13 Ettegrao til comn 1111 l !cations recommending ..wildeies for political offices must be p oil for nt the time they are handed In, ofiterwiso they will be laid aside. RISB R 0 , P 9 Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862. IioDEY'S MAGAZINE FOR Jun bits just been re crived itt BERGNER'S. Price twenty cents. PASSEDTHROUOIL—GtmeraI FranzSigel passed t in ugh this city on Tuesday on his way west rota Washington city. 31 1, Poo.—A dug, supposed to be mad, was ,lie[ by officer Fleck last Saturday afternoon, street. HAursa FUR JOHN—Pais® TWENTY CENTS.— B e rgner has just received Harper's Magazine f,, r June. Price reduced to twenty cents. [WAFTURE OF CANNON CAISSON/J.—Several Car eula of cannon caisson s, manufactured in this ity, were chipped southward yesterday, via he Northern Central railroad. Tea FIRES which raged on the Bluo moue „i„ [ dove this city, during last week have been 'leached by the rains, and we presume the avy showers of Tuesday night have performed FAlne office to the extensive conflagration el the mountains along the line of the Penn %Narita railroad, further westward. NEW Music.—Knoche, No.. 93 Market street, has just received another batch of new music, among which are "Charge Bayonets," a bully much; "I Kissed You when we Parted," Sweet of cause, the "Knitting Song :" ,. "Col. 11311's Grand March," with a fine engraving of the surrender of Fort Pulaski and "Come Back Sweet Blanche," a fine ballad. METHODIST PREACHERS IN THE ABEL—The minutes of the Couference of the M. E. church, and other official sources, show that there are three hundred and twenty-eight clergymen of that body in the loyal army. Of these there are four colonels, two llentenent-colonels, one major, thirty-els captains, twenty inferior offi cers, ten privates and two hundred and forty chaplains. EELIC or SECERSIA.—CtIpt, W. Harvey Brown, formerly of this city, now with Gen. hicClel lan's army moving on Richmond, has sent us two specimens of blank pay rolls used by the ebel army, found by him iu the assistant Ad , utaut General's office in Yorktown, after its occupation by our troops. The rolls are printed ou rough brown colored paper, of a quality very little better than that used here abouts for wrapping up sugar and coffee. In other respects, they aro nearly similar to those used in our army. STRAWBERRIES AND GREEN PEAS.—The first strawberries and green peas of the season was brought up from Norfolk on Sunday morning by the steamer Adelaide to Baltimore. The Etrawbertieo were very line, and are represented to be itr great abundance. Though people have breu iu the habit of having plenty of green peas Wale this time of year, the blockade has drprired them thus far of the luxury. It is Lea es pectud that there will be regular Bop p'rc of these as well as other luxuries of that latitude. The markets of Nashville are sup plod with bushels of delicious strawberries, at tarn curt twenty cents a quart. 1=7,1=1 FV , NSRAL OF GEN. Bzw.—The remains of Brig. General Wm. H. Keim, were taken from tb d Britiy douse to the Lebanon Valley Rail roid depot a little after 7 o'clock, yesterday atniug, escorted by the First City Zouavea, s ad folh , wed by a large number of our citizens processioo. The remains left in the train at tiO,t ('clock, A. a., for Reading, accompanied ty the !amity of the deceased, excepting his who remains very ill at the Brady House, Wr Adjutant General, Commissary General end quartermaiter General of the State, and ctLer military officials. The funeral ceremonies at Haling took place yesterday. A NouSAND POUND BALL —The Pittsburg boPaci says that on Friday the Ordnance Bureau of the Navy Department entered into a outtiii.t with Messrs. Rnap, Rudd & Co., of the Pod Pitt Works of that city, for a monster c aliou, with a calibre of twenty inches, throw 14g d kill weighing one thousand pounds. 