Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, May 03, 1862, Image 1
IIIE TELEGRAPH PTILLISEED EVERY DAY, j3A. GrE,OllO- E BEROrNER, tiVBSCRIPTION. served to Bulmcribere In tin it s per w.', 'Veal ly 3ubaorlbera will lit a fa 00, in advance W FtF IS AND Si3ll-WIKEILT r AFC, e is pldAltiiled twice a week during th leutslioure and weekly during the ler et the peer, and turntatv.d to subscribora at ' rash rates,siz • • Lest:titters per year Semi-weekly..S l 60 _l2 00 ..22 00 ... 1 00 .t. Weekly. Ins LAW OF AlltwaPAFllta, ,Lbierlberd order the discontinuance of their DOWS. tn, publisher may continue to send them until 1rr2ar.10.4 em paid. 00,er berg neglect or reuse to take their newapa trom the race to which they are directed, they ive midi they have settled the bills and orde ed bieuui,nued. Miscellaneous. NELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION • GiNCRNTRa ISO" ah,ll CCM EN UM) FLUID EXTRACV.BUCHII, 000 ;lad Slloollie Remedy of the bLAODICR, 'KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, Pr d [CALWLL! NGs. awille0:1 83 the power of Digratlon, and tv, ti"' A 1184 P.:141;1 , 1TR hit ; healthy action, by which CALCAREO(rd depositions, and all UN ;;;;TyiiAl, fNLAIIGEeSNIS are reduced, as well 58 • yi,l; AN- INFIM ATIoN, and is gond for NEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. 116131BOLD'S BXTRAOT DUCH% For Weaknesses ape cg from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, EarIVO. 4 ,,,,,00n or Abuse. , tr vii,i,D WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS ro,ioAltion to Exertion, Loss of Power . 0.11 of .11,mory, Difficulty of Breathing, xeui server, Trembling, norm Wakefulness, Douai LI Veloo, Pain In the Back Cairo -F.ll I. , ssimie r :ot the Ausettlar System, dolie Etindg, Flushing of tile Body, loaf, tbe Eruptions on tpe Face PALL II) CoONPENANCIE, item symptoms, if allowed to go on, wbioh this med Ida invariably removes, ROM follows Fs'IUITY sPILEPTIO FITS, 11 us E OF WHICH THE P A TIENT MAY e-XPIRE. Ito cue ea) , that they are not L1'00064 followed by tvse ''ulitEFUL DIIBASCS," rtiNtiANITT AND CONSUMPTION." yai are aw are of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL OONFEng._ RE 'O'. DS OF THE INS ANE ASYLUMS, And the Nriancholy Deaths by Consumption, FAR AMPLE WITNESS TO Till TROTH 07 Tilt ASSIWIION. fug CoNSTIrumatAFFECTS]) WITS ORGANIC] WEAKNESS, stssoree the aid of medicine to etrengthen And Inv igorat, the System, Which Studious's EIf.fRAOT BUCEIU ienstriabiy does A lILIAL WILL mermen TOM MOOT airspnam. FEMALES-FICNIALES-FEMALEB, ULU OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE. :.IN MANY AFFECTIONd PECULIAR TO FEMALES, he &tract Nail is unequalled by any other remedy, al it Cblorosia or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppreslo nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scarbous orate of tho Uterus, Leucorhwa Whites, Steril; ny, ad for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretloa, Habits of Dissipation, or in tbe DECLINE OE CHANGE OF LIFE. PIM SYMPTOMS ABM NO FAMILY Slid= BE WITHOUT IT I Ten NO MOIR BLAND!, MRPORY, OR lINI%IABANT 'MIDI. COI fOR POPtiOANT AND DANORROUS MIMS. IlltdifßOLD'S EXUIAGT BUC&U awes SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change In Met ; No inconvenience; And NO Exposure. It causes a frequent desire lOW xlvoS strength to Urinate, thereby removing tehdructions. Preventing and Chitin Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Yalu and Initlaruenatlon, so frequent In the elms CI diseases, and aapelhug all Poisorsout, Dunn fed and wwarn•eat Halter. THOUIIiNDe 7PoNIoneANDS If WO HA VE BEEN 711 E VICT4IB OP QUACKS, and who have paid hater Pale to Ito cored lu a abort time have found they were deceived, and that the "POI- SuN h bus, by the Use of ..POWIRFOL ASTRLNGENI3, " been dried up .0 the System, to bromic out In all aggravated ttrm, and PERHAPS' AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Eiurann'ailtrraacrr Bunny for all afreatlona and dtseurs of the ttrrINARV-0114.6.Nk1 y wheincr eatating In MALE OR FERAI4OI, from whatever are originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Meares a these organs require the aid of DIURE rxt HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCH IS ME GREAT DIURETIC, dad IF certain to have the desired elleat in all Diseases MS WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. blame of ins inert rdtubls and response/Is character xiil acentraDy the medicos. CESTIFICATtS OF CURES, r roma to2o yearss standing, Cm Nati KNOWN ro StIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or Ida Tor $5 00. Levered to any address, seourely peeked from obser mos. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed ! Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. hawk spewed before me, an Alderman of the mot Pailadolphia, H. I. firtadllOLD wno being duly rwt.eAth say, his preparations eciaaln no narcotio, no seam, or other injurious drug', but are purely vagu e,. H. T. MILMBOI D. ?turn tad subscribed before me, this ld day of No Tcnber,lSE.4. W.V. P. 111 BUBO, Alderman, Ninth Bt. above ce, Phila. td.ime hater' for Information In confidenc ßa e to 11. T. lIKUILBOLD, Chemist, fti.t, 104 South Tooth St., bel. Chestnut, Phil., HE WA ILE OF tioHN'lr Itti` WITS ANDIo UN VitEsiCIPLED DEALERS, Wbo endeavor dtmore "OF TIMIS Owe and "emu / 471 0.114 ON TOO REPUTATION EMU= BY Heloubold% Gnome Preparation s, Extract Bu he, sarsaparilla, " Improved Rose Wash. eid bf C. K. Koller, U. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, i 0 & coat AND ALL DRUOFISTIT EVERYWHERE. An FON SEMIBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER ul va the advonammeat and send for it. toradl y AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND !EXPOSURE. DENTISTRY. D. UEO. W. 3TINN, graduate of the talt , mot.oou. go of Dental Surgery, having perma etli ' , rate/ in the oily of Harrisburg and taken the p";"erlellnY onenplod sy Dr. Gorges, on Third street, weep Market and Walnut, reepectfully informs his mule Lod the public In general, that prepared to Worn all operationa to toe Dental profeasion, either 14 041 or mechanical, in a manner that shall nut be *Palled by operators in this or any other oily, Hie Leib to inserting artinotal teeth ie pon the taloa: m- Awed scientific principles, Tech, Iron' ono to II bill set, mounted on tine Gold, tell• be ditthla plants or the Vulcanite Bate. 1414 re great pleasure to recommending the moose gen: . 0 10 ta 1111 my former patients of Harrisburg and vi UM foul confident that he will porfbrm all opera. 0 inn eclonlidu manner, from my knowledge of hi. Itura.dtn k. POROAR. D. D. 9. PURPLE FRINGE A ND White Fringe, strong 4 plants 50 to KEYSTONk NUPURY DANDELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and tt iarro Supplyt thie C , lebra:cd Coffee) rig received COQ/ Jr., & CO. CIDER.II 1 VINEGAR 1I I MADE from choice and selected Apples, 00 mAcim . .8i WM INX3R 43 G L 4 and guaranteed by us 10 be strictly pure rels and barrels, at the Mew Grocery and hold Ns &ore, , Front and Market streets. NICHOLS & BOWMAN pkIIILY WASHING BLUE, an l Kubeliluto for DIM for sa Ia at the wheolett groeery elere of NIOROLS & BOWMAN, corner of Frout and Market streets SALAD OIL. 1,.. SALAD of fresh Salad Oil. in '''''" 4 winiall bolles and of different brands nioWed and tor sale bi WU. DOCK, 32. & CO. k 43 ,P , rem, Green and Black, for sale sicuoL,s & BOWMAN, Cornor Frontand Kirke streets. THE SKIRT. jut' RECEIVED.—The New Shaped. 414 tttoA Belot, th n best halal° thantafahluineL, 44 7 CATHCART% Nita OW to flag HAITINOUri MAIL \. \ l / • itfe c(r_leirgtmapb ' 1 11 1 tau s! • VOL XVIII filebitat DR. JOHNSON Mt .A.XerraICC;INILIEI LOCK HOSPITAL! Lir AS discovered the mosteertain, speedy lA. and effetcual remedy in the viorld for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE MUSS IN SIX TO THEM HOURS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Care Warranted, or no Charge, in from one • to Two Days. Weakness of the Back crLimbs. Strictures, Affeetions of the *Ocry! and Bladder, DreolentarylVepbarges, Im-. potency, General Liability, Nervouseesli,Wspapsy, Lan- I uor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, , Paipltatien of the Heart Timidity, Trembling, panatela of bight or (Addl. ness, Diresea of the Head, Throat, Nisei or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Hewes—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those secant and solitary praM cee more Itral•to their victims than the song or . yrens to the Mariners of Dim eta, blighting. their Most brilliant teepee or antielpations, rendering marriage, go., Impossible. Young Men Rapecially, who have become the habit of Solitary Vice, teat dreadful and destructive. habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thou ends of Young Men of the moat exalted tatting and brilliant intelhat, who might otherwise have entranced 'atoning Senates with the .hundera of eloquence or wafted' to ecstasy the &lug lyre, may oaU with full confidence. M arriage. Marrled'Perross, or Young Area contemplating_ mar rage, being Juan, of physical weakness, organics debit ty, ueformlties,speed' y cured. lie who places himself under the care el Dr. J. may religiously confide ha his r °nor as a gentleman, and (pa fidently rely uptin'.file r as a Physician. • . . Orgamo Weakness Immediately Care., anu full vigor sestored. This distrea Aflection—Which renders I lie misera ble and marriage impossible. is tha penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. ) oung persons are too apt to commit, excesses Irons not being aware of the dreadful coning. once!' that may ensue. New, who , that understands the subject wilt pretend to d ray that the pow er of procreate]] Is loot sooner by toose telling into Im proper habits than by the prudent? ~4 / 31wides being de prived the pleasures er bealthY offspring, the must se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical said Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervioue Irratibilify, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Chinstimikm...l Debility, a Wasting of the Frame. Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 south Frederick Street. Left liana side going Ppm Baltimore street, a sew 000 r. irem the rainier. Fail not to obeerve name and number. Letters must be paid and contains stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang In his ogles. A Gore Warranted in Two Days. eVe Mercury or Nauseous Drug" Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College or *unisons, London, Grad uate from oue of the most eminent Milne@ in the tinned States, and the greater pert of Wh oa,his has been spent In the bosphale of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the nitait' astonishing dares that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the heed and ears wheel asleep, arettrvousnas, being alarmed at, sudden sounds; baahfu , with frequent blushing, - attended sometimes with derangement or mind were plead immediately. Take Fartionlar Notice. Dr. Z. addressee a tthefie wholgire injured themselves 'vrtalPvasisa-outuiss.•• . babas, whtnh ruin both body and mind, nn .; ung Ihee either begins's; study, society or marl iga These are some of the sad and lanchoUy effects pro duesd by early habits of youth, vi : Weariless of toe Beck unit Limos, Palos in the dead, Dimness Lf Sight, Loss of leusuular Power,Palpitation of the heart, Dys. PoPAY, Nervous Irratibty, Derangement of the Ti goatee Function, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &a, Stumm—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dre Wed—LOA of Memory, Conluslun of Ideas , De. premien of Spirits, evil For 00tuogt, Avers on to Some Cy, Self Distrust, love of solitude, Timidity, de., are some of the evilt produced. Teousenros of persons of all ages can now judge what la the awes of their deChuillit health, losing Mar vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervods and emaciated, having a singular appearance sweet the oyes, cough and symptoms of seensumplon. • Young Men Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged In when alone, a "molt frequently learned from eVd COMpaniuns, or at school, the erects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cared renders marriage inicosinble, and destroys mind and body, mould apply Immediately. What a pity that ayriong man, the hope of hi coon try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched trom all pruepeota a nil enjoyments of life, by the con. equence of deviating from the path of nature and tedulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons MOST, before content plating- Marling' e, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most neces sary requi-ilea to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey througn liro b,oumes a weary pilgrimage ; the prosptot hourly darkens to the clew ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filed with the melanotiolly reit mien that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. • Disease of imprudence. When the ml .guided and Imprudent votary of pleasure ands that he has Imbibe., she seeds of this letterer dis ease, it too often bacons that an ill-timed sense of shame or oread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, tram °matt:ton and respecumility, can alone be friend him, delaying tilt the cauelluii,nal symptoms on this herr d demon make their appearance, such as ul cerated Sure throat, finessed nose, nocturnal pains in the bead at cl limbs, dimness of sight, deatnees, nodes on the shin boner and arms, blotches on the h ac, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate in the mouth or the bones of the nose fall is, and the victim tortilla awl l disease become+ a horrid °Moist of commiseration, till death pats a period to hid dreadful sullerings, by sending Ism to " that Urdiscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It is a Inelarscholiy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease. owing to the unakilfuliness of isno t aot pretenders, who by the ode of that DNA( Pelson, Afrpcury, ruin the constitution sad make the residue o hie ensemble. Strangers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Wit , tele= Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertisemente, or style tnemselves in the newspapers, regularly Minuted Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you Dining month after moetif feting their flithy end polsonoustpss compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your gaffing disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only , Physician devertielog. His credential or diplomas always bangs In his