pailu Ceitgrapij A li c ommunications recommending csmiltiates for political offices must be paid for at the time they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. fi NRISBU , PA Saturday Morning, May It 1862, A3I , so Tan CURIOSITIES of Barnum's Dog Show a King Charles spaniel, which is capable of iai itaing its mistress, a Genoa lady, is singing a faailiar melody. Osi. or IRE FEDERAL BRIGADES entered the bat tle at Williamsburg, with over two thousand fur hundred men, and keg more than twenty iv per ant. of that number. A Bum was found in an officer's tent at yulktown, evidently intentionally left with a maik in it, and a leaf turned down at 2d Sings, 9t chapter and 19th verse, onward. Any leader can find the passage and apply the name 6f 3 ha to McClellan, that of Jehoram to Gen. Lee, and that of Ahaziah to Jeff. Davis. I= NIS'ONN INTO Orrice.—ln the matter of the petition of citizens of the Fourth ward re monstrating against the qualification of Bernard Campbell, constable elect of said ward, his li:uor Judge Pearson yesterday made an adverse decision, whereupon Mr. Campbell appeared, gar sworn, and entered upon the discharge of his duties. Wece General Butler took possession of Bal timore, shortly after the breaking out of the war, the New Orleans journals made merry at his expense, and declared he was an old colored barber, known as "Picayune Butler," who for merly kept a shop under the St. Charles Hotel in the Crescent City. We presume the New Orleans people will be pleased to meet their old friend "Picayune." It is tested, however, that they won't like his razor, nor even the shaving to which some of his journeymen will subject the rebels. Hass AND BUGGY Timm. —A buggy belong ing to David Mumma, was stolen from his real_ deuce in Susquehanna township, this county, on the evening of the 14th inst. A description of the vehicle can be found in an advertisement in another part of this evening's TELHOHAPH.— Mr. Mumma offers a reward of $l5 for such information as will lead to the conviction of 1e thief. -11 A horse belonging to Air. David Metzgarillte siding about three miles below Middletown, on the river road, was stolen on the night of the 12th inst. A description of the animal can be found in our advertising columns. A reward of $5O is offered for the capture of the thief and recovery of the horse. A LUCKY Won/al.—Mrs. Opie, a lady from New York city, on arriving at Easton last &turd iy evening in the late express train from this city last, in the car, a valuable diamond ring. He. son•in-law, Mr. Lane, calling upon 0.1 1 7.. Shattuck to see what could be done to reclaim the lost treasure, was advised to tele graph immediately to the general ticket agent, J. C. Clyde, of this city to search the car. This 1116 0.. Sunday morning, and on Wednesday afternoon Mr. Lane was sent for at the Lebanon Talley depot, at Easton, by ELL Shattuck, and lu and behold there was the lost treasure, Elur baying traveled over foltr different rail roads. The ring was valued at sixty dollars. Fd.TAL ACCIDENT.—Ott Thursday night last, Smut! Milt, of Altoona, a brakeman on one of the freight trains between that place and Har risburg, f4l from his train and was run over kid kill( d. It appears that, for the purpose of !Ming more comfortably, he had placed a board dioNnally across a stock car, between the slats, leiving one end protude over the bumper he ompi4d. While passing through the narrows, ttiuw Lewistown, it is supposed that the board ins shakes out of its place at the opposite end from the one to which he sat, thereby causing if to tilt and letting hint drop between the /J 'liPers• Re fell with his legs across the rail kid his body on the outside of the track. One Of hie legs was crushed from the thigh to the hoe, where both legs were cut off. He lived but a few hours after the accident. His remains true token to Altoona on Friday morning. Be leaves a wife but no children. Arrera.