Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 03, 1862, Image 3
kteitgrapil I t ARHISBURG, PA s a turday Alternoon, May 8, 1862. 21Co LIGHT.—The light of the fire which de ttroy,4.l the barn of Mr. Binzer, about two u]ileb below Middletown, last Tuesday night, ~e t, in this place, was also plainly visible in Lester city. So says the Express. i=ozo gONEY ENT Home.—The members of the Ersirigrurg City Cavalry, Capt. C. C. Davie, at tached to Cul. Wynkoop's regiment, in 'fennel". u s, have recently sent home the sum of tw Ave huL d i ed dollars for distribution among their frruilics iu this city and vicinity. CiIiVIGE or Sousnums.— The schedules of rob ing time on the Pennsylvania Central, northern Central, Lebanon Valley and Cum berland Valley railroads have undergone a considerable alteration, to take effect next 3ku d il9 . See advertisements in this evening's TELIORAPLi. 'rarerAtm. —lt is said that there are be rvet n five and six hundred men of the Tenth liable regiment, now guarding the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, who never drank a drop of liquor in their lives. In this whisky drinking, lager he. r swilling, wine bibbing country, an u ,ouneerntnt of this kind is almost incredible. I= MAY DAY.—Beautiful May, dwelling in the dreams of poets as the jubilee of awakening Nature, is apt to be practically synonymous with clouds and chilly rain. The first of the month, for centuries the anniversary of joyous dpms, broke upon us, dreary and wet as No vember, and tnrough its lengthened hours covered the land with a pall ; and the drizzle, dlizele, with its " lengthened sweetness (4) hog drawn out," made us wish ourselves or the weather in a different climate. However, let us thank our good fortune that it doesn't &Witt all the time, but occasionally comes down is the style of a good, old-fashioned rain. We heard a youngster remark the other day, (there have been so many rainy days, we caul remember *hich,),that " it will soon be rained out, and have to dry up "—a consum mation which was evidently achieved last night, for this morning was ushered In with a cloudless sky and a bright beaming sun, giving promise of beautiful weather. PoLion.—Mayer's Office.—Sarah Fry—a "vag" --was arraigned, charged with lying around louse. Sent across the way fur ton days. A gent el looking woman, who responded to the nacre of Margaret Jones, from Carlisle, claimed the hospitalities of the city last night, being unable to procure lodgings elsewhere.— She said she was from Carlisle and was looking for a "place." She was discharged. Richard Staunton—a negro—was arraigned for passing counterfeit money. When the tes timony in the case was heard, it turned out that the defendant, in company with a number of other negroes, had been gambling, when the money represented as counterfeit was put up as "+tak•, " The neyor,accordingly quashed tha t Limp ut to:wring condii sit a . rataftrcm a . mated rho defendant for gainbitglatilkaisitalb time tr tering the arrest of his associates. Anamoer of negroes Nesse arrested this mor mg. charged with violently assaulting and tvaiug Mr. Michael Shaeffar last night. A heiria l ; f & case into take place before the 11,a , ., this evening. PLenieb Tay I or—tt recruit belonging to Capt. Eyster'n eompauy—wits arraigned charged with tang various articles of his clothing. It etmshe he repeatedly committed4his offenoe. Thrtuit Ira, brought at the instance of Capt. Lynn, and the defendant was remanded for hinikr Leering. ias BO.ITLE nT dumon.—The following ex. tract from e. private letter, written by a young m°atatlcliKi to ona of the western regiments, liarilativee in this city, will be read with 04 brigade was within twenty-four hours latch ;hen the fight csannieribed, and we dis ba4 i-sol the tarot cannonading. About the tiddi e of the forenoon we were ordered to ho e um' knap-racks with the teams and make ill taw,: to reinforce General Grant, who was ktither against superior numbers, and who Wan Mug the worst of the bargain. Accord '44, we left everything that wuuld encumber t` , fted 61 sited on a forced march,taking nothing bg a blanket and our arms and three days provision s In uur haversacks. We made haste to Siivannitti, ou the Tennessee river, where we wee to take a beat for the scene of action, seven miles above that place. We marched all de' 00 .unday and nearly all night, over au 11 ,*fill rough road, and reached Savannah at lake o'ck e k In the morning, pretty well tired cot yun oily be sure. At every step we die ti4 t/Y heard the loud booming of cannon.