. . - , 0 ,s , - . ; ' ' . .l• '. 1 • ' ' '•- . - ' . . .. . , . .. , -....- -....._ ...„„(:\ ........... _ • .. . ~..... 1 Pli. ‘ ..,, ! ~ i __ ._:._,..., ~.„. . _,,,...•„..., ~,‘,.:_..,.::.... . . A 0 It , . . By GEORGE BERGNER. TH E f /4; 1., 14, 1 (4 RAPII !nTIWISIIED it'VKIIS DAY ci Font} r, BERGSTER; 4Alimmuriom ft,. P.klIS 'TILLORAPH is served to subscribers in the lapo routs per we Yearly subscribers will be etarfed 1,4 00 in advance . WISELY AND 81IMPW/MILT TUAGII.IIII. I'ILEON4PR 14130 published twine a week during ,„pon 01 the Legislature and . weekly during 'the ',„.ipter di the year, sod furnished to subscribers at a l e Plionag cash rsteis,vis : single subscribers per year Semi- weekly .. In 50 Ten —l2 00 44 it _22 00 [only t, :logic subscriber, Weekly loo RATES OF ADVERTISING. a Four lines or lose constitute one-half ware, Elghl nee or more than roar conatimte a square. , gill .•quare, One day $0 25 one week ' 1 25 .• eno month .. ....... ... . . '2 60 .• three months ........ 4 00 ME months. . ..... ... ~....... 00 4. ' aneleBo . •••• ... ••0 , • •`• • .5. •••• •i•••i OO One.Nourei ono day. ......... _. _ .. ..... ... so one week............ 2 00 n .... one month . 6 00 three menthe_ 10 Rd six months . '. ' . ' ' 16 00 ~ one year:.............. . .20 00 gr Nosiness notices inserted In the io4cdOilumn, or odors Marriges and Goethe, EIGHT OUTS THE, LINE for each Insertion. Air Varriges and Deaths to be eharged e4regubir ad vertisements Iniscilldutons. NELMBOLD'S GENUINE' PREPARATION .IEO 1 LY CONCENTRA CORM fMb FLUID EXTRACT,,BUCHU, positive and Specific Remedy Far Memel; of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. . • . Kb Medicine inereeses the power of Digestion, and tidies the A BSORBIIIITS Int v'bealttly action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENL4RGENEN'IIi are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFIANaTION, and Is good for NEN, WOKEN OR 'CHILDREN. Hi:again JIXTRAOT BUCHII, ' For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early gin ducreuon or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Bunion, Loss of Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Timor of Disease, Wakefulness, Diainuse Li Vision, Pain In the Back Universal Lessltude:of the JMuscular System, Rlot Hands, Flushing of tee Body, tynese of the Skin Eruptions on lye Face PALLID CODNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med !tine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY.FIIUITY,F,PILEPTIC FITS IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY hILPIR. Who can say that they are not frequeL tly followed by those "DIREFUL DISNASsiI," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause or their sulfuring, HUT IVONL' WILL CONFEsB. tHE ESC° PDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by iltemetption, WAR AMPLY WITNOB TO THL TROTH OF 156 AMMON. TELN CONnTIrtiIION ONON AFFECT/1D WITH ORGANIC WEAK t• Reel/tree the aid or medicine to strengthen and Invigorat, the System, WMth listneom'S EXTRACT RUCH U Ottertail( does A TRIAL WILL 0051902 THE MOW auxima.m. FEMALES—FEMALES—FERA.I3B, ILO OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CORTES:FLA l'lnG MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Wren Beebe l s unequalled by any other remedy, 9a m chloresis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or goppromon Al Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schrheus state of tae Uterus, Leutorhoes Whites, Stern, sod lor all completata Incident to thiratik,:wbether alleles Iran Itlieerelloo, Habits of Dissipation, or in DECLINE OR MIAMI OE MIR. nu anirrniag NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I Lunn WM BUSAM, MICIURY, oa UNFISASABT :MEDI 4:11 ba INPLUWIT AXED DaNOlllOOB DMUS. • HRLJIBOLD'S WRACT IitIOH7I arms SECRET DLSELSEIS. In all their Stages, At little JO ttpense WI or no change in rut ; No Inconvenience And V a:TE M litauea a frequent desire W aim gives .