ititbital ELIXIR PROPYLAMM, THE NEW Einator ma RHEUMATISM, ♦ 14ICW 1111MEDY, A CURTAIN Minn, AOUTS RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, 1117711A271011 01 EVERY HIND; Ns Nana HOW STUBBORN PROP7I4= j , HOW LONG STANDING, WILL WIL CONCURB rc QUIR IT, L , WHAM MB DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. TO BUT TBSTEMONY 329 T L_ =Waal aumourrY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. [raft OTPICIAL Hoerr= amine.] Met 19,1860,—1ea S., eat. 28, singbt, never was very atraajg. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheum& which she wee mined to her bed for two weeks and subseoentiy from a relapse fir four more. Shahan been well elms then &lineal Saturday, while engaged in house eleaningialie took cold, had pain in her book, felt cold, hotted no decided chili. Two day. later her ankles be pnlioswell, which was followed by swelling of the Ititaisloints and of the hands. She hes now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful; both hands are affected, but the right is meet so. This, then, is a case of acute rhismtatism, or, ae,it is now faahkonably called rheumatic fever. his a veMerted typical ease We will carefully watch the oessouid Ana time to time callyour Wootton to the earl ode Syme s Zwhich present themselves. My chief object in brie her before you now, is to till attention to a remedy w has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mean yropyloesine. Dr. Aereserins, of Petersburg, recommends it In the Mena terms, having derived great benefit from its use ta , 260 eases which came under his tare. Various com mendatory testimonlabt respecting it have appeared In OW journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. 7 most confess lam always moreduloos as to the Worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as speolgee ; btiethill Conies to as recommended so highly, that we 1$ 08lski2 to give it a trial. RAKE CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 Wa. 28,1880.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for vixen I proscribed Propylamine, and was then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. Ohs has stemillytaken it in domed three grains every two hears (tater _mitting It at night.) The day after you saw her, I Imendhur much more comfortable, better than she ex- Peed to be for a week or more, Judging from her other Wan. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The traprOvement Mia steadily progressed, and you cannot Mill to notice a marked change in the appearance of her which are now nearly ell of their natural sise..— Ink our experiment would have seemed very sue ; but, sandman,- we mud Walt a /WIC while be. tan we oan give a decided opinion .as to what Is to be lino* another patient who was placed on the use of =awe medicine On Sunday list ; she has tong, been ring from e "route rheumatism, and I Mind her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her ohm* 'Shelton. The wrists and knuckles were much awol4o and tense . Bhe sslinnes to three d r o ve k r:t i wo e ch h lo oms, ride a a nd P y m ou P7 l i rt litfro that tae swelling of Oa Joints has much dimin- Med. • THREE DAYS LAM!! Mar 9/4*-1880:—This is the case of acute rheumatism treated W.h propylarhine, the Brat of those to which I caked yonr attestlon at our last clinic She is still very olitlarliti . htid is now faking three grains thrice WO. Iticsailt has seemed to be lbilowed by very sat isfactory roraftn. The second de re to which your atten tion was sailed at our last lecture, luta also, continued to d 6 welt I will now bring before you a very character istic ease of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat faelory, I Upnit, as goodjuryinen; we shall justly render our verdict in favor of propylamlu- He la a seaman, set. 116, who was. admitted a few days ago. flan bad ixtessional rheumatic pates, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began In het right itnets, subsequently Mated the left knee and War, the taints of the upper extremities. These joints aro all swollen. tense and tender. His tongue is furred his skin, at *amok dry, though there his been =mob sweating. His prise* fah and strong, and about 90.