Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 15, 1862, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, May 15, 1862.
A few days ago the Breckenridge. organ !on
the corner'of the alley, made one of its peculiar
assaults on Auditor General Cochran, without
any previous provocation by that gentleman,
and for rio other purpose than the mere gratill
cation of the envy and hatred whieh its con
doctors entertain for virtues which they cannot
equal or emulate.. We •considered, at the time,
that the attack in question would he answered
by the Lancaster Union, and tharetnie we made
no reply to the Patriot In defence of the Auditor
General. The following from the %Lancaster
Union, we imagide, will not fail to. touch the
tacittirtt deacon and his mysterious " & Co," It
is a rebuke as deserved as it Is withering, and is
in the following language':
The Harrisburg Patriot and Union—a mittne-,
mer,,for it is not patriotic in its purposes, :and
its whole work now is to excite' dissension'
among the people, in the interest 'of the rebels
and their sympathizers—flew into a furious
passion with " Auditor General Cochran," on
Thursday last, and set to railing and scolding
like a very drab. The occasion of, or provo
cation .to this foul bi tasking opt at the., pan / by
the iiisdialled brienof Breckenridge faction,
was a statement made in the last Union, that
the HM4isburg paper was " owned principally
by one Haldeman. " `This it denies---saYs that
it has reason to believe that "Mr. 'Auditor
General was fully aware" of, the fact that
Haldeman does not own a dollar in the es
tablishment," and with characteristic black
guardisni, asserts that "when he penned the
above article he wrote a premeditctied and deliberate
f alsehood." It is perhaps; sufficient to say in
reply to this insulting language, , ' "which does
not rise to the dignity of offensiveness because
of the learnt:ea and infamy of its source, that
"the Auditor General" did not pen a line of
the article referred to—never saw it Until, after
it was palliated, and 'had no previous intima- 1
titan whatever of its contents. The Harrisburg
paper, therefore, in unqualifiedly asserting that
he penned the article, is itself guilty of publish
ing an unfounded and malicious falsehood.—
What reason it had to suppose that the "Audi
tor General" knew that Haldeman had no in
terest in the establishment, we do not know—
it is not the practice of that officer to pry into
other people's private affairs, and of what indi
viduals the infirm firm of " 0. Barrett & Co."
was convened, nor bow many lirfith Heaps it
contained, ghastly, grim and greedy, he never
sought nor desired to be • informed; but that
concern were well aware that 'he was not the
man to assert, when he knew the contrary, that
Haldeman had anything to do with it, andtheir
attaciv On hint was prom pied by niereifildignity
and bitter spite. They admit that others have
said, "as near as they dared," the something,
yet they did not deny it. By their silence they
gave` warrant to the writer in this paper to be
lieve,Ote statement, and then they fly into a
passion with an individual who hadno personal
connexion with the matter at all, and never
wasted a thought on the Breckenridge organ at ,
Harrisburg, as he never wastes his time in
reading its factions and unpatriotic columns..
Having thus, for ulterior purposes, gratui
tously aseAlled a .man against whom they no
doubt nurse secret griefs as well as political
enmity, they proceed to attribute his imagined
offense ' to the fact that he "is so utterly insen
sible to all moral obligations as to become the,
eulogist of Thaddeus Stevens " It is vastly l
edifying to hear., such a concern prating of mo
rality I Satan quoting scripture was not more
absurdly out of his element. When we want'
a moral monitor, we shall assuredly not
for one to "0. Barrett & Co." We should "go
to a goaCs house for wool." It seems they
have undertaken the job of writing down
Thaddeus Stevens. We have heard before of
"The Eagle in his pride of place,
Hooted and hawked at by a mousing owl."
Mr Stevens needs no defence from us against
attacks from that quarter. When men who
were giants in their days tried to pull him
down and failed, it is scarcely worth while to
waste a kick on the pack of mangy ours who
bark at him now. MS fame is secure as an
able statesman, true patriqt and unswerving
friend of human freedom ; while their doom is
to die and be forgotten—a happy fate for them,
for should their memory survive, it would be
only to endure scorn and everlasting contempt.
