Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 16, 1862, Image 2

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    Datil) Cdtgrapt.
Friday Afternoon, May 111, 1862.
THE CINCINNATI DAILY TIMES, like the people of
Ohio generally, can see no attraction in any one
but those of its own breed, and unless the
Buck Eye state is permitted to monopolize
whatever of good and glory there are in every
personal or political movement, its journalists
and its citizens pretend to be outraged with
what they call the frauds and the wrongs of such
movements. We can understand the motives
which prompt 'men to such feelings, when we
fairly understand the people thus conducting
themselves. And we can therefore understand
the malignity with which the Times attacks an
absent American citizen, abroad on a mission
of high trust in the service of his country. We
c in understand why the Times first admits that
the statements which Gen. Cameron made in
his own defence were true—that the facts and
figures which he presented were based on the
record and founded in the actual transactions
of those to whom he referred in that defence—
but we cannot understand any man who is suffi
ciently inconsistent to declare that there was
no necessity of such a defence. No necessity,
forsooth, for a gentleman to defend his fair
fame, when it was assailed by a pack of disap
pointed speculators and a horde of wretches whe
have either lived by their lies or existed on
their frauds ! There might. have been no
necessity in the estimation of a guilty man, or
a coward ; but in the case of an innocent gentle
man and brave man, such a defence is always
promptly made, while the assassins are within
reach, and when the slanderer occupies a posi
tion in which it will justify a respectable man
to approach and notice him. Perhaps General
Cameron might have waited patiently until
these slandeis with their authors would have
met their fate of contempt and disgrace. But
he thought otherwise. He met and exploded
every charge, and his friends have now a double
satisfaction of knowing that the only people
displeased with that defence are those on whom
its reproofs and sarcasm fall with HO most
withering effect.
SENATOR POWELL, of Kentucky, whom his col
league wished to have expelled for treason, has
been highly incensed because the Secretary of
State is accused of having behaved rudely to a
delegation of Kentucky great men. Powell
reports that Seward actually said to to the wise
acres (who had doubtless been boring him with
their Kentucky notions of what the govern
ment ought to do, for an hour or two, in the
manner of Davis's late bullying speech in the
Senate,) that "lie didn't care a d---n for Ken
tucky, and that he meant to hold her in the
Union at any rate." The report, we presume,
misrepresents the interview, especially in re
spect to the profanity of the language, which
sounds more like Powell than Seward ; but we
trust the substance of it is true, and we hope
further, that the government means to act in
the spirit of the speech. Too much deference
has been sh ,wn, from the beginning of the war,
to the opibions of these more than half seces
sionists of the bre der states ; they have pre
sumed upon it to dictate the polity of. the ad
ministration ; and it is time to let them under
stand that not the "neutral friends" of the
Union, but the whole soule I unconditional
Unionists, are the men who will bring the war
to a close. Robert Breckinridge, in his sermon
the other day,spoke a timely word when he told
his Kentucky friends to remember that but for
the hundred thousand soldiers of the free states,
Kentucky would now be weltering in the de
gredation and misery of secession. They saved
the state from utter ruin, when its own timid
citizens were fli - ing to the camps of the enemy,
or looking on with craven indifference ; and it
does not become the trimmers to take on airs
as to the future. For the genuine loyalists of
any state the government and the nation has a
high respect; but to the politicinns who are
loyal only because loyalty is the strong side.—
Ur. Seward assumed the proper tone.
WE 'DIRECT attention to the communication
in another column, recommending Theodore
Adams, Esq., as a candidate for Congress in this
district, subject to the nomination of such
cont.rees as the people may hereafter indicate.
While we thm, freely yield our columns to the
friends of the gentlemen who may be thus
brought forward as candidates for public posi
tions, we must reiterate our resolution to exact
pay for these announcements according as we
charge for all other adver thements. The corn •
munication in reference to Mr. Adams is justly
written, and expresses only a fair estimate of
that gentleman's character and abilities.
