Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 26, 1862, Image 3
flip titgrapil. All communications recommending candidates for political offices must be paid for at the time they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. biRRI:-!:BUP.O. PA Monday Afternoon, May 26, 1862 BODY RECOVERED.—The body of Alan us 11.1.'Fadden, an interesting son of Wm. C. Dr Fadden, of this city, aged about six years, who was accidently drowned in the canal last Friday, was recovered about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, just below the bridge at the foot of Market street. The funeral of the deceased will take place from his parent's residence, No. 8 Filbert street, at 10 o'clock this morn- I=l DAVIS' PANORAMA.--Four additional scenes have been added by Harry Davis to his great panorama of the rebellion, embracing the bom bardment and capture of Forts Henry and Donnelson, and the great battle of Pea Ridge. That of Fort Donnelson is a double scene, and one of the most stirring battle pictures we ever looked upon. We predict that it will create a marked sensation when exhibited before the public. There are now altogether some fifteen scenes added to . the panorama since its public exhibition, all painted iu that superior style for which this artist is so celebrated. =I MOVEMENTS or U. S. REGULARS. —Yesterd ky morning two companies of U. S. regular troops ware ordered forthwith, upon' receipt of the news from Gen. Banks' command, to leave Fort Hamilton for Washington city. They ar rived in Baltimore this morning and were im mediately ordered to Harper's Ferry. We are pleased to state that Lieut. Charles Snyder, of the Bth U. S., son of Charles A Snyder, Esq., of this city, is adjutant of the command.— Lieut. Snyder has hosts of young friends in this city who will be gratified to learn that he has gone into active service. We hope to hear a good account from the regulars es we are cer tain Lieut. Snyder will acquit himself credit ably. THE OnroLs, called by some the " golden robin," "bang-bird," " fire- bird," has just made its first appearance. It is the most beau tiful of our summer visitors, and is universally admired both for the richness of its plumage and the sweetness of its song. The Oriole en ters Louisiana in early spring, probably from Mexico, and gradually makes its way North, to return in autumn. They often are seen cling ing by their feet in search of insects, which form their principal food in spring. Its nest is built at the bottom of a skillfully constructed network suspended like a pouch from the end of a branch shaded by overhanging leaves. They are nut at all timid, and are often kept in cages, and fed on raisins, figs, and bard boiled eggs. RELIEF FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED.-We are glad to see that the call for articles for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals at Baltimore and Fortress Monroe, is meeting with a hearty response from our patriotic citi zens. A large number of articles have already been deposited at the store of Mr. W. S. Shaf fer, Market Square, and additions are being made daily. We hope that those who have not yet contributed, will at once bestir themselves in the matter, as it is highly desirable the goods collected should be shipped to their des tination with the least possible delay. Shirts, drawers and clothing of all kinds, together with butter, eggs, dried fruits ; preserves, jellies, bandages, lint and other hospital supplies, are much needed and will be gladly received by the committee. Those of our citizens who de sire to make contributions of either the above enumerated articles, should leave them at Shaffer's store, on or before next Wednesday morning, at which time they will be packed for transmission to the fortress. Mr. AND Mae. PEABODY will be " at home," this evening, at Sanford's Opera House, Third street, the opening in this city of a series of their new, moral and amusing drawing room entertainments. The success of the Pea body's in Philadelphia, exceeded all other concertizing in the same locality for a long time, and from the tone of the criticisms in the press of that city, we are led to believe that uo similar enter tainment was ever attempted in the same city. Mrs. Peabody is spoken of as a lady of rare mu sical as well as dramatic talent, excelling in her recitations and mostinimitable in her imitations of living characters. Her recitation of The Soldier': Wife, a thrilling poem from the pen of Geo. Alfred Townsend, is reputed alone to con stitute an evening's entertainment, while the burlesque of " my foot is on my native heath," to which the great showman, Barnum, comes In for a lampooning, is another of the gems that have given the Peabodys so muoh reputa tion. We bespeak for these artists a good house this evening. EXCITEMENT IN THE Orxr.