& strength to Urinate, *el removilig Obstructions.. ' heventiag and Curing Strictures of tba Urethra elbylug Paul and Itntlammation L eo front:nun In the einiahaseases, and expelling all P'oioorious, /Mussed other s g Halter. THOUSANDS urea Tuousazat& 1 1 1110 HAVE BEEN .IHN VIODALSOAQUAORS, ttd who hove raid IMPS NW in be cured In a abort tete,love lone they were deceived; and that the "POI- Io" toe, by the tub of "POlrioltOt aeruntearts," been bed up in the system, to broae out In an . aggravated hn, end PERHAPS AFTER NARIZZAOS. O e firucioto'vArrnacrr litran - tor all 'affection and NO 01 URINARY ORGANS, whether °Meting In m FEMAT Flom alaisver MUM) ALK originating and no, o matter of HOW LONG STANDING. ' Aunts of thole Organs require the aid of DIPRHY/0 lifilldlNDLD'S EXTRACT SQOII6 GREAT lURRTIO, dad certain to have the ls desired. TliE ailed In .D all Disessell ) UkMRCS IT Id RECO/DV:ED. :motet of the the reliable Peoputuribie slander till wheepany the medicos. • CEUTIFICATU OF CUREfi, .Arenifil £O2O perm sfrandels Wlni IMO KNOWN TO " • • • SCIENCE AND FAME. Prke 11 00 per bottle, or six for $6 00. Delivered to any address, meanly packed from beer Tuna n EICED& SYidPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. "Mt Guaranteed t Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Per eounnyappoirea before nie, an Alderman of tbo hr pousdelpull, H. T. EIZIAMOLD who being dub' worn, cloth say, his preparations oon'ialn no narcotic, no lures% or other Injurious drugs, but are purely sego- a T. HELMIKE horn and aubierlbed before me this 2Sti day of No "MEd, Md. wit. P. HIBAEBD, A/dermas, Addr Ninth St. above:Race, era lettere tor Information In confidence 10 R. T. RELM.I3OLA OlitlTni t , - BMW &AIMcUUN • Deoct, Mk *oath Tenth M., bet. Chestnut, Pbtfai OF AND Ur.warguipt,EU DEALERS, Who endeevor to dive. 4.7IIIIIIIIOOIIBIIIIISPITuTiO •• eP R9 N D e 6o air Weltebold's Genuine Preecrcco,, rr U LZtract ill, , 44 .. ff Improved Kam Wash. 11 Odd by O. K. Keller, D. W, Urosa, io 44,1rart. w t. ANO .ALL TIRCIGFIS27 EVERY IVIZERB. ASE OR BELIdEIOLD'.3. TA NO maga . Cc F out the advertieement and send for it, 4,1 .ND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. 3.117 DENTISTRY.. 1). GEO. W. 'STiNE, graduate of the ntl mornellese . of Dental Surgery, Wig llie rma Welly torstedlo the city of Harrisburg and h taken the N lormorly occupied Oyr Dr. Gorges, on Third street, Mole. 14,Tk i , t an d walnut, respectfully informs his fends sod the public ia general, that ho Is prepared te let "' all operatio ns to the Dental profession, either a r l o ''tial or mechaning, in a manner that shall not be ~,Itiliaed by oricratera la this or any . other 010 , , Hie ',',.. 01 airbag artieciai teeth II poe the latest le ."rel animate mil:R.44es. • • . .IteAlrOlo one to a full set mounted on OPP Gold, tzll. ',Matins elates or the Villeallite Rm. ': .i. —.--. ta m tu ti e ,Falt Pleasve hi nteommonding the above EIIIIT u t . ' 4 an my former patients of Harrisburg cad Yll' H „.. ) MS feel confident that he will pa:tient all= Boar i t Mediae Manner, from my kaaWlet 0424113 P. J %GOMM', *D. 8. ittlebitat DR JOHNSON .61.1-iSCIMILCZP3ELM LOCK EOSPITAL HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and efretonal t !mot , in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. 'ELM IN kOX TO mama norms. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of thellittok or. Limbs, Strictures, Abet on! of the hidnAys and Bladder, Involuntary discluirges, potency, general Liability, Nervocu3oess, Dyspepsy, Lan= roor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling's, Dimness of Sight or Giddb nem, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Ana. bons or the 'Aver Lunge. Stomach or•Bowels;—ihose ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits or Youth —those moan and solitary prantoas more fatal to the ir vial= than the song or , yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marrlage,ato., impossible. Young Men gspecially, who have become the h abit of Solitary Vice, that d readful and destrucUve habit whi.o h 'anneal. ly sweeps to an "Untimely grave tbovands of Young Men of the most :ex - Sited talents and brilliant intellect; who might otherwise have entranced 'intoning Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call.whb fall confidence. arnage. Married Persons, or Young Mon contemplating mar riage, being sure or physical weakness, Organic debl,l 7 ty, aeformhies, stn., speed" y• cured. • Be who pieties himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously cnnfide in his r °our as a gentleman, and con. 