Tas Cossravertve Montan:sr in Congress has
already exploded, and its best friends begin to
see that it was only a shallow trick to revive
sympathy for those who are in arms against
the government. The " Democratic Address,"
which was honed as a bait for dough-face
sympathisers with rebellion, has also fallen
flat on the public ear. The attempt thus to
give aid to treason, while it created only
merriment and 'scorn among the loyal men of
the free states, illustrators the desperate pur
poses of the old Locofoco leaders: !These men
have been the witnemes of the Union-Itepnbli-.
can movements in the north and west, and
they see In those unions only defeat for them
selves and disgrace for their traitor alders.
Hence their ititirte to' attract the people by .a
"conservative" movement—and hence, too,
the failure of that movement, as the people.
fatly understand its objects.
The time to discuss a subject is when it most
interests the people. No intelligent martwill at
tempt to deny that slavery does riot nowinterest
the people, as being the sole animation and
only object of the rebellion, whichv fora time,
so fearfully threatened the ;.peace of th# coun
try. It cannot be abided either, thatas we
crush out that rebellion, it becornes our Solemn
duty also to cripple the cause and influence
which brought it about. To do this effectually,
slavery intlfit be arrested ite'prNt esti, ind con-'
fined within certain proscribed limits, where it
can hereafter be watched and frustrated in any
attempt to repeat its presetk treacheries.—
This protection has been at length increased in
this country in the parisage -of the bill intro •
duced into Oolfgrese :by Mr. Levejoy,`entitled
"An Act to noire freedom to all perscUts with
in the territories of the 'United States." This
Is simple; phdri'andtpacifiti; White the ternisijot
the bill are fully expressed in its title. It ie
not proposed to abolish slavery. It is not plan
ned4ei tarry 6ff the property of the ablvtdrOtre
slave holder. It - simply provides Atha the
virgin soil of this nation shall not be polluted
by Slavery. Yet, as a principle it goes further
by:reakidOlittery Wallas& freado&natiohal'f•
and the House heir'only arid Iff . theadith month
of its present session what it should have done
in the first week. The people elected a Repub
lican Yreddent and Sent Republican tdembera
to Congress that they might establish a policy
on 111 ,1 3 altifi, f 1P. 31n ,*° Phi.z./9 1 21M.4 1 # Pa,t
important of which was an assertion of the
unitersal freedom of man in the territories.—
One might - iviell have eipeOted , that i . after 400
great a triumph as We gained in the autumn of
113130,.and theasjeich:igs by which it wattcele
brated, the instant a- Congress should be as
sembled under the new order of things, that
great principle of the Republican party would
receive legidiatiVii ii4reSSiOte: We
thought, in our simplicity, that every Republ:-
Fr °l *:7°! l i d 4°t o C o xgrP...!4 t 4 a : 41 4
embodying that principle i*ifispecket, ready
for presentation—that the most aptly drawn
would be selected and int through both Houses
of Whims*/ With' . as littlb delay ithnight be
consistent with tli refine elf 'idgfeletion. The
people had already decided the matter, the
people htul•aettled•the question ; all that the
gov,ernment had teido Watt to register the de
cisibn the people with el:eventful expedition.
Yet this duty has been put aside titt now, as if
there was any room for heeitation. •
We trust • that this bill, having passed the
House of Representatives by such a" handsome
and decisive znajority, will,not be delayed bej
yond the ordinary time of legislation in the
Senate. , Its pat:Sage in the Bonita has infused
new hope in the hearts of the north; 'that 'the
government is not only dis Posed to , crush
hellion,• brit it is determined to provide against
its recurrence. ' •
At the present term of the United :States
Cirbuit Court for the..sonthern. diktrictof .ohio,
at Cincinnati; the of - James lif:011 - eitoneth,
heretofore Andicted for trectson,, came up on
motion of hie counsel, Geo. L. Pugh, to quash
the indictment. Chenoweth Was Indicted under
the second clause' of 'section 1, of the act of
, .follow .
Congress of April 80,.1790, which • is aas'
"If any person or persons owing allegiance
to the United States of America shall levy war
against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, Or
sag to them aid and comfort within the United
&Melt or elsewhere, and shall be thereof con
victed," Sem, they "shall-auffer death."
in support of the motion to quash, Mr: Pugh
claimed that the provision in ' the 'English
litatute,_corresponding to the provision in our
stathte, upon which this indictment is founded,
has always been held' by the English courts to
apply only to thise who adhere and give' aid
and comfort to foreign enemies, and that, it has no
application to those 'to ho commit thel like , acts inrespect
of domestic traitors; engaged in -insurrectionor
rebellion against theiroirn government. Au
thorities were cited in support of this proposi
It was claimed and was held *by the courf
that the proviiion being adopted from the En
gush statute, 245, Edward /11., the construction
givin by English courts must govern the , con
struction of ours.
