THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By C EORGE BERGNER TERII&.--Smaia BCIBSCRIPTION The DAILY TtigentAPH is served to . subscribers in 1.11. k city a t 8 Cents per week Yearly aubseriliera will charged fl 00, in advance WENKLY AIVD Scan-Wtranur TaLIGRATH. • . . . The Tinat;RAPII is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature and weekly during tht remainder of the year, and furnished" to eubscribers at the following cash rates,vis : Single subscribers per year Semi- Weekly..ll BO Ten of " .12 00 Twenty ._22 00 .7-ingle subscriber, Weekly.. ...... ........ 1 00 !RI LAW OP NSWSPAPZILS. II subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the'publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. . II subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ers from the office to which they are directed, they tre reaponsible'unlil they have-settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. IniatellautonL HELMBOLDIG GENUINE PREPARATION "HIG'iLY CONCENTRA TED" tiCittPr UM/ FLUID EXTRACL.BUCHU, A Pooßive and Specific Remedy For Diseasea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, •GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLENGS. Tb Medicine it:len:la-es the power of Digestion, and excites the A BSOHRFNTS tut healtuy action, by which the WATERY OK CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGRARNTS arc reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLARATioN, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HXLIABOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE', For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Earl3thi. discretion or abuse. • ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of. Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, , Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness et Vision, Pain in the Back. Universal Lassitudeof the Muscular Sysiem, Rot Hands, Flushing of ttlo Body, Dryness of the Skin,u. Er pitons on lye Face. PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med Mine invariably removes, soon follows lIIPCWENCY, FATUITY,FPILEPTIC FITS IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequertly followed by those ' , DIREFUL DISEASSS,". "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware or the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CON EE.'sg THE RECORDS 4_4' THE I 'SANE ASYLUMS, And the ..Eelancholy Deaths by Cantumption, DRAB AMPLY WITIPMS To THY TRUTH OF :BR MORMON THE CONSTIIIYIIi)N ONO AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEARNE, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorat, the System, Which Ilia.msom's F,XrRACT BUCERJ iimariably does ♦ TRIAL WILL OONVICE THE MOST SKEPTICAL FE SIALEFEMALES-FEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA MG MARRIAGE, MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Dacha is unequalled by any other remedy, as in atlorosis or Retention, Irregularity,Painfulness, or Suppression-of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorhosa Whites, Stern! ity, and tor all complaints incident to tile sex, whether arising from Indiscretiou, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho _ _ DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIIE, SRI SYMPTOMS ABOVZ NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 TAKE NO MORE BLASAK, MECUM', OR lINFLICASANT MIDI CMS FOR UNPLEASANT AND DANOICROUS DISEASES. HELMBOLD'S ESIRACT BUCEIC cense SECRET DISEASES, In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet ; And 7W Exposure. It causes a frequent desire anu gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, AllaYing pain and Imtlammation, so frequent in the class et diseases, and expelling all Poisonous, Dsseased and leern-out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS RHO HATE BEEN 2HE VICTIMS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HEAVY PASS to be cured In a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI SON" has, by the use of "POWasin estautoests, " been dried up in the system, to breaS out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use EILSISOLD'SEXTRACT BUCHU for all affections and diseases of the I.IOINKRY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever caase originating and no matter cr _HOW LONG SPANDING. Diseases of - ttiese Organs regnird the aid of DIURBCIO EUSLIRBOGD'S EXTRACf BUCHU • IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired client in all Diseases FOR WHICH . IT IS RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character wili accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, irom 8 to 20 yearns standing, WITH NUN KNOWN TO SCIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Curet, Guaranteed I Advice Gratln! AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. iIIaMBOLD, who being duly sworn, data say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drag.s, but are purely vege. table H. T. HELMBOI.D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No