Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 10, 1862, Image 3

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    into the enemy from the Susquehanna,
Uri note and 67111 Jacinto, broadside
0,1 bi lin.
11,v Elp Raps also threw an (accessional steel
11r ; Ovens Point
1 2 3 p _Tire Susquehanna, Decotah, San Jan-
J a w and &allude are pouring shells, and the
hitor threw her first two shells from a point
wile and half ahead of or her vessels.
Th e guns from Sewall's Point fell bliort of
reg ular fleet, many of them exploded high in
the air at half distance.
youiter still moving forward, firing an oc
iesional bhor, whilst the Rip Raps and the fieet
who a re laying off in line of battle, are still
.. • a weedily.
a rm,
1 o clock P. .—Monitor now within a mile
yr zeiciills Point, moving slowly forward and
• .• The enemy are firing briskly from
:swell's Point at the Monitor, and shells are
inning thickly around her.
Cr,heS Island is also joining in the fight, and
bas jrist thrown several shells at the Monitor,
ra ,.,1 which exploded directly over her.
The Monitor moved steadily forward, °tea
ijobliy Mies and receiving shells and shot
io'o ihe rt.bel batteries with perfect indiffer
O'CL etc.--During the past hour there has
hr ea hat little, if any, change in the progress
of tbo bombardment. The Monitor has fallen
hick, and lays alongside of the Susquehanna,
piobildy for the purpose of communicating
with her. The Naugatuck in the meantime
I n n, le throwin shells no Pl oint, and
th , have also g
throwni a t number of shells
is the same direction.
2 Monitor and Docotab are moving
A lmig again slowly up the mouth of the
Ehr Meth river. Dense black smoke has com
inshced ip rise from Sewall's Point, iodinating
that our incend ary shells thrown there have
fired their barracks. The Daeotah continues to
throw shells d irect Intothe Point, with explosions
which can be distincly seen. Shells from the
Point mostly fall short and splash along in
water or explode in sir. '
The constant changing of position by our
marls destroying the range of the rebel gun-
Deis. They are, however, making quite a de
ermined tight from their works, giving the
l et almost shell for shot. • •
Sewrli'e Point is almost enveloped in smoke.
Coustaat explosions of shells and smoke from
in owe guns and fire raging in the vicinity
most make it a hot place for suffering humani-
2 20—the Monitor has laid out of action for
B rio an hour, probably cooling her guns
whilst tour larger vessels throw ail occasional
elm, all of which appear to enter the works of
the enemy or explode within the woods be•
Tie Rip Raps has also kept up a constant
cross fire throwing large number of shells in
the rear of the boint batteries, The Rip Raps
battery have the range of Sewell's Point per
2 45, P. at.—The rebel monster Merrimac
now made her appearance and has just passed
out from behind Sewell's Point and is running
down slowly towards the federal fleet. Her
black hull can be seen moving slowly along
shore in flout ot Cramp Island batteries. bim
ultanemialy with the appearance of the Mer
rimac the Monitor started up from behind the
wooden vessels and moved up toward the
f enemy.
Dense volame-i of smoke ascended from the
pipes of the Mailman and Monitor, with only
a puff of white steam weeping from them,
looked in the distiruce like a tower on the sur
face of the water. The larger federal veaaels
drew on one side and left the Monitor and
Naugatuck in the path approaching the enemy,
the contestants being yet fully two miles apart.
Tarts O'CLOCK. The Minnesota fires her
signal gun and the long roll is being beat in
the fort. The Minnesota is also coming up
!ran anchorage below the fort. The fleet had
all been lying quietly at anchor for the past
half hour, when a signal from the flag-ship
ordered them tall to return The Susquehanna
the way, followed by the 'Soh Teehtto,
Seminole and Dactitah, the Monitor bringing
up he rear, all apparently using the grdatest
perti towards the tort
Tu the t peet More this seemed rather mord
hibg, but as they moved dowa in line the
Minim was observed to halt, and the Sanja
the nod atuotah also followed her example,
ienlog the Susquehanna and the Stminule
moving ahead. The our steamers and Monitor
tuaitg taken their positions, the Merrimac also
hated, and five vessels stood thus not more
than n wile mid a half apart.
the Merrimac was nut apparently willing to
tome further down and the Monitor unwilling
further up. Tue Minuesuta also steamed
op w (rout of the wharf of the Fort, followed
tlowly by the Vanderbilt, when both stopped.