The court (Justice SwaYne, recently appoint
ed to the Supreme bench) sustained the motion
quashing' the indiotnient, •but also intimated
that the facts on which it was predicated would
sustain an
,Indietment for treason in • "levying ,
war against the United States."
The court said :
"The authorities which 'establiett the con:.
struction Contended kir 'by the • defendant's
counsel, also lay doWn the'proposition that the
same facts which make a case within the stet
ute of adhering and givingaid and comfort .to
'mop enemidt, when done in respect - ofininir
eentrand rebels,niake the - offender 'guilty of
the crime of levying war against the govern
ment, and liable to be, panished under the other
provision of' the stattitif for thitt offence."
B 1 °Cum., 62.) ' ' •
Thedefeet; therefore,' appepTe ,to be a techr,
nical, tale hi framing , the indictment, the stat
ute being•etifficientle.teaohtbe:ease. , •
%vend other similar indictments .
p6nding iri
that District are..tlispmied of. The parties,
hovbev• r, are still liable to indictment under
the first clause of .the seatitMoited.l
Hoasa Alm hasnt length won the- fancy of
some of the' people conneCMd with . the P aEriod,
so that foratime, at least,i we may - expect that
they will cease. heir pursuit offlmh pots. The
attraction' 'to horse flesh was rtn
knovin to us, tuititn, communication elioited by
a peragraph• in:the• local department of pester
days. TstioirArn, called 'out attention to the
matter. While we'rejoice at the enterprise of
the! Pak* people, in thus entering on a
ixoupetition. where they. will be compelled
to baixt their guard for sparer's, string
halts, and glanders, we cannot consent 'to
theipublication of - the -r edintritittletition of our
friehd. W$ have nodispOsition to spolli good
thing, and yet we must-bepermitted gently to
ptoiest,against the Confesidonary of words to
Which Gen. Wilson. WAS treated.:. Such stuff
may do to hide a locofoco • slender;•hut
not endue to conceal either of .the, aforesaid
strin g ha 44, or elpi4ows,t....7he least
that this goatractior Horses shotildlist.e
4 accomplish, however, is a revolutlnnfrin the
minds of the Patriot people with regard to
horse contractors generally. They have now
become one of that respectable class of men,
andfilif course the profession will be increased
in pttrity. A/wit
Ems' MAR who has a dollar invested in the
loans recently negotiated by the government,
fur the purpose of supporting the army, while
the soldiers who compose thit army are battling
to suppress rebellion, tendered the loan in good
faith and confidence that it would be repaid
with interest, It was-uotantaie as &speculation,
nor is it now a "fancy" of the money market.
The investment was a solemn and a sincere bu
siness transaction, accepted with Its attendant
risks in the emergency of the defeat of our armies
If our country was destroyed—if the Union was
irevocably dissolife4 the great 'business inter
eat, of the loyal states, with those who had
risked their individual resources and means in
the conflict, were ready also to go down.' This
was the spirit In which meninvested their for
tunes in this contest, and therefore the attacks
of ;certain politicians and 'presses On the war
debt, with the direct 'parpOse of counseling re
pudiation, is as contemptible as their former
actions were mean and dastardly. The petiple
who have this money invested in the War debt,
must watch the feeling on this subject, as it is
expressed by and confined among &certain class
of politicians. They must watch the men' who
are now attempting the re-organisation of the
Democratic PaTtY, se nae,of , the objects ef, that
re-organization is to repudiate .the • war. debt,
and thus force the north into "& bankrtiptoy
which southern treason and dorighiflux!