—Joseph Uptiegraff, a private in an Elmira company, who has a number of rola tirs residing in this city, was lately shot dead le V irginia. He was a promising young man, anti bis tragic death must have fallen upon the WI Of hie patriotic mother, who freely gave her husband and four sons to battle for the ti ght, with startling and overwhelming grief. lie, With a companion, had strayed from the ta mp to the distance of about a mile, when t hey were challenged by the guard, and ordered Whalt, His companion did as ordered, and delivered up hie arms. Updegraff halted, but kfused to lay down his arms, and after a parley ►as shot down by the guard. The parties in %is affair were stranger;, belonging to different iligades, and there em i by no doubt that poor ttriegraff fell a victim to the delusive belief that the challenging patty was a mock patrol man. In fact, he had been imposed upon in that way but a day or two before. fur PARTY.—Childhood is the May of life. Utile girls are the mocking birds of humanity, kia , l the boys are the larks. The grace of song /o 1 sentiment are the flowers of the school IaYB. SUCh were oar reflections as we noticed oe the t reet last evening a bevy of bright riled little girls, who had evidently just re tuned from the woods, where they had been Noi'inis a clay of unalloyed happiness. They 7 01 '2 white dresses and gay habits of every tae wreathed in smiles and flowers, careless !Adbe hapoy, prettier We fear than ever they will ta ivhell the troubles of courtship and the tea of life are upon them. As the troupe of ihng ilimpths pa` 1 through Third street ,: tr Y oli t rqck up "Gay and 'hippy," which they Lc, t ed forth with the vivacity of black birds Paco of canaries. It was a delightful r. and many such may the little folks loy, Goon TEMPLARS.-A Lodge of this flourishing Temperance order was organized in Selings grove on Wednesday evening last, under very favorable circumstances. Ix Towx.—Hen. Joseph Casey, one of the Judges of the U. S. court of Claims at Waso ington city, is in town to spend a few clays among his many warm personal (fiends of the Capital city of his native State. The Judge is looking remarkably well. He is stopping at Herr's Hotel. Fiernint M'Ccreima, chaplain of the Fifty-filth Pennsylvania regiment, who has been home on a furlough for the last week or so, will return to his regiment, with the army in South Caro lina, some time next week. Rev. M'Cosker gives a very flattering account of the boys from this neighborhood, all of whom are much at tached to him. We have no doubt be will be happy to be the bearer of any small packages or boxes to the men of his regiment from their friends in this city, if left at the residence of Rev. P. Maher, in State street, any time to morrow. I=l • KTLLED WIRE RAILROAD —A short time since a buy named Andrew Topper, son of the tate Josiah Topper, of Youngstown, was run over on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Herrod's Crossing, about three fourths of a mile west of Derry Station, Westmoreland county. During the last eighteen months, he had been living with Mr. Henry Sindorf, of Unity township. On Monday, the bth inst., he left home, and was wandering through the county until the time of his death. As engine No. 237 was pass ing the above point, the deceased was observed lying on the track, with hie right leg horribly mutilated, two of the toes of the left foot cut off, and his head cut and bruised to a conside rable extent. The accident occurred about 2 o'clock, r. at., and he lingered until 9 P. at., when death put an end to his sufferings. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Mum —The thir ty-eighth anniversary of the American Sunday School Union was held at Philadelphia on Tuesday. From the annual report of the Board of Directors, we learn from March Ist, 1861, to March let, 1862, the whole number of persons holding the commission of the Ameri can Sunday School Union, and acting as mis sionaries under its direction, has been sixty four. One thousand and seventy-five new schools have been organized, and three thou sand two hundred and fifty-five visited and aided. By this labor, the influence of the missionaries has been brought to bear on some thirty thousand teachers and upwards of t.vo hundred and fifty thousand children ; twenty-two thousand families were visited and received religious instructions. Bibles, testa ments, text books and periodicals were pro fusel distributed. Box OVER. —A little girl.about five years of age, while crossing Second street, a short dis tance above State, about dusk last Thursday' was knocked down and run over by a horse and buggy, driven by two flashy dressed "bloods" of the city, whose brains put together wouldn't smother a flea. To the astonishment of all