Ater layiug in this position the Minnesota
waled ruunit aid steamed back, and the Van
derbilt, without turning, backed water slowly
down the river. Whilst all this maneuvering
vat going on firing had entirely ceased from all
3 40. P. —The Merrimac now turns around
nd .reams back towards Norfolk, with her
rebel flag fi ing impudently.
Ba thaore steamer, the Georgianna, has
ltd out is the stream with steam up all the
Ift ernoun, ready to escape from danger at
the rarhest moment. Tue Minnesota and
Ltiderbilt have gone back •to their an
`hallo. The Dacotab again proceeded
LIP tuwai da the Merrimac. and the Monitor also
ikaB towards the mouth of Elisabe,h river.
The Dacutah is now within easy range of Be w
ells Point but the battedes do not open on
.`he and the Monitor have both stopped, and
i belleirnu nc is lying stationary about a mile
In xdrance of Craney Island batteries. Here
colzatiemed an important movement which
calanot be made public just yet.
)0 Fight Yet—Destruction of Property on
the Mississippi.
CAIRO, ay 8.
The steambeat Louisiana arrived fro M m
C are landing to night.
There had been no engagement at Pittsburg
Boding up to yesterday at noon.
Or lore m a were gradually alvanclog, and
'ere on an avera ve of three miles from the
isemy's advance.
The enemy were acting strictly on the defen
sDiteting parties.
live and for three days had sent out no recon-
Toe roads were still in bad condition,
to the late heavy rains.
Locisruza, May B.—Two thoroughly reliable
L tanekians have just arrived lirit s from New
Orl , an s .
They report that all along the ldissini pp i ,
i Nta Memphis to New Orleans, these is one
general bonfire of property, particularly of cot
,11,00 bales of which were burned at N ew
At Memphis, sugar and molasses in large
n annties are o the bluff ready to be fired
5 4 the a pplehell c.f the Union fleet.
The residents of the Union towns were re,
lall Nlteig inward, and destroying property along
The the southern tributaries of the DilEsissiPPl•
Plant er li s, v li t ior chir ow in many cases, are applying
tn cotton.
e lkebel Government has also boats run
firer destroying cotton. Only one
r.g,el•was;t his cotton, und who objected to the bunting
to . C .: e
Cates April B.—The steamer De Soto has
D ens cur Fort Wright She brings no
rebt ltpy has been captured while endeav=
ming to cross the Mississippi at night in a skiff.
He hKd copies of several late Northern papers
in his possession. He has been placed in con
The expedition sent from Hickman again , .
Clay King's gueriillas has returned. They fd
in with them in the vicisity of Obion river.
After a sharp skirmish the Rebels were routed.
It appears that in the first skirmish with Cur
tie' Nebraska Horse,six of our men were killed
twelve wounded, and fifty captured.
From Gen. M'Clellan's Army.
His Advance Twelve Miles beyond
The Enemy Completely Routed
::#'' e 1 1 0
The Rebel Troops Rapidly Retreating
Sewall's Point and Pig Point Abandoned
FoaTmo Moyaoa, May 8.
By the steamer from Yorktown, I learn that
Gen. litt'Clellan had advanced twelve milts be
yond Williamsburg, and has had several skir
addles with the enemy, routing them with
heavy lose.
The embarkation of troops for West Point is
progressing with great rapidity.
A heavy battle took place on Wednesday af
ternoon between the troops of General FatlLlE
lin and General Bedgwick, and the rebels under
General Lee who were endeavoring to make
their way to Richmond.
It is said to have been the severest battle on
the peninsula.
The rebels were totally routed and flanked,
being driven back towards the forces under
Gen. Johnston on the Chickahominy.
The whole number of federal' killed and
wounded was three hundred, and the enemy
were driven back by our gunboats with great
slaughter. They had not less than thirty
thousand men while our whole force at the
time was not over twenty thousand, only that
number having landed. Had it not been fur
the gunboats our troops would have been de
The crew of the steam tug J. B. White which
deserted from the enemy report that there was
great excitement at Norfolk this morning.
lien. Burnside was advancing with a large force
and was within a few miles of Weldon.
The rebel troops are evacuating that city
with all possible speed.
