Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 31, 1862, Image 2

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Elailv '4 7 de*.
dete cordially to unite in sustaining the
efforts to suppress a sectional and nubbly re
bellion against the -UNITY OF THE BEMS-
Lac; and who detdre to support, by every
power of the Government, one hundred thou-,
sand heroic brethren in Arms, braving disease
and the perils of the field Opfinerve the Union
of out Fathets, artitrqUeStied to selt- ct he num
ber of Delegates,gnus'. to the Legislative Re
esentatiorad the stain. at Fuch times and in
such manner-as Will hest •respond to the Writ
of this cal i,!to meet iti STATE CONVENTION
TERICITH DAY OF JULY next, at eleven
o'clock On Pict dir tcp ignalnate Ontididates for
tho cakes of 'AUDITOrtitItIitRAL and SUR
VEYOR GENERAL, and to take such measures
as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the
Jovernment in this semen of common peril to
a 00103M011 country
Chairman People's State Committee
63°' W. 13ANKMUILT ' Se„etarlea
Jomg M. Simuvas,
A R 87113.8 U Ef.4 P A
Saturday Morning, May 81, 1862.
Sottirdays ago the Shelby, (Ky.) Nevis, pub
lished what it termed'" An Exposition of the
Neve /Ftlititu Plans and Purposes of the Con
fed4rates, 4 which the editor claimed to have
readied Wont the most reliable sourced, : ,and
under such circumstances as to command his
entire confidence. He gave it, as he antiouoced,
"not with a desire to circulate rumors or fears
that will create excitement, or increase the
feeling of unrest," bat to show that the rebels
haves plan to keep the seat of war from their
peculiar soil—the Cotton States. The editor
stated'the plan of the campaign determined on
td' be 'as follows:
1. Withdraw all the forces from the Virginia
add Ninth Carolina coasts, and concentrate
them at some central point in Virginia. These
fotew to form one wing of the rebel army, tobe
pia* under the (=mend of Joseph E. John
sen, and to move in the direction of Pittsburg,
Pefintylvania, forthe purpose of invading that
2. Withdraw all forces from the coasts of
South Carolina. and Georgia, and concentrate
theni'at Chattanooga, or some adjacent point.
This division to finm another wing of the rebel
army; muter-command of Itobt-rt E. Lee, and to
move In the direction of Louisville, for,the pur
pose of invading Kentucky and Ohio.
8 Withdraw the forces from the coasts of
FlOtkin and Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
Tszas and Arkansas, and concentrate them at
CorinAti. This wing to be commanded by G.
T. I. tho direotion of
.Pi c raid.ii; with the intent of 1....m. 5 --tm-ums
and Indiana.
The objects to be gained In carrying out the
plan,was first to secure subsistence, of whtch
there is none, or at least but yery little, in the
Bean— not mouth supply a tithe of the or
dinary-demand ; and secondly, to force Into
their armies all the fighting Int I).
The several ixarituandrre were to push for
ward their forces with all possible dispatch,and
possess themselves of all the importand mil-
RAO posts on the rivers and in the loyal States
bottle these poste, could be occluded by the
national forces, and thus, while the Union
armlets held and occuved the posts of import
sae. In the States in rebellion, the forces of the
traitors Would advance into the very heart of
the country.