— Wo hid to wait in Savannah nu eight o'clock b,fore ciuld get a boat to til take us Our h ' i p'ster with a battery of artillery, were all ofouded ou one boat. As soon us all was on the t4 " l w pushed off and were steaming it up ease river to Pittsburg Landing. %l our way up we passed boat load after boat load of wounded men who were being taken to SSeery winnah, to have their wounds attended to. beuse in that place wag a hospitakatitt literally etervoled with. , wounded .soldieta. j we mute mar Ave could *ltaly h'ear the rattle. ' of the mto; although the battle ground was two nail, A item the river. Aq soon as the wit landed we leas little time in getting on !here. We marched up the bank of the ver Is regular order, and Ittoteetled to within one the of the scene of action, when we were brought to a halt by our Major, (our Colonel being at home sick,) and ordered to loadland h bayonets . We then threw away our blank eti and marched forward. We got into the fliht at half-past ten o'clock a. fa. tied were in it until halt-past four P. Si., wlien the rebald i lameti their heels. Our brigade occupied the of our columns, and for three hours was the hottest of the fight. Our regiment lea 'fi killed and seventy-four wounded, three uuretally. Our company lost none, but had e %%ended. Ido not see how our company ~4,,ltedi,e well, for the bullet's flew around us hail. After the battle our regiment was I.Ptiult?ieritedrvery highly by our general and werit f tee bravery with which we hearse hula. They say that General who counriaud d our division, wept for of his division on the field. he 3 r olthat if the eit try old Fifteenth ever Rinsegeed aecon4llll on the rebels, she would e .1 to of herself, and so she did. rebels dropped like ho the. No v , vra 4.B It e got tw hot for them, s'. I must now close. REV. ANDREW MANSELTP, corresponding secre tary of the Philadelphia Conference Tract So ciety, will preach in each of the Methodist Episcopal churches to-morrow. At the Locust Street at 10, a. M.; Ridge Avenue at 8, P. U., and Vine Street at 7i P. M. All are kindly in vited to attend. Preaching every night this next week, at 7,1 o'clock. PRIVATE Bowers, a member of the glorious Eighty-fourth regiment, passed through Har risburg to-day, en route for his home in Holli daysburg. He was by the side of the gallant Col. Murray when he fell, and while he was bearing the body of his Colonel from the field, private Bowers received several severe wounds. He was la St. Joseph's hospital, Philadelphia, for several weeks, where his wounds were heal ed, and he is now only seeking h's home for a short visit, when he will spin return to meet th i foe with whom he so gallantly contended at Winchester. CONFRRENOS STATIETIO.-111, the report of the proceediggs of the Pittsburg, M. B. Confer ference, just published, we find the members in society enumerated and 38,499—an increase of eleven during the year ; probationers at 4,- 905—a decrease of 1,918 ; local preachers at two hundred and sixty-two—a decrease of twenty ; churches at five hundred and seventy four—an increase of twelve ; the valuation at $764,930—an increase of $6,690 ; parsonages at forty-seven—an increase of two; their val uation at s3B,loo—an increase of $4,605 ; col lectien of Conference claimants at $3,360 72 an increase of $820,98 ; collection for missions at $10,719 98—an increase of $724,49 ; collec tion for Tract Society at $246,31—a decrease of $B6; collection for Bible Society at $1,102- 70—a decrease of $1,102 70 ; and collection for Sunday School Union at $458,97—a de crease of $125 93. The entire claims of the ministry are put pown at $92,788 84, but only $81,190 17 were paid, leaving a deficiency of $12,698 67. The Sunday school statistics enu merate five hundred and twenty-six schools—a decrease of seven ; 6,688 officers and teachers —decrease of two hundred and sixty ; 34,195 scholars—a decrease of three thousand eight hundred ; 96,776 volumes in library—a de crease 6,127; seven hundred and eighty-five bible classes—a decrease of eighty ; 6,106 scholars in infant classes—an increase of three hundred and thirty-eight ; $4,607 for school expenses—a decrease of $1,068 41; 6,698 Sun day School Advocates taken —an increase of one hundred an twenty; and nine hundred and eight conversions—a decrease of seven hun dred and one. 111 Tint Siren:mous DBAPPEARANOD CABs—Fur ther Particulars.