who beheld the accident, the child es caped without experiencing the least damage, although she was literally picked from beneath the horse's feet. It was a clear case of reckless driving, and some even go so far as to say that the men in the buggy actually observed the child before the accident occurred, and made no effort to check the speed of their horse. The aff.dr created quite an excitement in that neighborhood, and the Johns very narrowly escaped receiving a sound threshing from the crowd who witnessed their reckless conduct. This hardness of turning our principal thorough fares into race courses has become a serious nuisance, and the sooner it is " played out " the better. If one or two of the Johns were brought before his honor the Mayor, we have no doubt the lesson would have a salutary eflect. Tam CROPS.-- our exchanges continue to speak in flattering terms of the crops through out the State, and the indications are now that we will have a most bountiful harvest. The wheat looks remarkably healthy. The winter has been mild, though lingering long in the lap of Spring. Few trees or plants have been injured, and hardly may killed by the severity of the last wfhter ; and for fruit, no season for many years has opened with so rich a promise of an abundant crop. The peaches seem, so far as blossoms are concerned, to promise to make up this year for the failure of many that are past ; and apples, cherries, pears, &c., look equally promising. In Western Virginia wheat looks unusually well, and a most abundant crop is predicted. The Wheeling Intelligence, in alluding to the subject, says: "Our hills and valleys present broad acres devoted to this crop, presenting the appearance of one illimit able carpet of ' living green' spread over the earth. The appearance is one of unsurpassable magnificence and splendor. Really, it makes one's heart green and fresh to behold such evi dences of Divine favor, and they should not fail to inspire our hearts with unbounded grati tude. Should nothing occur to injure this crop, it cannot fail to be one of the most boun tiful ever harvested in Western Virginia ; and while this is so, there are unmistakable evi dences that the large surplus likely to be realized will command a better market than that of the past year." CARPET ! Gem= I CARPET I—Raving returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I am daily receiving froni the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpetofrom 37} cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain magi]; very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black silk at $l, wort $125 ; black silk 32 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 87 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 l• sum mer silks at 50 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of tho finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 50 76 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 31 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Raving a buyer_ in New York, we are daily receiving job lotslrom the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. 3. yaws , m3l-y Mores old stand. Itscatrvim from auction 25 pieces of colored and White stow Wadding 2513,310. Also, a magnificent assortment of embroideries, such as bands, edgings, inserting& At LIM'S. iptunsvivattia iDailp Zelegraph, Saturbap morning, Map 17, 1862 THE First City Zonaves will meet at the Ar mory at half past one o'clock this afternoon, for dress parade and target excursion. CALL at Finley's stand in Market street, worning, and try his bread, biscuits, and cakes, &c., Sr.c. Twenty-five per cent. saved. UMBRICLLAS, sun shades, sun umbrellas, and walking canes in endless variety, can be pro cured at Lee's, No. 67 Market sreet. The pro prietor goes in on the "Quick sales and small profit" principle, and the consequence is that his stock goes off with a perfect rush. Snintstms Faom xas Wssr.—An immense =mita of freight is now daily coming East ward. Ruch of it is of a perishable nature and requires haste. Live stock forms an important item. It is said that at many of the principal depots in Ohio the freight has accumulatacl in sach abundance ar to be an actual burden to the transporting companies. . SEWER, REPORT OP ME DAUPHIN COUNTY MILITARY Rmizp Cosuerma.