1111 a sufficient charge of powder of superior gnallty, it is thought that a range of nearly eight wiles can be obtained for this terrible pri,jueule. The gun is to be of the Dahigrea Ihttm, and construction on the Rodman prin uPle. The same establishment has an order fu r fifty Dahlgren guns of fifteen inches bore. hue work will be commenced at once, and it gill not require many weeks of preparation be fore the arrangement for casting will be com- Attli• The new fifteen inch Dahlgrens will 40 be commenced shortly. If ever that thou nod Pounder gets into "Dixie," let "secesh" itttul trout under. THE 011 SPRINO% NOT COAL OIL. -A gentle lan named Denton, who visited the Canadian oil springs in January, says: "It is a common ilea with the geologists, that the oil has been Produced from beds of coal, but this oil field 1, of itself sufficient to show the incorrectness 0 1 the notion. The limestone found iu this i"ion under the drift clay, I recogniz s d „ 'limber of the Hamilton group of the Devo- Lisa formation, and as such is geologically, many thousand feet below the lowest member of the carboniferous formation, below which, Nurkable coal beds are never found. The truth L, that this oil, fonnd so abundantly in Canada, ,(4410, Pe nnsylvania, and many other localities, is not coal, but coral oil. Stowed away in cells, ass oueitig in the aggregate immense reefs, as it collected from the impure waters of the early oceans by minute coral polyps, it has been v tirti by heat and pressure into reservoirs and It"dral" where man's ingenuity is discovering day b y day. I have in my possession many ) . t4 4 1(11 ! uf this foss' il coral, with the oil inly visible in the cella." CONTRACT AWARDED.—The contract for re tinning the roof of th.l county prison, has been awarded to Mr. B. J. Harris, tinner, Market street, who will at ouce commence to perform the work. UMBRELLAS were in demand to-day, and made people enquire for our frifind Lee's establish ment, No. 69, Market street. His stock is not only the largest, but the best made and cheap est in the city. The same may be said of his walking canes u son shades and umbrellas: I=l CIRCUS COMM.—A circus company, Gard ner's & Hemmings', will ()Whit in this city next Monday and Tuesday week, June 2d and 3d. It has been some time since our citizens hive been favored with the "Horse Opera," and we have no doubt the occasion will create quite a stir among lovers of that species of amusement. =I Lar Tam Go.—Gov. Tod of Ohio, says, "if you find a sympathiser with treason, in your social circle, or in your church, turn him out. Have no fellowship or communion with him." We believe in that doctrine. Let them under stand the position they occupy. And ' those who desert a chrlstian church, because the country and the government that God has given us, are remembered in its services,would alio desert their oountry. Of such we say, "let them go." But where? Can they find a church in Harrisburg, that affords an asylum for traitors or a refuge for rebels ? We hope not. ODD FELLOWS STATISTIO.9.—From the report of the Grand Scribe of the 'Grand Encampment, n&w in session at Philadelphia, the following statistics are copied:—Number of Encamp ments, 86 ; members initiated, 101 ; persons rejected, 1 ; admitted by card, 9; withdrawn by card, 36 ; reinstatements, 28 ; suspensions, 36; expulsions, 4; deaths, 39; Past Chief Patriarchs, 1212 ; contributing Patriarchs, 4648; number of Patriarchs relieved, 642 ; number of widowed families relieved, 38; number of Patriarchs buried, 33. Amount paid for relief of Patriarchs, $9538 80 ; do widowed $53 50 ; do for burying the dead, $lBO9 ; total amount paid for relief, $ll,BBB 80 ; do col lected during the year, $20,156 92. A STOUT-BUILT colored woman, with dump ling cheeks, and huge red lips, was arrested and confined in the lock-up Tuesday night, at the instance of a dapper little white gentleman, with soap-locks and an unexceptionable monst-- ache, who charged her with having stolen his pocket book, contilning the BUM of fifteen dollars. She was brought before his honor, the Mayor, yesterday, and confronted with her accuser. The woman told a plain, straight-forward story, and admitted that she had taken the pocket bOok from the plaintiff, but had not touched a cent of the money it contained.; and was' ready to deliver It up r whenever the aforesaidlplain till would liquidate a certain claim she. had against him. His honor at once "smelt a mice" of exceeding