vember, 1854. WM. P. HI BBERD, Alderman, Ninth St. above Race Phila. Address letters for information in confidence so H. T. HELMSOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bel. Chestnut, Phila, BEVIITA 14.0 OF itiOUNIPEII&E.N.IITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "OP TIBOR owN" and 'bay" ARIICLIS ON INN BIiPOTATIONAITAINBD BY Ilettubold's Genuine Preparation s, t; n Lxtracc Btt , hu, It ;t " Sarsaparilla, " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. S. Keller, D. W, Gross, 3. Wyeth, %C A. Barinvart AND ALL DRUGFIST3 EVERYWHERE. ASKED:I HELEISOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cat ent.the advertisement and send to, It. AND AVOID isteusmos AND EXPOSURE. novl3.dly AVEMIWC:3-EE, TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. T HIS .110 In LD T successful R A oNpeSraPtPonßa LA p T re l p o . r N e t ls 1" carryE freiglit as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, liarrisburg,Sunbury,Lewisburg, Williams sport, Jersey Shore. Lock Raven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams - port and Rimini Railroads. Local Agentat Harrisburg, D. A,. WENCH. floods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL Ar HINCIIMAN, Nos: 868 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock; P. M., will arrive at. Ilarrisburg, ready for de livery the next morning . C. F. MUENCEL ap3•tf Traveling Agent. JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. CIOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly Ult forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads and Canal. HAULING AND DEAVING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will he promptly attended to. • Order's' eft at Grant's European Hotel, or at the etore. .of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prernpl. attention. .Con idgnmenta of freight respectfully solicited. 111 IN WALLOWER JR Agt., a lU:iI U:ii ceßeading Depot. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY 1 No. 69, Market Street, below Third ) HARRISBURG PA. 50 M. E. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, Roams and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWER PRICES than can be bourbt in any of he Eastern cities. Countr y merchants will do well to all and examine prices and quality, and convince them elves or this. fact ... an7.3,11v EW GOODS.--We invite attention U .. Nour newAoekof goo& jest received, and for sole low by ' • 'PILO/10LS & BOWMAN, corner or boat Karlset, grettit, " I 111 c b . 01\11Nftfr • .c\ elli.lllllol/11 , :tile • moet tntaTl . be • t - VOL XVII DR.JOHNSON S A MATITIECO3ELM" LOCK HOSPITAL! 'ETAS discovered the most certain, speedy JUL and effetonal i omedy In the world Tor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOITES. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Wealamas of the Hack er . L.lmbs, Strictures, Affections of the l kiwis add Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan roar, tow Spirits, Confaaloo of Ideas, Pa IpitatLon of the Heart. Timidity, Tretabliogs, Dimness of sight or biddi nese, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Sala, Affec tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—chose ter rible aisorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those semitr and solitary pract cas more Js al to their victims than the song of : yrens to the Mariners of Blys• ses, bitghtilig their most brtlli met hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Sm., impossible. Young Men Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive baba which annual , ly sweeps to an untimely grave thourands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intelle. t, who might otherwise have entranced lateoing Senates with the ,hunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the liviug lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young bleu contemplating mar riage, being aware or physical weakness, organic dabi 1- ty, deformities, Aro., speedi y cured. Be wno pleoes himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his tenor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon bis skill as a Mtn:lc:lan. Organic Weakness Immediately Cures, one fun vigkr neshored. This distressing Affections—which renders l ife misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. I oung persons are too apt to commit mettles from tot being aware of the dreadlal eonseurences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to c nay that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into ina rroper habits than by the prudent P Besides being de prtved the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The systembecomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratitulity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Oduktnutionol Debility, a Wasting of the Frame. Dough, Consumplim, Decay sad Daath. • Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Lelt hew side going from haltimare street, a iew uoor. tram the corner. Fail not to observe mime and number. At little Expense ; No inconvenience; Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dec tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A cure Warranted in Two Days. No ilkreffry or _Nauseous Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College ut burgeons, London, Grad uate from olio of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the bet - vitals of London, Pals, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of Itta most astonishing cures that were ever known i many troubled with ringing in tho head ant ears when asloop,'great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind wore ourcd immediately. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solaary habits, which ruin both body and, mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marri a ge. These are some of the sad and melaneholly effects pro• ducsd by early habits of youth, via: We straess of Use liscir and Limos, Pains in the Head, Dimness ,f Sight, Loss of Mosadar P..wer, Palpitation of the heart, Dys pepsy, Nervous Irratilud ty, Derangement of the D gestave fuumians, General Debility, :Symptoms of Consumption, &c., MESMILLT.—The fearful effects on the mind aro much to be drawled—Loss of Memory, Contusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, uvil Foroodings, Avers on to :moiety, SelD.strust, l ove of tolitude, Timidity, &0., aro some of the cells produced. THOlladlinia of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing Chic vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance shout the oyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Men Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged In weep alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even whenasleep, and if not cured renders marriage impoAible and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Whbt a pity that ayeang man, the hope of h's coun try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched trom ail prospects 'nd enjoyments of life, by the con equenco of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a crrtaiu secret habit. Such persons nun, before contem plating reflect that a sound mind and body are the most neces sary requi.ites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the joutneyihroughlifo brooms a weary pilgrimage ; the prospicc hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despa:r and filled with the melanohoily roll ction that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. When the miluided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibe) the seeds of this painful die. ease, it too often hapens that an CI-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from eiuc.tion and respectability, can alone be• friend him, delaying till the constilu taial symptoms on this borr ri d some maks thth appearance, such as el , mated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bead a,.d limbs, dimness of Bigot, deal ness, nodes ou the shin bones and arms, blotches on the b ad, rues and extremities, progress mg with trightful raPlaity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the berms of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid obf-ct of commiseration, till cleats puts a period to his dreadful sullerings, by sending him to " that UrdiscoV vered Country from whence no traveler returits.” It is a me/ant/toffy fact that thousanris fall victims to thls terrible theme. omit . ; to the ouskilfuliness of igno rant pretenders, who by she use of that Deadly Poison, ~fercary, ruin the constitution na.d mate the residue o lite miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Wry taless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy hr. Johnson's &dyer vettisementa, or style themselves in the newspapers, regularly Ruucated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after moan taking their ilitny and potsonousross compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be tbtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin. en' health to sigh over your galling disappointment. lir. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. Ills credential or diplomas always hangs is his office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others prepared mom a life spent In the gf eat hospitals of ku rope, the first to the country and a more extensive Pri Vats Practice than any other Physician in the worid. Tho many thousands cured,atthot insiautton year ar• ter year, and the numerous importaut Surgiest Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witnesssed by the re porters of the "dun," "Clipper," and many other pre pers,notices of which-have appeared atom and again before the public, besides his standiug as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a au filzient gaarraatee to the afflicted. , . ! kin Diseases • fzpeedilt Cured. Persona writing aboal.4l be particular in directing their letters to his Institution, in the following manner : - • • JOHN M. JOHNSON, X. D. Of the Baltimore Leek lioip,tal, Baltimore, Mil ANOTHER SUPPLY OF monToms UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. LEST PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 $1 80, $2, 1.3, and $4, for solo at tolol s Y SCIISFFEWS Bookstore. k :LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bales of airerew styles of binding, at 90c, $1 '46 sl'so, V 2, $3, $4, $5 and $lO. also Pocket Bibles snit& Arent styles and picas at SUILIFFB/113 Bookstore. frbls-y "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS - --NEUTRAL IN N _ ONE•" ittrbicat Take Particular Notice Marriage, Disease of Imprudence Strangers Indorsement of the Press. JUST RECEIVED. HARRISBURG, PA.. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 29, 1862 D. ID. Gross 80 co., W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEIVN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding 4 to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oils, ?varnishes and Glues, Dye• Stan's, Gleam and Putty, 1 itatlit Colon and Toola, Pure Ground Spleoui Warning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperat and Pine One, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c,, &c., &c., &c., &el With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best ralaufacturers and Pe (timers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, --- --- -q- - - 0 f \ o a . .G Rt. , , ; Ni 'll - 4. ° ....;,,-__7-.,-_- - _- _......,- _ . . ? 0 W I-I 0 - ---- , 7 ---431E - , Ncri a i-igierols ~• 0 -,.........._- ----. PPwriTis - 0 0 , 3 ', SE We respectfully Invitea call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. iTEETH I TEETH II JONE'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Conoentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MA.YER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL! CARBON OIL ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. , Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given oar HOBO IND CAME POWDkiL9 a trial know ho Ulna. superiority, and. the advantage they are to keeping Horses .and Cattle healthy and in g•xxl condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of onr Cattle Powders by cue increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the businees gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows , on our hone, we hope by strict attention to business, a carefulselection of PURE DRUGS at fair_prices, and tbe. desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. IcitßE Cider Vinegar, for sale at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, soma Front 3 Market 'treats Ely EttegraA. Who are the Rebel Leadeas ? HARRISBURG, APRIL 28, 1862 In an editorial in the late issue of the TELE GRAPH, under the caption of "who are therebel leaders ?" there is an error as to the nativity of Louis Wigfall, the boldest traitor and deep est-dyed villain in rebeldom. Wigfall is a South Carolinian by birth, and, I believe, born in Charleston. Some years ago, in a street fight in that city, he killed a man by the name of Brooks—a brother of "Bully Brooks," the individual who caned Senator Sumner. Short ly after the occurrence, "Bully" challenged Wigfall to meet him in mortal combat. They did meet, too, at the duelling ground north of the city, and after several shots were exchang ed—Brooks having received a painful wound in the leg and Wigfall a slight flesh wound—hos tilities ceased by mutual consent. But, for the cold-blooded murder of Brooks and other acts of villainy, public sentiment drove him away from Charleston city, and not long after he turned up in Texas, in which State he held minor positions up until the time he was elect ed as the successor of the old hero of San Ja cinto. "Oh what : a fall was there, my coun trymen." I hadlA . lllora forgot to mention that between the time of his migration from Charles ton and the period when he , was' elevated to a seat in the 'United States Senate be fought one of the most disgraceful duels on the duello re cord. The "affair of honor" occurred near Lit tle Rock Arkansas - but Ido not remember the name of his antagonist. The parties met in a dark room, according to previous arrange ments, armed with bowie knives,• and greased all over to prevent each other from clinching. They fought for about half an hour, at the end of which time Wigfall gave the "finishing touch" to his openent, but not, without receiv ing several frightful bodily scars. His bull dog propensities were noticed in. his braggado cia speeches from the first time he addressed the Senate until he was expelled therefrom. He always exhibited in his harangues a great contempt for Judge Douglas, but his spits of malice fell. harmless at the Little Giant's feet, evidently, for he never felt disposed to reply. When the news reached Washington of the Br ine into the Star of the West by the nest of traitors in Fort Moultrie, Wigfall read in place and tauntingly remarked : "There is an insult to your flag, why do you not resent it ? You dare not.' I was in