'ldeally rely woo pis skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cures;kno fulfilsJr neeMied. This distresking Aflection—which renders I lie inleira. ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper IndMgenaea. T oung Primal are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful °unser aces that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject wilt pretend to deny that rhe'poir. er of prom:salon Won sooner ey tbose falling into lin. proper habits than by the prudent? Babies being de• pnved the pleasures of heeling , .offkpring, the most set , don and destructive eymptonmto both body and mind arise. The ayitnn begonia; deranged, the Physical and mental Functions Weakened, Lou of Procreative Power, Nervions Irratibility,'Dyspiapelajalpitation the/lean, Indigestion, emathullonsf - Delitity, a Wasting of the Frame, Dough, Coneaniption, Decay arid Death. Officte,likk u 74putb. Frederick Street. Left lkanigidegoing A tottnn lialtithvgefitrOiVe lair 'door: mem thocodner: - 11,11 not io obigive name an 3 I;loaber, loaner" ,muid-be paid Ned contain a stamp. The -Doc totie Diplomaa haeeiti his ofDoer ..-u: • ' --- ' • A Cure Warranted in Two Days.. Na Mercury or /Yauisou* Drugs. Dr. Johnson; ...: , , Norther 'of the Royal College ur ourgeims, London, Gradt uate from 041 of an InOln licniaOta UOUOVO In the United dtates, aad thetreatdrptet hie has been spent in the bosplisis of au Ilinniniptlin and alse luttrikrschAdisonytef the MOO .adoniablog enrol that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing In ihe head and ears whirrasleep, greet rierVortsnate, being alarmed at sudden ermitds, ,bashfulness, with .frequent "blueiting attended sowelisnes with derangement of mind were cured immediately*: Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses a.l those who havoieluredthemselees. by linproper.lndulgence - and spicery habits, which ruin both body and minkupdting them for either bosineliii, study, society or marri ige.. Tingle are some of the sad and melanchollytdrarits pro• &mad by early habits of youth, 'vas wsitiutess of stub BASS and /AMU, False IS the setui;. Mimes' Sight, Loss of hoc:ales P,ower, Palpitation of the heart, Dye popsy,' Nervolie irratibd ty, Derangement of theD gestiVe Functions, General Dclillity, Symptoms of Consumption,' lisirram.—Tho fearful ends on the mind are much to be dreadad—l.oss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Evil For tioningi Avers on to Society, Self Distrust, I ova of solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evil; produced. THOUSANDS of persons of all ago can now Ado what is the cause of their declining beside, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, hiving , a singular appearance count the ey es, coogh and symptoms of eonstimption. - Young Men Who have injured themselves by a certain prantioe in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the INTAste of which are nightly felt, even wheu asleep, and If not cured' renders marriage im k osuble, and destroys both mind and body, snout& apply Immediately. • ---- • Whet a pity that a yoaig man, the hope of he coun try, the darling alines parents, ahnuld be snatched irom all prupects I ad enjoyment. of Mb, by the 'anatoguenoe of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in cartain secret habit. Huth persons hoer, before contem plating ;Marriage, • redact that a sound mind and body are the moil itecee• miry requisites to promote connubial ha pines. Indeed, without, these, the leurney through lift brooms a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkensi ki- the view; the mind becomes shadowed with dettpwrotud Ailed with the melancholly red *than that'the hippineett °Pain:other becomei blighted with our vwn. . .4._ Ditwaso of Imprudence. When the mirgulded and tropredeut votary of pleasure finds that babas Imbibed the seeds of this 'die. ease, It too often hipans that an till-timed , sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from eluoation. and respeotahltity,..tem alone be friend him, delayipg till the oonstitutional symptom. on this borr d' disease make their • appearance, such as