klicity with rebellion could riot Preduce. This
scheme is now one of the morsels which the
locofoco press and nemi-locofoco traitors Incon
grees are busily - digesting, so that we mar)ook
for the announcement any. day that Con
gress or the President had no. authority
; in the first place to !make war for the _atifr:
pression of the rebellion, and Consequently no
right to contract debts in furtherance of:such
ii:•purpose. ' It will require no more boldness to
make such a plea and assume this position,' ;
than it did to declare the war a meefOre of
tlctetcioe, and, afterwards persistently:maintain
that there was no authority in the Constitution
to confiscate the property of rebels. Otte ar
gument follows another ; one pretext opting§
from another in this • entire business,- and the
man or men who contend that the propertivf
rebels cannot be confiscated, or that t this war ls
an act of aggression or coereion, are equally pre
pared at any time to assert that the entire war
debt shouldhe -repudiated: The traitors who
sought the erection of a Southern Carded-,
eracy will never be able to liquidate the debts
they contracted. Even the. states which nego-
tiated loans for that purpose will fail, to dis
charge their obligations, so net as repudiation
follows rebellion in the south, and bartknlPtOY
attends the career bf both, the. Democratic
press and leaders of the loyal states will 'once
more bindthe' south to their alleiciapa,
making repudiation a policy of their party, , The_
party that has advoCated blaverrforfifty years,••
and on all occasions made that institution BuL
percede all other interests, will not ehrink4rom
the advocaorof repudisticin. Itmillharmonize
as cordially with the feelings •of such • men to
make the bankruptcy of the nation their object
as it did to make the dissolution of
.the 'Onion
their grand political purpose. ..
This subject is worthy the attention of the
loyal American people, at a time "when, the ,
leaders of a sham bemociady are laboring, to
reorganise. If the war debt is to be repudia
ted, and if taxation is to be resisted, we - Will.
become most effectonlly . 4graced tkee3ree
of the world. The shame will be greater tbau
it could possibly have been made.bythe success
of 'the rebellion. It behooves hottest men,.
therefore, to resist the machinations of' ,:'the
leaders of the locofooo party to achieve power.
If they are successful, repudiation Wont:nes in
Ons REASON, says Ptmsm Brownlow, why the
'rebels keep up their apirittagwell , is because of
the unblushing lies of the leaders and newspa
pers. The latter copy bogus extracts said to be
from New York papers, stating that we ans i hein
on ,the verge of famine ; Bit mob
,law and
bread riots prevail in the north; that Chase and
Seward resigned • a week or two ago, because
President Linixtiumould, petgist in his_ . nadae
love for the bottle, and •wise always - too drank
to do anything; that the-federal government
was drafting• troops from Maine and Massachu
setts and New York, whereat there was groat
distatisfaction in thowstates.
'•War.s Is . a Taxtstrar Nora Myr:meta
infisniy-note Was: shownl,to US on Saturday,:
which had been' reftleed by State streSt= bank,
when offered for deposit by the leadingbankers•
.onthis city. The ground of rejection was, that
itheinote was prottonticed tobe " Inutilated,"
The note bad been , IClitite wiled mill, Id
though it:Wasitill fresher lin appendant* than
the majority of the blink notes-in offotation.
It has been torn in twill places upon:hi:4i edge,
neither rent being more than an inch in lehgth,
and no portion of the note having been -torn
oft., These two trifling rents, which lee 'orcli.
nary observer would sot; have notited; and
which left the note,Sik complete as ever, mere bethe '.!mutilation,", which excltupal,
the, note froin dipoSit. liftiiiiritiou," this
case, seethed to' have` boat its ordinary signifi
cance, and no longer --to ithply-thedeprivation
of,any part, essential er otherwise; of the object;
Mutilated.---80100/3 .i.Ldvirifser, May 5: •
Arno ALCM), .t.eysil.Tßfor,pl.--Two thorough
ly reliable . ilentuckfans arrived in
from New Orleani riport i tlati 'all m arong the
Mitrissippl, from Memphis .to' NeW Drlea .
there is one general bonfire of propertyi prim*
pally of cotton, of which eleven thousand seven
nuodred bales were burned at Nest Orleatt..
AtAlemphis, sugar and molasses in larg,ii quart
titi . hs is on the bluff ready to be fired on the
approach of the Federal; fleet, ;The - people of
thnriver towns are retreating inward, and de
strly Eng property nicAr t .o. tp,eletitherittribu
terve o; the. Mississippi—We planters, in many
cases, applying, the torcit to their;own cotton -
The rebel, government has :also boats running
up the river .destroying cotton. ..Among great
numbers, only one plinier was found who oh;
jectbd to the binning of his cotton : .
clotiing*F..;Sept;, into the 12,904
ief~ntry.6lso:Vflki7f, and a bait.te.ty,of light sr
tUleiy of 166 men ; making er4:10 1; of, 15478.
Of these, 2.840 were three months 4en • :191
are dead frt atiiiiiimet !Ind 'Ng' have rtfeigti=
ea 1088. Besides: iii.khilhe'extits Piri
comation to veltiiiteine Wid
th& families, the state has expended f sl,sl6;-
10 74 for war proposes.
om oar ironing Edition oilesteniay
From Fortress Monroe.