office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared , rem a life spent lo the ge eat hospitals of ku rope, the first in the country aim a more extensive Pri vate practice , than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many toousaatle cureakat tics Institution year af- Wryest', and the numerous important Surilesi Opera. duns performed by Dr. Johnson, untoesssed by the as. porters of the "Sun," "Clipper,"' and many other pa• tiers, notices of which have appeared aesin and again before the public, betides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufacient guarrautee to the afflicted. k kin Diseases Speedily Cured. rsons writing shoald be plat4CLliif alrectlug lett P e e rs to Ins Institution. in We following in manner : their 1 JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. (lithe Baltimore Lock Hoopla!, Maktmore, Md. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA. 14Alt11:1110TOBY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, lianitinatrita, pa. sZie M. H. LEE, AirANITF'ACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PABSOLS and WALKING CaNW, w tit furnish goods at LOWER PRIODI than can be bought la env of tie Eastern cities. °natty mac haute will do well to all sad examine prices and quality, and mashies thein elvesrof this fact • aux-eiy. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL IN NONE HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 3, 1862 Di W. GROSS & CO., HOLESA LE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET DRUgGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in tins crty,lof DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Barning Plaid and Alcohol, PERFUMERY it TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the be manufacturers and Pe urners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED ort, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S • COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS. We respectfik invite a call:feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. JONE'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to cloee buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the moat improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND (mans Elpisr peas a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g.)od condition. • rhousands can testify to the profit they have derived from , the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRII GS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. apl6-dly W GOODS.—We invite attention to our fly goods Just rewired. and berate low ItiutiOLS & BOWMAN, owner of irons lad Market stmts. D. ill farm SA' (go., NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PE.&&'A, Oils, varnishes and Glues, DysAtuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, ae., dr.e., Ace., &c., &al With a general variety of , c A r 'S GFC/14 - S'' F - , ? 0 . w n );:o_ ves r ul. ... 0 0 0 fi7.l rrt:_i V 0 0 -.......:. - -- wl Po :1- = _ 4l .' 9 htA,3s 4:n R .,-.: = TEETH 1 TEETH 11 RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. COAL OIL 1 CARBON OIL 1 FARMERS AND G-RAZIERS, filizullansons UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FWFH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above plane, expressly fur the puro o sett above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the renewing : THE ResTAMLASX, on the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the beat OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, Sell, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served op in every style, and meals to be had at all hears. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries In the country constantly on hand. The Tenpin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is In the roar, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is upetairs —elegantly fitted up, and contains three marble top combination cushion ta• bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg bas tong felt , the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and es the proprietors are determine d. to conduct it in a quietand orderly manner, and do 'eve rything in their power to make it a fastlonable report, they bops to receive a liberal share of public patronage. jaB-dtf WILLIAM C. McFADDEN at CO. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT ai OR the safety of owsumers, we have established aCo 1 Oil Depot at the corner of Frou aid Market streets. All our olbs are tested and we posi tively sell none except such as prove to be nonexplosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated b‘ ands. Mag nrlia, Ito Itson, Nabrona and Leaner, lower than can be purchasei elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or .etall. Also au ex endue assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass Cones, Simmers, kc. We will also change fluid ur camphene lamps, so as to be nied for coal oal. Call and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, aprll Corner of Front and Market street. FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON, 200 4 500 YDS. WHITE, BLACK d COLORED. itthread being made particularly for 1. Sewing Machines, is YEKY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction or the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord,;lted Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable (milers throughout the country.