ul cerated sore throat; diseased 4iciaiii" nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, direness of eigint,lleatness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotobehoa the h ad, ,face and extremities, progressing with frightful - rapidity, till at last the palate 01 the mouth or the bones of the nosti in, and the eiptim of tide awful disease become< a bornd objtotof oo.mhdteration, till death; puts a period to .n 0 dreadful euderinge, by sending hid to "that .T.lrdiscailf vered Country from whence no traveler * returns."' It is aatelancholly fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unsicilfulluess of .• aut pretenders, -who by thence of that Deadly PaisoCh afe cart', ruin the constitution and make the residue o ' hie miserable: : 4'. ,strangers. 'knit nit'yetiflliei,'4loiiili;to the care or the Many Unlearned and 'Woithieis Preteadert, destatute of know ledge, name or charadier, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertisemente, or style tnemeelves in the newspapers, regularly Zducated Pkisiclaw Incapable of Curing, they- . keep you trifling month after month taking their- filth' and polsonotumrss Compounds, or as long as the small est fee can be obtained, and to despair, leave you with reli ed health to - slgh ,over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnsen lithe only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always twigs in 'hie ofllce. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared rrom a life, Swat la the gr eat hospitals of Ku: rope, the first le 'the country and a more extensive Pri nts Practice than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many tooarende cured at the; in/Mutton year af• tea year, and the' numerous inMortadt, 'Burglosl Opel*. done performed by Dr. Johnson, witaniesed by the re- Portoro:03 110 AFL," ' 4 o4):llF i n and, , maity other tek pere, notices - eritgleh'hare ['ponied' aide' and again before the public, bealden his standing al a gentleman 'of chamfer and reermalhhith . enehtent guarrantie tothe adhered. . • skin Diseases Speedgy Cured. - Persons writing should be imnitllliat in eireoUng Maelr lettelll to hug Inottuden. in the felloWieg manner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. ; Oi the Baltunore Leek Hong sal , MalUmere, WHOLESALE , UMBRELLA, AIANITEAOTORY 1 No. 69 , Market Street, below Third , ! _; Rwuusinnw, PA. . . • hi• a. LEE , l'.. N.NI7F.A.OII:IBAR . OF ,lIMBRELLAik ?alums and WALKING CANE% wilt furnish goods it LOWER PRIM than win be bought In ant helpelmr 'Abukir megotuude will do we ll old alto ate ji#4y, and °GAIL kka a • . HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2, INA. ID. , W. rags 84 • go.. GROSS & CO., WHOLESAIt f hI AND DETAIL DRUGG-ISTS, NO. ,19 MARKET STREET BAR.R.ISBURG, PEIVN'A. DRUpGISTEI, .PHYSIOLLNS, STORE. trkpirawAiyb OONBII4ERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of gouda all such articles as are . destratile, and world respectfully oall your Mention to the largest and best selected stock in thasoty,lof DRUGS, OHENIOALS & PAINTS Oils, varnishes mid Glues. D3r•Attiffri, Glass and Patty, n.rtlat V?lors and. otal!, - Puri" Grotartd 'Spices BRrning Fluid and Aieolaol, Lard, @perm and Pine 011 s, dotal.% Vials and Lamp Globes, Caatile limp, Sponges and Corks! &e., &e., &e., ae., &e., Age., .act With a geneyal ye a riety of ;SIP „0 I+ to) oil 4100051 selected from the best manufacturers mud Pc turners of Nu rope and this country: Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, IDISRED •TAIMCS,: WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S ' COLORS, FAINT A . ANIIST'I3 BRIIRI4IO IN ALL TR= VARIETIES ' , OOLORS AND tRONECt# OF ALL Juke, •N C *GU.S], We respebtftaly invite a call, feeling, pa dent that we' can supply the wants• Of ell on terms to their eatlefaotion. TEETH 1 TEETH 1! JCINE'S AND WHINES'S PORMELAIN 74971, PATENT .MEDIOINES AND HAAB RESTORATIVES Of al/ kinds direct froin the Proprleton. Saponifier and : '' Oonoieltrated. • Lie Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel . as it can be purchased in the 'cities. MAYER'S - MEDICAL FLUID =WITS MAL CARBON OM 13Sing large pnrehaeers in these 011 e, we oan after Inducements; to rime buyers. peal