OUR FRIEND GOODRICH, of the Bradford Re
porter, will please recall the credit which he
has given to the Columbia Democrat, for certain
alleging and just compliments to Hon. David
Wilmot, and place the same to the account of
the TELEGRAPH. Our opinion of this brave
Senator is too exalted to allow of any of our
cotemporaries to do more than use it in our
own name. Doubtless the Democrat uninten
tionally omitted to give us credit when it
quoted our paragraph ; but it is not too late tO
let Senator Wilmot know who are his friends
Gruniu, lticaniadua's dispatches to the Se
cretary of War are models of neat perspicuous
statement. There is a vivacity about them
which seems to partake of the stirring activity
of the field in which the General is engaged,
Ray. Dr. BREOKINRIDOE, of Keutucky, Las
accepted an invitation to deliver an address on
the war, at Cincinnati, on Tuesday evening
The publio officer who can elicit the ap
proval of the press or the people at a time
when criticism and condemnation seem to be
the only reward of those who serve their coun
try faithfully, must have a peculiar attraction
and must also be rendering the most important
service. In this respect Hon. John A. Kasson,
First Assistant Postmaster General, is winning
golden opinions among the people and the
press of the country. To quote all these ex
pressions of good will and commendation,
would occupy more space than we could afford
to devote in the present crowded state of our
columns. Therefore we content ourselves with
reprinting only the following from the Crawford
Journal, one of the ablest and most consistent
Republican journals in the country. Some of
its graceful compliments to Mr. Hasson might
well be returned to the editor of that journal,
who is himself among the most virtuous and
reliable men of our acquaintance :
HON. Jowtt A. KASSON.—Amongst the many
accomplished who have been called into position
and surround the present indefatigable Post
Master General, none stand more prominent
nor have gained more popularity in the dis
charge of their varied duties than Hon. John
A. Hasson, First Assistant in that Department.
He is blessed with a prepossessing appearance,
polished manners and gentlemanly demeanor,
and the courtesy with which he attends to the
innumerable, and, to the casual observor, vex
atious, applications and intrusions upon his
time and patience, is the subject of general re
mark. Ever at his post, and possessed of an
extraordinary ability for business and a com
prehensive knowledge of the complicated ma
chinery of post office affairs, he is enabled to
dispatch business with a degree of ease to him
self which seems incredible. Few men of his
age can be found who can fill his position and
discharge its duties with the same advantage to
the Government. He is withal an ardent Re
publican and was amongst the most active in
the nomination of President Lincoln, and his
election. He is, therefore, as might be ex
pected, an enthusiastic supporter of his admin
istration—uncompromising in his hostility to
traitors at home and rebels in the field. The
future of Mr. Kasson is full of promise. He is
destined to fill a lei ger space in the political
arena, one which we hope will be a wider field
for his varied acquirements—none which can,
however, reflect more credit upon him nor his
capacity. But we trust it will be less arduous
and more remunerative.
TEIE HUNTINGDON GLOBE must have had our
gracious neighbors of the Patriot and Union in
view when it announces the fact of receiving
several papers claiming to be Democratic, that
are continually scolding about the high taxes
necessary to pay the expenses of the war.
These papers never hint to their readers the
assistance they gave the Breckenridge leading
Disunionists in forcing upon the country the
evils they now complain of. Had there been
no secession feeling and action in the Charles
ton and Baltimore conventions by northern
Democrats, we do not believe there would have
been any secession of states any rebellion.
The Breckenridge wing of the Democratic
party gave "aid and comfort" to the traitors
south, during the Presidential campaign, and
the leaders are still upon the same fence claim
ing to be Union men, bat ready to jump off on
the other side should they ever see a safe op
portunity to do so. Opposition to the war tax
is opposition to the war for the preservation of
the Union. The man who is opposed to the
one Is opposed to the other, and is at heart a
traitor to his country. Thousands of Demo-
crats who wets deceived into the support of
Breckenridge Democrttcy two years ago, will
not be caught in the same boat a second time.
The managers of the party in '6O must and will
be forced to take a back seat in all future cam
--This is the spirit displayed by the real De
mocracy all over the loyal states, and the Giobe
evinces its courage by thus openly giving-ut
terance to its convictions on the subject.