the gallery of the Senate at the time that this odious villaia hurled his treason into the teethe of his sags colleagues. How my blood did boil, to hear that outlaw insult that glorious old flag that had braved the battle and the beeeze for eighty-six years, and which commanded the respect and admira tion of the whole civilized world. All the Senators seemed afraid to reply. In the lapse of a few moments Senator Simmons, on the score of Wigfall having married a Rhode Island lady, responded in a spirit of humility and sub mission, which seemed to encourage and revive the drooping members. It was then that Sena tor Clark drawed up and submitted a resolution for the expulsion of the combative Senator. But nothwithstanding the treasonous threats of Wigan, the resolution was voted down nem. con. This was prior to the time he received of ficial notice of the Governor of Texas that the State had withdrawn from the Union. The reason why the resolution was not adopted was that the Senators were of the opinion that by expelling a member at that critical juncture would be indirectly countenancing the heresy of secession. But about three or four days an terior to the bombardment of Fort Sumter, he left the Metropolis is a reticent manner, and presto 1 we see him in a boat gliding over the waters in the direction of Sumter with a flag of truce to ask the brave and immortal Ander son to surrender, in the name of God and Beau regard, the fort and its half starved inmates. The next we hear of him he is on the way to Richmond in company with the rebel thief, picturing to the people vivid pictures of glory and renown that was in store for them. But the last heard from him was in New Orleans whtre he had•not heard of a defeat, but was expecting to receive the intelligence of one every five minutes, thus showing conclusively that he has not much confidence in the ability of his southern brethren to overthrow the gov ernment as he had during his last days in the United States Senate. Wigfall was considered by eminent men as the greatest extempora neous speaker since the days of John Quincy Adams. His ideas, too, were for the most part original ; but a fouler or more desperate villain never appeared for honors before 'any people. I could see him tortured by the guillotine or burnt at the stake without quivering, and so could any, other person who has seen the man or perused his speeches. For him and 'his son spirators— "garthgapes,tiell burns, fiends roar,saints pray, To have him suddenly conveyed from hence." Em . A young medical student, who had been screwed very hard at his examination for admission to the faculty, on a very warm day, was nearly overcome by the numerous questions put to him, when the following query was added: "What course would vou adopt to produce a copious perspira tion?" After a long breath, he observed, wiping his forehead "I would have the patient examined before the Medical So ciety!" A distinguished divine, on a certain occa- Edon, while preaching with his usual elo quence and power, said, "Brethern, I sometimes illustrate my subject in this manner:" and patting his handkerchief to his nose, blew a blast loud enough to wake the seven sleepers, That was not the in tended illustration, but some of his hear ers thought it was. "Mamma," said a little fellow whose mother had forbade him to draw horses and ships on the mahogany sideboard with a sharp nail, "mamma, this ain't a nice house. At Sam Rackett's we can cut the sofa and pull out the hair, ride the shovel and tongues on the carpet; but here we can't do nothing- A sailor of great dimensions who was in one of the boats at the siege of Fort Donel son, kept down his head when the shot were flying thick over tue boat. "For shame hold up youu headl" thundered an officer in the stern." "I will, sir, when there is room for it,",was the sharp reply. Ix all the wedding cake, hope is the 'sweetest of the plums. BY TELEGRAPH. Prom our Morning Edition. New Orleans Expedition. CAPTURE OF THE REBEL STEAMER FLORIDA. FORTE MINCH AND MeRIE ABANDONED BY THE REBELS. ARRIVAL OF RIOT MENDERS OF THE GALVESTON ARTILLERY. ...-.......... Evacuation of all of the Porta on the Florida Coast, except Tampa. The Sloops - of- War Iron Plated, Rebel Indignities to • the Captain of the French War Steamer IRlan. New Your., April 28. The rebel steamer Florida has been captured by the 11. S. bark Pursuit. . Forte Barancas and Mcßae had been aban doned by the rebels. The Connecticut brought eight ex-members of the Galveston artillery, woo escaped from impressment; also four refugees from Tampa Bay. Every port except Tampa on the coast of Florida bad been evacuated by the rebels. The sloops of war Richmond, Hartford, Brooklyn, and Iroquois, were plated with heavy chain cable, from their ports to a point below the water line, previous to commencing the attack on the Mississippi forts. The captain of the French war steamer Milan visited Fort Jackson under a flag of truce, with the view of assisting the French