Oil lamp; 'of the moat improved patterns,. cheap. All kinds of lamps clianipid to _Win Coal Oil: • . FARMERS AND GRAZItRS, , ThOS ' e . of YOU who have not given of r `'> LND OaT.CLIB POTHRIIS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are is ki3ePing Horses land Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they "have' derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and qUilEtt of besides improving the general health and ap• . as of their Cattle. Our long experience in the basin* gives`us the advantage Of a thorough knoiledge of the tiade, and onrarrangementa in the cities are such that we eau in a vary short time ialAka, an appertaining to our business, on the best of -termi. Thankful for the liberel patronage beit•ti,ive on our house;'by - strict attention to bailiwick a carefeeeleCtion - of 1 - "'• pOlOl3 , DRIIG B. at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to Merit! e.conticlisoce of the favor of. a &Rimini_ .: ro to.. --- .#4,94 0.., 16 . .. Goops.,_we..l, ~-0.44,":406,..,,fr0-,a, .UN T O N: 8 RAN T, BULLARD AND BOWLING BALOON,t 119..ppinTstr.neEitT,iprilarript. /IHE subscribers ,haying -.erected a lam e• building at the above piece, e oragaly for thelinvp Bea &two hlctioated,, beg to osl the attention or the peb-i Beth the IblitiwinA : • " ' • : Tat Itserammai, on the drat tow, with a dining. rams' attagthed,„ Is fitted ap in find-class style, and it will a& di, times be suppled with the" beer, OYSTROS to, be hAs.li is the Atlantic cities, together with terrinln, ash, and. all: blade of gaMe In season.- Oysters served every: style r and Mehl to be had'at .hours. • ThesAles of all thenelebnited : brevreties 41, the colmitm oonstantly . en' The Tait-pin Alley, or bowliiig Salo* Is In the rear, and contuse three alleys of modern. construction, where the lovers ef this healthy exercise oan enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is upsirdra —elegantly Stied up,! and oindaids three marble top c0t:1.3,1)410t0n Onshlon ta- j bles, coma to any made: - '"" " • Barristturg has long-felt the want eta, grand oombln4 anon of thlukted, and as the prepoetors are detarmine to conduct II in a,uniet and orderly manner, and do eve-, rything in their power to' Erila6 tt a fietnionable -resort; they hope to receive* hberelshare of public patronage jaii-dtt WILLIAM C. McFADDIN & CO. HARRII3I.IIIO,' 00 . AL IiQIIL i DEM' FUR the safety of oonsum.ers, we have,. established a Coil 011 , Depot at the corner of Fron: ant Market streets, Ail our, oils ate tested and we pod. tfrely ken nose except anohna prtnje to be nott.explestre, clear and free from, odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the followlngjnatli Cidebranid brands. Mag itirdeson, Nabroimagn.liocuer, lower than can be purchased elsewhere in thla place, either wholesale or !stall.. Also an'cmesialire assortment of Lamps, Chi& neys, libades,,Glase Cones, Burners, &o. We will .also, change Raid or iiamplione so' as be used for Goal eel. and satlafryorirset see, 'at, 1 , • ' .N1(11049 & BOWMAN, , Ooruer ,of Front arid Market etre& aprll FOR S.EIVVINGr MACH/N.130. • JONAS BROOK & PRTZF, IttEDA.L' SPOOL COTTONi 200 50(I' YDS. WHI2B(BL4O.IVdt COLORND. 1111 L S thfead being mine'perticularly for. Sewing Machines, VEttY STRONG, BROOM AND ELASTIC,Da strength ta not impair 94 by washing, nor by. friction oC the needle. or Wahines, one Brooks ' Patent Glace, FOR .lIPP.E3 THREAD, ' and nrooks Patent, Six cord,;nea Ticket, • FOE UNDER THAR* Sold by ,reeprotable oeabire throughout the country,... Also, aromas or 100 Dommar 1•4111,44110811/D 1100,. by ' iIIiNGPSMITS, Sole Agent. - • nog-dem 86• Vearystreet, New York. a.y:T:i; 1, INTERNATIONAL HOTEL! .865.85.30711408.DWAY, CORNER, OF FRAIiIKLIN STREET, L Tfiret-olass,..l4,euathe most quiet; a. homelike, and pleasant hotel In the city—ollers superior'inducenienb , to - those vielting N.M.:YORK foi butttnese.or pleasure. It la ventral MAIM location, and, lrojit dn'the • • ; EUROPEAN PLAN ' , In coonneothm with . T.A.YLO 11 . '5 0,0,g , where refreshments, oan be had td at all boars; or intro it'd In their own rooms. !Me chArms aid modem te, the . Kerns and'ntttendinee'of 'the Arm' order.:-.bathiti and 'all atie models convenience attached • ME A,L .1 P 0 D 11-1111 _;GOAL REDUCED_ I 1 1 . • . N consideration of. the -hard times; and' as I mill exclusively. FOB CASH, I. have redacted tlle war of Coal as toilers; : Lyfrens Valley Broken 3 22 90 per ton ' large Egg .. • 2110 ; a. • ;s m all: a 11 . 