Sewell's Point and Pig Point they say 'are
already abandoned and preparations were being
made to destroy the navy yard and other public
In consequence of several typographical er
rors, having occurred In the following communi
cation published yesterday, we republish it this
afternoon in a corrected form:
[Her the Telegraph.)
The City Finances._
EDITOR or Tittsoaartt:—Uoder the above
caption there appears an Article in your paper
or yesterday evening, signed John A., Fisher, in
which, speaking of the annual statement by
common council of the finances of the city he
says : "I noticed, to my great surprise, an item
of credit for expenditures, by council of paper
books and Attorney's fees, J. A. Fisher $189."
In his comment on this great surprise, he says:
"This is a gross mistake, if not a wilful error
and intended misrepregentation, as I never re
ceived that nor any other sum of money for the
items mentioned from the city tteasury, nor
for any other account during the years 1861-62.
Mayor Kepner, out of his' own private funds,
paid me in 1861, in the suit of the city of Harris
burg vs. the hi tyor, the monies paid by me to
the printers of paper books, also for profession
al services rendered !or him in the above case
in the Court of Common Pleas and in the Sup
reme Court."
At a meeting of the Common Council on the
7th day of Bsptember, 1861, there was present
ed, with others, a paper, of which the follow
ing is a true copy : _
Bead Wm. H. Miller, Esq., for writ of
error to Supreme Court, May 14,
1861 $6 00
June Bth, 1881, paid Barrett & Mc-
Dowell, printing paper book. (26
Pag's,) 99 00
June 11, 1861, Juhn A. Fisher, EN.,
council lets Ju the Court of Com
mon Pleas and in Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania . 100 00
$146 00
Deduct charged in W. Mitchell's
Prothonotary bill 8 00
and at Paid meeting of council on the 7th day
of September, 1801, an order on the treasurer
was granted, of which the following is a trite
No 207 Council Chamber, Sept. 7th,
1861, $139 00
Treasurer of the city of Harrisburg.
Pay to the order of Wm. H. Kepner, one
hundred and thirty-nine dollars for paper book
and council fee to J. A. Fisher, end the same
will be) allowed you on settlement.
By order of the council,
Attest. D. W. GROSS, Pres.
Dann H&unia, Clerk.
This order is endorsed Wm. H. Kepner, and
was paid by the treasurer on the 12th day of Sep
tember, and is now cancelled and on file
among the papers of the city.
This is the evidence on which the "annual
statement' by the council is founded, and if
Mr. Fisher or any other person can make it a
"gross mistake," he certainly would have
better luck, than he had in framing the city
charter. FDiAliel COMIUME.
CARPrr I CARPET alarm !—Raving returned
from New York, I now have on hand, and I
am daily receiving from the New York auction
sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer
cheaper than ever. 20-pieces of carpet, from 87F
cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful
Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black
stilts at 76 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black
silk at $l, worth $126 ; black silk 82 inches
wide at $1 10, worth $1 37 ; very fine black
Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 ; sum
mer silks at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of
the finest Irish linen at 7b cents, worth $1 ;
1,000 hoop skirts, at 50 75 and $l, very cheap.
bargains in stockings;
20 dozen hens
stitched handkerchiefs, at 26 and 81 cents,
cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in
vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at
New York auction. Having a buyer in New
York, we are daily receiving job lots from the
weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city
prices to wholesale buyers. 8. Lew - r'
mBl-y Ilhoad's old stand.
&ORM from auction 26 pieces of colored
syhd white stow Wadding 25(p1.c. Also, a
magnificent assortment of embroideries, such sue.
bands, edgings, insertings. At lair's.
tun spiv ant a Malty gittegrailt, Iffititin4, Mtn 10, 19.62
Paiip ettegrapq
FLOWERS IN Boom.—Another choice lot o
flowers in bloom, from the establishment of M.
Buist & Son, of Philadelphia, will be disposed o
at auction in the lower market house, to day
BIROKE HIS LEG.—A man named Myers, from
Johnstown, belonging to the silver Grays, fellin
Ridge Read yesterday, and broke his right leg.
A physician attended the unfortunate man, and
he is now doing as well as can be expected under
the circumstances.
Boßoo', will be held 4511 Sunday evening next, :
in the Presbyterian church, on. Walnut between
Front and Second streets. Several addresses
will be delivered on the occasion. The public
are respectfully invited to attend.