large propositions, and very justly committed both parties to the lock-up. OUR WOUNDED SOLDIERS. - A number of sick and wounded Perinsylvinia soldiecs are uow in the hospitals at Philadelphia, and as our troops advance toward Richmond, we must expect that their number will be largely increased. Is it not, therefore, the duty of their friends at home to adopt means for ministering to the comfort and supplying the wants of these brave unfortunates? We observe that the benevolent citizens of Lebanon have already made arrange ments for this purpose. At a meeting held on Monday evening week, a committee was ap pointed to look after the sick and wounded soldiers belonging to Lebanon county, ascertain their wants, minister to their comforts, and, if thought desirable or advisable, have them biought to their homes; and further, to confer with the county commissioners for the purpose of having the expenses incurred paid out of the county treasury. let Dauphin county emulate this good exam ple forthwith, and "go and do likewise." It is a sacred duty, which both 'patriotism and hu manity dictate. __- ..- Warrrzo.—Four.or five active men to travel in various parts of this State, and one good salesman to go into New York. Persons wish ing employment will do well to call on J. ft tither, at Mrs. Johnson's boarding house, cor ner of Fourth and Market streets, before 9i A. M., or after 8 o'clock, P. M. ' 3te CARPET ! CARPET I CARPET !—Haying returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I arti daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 37* cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Certain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents • good blac& silk at $l, worth $1 25 ; black silk 82 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 87 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 ; sum mer silks at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 76 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 76 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 26 and 31 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at NeW York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. 8. LEWY, tnBr-y Mood's old stand. solavm from auction 25 pieces of colored and white stow Wadding 2512}81c. Also, a magnificent assortment of embroideries, such as bands, edgings, insertings. At Lswy's. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE I Win. L. Batchelor's Hair Dye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Dye' Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided iryou wish to escape ridicule. COLEY, REL) OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least iniury to nair or Skin. FIFTEEN IHBAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar dedpli to Wm. A. BArcusunt sinee and over 240,000 of his fa apcati av ons ye. mous Dhe boon made to the hair of the patrons Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color sot to be dlstingulahed from nature and is wAttairrao Out to ielitro In the lealik however long it may be motio ned, and the effects of bad Ores remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this splendid bye, which is prop. arty applied at No. /8 Sofia &met New York. Sold ie all the cites and towns to the United States, OT Ortigglani and Fancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor ~+ anq address upon a steel plate. engraving, on the to:ir t . , sides of each . bo r s. .1 4 Wholesale .Faatory, 81 Barclay St., Late 288 Sroadway, New York. octlklawly 41tunt!p1uattia edegra,pll, elmrotrap TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS .The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following REGULAR AGENTS: ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNITILLE—G. W. Hooverter. •BT•S RsVILLE—E. -Laughlin. CHAMBEBSBURG—George Tuckey. CARLISLE—George MS Betz i ' DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. ELIZABETHTOWN--7John G. Mellinger. GREENCASTLE—MAI HURMELSTOWN—Chas. Dipper. HOLLIDASBUBG4I4I.:VDIffenbeeker, LEBANON -C: LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. MOY_SYTOWN,-4. CRIt3SWELL. MIDDLETOWN-George H. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG—WiIIiam Tate. MECHANICSBURG—J. Emingez. MOUNT JOY-James imITTEBSBURG--B. G. *ever. • NEWVILLE--W. B. tinnf . SHIPPENSBUItG—KeIso & SELINSGROVE—Jeremiah Crouse. NiI . RIGHTSVILLE—W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. POST OFFICE NOTICE An and after May 6th, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows NORI:IiERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY - Men.--. Poi all Wades between Harria burg, Leek Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at ' 12.00 SOUTH. WAY Man—For all • places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. , at • 12.00. M . . For York, • Baltimore, Md., and Washington, - D. 0., at ~, . .9.00 P. M LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY MALL—For all • places between Harris burg and Reading, Potts vilbj, Easton ^ and Philadelphia, A. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY MALL—For all places between Harris.. ' • • • burg and Philadelphia, For Philadelphia and •Laneaster, at:. . . M For Bainbridge, Mai:let , • talunabia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New • 3.15 P. M . • For Lancaster, Philadel p.bia and New York, at 9.00 P. M WEST. Wle.T •;: Man.—For all places between Harris- tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 900 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg Car- burg and Chambersburg, at .12.30 P. M SEHITYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL berry, on Saturday .2.00 P. M 'Office Houre—From 6.80 A. M. to 8 P. M., Stinday from 74. to 8 A. M., and from Bto 4 I': M. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster. Do not Irina with your Health, Constitution and Cha rooter. ; you are suffering with any'Diaeaaes ror which . IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 8U0.1177 :recommended. II Will COM' you, have , Long llofferlug,! allaying ' .Path and iollamatlon, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY, • • At Little Hapense, . . And no Exposure., , • Cut out the Advortlsement in another:column and cal , or. send Itir it. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS . Ask for Efelmbold's. Take no Other CURES GUARANTEED. myl2-d2m . PUBLIC SALE OF HAY AND CORN LSy ORDER of the Department, I will sell at Public Auction on Tuesday, May 27th, at the Cattle Yard on Hanna's Lane upon the property of A. Boyd Hamilton, Esq., about w enty tons of good Timothy ay, and also a lot of Hay slightly damaged... Also about one thousand bushels of goba Coin in the ear, all of which will be sold in loth to suit purchasers. I will also sell at the same time and place the Lumber composing the Corn Cribs. Also one Shanty used by Herdsmen. The purchaser will be required to remove the property as soon as practicable. • Payment to be made in gold and silver or Treasury notes. , • Sale to commence at4o,o'olockra. M. Terms Castk. H: JONES BROOKE, myls.dtd Capt. & C. S. vol. Ser. THREE CENTS PER PAPER. (NUR fresh stock of Superior Flower iv and Oir den Seeds we have determined to sell at hue cents per paper. Call at No. 91 Market street, Heller's drug and fancy store, and you will get to the right place. J. Wesley Jones! fine double Asters and len weak stocks at same price.; • " ' . LADIES CORSETS' ALL OF THE -DIFFEAPIT. S ; wErrE . AND COLORED. Thelbeguarthde manufactured, cartbo - found at CATHOLIITB', Neagtiool,fo tha Harrisburg Ban k. Ty P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. Alto It iseconoinical and highly detersive. It con tains no Rosin and will not mate. It is ,warranted not to tidure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is .therotore suitable for every purpose. For ale by Wit. DOCK, Jr. & Co. e_I.4I.IIDEN I)S.