fine band of idu,ict, and some diathsguished performers, who will no doubt create a sensation. The indications are, that the! " hater,- opera" wi ll be liberally patronized byourltitizens. The Pronamvarna BRIOA.DE, under General Negley, is actively at work in Alabama. A letter to the Lancastier Ezprets says: The march from Rogenrville to Florence, along the north ern shore ot the Tennessee liver" was through a country batreia; ina for the mOSt part un settled, and tts a atoblier remarked; is not worth fighting for. Wherever there was a plantation, there, too, were the veritable' representatives of the vexed question, the slaves, gathering iu groups in a fence core by the road side. Our boys frequently address them after the manner of the southern vissmacular ; and "Howdy Uncle," never fails tar bring down the hat and start the good humorisd grin across the black foreground. The story of the slaves is still the same: "Massa" told great lies about the Yankees, but the untutorel black man would not bailey t. there yas a consciousness of better g , oeft ceased to burn in the bosom of the slave. "I felt it in'yhere," said an old gray haired negro,. la} tog his hand on his breast, "dat de Yankees was not arter we black folks, cause we nebber done you no harm." I Tan 115TH REOWENT, P. V.—This regiment, (Col. Patterson) is to be removed from Camden, N. J. to Camp Curtin, with the view of com pleting its organization by the addition of three companies. We understand that Capt. James Murray, of Cambria county has been authorized to recruit one of these companies in Cambria and Blair counties. He has already a large number enrolled, and will, in a few days, send forward his men. Capt. Murray is recognized as a first class officer. He commanded a com pany from Cambria county, (Cambria Guards,) in the Mexican war. The members of the Cambria Guards knew !dm well, and speak of him in the most flattering terms. Captain Murray was First Lieutenant of the "Silver Grays." It is understood that a number of the citizens of Harrisburg, who are personally acquainted with Capt. Murray, who are desir ous to enroll themselves in the 115th, it bay ing been tendered by Gov. Curtin, in compli ance with the late requisition for one additional regiment from Pennsylvania, intend joining his company. To such we would say that by calling upon Lieut. Thomas A,. %Maguire at Brady's Hotel, they will receive any informa tion that may be desiree. We commend Capt. Murray's company to those who are "in for the war." COMPLINENT TO A V.A.H.RIEIMP Optcp..—The last number of the Springfield (Term.) Speektrer pays the following deserting tributeto Col. E. C. Williams, of this city, commander of the Lochiel cavalry.: "'Honor to whom honor is due," is a scrip tural precept which must , be accepted and euutormed to by those who would live in accordance to the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do !into you.'-' It will be remembered that, some weeks Since, we noticed the arrival of a few companies of Col. Williams' regiment of Pennsylvania cav silty, in Springfield, and their encampment just beyond the corporate limits of town. These troops bad been here but a few days, and we took occasion to express our appreciation of their quiet and orderly conduct and the good discipline their officers seemed to have them under. Several weeks have since elapsed, and we have not yet seen anything in either the officers or men to change the favorable opinion we had then formed relative to their soldierly bearing and conduct, nor have we heard of but few, if any instances, where cause of complaint has been given to