ANOTHIR BABY Snow —Mr. Barnum, being
satisfied with his former experiment in this
line, and at the suggestions and eglicitations
of numerous friends, has determined upon hold
ing another Great National Baby Show. It Is
to take place on Tuesday, the 10th of June,
and is to last one week. The number of babies
is limited +o one hundred, besides the twins,
triplets, quarterns and fat babies: Two thou
sand dollars will be distributed in•prizes, ladies
of the highest respectability to be the judges.
BILLY PAI3I3RD.—The following additional bills
have been signed by the Governor' since the
adjournment of the Legislature:
April - 9th —An act to repeal so much of the
13th section . of an act, entitled "A supplement
to the act consolidating the city of Philadel
phia," passed April 21st, 1862, as relates to the
widening of Fifth street, northward of York
street, in said city.
May 6 , 1.—A supplement to the act incorpo
rating the Pennsylvania coal company.
An act authorizing proceedings against , the
Pennsylvania coal company, and the Delaware
and Hudson canal company.
homyEtaars.—The large three-story brick
building at the corner of Fifth and Market
streets, belonging to Messrs. Eby & Kunkle, is
now under roof, and rapidly approaching com
pletion. Mr. Kunkle, of the , ahoy, firm, is,
also about erecting a handsome dwelling house
on the site of the small two-stery brick build
ing, owned by him in Market street; adjoining
the property, of Mr. Cyrus J. Reese. We-also
observe workmen engaged tearing out the front:
of the three-story brick building owned by
Mrs. Denning, a short distance above Messrs.
Eby and Kunkle's new building, witlithe view
of replacing it with one of ton. We presume
this change is made for the purpose of•convert
ing the lower part of , the building to mercan
tile purpose& These improvements will add
considerable to the fine appearance of that
busy neighborhood. •
the outbreak of this war, the military genius
of the North has shown itself in a thouiand'
different ways,. In, a moment we transformed
ourselves from a great army of laborers into a
great army of soldiers. Officers stepped out of
the ranks of our trades and professions, and a
railroad snperinturidnot bezel:go our.Coni madd
ing general, As the war progressed the inven
tive genius of the country became military, and
hundreds and thousands of inventions, from
patent army trunks to new kinds of artillery,
have added to the comforts and efficiency of our
soldiery.. On the sea the same process is evi
dent, and our Monitor has revolutionized all
naval warfare. Ia fact, every . class of the peo
ple has become military, and the military
genius of the country has infused itself into
almost every department of literature, trade,
commerce, manufacture and art.
Too LAZY TO Mouart.—We live heard of very
lazy people. Men too lazy to shell corn when
presented to them by charitable neighbors to
keep them from starving. Men "too lazy to
draw their last breath," consequently never
"kicked off the mortal coil." But the laziest
man we ever heard of resides In Albany. Here
le an item from an Albany paper :
"A well known milliner, on Washinsiton ave
nue, has gone off witliv a man not her husband.
It appears that she ; carried on a good business,
and made considerable money. Her husband
would, not wdrk at all, simply because his wife
was making a good living for herself and him
too. But the wife was not to be bamboossled
into any euoh arrangement as that. He was
well able to work, and had plenty to do, if ; he
would only do it, but he wouldn't. So the
other evening she wrote him a note that she
had found a man who would support her. Off
she went, and her husband, it is said, is so indo4
lent that he won't even mourn her loss. Very
lazy man, that."
A WORD IN Si.asoN.—A cotemporary very
pertinently wonders what those young men do,
who may be seen strolling through the streets
until the midnight hour. In commenting up.
on the subject, he says: "No doubt after im
bibing sundry glasses of lager, etc., they feel
refrained for any 'game' chance may throw in!.
their way ; and tieing at the time when allyer 7
sons of propriety,are wrapped in, their slumbers,
they can carry en their machinations with
bolder front. Would it not be better for these
young 'sparks' if they wpuld stay at home and
improve their minds? Perhaps, however, they
consider themselves 'Lamed snuff for their eta
shun.' "
These remarks apply with the same force, to .
many of ova ydung men. Not content with '
stultifying themselves with intoxicating drinks,
many of them spend their evenings, aye, and
the "small hours," too, at places where they
can learn no good. Let them take the advice
of our cotemporary, make men of themselves,
insteadof deatroying their health, character;
and future prospects in return for that which.
they falsely call pleasure. There are many of
our yoring'men yrbo,.woeid be bettered by fol d
Aowing thin advice ; let them attend to it..