OAPTII4I OF ,stur:pLit.
Foam !dorms, May 13.
To Eon. Edwin M. Stanton, , &Mary of W :
Ws asys gorrOrs.. It was , taken last even
log by Major Dodge.
All was quiet. .
Major General M'Clellan'e troops are at guru
List of Wounded Pennsylvanians in Hospital,
Maw You", May 14.
. ,
The fah:Swing is a list of names and compa
nies of all tbat are in the New York hospital,
,Ne. 818 Bioidway, from Penntylvatda Tee-
Meats. They are sick and not wounded men
arrived by the steamer Ocean Queen:
W. W. Thoin Peon, company B, 113 d regiment.
. .
Donevin,coMpany a H:62a regiment.
J. Hoffman, company D, 88.1 regiMent.
3! 0.1/deny. I •
iticherd Davis, conipany 8,88 d regiment.
Albert Titus, company B, 3d cavalry, volun
Thomas Allen company It; 88d regiment.
"Thomas tt...Wowger, company 0, 87th regi
Grevee, company B; 88d regiment.
R. F. Al[non, company B, 88d regiment.
' Thomas Plow - than, company G, 88d regiment
Ndward 0. Foster, company D, 88d regi
mint. -
lamb P. Werner, company B, 8d cavalry,
i gamnel Golden, company H, 3d cavalry.
Charles H. Evans, company D, 'B3d rag!
Alphius Pollenron, company D, 3d cavalry
Francis A. Range, co. E, 38th - cavalry.
Norten Huntley, no. IC, 83d cavalry.
Alexander Cosier, co. H, 8d cavalry.
;timothy Babcock, co. I, 88d regiment
,Obarlee Back.
The following arrived by the Daniel Webster:
Francis M. Jenkins, co: G, 88d regiment.
Benj. F. Burd, co. G, 53d regiment.
Elias Vanwlgan, ditto.
Frtincis E. Snyder, company I, 81st regiment.
David Moore, companyK, 68d regiment.
Wm. Miller, company G, 68d regiment"
fohn Miller, company B, 84th regiment.
Janes Clark, company lii,:6lst regiment,. (died.
V.V.Daymorid, company A, 61st reg't, (died.)
Henry L. Hoops, company B, 68d regiment.
Henry Hutch, or Beaker, company 0,63 d reg't
Jesepb Hildreth, company E, 61st regiment.
jOseph Y. Hart, company 1, 24th regiment.
hterview between Gen. Butler and the Mayor
..A special dispatch from Monterey, Tennessee,
dated the 12th inst., received here, says we to
diti took possession of a deserted rebel camp,
three and one-half miles from Corinth, and the
'reb43l pickets were driven in.
The Mobile Register of the Bth lost states that
five Union gunboats had appeared off Dauphin
• =The New Orleans Delta-of the 4th :lust., re
hdriis an interview between Gen. Bufler and
tiki mayor and council and that they coatinned
their fnnotions except on politics and nillitary
offences. No oath of allegiance had been re
The following despatch has been received at
the Navy Department :
t Own°, May 12.--News from the fleet has just
Fieicp received. The Mound City, which was
injured on her starboard , by a ram, is on her
whir to Cairo for repairs.
Ile Cincinnati was uninjured aft of her star
board beam, and stink in twelie feet Of. water.
Slid wil be raised and sent hire for repairs,
which will be made with all possible despatch.
COM. Stemble is heni at the Naval depot with
me' doing well. Fourth master Reynolds, of
the; Cincinnati, was mortally wounded. Two
of the Cincinnati's crew were slightly wounded,
There were no other casualties. Stemble fought
his ship splendidly. A. W. PENNOCK,
j Commanding and Fleet Captain,
'lawman's, May 14.
" Flour dull and drooping ; super6n is qttot
ed. et $ 1 5.245 121. There is not much wheat
offeklaft sales of red at.51.26(41 27, and white
at $1 85(1 40. Pennsylvania lye, steady, at
72c. Corn active, 8,000 bus., sold at 88c.,
afloat ,light 'recta., a steady inquiry for salted
eats, and lard, 200 sca. Lard sold at 810
Whisky dull at 24@2.5c.
NEw YORK, May 14.