—The startling tele graphic dispatches received yesterday respecting the defeat of General Banks, created an intense excitement throughout the city. During the afternoon the sideway in front of our office was literally jammed with people, who devoured every additional item of intelligence pasted on our bulletin board, with an avidity that indi cated the feverish anxiety of their minds which the first brief dispatch was so well calculated to inspire. The news came in unusually tardily, and we were still receiving dispatches after two o'clock this morning. • The excitement in the city today has in no manner diminished. The late news was the principal theme of discussion in the household, the stores, hotels, in the streets and at the corners. Third street, in the neighborhood of the magnetic telegraph and news offices, in particular, were alive with news seekers ; and every rumor, growing out of conversations on the report of those who professed to have relible information directly from the scene of conflict, intensified the crowds, and for a while created the wildest excitement. ROUT& AGENT APPOINTED.-S. L. Sears, of Baltimore, has been appointed Mail Agent on the Northern Central Railroad, between this city and Baltimore. CAVALRY COSIPANY.—SeveraI of our young citizens express a willingness to join a cavalry company of volunteers, if started by some competent parties. Who will first move in the matter ? SEWING FOR me SOLDIRRS.—Miss Burdett and Hrs. Clark respectfully tender to those who have volunteered to sew shirts and under cloth ing for the sick and wounded soldiers, the gra tuitous use of their sewing machines, with their own services during tonight and to-morrow. The rooms of these ladies are in Wyeth's build ing, corner of Market Square, and we hope the ladies of the city will accept their patriotic offer. _ 4 _ THE CALL FOR TROOPS has given a new en ergy to the military spirit of the city, and already we learn that the standards of several captains have been raised, and active prepara tions are 'being made to recruit and organize companies. The First City Zouaves, Capt. F. Asbury Awl, offered their services this morn ing, and are now rapidly filling up their ranks. Capt. John d. Ball, late Drill Master at Camp Curtin, is, we understand, also about to recruit a compady. He is a good soldier and an ex perienced officer, capable of taking charge of a good body of men. These organizations will be filled up very fast, so that those who desire to be connected with crack companies, should enlist immediately. REPREEMNSIBLII CONDUOT. —Some individuals, excited by the news, and bad whisky, procured two tenor drums and paraded through the city at a late hour last night, making the streets resound with their bachanalian shouts, and a din and clatter generally that would have done inflnate credit to the most expert performers in Pandemonia. The noise must have awakened half our population, and no doubt filled the minds of the timid with the belief that John son's rebels had actually commenced peppering away at the city from the high bluffs on the opposite side of the river. It is to be regretted that the police were not on hand to make a descent on these midnight prowlers, so that some or all of them could have had the benefit of a nap on the soft side of a Lock-up plank. It might have improved their vocalization. They would certainly have sung differently before the Mayor this morning. The AMUSEMENTS OE ME SoLuxens.—Anything affording amusement is eagerly sought for by the men. Quoits is a favorite game, and but few of the regiments in lid'Clellan's army are not supplied with several sets. They find time between the exercises of the day for practice, 1 anti much rivalry already exists between different companies of the same regiments as to which company contains the most accomplished play ers. Chess and checkers are seldom seen. Cards are plenty, but not in much vogue, ex cept after pay day. Then they make their appearance for a few days, and disappear until the next visit of the paymaster. It must not be thought for an instant that our army has any number of men in a fair way of becoming accomplished gamblers, but it is impossible to collect any great number of men in the manner in which these were gathered, without admit ting such characters. The sums playea for are small, as most of their pay is immediately sent home by the men to their families. Whenever the army is encamped near any river or large creek, the men take advantage of it, and are soon in the water, bathing. ARRIVAL OF PART OF COL. KEINLY'S COMMAND, Between forty and fifty then of the let Mary land regiment, Col. Kenly's command, who participated in the disastrous fight at Front Royal, last !friday, arrived here at 11 o'clock this morning, direct from Winchester, Va., via the Baltimore and Ohio, and Cumberland Val ley railroads. Some