There can no longer be any doubt that thou
sands of Democrats were deceived into the sup
port of the traitor Breckenridge ; deceived by
the leading men of that clique in the free states,
who fairly understood the effect of nominating
Breckenridge. It will not be many months
before this fact will be developed and estab
lished. It will come before the public in the
first trial of any of the leading rebels for trea
son, when the proof will be adduced that the
leaders of the party in the north which sup
ported Breckenridge, were cognizant of the trea
son which the nomination of Breckenridge was
designed to promote. Jeff. Davis himself has
declared almost as much as this, when he re
proached his New York and Pennsylvania
friends for failing to come to his rescue as they
had promised. There is history as well as in
famy in this declaration, and we shall continue
to believe that the most prominent and persist
ent leaders of the northern Breckenridge clique,
were fairly identified with the organization, as
the southern leaders of the same party were
and are the upholders of rebellion. Time will
prove this as it does all things, and therefore
we must only be patient for the denouement.
leaders seems to be that the slaves at the south
are about to be emancipated, and will overrun
the north. The free negro population of the
north, according to the last census is 222,745,
and of the slave states 259,078, being an in
crease of 68,667 in the slave states. Now if
there be such danger of emancipated slaves over
running the north, why have the 259,078 free
negroes above named remained at the south f
In many states the most stringent laws have
been enacted for driving them out—even re
ducing them to slavery in some instances, and
yet they have refused to come north. The
reason Is that a warm climate is natural to the
negro, and he will remain in it if possible, and
seek it if permitted. There is more proba
bility of free negroes going south if slavery is
done away, than coming north.
ON the 25th of August, the oue thousandth
anniversary of the Empire of Russia, the gov
ernment will be declared changed from an
autocratic to a constitutional form. The Grand
Duke Constantine is the initiator of this move
ment. Prince Gortachakoff is also in favor of
the plan.
THE POPE, on Palm Sunday, was, as usual:
carried about St. Peter's Church on a chair,
wearing the Papal tiara and attended by. the
Cardinals, with Antonelli prominent amolig
P enui ll ipartul M aiL D tdtgraPht iribap 11fternoott, Napa 16, 1862
From the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Correspoudeuce of the Telegraph
Thursday, May 8, 1862
Mr. Enrrou—At last we have had a battle with
the enemy, and thank God I am safe and un
hurt On last Saturday morning we were or
dered to march from Nashville, on short notice,
the call "to horse," sounding at two o'clock in
the morning, bring the first intimation we had
of our services being required. In a very short
time we were mounted and moving towards
this place in "quick time," where we arrived
shortly after noon, the distance being thirty-two
or three mileti. We here learned that the
notorious Colonel Morgan, by the rebels styled
the "Marion of the South," was in motion with
la heavy column, moving toward this place.—
Sunday morning we moved toward Shelbyville
for the purpose of intercepting him. As Gen.
Burnout, with Gen. Duffield's brigade, (to
which is attached the third battalion of our
regiment,) supported by the fourth Kentucky
cavalry,was in his rear, pursuing him toward
this point. Col. Morgan learning, however,
by some means, that We werein considerable
force, moved to the right, and destroyed the
communication with Nashville, by tearing up
the railroad and cutting the telegraph; he also
burned a lot of cotton, all of which he accom
plished within eight miles of this place.
After moving down the Shelbyville pike,
about ten miles, we met the General and 4th
Kentucky cavalry, and finding Morgan had
slipped by us, all returned to Murfesborough.
The Ist Kentucky cavalry, however, haviug
been sent out on a scout in the morning, struck
the trail of the enemy and followed it rapidly
all day. We returned, as I remarked, with the
General, arriving here about four o'clock, P.
at. After resting about halt an hour, we
mounted again and started toward Lebanon,
headed by the General and followed by the 4th
Kentucky. Aboutsix miles from town we met
the Ist Kentucky, Col. Wilford, and learned
from him that the enemy was rapidly retreat
ing toward Lebanon. The General then order
ed Col. Wolford to countermarch and fall in
the rear of the 4th Kentucky, Col. Smith.—
We led the advance. By "we," 'Steen com
pany D, Capt. Burnt, company E, Capt. Shaffer,
and company K, Captain May. At the trot we
pursued them until about one o'clock on Mon
day morning, when we halted about five miles
from Lebanon ; seated in our saddles we there
waited the approach of day. From our spies
we learned that Morgan was in town with a
force which the General informed me number
ed eight hundred men all mounted. Just be
fore daylight the General ordered the advance,
our companies leading, followed by two com
panies of the 2d battalion of our regiment and
the 4th and fith Kentucky. Two miles from
the town we commenced chasing in their pick
ets ; at a thundering charge the column pur
sued them, and moved on the town. From
some cause-the other regiments did not keep
close in our rear, but fell a short distance be
hind. Into the town we charged, however,
the enemy opening a heavy fire from houses,
stables, streets, alleys and all other quarters.