- 16 has now used propybunine 11w twenty-four hours. This gentleman brwhat 'may be called a strictly ty p Joel ease of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by a feeling of 0014010, offers *articular pain, beginning, as it usually doss, libtholtitiferloints. " There is fever and the prefase Sweating, so generally attiondszt on acute rheumatism. I did net bring this patient tolbre you with the i nice ties of gliing Yon A lectere on aLT the point' connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the sew remedy we are tatting, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as 1 have called it, than which there co uld not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We arc, therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings as to Et& was the eflkdent remedy. You SW we the MO of a Allure clinic. - THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT June, 11160.—The next of our eouvalescents Is the cami of acinterhanniatism before you at our Minks of May ileac irbliph I then called a typical ease, and which it Wes remarked mut a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It woe therefore steadily 'Mau In three grain doses every two hours for four days. The valiant bee got along very nicely, and is now able to welt about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to sty that I lavenams men as severe a case of acute rheumatic in so MOO restored to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decide positive by ea to the val. no of the remedy we have used, I fuel bound to sta to that In the eases to whiolt we have tried the Ohimide o PirOpylOe, the patients have regained their health much arterial= under thip treatment. ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourealtioe try It, and ropart Use reuniter. • ' ' 1. • ' Par "AA! report id ; which the above is a condensed earmt, see tini Philadelphht Mafiosi end ditryrioil Re- Is the report after a fair trial by the best med indinithority tet this eonotry, and makes it tioneeemary le {Ns Damen= certificates from astonished doctors and MOWN' patients. AY CORM. gargaTlial. Ramer TT 11 4 / 1 DONE, & Crtuishaw, • Arm wall known to moat moll &MN by whom the &lair Propylamlnehas been in. trettoood, have mid to us the exclusive right to manniae. tore* seeording to the original recipe, and we have mde irrangemeats of inch magnitude as to enable us to matter tt broadcast amongst sabring humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. if rut prefer to isse the same (needy In another form ire Melte your attention to the Plea t7iZdritrm Ontoeme.flornstsum . • Putt !!sturnsmas Luatmo, Prsofsomumrsamilmuno, Pun lowa humming", Of mbish miters Mamie manufacturer■: • alrwe &she 141 other virtue fir the Blisir Pmpybaterie 'ban b cadatfted ki a lpere Crystalized Mande of Privy- I= Utah 151 AMIIIOI4-83 TAKEN, - AOOOII4MI To outiooTioNS, • BY ANY ONN, BrIAVKAY ONII • WHO ILABIigIIMATLSKOF ANT BIND. .. Bold in Hail*Nei by • AT 'lb enc. • normal. 11=1 Orden, may be addressed to • PR O PI7.4INEVE KLIVULIOTTMING Oftoe, Rem No. 4, L W. (lot Werth and Chesnut streets, ,rtfiedelptila, E;L=I Wil° } 4l l ll l . 40°44k , =LOMA" 0111111111A114 • -. mama, INIUHARIMS aill) , 0 . JON M. MAIM 11004 1 : wfarA, ttZeitiZer ' a cio ' - 1 I,363asmaiir. I _, r,i =MI 5ar741.11 Howard &Hope MORT En ROUTE DOCTORS uses, iveroßa DOCTORS TRY IT. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS RELIEVE IT, THUD AND TRIM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at . 4 P. M., by the Fist Through Exprws Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. AL WITHOUT ORANGE OF. OARS. Order Goody marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Broadway, New York For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. liataannumo, Aug. 1861.