2go .gt .1 a StOVe 90 T IC N u t 2,.26 Wilketerre de " 290 . 1 " I.6orberty• • " 2'90 'a • 1 . Igirell Coal delivered by tho.Blierrr Watnie.oel29; l it' rem rie.oeigllint et. Molnar:duelers. deer, end If it Salle ghat 10 Peoarre, the Copt. FPI ,baterrelted." • _ en.cold br'the best 'Oddity Mined, delivered free itedi all laiptnities: ,q -Coal sold In qautilies, at the kowner yeoman' Agent fot Dunt's belefirated.tverder, a large supply, always on han d, at Ihrrinfootrifele AlgrA;large I etsuparior baled Bay for sale: :• • 1 . 1 00128 K.•WHiligLitft. SATR, 4. Pi . , 0 E'; N O Z. tEit 'tklAwAlis )(trill; SAFETY -INSUWCE . COMPANt. f11 1 ,11T0:043..r.0744 T AD; "CAPITAL AND AMBITS $904,907.61. 4 1 4k.M.P.RAA*51 1 i COMPANY OF-NORTH AMERICA', PIiILADEIRBIA- - CAPITAL AND Aissere:.;• • 111,219,476.1 ,rpEtE: 'undersigned, as Agent *for. the weD known Clonneudes,' will. Oink. ' Diurari. by fire, e 41142. i115:474°4V or aD malty, on property In either town or wintry. • t, Nation and Dilated Transportation Dike also taken. 1 Apply Pereonailroe by letter 'tie " • ' *ltLiAld DUNMEiI, Harrieburg,Ta.i . • LAD/E8 CORBEITgii ALL 'OF Trtm' tinimnurr sms, - AIDLOOLCIREDA Thalbeicarticie maxtuayg !i xed, l an lbuad ; Nelailoarto th p Phourg Amis.! ANOTHER SUPPLY OF ; - • 111 - 0114 ITNBRALLED , GOLD PE NS : • BEST PENS in the world, for 756, $l. $3, and St, fop sale s$ leb/51 WELIFTWSIWWO444 I , •r. , ame, jne 9 We sale by NICHOLS & Bowmen; epr24 Corner Front and itarkidstreetoi ' , Y QUGAR, Cured , Ranui,:,prime lot, jusi rep IJ adVed and an aide* labaots.t Bo*icks, Qatar Prank and> Mark•Eddreind: MOKEDIOt Art-widi • a, ifftsuilantous. ri‘4•7M #I#II9AF. • I; • •F -- 4 - alf:Bl.:' , 'JLio.lli:-8' THE O 3E - -OF a oii, JENNISON, Rumor of 4eus. Stkrilus And pourer being Relieved:or dial (ionuniiide. TER WAR IN NEW KUM AblindP6ent 4:44a'Ne Jar the,Rebeis THU AIM" Damon Or - AWNMON# Pzonsion. GEN. CANBY iN .. CLOSE::: MIMI: • Sr: Liao, May 1. • Col. Jennison received ' letter yeeterday front a; Senator at Washington city; which states in explicit terms tbat'aniorder relieving Gen erals Stnrgie and Denver of their commando in Kansas,. luis been forwarded from the War De.: partment: ' • . I • Vol. Jennisonwas yesterday relieved-of his personal parole,• and is now only obliged,to•re ' port by ; letter., Under this Aberty he expects to leaveto-day for Washington. • Mr. Mitchell, a; meichant Max* has arrived in this city,:arid confirms the aban donment of Banta Fe by the rebels. They were retreating as fast as they could from the Terri tory. Tney were destitute of all munitions and - o'o , olll.omi, and there is no• hope of their beingatipplied-from any quarter. • At Banta re•the rebels levied heavily on the merchants,some .casestaking ,as high as SLY 000 . . worth 'of goncli p ayin g in confederate ILis believed'General Canby would now fol. low the xebels,and drive them out Of the ter. ritory.. No , doubt exists of .the ability , of the federal troops tc's keeP out iniaders, but an ac cession of two or three regiments Of troops will be necessary:to keep theAppaches wind Navajoe Indiannin.subjection. They have been, coin- Mitting deprecations for mouths past, stealing lioreas, mules and everything that came in their wa y : ' - ' • • •The.report of :the formation of &• territorial goxenfoult.ineder_ rebel authority has no foun dation. All the territbrial office* had returned tol.Sadift'lle; 'arid reatnied the performance 'of their Chief Justice Benedict is on , hie -way to the Statee.,, No United Atntee judge is now In the L.A.TER FROM EUROPE' 0..0. ARRIVAL OF THE OTILMSHIP AItERIOA Continual igttltion of , imeritan Affairs , ~i.~=~ . . .gairsax, May.l. The Sioneril steamship Afterica arrived this evening ' wilii'Lliej'poOT dates of Elatdrday, thh 19th nit:, arid by teleinipb to the 20th alt. The , Arnerlea Ipatsciat , the steamship China• at 7.16 a. m,,cakthe. 