vhic th e reoent movements of the rebel
smiles club:wide with the main features of this
plan is evident. They have withdrawn their
detachments from the whole seaboard and from
Arkansas. They are
, massing their forces before
Halleck; and in Virginia. The energetic cant
pain of Mitchell in Northern Alabama, as well
as the lack of men, probably prevented tit
g ithering of a formidable third column a
Chattanooga. But plainly, if Beaure4ard
means to do anything with his army, it must
be to march into Kentucky and Northern Ten
nessee, while the only hope of Davis in Vir
ginia is, to put us, even temporarily, on the de
IT al A SINOULAZ and a significant fact that
all the newspapers in the north that have per
slatently assailed the administration in its ef
forts to crush the rebellion, are as malignantly
denouncing Secretary Stanton. In the lead of
such journals we have the Journal. of Commerce,
then follows the Nero York Express, with the
Patriot far in the rear as the echo of the Jour
nal, and a host of other locofoco organs, in po
sition as their merits deserve, each emulous to
do- tke best for the destruction of Secretary
Stanton. They pretend to cast the blame for
whatever disaster attended the retirement of
Gen. Banks from the Shenandoah Valley, on
Secretary Stanton. This, however, is mere
pretext. Why those journals really hate the
Secretary of War, is to be found in the fact,
that it was he who first urged the President to
insist on an advance of the armies of the Poto
mac. The movement of that army has de
feated the plans of the very men who now de
nonnce Secretary Stanton. They had hoped,
by delaying the advance to exhaust the resonr
oes of the Government and thus save the rebels
from conquest. In this they have signally
failed. Hence their abuse of Secretary Stan
ton. Is it not treason ?
QRS. Bunn can be as sarcastic, as he is witty
or elotinent, when occasion requires. He is
paving this daily in his intercourse with and
language' to the pecple and authorities of Net►
Orleans. During a recent interview between
the General and the Mayor of the Crescent
City, that functionary commenced a strain of
adulation of Gen. Butler's former political
faith and action. He had just remarked that
"Gin. Butler has always been a friend of the
eoruh, , "when the General intetrirupted him with
the following rebuke: " Stop, sir," said the
Generat . "`let Me set you right on .that.peint
at once. I was always a friend to southern
rights and an enemy to southern wrongs."
The mutiou in Congr consider the vote
on emancipation, annoys -, and arouses the aril;
mosity of those who had hoped` that the vote
recently had in the House, by which the m&
sure was rejected, masa final and decisive de - -
feat of the purpose.. Congress begins to awaken
to the necessity of doing more than provide
men and money to crush - this rebellion. The
people themselves feel that it is worse than
!usenet° prosecute this war without also wading
it in "a 'manner - to cripple, waste; - ovsrcorne or
destroy our adversary. This can only be cone
by depriving that adversary of his resources.
The idea of marching an army into an enemy's
territory, protecting his means of defence as
that army advances, and "
embarrassing our gen
erals with instructions discriminating as to
what is or what is not property, hos no parallel
in the history of ancient or modern'ivarfare.
The rebels themselves feel this, and laugh at
our folly as they maintain their , property ii i
human flesh. They feel-that the mew who op
pose emancipation, are doing more to assist re
bellion to success, than an armed fikiee of a
hundred , thousand dough faces could &mom
' pllsh ; Bo that the subject be resolved itself
into the question . whether the gevernutent
shall continue to trifle with traitors at the ex
pence of thousands of lives and Wilkins of dol
lars, or whether we shall proceed at once to
crush rebellion. Our armies have proven "their
superiority over the rebels, but this inequality
is made up by the inexhaustible Supply of-sup
port which the rebel army IS didryleilving from
slave labor. That labor contilbittee to all the
wants of the south. Its white inhabitants will
be able to fight until dotimsdey, as loageß their
slave labor is , protected by the federal govern
ment, and the property which the traitors have
in slaves is exempted - !from confiscation. In ,
this view, the question becomes fully prietlcal t
and when viewed thui the necessity 0f.0,, -
don hecoatee imperative. Congress .begins• to
regard it as such, if we may infer from , the
• resolution to reconsider the subject.
We repeat, again, thatAti opposition to this
bill, at least so far as the Breckenris*et leaders
in the loyal states are tortanued, Is mainly and
solely an additional assurance of their sympathy
for the rebellion. They have hoped all along
that the .resourees of the federal government
would become exhausted—that thesupply of
free labor would fail, and that, eventually , by
thus barrasaing the people and efiberiisfing
the government, the patience , of loyal men.
would weary, and rebellion certainly triumph.
With the slaves of rebels exempted from ennui
cipatiou, rebel masters conidafford to fight and ,
contribute tosvardathe maintenenteof rebellion. .