—Just received a IA- large invoice of choice Garden Seeds—comprising a greater variety of imported and home growth than has ever. been offered in this city.. Them who may Mahe to purchase, can depend upon getting the beat in the; world, st.the wholesale_ an,d {01431 grodery gore of ,:t, . • DOOK, JR. & CO. .... . . ._ f a ws..VATAAY.,NU.T COAL... . , TUST received a full supply of. Lyketa ej Valley Nut 0864 delivered by the pumnt weigh carte. For eale by JAMES M. WHNELJKIL sprl6 burg sad Altoona, at 12.00 M For Johnstown and - Pittsburg, Pa.,. Cincin nati, Columbus and Cleveland ; 0.,: at 245 P. M For Lewistown Hun- Shippeniburg, EMI Chambersburg, Pa., and Hagerstown, Md., at.. 7.00 A. M WAY MAIL—For all places between Harris- ROAD For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station, Au burn and Pottsville; at 12.30 P. STAGE .ROUTES For Lin glestown, Manacle, Hill, West Han- over, Ono and Jones town, on Monday, Wed . neadiiy and Friday For Lisburn and Lewis- BE WISE BY TIMES! TRY 1T! TRY . IT !' TRY IT New '2tilvertigements Nu) 213tvertioementa.. ORNAMENTAL TREES. EVERGREENS • OF different varieties at very loiv rates. Now is the season for planting all kinds of Ever greens, and experience has proven that the month of May is the most favorable for plant ing. Also some kinds of SHRUBBERY, SHADE, AND FRUIT TREES, EVERGREENS &C. Can be planted witb safety. myl2 A FE W ItUO Fb` E DELAWARE, CONCORD, DIANA, MUSCADINE, REBECCA, CALIFORNIA, ISABELLA, CATAWBA, CLINTON, And other varieties of Gram In goyd order. They can be plated WM emcees:- 'myl2 . . STItAWBEARIF,O. CAN BE. PLANTED UNTii, JUNE RHUBARB AND ASPARAGUS ROOTS ARE NOT TOO FAR AD VANCED YET TO PLANT. PLANTS TOMATOES, CABBAGE, Apd other Oahu for sale at the KEYSTONE MUMMY, , ICE CREAM 2 ICE .CREAM . ONE of the- greatest improvements of thengets Pinto & Barr's ratent IcdOream Freezer, and Egg Beater, Atitt. great saver of labor .. The small tilfantil of Ice used and the eneeding short space of time umpired to make good ice cream In one of their Freeze's, ought to induce eve'y family to purchase one of 'hem. They have received several silver medals and the highest premium!. at exhibit one, Oyer 'au other Freezers now in use. -- ,Aininted circular contenting the very best receipt for Miming icgcream, frozen custard, Ice waters, ke., with a number of,certificates a d full direclions accompany tar& Freezer. All orders tor !freezer., county or State rights will b e attended to by addressing W. DARR, eny9.ll2m Harrisburg, Pa. 6.80 A. M TO PAPER MILKERS. THE undersigned will receive proposals at JL the office of the State Printer in Harris- Wag, until Thursday the 12th day of June, 1862, to supply the following described sized piper, (samples to accompany proposals,) for the State Printing for one year from July 1, 1862, viz: Double Royal, fifty pounds to the ream. Double Royal, forty pounds to the ream. Each to measure at least twenty-six by forty inches. And double-sised FoOlscap, to weigh twenty eight pounds pet: ream 'and measure at least twenty-six by seventeen inches. Samples must accompany bids. Those making proposals must be prepared to give satisfactory security for • the faithful per formance of the contract ; and the right is re served to reject all bids not satisfactory in price and samples. 'The paper must be furnished in such guanti- Ves and at such times as required by the Su perintendent of State Printing. T. T. WORTH, • Superintendent of State Printing. Hauanniima, May 9. 1862. North American and Press, Philadelphia aid Gazette, Pittsburg, publish twice s week until day of letting, and send bills to the ad vertiser.; litY 9 4t4 , . 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. Black and Second Mourning Dresslloods, Shawls Yells, Collars,- do. Full, 1% yard wide Papin'a all,wool Dslainsa. Sfiperior makes of Bombazines. Splendid Styles of nem% Giughame. e-. 11 Large stook of Lustres and slpareas. wi Black ant Purple DzearSilke Plain blank ltuitish'Rep Silks. Black and white Fowlazd Silks. Purple and Blaok do. Plain,do. do. Smll Checked do.. Neapolitan - do. War 7. A. N 7 . a ;rau wool:De!ahoy.: klied all wool Delalnes. MI Al - ..t . ephard's Plaids. Litzunatine. Silk Challis. ton . ii ; , , *Aug. Chintzes, • Mohairs, acc. ' Long Black Thibbet Shams:. ' Square klaid.Black and White Shawl& ~ Square Thlbbet Black. Shawls. • • 2 yard Wide Thibbet for Shawls, Very Superior English Crepe Veils, all sizes , . Large stock olllnglish Crepe Regale,. ill:elects. eel Black bordered Hem SAO Ilaudkercblefe. iml Black Gamer °rotary. deedription. 