our citizens, by these troops, in their iutercourse with them. Strict order and propriety is enforced by promptly pun ishing those who violate the rules and regula tions governing them, with the penalties in curred by such violation. The position ocon pied by these troops is one perhaps more trying and difficult to fill:than one in more active ser vice or ou the battle field. Quartered in a community which, though quiet and peaceable, is in feeling and sentiment antagonistic to themselves, it became necessary to adopt a 'rigid as well as a nice and discriminating policy on their part toward our citizens, to prevent undue exhibitions of auimosity and ill teeling on the part of the latter. Col. William . , appreciating the position is which his command is placed, has adopted, sod with the aid of the other regi mental and company officers has carried out, thus tar, such a policy; and instead of bectuning irritable and restive, our Community has re mained quiet and without cause for disturbance or agitation. This much is due to the officers and men stationed here, and we believe the en tire community will endorse it ; and if they shall nut be pamitted to gather laurels on the held of battle, if the gaining of the good opin ion and respect of the people among whom they are quartered, be worth anything, let it be wreathed in the chaplet of their honor. 01111 CROPS.—The grateful rain of Sunday and last night, has contributed greatly to the al ready forward condition, and abtludance of the crops in this locality, and business is generally in a healthy condition. While secession, with her vandal hand is mocking the gifts of a kind Providence in dissolution and ruin,oh, that they could but see their folly, and, as good citizens, patronize the cheap dry goods house of Mum BoWitsN, south east corner of Front and Mar ket streets. Caascr I Caton I Omer= !—Having returned from New York, I now hate on hand, and I sin daily receiving from the Now York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 87i cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 76 cents, worth 90 cents; good black silk at $l, worth $126 ; black silk 82 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 8 7 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 80;,-sum mer silks at 60 cents a yard;'lo 'pieces of the finest Irish alien at 75 cents,. worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in. vile to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly, sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. S. La rrr , - mBl-y Mead's old stand ; Rsokrvan from auction 25 pieces of col ore d pq4 white stow Wail:lbw 254214 0 . a magnificent assortment of embroicierlei, such is . bands, 08424, inserts ngs: -At Neal 2thoertistmtuts LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OPTICS, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1862. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIEWILIST. 1 Ambers, J HeCrosky, A Again, M' McAllister, G W 2 Anderson, A 2 McClellan, E A:nrfirson i M McKee, W 8 2 Altulie, J - tinitllister, M Bairrithr.LA ' ,j,.... : . •‘114•*,,1V ' Foxier. M A , McLoughlin, J F Bishob, B i ijitadAgqi E T Brown, M 2 Miller. E Bryant,• , - ilicils, 13 - - - BrougbP, *IL - ;- / tgethrger:, M- ' Brooks, J A Miller, C J 2 Brady, J Manneiy, hi Brightbille,'C A Meagher, - 11 Bryan, R 0 • Mellon ; M J Ben, M . I .4vatri Ai A 13fy+efr, i 8 - "' Marquart, C ,Carson, A Mobson, 8 E Cane, M .I;Nader, M J Carter, M E 'O'COhn'ell, P Carrinber, E Patterson, P Chandly, E Tay nier, M ' Care,B Pancake, I Po, R E Pheerfos, K Ctulantz, E Pierson, hi 3 Craig, M Pool, P Davis, 