We charged through town, against a company
drawn up across the street, scattered them,
pursued them a couple of hundred yards and
halted to receive orders. None came. '1 he
General had been taken prisoner, a number of
our men had fallen killed and wounded, the
311 battallion was apparently repulsed, and the
Kentucky regiments were just entering the
town. The Colonel (Wynkoop) ordered a
"right counter-march," we wheeled, charged
again through town, under a fire much more
heavy. than before ; every house seemed to
belch fire on us. The General here joined us
again, having escaped in the confusion occa
sioned by our second charge. He immediately
ordered the 4th Kentucky to charge up to the
square, and fire a volley on the enemy then
posted in force in and around the court house ;
they did so, and we were then ordered to move
around the town so as to intercept the enemy,
by this time breaking in force toward the river
on the right of the town. The Ist Kentucky
having been ordered to charge around the
other side of the town and set them in motion,
we moved up a narrow street led by the Gen
eral and Colonel to where it intersected the
road along which the enemy were to pass in
order to effect their escape or return to prevent
being totally cut off. We were in position and
saw them coming along the head of our col
umn and were ready to open such a fire as
must cut them to pieces, when the General or
dered us not to fire, he mistaking them for Col.
Wynkoop's regiment. It was not until nearly
alt had passed, that we saw who they were, and
opened on them, charging on them at the same
time, Then commenced the pursuit, the en
emy running as never Morgan's men ran be
fore, we after them charging on their rear,
taking dozens at a time prisoners. The Gen
eral ordered us to pursue them with shouts for
the Union as far as any were to be seen. We
followed at a dead run for twenty miles, took
all their horses, arms, baggage and mules, and
taking upwards of a hundred prisoners, but
eight of that body escaped by crossing the
Cumberland river at Carthage; we fired on
them as they scrambled up the bank, after
being - ferried over, and killed or wounded one;
we then
,returned to Lebanon, where, during
the pursuit, a fight bad continued until the
forces threatened to burn the town unless they
surrendered, which they did. Our forces then
took forty more prisoners. In town the battle
lasted about twenty minutes. Uncle Sam's
boys took one Lieutenant Colonel, sixteen offi
cers, and nearly two hundred non-commis
sioned officers and priv 'tee prisoners, a large
number of bore es and mules and I have no idea
of the number of arms and equipments. We
killed one Captain, two or three Lieutenants
and about thirty men.
Federal loss ten killed and perhaps twenty
wounded. Our regiment four killed, our com
pany one killed, (Corporal M,Grand,) Lieuten
ant Taylor, slightly wounded, and two prison
ers, (who have just returned on parole,) Major
Given, of our regiment was taken prisoner and
has not been heard of.
Sergeant Long had his horse shot under him.
Capts. Oberbultzer, Riah and Baker were with
us and not hurt ; none of the other boys were
with us. There is no back out in the White
Hall boys. All behaved most gallantly.
We may have another fight again soon.
Most respectfully, your friend; •
Jos. G. NOEL,
Ist Lieut., Company K, 7th Pa., Cavalry.
The President received a deputation from the
General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church, on Tuesday, and in reply to an address
of Rev. Dr. Pohlman spoke as follows:
" Gentle men : I welcome here the representa
tives of the Evangelical Lutherans of the Unit
ed States. I accept with gratitude their assur
ances of the sympathy and support of that en
lightened, influential and loyal class of my fel
low-citizens in an important crisis, which in
volves, in my judgment, not only the civil and
religious liberty of our own dear land, but in a
large degree the civil and religious liberties of
mankind in many countries and through many
ages. You. well know, gentlemen, and the
world knows, how reluctantly I accepted this
issue of battle forced upon me, on my advent to
this place, by the internal enemies of our coun
try. You all know, the world kuows, the for
ces and the resources the public agents have
brought into employment to sustain a govern
ment against which there has been brought not
one complaint of real injury committed against
society, at home or abroad. You all may re
collect that in taking up the sword thus forced
into vur hands this government appealed to
the prayers of the pious and the good, and de-
E p eeches of Mr, Lincoln.
dared that it places its whole dependence upon
the favor of God. I now humbly and reverent
ly, in your presence, reiterate the acknowledg
ment of that dependence, not doubting that,
if it shall please the Divine Being who deter
mines the destinies of nations that this shall re
main a united people, they will, humbly seek
ing the Divine guidance, make their prolonged
national existence a source of new benefits to
themselves and their successors, and to all
classes and conditions of mankind."