Saturday Morning, May 10, ISO
SEWING MACISCEEEE.—We direct the attention
of our readers to the advertisement, in another
column, of Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines.
We have bad one of the machines made by
this firm in family use for the past two years,
and cto truly recommend it as one of the best
inventions of the age. It adapts itself to almost
every variety of sewing, and the evenness, beau
ty and durability of the stitch is worthy of all
POOR WHISTLING.—"Speaking of bores," says
a victim of one of the species, "I can scarcely
imagine one capable of inflicting more misery
than an intolerable whistler. I can stand a fife,
when all. the -nation is armed and equipped on
training day, and the dram, with its ‘flang,
flans,' serve to drown its.screame ; but to lis
ten to a poor air badly murdered by a poorer
pucker's I : irlifer in some easier, if ,not quicker
way. I always think of the French stagecoach
driver, who being very much annoyed by such a
bore, turned upon him: "Mine frien, vat for
you all de times vissel ? You loss your leetle
dog, eh ?" -
EARLY WALKING!—Walking, for young and
active people is by far the best exercise ; rid
ing is good for the elderly, the middle-aged
and invalids. The abuse of these exercises
consists It taking them when the system is ex
hausted more or less by previous fasting or by
mental labor. Some persons injudiciously at.
tempt a long walk before breakfast, under the
belief that it is conducive to health. Others
will get up-early to work three hours at some
abstruce mental toil. The effect -in -both in
stances is the same ; it substracts from the
powers of exertion in the after.part of the day.
A short saunter,-or some light reading before
this meal, is the hest indulgence of the kind,
otherwise the waste occasioned by labor must
be supplied by nourishment, and the breakfast
will necessarily become a heavy meal, and the
whole morning's cornfort sacrificed by a weight
at the chest from imperfect indigestion of food.
These observations apply especially to elderly
persons, who are prone to flatter themselves
into the persuasion that they can use their
mental or bodily powers in age as in youth.
For the Telegraph.]
The City Finances.
HARRLSBURG, Kay 8; 1862
you be so kind as to answer the following in
quiries, and state if the following bill, to be
found in the article signed "Finance Commit
tee," published in the TELEGRAPH of this after
noon, to wit:
Paid WM. H. Miller, Esq., for writ of
error to tupreme Court, May 14, 1861 $6 00
June Bth, 1861, paid Barrett & M'Dow
ell, printing paper book, (26 pages,) 89 00
June 11, 1861; John A. Fisher, Esq.,
Council fees in the Court of Common
Pleas and in Supreme Court of Penn
sylvania 100 00
$147 00
Deduct charged in W. Hicthell's Pro
thonotary bill 6 00
$lB9 00
Was presented to the Common Council as due,
and payable out of the City Treasury to me, or
as due to yourself.
Please, also, to say to whom the order "No.
207, September 7, 1861," was issued and paid.
Also, who paid to Barrett &111'Dowell for print
ing paper book, $B9 00. Also, if the sum of
$139, above stated, was paid to me oui of your
own private funds, and if I received any part of
the same from the City ireasury, or upon the
urder above referred to ? Did I participate in
the presentatton of the above bill to the Coun
cil, or have any knowledge that it was to be
presented. State if the above order was issued
andpaid to you, to reimburse you for Moneys
that you had expended in defending yourself
in tike unfounded suit instituted by the Common
Council is the name of the City of Harrisburg
vs. William H. Kepner, Mayor.
Respectfully, your friend,
aiJIRISBURG, May 8, 1862
JOHN A. Mum, F..—Sir: —ln answer to your
note of this attem•on, I state that the bill re
ferred to and mentioned in your note was pre
sented by myself to the Common Council, and
that you neither participated in presenting the
said bill, nor had any knowledge of it , until 1
informed you thereof, after it had been 'Zit: to me,
upon order No. 207.
You paid to Barret & McDowell, as their re
ceipt shows, for paper books, thirly.nine dol
lade, *rich
,suna,,with the, council fees. iu Corn
mon Pleas and Supreme Court, I paid to you
out of my own private funds. Said order No.