3 Pool, P A Durham, F J Polet, Di Downey, M 2 Porter, E 2 Dyliard, L Poffenberger, L Doyle, N Quigley, A Filler, E Haudibaugh, Ai B Echman, E Richer, MC Egle, 13. • Rife, E . Elder, X Russel, R Ellis, C Roberts, J L Epler, H M Shepperd, A Fisher, K Shonfet, la Fetia, K Seibert, M A Fillgrave, 8 W 2 Sharp, S Filer, L Shrills, F. Foster; M , Straiten, 0 Gray, T A Shaeffer, A M • Greeger, M Sillier, 0 ' 2 Green, E Smith, M J Grofft, S . Smith, I Gotelias, E J Slough, M C Kernel, L Smith, E Harris, M Snyder, H C - Hatiiilton, E J Singer L 2 Hanelman, M Smith, 111 Hart; S Stephens, S Hertz, R Etuber, E _ Hearty, J Stimer, M E Hebbler, S Salls, - .A. Hervey, M Stepheos„ L Henry, J Bribers, 8 Hutchinson, N J ,Swartz, E Hunter, Di F Trigg, X A Irvin, K , D Turner, 8 A Irvin, 0 Ulrich, M Ingram, S si Udell, R Ingram, E Vilna, R',_ Jonnson, C . Wriyfrirt, `M. A Keens, M Warier E 2 Kelly, M IC . Welch, A Kennedy, L White, M A Knialey, I Weber, M E Kramer, B A Weaver, C Little, 8 ' Wilson, ME Lee, E Wilson, S F Linch, ME Wolf, M Lougerbaugh, H Yeager, M C Levan, A Lutz, D H Muktilon, W McGroan, W C McDorwert, T J MeQuald,- B McStuirer", W McGinley, W McCracken, D Markle, C P Mendingball, J Mager, H Messenger, H. P Maurer, J GENTLEIDI"K'N'S LIST Andrews, J Anderson, S Allvord, G Altine, Anderson, J E Albright, sr., Albright, E Barnhart, J Backus, S A Berner, IF Barker, W L Barbour, D W Beers, .0 Bernesderfer, J 8 2 Bender, J L Oink, Blew, 0 Black, D Black, J G Bookwalter, J Boyer, D Boyers, P M Bogart & Bro Burdett, E C Brotherline, J Manikin, A. Mallory, J D Miller, .W .:. Miller, J A Mitchell, I N Melly, S Moore, IC A Ralson, J Morse, E P Morrison, E Moyer, 0 . - - Braun, C Morning & Grove Bryson, R Mocberman,C D Burggs, J - Mullock ,L S Cane, 0 Murray, W G Cadowel, A Minitard, CR ' Caeedy, M Idutchler, F Cardwell, A - Murry, - J - Carden, R Mulcaghey, M Callen, W P Mullin; D W Carlus, C Miere, T Cavanagh, M Neff, D . ' . Mark, JC O'Donnell,' J (Ship) Coover, J O'Hare, J Conney, W Parket, 01 Dope, J D Philip,W Collins, L L Pemell, 1 R Coleman, J ' Pierce, E M Cosden, J Poren J Cross, W S Poormen, W . Crider, B Purned, I 0 Oaten, W P ! Pool, 'B BAugherty, J %AS, L Dapny, F H Quigley, J Dorsey, W Reeser, J Derr, E E Reynolde, W beardaff, J - 'Rider,' W F Pennee, A . : Beehl, A (ship) Duffy, J Saxton, H. 'Draper, W S Schmitt, . D ; Dunmore, G Scott, 0 rb, B Shelton A leb, R II Shell, J r Felix, 0 Seeger, A .FOrward, R - 'artier, N. . Waltz et Beard Seibelt, JF 'Geiger, W ' Shdwers, M Goodwin, E - . - Seller,l3i . Giay, H 'l' Snowden, J Godahal, J Smith, L Goodrich, S J Smith, M H Glover, W 'Smith, J B , Hart, W R 2 Sloneker, J Hero, H Snyder, C F Haveretick, WSlattery, M Heebner, C Steele, W H 31ee8,, W...': Sviar. la/ Zr! Imo, 8 ' SteCs, T Bernie, S Swarey, A Ileepburn, W - , kia9k4otige,4" J Hilton, J ,` • .. 1 •Swarti; P`_-. " - Hoch, J M ' Strong, J M Hover, W A Skingliton, 8 ouck, A . Steak, J Hull, H - 4 ,4 Strunlinger, J Irwin, JF . ' ' - Sittl, J i'arneson, J B 2 Stevenson, R foam B ...- Thbriothy, A /order', J Thomas, S Johnson, A L Tall, L Keating, H , UrPox, J L Kerl, W . . V_nger,D D Sene4Y ; J Ev, , - - WASendluftw, J P Kelly, & Co, P F -IA Wagner, W • Ring, A Wessinger, i Bule f t, .z.. xi ... , .4 i- s ii vi re, J 2 11 1 1 1 -- 1. - . , t ,*lttf_ ) F3=.. , ‘ l. ' tilt' 85 ?0,4-i; (ship) FREEIR BUTTER : eT• iMARICET PRICE. VET, HAYING fitted vp v aid hiving made contracts withsome of OU mmt rellatde farmers to with fresh land sweet butter regtuarli will be enabled to atippiroer embitters with sweet fr esh Ice cold butter at alt times. : m 729 • ' : ; •WY.DOOK, CO. WCI • it eroes -- 23 `TriaarriE I th 4ult/S Aielabrated saw' :aura Jiang. "halved or ga gia.iagge Of iinslbtusatitles. tf • • • WJL Dom, Jan X 00. 