The following were the President's remarks
at the farewell visit of the Indiana Twelfth re
giment, a brief account of which has been given
in our dispatches:
" Soldiers of the Indiana regiment !
It has not been customary heretofore, nor will
it be hereafter, for me to say something to
every regiment passing in review. It occurs
too frequently for me to have speeches ready
on all occasions. As you have paid such a
mark of respect to the Chief Magistrate, it ap
pears proper that I should say a word or two in
" Your Colonel has thought fit, on his own
account and in your name, to say that you are
satisfied with the manner in which I have per
formed my part in the diffiulties which you have
surrounded the nation. For your kind expres
sions I am extremely grateful, but, on the
other hand, I assure you that the nation is
more indebted to you, and such as you, than
me. It is upon the brava hearts and strong
arms of the people of the country that our re
liance has been placed in support of free gov
ernment and free institutions.
" For the part that you and the brave army
of which you are a part have, under Providence,
performed in this great struggle, I tender more
thanks—greatest thanks that can be possibly
due—and especially to this regiment, which
has been the subject of good report. The
thanks of the nation will follow you, and may
God's blessiog rest upon you now and forever.
I hope that upon your return to your homes
you will find your friends and loved ones well
and happy. 1 bid you farewell."
For Congress—Theodore Adams.
Editor or the Peitnsylvanla Telegraph.]
I noticed in the columns of the TRLEGRAPH,
some days since, a 'suggestion made in reference
to a distinguished citizen of this city, connect
ing his name with the nomination as Repre
sentative from this Congressional district
Should that gentleman be nominated, I will
support him with all my force ; but in the
meantime I deire to bring before the people
the name of another individual, in all respects
eminently qualified to represent this district in
Congress. lie is an old citizen of Dauphin
county, " to the manor born," although he has
spent much of his time in different localities, in
business always of a character demanding the
strictest care and most sagacious attention.
For several years his business has kept him in
the city of Washington, where his associations
led him largely into an acquaintance with the
most prominent statesmen and legislators of
the times. In such association, he was of
course able to gather a great fund of knowledge,
not only of the capacity of men, but also of the
manner of legislation, and with these ad
vantages, (which are very essential to success,)
he would make one of the most efficient Con
gressmen that ever represented a Congressional
THEODORE ADAMS is the gentleman to
whom I allude. He is well known in this city
and county. He ieknown for his integrity and
his enterprise, as well as for his devotion to
to those great principle of freedom, law and
order, which underlie our hopes of present and
future national success. If nominated, hie
election would of course be unquestioned and
a brilliant result of the campaign ; and when
once. in Congress, no district could toast of a
plainer man or a fairer representative, than
the district of which Diuphin county now
forms so important a portion.
I trust that his nomination will not only be
made a matter of importance to this district,
but that the election of Mr. Adams will at
once become a subject to interest every man
who has the welfare and glory of the district
at heart.
HMIRIFIBUite, May 15, 1862
----%". r , r
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Deserters Coming in by Squads.
CAMP ON THE CORINTH Boer., Miss., May 10.
The following is a paragraph of a special
order just issued:
Guards will be placed immediately along the
line of the Chambers creek. No officers or
soldiers will be permitted to pass to the rear
and no citizens to the front of the line without
special authority.
The commanders of the army corps and, di
visions will see that new camps are cleared of
all unauthorized bangers on, and any one at
tempting to evade this will be compelled to
work on the entrenchments, batteries or the
construction of roads.
This is understood to apply to all persons,
correspondents included.
Fifty-seven privates,
three corporals and one
sergeant captured at Dresden, Tennessee, are
coming in the morning under a flag of truce,
an equal number will be sent to-morrow in ex
Col. Jacob Thompson, of Beauregard's staff,
formerly Secretary of the Interior;accornpanied
the flag of truce. He admits the fall of Nor
folk, New Orleans and Pensacola, but denies
the fall of Richmond. Deserters are coming
in by squads daily. They all agree that the
rebels are still at Corinth. There are picket
skirmishes all day. Half a dozen were wounded
on our side.