2 . white.secona m?tuninfooli.rs. c y Setts of Qoller. and Sleeves. — , ifra" Silk and Cotton' Hosiery, Black love. Vella be Jouehea . Kld Gloves. 111 frartionlar 'attention la Paid 'and blotted to our ,;atook'of the above goods. •We are ConatanßY ye ,ceiving new adatdono. Perretaieri wai always aftsil assortment. CATHCART & B BOTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. • ,140.11 Market Sgurfro, kri ' GREAT ATTRACTION. CAt4J. at No.. a. 5, MArkpt , Street;., wilerii ' yOn , will Rad alexia add Wel Itelected dock of Plain and fancy Confectionery of all kind& A greet va riety or toys 01 every description, Ladies' Work Stands and Fanoy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Dates and all other edictal generally kept it a coafeallonory and toy store. Readying fresh supplies' every week. Call and examine fee yourselves. WM. IL WAGGONER, aprlB-dam . , , ; —.- Proprietor. SOHIEEFELIN• BROTHERS & 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , AID DEALERS in Eand,Y.Goilds,' Per (marry, Alen agent s the.,sale of Relined p a t r oleuni, 15144 , evertor to 'any coal oil • furnished in any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Street, ja27-d6m] NEW YORK AGENTS! MERCHANTS - 1 PEDLERS READ TAILS. • NERGETIC men make $5 a day by Selling our UNION PRIZE STATIONERY PACKETS containing Superior Stationery, Portraits' of 'ELEVEN GE;NIER4IIO,, midst plane, of: Jewelry. ..Wo guarantee sat isfaction in unsay or our goods. The gifts consist of fifty varieties and styles of Jewelry, all Useful and valu able: Circulars with full particulars mailed free. Ad dress: L. B. mums ai co, ap36-3md 36 Beekman street, New York. A. C. _SMITH, ATTORNEY-B.T-LAVer, OFFICE TURD STREETS mylOy) MARKET. rtRIED,FAIIITB, „Ho . Ho miny , Beans; ll4JOEnt : , myl paI.IDS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all kinds or No, at JOHN WINE'S Store,. Third and inut. my/ WITH SAFETY. English Citipes. Frendb do. Mantua Ribbons Belting do. fftistellantons. GROVER & B.AILER' CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR attention is called to the fact that, beams the machines making our cele brated stitch, we manufacture, in great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES. The peculiarities of eaeh stitch will be cheerfully sintern and explained to purchasers; and they have the great advantage of being able to select from our stock either sautebine making ,the GROVER AND BAKER STITCH Or One inikiDgthe LOCK STITCH, the only valuable Sewing Machine Melees uin prudes PRICES PROM $4O UPWARDS. ' Office 780 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. For sale by MRS. R. BRENIZRR, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg. myB42m .. . : ,,, WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Ilasburg, Pa., • 3E 2- I A. 1V CO ILTEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bee makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED DTSTRII• RENTS, FROM $45 to $OO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons Flutes , Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on . hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the . country. OVAL, SCIETARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING GLA.se;E FFom smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. Whi. KNOCHE, 93 Market street febl9-wally GEO. W. MoC/MLA, WATOHMAXER & JEWELER, A NO. 38, .jarilek Aar. Market Street, Harrisburg. VrAS constantly on hand .. a large stock I.l_ of WATCEIES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. /IBIr N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones' Kopko. maria-d Sin B. 3. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET MEET, HARRISBURG. NAS always on hand : a full assortment orrin and Japanned Wain, Cooling and Parlor Stoves Mlle best manufacturing, Outto. Spouting, Roof log and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manufactured and put up at reasonable rate.. Aar- Repairing promptly attended to. apr3O•dly THE BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST HONEY A. HUMMEL, laier in BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION and at all PRICE S. Next door to the Court, House, MARKET STREET, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LLSES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2B-dBm TH.EO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MAREE7 STREET, HARRISBURG. gfig - Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and :Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Oheclus, Drafta, &a. Caine printed at ;2, $3, id, and $5 per thousand in elegant style. 