—We alluded in last Thursday evenings's Telegraph, to the fact that a young man, an apprentice to the baking business, had suddenly disappeared from the city under very mysterious circumstances ; that he was last seen on the Harrisburg bridge, going in the direction of Cumberland county by a " female acquaint ance," to whom, in reply to a question, he in timated a design to destroy his life. The story as we heard it related bore such an appearance of plausibility, and desiring to ascertain all the pat ticulars,we immediately set about to discover the whereabouts of the "female acquaintance" and after seve -: . , =bunt, fortartalleirdis .. ..cevrea b : I t a l y . s • . ,Re . .„ . uw. . hie a, • .. , 4, ... '' ' 1,04 blo,o[o. Mechan r iceburg, i . e bereaml, county, who at the time was on tri visit Asome friends in this city. She conifeW 4 A."' previous statement that she was ° ln " typiplaintanca " of the young man. On the 'contrary, she was a perfect stranger to bbn, nand to her knowledge bad never seen himIAN e. At our request, the lady pkepared for net aleper containing a narrative of the whole tranation, which we publish be low, only omitting signature: MXIMINIOSBURG, May 2, 1862. Mr. Forum: At tie request of my numerous friends and acquaintances in Harrisburg, I pen the following particulars of a meeting and con versation that occurred between myself and a young man, who's , mysterious disappearance was notified in yesterday's paper. The para graph said, "an acquaintance met him." I contradict ik . EL was a perfect stranger to myself. I leilifewceecied but a very short dis- tance into the badge from the Cumberland aide when I was accosted by the voice of a man from the opposite sidewalk, calling—" Young lady, stop I" Thinidaig he was some one that meant an insult, I walked brisky to get out of his way ; when he followed me, and called again, in a faltering voice—"Ohl won't you:stop?" I did stop; when his first words were, "You are going to the city. Do you know a certain young lady I" (mentioning her name.) "Will you bear a Difiadage to her, and one to' y dear mother ?" M'4 recital he wept bitterly, say ing—"Tell my mother I love her dearly ; tell her I am leaving my home and the city forever; tell her I died happy In the thought that my troubles would soou have an end ; tell her to meet me in another land." He appeared to be in the deepest Bistros. He said he loved the lady dearly, and for her he would die. He also said a few words concerning his father, when he again wept, ankl wept with him. I used every endeavor to persuade him to consider what he was doing, and Sot rush his soul befo,e his God uncalled for. Itold him his troubles were only for a little:while on earth; but if he took his own life, they would be to all eternity. He replied he knew my admonitions were good ; but, under the present circumstances, he could notheed tlier dy bed iu the rivtr, Ahem was ..,,,, m -,.. - on any other. He .utinned; ''''ain I rely on you as a lady, and on your word, to deliver those messages ?" I en treated of him not to do what he was going to do, and not send me with such a distressing message to his mother. He replied, "Tell her lam determined." He told me he was a baker at Roumfort's, that I would find his mother in Fifth street—that her name was Eliza. His name was Jacob G. Carper. He had nothing with him but a small book, and a pencil in his hand ; had . on light clothes ; he appeared ra tional in all his conversation. Heleftme, when I called after him again to reason with him ; but he shook his hands, and seemed as much as to say he did not want to hear any more persua sion. His last words were, "Forget not your p y r o o u m tg ise frid to en tell my mother. Farewell, my ; you and I never meet any more. He said he Wad not what I, perhaps, thought and hav a pretty good education." I delivered my message ; 1 done my duty in trying to per -BMlay:clictlibitsciennocet truscleherhis, brt ul ne hl v t° er e d t o erth l ty .want— another message like this t o early t o a dis tressed parent again. I met him on the 30th of April, between the hours of three and four P. M. Respectfully, a a a Up to this morning the Young man had not been heard from, and a strong belief exists in the minds of his relatives that he has commit ted the rash deed hinted at in the above. com munication. peunspluania edegraph, Oath A STATED MEETING at the Friendship file com pany will be held in their hall on Moody even ing at the naval hour. Punctual attendance is requested. RELIEF FOR THE WOUNDED.