But with that property, destroyed--With the
claim to title in human deals abrogated, treason
becomes an insignificant , foe to 'liberty, and
traitors'will soon , vanish from the soil of the
AN ofiltiaraL VA=
Among the original men of Pennsylvania,
is the Him. Mbrrow B. Lowry. Pew' trien
of his age-have engaged morn actiVely, in Mur ;
great business of life, and few in ,Ilislocality,
have contended mith and overcome greater 'ob
„.....are:- HO te a pruotteat
tation of-the meaning of practice; a thOrough
disciplinarian in industry,resolution, application
and perseverance. He regardi effort as only
worthy of respect, when it tends to some pub
lic good, and is ever ready to take part in any
struggles where wrong is to be rebuked or right
vindicated. But this is not Permitiog our readers
to peruse the speech which we quote below,
and which we discovered in the proof sheets of
the Legislative &cord, as the matter of that
document was being prepared for the press.—
The speech in question was delivered by Mr.
Lowry in support of his motion to proceed to
the oonslderation of a bill which provided for
the inspection of refined petrokum or rock oil,
which was before the Senate during the last
legislative session. Before a vote was taken
Mr. Lowry asked leave to Make a statement,
which Was granteti.. Me'thus spoke:
• north-western Pennsylvania,. it has been
supposed, AtiMds upon the shonlder blades of
a whale, its gender is unknown, its kind is a
secret whether mineral, vegetable 'or animal.
Its head liers,huried in the queen ' s dominions,
its beck is under Lake Erie, its heart and
shoulders lay under the soil of Pennsylvania,
its, tail crops out in extreme southern Vir
' guile, at Kanawha. It spawned a mountain
which looks like coal was, which, when
brought iota contact with heat, melts like
the tallow of the monster , of the deep into
the finest oil, In the queen's dominions they
have opened its nostrils and it breathes like
an earthquake, and smuts forth its oil thou
sands of feet high. Its breath has no name,
but it ignites by the fire of its own eye. In
Pennsylvania we have tapped its veins a thou
sand feet below the earth's serial*, and its
blood rushes forth with the rambling of thun
der and in millions of barrels.
In its blood there Is a something as wild as
electricity was before Morse put his hand upon
its mane, his bit in its month, his foot in the
stirrup, and rode it around the earth in the
twinktlng of an eye. That the blood of this
earth monster may be inspected and tamed by
the science of man before it is turned loose in
the world, is the object of the bill which 1
desire to call up. It has passed the other
branch of the 'Legislature. The breath of this
monster has licked up millions of property and
destroyed thousands of lives already. God has
given to mankind in this saaterial,agreat boon ;
the poor will no longer sit in darkness. Science
can tame its uncontrollable nature. If we, by
the p image of this bill, can save one mother ,
from looking upon the crisped and blackened
remains of her child, we will have ended
our labors well.
Tea ADVlRremaarr in another column, cal
ling for proposals tofurnish thegoverrunent with
an immense number of hordes; - suggeits . some
strange reflections; particularly whop we remem
ber that, six-months ago it was urged there were
mote homes fatale' hed. for the government than
would .ever be used. A great cry was raised,
and public feeling on this subject excited to
such a pitch, that the Quarter Master's De
partment 'was actually constrained to Order a
suspension of the sUpply.of horses. Since then
nothing hasoccirrred by which the government
has lostany very large number of horsed: Our
military operationsjlaie, generally - been of a,
- character in which the,esti, rice ,of animali was
not necessary, and, yet we now have a call for
prOpoopala to striOly this large number Of itterseg.