120 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, BEST PENS in the world, for The, $ . l. 25 $1 60, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at febl s l BOJEUIFFER'S Bookstore. HAY! HAY 11 A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at 11 $l7 00 per tan for 814143 by • • • eblB JAMKS ILWEIEBIZR AMILY WABLUNG BLUE, as excel lent substitute fer Indigo, for sale at the wholesale an retail grocery store of =HOW At BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets MOURNING GOODS.—Everything in this line manufactured for Ladles' Summar. Wear. Priors very low. A great many goods of new material. CATHCART & intornint. my 6 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. HAMS. 00 A LBS. Jersey Sugar Cured Elam, and a splendid lot of Owego ti Nr 'York) Corn Fed Sugar Curse Rams, just received. aprlB W. IMRE JR., & CO. BLACKING M ASON'S "CHALLENGE BLACKING.IOO Grose, assorted eizea,Jast received, end lot sale at Wholesale prices, dell DOCK, Tr.; 00; QOLDIER'S CAMP COMPA_NION. - A LI very convenient Witting Pest ; also, Portfolios, Memorandum Books, 'Whammies, &a, at. nee SCREPPER'S BOOKSITCIitb. TURKISH PRUNES, choice article, just received for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, myl2 Corner Flout & Market streets. SIIN SHAUJ, Sun Crutnrellas and Para Isola. Prices ten per cent lower than elsewhere. 0.4.TE1e fig Et BROTHER, my 6 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. 6.1)00 ..pou Cared rs.E.,..taveryrimloweZpz Or re Iby . WM. DOCK JB y 8; CO. BAKER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chowlaba,, fir sale it Ram wawa, Third and Walnut. 12;11 WARDELL & LEVINEBI3, Pickles and Wimpo, for We at JOHN WIWI% my]l FREIGHT REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S . SNIT a QUICK ROUE TO. AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night Leave New York at 7} P. by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg atB4.,M. WITHOIJT CHANGE OF OARS. Order Ode marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., (Nankai Office, 162 Broadway, New York For farther information enquire of GEO. BERGNE.R, Agent. Hammannto, Aug. 1861.-dtf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I►TOTICE is hereby given that letter" of VI administration on toe estate of Eemuud Porter, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, deed , have been greeted to the uneersigned by the Register of Dauphin county. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make rayment, and those having claims to preeeat them for settlement to ROBlinT VAUUHN, Esq., at the Pennsylvania House, who is hereby em: owereu by the undersigned to adjust any claims presented to him, BADUAL IdOORE, Executor, &slob, Pa. my2O•doaw6w* ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CURIE YOU COUGH FOR ONE DIME. The BEST and CHEAPEST Household REME DY in the World. • Madame ZADOC POR'rEIVS I I GREAT COUGH REMEDY MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S Curative Balsam la warranted if used according to the dl recitoos, to cure In all cases, Coughs Coda, a hooping Cough, sthma, and all affections of the Throat cud Lunge. Atad , e ZADOC PORTEE'd Balsam is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, from a combination of the best remedies Um vegetable kingdom affords Its remed ial qualities are based on its power to assist the healthy anmigorons circulation of the blood, through the lungs 10 is not a violent remedy, bat emollient—warming, searching and effective ; can be taken by the oldest per son or youngest child. Made Z LOC PORTER'S Balsam has been used by the public for over J 8 years. and has acquired its present sale simply by being recommended by Loose who have used it to their afflicted friends and others. most , ImpowrANT.