--. also, muses 01/.100 Doris iAas ABOOMID mks, by HENRl.B.liirif, Sole Agent. no9.dflm 586.Veheystreet, New York. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 866 & 367 BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORE. THIS first-class house—the most quiet, homelike, an i pleataut heel in the city—oilers superior inducement , to thoss visitlug N W YORK for butiness or pleasure. It is central Wits location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, in connection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments cut be had at all hours, or served in their own zooms. The oh woe ars moderate, the rooms and attendance of the first order—baths, and all the modern convenience attached . maB3m COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 1 N consideration of the hard times, and L as I sellexclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lykens Valley Broken @ 32 90 per ton 46 L argo E gg 2go n 11 " Small Egg " 290 " " o " Stove " 290 " " Nut u 225 u Wilksbarre 14 2go 44 61 Lorberry It 290 41 46 girAll Coal delivered by the Pawn WZIOII Cairrsvi It can no weighed at the purchasers dcor, and It it fal Is short 10 rowans, the Coal will be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, uelivared free from all Impurities. sir Coal Sold In qantities, at the lowan. wHoulaus PRIOSIL Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Mannfacuurers prices. 1;-A large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. /23 JAMBS M. WHEELER. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1885. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $904,907.11. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. thery.4.l, AND,ASRETS..,. $1,219,476.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the -A- well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on property In either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, Harristourg,Ta. octoP6l-dawl7 LADIES CORSE T 8 ALL OF 11-1 E DIFFERENT S 7PS, WHITE AND COLORED. The]beekartiole manufactured, can bo found at OATHOARTS', Next door to the BaMeburg Ban k. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BEST PENS in the world, for 750 $1 25 ao, 12, $3, and $4, for stele at lebl s 9 BCIELBFFER'S Bookstore. BACON, Lard, Hams, just received and for sale by NICIBLZ & BOWMAN, a pr 24 Corner Front and Marsetstreets. SUGAR Cured Hams, prime lot, just re celved and for sale by . I4I.IIMOLS & BOWMAN, apr24 Corber Brow and Market streets. SMOKED BEEF.—A splendid lot, large and well cured WIL. DOCK, JR. co. .. • BY TELEGRAPH. From our Morning Edition. Capture of Fort Macon, N. C. DISPATCH FROM GEN. BURNSIDE. FOUR HUNDRED PRISONERS TAKEN. Union Loss One Killed and Eleven Wounded. Foamnsse Monaca, May 2. To Hos. E. M. STANTON, StiNeii try of War: DEAR Scs : Capt. Worden, of the navy, with dispatches from from Gen. Burnside, has just arrived. He reports that Frot Macon was taken after eleven hours bombardment. 400 prisoners were taken. Cul. White, late of the Ordnance De partment, United States army, commanded Fort Macon. The loss on our side, one killed and eleven wounded. (Signed) From Huntsville, Alabama. CAPTIIKE OF CANNON AND AMMUNITION. THE REBELS RETREAT IN GREAT CONFUSION. HVNTSVILLN, May 1. Hon. Kownt M. &maw, Secretary of War: Early yesterday morning my troops crossed from the island to the main shore and captured. two six-pounder cannon and their ammunition. The inhabitants report the enemy to have re treated in great confusion. [Signed] O. M. MITCHELL, • Brigadier General. FROM YORKTOWN. knem:A334,:mgowttai:43.4ati):o)34 The Shipping at Gloucester and Yorktown Attacked. MY RETREAT OF THE REBEL VESSELS AN ARTILLERY FIGHT. I===l Arrival of Deserters from the. Rebels. I=l tens. Jaokaon and Magruder Makes Speeches to their Troops. They Declare if they are Defeated the Cause of the Southern Confederacy is Lost, They are Determined to Rest their Cause in this, their Last Battle, &TORII YORKTOWN, MEV 1 On Tuesday a steamboat was seen with a load of troops at Yorktown. They probably came from West Point, thirty miles above, in dicating that the enemy are being reinforced, instead of preparing to evacuate. Battery No. 1, at the mouth of Wormley creek, and commanding the rebel water bat teries at Yorktown and Gloucester, opened yesterday afternoon on the enemy's shipping, at a range of about two miles. The first shot, which was followed in rapid succession by