W . e leave the putgc,to draw their o4Pi infer
races fromthis condition of frets and &Mini
, stances.
pennopitiania [Datil) artitgraph. Zeurbaii °ming, JUaj 31, 1862
prom Sventog Hanlon of 'Yesterday
Evactranort or CORINTH
The Stars and Stripes Waving Over
The VIIIon Troops to full Possession
The Rebels Retreat to °Retail,
A telegraph deeper& has just been received
from an unofficial source that. the rebels' left
, •
Corinth lasknight, and that Gen. Nelson occu
pied their entrenchments sleight o'clock this
morning. •
The following luta just been received at ..the
War Department:..
rono24o4llth NelyVkhi .1801 •
To the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War:l
Three strong recorinbitering columns ad-1
venial:Wei 'intoning tinqhwitight, 'centre ind
itft, to feel the enemy. and unmask his bat
toil& The eneinyihntir contestedlie ground
at each point, but was : driven back with con
siderable loss. The icoinnin on the left en l
.countered the strongest . opposition. Our IJas
was 26 killed and. wounded ; the enemy left 80
dead on.he field. •
Our losses at other points are not yet ewer
tained. Soine five or six , officers and a number
bf privates were captured. The fighting will
Urobably be renewed to-morrow morning at
ay break: The , whole country 'is so thickly
Wooded that weare doMpelled to , feel our Way.
]Signed] IL W. trALLECIE,
• - Wor-Thrttheard,' May-80.—A dispatah • just-
Welited,jOir et:4.4,03063:th! filipler znalOgit
ihat,Coriniti. ie avacc4ttai.ky_thA*lla._
tozapad*Finii:VnTolle. • •-• • - • •
Triitonent say that the enemy Loft last night.
far Okelon, a pointabout one handled and fifty
Mike south of Corinth; on the Mobile and
Ohio railroad.
F'Ti'Ver77.WlT'": - M7M7'M
Three string reconnoitring columns advanced
this morning from General Thomas' command
on the right, Gerieral Beell's on the centre, and
General Pope on the left, for' the Purpose of
feeling the enemy's position, and unmasking
his batteries.
The enemy contested his ground hotly at
each point, but was driven back with consid
erable loaa.
, ,
' (len.
_Pope's column encountered the strong
est opposition, when we lost 26 killed and
Wounded. The enemy left 80 dead 'on the
; We captured sours five or EliX officers and
tieveral privates.
Although the enemy disputed the passage of
Bridge Creek sharply, we , held'posseadon of , it
on the southern side.
In some Instances our advanced lines of
skirmishers were within gunboat distance of
the enemy's entrenchments. Indeed, so near
are we that prominent officers believe that the
enemy will attack us at daylight to-morrow.
The affair of to-dayge considered a dei3lded
enclaves in a military point of view, our airily
having gained very strung positions right in - the
teeth of the enemy.
It has been ascertained that the rebel officer
killed at the battle - of Parmington - nn Ai e 9th
instr, who was at first supposed fo be 'General
Price, was Dolonel Ingraham, of Genecal Tan
Dorn's staff.
' The prisoners captured to-day report the
arrival of General Lovell's army at Corinth last
I/AIXEINC t S Er luxQuAlmota. May 29.—Corttriry
to the general expectation. the rebels did •not
open on us this morning . , but General, rope
opened fire on a rebel battery, which the latter
rOturned with twelve poundals.
After an hour's shelling, the rebels pulled
down the flag that was waving over their bat
tery, hauled back their,guos, and our forces at
this hour occupy , t,►e position.
From Washington.
Wasnmoroa, May SO.
John M. Brodhead, of the District of Cohtm
bia, bee been appointed by thb Pr,-sident one of
the cammiseiouens under the act of emencipar
Lieu of slaves in the District of Columbia, in ,
place of Vinton, dec'd.
The Ciruit. Court today form illy refused a
writ ol habeas corpus for the discharge of an
a lle ge d fngiilve slave. Sub:oriptions are. being
pledged:to employ an: - eminent._ counsel to test
the legidity of the application of th e. f ag iat ae
slave lawth the District of Quints bia,
.befnr e _th a
Supreme Court of. the Vatted - Staten, The .
Olaimantof. thefeimile slam, r em ay !me w
frOntliforshal lonian P. 15 4110 Ildlitet7 =the*
ties, is about entering suit against him for the
recovery of the value of the woman..
the Zntrenchraents.