Flour tlrm--sales of 11,000 barrels at $4 45
(i 0,4 55 for St de. Ohio and southern unchang
ed, Wheat steady, sales of 80,000 bushels at
$1 15®1 13 for Mdwaokle club; SI 17 for
red Western ; $1 36 for white. Corn firm,
sales of 16,000 bushels at 520524 for mixed.
.Mess pork steady at $l2 624®12 75 ; prime
pork unchanged. Whisky dull and nominal.
Receipts of flour 7,166 barrels; wheat 15,100
bushels ; corn 41, 145 bushels.
Nsw Yon&, May 14. -
Btocks lower ; C. & R. 1164, ~,Ill,; Cen. , lt. R.
11114,111. Ceo. bonds 924, Mich. Southern 49 k ,
N. Y. Cen. Idissonri 6's 61i, Tennessee 68
(38r01111119 73, Kentucky's 92. Money Is
pl kt 446 p. exchange dull at
p. c. prem.
:01311741a OF COTTON FRO' SHIP isrAitp.
J -Boffezi, May 14.
triidittaitia arrived with a cargo
of cotton from 131dp blend.
Boot. Morrie , Esq., chief clerk of the House
of Bepresentatives left, to-day for the Head
quarters of Gen. lif'Clellan, bearing with him a
handsomely engraved copy of the resolution of
thanks passed by the House on Friday last. By
direction of the Clerk of the House, he will de
liver them to thelleneral in person.
The military department recently restored
includes the State of Bemis ' the Indian terri
tory west of Arkansas, and the territories of
Nebraslut, Colorado and Dacotih, the Head
quarters to be at Fort Leavenworth.
; r'
Railroad Open to - the ilheaandeah.
; 1 4 9 3/ 5 .1 8 4
The tarsio*tt i tt=road rritte
north fort ifew
the first time. A large number of hands are
engaged in re-building the bridge' over' that
stream, which, when completed, will make the
railroad oronhection complete to this point,'
A rumor is in eirculation through the army
that Ashby was capture, by Gen. Hatch, of the
cavalry, yesterday, - but It Is ,discredited in
official quarters. ' •
Akar General.
Nsw Yosa, May 14.
The steamer Champion, has arrived with
$424,000 in gold from Cilifonds.,
XXIVIIth Oongress--Firat,
Watonr, (Ind.,) presented a petition
front citizens of Indiana, asking Congress to
leave off the agitation of th4,..negro question,
and attend to the business of putting down the
Oa motion of Mr. %tem, (;Mare.,} the reso
lution to suspend .tbe Payments under the aot
for the payment of troops actually employed in
the department of the West wee taken up after
a discussion,ihe resolution *as laid over.
Mr. WALTON, Ma . repotted' AAA from the
Committee on Printing% a joint resolution re
quiring. the superintendent of the census to
keep records of the. names *Adults, males,
heads of families and freeholds.
The subjeckwas discussed, and the resolotion
Mr. Euaor, from the Select Committee on
Confiscation, reported two bills. He said the
time for the consideration of this subject ought
not to be much longer postponed. He suggest
ed that the bills be made the special order
for Monday next. The first of the two
bills reported ,by ; the committee proirldefl
that all estatev,..VrOperty, money a orectly
of persous holding or. who may hereafter
hold (Ace under the so called confederacy, shall
be forfeited to the United Staters, the• proceed
ings to be:bni,ught in:rem. Tbe, Fiesident Is
required to issue a proclainatiok giving sixty
days warning to the rebels,
VrAl YonK, May 14
sieges, Deaths, ' to Seam* Insertion
In. the. TRILIGGB.APH, must. invariably
beiseconiptuiletierith the CUBA.
OHN LOBAN will offer forgale- to.
morrow the 16th knit., at the market House, it large
tollett'on of Iltnrerink plan's, many of *blob don
t nue in . bloom all the opting and summer: Among
them will be a large lot of choice Jest received
Rom Philadelphia, being varieties wrier Wahine cohered
In Harrisburg, the very cream of Roan, coinntaxelbig
the;breatlums In all ezkolgtionk for theAma tow yea*
The collection.Witehomprise a vailety of Amme, Ver
benal;"Maalia, Isettnene, Lemon Verbenas, Salvias,
New Reddeweglan Maas, Lacopodlntita, .Ferns, lose
Geraniums, Mull Pink; anti a large verlety Of other
Mao a oho!oe lot of MOOING BASIEST.3.