215t,011 &stmt. - The, London ;Ames, editorials, expatiates on the tdqkirtaicii'or the 'atilt)* for New Or leans, and 'aye that the occupation 'of- that place by the federal would be a tourniquet tightened over. the great artery, of the, lemided states. I The morning' 17er' akt has a Sarcastic" editorial , on the•protranted continuance 'of the'Amerloar struggle. lit sees no signs of exhaustion in the north or, disacturagement tn,the south, , and .be- Havel that &speedy peace Is opelted. The lierelsi further imps that the government at Wallington should be perinitt'd to have one more nhattoe,, andlf it. fail, the great powers should, perm"; torily htterfere, in behalf ,of the general wellleing of makiad. That thli has not leen dohe before is oiling to the gerieleaity of England, as France was ready,' but it isacily time, that, Ragland ishottid awe to stand .be. tweeu her own pooplo.and.the relief thepasect Further experiments _ in the 4:fmor plating of ships is engaging the - attention of France and England. It is rumored-that4he• French-police have arrested.l,2oo,workmen on the charge of rte. riitkoo. In; Greekand "liirldith iffidre there is but little The. Atiiiirisir brienunenthas sent two naval engeere to America toinspect the Monitor and ittortlatao. end, Oho new moult fortifications, • , Therein - great delfglit in all parts of Italy at the recenthicituage of " Lord raireeraton and Mr. -Gladiftene on. the Italian debate in the Brltith-MonselofiComosons. E • , The Bombay mail of March 27th le on ,hoard the Azneria4. ixero generally been anticipated. Ahtheutk intelligence hie Win received the 'about five'thousaud Pendia troops, with One hundred gone, were , on the.way to Herat and that Sir 4r..jon t , of Herat, aa.directed by the King, , had ordered 169141.:1 Bowan and hgaroktet to march itgainitt.theon. THE . Dasmstt; April 18.--Sexony has acceded tio thelefencif and Vmstitaleoolimerolal treaty. RusaLO—The littssian rai'distetof the inter ior has made twoiraperial propositions, one for accelerating_the liberation of the aerie, and the other for creating. a system , of : parliamentary ilinseittitiotr The propositions hav e * been referred to the councils•otthe - EmpirK• -• ' t-SrAm.Spain will not, as reported, withdraie her, troops : from Idesioo- They YOU stay till the !satisfaction demanded is obtained... Tirrititstx44 Ain't 18.,The 414" Sir Walter Scott was totally burned soffirlusidng. • MA1111:11111 BY TELEGRAPH.. , , • . Nor YozF., May 1. . .oottan..noisby.ll4sales , 260 bales—at 2843 fiiin ;15,000 bias. seld'atAs,4o VS 00f WatYkarn. Wheat tkei:Ll7,ooo . ssl4l Leorteitiiil;ooo - bualsoldla - 67i4a whisiesitswym2Bo446mA lIMM ~~~, ,~~ u .., . ma PRICE ONE CENT. congrese—Firet =I WAssower 'Mart, ladt. SENATX The morning hour haying mipired, the eon &cation bill wee taken up. Watieur, (litess.,) 'offend mi iturelidetidat to the liikth marten of Mr. Oollemer'S tuts, authorizing the President to make pro clamation. and free the slaves of those who continue In rebellion, for thirty days after the time of its Waft • -• Mr. hfosatzi. gild some of the bills; liMAligo Of the Senators from New York and onto,lllll bills meant to effect , something - and to tack tharebellion, and are produced by am stolo mean to crush the rebellion. , The other bills area elites not intended . * effect anything, and are produced by ma 'he -do not rasa to do anything. Tlabiti.befiare the Senate was calenlated to strike directly at the rebellion. Hi. How, disclaimed any fear to set on the Imbject, lint had voted to refer the subject to a `select committee, because he thought it might simplify matters. He did not believe that, la passage of the bill would especially idllaithe rebels or stiengtheli the friends of tha Crovetsi ment. . Be was in favor -of some oariateatioes act, but he ponld riot say that he favored able act; for he had not bad, time to aantioelt. Mr. Dane asked to have an amendment regl to the effect that the title to all property sett felted under the act shall vest in the persObsilt heirs of -those who entered the setiaice of the United States drying the rebellion, and awe been killed or disabled, and in the Union a whose property has been seised and Coithattail by the rebels. ::He said there were many Senators wham chief: object was to destroy slavery, no