residents of New Orleans, who might desire to get out: of the way of the impending battle. He was seized by the rebels and imprisoned.over night, but on the next day they released him. He returned to the vessel greatly enraged at the indignity. From Washington. MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. WAFRINGTON, April 28 The Senate, in executive session to-day, con firmed large numbers of military nominations, including the following named to be Brig. Gen erals of volunteers: Col. Max Weber, New York, and Geo. S. Green, the latter of the 60th N. Y. Regiment; Col. John - u. Caldwell, 11th Maine Regiment; Capt. Truman Seymour, otia Artillery ; Col. Isaac P. Rodman, 4th Rhode Island Regiment; Col. Henry Bohlen ' Penn sylvania, Paymaster ; Henry Prince, of the 11. S. Army, Captain ; Quincy A. Gilmore, of Corps of Engineers, Major; Absalom Baird, Assistant Inspector General ; Geo. D. Bayard, Ist Regiment Penna. Cavalry, Colonel ; Thos. B. Crittenden, of a regiment of Indiana volun teers, Colonel ; Alvin P. Hovey, Wm. P. Ben ton, Jeremiah C. Sullivan, Jas. C. ITiatch, P. Casant and A. Hachlernan, the last four of In diana, and Daniel Holmes, Pennsylvania, con firmed as Brigade Surgeon of volunteers. The following appointments were made to day by the Navy Department: Henry 0. Porter, of Washington, acting-master—ordered to Port Royal, South Carolina • George A. Smith, acting paymaster at Brooklyn navy yard. Charles C. Busher, of Nantucket, John S. Gordon, of Seaport, Me.. and James F. Alcorn, of Boston, acting paymaster, and ordered to Charlestown navy yard. The bill reported, by Mr. Colfax, from the ffi postoce committee, provides that all railroads carrying U. S. mails shall• enter into contract with the Postoffice Department, and if they disagree as to price it shall be settled by the Court of Claims. Mr. Arnold, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, has reported in favor of the bill for the enlargement of the Illinois and Michi gan canal. 'the report states that the work hats been more than half completed by the State of Illinois, having expended thereon over $6,000,000.. The canal has been in operation since 1848, and now yields an annual revenue of about $200,000. This will be greatly in creased by the enlargement of the Illinois river, as proposed. The State of Illinois offers this canal and its revenues to the United States on condition that Congress will provide the means of en larging it so as to pass gunboats from the lakes to the Mississippi ;•this will place us upon an equality with Britain, that power being able by her canals to pass war vessels from the ocean to the lakes. The report in view of the fact that by treaty the United Stites is prohibited from building or maintaining armed vessels on the lakes, urges the necessity and importance of the im mediate enlargement of this canal, by which the gunboat fleet on the Mississippi could be passed through to the lakes, had this medium of communication been open at the beginning of the rebellion, the 1,200 vessels and 15,000 sailors now shut up on the lakes, would have been at the disposal of the government. The saving to the Treasury during the past year would have been vastly more than the cost of the contemplated work. The committee believe that its income will more than pay the interest on its cost, and ulti mately pay the entire investment. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH• liEw Yong, April 28. Cotton dull at 29k@,29/. Flour steady, but 17,600 barrels sold, at $4 7004 90 for State; $6 16a5 85 for Ohio, and $5 07(g.6 70 for southern. Wheat qui et-20,000 busuels sold at $1 33i1:3,144 for white, and $1 20 for Mil waukee club. Corn healiT—sales 48,000 bush els. Pork firm at $l2 00®12 50 for tam. Sugar Am; stocks better. CEA tinting Having wonted Steam Power Presses, we are MM' ed to execute JOB add BuOK PRINTING of every deacrip ton, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish meet le the country, - - - --- ItatES uF ailV Kt:USING. 4gr Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Might !nee or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day it one week. a ene month ....... ...... a three months ... 4( tax months ........ ....„, „ , 66 one year . .......... One Square, one day .......... .... ..... ..... one week 2 00 a one month 5 00 44 three months ..... .... ....... ...10 00 " six months le 00 ~ one year........ 20 00 gir Business notices inserted in the Lnexa Wawa, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS T r TR T.'" 4 5.; for sackinsertion. NO, 98 Marrtges and Deaths to be charged asregeta- ad. Veritseillents XXXVIIth Congress—First Session. After an executive session, the Senate ad earned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On motion of Mx. Ponca, (Wis.,) the Secre tary of War was requested to inform the House whether Judge Pitts, who sent a letter to the rebel Legislature at Richmond, declaring his loyalty to that cause, contemplated holding his court for