-Madame ZaDOC PORTER'S Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings it In the reach of every one to keep it convenient icr nse. The Bluely use of a single bottle will preys to be worth 100 times its amt.. NOTICIO.—Save your Money I—Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 4s. to al. which do not contain the virtues of a Dime Bottle of Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, the cost of manitfactming which Is as gross as that or al:meet any other medicine ; and tno very low price at which It is sold, makes the profit tot,e sell rap. patently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on Which them profits are larger, unless the customers insist upon having Madame Porter's and none other. ask for Madame Peter's Cu rative Balsam, price 10 cents, and in large bottles at 20 Ms. and take no other. If you cannot get it at one store you can at another. Algritold . by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 10 eta and to larger bottles at 20 as. HALL & RUOKEL, Proprietors. Wholesale Druggists, 21S Greenwich St., NEW YORK Geo. W. Belly, gem t, Market square, Harrisburg. J2O-wly Ladies' Cloaks and Mantillas. Agnew ly ( - b.,: 839 Chestma Street, opposite the Continental Betel, AND Agnew 4 English, 26 South tenth Street, three doors above Mania Sired, Philadelphia. AT both the above establiehnaents ladies can oboose from the Largest, Cheapest awl Beet sotected stock of goods in our line to be found in the city. Comprising all the newest London and Paris styles of Cloaks, Samples, Circulars, Paletota, Mantles, ho., 'he., all made in the beat manner of rine French, Belgian, English and American cloths, for spring and summer wear also best quality of Black Silks sue thin summer .goodiha endless variety, at the lowest possible prices for cash. Our entire stook being purchased ex clusively tbr cash, selected with the greatest care and made up under our own special supervhion from the very latest Paris and Landon stylea, we can offer lodge°. merits to buyers equal to any house in the trade. A liberal allowance will be made to country merohants and persons purcluwing for schools. Particular attes t ion paid to all orderefor mourning- AGNEW h Cl AGNEW & ENGLISH, 839 Chestnut Street, No. 96 South Ninth Street, Opposite the 3d door above Chesnut at. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. ali23-w2m POWER'S HOTEL, (mall:NW lallLts,) • 11 AND, .19 PARS Opposite the Astor House and Park, New York. Price of Board $1 50 per day. This long eatablish . ed and popular House has recently been rebuilt and greatly enlarged by the addition of over 100 rooms, and now has accommodations for over 800 persons. It has also been thoroughly renovated and rchirnished, and Is HEATED • BY STEAM AND , LIGHTED WITH. GAS THROUGHOUT. :This Hotel has one of the beet locations in the City,,ls easy of access from ell the Steamboats and Railroads !oiling to the City, and is convenient to all the citylcon. veyancea. It h.s now ell the requisites of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL, ensuring the comtbrt of Its Inmates. The patronage of the traveling public ; la respectfully tnlicited. Iliquis:sl 50 rsit DAY. H. L. POWERS, marlB-w3m* • P roprietor. BIRD Fountains and Seed Boxes, Ca nary and Hemp aced for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and . Market streets. myl9 VINE lot of Messina Oranges and other Foreign Fruits, just received and (or sale by NICHOLS & BO MUM corner Front and Market Streets. myl9 NEW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with all the recently improved burners for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S corner. Front and linraga gtreeta. inv 19 JPANDELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and large supply of this Celabra:ed Coffee) net received Ural Wit.leXli' Jr., & I , QMORED BEEF.--A splendid lot, large LI and well awed. Wet DOCK, JR. 3 CO RESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday • at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner 01 Third and WM: nut. myly GOLD PENS I—The !Argent and best stook, fstoOsloo to s4.oo— warranted — M ao =mks soomoßivai