207 was paid to moult, to reimburse me fur
monies than I had expended in defending my
self in the suit brought against me by the
Common Council in the name, of the " City of
Harrisburg vs. Wm. H. Kepner, delayor," and
was paid to me in September, 1861. The money
paid to you was paid by me months previous
its being reimbursed to mo by the council, and
therefore was not paid to you out of the city
treasury. Nor did you make, to my know
ledge, any claim upon the city therefor. You
had no right to look to any one but myself fo,
the professional service rendered, and the monieb
paid by you to Barrett and MelloWell, for me,
and therefore I paid them to you.
Respectfully, &c.,
ICE CREAIL-Our readers fond of indulging
in this refreshing delicacy 'would do well to
drop into the saloon of Mr. George Dress, in
Second street below Mulberry. He can dress
you up handsomely in this style. •
I=l :=I
Ova Courrrax.—This is - a glorious country,
where every "tiller ofithe• soil is a prince, and
n• 1 bastard lord mars springs fair promises."
It will grow and strengthen, to shame the par
acidal hands that are now striking at its vitals,
and in good time will explain to the London
Thnes, that part of President Lincoln's procla
mation, which refers to deliverance from foreign
invasion and intervention, and then instead of
sending our money to England, we will en
connive home trade, and purchase goods at the
cheap dry - goisla'housiof Mich & Bowman.
uso that safe, Pleasant Remedy knows as
For all Complaints Incident to the Fox
Fo Family should be
• WittMut
And None wilt when once
Tried by them.
. 18 used by
In the Decline or Canoe° of Life,
After And Before Marriage,
During and After Confinement.
o trengthen the Nerves,
Restore ligure to its Proper Channel, and
' Invigorate the Broken•down Constitution.
.Frorm whatever Catue Originatity.
; I .o'
Zaracif_Oldla ,Rl'ol,4oi BUCHU..
see hdvertiptimant in *Ow &Storni,. Cat it oat anal
*lea kelt.
New '2lOnertisematts
AT ADE by C. BIRNARD, are the best Ccm-
II and School Pens, without excep
tion to any. They are used by all the pricipal
Banks and Government Departments, Publics
and Private Schools; also, by the most promi
nent Commercial Houses throughout the United
States and C.nada.
But a short time has elapsed since
have been introduced into the United States,
still a marked preference is given them over
all others for the following reasons : The
" Corrugated Metal" PENS do not corrode ;
they will not spatter or cut through the thinnest
paper ; they have an ea y gliding motion, a
certainty or equally diffusing the ink, Batmen
of point, and great durability.
Brom the National Republican, Washington, 1). C.]
AN ANTI-CORROSIVB Pss.—The universal fault
of metalic pens is their tendency to corrode, so
that the best of them cannot be aced but a
short time. We write this notice with a pen
which is entirely anti-airrosive, and the best
pen we have used for five years. It is known
us Barnard's Corrugated Metallic Pen : made in
London, and which is now for the fuss time
introduced here.
11.0 m the Philadelphia North American, Nay 6-1
We would call the attention of our (*sumer.
cial friends to the "Corrugated Metal" Pens
made by C. Barnard, London, as the best metal
pens brought under our notice. They Ate not
so liable to cOrrole, neither do they 'mit nor
spatter as the ordinary steel pens. To the com
mercial community they will prove quite eco
nomical on account of their anti-corrosive
I}ons the Philadelphia Balkan, Nay 5.]
As ExcaLLENT Pas.—We can confidently re
commend the Corrugated Metal Pens made by
C. Barnard, of London, as mold the best metal
pens we have used. They are not so liable to
spatter or corrode, as the ordinary steel pens.
We should judge from our own experience that
they would be an excellent pen for our public
schools, and to all parties to whom economy is
an object, as from their anti-corrosive qualities
they would be, in the end, one of the cheapest
pens in use.
.hom the Washington .Thtellgeneer.]
A NEW Pm .—Mr. Barnard's Anti-Corrosive
Pen, of which we have to-day made trial, is
the beat metallic pen we have ever "taken in
hand." It is as elastic, as a quill, does not
corrode with ink, and glides easily over the
From the Montreal Gazette.]
pens, manufactured by C. Barnard, Clorken
well, London, are fortified by a long array of
certificates in their favor, as our readers may
see from our advertising columns, of ample au
thority. They are free from corrosly equalities.