1 myV UPERIOR Qualtty,of Imperial and Black Ter, for sale by bIIOHOLA & BOWMAN, ' Inv l " 4 , corner Front and 11 , 0 bet streets. 13#41.0.010, /311 u Umurellas and Para - *dß, P*(4l . 6!* per cent lower than else where. gaTACtaT ti BROTIREK, my 6 'N'ext door 14 tbe liariistrarg Hank. 11 slatEkeiti DEOWITIVItkI is tiiit p*e tonirtigagt memoutic coital) Morning, Junt 3, 18.62. New '2omrtisinents. Wilt, 3 Id Woodruff, S S Wiel, W • Wood, C J Wilbher, B Yarriugton, A A 3 Wilson, J Young, C WildnAls, J E ..- Zscheoh, B Wint*, J 11 Zimmerman, V MILITARY LIST Alexander, S McCoy, A 2 Bidwell, H McGuire, T A 3 Behrends, A er E. McCame, A Clark, B F 2 McElear, W Cervix, Geo. Morgan, C A Cole, T Mustard, C 3.1 Conn, J Murray, J Clock, A Nonamaker, J Duffy J Neider, M Doyle, .1 B,eitnouer, W C 1 Bconroth, C Ricbardti, J (ROT Capt. - Roberts; A 2 arq4 Salkeld, S W ,J M 2 Sellers, J B Har an, B Stevenson, W 2 Henninger, J Temple, J M Hoyey, B Thompson, J S Howell, J V Thompson, W B Hub* A G 2 Wright, E H Kerrigan, M Young, I Ling,4 L ~ Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. One cent due oft each. It - GEO. BERGNER, P. M. . .. . . M. .9. PELRICHILL, PLUMBER EEO ;GAS FITTER• Third Sued, next door to the Tekgraph Print* offite• - ‘I9rORES, dwellings, churches, public kj buildings, factories, *a., fitted ap with gas, lead a d ironpipe in a workman like manner. Hydrants, Wash basinkliath Tubs, lift and Force Pumps, Water Cki-ots, Lead awl Iron Pipe fbr water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. All work pr mptl attended to. rey30.413m. THE BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST MONEY A. HUMMEL, Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION and at, all Pia I 0 E S. Next aoor to the Court House,g MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISEI3 and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash .ricts. mar2B•d3m .8. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. LT AS always on hand a full assortment I of tin and Japanned Ware, Cooling and Parlor Stoves or the boat taantuboturles, Outte , Elpontlag, Roof ing and ennobled Iron Uornlsh, reenttfactured and pn t sp at reasonable nitei. /fir Rankin promptly attended to. aprBo-dIY GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED. FAMILY 4,giWiNG MACHINES 1 IDIIRTICUTA,II, attention is called to the fact that, beetles the machines making our (tele- Ureter& btitch, we menotaature, In great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES. ~The 'peculiarities or oath • stitch will be cheerfully gown ace. =plume° to purchasers, and they have the great advantage of being able to Belau from our stock either &machine niakiug the GEOITER AND BAKER STITCH or Due making the LOOK STITCH, the only valuable Se7u3' g. sttlehee tin practical use. ' PRICES FROM. $lO UPWARDS.. Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Far Eale by MRS. E. BRENIZER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myB-d2m PLOTS! PLANTS I I TOMATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS CABBAGE PLANTS. 8 cents per 'dozen";. cents Per hundred ; $2 60 per thousand. TOMATO PLANTS, 10 cents per dozen;i&oentsPer hundred, $4 00 Per thoosand., Also all Kinds of V'E GE TA BEES Wholesale 9r , • SEED POTATOES. Davis' Seedling per bushel, 70 cents. Peach Blows, 6O cents. EVERGREEN .SWEET CORN. Per bushel,. ears, $2 00 Per bushel, shelled, 4 00 Per quart, shelled, 25 Ohlefii sent to the KEYSTONE FARid promptly attended to. . J. .1111 SH. my24-dtf . • ; • VANILLA. BEANS .11XTE - itre offering for eile • a splendid VV onallt7 of Vanilla Bean at low prices, by the pound, ounce or singly.. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, . . 91 Market. Street AD'' 414 tmixitit Dandelion and Ri Coffee Or sale at tee slue of JO i N WISE. my _ _ Q.CIAT, Harrison, COntlayand Fancy, for IJ lisle by blteßol4 & BOWMAN. m 27 y) noctkeast.gorner of Front arid Market streets. P'S. D. & 0. A. '"(7:01:7„411-fu l d Zorte, Stiti - WittCot.Gr ol a & CO., artd.G. W. lima, and Dniggists geueralty throughout thecountry Price, 25 Gents:per bottle. Try it. Prepared by mt19414c0 E. M. POWAR & CO.; Rochetter, Penna. A c nuts _ • • • , 'ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, , OFFICE MUD STREETI „ v im maortni. filisullant.aus. lili=l INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 805 & 387 BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRAEKLIN STREET, NEW YORK. 1l I 5 first-class house—the most quiet, homelike, and pleasant hotel in the city—offers !missies Inducement• to thee., visiting N YORK for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, Lou kept 011 the EUROPEAN FLA*, In connection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments em be hid at all hours „ or served io their own rooms. the ch are modarata , the rooms end attendance of the first order—baths, and all tae madam ooncetdrnoe attached. COAL! PO W DER!! COAL REDUCEDIII N consideration of the hard times, and as I sell exclu-ively FOR CASH, I have reduce• the price of Coal oh 10110498 Lyteas Vadcy Broken 12 90 per ton 0. 61 Urge Eirs g po .• .. • 14 Swaim IA 190 44 61 s 1 s t o ve 44 2•22 44 tt t 4 14 N ut .1 226 14 Wiltsbarte g 20 41 Lorberry ' 90- " /aril' Mal delivered by tha Y.42IST Warta Caw's; Can be weighed at the purchasers door, and it fel Is short 10 POCIITIES the Coal will! be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, ucilvared free frem all Impurities - sir Coal acid In qantitiee, at the Lorry muumuu Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. so-A large lot of superior baled Bay for sale. - JAMES N. WHEELER. TO CONTRACTORS. Pporosas will be received at the office of the undersigned until the 3d day of June next, for the driving of 800 yards, or there abouts, of a Tunnel in Lykens Valley. Tunnel to be a} feet high, 12 feet wide at top, and lb feet wide at bottom. For further particulars call on Daniel Hoffman, Civil: Engineer, or on the undersigned at Wiconisoo. my2o--d td HF.I 4 IIIY THOMAS. PORT FOLIOS WRITING DE BS, TBATELLNG BAGS, PUBSM, POBTMONA.IEB, And ageneral assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. LAME TROUT. J UST received a mall invoice of MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The quality vary aaperlor, 804 trie price very low. WM. DOCK, JH., & CO. THREE CENTS PER PAPER. OUR fresh stook of Superior Flower' and. Ca den Seeds we have determined to sell at .h.ce cools per Call at So. 91 /Parket street, Seller's drug and fancy store, end you will get to the right place. J. Wesley Jones' tine double .kstiars and ten week stooks at same price. FLY PAPER. ipANCY COLORED Pager ready out, for covering leaking Glasses, Pleture P,Amea, uu.on ant other new patterns for sale at BRAGNan% CB AP BJOINTORN. STEAM BOILERS, LAVING made efficient and permament arraogements for the purpose, we are now pre pafep to mane SULAM BOlLlitth of every kind, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We Shall use Iron mado oy Battey & Brother, the repnatiun of which is second to Etna in the aaricet. None but the beat hatds 'employed. Repairing prompt