-Frightful carnage is expected to occur at Yorktown. Ov• r one Ihundred thousand well trained rebels are there. Thousands of reinforcements are daily arriving via Richmond. Lee, Magruder, Johnson and I Jell. Davis stimulate their toiling troops to des perate exertions in defence of their capital and lives. Our brave M'Clellan and hii fearless band, are now investing their stronghold.— Myriads of Pennsylvania troops are in the Union army, and nobly will they sustain the honor of their banner and the State in the impending deadly strife. Soon will the omnious long roll beat ; the bugle's shrill "Forward I" greet - the impatient ears of the heroes of the nation ; a hundred regimental standards be firmly borne aloft, sabres and lances glistening over the fu rious war horse ; while the shouts from battal lions of impulsive infantry, the fearful flash and heavy boom of the artillery, and the reverbera ting earth itself, attest that the battle has begun, and the first duty of those who . will rejoice at the great victory achieved by our troops, is to provide promptly and libeiaily for the relief of the wounded. Contributions for demonstrations of joy are of secondary import ancecompared with the expected urgent demand for 'relief created by overflowing hospitals.— Other cities have already acted in this matter, and we hope to see a similar movement at the capital of the State. We have had great plea sure in recording some of the results of female patriotism in our city; and there has been much of which we shall never hear. But there has been no period when their humane efforts were ; more imperatively needed than now. CaaPrr ! CARPET ! Canna I—Having returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 374 cents up to 87 cents; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap"; splendid black silks at 76 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black silk at $l. worth $1 25 ; black silk 32 inches wide at Si. 10, worth $1 87 ; very tine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 ; sum mer silks at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 26 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. S. Lzwir, m3l-y Ilhoad's old stand. Post Office, Harrisburg, Pa. On and after May sth, 1882, the milli at this office will be closed as fellows : NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. Wes Mart,---For all places between Harris burg, Look Haven and Elniira, N. Y., at 12.00 M. SOUTH. WA HAIL—For all places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 12.00 M. For York, Baltimore, A Md.r mei Washington, - 9 00 A'.l4, ' ammo N - TA Pi •;p:mg.p. BLBT. WAY ',l4Lain—lFot tat places. between. Etarris-,, burg 'Reading, `r • Pottsville; Easton' and For Lancaster ' Philadel phia and New York, at 9.00 P. M WEST. WAY Man—For all places between Harris- and Pittsburg, 9 00 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car- at .1280 P.M SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA BAIL For Lisburn and -Lewis berry, on Saturday 2.00 prOffloa Hours—From 8.80 A. p 8 P. - Li, Sunday from 1 4 to Wile; anefian , t4lfv. P. M. FEMALE' I ,FEMALES I F4KALES I Use that 14.tfe, Pleasant Pemedv known Ns RELMBOLD' S EXIRAC7 BIICHU, For all Complaints Incident to the Fox No Family abouid be It is used by YOUNG AND OLD, In the Decline or Chasse of Life, After And Before Afarriogt, During and After Confines/it 0 dtrengthen the Nerves, Restore Nature to Ds Proper Channel, and Invigorate the Broken•down Constitution. Fronk 'Makes,' Ousts Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS I Take RELMBOLD' S EXTRACT BECRU. See advertisement In another Co'llllBll. Cut it out sal send for it. marl 2 d2m INE Choice 'Peas and Pare Spices, at E.r OS. in 1 CANNtII omatoea and Green Uord; at JOHN WISV4-. ''YI UTTER, Water, Coda and Sweet Crack am, at JOHN "ILSE'S. myl WARD ELL & LEVINEB 3 , Pickles and Catnips, for sale at JOHN WIB myl NOTIONB.-- quite a variety of meta arid entertaining 11120 BELE ATAR's 9001i3 Philadelphia, at....,;.11,.00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD: WAY kts4—For places between HairiP burg and Philadelphia, at . - - • ,•• 4.,80 A. M. For . Philadelphia and Lancaster, at ..121X1' K For Bainbridge, Mariet- ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at burg and Altoona, at 12.00 M Johnatown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin- nati, Columbus and Oleveland, 0., at For Lewistown, Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg 1Z221 Bbippenii)urg, Chainbersbuife :. N., arid Hagerstown, Md., 'at._.7.00 A. WAY Ilan—For Ali places between Harris berg and Chambers burg, ROAD For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Seition, - Au. burn and Pottsville, itt . 