Cold north east wind and rain. In conse
quence of the storm there was no dispatch boat
to Cherrystone this afternoon.
Secretary Seward and Welles, and Attorney
General Bates, arrived this morning and pro
ceeded to Norfolk with Comuidiore Goldsbor
ough. Gen. Wool also visited Norfolk to-day.
All is quiet there.
Orders have been issued by General Wool,
prohibiting the sale or distribution of newspa
pers in Norfolk and surrounding country, pro-
Whiting transportation there of supplies and
merchandise of any kind, whether by sutler=
or by otherwise, and prohibiting officers, sol
diers and citizens from visiting the city except
on busines4 connected with the troops belong
ing to the department of Virginia
We understand that an embargo upon travel
to Fortress Monroe from Baltimore will scs.ri
be removed, and free travel to and fro re
Adams Express Company having secured a
location in Norfolk, has opened an office to-day
in that city.
Lieut. jarncross, one of the most useful
members of the staff of Gen. Wool, was ap
pointed acting Assistant Adjutant General.
From Washington.
.....- o .___.
The First Union Flag that Waved Over the
Rebel Works at Yorktown.
The Hon. Henry Wilson has received a letter
from a field officer of his old regiment, the 22d
Massachusetts, who had the honor of raising
the first nliional fig on the rebel work at
At six o'clock on the morning of that day,
Col. Grove and the Twenty-second relieved Col.
Black and the advance guard. Soon after the
rebel works were occupied by Col. Grove, who
planted the national flag belonging to his regi
ment upon the ramparts, where it remained
during the day, being the only national flag
raised upon the works or in the town until the
Forty-fourth New York came up in the after
The officers of the regiment claim that the
official record will prove this fact.
The fugitive slave law is being quietly en
forced, in the District to-day, the military
authorities not interfering with the judicial
process. There are at least four hundred cases
pending. It is said that some of the negroes
whose owners or agents from Maryland are here
seeking their recovery, mysteriously disappeared
this morning.
Paragraph two of general orders No. 102,
dated in November last, having been revoked,
the officers and men transferred to skeleton
regiments under its operation, will be assigned
to their original regiments as fast as vacancies
Jeff. Davis's Confidential Circular.
A. special dispatch from Cairo to the Tribune
says--" The subjoined circular explains itself."
"(Private and Confidential.)
_ _
"CAPITOL C. S. A., RICHMOND, April 18, 1802.
" SIR : It cannot be denied that the prospects
of success for the Southern Confederacy are
gloomy and foreboding on every hand.—
Whether tack of skill or the open treachery of
of officers of our army and navy, it matters
not, we meet with disasters and defeat. With
a continuance of such results, em three months
shall elapse and pass away, our boasted Confe
deracy will exist only in history.
The past shows that 'we need larger displays
of patriotism, military skill, personal bravery,
and a firm spirit of devotion to the just cause
in whirl' we have enlisted. Unless these re
quisites develop themselves to a fighting ex
tent we tight in vain. Unless we have more
clear iadications that the great heart of the
' people is with us our efforts will be futile.
The government is impatient to retrieve the
disasters that have befallen us, and that yet
stare us in the face on every hand, unless the
people rally to its standard.
M'Clellan is already moving on the Potomac;
Ilalleck'e operations in the south-west are at
every step successful against us ; the Federal
army and navy are already menacing the me
tropolis of the south-west and the key of our
graneries ; Florida is ov#-rrun by Northern in
vaders, while, where we look we gaze upon
them, and they are advancing.
In this trying emergency the Government
appeals to the people ' to the brave hearts and
sturdy hearts of the South. It cries, Awaxe I
Your hands have been put to the plough ; will
you now look back and repent your past act ?
You have struck nobly for independence,
pledging your lives and fortunes to its procure
ment. Will you submit quietly to the invasion
and desolation of your homes—the destruction
or ooufecatinn of your property—the abandon
ment cf your Christian Institutions? Arise,
and convince the world that the boasted chiv
alry of the South is more than a mere myth.