ly &nettled to. Address EAGLE WO.RNS, m 7221.7 derriaburg, Ps. BEAUTIFUL TIB§ uE PAP h R, 'IVOR cioveling 1,0°1E14 - (.4l;seses , Yietn re .E" Frames, oroomeating Wimp, triukung Gas riper, ao., and cut uo se to bang over strums In the shape at ours, pulnto, olrales or festoons Par Mac at , m 9I6 BOOKSTO IF. A L I UllO ..56. , --:-4,24141 Variety ( Lt use tul IA •• 1 entertutuiu, 1.,13 . FAMILY 'WAZILING BLUE, as excel lent Substitute for Indigo, for ea le at the wholesale awl retail grocery store of IfIOHOLS at 110W.AAN, corner of Front and Market Streets. Ayr, URNING, (100 DS. Everything in „kuL this line manufactured for La -ilea' ne.nm )r Wear. rmes very law. A great many , goode or ue material. CA/11011a & is.r.ortuta. Next door, tithe klatrisbu g Bank. m) 6 HAMS 7 1 - 1 LBS. Jersey . Sugar Cured 00k/ Ram and a splendid lot of Owego , Gra) Coin red suar Curec Hama Just received. W. DJOK, & Cu. OIFICE OF TIM HAM:BURG ORION Comm's., . Harrisburg , Penes.).'ran a, May Ye, leek' frEE annual meeting of 'the ntockholdere •_l_ of this company wilt be held at their odic° corner of Second and North atreetn, on Tliuriday afternoon, I..hh ofJune neat at two n'cluck, when an election will be held for a Pres dent, Six D.rectora. a Treasurer and Sterutary to servn fur Ins onsutngse it* . Wh.t.latht secretary ant Treasurer. nv2B daLtods AGENTS 1 MERCHANTS 1 PEDLERS I READ TILLS. VNERGETIO men make $5 a day by A 2,4 selling our UNION elilZe. sTarIoNERY PAtaßlß 00.itaining .superior Stationery, Portraits of &EVEN Otatil.B, and a piece of Jewelry.. We guarantee sat tailouoa quauty of our gopdf. The gifts cons ist of fifty varieties and styles of Jewelry,hll useful 'end Valu able. Circulars with fall particulars mailed. free. Ad dress. L. B. BABKINS & CO, ito36-3md 86 Beekman Street, Nair York. CRAB ClDER.— constantly; ou 4and at very suptgior Wide of 'Wks Cant amis. Ws(. DOOK, Js. k Ou THE SKIRT. REOEIVED.—The New Shaped _kola Salrt, th Wiest article manufactured. 1 , or bole at carkiCtAril, apray Nen door to the tlerri,oura molt. ME AOKERL in, kitte, half bole. and bins., fa' sale luw y tai 4i01.4 A., 22 Chatter Front and Market sheets. LIPnittIOR, Dandelion Coffee just re recel44 and for wile by NICHOLS & BUWMAN, Ogner. Front and Ilsrxet streets. my2B 'DUBS Cider Vinegar, warranted, just received and for sale br 1.410.40L3 do BaWdIAN, Corner Front and startet streets. EXCELSIOR, HAMS I 1 THESE iiAtilS are cured by a • NEW YORK FARMER, And are decidedly the most delicioue and dedicate/9 fla vored in the =watt. They rived , NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, lin east little more halt W. I:OCEr., Jr., Ai Co. 112Y23 my2B NEWBOLD @twill lot of , these adebrsted itt/111 just received. r r 44 Wit. & CO. VINE lot of liessina -.Oranges and other X Foreign Fruits, pad received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner Front and Market etreebc-' . my]9 XfltoSti & BLA.MWELL'S Celebrated PIC BAUM.% 2AESEAVB drc,, die. A large supply of the aaove , embracing every variety, Mat re reivau and for Bale by Uhl WH. cOCIS Jr., at Co. V,OLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION. --A :NJ very oonvoutant tirriumig WIK ; also, Portfolios, liamorandaalfooks, Poritnoltanoes, .3co ; Mt ni aCilfaFiritte'S BOMA-Wit& FLOWER • EDS. CHOICE lot of ASTER'S and TEN WEEK with 'a' - genera -variety of Fresh *lower and Garden Seeds, received: and at No. 191 Market street., Aji L4pcod. Drugstore. EXTRA Family Flour, just recalled and warranted to give sustiotetion, tor We by DICHuLd a BOWMAN, Cornet of Frost sad Market. etrolt. VESSEL FISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN MEIN Store, corner of third and Witt. nut. myly (1 -4 41111.