They are certainly very pleasant to write with;
A specimen shown to us runs as smoothly over
the paper as -we could desire.
From the Mordreal Herald.]
MB take pleasure in recommending the pens
made by Mr. C. Barnard, of London,England,
as the very best metallic pens ever used by us.
We would say to our commercial friends—try
Depot for supplying the . United States.and
Canada, 142 West Twenty-fourth street, New
North-East Corner.hecond 8r Race Streets
And N. B. Cor. Market and Ninth Sta.,
Private Belldeccee, Hotels, Boa-ding Souses, Publio
OCLlcee and Inttitutiov,turnhhed entirely or wtte a tow
artiore at Kaanracturer's pr.ete, and or the beet ma
erial and workmanihip.
Ct ttere Bette, Loonlog Glan^a, Bedding, Be.
sir orders tram the Outlay oarenlly attended to.
fINJII of the greatest improvements of
I,y the it4e is Pine & Patent Ice Cresot Freezer,
anti h'.ag be tter, tne great saver of hbor. The , am li
mot yet ice used a.d the exceeding *short space of
me ,cguired to Inset, good ice tisitm In one of their
Freezers, ought to Indulte eve y family 10 pureh,as one
et th re. They have received several saver ni.tdali and
the bigbest premiums 't.t exhh't one, over alt oth
Freezers now in us.. A prim ed circular . oat diking the
very best receipt to , . =mu; ice cream, .Y oz n . cuttnrd,
ice wlterS, kc., Wit 3 a nunl - kr of certificates a d full
ilrec lout a aomPlaY t soh Freezer.
All • reeve for greeter -,.county or State rl;lits will be
Aden, ed to by ad .ressing W. VA.Rtt,
my942m Herrisbnig, Va,
VELE subscriber • will sell at private sale
L the frame buildnig 16 feat by 20 Nut, iduated at
•he Canal Lack, Elarrl b .rg, and iormerty used oy clm
Asa. tore room. [uuy94dt•j JaCUB WeAVER.
good cutter, one well
reccommended. -pp y at L.L.AMT S cloib ng
more IPyii
F ADJ. c 6 and (1-“ltlemen take notice, that
AA M. [Met at Son •IPhiladelpha, wilt soh at auction
o morrow, aturday,) in the over market, a very rare
and cede° cohecilen of blowers in fall bletui. Eat* wist
:ollimellee at, io °woof, • a. D. $. Bean,
9.4 r, Ann loneer.
QPRIANG L &N.B.—Lovers of bpring
lamb can be secommodatil it Casey's stab to
m oil° Marrow =raw. mat)
AN Eu.—To rent a house en table
. 11' for a small family. Boot of security given. t
quire at 111$ 01610010 or address It. Box2b, P. 0., gar.
,isourg, Pa. my7-diw
U[TANTED.—A competent girl from 18
v V to 25 ye*re or age, to tmvei aurl ig the •coining
aommer and assist to the care of obildr. n. Mum- IZOIlle
wed rcoi•mm noon. Call on mon. CAR-ISE,
my7o third street bear Market.
L. lied ÜBT.—A small Cow with white
_La breast, ttra rad away y. starday from her pasture.
A Haan' reward will be bald for bar return to
my7-d3et Tamer's Alley.
ialco comma; pa
And Children's Shoes of every descriptioa ; also daddies,
tlidles, Harness, Co llars, Whips, Carpet Bats, Trunks,
Valises, acc , allot which be sold cheap for cash at
No. 20 Market Brest, Harrisburg.
myl 41.2**
(IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully
Tor informs the publle that this Old Daily transporta
tion Line, (the °toy Wallow -r Line now In exist-we in
this City,) is is in successful operation, and prepared to
carry freight as low as any other individual line oetween
Philadelphia, Harrisburg, l..unbary, Lewisourg, Wd
bainspori, Jersey Shore, Lock Havm end oil other points
en the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil
liamsport and Elmira Railroads.
Hai debug, pa.
Goode sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacoek,
Zell & e incbman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street above
athtb, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. x , Will arrive at
Harriebn , g, ready for delivery next morning.
BACON, Lard, Hams, just received and
ftr sale by NICHOLS at BOWMAN,
spat 03raw 'Tont suad Midietollaveti.