WLmmIGION, May 30
Meer General
- LE ors ARMY.
, May 29
oom Co anrrs
From Geii. M'Clellan's Army
Jackson's Commanioaton with Rich-
mond Cut Off;
Muff Or THE Parckiiix, Jiffy $
A bridge, five hundred feet long, over the
South Anna creek, one of the tributaries of the
Pamunky river i _on the,lnt,ui the,Richtnond,
Fredericksiiiiig spa — P - 6 (T,-:Eraii- goad, was
burned this moroing by,thp-6,0 Cavalry. This
cuts off all coinmunicatfotiby railway between
Richmond and Jackson's command.
The sth Cavalry went to Ashland, eighteen
miles from Richmond on the' Same road, and
burnt all the enemy's oommissary and quarter
master's supplies which they had stored there.
This will prove a tevereitas to the tebeh .
The 1. ading article in the Richmond &quirer,
of Saturday, is iu the following language:
"We are Low looking to General Johnston
with great interest, and not without some so•
licitatioti. Re had jtjst besets till/ executed
'some very judicions retreats. We are now
anxious to see him display the more positive
qualities of a mhitary commander. The time
has come when retreat is no longer strategy,
but disaster. It must, therefore, give place. to
battle. We have no idea that Jaoksbn (=tem
plates a retreat We are perfectly satisfied that
he does not. We verily believe that if he does
contemplate one, be woulo find himself una
ble to execute it. The temper of the army,
wOulit deny it. The Alen are weary'of toilsome
and destructive marches, and the privations
necessarily attending them, and almoat clamor
to be led against the enemy. The march from
Manassas, and then from the Rapidan, and next
from Williamsburg, thinned our ranks more
than as many battles would have done. The
campaign has ripened for the battle, and the
battle is at hand. We need now at the head
of the army the clarion call, the battle shall be
bold and enthusiastic
The leader of the same paper complains of
the high,pricesd proyialcons, and callaupon the
Firmed to bring in tfieir Vegetables.
A great number , of , officers and soldiers are
now absent, upon pretences of being sick, from
their regiments, idling away their time in the
northern towns and cities. Tne army is on the
eve of a decisive battle, When every man should
be at his pust. Citizens should ask of such
persons the cause of their absence from the
army of the Potomac, and if the reason be not
satisfactory, shun them as unworthy associates
and a disgrace to the uniform they appear in.
Upwards of five hundred rebel prisoners have
been received at ; headquarters from the scene of
the late brilliant victory at Haoover Court
House. They lest this •morning for Fortress
Monroe. More are still coming in
Parravuzs, May 80.
The Mahoney and Broad Mountain railroad
has been completed to Ashland. The first car
of coal was shipped over to-day, consigned to
the president of the' Beading railroad com
pany- ,
Xxx Congress--First Session.
Mr. Wlisott, (Mass.,) from the Military Com
mittee, reported back a bill for the better or
ganisation of the AdjartarttGeneral's office.
Mr. Tivairwm., (N. J.,) & resolution
that the Secretary of IVar be instructed to
!communicate to the Senate a C . opy of the official
'report of Gen Hooker relating to the recent
battle at Williamsburg ;aligo, a resolution that
'the Committee on Pablicnde be inArricted
`to inquire into the, expediency of donating
lands for the benefit of antiquarian societies.
Mr. 'WILSON, (Hass.,) ofiercd a iesolutien that
'the Secretary of the Interior be requested to
!communicate to the Senate a copy of the cur
respondence with the War Department on the
subject of the imprisonment of soldiers in the
'penitentiary of the District, and also a copy of
the ophdou of the Attorney General on the
We understood there were seventy ,or eighty
now imprisoned In the penitentlaryhere.
Not in session.
Markets by Telegraph.
Nrw Yoar, May 30.