-FfiNti-I—Tee largest -end. beat, lug stock, from $l.OO 14.00—warraoted—st 020 sHSVPICH 9 13001311 TORE. LYKENS VALLEY NIIT 00. AL. UST received a full supply of Lykes Coal, debvered by the'patang weigh carte; Far 800 by JAMES M. WIESS,LES aterI§ 171,016/)IWITS;aOn;Liny, Beaus, &a. A g rin4oEuvwfswith---- - CirateB ~Prunoe, • buns 'am! kindsof /NA* MIS - MEIN Moro, ndra snit shat. filisathtittm;. VAN AMBURGH & MAMMOTH MENAGERIE EU Great Moral Exhibition. HYATT FROST. Manager. oi am burg & co., take both pride .1 I Leasure is • &ilia* the attta.tila a Ulm:mom' ing, puulic to .be tact a ttwy ith a ee-eramoa loa le Dt aside veer, opp:si lOU of avlaarr aver kind tr • mul e ha a on atm MAN s. meth the tax las sum of $105,000. mate A surpass ant thing the ir.d ever before have seed. It .w rizes pre eminent over eve , y 'wpm tor. All the advantages that ra,th, talent and experience could )mrntud, have teen bought late tillSilkhl is starting this glgan entert rise. Moodily, wane . $. a i Autburgh was In foreign, collecting Aa.intli3 lor 4,14 lenagette, rot ort. of his death were • circulated, but lie VAN MIBURGII STILL LIVES . and will accompany the ) enagerle, ir . anti bear living testimony teat he it 1... hy 1111 L,.., ~„ is Nor dead. This _ 7k Complete Menagerie, The only one in America, „, , 4 In an entire new outfit, A , With new Horses, 1/4 A New bliver-mounted Har ness, New Colossal Golden Chariot, '-, New Gorgeously fainted -,,.. Cages, i ' - ,___ MAIL • New Spring Wagons anti New Six centre-pole Can- VASS, ~. \\,.... The unparallelled and mst team,... .. , phant success whine has atte dvi •-" tuts time treriored institution, 41 with =._— 1 out preeedJut. The Menage le ie the streets, about 10 a m., Will form -•-:, k A MOVING PAI4O/{AIdA 1 in Oriental Splendor, nearly one mile iu length, • 1•,,;,ai1:/. rya- FREE To ALL. sat hitki. l . lt a . The immense Pavailon wit aconmo . •---._ ,Ir. date many then:mode ; 3J ad who may de ~re can eye \S P .; LIVING WILD ANIMUS " .:• 4 `(‘:from ovary clime rano, r, itt THE GREAT VAN AMBURGH - _ Six Times as Large as any ordinary Circus. AT HARRISBURG, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, June 9th and 10th CARLISLE, Wednesday, Jane 11th Doors open at 1 and 7 o'clock ADMISSION CHILDREN under nine years.. my2B.dBt .25 cents .16 cents EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. mANIIPACIMEUM OP BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-MACHINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES FOS GRINDING CUMNG-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Bran CASTINGS, WOOD TIIRNING IN ALL ITS BRANDEIS'S. SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, PM, E 70., Or' Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT. WOODEN SORE W CUTTING TOOLS sir Cash paid for Old Copper, Brims, Spelher, &c. STEAM` BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR .WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stations ry and swingmr. Fast' Weights lima various °Orr building nontnett, for sale :very /luau at the [iny 21-Iy] WORKS. EW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with all auk recent,sy improved barn , s f4r Bale by • MehOLls. ritAVM AN'S 'cornet. V , not .15t1 4 4roet WANTED IM M. EDI AT ELY.--A. few Machinists and Blacksmahl. Enquire at the my2o.clu • H tittKI6BURG 'OAR SHOP. ITAANDELION COFFEE I—A 'Fresh and jv largo supply of thia Ce lobra:ed Coffeei net rooeivad 'by. = WM-1100f Jr., & to. MOBIL) .13 ' and wet cured. A splendid lot, large WM DOCK, Jit. k GO M 19 =