The sale will omits& Wrl 01010 C L, A. X., ant bo cam
tinned Chr legit the morning and afternoon.
taiyl4 dmaelt* , .
POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar:.
V Oktud Hems fbr devery low - wholesale
or ?mil by- • - WM; Dom •jx, & 00.
Daupbin county, solicit, propceals for roof
ling the front building or edifice of the county
prison, with % leaded thr per square superficial
foot ; the tin to be well painted with one coat
on the under side and two coats. on the upper
side ;all materials to. be found by the °entrap
tor, who is also obligated to remove the old
tin from the'root and state what he will pay for
the same per square foot,, superficial measure;
all work and material l 6 bd*of the best quality,
and of the description,, as mentioned, and to
be well put on.: Letting to be on Tussnar,,the
20th , day of Ma; 1862, at two o'clock P. M.
The contract to. be awarded to the lowest re
sponsible bidder, and the work to be-flubbed as
soon as possible .after the contract is awarded.
The contractor will receive his money as soon
as the roof is tinished,'ln accordance with the
STOLEN.—Was stolen• front
the stable - of the sublenqber last night the
River Road about three mike below Mlddletown and
one Milo below the Ruck Tavern, aIIAY 'BOMB,' with
white forehead, short ears, long and heavy, tan, hind:
ohms; new anditervy. is tc,ah/wi;Ohtniky horse and
brat: , e2d &than milli*. paid'for the .recovery of the
Gorse, or $3O for the capture of bath horse and thief;
myilt dat RENRY M1TZ04.11..
etAN.K.E I Tomatoes and Green Corn, at
1,8 Jorni.3v2...„i„ myl
rtHIERNS, Tabs; •Bitakets, Brooms,
VV Brushes sad alkeines 0... t Blow add: eau Ware,
for sale low ; ; MICR 4.6 St 130Ve r ,MAN,
niy2 ?maraud Madre streere.
C . .
L -Limps, Shades, Chimneys
lower than.eny home M . , Harrisburg. all and
tramline 111. CllO/S* , l 3 uW.xia,
yar,,,,berole and rra l li irixiery, corner*tint Sod 'Market -
Areas. .: ~ - . ,:,,;: .11 i , ill
EaTlPlfitkitt iot of Dandelion and I i D
Cottle, ibuebt et the et me of JO3N WM ley
Wasaiiierrois, May 14
On flatarday bray I.2tty 1862. ACINIM Iff - o°Dast, ag6d
26 years.
[Gone from the little home bsod of whichatte wta. so
bright and strong a link, to be one of the vast army that
enorcle the throne of the Redeemer ; goes from her
frail body of atrth; with its weariness sad Pain: to au
immortality Kapiritrial strength soil. ll iOelW7 4 Collie /Fox ,
the sightnud.sense of team who so truly loved her, but
leaving to them in the recollection other sweet womanly
virtues, her patient resignation to the Melee will, snd
her yearning with her latest breath after beaver, a
memory as heapa and - rich as the glOrioas spring tinte
amid whosit . e4ntrtnadiehas 'passed away.
Oar loss, 'twat . e einfttl to deplore,
Her gate no words as tell •
' , God toolt,He gave, Re ca rector.,
. He dank all tbiep well."
Arno , 2thutrtisintuts. •
1401 ICE TO ADViglitTlEiliEtS.—till Ad.
vertisgments, Business Notices, Mar.
AttestpoluenMn u aerk. [ml4-dtd.
5; eui :AubstuttAtspeatiNntAEll,l,llFs.olol4,
.. „ . „„ 0R „„.,.
D I A N u l l
And other varieties of Grapes in Sad oti
They can be planted with success.tu
EVERGREENS o differet varldi ef , at
ltw rates. Now le the e n for plan tin z
klnds of Evergreens, and experience has pn .
that the month of May is the most fworabl: cen
for planting. Also some kinds of
Can be planted with safety. mii2
And other pimple for sale at the
KEYS TONE 1 , : rilsE RI:
NE of the greatest improveatem:s
jr the age Is rya° k Barr's P.kteat lea CI -2.m , and Egg•Boalor, the great Savor of 1,13. r.
fitiootty or ice tuied and the eiceetims owe z p ,„
anti iequirod to mane good ice cram la :a •
Itotaera, tught to induct ere y
at th-m. They have received aevera m
the highest preiniuma At exh b ton , , ei . er A
Pressers now lit UM,. A rit.11a34.1 eke )..1•.,1, a. it:
yery beat receipt for matlht ice cream, f
lee waters, to., with a nam.ect of cart ilea 3 IL,
direa loos accompany fact Freeve.