—The President of the above committee acknowledges having re ceived from the Commissioners of Dauphin county, and from City Council amounts as fol lows, viz: 1862, February 14 $lOOO March 5 .... 1000 .• " 11, batance from city relief fund by City Council 59 88 Total $2069 88 The committee have issued checks on Dauphin Deposite 'Bank to the fami lies of volunteers, up to April 4th .. • 1882 46 When, by order of the commissioners, the committee ceased further pay ment, leaving a balance of one hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty-three cents, to the credit of the committee . $177 43 WM. H. KEPNER, President. A. 7. HERR, 0. EDWARDS, Secretary. Onm ow FLovn's Puma ABOUT.—It was Wed nesday evening, the rush of business for the day was over, and quiet reigned in our usual busy mart of trade, our senior partner had taken up the afternoon paper, to read of rebeldom and its doings. Raising his eyes be beheld a sable female enter the door. Our heavy clerk in the distance observed. her place a large piece of goods under her shawl, and directed the atten tion of our junior partner to the fact, who dis patched a messenger for the chief of police, who toted her off to durance vile. Now, while we insist upon selling goods at very low prices, we do not wish to be understood that we permit them to be carried away without any charge. Mum & BOWMAN, 15 Corner Front and Market streets. On and after May sth, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows : NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY Km—For all places between Harris burg, Lock Haven and BlMlra, N. Y,, at 12.00 M SOUTH. WAY MALL—For all places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 1., at 12.00 M For York, Baltimore, • Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 900 P. It LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY MAIL—For. all Philadelphia, at .7.00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. . WAY Men—For all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia, at .6.80 A. M. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at.... ....12 00 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 8 15 P. M. For Lancaster, Philadel phia and New York, at 9.00 P. M. WEST. WAY MALL—For all placea between Harris- For LewlstoWn, Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 900 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Chambersburg, Pa., and Hagerstown, Md., at ..7.00 A. M. burg and Chamberaburg, at .12.30 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- berry, on Saturday 2.00 P. M_ FrOffice Hours—From 5.80 A. M. to '8 P. M., S azday from 7i to 81 A. M., and from 8 to 4 P. N. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster. - - . Do not trifle with your Health, Oonaututlon and Cha. rooter. If you are suffering with any Diseases for which ILELMBOLD' S EITRAOT is recommended• TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It, will Cure you, nave Long Suffering, Allaying Pate and inflamation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY, At Little Expense, And no Exposure. Cut out the Advortisement In another column, end oal or send for IL • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEI7S ! Ask for Helmbold's. Take no Other CURES GUARANTEED. myl2.d2m UMBRELLA MANDTAOTORY No. 69, Market 'Street below Third HABRIEWIRG, PA. M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARSOLS and WALKING CANES, will furnish noose at LOWER PRIM than can be bought in ant , of heEaslern cities. Country rrwrchauts will do well to all and examine prima and 04.14, awl canna :19 thew elveslof tbij Met an23-dly. riIIIRKISII PRUNES, choice article, juit J. received for gale low by NICHOLS 4 BOWMAN, Corner Front & Market streets, mll2 ALot of African Pea Nuts, jut received and for gale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, myl2 Corner Front and Market streets. places between Elarris burg and " Reading, Pottsville, Easton. and burg and Altoona, at 12.00. M. For Johnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 246 P. M, WAY MALL—Poi all places between Harris- ROAD For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station,_ Au burn and Pottsville, at 12.80 P. M. STAGE ROUTES. For _Linglestown, Manada West Han- over, Ono and Jones_ town, on Monday, Wed needay and Friday 7 A. M. For Lisburn and 'Lewis- BE WISE BY TIMES! WHOLESALE ern 16nertiorments. PUBLIC