12.80 P. M. STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestowo, Manada Hill , West Han- over, Ono and Jones- town, on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday.... .7. A. M. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster Without ft, And None will when once Tried by them p afternoon, Snap 3, 1862 HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Wen. 4. Batchelor's Hair Dye Tile only Rartoleßs and Reliable Dyer Known I All °there are mere imitations, and ,hold be avoided Ilse wish Woo:ape rI Ileule. 00EV RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a lilaumitil and natant Brown or Mask, without the least Mdry to Hair or &Liu. itlEfßEff MrDALS /LID DIPLOMAS have been awar dad to Wm. A. BATOfiILOR clue 18 9, and over 200,000 aspticalions have bean made to the hair of the Patrons cirlds famous Dye. Its. A. BaTOHELOR'S HAIR DYE p^oduces a color net in be distinguished from nature and is WAIIRMITILD not to Injure in the least, however long it linty be contin nee, and the ill rffects of bad 11 , es remedied. The hair is kipigorated for life by this splendid Dye. which is prop erlyapplied at N. 16 +fond Street New York. i • all the cites And towns of the United States, by Drub , *le and Faulty Goods Dealers. Gel:mine boa the name " William A. Batchelor," and'address noon a steel plate engraving no the four 'Ada, of atiith box. WholeseleTactory, 81 Barclay St, Late 233 Broadway, New York. oril-,lAwly Nero 2bnertistments FISHING TACKLE! OF ALL KINDS. - Tim% four and five joint Trout Rods. Silk and Hair Trout Lines, from 10 to 50 yards long. Limo, Patent Trout Lines, " " " " `Twisted Silk Trout Lines, 14 Li 11 14 thins vross lames, " " " " Won an , Cotton Linos, .. 41 Bloat Lines furnished with gooks, Corks, kat 4. Brash Monty!rug Fools 10 to 60 yards. A 10t r (Choice Tr.:3qt Flies. Sint Worm Gut Leaders, bottom lines, 3 to 9 feet. et , gg 44 Strands. " " " Snoods, Limerick Hooks, awn , No. Ito 8 Traskets, Kirby Trout sad Rtver IT:oks, Limer ick 1 aud liver Hooks, gloats, Flasks and Drinking Caps EiLLBR'S DAUG.AND FANG! STORE, tr 1:11j . 91 Market Street. lAN'L. A. MIIENCH, AGENT. ' w p the Old Wallower Line respectfully k 7:lnforms the public that ibis Old Daily transporta tion fine, (the only Walley'''. Line now In existence in this tity,) 1.• is in successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line between Phtlatielphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wd• ilamstori, Jersey Shore, Look Hav , n and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Er.e and Wil liametort and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa Goods sent to the Ware House of Ilessr4. Peacock, Zell A. 'nehmen, No 808 and 810 Market street above MAO, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. X , will arrive at Harrikine.g, ready for delivery next morning. apell-rdmyl QUM' OF lart.Ne VALLEY RAILROAD & CoALrOlipittY, InumerOW:ii, April S.h, 1862. A MEETING of ti e stockholders of the Lykens Valley Railroad and Coal Company. will be hell at e o 4 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, on Monday the 6th day of May next, from 10 o'clock A. it.. until" o'clock e. , for the pu^pom or eloctin 4 a Pres': Opt, i , ecrotary, Tree urer and seven Mao • gen, to serve for the craning year. A B. YuIING, iipre-d , avoid Secretary WANTED IMMEDIATELY , 800 ABLE BODIED MEN, For Three Years Service, in the 18th - U. S. Infantry. ISIS splendid Regiment will Consist of 2,462 t. men, in three Battalions, to be armed with he best rifled musket. The first and second Battalions are now in the field, under General Thomas, and four com panies of the third Battalion are acting as body guaril to General Buell. The pay ranges from $lB to $B4 per month,- ind $lOO bounty, with board and medical at tendance. By economy, sufficient can be saved frum the rations to purchase blacking, towels, tobacco, &c , so that at the expiration of the term, a soldier may retire from the service with from $6OO to $l,OOO. Uniforms, shoes, shirts, drawers &c., will be furnished immediately after enlistment. All pension laws in force apply to all men in the regular service, and every sick and disabled soldier will be comfortably provided for in the tos "Bo dler's Home," established by the Govern ,. . this regiment there is a splendid field for -, • • on, one third of the company officers will . , promoted from the ranks as soon as the regi me 4 is complete. The non-commissioned of& cers'ivill be