Flour heavy sales Of 8,500 bbls. at $4 25®
4 35 for State ; $6 10®6 16 for Ohio, and
$4 96(46 60 for Southern. Wheat firm, sales
of 95,000 bus. at 85®98c. for Chicage• Spring ;
4 1+0®$1 02 for Milwaukie Club, and $1 08®
1 08} for lowa. Corn firm, sales of 22,000
bus. at 48@49c. Pork heavy at 12e. for mess
prime unchanged. Lard unexchanged. Whis
ky at 2.34®241c.
At 9 o'clock, A. et., May 30th after a lingerlog Beers
from COOSSlmptian, Italialitier, wife of Wm. Dam, aged
e 7 yew" &months and 47 day.
(the funeral will take 'ghee On Monday afternoon at
If o'clock, from the residence of her husband, to which
the relatives and friends of the deceased are respectfully
teatteni without further notice.] •
rodhumons praise is too often accorded where there is
no merit to deserve its recor tt on , but when the record
of ilk bears testimony to the goodnees and virtue of the
dead, the praise which utters its admirteion at she por
tals of the grave, Is both fitting and commendable. It is
jist thus to protialm It of those who paned their
lives in the seclusion of the domesro circle, dispensing
titer labors for good, that a holy influence might
radiate to all circles of life, In noble examolec for the
&eh= o' men and sweet admonitions to virtue and ea.
tlearment In women. The matron whose death elicits
thi s n o nce, thus paisid her life. Living only for those
she loved, and ready not only to lore but to succor the
deserving, her life was indeed a series of triumphs for
good. Lathe object of the "Motion of loving hardly,
and the centre for the respect sod a large cir
cle of friends, her career was the more b anthill because
she never hot the devotion of the one, or forfeited the
respect of the other. Charitable to the needy—merciful
to the erring—patient wish the forgetful—her confidence
was easier won than lost, and her lovesooner command
ed than her resentment cool I be incurred. The comma
pity cannot refuse to moura for the loss of such a wo
man—for she teat wears the pare title of woman in th' s
world, Ilts herself for higher titles In the sphere fo r
•Wlich the good are destined. Nor can we rehire to
press our unfeignod regret to chronicle such a death, be
isnie it robs society of the rich exampl. of one who hai
given her dais to udilulness, and her labors to duty
She was a wife, true in all her aspirations—a mother,
ever faithful . in the &echoer° of her duty to her chi].
dree. what better epitaph could auy wife or mother
deShe What sweeter requiem could lull the "don,
Bold ear of death?" than that by honorable sok nowledg.
Wont, to accord to one eh I had passe t her life bo h
in the precepts . and in the pre:chi s of virtue, the fare.
weli or "adieu to the good , ' And Mop, Sol, In this death
ik atelier of those gok4..*lhisswldsb connect the pres
int with the part, severed. dnothir gibe noble mothers
of the men fit this gameation, pllows& !.? the iamb of
bar fathers : whare what is mortal wid eireimbto with th•
ihesatigssogliiiiruamonai spletta owns . 1.117.01Lha
stew Yiaisti as it'iotrasys through , • spheres
withibe 'llOll of .76* lied hastaatoes Whin*
dy of heaven I • •
, tts "D,t'iacrttarincliit
FOR RENT.— 1 comfortable dwelling
cs - l - b DTP or !c rooms Obitent.ptly located.
isnqnire of 3.) t j C AS. C. HAWN.
NOTICF. is hereby g.ven that Frederick
William Orth, 111 11 /4 1 rent,a to alit undrnigned
has ftb erndent The p are cautioned to: to trust
said Runswfty on try actoun ,ns l o t ' ~o i ract.l by
blm will be s...itltd by mn. ll'Or.ol . 1 :dB ‘UM
NOTICE is hereby given that the Wy
oming Park at Wilke. Barre wIII apply t, the
Legislature of the :give of PenLayl-auta at its next see
eon, for an exten•ten of the charter of said Bank, and
ale° fur aullunity to increase the capital of said Bank
f om one hundre I And fifty thonsuid dollar.= to too hun
dred thousand duiiars. The name and style. the loca
tion, and the towers and privii gee o said amok to re
main-the sime iv; at wean, sating and excelling only
. ',crease of the eaplasieformetil:
G.ll. BOLLEBACFC, President.