others, caused the rebel vessels to beat a hasty retreat out of range. No damage was sup posed to" be sustained by the vessels, as the range had not been obtained. The guns were then directeditowards the works at Yorktown and Gloucester with view of getting a reply. They were not long kept waiting, when a large pivot gun stationed on the heights of Yorktown send a messenger which caused every one to jump for the trenches. The firing was now kept up quite briskly for two hours from both sides, with no damage so far as we were concerned, although some of their shells came too close to make it pleasant. The accuracy of our gunners, considering this was the first attempt with the new siege pieces,was acknowledged by competent judges to be most admirable. Some of our shells were seen to explode directly over the enemy's parapets, which a moment before were lined with men. About sixty shots were fired from our one or two hun dred pounder parrott guns during the afternoon. What damage the enemy sustained is not known. The iebeL3 opened on our parallels, where the workmen were employed at about dusk, throwing shells at intervals daring the night. No one was hurt. Privete Charles Young, company A, 26th Pennsylvania regiment, was severely wounded in the knee last night while on picket. Heavy April showers still continue to visit us daily, retarding in considerable degree our military operations. Two deserters, belonging to a Mississippi bat talion, commanded by Colonel Taylor, camped near Yorktown, deserted last night while on picket duty. Teey are both Northern men, but can give little or no information. Generals Johnson and Magruder made speeches last week to all their troops, calling on them to nse every exertion to defeat the northern invaders, and stating that they should never surrender as long as there was a man left, and that if they were defeated at Yorktown, the cause of the Southern Confed eracy was gone, as they were determined to risk their oause in this, their last battle. Sergeant Plauman, of the Fourth United States Infantry, tormerly Second Lieutenant in the English army, and who distinguished him self in the Crimea, for which he had medals, died yesterday from a wound received while on duty In the trenches on Monday night last. Considerable felt by our surgeons as to the curability of wounds here, owing to the peculiarity of the climate. In view of this fact arrangements are being made to send north all those who may be wounded as soon as possible. ftram tinting giro Ti,vine procured Steam Power Preeree, we are prepay dto execute JOB add OK PRINTING of every deecrip cheaper than !t. can be done at any other establteh mant in tae country. RA I RS OF AD DR itTISINH. $1 Four lines or lest" constitute one.half square. Night 'nee or more than fobr constitute a square. Half Square, one clay one week Imo month '• three months, six months ........... One year One. Square, one day .......... _ one week , 200 41 one month 600 three months 10 00 six months 16 00 one year ...„ „.2o 00 lir Business notices inserted In the L.ssi ,r Chlusta. or before Rarriges and Death'', RIGHT CENTS pER LINE for each insertion. NO. 2 Marrigra and Deaths to be charged sa,reigatir ad ertisements XXXVIIth Congress--First Session Mr. Harmer (Iowa) presented petitions in fir vor of emancipation ; also, a large number of petitions in favor of a ship canal from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river. Mr. Naomi( (Oregon) offered a resolution that the Secretary of War be requested to report the present condition of the military asylum, the amount of funds received, and the annual expense of supporting the inmates. Adopted. Mr. Gams, (lowa,) introduce d a bill to limit tho appointment of Major Generals and Brigadier Generals In the volunteer army He - said that several ineffeotual attempts had been made to limit these appointments in some way or at least prevent their continued increase. Hr . thought it was time that some limit eras' ; , put to the number of the Generals. We hate now nearly three hundred brigadiers. The French army has only 160, yet the number in our army is constantly increasing, and appoint ments are being constantly made, not one of men who have distinguished themselves in battle, or have shown any particular mili tary capacity, bat were political favorites. The bill proposes to limit the flambe' of Major Gen erals to 20 and Brigadiers to 200. It was re ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Wnscor, (Mass.,) from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back the bill to facili ate the discharge of enlisted men for physical disability. Mr. WADE and Mr. &praxes presented peti tions in favor of emancipation. JOHN E. WOOL, Major General Mr. Hats, (N. H.,) offered a resolution di reoting the naval . committee to inquire Into the expediency of providing for appintments to the Marine Corps, the same as to the Naval