appointed, and promotions to second lieutenants will be made. Every man will have a fait and equal opportunity to rise in the ser vice.. This gives young men of spirit and ability a chance for the honorable post of corporal or sergeant, and to acquire a commission in the regular army for life. All young men of spirit and 'ability, whe wish to gain for themselves a name, we invite to join this SPLENDID REGI MENT ut once and aid to put down this 1111- regh*ous rebellion, and drive the traitors from our land, who are laying waste our pleasant placep, and endeavoring to convert our great 'temple of liberty' into a den of thieves. Then yourvountry will honor you and posterity bless you. J. M. EYSTER, Captain 18th 11. S. Infantry, Recruiting Officer, RICCIWITING RENDEZVODB, Exchaoge, Walnut Street, Earrisburg, Pa., April 28. 8.115 P. M N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE I'l. THE LAYING OF WATER PIPS 111 THIRD AND CIIMEHRLA.ND STREATS.— Section 1. Be it ordained by the.poosmon Council of the City ,of Harrisburg, Tuat said Council be and they are hereby au thorized to lay Water Pipe in Third street, trona the present termination of the same up said street, to a point about ten feat below Eckert's Lane, and from Ridge Road down Cumberland towards Third street, about four hundred and sixty feet, with the necessary cross branches, fire plugs and stop cocks, the expense thereof to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Passed April 16, 1862, 2.46 P. M W. 0. HICKOK, President of the Common Council Attest:—DAVlD HARRIS, Clerk. Returned by the Mayor to the Council with his objections, dated April 30, 1862 ; when, on motion,Council proceeded to re-consider, as directed by the 9th section of the Charter, and aver such re-consideration passed the same by eleven members of Council voting therefor. DAVID HARRIS, my 841 t Qlerk of Common Connell. •TITED.--A white female servant • • antes Immediately. Must bring godl rearm 1' Apply at the store of ~... NIBEILOLS dr BCMILAN, wylipt Corner of Brent and Market streets. Aiendi FRESH Garden Seeds of all kinds, for Bah, low by NIJEOLAdr. BOWMAN, my 2 Front andoMarket trecto.r CHURNS, Tubs, Baskets, Brooms, Brinhes and all kinds of wiitow and Cedar Ware, for sale law by BICH L 4 & BOWMAN, my 2 Front and Market streets. LORESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday r as JOIIN W1813 , s Store, corner of fhird and Wel. ut. myly WE lot of t'ugar Cured Hama, Country Bacon and Lard, for sale by NICHOL t & BOWMAN, myl Cooper Front and Market. streets. A PP.! ES, Orangeb and Lemons, atJOHN „CIL WIS 'B. myl 111 - 1 - RIKD FEITITB, Hominy, Beans, &o SONY royl 1 4 . 11.ub, Ontea,"Prunes,, Raisins, and all kinds of Nuts, at JOB NI WISE'S Start, Third and Maui. , m9.l HAY I HAY I I . A SUPERIOR article of Baled Play, at ja . $ l7 00 per to for sale by eblB JAMES M. MEMEL RR. CHI 4 .S I IIfGARS, Choice Syrup, i Teas, ; &a &a. Air sae low by NICHoLS &BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. LENS ' ' ARS, lilasewaro, Stoneware, .and Foutbaorware, new styles, lbr sale by , * Imams a 40 E,t,wlElN, -if =woad corner of Front and Marketotoftto. Nun abvertisirtrats WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., I CO NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bee makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTru RED INSTRIJ MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Magic Bent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAILDEES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds o pictures always on hand. • A fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING GLASSE S From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made 'to order at the shortest notice. febl9 -wisly PUBUIO SALE OF WOOD EN BARRACK SI T WILL SELL at Public Auction to the high -1 est bidder, at Camp Greble, near Harris burg, on Thursday the Bth day of May next, at 10 o'clock, a. M of said day, the following buildings used as barracks this winter by the sth Artillery, United Staten Army, viz : Three stables, each containing about 28,000 feet of lumber. Three Shanties, each containing about 16,000 feet of lumber. Two Hospital buildings, each containing about 2,500 feet of lumber. Guard House, containing about 8,800 feet of lumber. Store House, containing about 3,500 feet of lumber. One Shed, (blown down,) containing about 4,. 