SALE OF HAY AND CORN BY OtiDER of the Department, I will sell at Public Auction on Tuesday, May 29th, at the Cattle Yard on Hanna's Line upon the property of A. Boyd Hamilton,' Esq., abut w enty tons of goud Timothy Hay, and also a lot of Hay slightly damaged. Also about one thousand bushels of good Corn in the ear, all o; which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. I .vill also sell at the same time and place the Lumber composing the Corn Cribs.. Also one-Manty. used by;Herdsmen. The purchaser — viill be required' to remove the property as soon as, practicable. Payment to be- made in gold and silver or Treasury notes. Sale to commence 81,10.orelock., - k. M. Terms Cash. •g JONES BROOKE, myls-dtd Capt. & C. S. vol. Ser. NOTICE TO TINNEES. THE SUBSCRIBERS, COMMISSIONERS OF .Dauphin county, solicit proposals for roof fing the front building or edifice of the county prison, with X.leaded:tin per square superficial foot ; the tin to be Well painted with one coat on the under aide and two coats on the upper side ; all materials to be found by the contrac tor, who is also obligated to remove the old tin from the roof and state what be will pay for the same per square foot, superficial measure; all work and material to be of the beat quality, and 9f the description as mentioned, and to be well put on. Letting to be on Tusinkr, the 20th day of Max, 1862, et two o'clock P. M. The contract to be awarded' to the lowest re sponsible bidder, and the work to be finished as soon as possible after the contract is awarded. The contractor will receive his money as soon as the roof is finished, in accordance with the contract. JACOB BERM, GEORGE GARVERICH, ' HENRY MOYER. Atteatgoarea Mrata, Clerk. [ml4.dtd. ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVERGREENS. OF different varieties at very low rates. Now is the season for planting all kinds of Ever greens, and experience has proven that the month of May is the most favorable for plant ing. Also some kinds of SHRUBBERY, SHADE, AND FRUIT TREES, EVERGREENS &O. thin be planted with safety. myl2 A FEW MORE, DEL AWARE, CONCORD, DIANA, MUSCADINE, REBECCA, CALIFORNIA, ISABELLA, CATAWBA, ' CLINTON, And other varieties of Grapes in good order. They can be planted with success. myl2 STRAWBERRIES CAN BE PLANTED UNTIL JUNE WITH SAFETY. . RHUBARB AND ASPARAGUS ROOTS ARE NOT . TOO FAR AD VANCED YET TO PLANT. PLANTS TOMATOES, CABBAGE, And other plants for sale at the • KEYSTONS kII7IISERY, ICE CREAM t ICE , CREAM ONE of the greatest improvements of the age to ?rut & Barr's Patent lee Cream Freezer, and Egg Beater, tee great saver or labor. The. email quantby,of ice used and the exceeding short apace of tme i eqnired to make good lee cream in ono of their, Frenztrs, ought to induce every family to purchiso one of in-m. They have received several silver medals and the highest premiums at exhibit one, over all oth Freezers now in use. A printed circular containing the very best receipt for muting Ice cream, f.oz .n custard, ice waters, &c., with a number of Certificates a 4 full direc ions a:company each Freezer. All crders for Prevent, county or State rights will be attended to by adoressing W. !URA, my9-d2m Harrisburg, Pa.Z/ VIBE lot of Sugar Cured Hams, Country Bacon and Lard, tur sale by NIOHOLI & BOWMAN, myl Career trout and itarket streets. JERSEY HA &I I--Tfn tierces of these justly celebrated sugar. cured hams, received and or sa eta large or small quantities DOOS, Jrc. & CO. HP. & W. C. TAYLOR'S Nh W SOAP. .It is economical and highly detersive. It con tains no Rosin and wilt not waste. It is warranted not to injtre the hands. It wall impart an agreeable odor, and is therefore suitanie for every purpose. For ale by WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar Cartd. Hams for sale 'very low wholesale te Mem by WM . DuClf. JR., as 00. VOTIONS.--Quite a variety of usefu LA mut enterugning articie.-oeap—AL re.lo Et();V:41 HAY! HAY I I A SUPERIOR article of Baled• Hay, at $l7 00 per ton for solo by eolB_ J AMES M.WHEIAL&B, FAMILY WASHING, BLUE, an excel tent substitute for Indigo, for sa le at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOL ' S & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets . ArLIUI4I) Largest and best stock, from $l.OO to S4.o9—warranted—at aln SHEFFER 8 BOOKSTORE. FJ 1:1. Choice Teas, Black and Green, in X, X and 1 pound papers, for sale at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S 6 (loner Front end Market streets. CHOIGE Teas, Greet and Black, for sale low by NICHOLan 8z BOWMAN, fobll Corner Fr ontand Market streets PBACEITS pared and unpaired, very One lot, for sale by NICHOLS & B MALAN, rayl2 • Corner Front and Market streets. MOURNING GOODS.