matter what else was done. He contended, at Ewa length, that the true policy of confiscation was to devote the property according to his proposed amendment. He denied that slavery was the cause of the war. He contended at some length tluit in fact the free States wars respon sible. - for the war of 1862, the war of Mex ico and the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. If the free States bad not brought slavery tato Congress, we should not have had the present trontle. . . lie referred to the pledges of the Itepnb ifaa party r and said that if they passed this bill they would array, the whole Southern people against the law.. He was willing that slavery should take its chances of war, and willing that slaves should:be confiacated like other property i bat if the• Senate intend to make war oe slavery, then there will only be another war began.— .The people of New England had developed the mind to a great extent, bat they were so smart and conceited ati.to think that they can man age everybody's business, and therefore they were meddlers, and continually poking their noses Into othetpeoples' bucket of swill. After further, discussion the Senate went into execntive.session, and subsequently adjourned. HOUSE OF BHPRESENTA.TIVES. Mr. Lomor, (III.,) from the Oommittee on Territories reported a bill to render freedom national and shivery sectionaL The 'Meuse went into committee of the 'w birdie "tile orthe Woo on the Palo' reed Md. The time war °rumpled lathe ,era planation of the numerous amendment& t: z The committee rose without muting to a oonalusion on the:bill, and the Rots: Adjourned., InisuUcaitom 17P HQL TER I SIG. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP merniEssma, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, , CAMP STOOLS, Sm., On hand and for sale at tbe very lowest rates for á* Hair Mattresses and .991:1ng Bottoms made to ardor., SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, - • • HAUB mammas, &O, Repairwiand trode equal to new, very remortablia at tat N 0.109, kit attest, batman& Foortk and t,ltta , m , r2B 2mo; WALL PAPER! VLEOA:NT styles and patterns of Wadi Paper for 6,10, 11,16 and 26 cents per rot • %ha aueeat sad it varied stoat o f Wall Paper , Borders, Window Curtin. and Piztares , . ever offered, In We city'. Being tiouldit be oink, 'lt mai be =old at - a verramaii profit. sir Remember the, plain, Schaller's Book Store, awes street, %redo Groaid.,Drug ;tore, liarriab • COAL I COAL! I ' $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF - 2, 000 DM? : . 0 D. FORSTER, niFFICE and yard on the Canal, foot of blorthitreet, Wholesale and astell dealar fn t rilt.l73lR2ON . WILIMB.Lass zricsks rAzzarr,. iffINAUBr asa BR(UD 2UP 439:00 ihnilliee and dealers nay rely upon obtaining Wrirat rata setkdoised fell weight, at the lowest ratan OW= 11 omptly rtteadtg to. A liberal discount Made to ear chasers paying [or the coal when ordered. Present . rice, and eh tO per . ton. . Harriabrurg, Aprilll3..dly PROF-ADOLPH P. TRUPSEE. VITOULD, reopeothdly Inform :hie old V patrops and the public; generally, that ha will obstanue to glee Instructions On the mum Puma LOMKON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THO HAM. He will iieth pleasure wait apes pupils at their homes at may Rohr desired, or lessons will be iftes a his F l iedrwildsool Shied street, ■ few doom th German Ohara. deel64l JUST REUEIVXD. A. LARGE ASSORTMENT .of Fapfi l Bibles of Willtreet styles of binding, at vi $1 60, $2; it, $6 and $lO. Also Pecker. Bibles dit• terent styles and prices at SOBEYP*4l3,lloeingeore. febl6 y piRIED TRACI:it:B, pared an d - 44 , jJ id, Dates, Prune, Rabin', for sale -- Corner briCHOUI BOW by ntr. Front sod Mattel. ateeeti. apr24 Itnt3H invpica - of those fine sweet Oranges, also Lemon; Owl& Hots, lbr NICHou & BoWMASt. tract ent and Market stream' EU nEJ3AR " are and 'Tow Ware; non- AL! , 118 d Churns, Tabs, BaoSets, or ./ar ijoitirrer sate by, NICHOLJ BlThalalli 1119,24 Comes s.r Frost and liattst stssets. AWBOLD Ha L , null lot of than elebrakd Thast3 Just mei red. *OK WIL DOCK„ Jr., a' CO. TRIPOLI, _Washing _Bina, .1W ... 1 / 4 4! "! 11 1. 1 %.f,,,ftri nurint iNt i f m orale.bi a.ll 3 PointeicaitZmaidietothele.