This appeal is made to the country, not
openly, for obvious reasons. We make the
appeal to the people through the Governors of
the States composing the Confederacy, and the
officers in command of our armies. To these
mediums the circular is sent, with the urgent
request that its spirit and intent, if not its let
ter, be conveyed to every citizen- of our strug
gling RepubLe.
First of ell, we ask for material aid in money,
or such an equivalent therefor, as will enable us
to maintain our army. Clothing and provi
sions will be accepted as substitutes for money,
when the latter cannot be obtained. '
Second, we need men. The ranks . of our
army in the , field are fast becoming thinned by
the casualties of battle, the sickness incident to
camp life, and the expiration of the terms of
enlistment. We cannot close our eyes to the
fact that the places are not filled so promptly
as they should be. Let us see the desire to help
our cause by their willingness to fight its bat
tles, and if need be, pour out their blood in its
Third. We need the encouragement of the
people by a more liberal display of patriotism
than has yet been made. The tame submission
yielded to the invader wherever he appears is
in striking contrast to the boast we have hitherto
heard of the readiness that prevailed on every
hand to welcome the hirelings with bonfire,
composed of the property of th people. If our
land is to be overrun and our people subjected,
let us be our own conquerors and leave a
a smouldering waste to reward them for their
toil and pains. Burn every hamlet, village and
city. Give the torch freely to your cotton and
houses. Let the products of your lives be laid
Fly yourselves before the invaders where re
sistance shall no longer avail. Thus, by deter
mination and spirit in the eause for which we
we are all enlisted, you will give encourage.
ment to continue the struggle. Wherever the
enemy gains a victory, let it be a bootless one,
so that the bands now led on by the hope of
plunder will be disappointed and discouraged,
and we shall be cheered by the manifestations
of patriotism.
Once more we expect you to awake I Shake
off the lethargy that hangs over you! Strike
for the freedom of yourselves, and your fami
lies, and your 'homes ! Strike promptly and
boldly, and our Confederacy may yet be firmly
This is our last and only resource. Those
who receive this circular will also be commis
sioned as agents of the Government, to advance
its purposes as indicated, and full letters of in
struction will be furnished them.
President of the Confederate States of America.
Crtioecto, May 15
XX.XVIIth Congress--First Session.
Mr. Somaaux, (Ohio,) made a statement in
reference to a remark made Mr. Holman, of
Indiana, in the House, who said, speaking of
investigating committees, that Mr. Sherman's
committee received eight dollars per day.
Mr. Sanamot said that be had been on two
committees, one the Kansas committee and the
other called the naval investigating committee,
but neither committee ever charged or received
a cent of coatpensation or mileage.
Mr. limo, (N. Y.,) presented the memorial
of merchants of New York asking the speedy
passage of the Pacific railroad bill.
The resolution offered by Mr.Susissa, (Mass.,)
that the bills if the Senate and House be en
rolled on paper instead of parchment, was
taken up, and Mr. Sumner spoke iu favor of
the adoption of the resolution.
The SPEAKER laid before the House a com
munication from the Secretary of War enclosing
a report from Gen. Geary concerning the
homicide of Robert E. Scott and a man named
Mathews, recently in Fauquier county, Va.,
from which it appears they were killed by two
privates of a Wiscoasin regiment, as they, with
arms in their hands, were entering a house,
where the soldiers bad taken shelter, to capture
them. One of the latter was shot and the
other escaped. It is added that they had been
guilty of marauding in the section through
which they passed while seeking to join their
About twelve o'clock, to-day, an engine at
tached to the coal train burst, while standing
at the depot here, killing three men.
NEW YORK, May 16.
Parson Brownlow by invitation will speak at
the Brooklyn Athenian to-morrow.
P.M1,A11E1.1.1/lIL, May 16
Flour dull and prices hardly maintained—
sales of superfine at $5 00®$5 22k, and 4,000
barrels of city mills on private terms ; small
sales of Rye fi , Air at $3 50 ; Corn meal at $2 60
®S2 65; Wheat is less active—sales of 5,000
bushels red at $1 27®$1 28 ; white at $1 35
@sl4o ; Rye has declined to 70c.; Corn is dull
—5,000 bushels yellow sold at 53c.; Oats are
unchanged-5,000 bushels sold at 36c. for Dela
ware and 37c. for Pennsylvania ; Provisions are
held firmly—sales of mess pork at $l2 75®
$l3 00; 300 casks of ham in salt and pickle at
; bacon is improving ; 1 trd held firmly
at No.; coffee in goad demand-500 bag' sold
at 187 i ®21c. for rio, 17:1 for triage, and 21 for
Laguaira ; molasses is very firm-500 hhds. of
Muscovado sold at 30o.; sugar is in good request
—6O hhds Cuba sold at 6igit ; whisky steady
at 24®24i.