of the party were slightly wounded, and all bore evidence of having en dured much fatigue and hard usage. Their statements respecting the affair at Front Royal, and the subsequent battle at Win chester, are very little different from those which previously reached us by telegraph. They confirm the report that during their en gagement at Front Royal the rebels granted no quarter, killing the wounded without mercy, and even disfiguting the bodies of those already dead. The men state that Banks' army had succeeded in crossing the Potomac at Williams. port, and was in good condition. They would probably make a stand there to await re-in forcements. The water in the Potontac is de scalped as being too high to ford, and in the absence of a 'sufficient number of flotillas, they do not entertain any doubts of Banks' ability to prevent the rebel army from crossing. Some of the men also bring the report that Col. Joseph F. Knipe, of the 46th Pennsylva nia regiment was killed in the engagement at Winchester, having heard so from some of the men of that regiment at Williamsport. One of the party, a drummer, even went so far as to state positively that he saw the dead body of the Colonel carried into Winchester, but upon being asked the personal appearance of the Colonel, he replied that he was a "big stoat man with heavy brown whiskers," which made it clear to all present who knew the gallant Colonel, that the soldier was mistaken in his identity, Under these circumstances the rumor is entitled to little credence. Since writing the above we understand that Mrs. Knipe, has received a telegraphic -dis patch from her husband announcing his safe arrival at Hagerstown, Maryland. This will be gratifying intelligence to the many friends of the gallant Colonel in this city, who, under the influence of the painful rumors en tertained serious apprehensions of his safety. The same dispatch also announces the safe arrival at Hagerstown of Adjutant George W. Boyd and Captain George A. Brooks, both of the 46th regiment. During their brief stay in our city the men were provided with dinner at the residences of some of our citizens, which seemed to give them very favorable impressions of Harrisburg hospitality. They left• in the 1.20 train this afternoon. IPtunopluania iDallg QCtlegrapk i itionbay - Afternoon, illav 26, 1861 ATTENTION, UTTERS !—The young men of this city, members of the Hope Engine Company and all others desirous of joining a Muni ee r militia company, are requested to meet at the Hope Engine House at 7,1- o'clock. Let there be a ready response to the call of our country ! GRAND BALL.—On Thursday night the Odd Fellows' Hall in Columbia was crowded with the beauty and fashion of the colored popula tion of Columbia, and - visiting delegations from Harrisburg, York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Lancaster, all of which sent a full representa tion. The ball was kept up until the " wee small hours " of the morning, and was conduct ed in so quiet and satisfactory a manner as to earn the commendation of observers. The only disturbance connected with the affair was started by some white rowdies of the town who interfered with some of the visitors on the streets ; thus showing, to their own disgrace, that these colored people were ten-fold more respectable than they. ON To Mairtmatin.--Oning to the excitable condition of our citizens this morning on ac count of the retreat of our force under General Banks, we feel backward in adding to the al ready over charged mind of the community, in the announcement of the new and beautiful as sortment of summer goods just arrving at the cheap dry goods house of llaica & Bourmax, south -ast corner Front and Market Sts. 26 thutPirr I Cartm 1 CARPET !—Having returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 2(lplecesof carpet, from 37} cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beau( iful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 76 cents, worth 90 cents ; good blaca silk at $l, worth $1 25 ; black silk 32 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 37 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50; sum mer silks at 50 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 50 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 31 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sties, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. S. LEWY 7 m3l-y Rhoad's old stand. RECEIVED from auction 26 pieces of colored and white stow Wadding 25®31c. Also, a magnificent assortment of embroideries, such as bands, edgings, insertings. At LEWT S. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer - Known All others are more imitations, and should be avoided ifyou Wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed. instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN iIi , DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wa, A. BATOILILOR einem lEt 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARMENTIO not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill rifecia of bad Dvail remedied, The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, winch is prop erly applied at No. 16 loud Street New York. Sold. in all the cites and towns of the United Slates, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. ocl-2-dawly • SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE Third Street below Market. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. On Monday Evening May 28th, AND Tuesday & Wednesday Ev'ngs., May 7 & 28. MR. AND MRS. PEABODY, AT HOME, For positively three nights only in their New Moral and Amusing DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENTS GALLERY OF PERSONAL ILLUSTRATION. Containing Personal Stetches, Patriotic and Humorous Recitations, Anecdotes, New Songs, &c., forming a SELECT PARLOR PASTIME. Lir This is not a Theatrical Performance. ADMISSION 25 cts ORCHESTRA CHAIRS 60 cts CHILDREN AND SCHOOLS 15 cts Tickets for sale at Bannvart's Drug Store, and at the hall. my2o-d6t EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. SLANIIVA.CTURER OS BOON-BINDERS' RULING-111ACIDNES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MA.OBINIII FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCH/IF, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., E7C., fir Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, Bm. PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. off- Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass, Bps'ter, &o. STEAM BOILERS, &C. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swingine, Sash Wei;his and various other building castings, for sale very ch.ap at the [] JEAGR.,b.. WORKS• STEAM BOILERS, LI AV ING made efficient and permament 11_ arrangements for the purpose, we are now Pee pavep to make 8 tEAM BOILEELa of every kind, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We shall use Iron made by Bail.,y A Brother, the reputation of 'which is second to none In the market. None but the best hands employed. Repairing prompt ly &tended to. Address EAQt.E WORKS, my22ly Harrisburg, Pa. BEIUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, ornamenting o,iiittigs, trimming Gas Pipes G.. mid cut so as to hang over strings in the shape of Stapoints, or feitoons. For sal. , at my le tieff 10 - TER'S BOORSTOIIE. NOTIONS.-- - Quite a variety of risen and entertaining art:inlets—cheap—at az) Skairritiß'S BOOKSTORE, I== --••-- HAIR DYE ; HAIR DYE I I Wholesale ",Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York ab - ntrtifitirtent.t DECO EEO HICKOK' S ABOVE STATE STREET rabnertisenteuts GARDNER & HEMMING'S GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS, HE LARGEST and most completely equip L ped Equestrian Establishment in the world, comprising a better collection of beautifully traLed Horses and a larger number of talented Performers than any company extant, WILL EXHIBIT IN II ARRISBURG, ON MONDAY dND TUEBD.dY, JUNE 2d and 3d, 1862. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock, performance to commence half an hour later. Admission 25 cents. The management takes pleasure in announc ing to the public that they are able to cater for there amusement this season of '62, in a supe rior manner to any traveling company. The wagons have been newly painted and decorated so as to present a neat and elegant appearance. The harness is new and beautiful. The baud wagon, a triumph of art, the dresses are of tue most costly description, manufactured from designs imported from Paris during the past season. The ENGLISH STEEPLE CHASE is a great feature of the Exhibition; also the • ZOUAVI-?, HALT, in which all the horses lay dawn and sit up at the word of command. The Great Tall:zing Horse WASHINGTON will be introduced by hip Trainer, DAN. GARDNER, LOOK AT THE LIST OF PERFORMERS Dan. Gardner, R. Hemmings, Geo. D,rious, Henry Moreste, John Foster, S.gnoir Parker, King Brothers, W. Hill, W. Greet', C. Bicker, P. Swan, B. Ball, Miss Eliza Gardner, Madame Camille, Little Minnie, Master Ed. Gardner arid a host of well selected auxiliries. There is PUREE GREAT CLOWNS Dan. Gardner, John Foster and Young Dan. On the morning of Exhibition, the coml. any will enter town in Grand Procession, headed by Peter Biitner's American Brass Band stated in there Band Carriage, drawn by a line of Beautiful Horses, followed by all the Horses, Ponies, Carriages, Luggage Vans, &0., &e. ' Will also exhibit at Hummelstown on Wednesday, June 4. W. H. GARDNER, Agent. C. WHITNEY, Advertisers B. BALL, rity2l-dtd EXCELSIOR HAIVIS I ! THESE HAMS are cured by a NEW YORK FARMER, And axe decidedly the most delicious and delicately ffa cored in the mamet. I'Lit'y rival NEWBOLD'S FAMOUS, and cast little more thin half. W. LOCK, Jr ,& Co PUBLIC BALE OF HAY AND CORN BY ORDER ot the Department, will sell at Public Auction on Tuesday, May 27th, at the Cattle Yard on Hanna's L ,ne upon the property of A. Boyd Hamilton, Esq., abiut twenty toes of good Timothy Hay, and also a lot of Hay slightly damaged. Also about one thousand bushels of good Corn in the ear, all of which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. I sill also sell at the same time and place the Lumber composing the Corn Cribs. Also one t'hanty used by Herdsmen. The put chaser will be required to remove the property as soon as practicable. Payment to be made in gold and silver or Treasury notes. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. at. Terms Casti. H. JONES BROOKE, myls-dtd Capt. & C. S. vol. Ser. TO CONTRA.CTORS. - El - ROMS &LS will be received at the office of the undersigned until the 3d day of June next, for the driving of 300 yards, or there abouts, of a Tunnel in Lykeos Valley. Tunnel to he 8 feet high, 12 feet wide at top, and 16 feet wide at bottom. For further particulars call on Daniel Hoffman, Civil Engineer, or on the undersigned at Wiconisco. my2o-dtd HENRY THOMAS. WM. T. BISHOP, • ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S LULL, OPPOSITE NEW COURT-HOUSE. Consultations in Gorman and English. mar24l-tillm NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John B. Boyd, late et the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin twenty, have been grantee to the subscriber who lives in said city. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, aro hereby requested to make kucwn the same to the subscriber without delay. P. K. Bt)YD, apr3 ,loawm6t Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S .NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby 'given that letters of administration on the estate of George it. Mowry deceased, formeny of Harrisburg, have been granted to the undersigned by the ttegister of Dauphin comity. All persons ludebted t said estate are reques ed to make payment, awl those haviag to pre,ent them for settlement. D. F1.1 , 611NG, aprl4-dBwoaw v dml Astrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. /lEEE auditor appointed by the court to 1 distribute the balance of money in the hands of Joon Garberich, assignea ot' John itetchart, among the creditors, will attend hr that purpose on S tturday,• the 31st day of May moat., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office or the undersigned in the city of Harrisburg. M. McIIINNM myl3 doaw3..v Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Emanuel Hall, late of the city of Harrisburg, dec 2 J., hsving been eradied to the undersigned, residug in the said city, all pets He havlug oUsiini or aem was against the sad estate are requ st id to make know n toe same, and those iedt_bled t pay their debts ti him without delay. HORDE...Ai 11.0EINNElY, myl3 doawew Executor. THREE CENTS PER PAPER. OUR fresh stock of Superior Flower and Ga , den Seeds we have determined to sell at It so cents per pater. Call at No. 91 Market street, Rellor's drug and fancy store, and you will get to the right place. J. Wesley Jones' fine double Asters and ton week stocks at same price. & W. C. T4YLOR'S NEW SOAP. •It is economical and highly detersive. It con tales no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therelore suitable for every Purpose. For ale by WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large invoice of choice Garden Feeds—comprising a greater variety of Imported and home, growth than has ever been offered in this city. Those who may desire to purchase, can depend upon getting the beat in the world, at the wholesale ants retail grocery Store or {phi. DOCK, .11t. 81 CO. FOR SALE. OL. Wm. G. Murray's War ilorse at V) J. D: Roffman's Livery. ray iutormation apply to ttlAJOtt Sit aDY. myl•d3tatv Corner of Third and t-tate Street. PARSON BRUWNLUW'S GREAT BO K. -A subscription list is row upon for bmwslow's Wulf. st E. S. GERb.I4N'S BOIESTOIL, my6-deod2B* No. 2T Sou!' Scoond bAreet. A SJPERIOit lot of Dandelion and Ri Xl_ Coffee, for sale at the store of JOHN VASE. my fflAstellartrous. GROVER & BASER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES! 1 ARTICULAR attention is called to the fact ilia, beekles the machines making our cele brated F , filch, we manufacture, in great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES. The peculiaritie3 of each stitch will be cheerfully shown and explained to purchasers , and they have the great advantage of kriing able to select from our stock either a machine making the GROVER AND BAKER STITCH or one making the LOCK STITCH, the only valuable Sewing Macblue etitebee in practical use. PRICES FROM $4O UPWARDS. Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For sato by MRS. E. BRENIZER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myB-d 9 m 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. OF t' Black and Second Dimming Dress Goods, Shawls, Yells, Collars, &c. • Fail, 1,14 yard wid , Lupin's all wool Delalhes. ir Shoe tor makes of Boinb.,zino , ... Splendid Styles of French Gingham. . Large stook of Lustres and a lea^cas, wi Black ant Purple Dress Silks. Plain block English Rep Si to. Black and white Fowlard Silks. Purple and Black do. c . 2 Plain do. do. Small Checked do. to N,_ap ditan do. • ci 11, all weal Delaines. :VIVO all wool DelaitleS. • o ,liepherd's Plaids. c. Tganinatine. ca Silk Challis, Eng. Chintzes, Mohairs, &c. ▪ Long Black Thibbet Shawis. Square Plait Black and White Ehawis, Square Taibbet Black Shawls. 2 yard W:de Thibbet for shawls, " Very Superior i , nglish Crepe Veils, all sizes. large stock or t'inglish Crepe Collars, all sizes. r. 4 Black bordered .ELlnd Stitch. Handkerchiefs. Black groves of every description. = Witte Sec - IA Mournia a Collars. Sat.. of Co,lsr and Sleeves. Silk and Cotton Hosiery, ,Black Love Veils. to Jouvin's Kid Gloves. = Engli.h Crepes. French do. o Mantua Ribbons. Betting do. no • Partten!ar attention is paid and Invited to our sto 3,c of the above goods. We arc constantly re ceiving new addi iont. Parc ia iers mill always fled a Ali aairtment. Co.TdCART & 11 ROMER, Next door to the H.rrishury, Bank. • cu No. 11 Market Square. GEO. W. MCCALLA, WATCHMAKER dz JEWELER ) NO. 38, ~,j e yte%t. Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones' Rouse. mar3l-d3m THE BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST MONEY A. HUMMEL, Dea!er in BOOTS AND SEEOES, of every • • DESCRIPTION and at, all PRICE S. Next door to the Court, House,4' MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LIS.ES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2B-d3m THEQ. F. dCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, ITARKEI STREET, HARRISBURG. Wl'artioular atteutiou paid to Yrtntuag, sulfa; and Binding of Railroad Bunks, 2.lml:tests, Policies, Cheeks, Drafts, &e. CARD .1 printed at ss, $3, $4, and $5 per thooeand in elegant style. 120 LADIES COA.BETS ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. The]besturtiele atauutitetured, can be found at CATLICARTS', Next door to the Harrisburg Ban k, ANOTHER SUPPLY - OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, Olaf PENS in the world, for 75c, $.l. 25 jip $1 60, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at feblb y BCJIBPFER'S Bookstore. HAY I HAY ! I A SIIREMOR article of Baled Hay, at $l7 00 per Lou for me by eblB FWAtiELING BLUE, asexcel -1: lent substitute for bingo, for sale at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets .E ie V s, eZ a t in hT r , W r ea i r n :n o th y s ß lit i m N,G nura ti ct O ur O ea ik+ For . to.i Yrines very 13w. A great mem -, gooaq of ne ‘, material. rxracAta & 8 2 .0PRER. Ni at Ono , t the Herrtihu g Batik. my 6 HAMS. 7,0 LBS. Jersey Sugar Cured Hams, and a splendid lot of Owego c , , k) w Fed Sugar Curet Hams, just received. or op ro aprlB W. D ;OR, JR.. & CO, BLACKING ! it/FAsoN's "CHALLENGE BLACKING. joo Gross, assorted sizes, lazt received, aad tor ewe at Wholesale prices, dell Wtl DOCK, Jr., Ar Cr. QOLDIER'S CAMP COMPA_NION. - A j very crnvaniaat Weitting ; also, PJrtfolioa, Memorandum Books, l'ormonuaies, kr, , at sCHEFFEWS ROofts'i ~,t, rpURKISII PRUNES, choice article, just I. received for sale low by I'AICIIOLS. & BOWMAN, Corner Pront & Market stree's. myl2 SUN SLIALUIs, Sun Um urelias and Yarn kj eols. Prices ten per cent lower tbsl et , cwisere. C ' C Biont rnv6 Nast door be • larri-hurg 6.OOOPOUNDS Extra rrime ugar Oared yam; far sale very low wit oh sale (AT retalt by b M. LUCK JR., & CO. BAKER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, fir sale at JOHN Third and Walnut. nay). VjARD.ELL & LEVINE 66, Pickles and Weave, for sale at JOHN WOWS. Lan NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and "Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A,, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their 'area and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN HD DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS. SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FLOUR, FISH, BUTTER, &c. We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The best in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place in llarrithurg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE , • All styles and kinds of QUEENSW.A_RE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICET.OLS & BOWMAN, my 20 Corner Front and 6larl; et Sts. TIM undersigned will receive proposals at the office of the State Printer in Harris burg, until Thursday the 12th day of June, 1862, to supply the following described sized paper, (samples to