-dtf EVERY body ought to join in oirculat ing it, if the facts we represent are so. all are in terested, the well and afflicted. The GOWEN Butoraw cat Is mien! In Chronic' and Nervous Di adds, such as Rheumatism , Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catturah„ Scrofula, Piles, Fresher Old Sores, Moors, Glandular Swelliogs, Female Complaints, Sore Breasts, are. In fact there Is no family medicine that acts with such magic power as the Golden "'Warta Oil. Hundred' can certify to its virtues. Fos the purpose of intrsdnolog It Into every fmUy, with &woof my own valuable preparations for - Couple, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, and as an inducement to those who assist me lo dispose of 20 gross, I place In of a committee of honorable gentlemen the crirotirvalnable articles, (hr FlDlMBettibullon 01 / 1 00 6.1 the purchasers :„ 1 Fine li-ociavo Plano 1 Floe Dressing Bureau 1 .Flue Cottage Bedatead 1 Nine English Gold Lever Watch 1 Fins Wks' .... do .co 2 Fine Silver Watches, $6 00 1 Old Violin and Bow. 1 Box 1 Fine Doubls.barreibid Gun Fine Semitone decordeen.. 4 Gold Bracelets, $1 00 4 500 Boxes Valuable Pills, Wets 125 400 Boxes Tooth POwder, 25 eta 100 900 Copies Woof Dan Aloe, Bmbellished, 26 Ms .60 1 1 FCopy Bil , 5 vol Dressumes, Christian union, , 111 00.... ine k 1 Fine DelalneDress 2 Fine Lawn Dresses, $8 00.... Fine Gold Pendia, 51 00 200 Flue Sleeve Buttons, 1234 24 Fine Ladles' Guards, 26 ins. .... . . FA Fine Setts of Jewelry, $1 00..... ..... 20 Floe Double Medallions, 1 00 60 line Locket Pins, 50 ...... , 600 Fine Betts Etude, 25 ots Fino 164 , ' Blur . 18 , 1tarat 215 ate 126 2e6 Pine Dente' Sleeve Buttons, 26 100 Pine alien's Hazor Powder, 26 cut— ...... 1 Olit Family Bible 1 Barrel Flour.. 7O On the payment Id 26 cents fin each Bottle or Box of the Medicine, the purchaser, will rowdy° a receipt and an order for an envelope, which will contain the name of dhe of the above gifts. On the day of the distribution of. gifts, the envelopes will be placed ins honor wheel, with a hole to pans the tend into it, the envelopes all put into the wheel, well shook.up and seemed, each purchaser will draw out hie or her own envelope; the gift named therein will be given as soon as the drawing closes. No tice will be given to agents, and in the papers, of the day of dbitribution. Purchasers ai a distance wit have an equal altars with those residing In Harrisburg. On re• ceipt of the money for ono or more dozen, the medicine, with cerlficati and orders, will be lbrwarded by express, free of charge. In all cases the medicine lo warrant e d to acre or give relief, or no charge. See certificates. - - DR W. Baas—Dna 81:11:—R1 I have learned that you have purobasedthe right to mannthcture and sell N'Oon nell's Golden Electric Oil, for the benefit of the afflicted, I send the following have been afflicted with a run ning sore on my left leg for ten years. During that time I have been under the treatment of ten of the best Doc tors in Harrisburg, Baku:nova and Cumberland connty ; but could not effect a cure. A little over a year past, going into my blacksmith .ehop after dark, I hurt my right leg also, below the knee. It spread all a round the leg, and beeame a renting sore. Several Doctors told me I must have my leg talon 'off, 'mortification having taken place. Yortunately I got a bottle of your Golden Rondo 011 for my child's sore mouth. /t cured so soon that I thought I wouldary it on my legs. I have been using it about six weeks, and my legs are now haled up —Bound and well. KLIBHA T. HOME. We, the undersigned, who, ire mail acquainted,Wlllt Mahn T. Dew* do certify to the hat as stated above, and the benedicitl saws of it'ConuelPs 'Golden Bascule Oil 00 many of our neighbors. ABNEY ANDREW, 0. BURLY, A. P. EBB, (Bridgeport Rota) BIEJAMbr 'KAY, J. LONGIEWELEB, I have been using Dr. Bares Croup. Syrup in my family lbr the past two 'plias. g would 'not be without it at any prim, as my . children are. Nubian to Colds knd Croup.l boilers I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be without IT. IN AVERY COBB, WHENEVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED! IT WILL DO AGAIN 7. B. MARTA (livery,) Harrisburg. Gum 01 7 / 1 311f. December 6, 1801. Dc. DARR thank yoa moat idnoorely for the Oint ment you gave Me for my eye,: I have oi ly,asedlt clew times, and am now antirelyfree from hilbummon and pato which is more than flume been or the lain Pe Mrs. - 1 hope tied will blase you for the free gift. No'person "noted with weak or inflamed sore eyes ought. to be without it J. 0. 