F TOWARD 8. L'YP, Cala: r. inyao-dit. whit.
Tr( Illideralgued will expose for sale
in tlie liftstket House to morrow, (oa•unlay,) a rare
and diets* eA111 , 01141 Of
_event emlatrallaata, many of
whichiseisleallretr nets; /lineal; the dangle° are. the
fel otrirg large niobt4ly ll , werlag earoattons:
Goleta Ppleedeca,
!penult tartlet's.,
Isere Wilmer Stratby
Wletrillis,: • •
Phloxls ?Hardy Varieties,
Phlox Durwood*,
'•. • .
Audis !arta lot erub'S Rase Toole acid a vealy of
other pilots toe sonorous to mention. Pate to ena
mel:wee at 10 o'clool.. JCifti COHAN.
myfO dits
Thad Street, ord door 14) the Alegraph hinting
LITO RES, dwellings, churches, public
tj buildings, factories , *c., Shed up with gas, lead aid
Iron pips In s uorsiosu use wants. Hydrants, Wash
Woo, Pain Tubs, lift sod Form Pump!, wator
Lead and Iron Pipe for meter, gas sue sieam. A shade
of public pstronage te respectfully solicited. All wort
windy attooded to. ,
8 111 ASNERD,
(See their, adoertisement be Patriot and Union.)
ALL Instruments Warranted in ALL
rowno, and El. ei at tilanalUturer'4 vita.
N. B.—an soortment P4t1103 of the above ma to
Brill be on band to a few daFs Alpo a geoerit stood of
Partkulars bereeter. Beal loaco—Peanayllaala
Rotel. myY9 d9O,
WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig
erator; and baying made, costracts with sotto of
our Mani duo& fanners to fern , thtts With fresh anti
sweet butter regwad will be enabled to supply oar
customers with sweet freak toe cold butter at all times.
my2s W3C DOCK, Jr. h CO.
Great Moralllchibition.
44. gcNowt
="---' -,_-`':,..•-, ''',;.-z-:,-.:
(CIII . :41 ~.,11- - - E o.l4 : 3tr.ilit ,
--• 1 ,--- ' ..,.- r - iii • - , -- 4 .4..-" , t ;
•kA-,. -..'''' \ - 'lt r•,: il
..,••:;-.,, c 4 ' I -- A, •-••t.. >' 4 l`.`_`,.•• , (A (1
- . .4% r , ji c =. t,_.-•:>.k. a ,t- \ -- "I , '
" (7 -..,1 • qr,- - 0- 4:: - ',l-'' , .c , '• ecri
9!-, A ' c_.1!;)217 . '" r „liit.V:ii
Itl‘` • -- c.) ;,;;.,; . -- . - -. - .. ate42 4 /
.._ . ---•••- - - ---- ....,-.- -e'
.. ~
Amburg & co., take both pride
id I !tame In WINK thii attention
diacrtutivalog public to the fact
they (with a do!criabialoa to
it osqte every °Kra lot of what
war kind ov - ratove,) have expeul
oo this citable! mom the (nor
ms sum of
make it suntan anything the
iorld ever before have aeon. It
iw rime pre eminent over treaty
,ompetior. All theadvantsges that
wealth, talent and experience coold
command, have been brought into
Nuisiiloo in starting this gigan
enterprise. lti.ceatly, while
p. Van Amburgh was in foreign
Jun tries, collecting Animals for to it'
imaged°, reports of his death Were
circulated, but
f• 0
I. \ and will accompany the. : Venagerre ,
~, ' ' and boar living testimony th at ha
i i•,.. : 4 1 6. 41 01 as nor dead. This
Complete Menagerie.
. r_ • •
_,, The only one In America,
~ P i • ' In an entire new outfit,
_ e l le•
16"; With neworses,
_,„:kat Jt s , New Silver -mounted liar
- - lioness,
New Colossal Golden
- ...