000 feet of lumber. One set quarters, containing about 8,000 feet of lumber. Two Huts, containing each about 9,700 feet of lumber. One Hut, containing about 4,600 feet of luso & her. One Hut, containing about 5,640 feet of lum ber. One Hut, containing about 2,000 feet of lum ber, be the same more or less for each. The purchaser must in every case remove the building purchased at once. Terms of sale, cash. Treasury notes or gold and silver pay ment to be made when the same is knocked down to a purchaser. E. C. WILSON, ml-td Aest. Qr. M., (vol.) 11. S. A. PUBLIC SALE OF HORSES. BY ORDER of the Department I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, the 12th day of-May, A. D. 1862, at the stables in Harrisburg, Pa., at the end of Market s'reet, near the freight depot of the Lebanon Valley railroad, SIXTY HORSES.. Among the lot are many excellent mares with coal, and others that have foaled lately. If the animals are not all sold on that 4ay, the sale will be publicly adjourned from day to day until all are sold. Terms cash, to be paid in Treasury notes or gold and silver. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. Is. of said day. E. C. WILSON, mayl-td. Aast. Qr. H. (vol.) U. S. A 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. OF Black and Second Mourning Dress Goods, Shawls, Yells, Collars, &c. Full, Iji yard wide Lupla's all wool Delatoes. • Sup° tor makes of Bombazine+. Splendid Styles of French Gloghams. La-ge stock of Lustros and e Iptroas. ,IS -..- 16Back ant Purple Dress Silks. •-• Plain black klugilsh Rep St ks. eu la Black and white Fowlard Silks. Purple and Black do. on Plain do. do. set c.a Small Checked do. bo Ntap ditan dca. 4 " ..-.M 3( all woll Delairtas. •cs Fig's all wool thilalnes, I=l es shepherd's Pia Ids. 1.-4 Tatum atmo. Silk Challis. Rug. Chintzes. Lung Bleak Tbibbet Shawls. Bohnire p an. . Square Flail Si tok and White : . hnwls. Square Tuibbet Black Shawls. . l yard W de Thßsbet for .howls, Very Superior ruglish Crepe Veils, all . sizes. large stock of tt..glish. Crepe Cohan, all s izes. A Black bordered H-m Stitch Haedkerchiefa. I.." <{a Block [}:oyes of every desormtion. MI Sec ad bloorniJr Collars. so:1 Sat. of Collor and Sleeves. as Silk and Cotton Hosiery. Ilui Black Love Veils. 72A JOUVIIVE, Hid (ROM. my 2 d6t }Loan .12 Crepes. French do. i=l Mantua Ribbons. .14 Bening do. ;Particular attention is paid :and invited to our stoat of the above goods. We are constantly re ceiving hew ltddi lens. Pure inters Ira always find a full atsertnient. OATEICART a: B ROIEDIR, Next door to the EL irrieburg Bank. a 5 No. 11 Market Sgtuire. THEO• F. a CHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRLSBIIEG or Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Checks, Drafts, &c. CARDS printed at $2, $3, $4, and $5 per thousand in elegant style. AGENTS 1 MERCHANTS 1 PEDLERS I • READ THIS. ENERGETIO men make $5 a day by selling our 'UNION PRIU STAkfIuNERY PACKEtS cow:doing superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENERALS, and a piece of Jewelry. We guarantee sat. [erection In quality of our goods. Tim gifts consist of MIT Varietase end styles of Jewelry, all cseful ana valu able. C rculars with full partioulars mailed free. Ad dress. L. B. HASKINS a CO, apBo-Itmd 38 Beekman street, New York. WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, (WEIDE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COURT-HOUSE. Consultations in Garman and English. mar'294l2m SPORTSMEN ATTENTION. Fishing Tv.kle, Powder and not, Or title by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Marker atreeVi, apr24 UR newly replenished stuck of "oilet ‘ l / 4 „, and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in WO city, and reeling confident of rendering satidoetiOn, WO would res pectfully invite a call. KELLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south aide. BAKER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, tor ado at JOHN WISES, Third and Walnut. myl We have also gone to oonsiderable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of COAL OIL, All of which we warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE. TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, as far as practicable. Among others, we have on hand NATRONA, MAGNOLIA, LUCIFER, ROBINSON. All of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and lower than any other house in Harrisburg. Also, all kinds of OUT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well selected and extensive assortment of QUEENSWARE. Call at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. WM. KNOUIIg, 93 Market street, pa 1300'9PS pti SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, WOMEN