All (Tilers for grester:., eoenty or :IA: •
attended to by ad / 1131 gicg
ray 942131 If
rote market from Cape of cool
.by anairro of Frcitesor &Edna Sp rc ~ .
nla 11,1 per cent. of l'enhate o: i, .
or Alkaline Beim. nil Nuatio has be .
ly ter teeny years arm Oorn I,lu k A,ht=a
Will results roly e Oat to laorur j . ..
/1110 coet. For Bale In bags an I u qua : r
Broadway Kest aide, BJwia.3 t;re.a,
mayil•diw wit
Den 4. GEO. V.
altdatore ent ,
tr teemed w lti.• Atr c ,
,QMde 10(010 , y , r-:' ,1 1 , 1 . 1 J, , .•
'betereem kihricet, ,of
!heeds and life ool.flr
pirfOrm otfor.l.l,a, II
SUrtktal Or momani
Ilinrjfelaed is fb.mtator, _
mode Of tneurliui ti
Prerett 613104040 ,••
Teeth, from one to .. 1.111 eel , t,
vat Platlna plated or tea
. I hint ia Tl , l .1 9 i.
In all in t. , t.nor pit
*lily, nod feel za. •
WWI ill ►SClentilk, nigon,•• r , -a ,a.
, 4mvP-.111 1 =,.
WErni% Dmii
And algeneral aesortmnt of
bate just been received la
. .
Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen
In the market, Is to be ,utaitl at
GOOD HAMS at eight ceut per
jut nvelved sod for s.le by
nula 1V 51 D , CFC. IR..
i t ARDEN SEEDS.—Just rlceived
VII berg* invoice of 0:10i0O Garden rreL
waiter variety of laworied end boo
bee ever been offered. ice this city. l'hae
dadra toparches*, can depend up 01 gatta..., the Dot v.t ..
am. world, it the woolemie cud ra alt 4rmer. -
DOC 6, Js. i
j BALE.—The Novelty iron r dud Machinery. Terms facor.O.e o rift `
pureheser. .1.0 .
COL. Wm. G. Murray 'd War 1140
J. D. Roffraso's Livery. for I nfur.veti
Corner Of Th ird
myl dStsw
WANTED.—lmmediately an uncnc,i
pied kt.i.ble or sued. A Idris- 1013,4, F.. II
burg P. 0
BO -
A. largo and fresh eqpidyjusL recew,d of .
— teb2 . l
SIIN SHADES, Sun Utnorella,i dud Pam,
Ws. Prices tan per cent lower O. .I•oftW e
CA.'r C & 13:1. al
H( it door
my 6
AP, Harrison, Country a nd Faso - .
axle by Cox ti
rasll-31 north.etst corner of Front and Market atree.a
U ARA JELL)..—A large supply 1 1 "`
received by WM. DOCII, JR.
C°A-L OlL—Nobdy can undersea US.
The best oi to Harrisburg : traumas :
siva; for Bale by NiCitol,s a BOO N,
corner Front and liar
ket greet,'
Tackle, Powder and Shit, Ibr sale .
. 0 •'
Corner Front and lEal"
F a
P. & W. G. TAYLOR'6Iir."' 803 „
11.• It is economical and highly atterSlc,
tams no Heels and csili not waste. It is wirrirt..l:i:).
to injure the hands. .Ii wdi impart an a4reaible
and is therefore suitable
DS3s% Jr. *Le .
,e by
A SUPERIOR article of Baled uh
F at,
, $l7 00 per ton (or sale by
eblB ittit tt'llEgbi'S
lent substitute
or Wigs, for ss le al tbe scot.
07.0 ,
and retail grocery store of NICHOLS St 10 2,1
cornerof Front and Market streets
OL.D PENS I—The Lirgest bea'
from sLoo w $4 00—warraand
81E FP 11 8 fitntedoSToBB
Choice Teas, Black and Green,
in.x, 3; and 1 pound inners, for sale at
ONCIEfOLS & 01f610 8
rpm! and Varkel Wenn,
110Tarre„, jreen
and Block,
tor gale
low by 141011411.0110WD1,
Corner F
feb/.1 ronstuad NOW swots