New 2bvertiaments
TE undersigned will receive proposals at
the offi - ai, of the State Printer in Harris
burg, until Thursday the 12th day of June,
1862, to supply the following described siacd
paper, (samples to accompany proposals,) for
the State Printing for one year from July 1,
1862, viz:
Double Royal, fifty pounds to the ream.
Double Royal, forty pounds to the ream.
Each to measure at least twenty-six by forty
And double-sized Foolscap, to weigh twenty
eight pounds per ream and measure at least
twenty-six by seventeen inches. Samples mut*.
accompany bids.
Those mak', g proposals must be prepared to
give satisfactory security for the faithiul per
formance of the contract ; and the right is re
served to reject all bids not satisfactory in price
and samples.
The paper must be furnished in such quanti
ties and at such times as required by the Su
perintendent of State Printing.
Superintendent of State Printing.
Rumnrarato, May 9. 1862.
North American and Press, Philadelphia ;
and Gazette, Pittsburg, publish twice a week
until day of letting, and send blue to the ad
vertiser. my9-dtd
PARTICULAR attention is called to the
fact thtt, bellies the machines mat los our cele
brated stitch, we manufacture, In great variety of stvl:B,
The menliarilles of each stitch will be °realer
shown and explamed to purchasers and Sae) , have the
sr at advantage of bins able to seLci from our nook
either smach•ne mating the
or one making the
the only valuable Sewing' Machine etltehos3 In prAcllcal
Office 780 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
For tale by
78 Market Street, Harrisburg
ICHABOE GUANO, imported direct into
this msrket from Cape of Good It onraina
by &naives of Pr( teesor Morn : 8 p r cent. of am no
nla 14 per tent. of Phosphate of •la 8;4 per sent.
of Alealine Belts. This Fenno has be'n nee. e tenet re
ly for many rein upon Ltrn Gauls, and has been found
in its num& fu ly ma to Pornento, and at one third
lea coat. For Sale In bags and m qualities to an t, by
GEO. H. OttIOEHON, nnanssim Reich& t, No. 4,
Broaiway East side, Bowling Green, New York.
mpg dlw wlt
98 Market street, Barrisburg, Pa.,
_LA makers, from $2OO upwards.
MENT'S, FROM $45 to $lOO.
Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes,
Fifes, Drums, Panjos, Tambourines,
Violin and Guitar strings and musi-
cal merchandise in general.
hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the
Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of
pictures always on hand.
A fine assortment of best plated
From smallest to largest sizes.
Any style of frame made to order at the
shortest notice.
93 .lisrlidt street
Deleer in
of every,
and at all
Next door to the Court House,
Also a general assoitmeat of TRUNKS, VA..
LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest
cash prices. mar2B-d3m
HAS just returned from the city with a
Igirgeaad splen id assortment of Spriug Gouda ;
eomisting in put of Ladies' Dress nimmin s, Jae • omits,
Swiss Muslims, hmbroderies, Dobery Givves,
Lades' and Gents' newts.. chiefs, L Hoop Sid, ts
from fifty cents to one &Jar and Ilfty eenta.
Having taken the agency of the celebrated Greyer lk
Baker Notaless Sewing Machine, I will be ha .py to have
the p bile call and examine ihis machine before pure has
lug elsewhere. lam cer.aia It will recommend itself to
ad who wuness its operation. an experi..nCei operator
Is In attend.nce, who will impart any Miormation de
sired. [np.234.1m) Mita H. BRENIZER.
STRONGLY rooted, better than sold
readily a year ago at is each, eau now be bed at
the Ne stone Nursery for $1 etch or $lO per deem.
apr23 ' JAWS Mott.
EVERGREENS of oiffcrent varieties at
yery low rate& Now le the mosso i fir planting ali
Moue of it vergraens, and experence bait p avast that
the month of May It the moat favorable for Pfalltialg•
Also MOO ilindB Of lihrubbere, Shade sad Brtuc frees,
Bathes, Gaspe Vines, fec., he., can bs plinted with
DELAWARE, Concord, Dianna, lkinsca-
Ode, Relive la, California, thabedla, Cat mba, (Ain
ton and other varieties 0 Grapes In good order. They
ea u be planted with atinneas. my 7
C AN be plakbiki until Jane with safety.