-. K.,t - i: New Gorgeously Painted
_, Aim 7wis, • New,Sprlng Wagons and
New. Six centre-pole Can-
Aw. vass,
Six Times as Large as
• , any ordinary Circus.
The tuiparallelled and most trium
pliant success which hes attended
' • this time honored institution, is with
out precedent. The Idenagerle in
- - the streets, about 10 A IL, will form
in Oriental Sp!ender ' nearly
= —, • one mile in leng th,
-, ~,,
~.' vrA 0 Aar 8 EKE TO ALL. ill'
° Vrililit , , The immense Pimlico will accemo•
...,.. data many thousands; BO a i who
may desire can see
- - 4';
1z.:',1.v from every clime; also,
MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Tens 9th and 10th.
CARLISLE, Wednesday, June 11th.
Doors open at 1 and 7 o'clock.
CHILDREN under nine years 16 cents.
B,:tru aurrtisttleut:.
VOR SALE the Patent. Right o f
mere of the most ttovrishmg cosat;eg
Address J. C. 8., w Lye
mytD dl •
40R RENT —A large front -
aide Cro a single
age Road. at $2 00 per aloat:, . r iady
rac29 et*
Wyouli g 1 3 , li f
business In th is city. wb, , y
cd and a ready 'Rieman.To ,•ce_ , 7
co uotn das anon Will Ind f t ; 0;
LEg gL
my 29• d
1.,, ..
ASMALL, but very ~ii , .,
Bologes ratiage kJ:it r ce,-. , t, . 7 ):
my 29
wS: L . , . -.
WE are offering for ,air
qualm-, or Vanilla Bran at
pound, ounce or singly.
K KC! 11. I,
E 5,000
by the officers of the
stationed at these plicot. r ti
sth day of June next
fur the delivery un ur
ikurrimi OF THAT .
Two thousand Five Hundred
One Thousand Five Hundred
AT t_;,llt ACra
And One Thousand
aT [StiiY~ii~L[' L`:i;
Ihe horses to . : i th,:.
nor mare thin ver•
fifteen tme.J., :or,: Vi 14p
ed to r 4 :
None will be ri.-:,i - ;ed ❑¢tii mcy Ai :
ted by au
The ability r 1176
teed by two -
sign the bids as octants. iu tt., , ..01
ting—and biddcrt
it An; "
and poet dace adJr
immediately to i`oeir u. I
By order of the apartl;.:ut
8 cents per dozen; 25 c-utz C.
$2 50 per tb-1-I;.]
10 centa per dozen, 75 ent= per a
per thouan.l
AIN all Kick!, ‘,J
V L G ETA Fit, k:
Wholesale or Retail.
SEED PUTAlui , z•
Davis' Seedling per bobhcl.
Peach Blows,
Per bushel, ears,
Per bushel, shelled,
Per quart, shelled,
Orders sent to the KEY;-TuNE
promptly attended to
ruy2.l-cltf •
my - a cid'
• +
NO. 3 ,e34*
dekr. Market Street, }larristurg
HAS constantly On
of •
Watches Ir.weloryout the p
ratly rep
Hoye. B. yo r l.ce.
J. aitll B 113
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware bl3:.:er
NO. 112 11.4NKET S.,
tIiAS always ou loluJ a lull SI:11?:...t
of tot aid .Ispanoo 1 tc,i-d C r: ~-. ''''''
'Stives of the best motto tt . t: u. Ws ;,',' ,'''''' . ''
ling as
d e%lrs used Iron ~ttroisa, 1050t1..--; 'IP'
oP albrfixs ,ndb;e rate* ....ail,.
40- berairieg rompily attend i ~, a, ",
.11"3/ 'Saucers, Phtl.ielphie slyle,
roe sale by ycd,,;,, itl'",,
°O career Croat 03 Vezot 5,,
.13AS_ERS Cocoa and Sweet Cuecolate,
Ibr sale at Joael wlsrs, third and Wswiii. 014
1N1 1 1..1.
A -