NEW YOU, May 15.
Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady
—Milwaukee club $l. 09@,1 12; red, $1 16;
white Mich. $1 36. Corn bouyant at 52@53i.
Beef firm. Pork heavy at $l2 50®12
Prime pork unchanged. Lug bouyant at 31c.
Whisky dull. Receipts of flour, 22,530 Ws.;
wheat, 51,593 bushels ; 11,696 bushels.
NEW YORK, May 16
Money plenty ; exchange dull at12k414 per
premium. Stocks lower—Chicago and Rock
Inland 85k; Cumberland coal 9 ; Illinoins Cen
tral railroad 62k; Bonds 92k; Michigan southern
53; New York Central 89 ; Pennsylvania coal
84; Missouri 63 52k; Treasury 7 3-100, 1041;
Coupons 1,881, 1041; R3gistered 1041.
At Dauphin, on the 9th day of January, 1882, by the
Bev. Alex. D. Moore, Mr. GEORGH B. KENDIG to ARM
CATIRREtti T. Ewaß, both of Harrisburg.
,May 15,1E62, at,therotidence of the bride's mother by
Rev. D. Gana, Or. B. S. Kamer. to Miss Mani 0. Zoteme-
GSM, both of this city.
[We tender our thanks to the happy couple for their
kind forget-me-not, and in return tope ihat they may
etjoy an eiltila3S career of prosperity and sunshine. And
furthermore, when the rose tinted drum begi❑s to pale
before the atcumulafoo of the musty cobwebs of Time,
May their love for each other undergo no change but
only grow the deeper and stronger.]
NEW 120vertismento.
rritiE above reward will be given to any
1 . person woo will give cacti information to the Eno.
sel iher as will lead t the conviction of the p-rson who
stole or wr o wilt deliver at my house the following de
scribed buggy taken from my residence in Susquehauna
tow! ship upon the night of the 11th of Slav, The buggy
Is a squire bodied one, has a flower petintei on each
side, sides divided into three p mud% oil cloth covering,
color blacc and the silver pie Lcl.l dasher tender broken
off et or eight Inches from toe left hind top corner of the
nastier and at the corner on the right har.d
snylB-d3,* Suiqueh nna township, Dauphin Co
FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture
Frames, ornamenting. C.titags, trimming his Pipas
c., and cut so as to ham; over strings in the shape of
stars, pointq, circles or fe•toons. For sal- at
Washington, May 10, 1862.
ble in Washington, D. C., on the first of
June next for the examination ot applicants
for admission into the Medical Corps of the
Army. In addition to the ordinary require
ments of moral character, medical and surgical
knowledge, good academic education, and
sound physical condition, the applicants must
be familiar with the principles of hygeine and
the conditions necessary to the health of the
troops in hospitals, camps and transports.
Applications must ba addressed to the Secre
tary of War, through the Surgeon General;
must state the residence of the applicant, and
the dal and place of his birth. They must
also be accompanied (references will receive no
attention) by respectable testimonials of his
possessing the moral and physical qualifications
requisite for filling creditably the responsible
station, and for performing ably the arduous
and active duties of an offieer of the Medical
Applicants must be between twenty ens and
twenty-tight years of age.
No allowance is made for the expenses of
persons undergoing these examinations, as they
are indispensable prerequisites to appointment;
but those who are approved and receive ap
pointments will be entitled to transportation
on obeying their first order.
They are now, and soon will occur, several
vacancies in the Medical Staff. mylet-d3t
OVER fo , ty Safes of this manufacture
were subjected to the Very ordeal for over twenty
four hours. The contents of safes opened are all pre
served, savinc hundreds of thousands of dolkrs to
those possessing Lillier's celebrated Wrought and Ch tiled
iron Firesad Burglar Proof Safes.
myl.6-d6t.vrlt 110 Market Street, Harrisburg.