And Children's Shoes, of every description ; also Saddles, bridles, Harnow, Collars, Whips, Carpet Pa rs. Trunks, Valises, &c , alio!' which will be sold cheap for sash at. No. 20 Marna. .'treat, Harrisburg. myl d2a* Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer LIAS always on hand a full assortment of Ni and J.inannftd Ware, Cooking and Parkor Stoves of the best tines, butte• Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manuf&Aured and pat up at reasonable rates. gag- Repairing promptly attended tee HEW' GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! MRS. E. BRENIZER, MARKET STREW, NEAR FOURTH. HAS just returned from the city with a bracer:o splen Id assortment of Spring Goode, con-isting in part of Ladles , Dress Trimmin . s,JaeonetS, Swiss M oak's Embroderles, E glogs, Hosiery Gloves, Ladi' a ' and &mite Hatrike.chlefs, Lidl.e° Hoop Ski 13 from fifty cent, to one dollar and fifty eenta. SEWING MACHINES. Having ttken the agency of the celebrated Grover it Pekoe Nolsless Sewing Machine, I will be ba'py to have the p bite call and examine ibis machine before purchas ing elsewhere. lam serial° It will recommend Itself to all who witness it, operation. An experienced operator Is In attondtrice, who will impart any information &- sired. [epr2.34lm] MRS. E. BRENIZER. THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LUST lON , 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. maral-cliim HAS 111:MOVED HIS WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE To No. 7, Market Square, 0 4 .: below the Buehler House. WO E has constantly on hand a large stock LA_ of WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WARE or all descriptions. Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted, apr2 dint* WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, NO_ 88. lapois t , Lk Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. N B. Don't forget the place ; opposite the Jones' Rouse. ntarBl4l3m FIFTH WARD HOUSE R. J. PETERS, Proprietor. Corner of Forster and West Avenues, (In the Rear of the Reservoir,) Harrisburg, Pa. Boardingby the went, day or s;ngle meal at reasona ble rates. -ood stabling for h omes. no . apr9-dlta* IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. DR.P. H. A.LLABACH, surgeon Den tist,' danuraelarer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviators every objection to the use of arti ficial than, embracing partial, half and whole pets of one piece only, of pure and indestruchele mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccumulationafsmall particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath. as no ma uil Is used in their construction, there can be no galvanic whoa or metallic taste. Hence the individual is not an. ooyed with sore tnroat, headache, Aro. Office No. 48 North Second street, Harrisburg. norll2. dlv GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large and well selected stork or plain and fancy. Confectionery of all kinds. a great Ye . riety of toys of every description, Ladies' Wore Stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Delos and all other Articles generally Kept La a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. Cal l an examine for yourselves. WM. H. WAGGoNsk, aprlB-detn P.olrtietOr. NAZARETH 'HALL,- 130ARDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS. NAZARETH, Northampton county, Pa. Easy of access from Harrisburg by railroad to Easton, and thence seven miles by stige Rey. EDWARD H.RRIOEML Principal f 5 3m* QCHUYLICTTI AND SUSQUEHANNA ij Railroad Company, °Moe No. 24 S. Fourth street, duledelphia, April 8, 1862. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election for President and six Managers, will take place at the Office of the Company, May 6th , at 12 o'clock, x. W. H. McllaliiNNEY,„ agr7.dul. Secretai7. A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Rio AOL, Coffee, Impale et the store of JOHN WISH. issi Miscellaneous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streets. (V. Hummel's old stand,) NAVE determined to place their entire stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, at prices to suit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEHONS, ORANGES. CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, &o. A NEW OPENING. JOHN F HUMMEL, DIMS= m B. 3, HARRIS, NO. 112 MARKET 87REET, HARRISBURG. TO THE LADIES, A. HUMMEL, Dealer In of every DES CR IPTION and at all PRICES_ Next door to the Court goose, MARKET. STREET. REMOVAL. CHARLES A, BOAS, GEO. W. MoCALLA, a , doAly