—Everything in this line manufactured for Ladies' Romani. Wear. rinses very low. A great many goods of nee material. CATHCART ac BROMBR, Next door is the Harrisbu•g Bank. my 6 • HAMS. 7 A LB& :Jersey Suga r Cured 30 cv Hams, and a spMedid lot of Owego efew lork. Corn Fed Sugar Cured Hams just received. , apriß W. DOCK, JR., & CO. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAL. UST received a full supply of Lykens J Valley Nut Coal, delivered by the patent weigh carts: For sale by JAMEBIf. WEBELER. aprll3 RIND FRUITS, Hominy, Beans, &o. at JOHN WISE'S. myl 1;111lb, Dates ' Prunes, Raisins, and an JU kinds of Nuts, at JOHN WISE' Store, Third and Walnut. myl CRUSHED, broken loaf, fine and coarse pulverized and other anarchy aale by ; -; • ; ; NICHOLS &BOWMAN, .ooneerFNot Oa Market streets. INS Choice Teas and Pure Spices, - JOHN WISES. JraYl A. LOT of prime (Meese just received and for sale bq NICHOLAS k BOWMAN, , Corner Brontand Market streets. New 2bvertistmults GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR attention is called to the fact that, bealies the machines making our cele brated stitch, we manufacture, in great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES• The peculiarities of eaeh stitch will be cheerfully shown and explained to purchasers, and they have the great advantage of being able to select from our stook either a machine making the GROVER AND BAKER STITGE oi one makingthe LOCK STITCH, the only valuable Sewing Machine stitches 1n practical nee. PRICES FROM $4O UPWARDS. Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For sale by f MRS. R. BRENIZER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myB42m TO PAPER MAKERS. Tundersigned will receive propOsals at _L- the office of the State Printer in Harris burg, until Thursday the 12th day of June, 1882, to supply the following described sized paper, (samples to accompany proposals,) for the State Printing for one year from July 1, 1862, viz:. • Double Royal, fifty pounds to the ream. Double Royal, forty pounds to the ream. Each to measure at least twenty-six by forty inches.. And double-sized Foolscap, to weigh twenty eight pounds per ream and measure at least twenty-six by seventeen inches. Samples must accompany bids. Those making proposals must be prepared to give satisfactory security for the faithful per formance of the contract ; and the right is re served to reject all bids not satisfactory fn price and samples. The paper must be furnished in such quanti ties and at such times as required by the Su perintendent of State Printing. . _ T. T. WORTH, Superintendent of State Printing Hannientruo, May 9. 1862. North American and Press, Philadelphia ; and Gazette, Pittsburg, publish twice a week until day of letting, and send bills to the ad yertizer. my9-dtd 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. OF Black and Second Mourning Dress Goods, Shawls, Veils, Collars, &c. Full, 1% yard wide Lupin's all wool Detainee. Sdpertor makes of Bombazines. Splendid Styles of French Ginghams. Large stock of Lustrea and s ipaPoaS. ..e Black and Purple Dress Silks. ttg Plain black English Rep Silks. Black lead white Fowlard Silks. Purple and Black do. Plain do. do. Cl sa Small Checked do. too Neapolitan do. ape,. K all well De!eines.; Flied all wool DeLbws. Shepherd's Plaids. T4mnistme. Silk Challis. Hug. Chintzes. Long Black Thibbet Shawls. llohairs, Ms, Square Plaid Block and White Shawls Square Thibbet Bleck Shawls. 2 yard Wide Thibbet for Shawls, Very Superior Fnglish Crepe Veils, all sizes. large stock of Huglish Crepe Collars all sizes. Black bordered Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs. Black Gloves of every description. g White Seound Mourniug Collars. es Settt of Coder and . Sleeves. Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Fog Black Love Veils. on Jouviies)lid Gloves. English Crepes. French do. Ninths Ribbons Belting do. Particular attention is paid 'and Invited to °lir stock of the above goods. Wa are constantly re ceiving new addl. Ont. Parc losers will always _And aNU asserts:ant. CATHCART is B BOTHER, . Neat door to the Htrrieburg Bank. o 5 No. 11 Market Square . • • fICHIBEFELIN BROTHERS "it CO , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per thmery, Are. Also agents for the sale of Reamed Petroleum, illuminating Oil, saperigr to any coal oil • turnlehed in any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William, Street, ja27-d6na] NEW YORK. AGENTS! MEROBANTS I PEDLERS I READ THIS. ENERGETIC men make $5 a day by celiing our UNION PRIZE' STATIONERY PACREIS coaaleing Superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and a piece of Jewelry. We guarantee sat isfaction in quality of our goods. The gifts consist of fifty varieties end Styles of Jewelry, all useful and valu able. , Circulars with fall particulars mailed free. Ad dress., L. B. RUBINS & CO, iiipSigtmd 86 Beekman street, New York. A. C, SMITH; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STEEP.% mylOy) NEAR MARKET. SUGAR CURED HAMS. DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. A large and fresh eupplyjust reeelved by 1 eb2e WAL DOOR Jr.. & Oul SUN SHA.DtId, Sun Umbrellas and Pant we. Prices ten per cent lower than elsewhere. esTs:C IltT & BROTHER., Next door to the ilarri.brirg Bank. my 6 SOAP, Harrison, Country and Fancy, for Mae by NICHOLt &BOWMAN; m 27 -y] north-east corner ofFroot and Market streets. GUARA JELLY : —A large supply-just rewired by • WM. DOCK, JR. & CO. COAL OlL.—Nobody can undersell us. The best oil 10 Harrisburg ; warranted. non•egplo sive, lbr sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, all corner Front and Market streets. S.PORTSMEN ATTENTION. Fishing Tackle, Powder and shot, for sale by . NICHOLS &BOWMAN, ~ Corner Front and Market streets: ' apr24 i'Ult newly replenished stook of Toilet kJ' and Fancy Goods is unsurptumsd this city, and ieeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res pectfull Invite a call. KF RR, 91 Mar y ket spreet, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. CHIIRNS, Tuba, Baskets, Brooms, Brushes and all kinds o f W Wow and Cedar Were, for sale low by " NICE & BOWMAN, my 2 Emu and Market streebi COAL OIL, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys lower than any house in Harriaburg., 411 mid amiable at NICHOLS & Wholesale and retail grocery, oonker-Front and Markel° streets. all ASUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Rh Coffee, for sate at the store of JOHN WISE. my fitisallantatte. GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATCHMAKER: & JEWELER, NO. 88, Agai Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stook of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, 10., Watches and Jewelry needy repaired. .116," N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones' House. utar9l4llm S, Z. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. ETAS always on hand a full assortment of Tin and Japanned Ware, Ooottlng and Parlor Stoves of Gm best manetac.zirtes, Gotta- Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron tbrnisb, manufactured and pat up at reasonable rates. sa- 'Waking promptly attended to. aprSO•dly THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MOM A. HUMMEL, Dealer ID BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION iind at all PRICES. Next door to the Court House, ICARItET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2B•dBm DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Baltimore Cbllege of Dental Surgery, having per m...needy located In the city of Harrisburg and taken the office formerly ocsupled by Dr. Gorges, on Third et: art between Market and Walnut, respectfully Ink:lrma hie friends and the public In general, that he is prepared to perform all operations In the Dental proreestoe, either surgical or mechanical, In a ManDe , that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any otte- city. His moue of inserting eminentl teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principle Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted on line Gold, Sayer, Platlna plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure In recommending the above gen. Hewn to all my former friends of Harrisburg en vi cinity, and feel confident that he will perform all opera tions in a Falai:Mac manner, from my knowledge of his ability. [myB dtfj F. J. 8. G08034:4. ii. D. 8. DAN'L, A. MUNCH, AGENT. iF the Old Wallower Line respectfully j Informs the public th this Old Daily transporta tion Line Ohs only Wallow :r Line now in existence in tbis is is In successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line oetween Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Jersey Shore, Lock Hawn and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and lino and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUSNCII, Agett. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & ..Inclumsn, Nos 808 and 810 Market sweet above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. Y., Will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. apr3u-ramyl FISHING TACKLE! OP ALL KINDS. Three, tcnr and flea joint Trout Rode. Silk and Hair Trout Lines, from 10 to 50 yards long. London Patent Trout Lines, " Twisted Silk Trout Lines,;a 43 It 14 thins terms Lines, II 44 CI Linen ant Cotton Linos, NI it ti Pleat Lines furnishei with Books, Corks, km, & ass itultiplyaig Reels. 10 to 50 yards. lot of Choice Tro JI Plies. Silk Worm Gut healers, bottom lines, 8 to 9 feat. st ti 44 Strands. ‘. Snoods, Limerick Hooks,A as., No. / to 8 Trout Baskets, Kirby Trout and Rive, Hooks, Limer ick Trout and river Books, notta, Flasks and 'hinting Cups. KELLER'S DAGO AND FANO t STORM, my 2 91 Market Strert. GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large and well selected stook of plain and fancy Confectionery del kinds. a groat va riety or toys of every deicrtption, ladies' Word glands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Dates and all other art.ctes generally Kept In a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. Gall and elandoefur youreelves. Wit. 11. WkliGUNElt, aprlB-dOna P. oprietor. • WM. T. BISHOP, + ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COURT-HOUSE. Consultations in German and English. ipar29-a2m IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. Dit. P. H. ALLABACH, Bnrgeon Deu list, Manutacturer of Mineral Plato Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the use of arti- Wei teats, embracing partial, half and whole sets of one piece only, of pure and lndestrucue le mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccum ulation of small particles of f oo d and therefore, 000flensive oder from tho breath, as no me tal Is used in their constructiou, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. Hence the Indic Mimi is not an. noyed with sore turoat, headache, Ito. Office No, -18 North Second street, Harrisburg. dly THEO. F. 80H.EFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. g4r - Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railr.d Blanks, Malatesta, Policies, Checks, Drafts, &c. printed at $2, 83, $4, and $6 per thousand in elegant style. 120 INDUCEMENT TO PURCHASERS. A VERY heavy stock of Dress Goods la, of every description, now open at very low prom, 0.11110 Ara & BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. my 6 NEW Fruits, Currents, Raisins, Citron and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Retail, Gro cery and Provision Rom, corner front and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. 11 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED BEST PENS in the world, for 750, $1 2b $1 50, $2, $B, and $8 for sale at reblb BCHEFFER'S Bookatora. CHEAP SUGARS, Choice Syrup, Teas, At, &c. For isle low by NICLIOL9 do BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. BLACKING 1 MASON'S "CHALLENGE BLACKING. 3 Ilium Gross, assorted sizes,Jost received, and for sate at Wholesale praise, dell CRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh Apple, Hemoey, at NICSOLS & BOWMAN'S corner. Front and market streets CIDER 111 VINEGAR 111 - MADE from choice and selected Apples, In. and guaranteed by ns to be strictly pare, nl2-d cast . DOOR k 00. BACON, Lard, Hama, just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, apr24 Corner Front and ilarketstrooto. S'TRAWBERBIEB CAN be planted until Jane with safety. -CROSS &; BLACKWELL'S Celebrated pionM, BAINES, PREStraVV, asA lugs pply an et the above t embracing every variety, Net re vived and for Bala by DO] WM. DOCK . Jr.. hCo BUTTER, Water , Soda and Sweet Craok era, at JOHN WENS. myl NIOHM9 & BOWMAN GOLD PENS. WM. DOCK, Jr.. k Cn