Academy. Adopted. &Mr: Stumm, (Mass ,) gave notice that he should introduce a bill to abolish the coastwise traffic in slaves, and to prevent the transporta tion of slaves through the United States. On motion of Mr. WAD'S, the Homestead bill was taken up. Amendments were adopted ex cluding any person who has been in arms against the United States, or given aid and comfort to its enemies, from the benefits of the bill. Mr. (Va.) offered a substitute for the whole bill, providing that all commissioned and non commissioned officers who have per formed service in this war, or any war with foreign nations, and all the militia volunteers and State troops of any State or Territory who have performed military service in aid of the federal government, or in defence of said State or Territory against the armed forces of the rebellions States, and all commissioned and non commissioned officers of the navy who have Performed a similar service, shall be entitled ia lieu of the one hundred dollars bounty, to en ter one hundred and sixty acres of unappropri ated public lands, at $1.25 per acre, or eighty acres, at $2.50 per acre. He was opposed to any squandering of the public lands, especially at the present time. On motion of Mr. POMEROY, the bill was I postponed till Monday. . Mr. Wasnetrasne, fißs}drots.phis—Ceaunittee on Commerce, reported a bill granting power to the Secretary of the Trea4ury additional to those conferred by the bill of the 13th of July last, providing for the coilection of duties on imports and for other purposes. He caused to be read a letter from the Secretary urging the immediate passage of the bill, the same being important to the public interests in view of the fact of our occupation of New Orleans. The bill was passed. It provides that if any vessel or other vehicle shall be refused a clear ance or permit by the Secretary of the Treasury or by his order, and shall proceed to any for eign or domestic port, it shall be forfeittd to the United States. When clearances or p*rmits shall be granted, bonds may be required in the penalty equal to the value of the vessel and cargo for any adherence to the conditions an nexed, the cargo shall be delivered at the port of destination, and no part thereof used to give aid and comfort to any part of the country in insurrection against the United States. 7he seer titry itfurther empowered to prohibit the importation of goods, wares and merchandise into any part of the United States over any rail. road or turnpike, whenever there is satief.ctory reason to believe that the goods are for the use of the insurgents, or may fall into their posses sion. The Secretary is authorized to make such general or special regulations as may be passed to carry into effect the purpose of this act. If these rules are violated, or an attempt is made to violate them, the goods shall be forfeited to the United States. The penalties may be ne gotiated in accordance with the Bth end 9th sections of the act of July last, to which the bill is supplementary ; all penalties and forfei tures to be disposed of as required by act of March, 1709, regulating the duties on imports and tonnage. Mr. STEVENS, (Pa.,) from the Committee on Weys and Means, reported a bill making ap propriations for the support .of the army for the year ending with June. 1863. The House took up and finally discussed the bill granting pensions. Mr. Goonwnr, (Me. ,) said it had been carefully prepared and unanimously reported from the Committtee on Invalid Pensions after being submitted to the Commisioners of Pensions. The bill provides pensions on account of all persons, whether regulars or volunteers engaged in the military or naval service, who have been disabled or wounded since the fourth of March, 1861, and who may hereafter be disabled or wounaed while in the service of the United States and in line of duty. The consideration of the subject was postponed until Tuesday next. Messrs. MORRILL, Emote and Yeoman, the first named having rose to personal explana tion, made remarks exculpating General Smith from the charge of drunkenness. Mr. WASHBLIBBR also defended Gen. Grant from similar charges. Mr. ItICEARDSON thought all these things ought to be left to the military authorities. it the riot act was read dispersing Congress, the army would get along much better. [Laugh ter ] Mr. Rama vindicated Delaware from the remarks of Senator Saulsbury. Exchange on London firm at $1 121aI 18. Money easy; stocks better and firm. Illinois Central 61. Mtchigan southern 47. New York Central 851 Canton 181. Missouri 6s. 61., Tennessee 551. Illinois coupons, 1879, 941-. Kentucky 6s. 90. Coupons , 188, 981 1 Registered 94._ 'United States treasury - 7 1 V 1021, Gold 10 21. WASHINGTON, May 2 SENATE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTAITVES THE NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. NEW Yaws., May 2 a ....$0 26 ~... 1 25 . 2 50