Accomac and Northampton coun ties, Virginia, with the knowledge and consent of the U. S. Military commandant of that dis trict. On motion of Mr. COLFAX, (Ind.,) it was re solved that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of re porting a bill punishing all contractors guilty of defrauding the government, with penalties similar to those for general larceny. Mr. SPAULDING, (N. Y.,) introduced a joint resolution which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, authorizing the appohatmout of commissioners to negotiate concerning the re ciprocrty treaty, and authorizing the Prisident to give the necessary notice for terminating the present unfair treaty. Mr. MILLET, (Ohio,) reported back from the Committee on the Territories, a bill to punish and prevent the practice of polygamy and an nul certain acts of the Territory of Utah es tablishing the same. . . The House resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee on Government con tracts. The first resolution proposed by them was postponed for two weeks. The next resolution in the series was taken up: Resolved, Tt at the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to adjust the claim against the Government for the five thousand Hall car bines, purchased through Simon Stevens, Esq., by General John C. Frcemont on the 6th day of August, 1861, and afterwards delivered at the United States arsenal at the city of St. Louis, on the basis of a sale of such arms to the Government for $l2 50 each, rejecting all other demands made by the Government on account of the purchase by said arms. Mr. STEVENS, (Penn.,) moved the following as a substitute for the above: Resolved, That nothing has occurred to lessen our confidence in the honesty, integrity and pa triotism of Major General Fremont. _ Mr. WastuscaNNAlll.,) raised a point of order, that the substitute was not germane to the subject. Mr. STEVENS maintained that the original re solution imposed a censure on Gen. Fremont. The SPEAK= sustained Mr. Washimme's point of order. Mr. &Dimwit, (N. Y.,) defended the Secre tary of the Navy and Mr. Morgan. Mr. STEVENS said he would make good his charge, that the committee have not conducted their business with fairness. They had not given notice to those whose honesty they im pugned, nor furnished them with a copy of the evidence ; and when requested to issue subpce nas, they had omitted to do so. Mr. STSVENS then alluded to the cases of Cummings, tiacchi and Simon Stevens, who was no relative, as had been charged by Mr. Dawes, but only an honored constituent, show ing that the committee had injured all these men on bad evidence. This was not the way in which men's characters should be destroyed by the committees of this House. The com mittee complain that they are charged with lying. He had proved that their report was fraudulent. He read Fremont's statement and explained the reconciliation wnich had taken place between him,Stevens and Cameron, on the latter's course on the contraband ques tion. Adjourned. THE NEW YORK MONEY MARKET The money market is without change and exchanges are unaltered. The stock market is better, Chicago and Rock Island Mi. Illinois Central Railroad 57. Illinois Central bonds 87i. Michigan southern 4.4, New York Central 88i Missouri 65.44 i. Gold 11 p. o. premium. Tennessee 63.56 i Ohio 100. Trea sury 734. Bonds 1001. Coupon 65.81. One year certificates 981. NEW YORK BANK STATEWNT. New Yomr, April 28. The bank statement for the week ending on Saturday indicates An increase of loans An increase of specie An increase of circulation An increase of deposits A sailor dropped out of the rigging of a ship-of-war, some fifteen or twenty feet and fell plump on the first lieutenant. "Wretch, where did you come from?" said the officer, as he gathered himself up. "I came from the North of Ireland your honor." A Doctor went to bleed a dandy who lan guidly exclaimed, "Oh Doctor you're a good butcherl" to which the Doctor replied "Yes I'm used to sticking calves." IT cannot be the duty of an editor to stand up like the iron man in a pistol gallery, shot at by everybody and shooting back at nobody. THE following sign on a Western Row, Cincinnati, is original. "K.aiks ,Krackers, Bandies, Konfeckshennarys, Efolesail awl Retaile." HOWELL COBB has published a letter in which he thrice says "I weep." He is old enough to do so, one would think. WB make sad mistakes, but there is goodness hived, like wild honey, in strange nooks and corners of the world. IT is no misfortune for a nice young lady to lose her good name, if a nice young man gives her a better. Is is said that the"pen is mightier than the sword." Neither are of much, use without the holder. By forgetting injuries, we show ourselves superior to them; he who broods over them is their slave. ssLF•nsasson is the clearest of all laws; ndlfor this reason-- the lawyers didn't make it. SO 25 1 25 2 50 4 oct 6 00 10 00 WASHINGTON, April 28 SENATE. NEW YORK, April 28 $2,016,562. 626,416 53,908 6,718,095