accompany proposals,) for the State Printing for one year from July 1, 1862, viz: Double Royal, fifty pounds to the ream. Double Royal, forty pounds to the ream. Each to measure at least twenty-six by forty inches. And double-sized Foolscap, to weigh twenty eight pounds per ream and measure at least twenty-six by seventeen inches. Samples must accompany bids. Those maki; g proposals must be prepared to give satisfactory security for the faithful per tormance of the contract ; and the r'gnt is re served to reject all bids not satisfactory in price and samples. The paper must be fumbled in Poch quanti tees and at such times as rt quired isy tue Su perintendent of State Printing. T. T. WORTH, Superintendent of State Printing. HARRISBURG, May 9. 1862. North American and Press, Philadelphia ; and Gazette, Pittsburg, publish twice a week until day of letting, and sand billa to toe ad vet tizer. my9-dtd ICE CREAMS ICE CREAM!! ONE of the greatest improvements of the age is Fyne & ttarr's i'..teat ice Cre, t m Freezer M.M. Fag nester, toe grail saver of 1 ibur. The small (Inuit y of ice used and the etoeedmg short spate of tme equired to mane good ice recut in one of their Freezers, tught to induce eve y family to purch tee one of .13' M. They have received several s lye- medali and the highest premiums es.h b t ens, over alt other Freezers now in use. A ertnied circular •'outeriinii the very best receipt for ua ism.; ige cream, f 'O2 •11 custard, ice waters, RC., 'Alta a nitroii,r of certillgatea a.d full direr, ions accompany each Freezer. All 'rulers for krreezer , , county or Stile rights will be attetteed to by addressing W. ttARR, iny9-d2nt 13srrisburs, 'a. B, J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. 1.1 AS always on , hand a full assortment 11 of Tin and Japanned Ware, Goosing and Parlor Stoves of the best naanulacittries, Guue• Spouting, Roof ing and. Galvanized Iron Cornish, mattufvturel and pu t up at reasonable rates. .ftee- Re; airing promptly attended' to. apr3o-dly CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large arid well selceted stock of plain and fancy Confectionery of all kinds. A great va• 'lay of toys 01 every deso ripuon, Ladies' Work stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fr LIM, Nuts, NAOS and all other articles generally sopt is a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh Supplies every week. Call and examine for yOurSelVe3. WIL IL WAGGONER, aprlB-d6rn P oprietor. SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A ND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per - Li. turnery, he. Also agents for the 8 Ale of Refined Petroleum, Illuminating i,tl, superior to any coal oil • furnished in any quantities at the lowest maritet rates. 170 and 172 - William Street, ja27-d6na] NEW YORK. AGENT§ 1 MERCHANTS! PEDLERS READ THIS. ENERGETIC men make $5 a day by seldng our UNION Fria.: STATIONERY P.ALKEIS co.taioing triperior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and a piece of Jewelry. We guarantee eat hlection in quality of our good. The gilts ounsist of Iffy varieties end Styles of Jewelry, all r seful and valu able. Clreulare with full particuLre mailed free. Ad dress. L. B. BABEINS & CO, a;;36-2rod 36 Brekman ,treet, New York. A. C. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. JAMES 11. WHEELER BIRD Fountains and Seed Boxes, Ca nary and Hemp dked Tcr sale by N]CRuia & BOWMAN, Corner Stout and Mat ket streets. myl9 VINE lot of Messina uranges and other Foreign Fruits, Just received and for sale by BOWAAN'S, corner Front and %larket streets. myl9 NEW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with an the reeenLy improved borne s ILr site by zaettOL,i s BOWMAN'S ,mrner. F-nnt m`lo TIANDELION COFFEN!--A Frt lib and ,Lir large supply of this Celebra:ed Cotreei ust received by fia3l ws{ . 3oo, ir.. ffi o. 11.UKED 13liEF.—A splendid lot, large 0 and well cured VI - U . .6H FISH every Tuesday and Friday .1.2 at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Haird and Wal myly GOLD PENS I—The largest and best stock, from 81.00 to 94 oG—warranted—at .• 91-IRMIR 90099T0R1. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAL. JUSP received a full supply of Lykeu Valley Nut Coal, delivered by the patent weigh carts. For sale by JAMES M. WHEELER. aprl6 DRIII3O FRUITS, Hominy, Beaus, &n. JO , IN myl 14 ) .1ti0, Mates, Prunes, Raisins, and Et . T 1 hinds of Nuts, at Jung WmE.s Store, Third and" Walnut. my 1 OUR newlyreplenished stock of Toilet and. Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and l'veling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. SELLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. Miscellaneous WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, &0., &C ALSO SALT, BACON, LARD, TO PAPER MAKERS, GREAT ATTRACTION. V 7 K DOCK, Ja. & CO