31111.113. Being well Mmisdniod with J. 0, Mltesr whit °est i.' to above is mend and tree. as shigalar as it may Seem. J. X 101=, 0 0. hie Bedfbrd. Hundreds hey. certified—Utah only-given the above. Piles, Tatter, Ptison, Deb, /404* Jaw, Gonorrhaek Warn, Leueorrhm, and all secret diseases oared with mesa me ows, or no charge. Tea per met. will be paid to all perms selling ona.or more down. W. BARR, NOAlawtf Harrisburg, Pa. STAGE LIFE FOE GETTYSBURG thifig44 PARE lISDIJOED TO WAS THROUGH TO GRZITYSBUIIG. I'MUndersigned 'has, established a LIS' OPIUM 'mums from aleeteuuM- Mirg, Conameing every other morning with the number and Valley Railroad oars. The coaches leave every wry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every her day. Paseewor; Ibr Sheppartittoßi , !Moberg teeshurg and iiit.rioarg ire carried al - .11:14 1 Wk. J. ltu MORE owiv -mist AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDUTI UR; DB. T. J. NUB, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his services to the Citizens 0 Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share% endeavors petnaland toed lemmas that his best shall be von -!rsatisfitetion In his pro fusion. Jiang an well tried dentist, be tests safe. in tithi ng the public generally to Cap 011 Nat, assaring bank teat they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Mo 111arbet e No. 191 sttleciallut house tinnily no - Hatelby amb i& Sim, near Ilse , iinitod States maw. Pa. • parPilY - ftd ta.COMM' ter&UM !It citr 0 0 111 41011 a t! eta new InwhosklandAsb4 ?!iriesr atrawathd A Maim & riiunsussio. FREIGHT REDUCED ! EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM M'CONNELLN3 GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL. is 11411 V edtgraPill 26 Destroy----Rate, 'Roadies, &c. 2b Destroy---Mlce, Moles, and Ante. 2b Destroy---.134341-11ms. 2b Destroy—Moths In Fora, Clotime,./ko. 213 Derbw---Mosquitoes and Flew. 2b Destroy--Inaectsima Plants and Fowls. To Datroy--Inseota on Animals, &o. 213 Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin !if C•CP/StlikasPASPP EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY INFALLIBLE ItEbiKDDE KNOWN.' MWM, Mi4riLY EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF 'Those Preparation (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Hats do not die on the pantiles." "They come ont of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more-established in New York city." Used by—the City Poet Once. Used by—the City Priaone and Station 11011/3811. Used by —the City Steam's, Ships, Bto. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alm-Houses, aro. Used by-i-tkOity Hoteis.-4.starr—‘9t. Nioho las,' &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &0., &o. Used/Ay—more than 50,000 Private Fiuntlies. On% one or two Specimens V what is everywhere said by the Peopk--alifors—Dealere, Bfo. HOUSEKEENO3B—troubled with vermhi need be so ho longer, If they use "COBTAtell“ Exterminators. We have used it to oar satis faction and if a box:coat $6 we would have it. We had triedpoisone, but they effected nothing; but "Coma's" article knocks the breath out of Bats, Mice, Roaches and: Bed-Bags, quicker than we can write it. It is in great 'demand all over the country.—Medina (0.) Gamer. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually In Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Bat and Insect Killer. Lanus*? (W'u.) liana - HENRY R. 008TAII--We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been need, Bate, Mica, Roaches and Vermin disappear ly.EPßlLSTofflThllt, Dru,gtietsi"Windsor, Md. 1!IIIIIIM:1 ... 160 "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Sco.:lErterintnator. "Costar's OR "Costar's " Bed-bug Ilkterndnater. " Costar's " r Costar's" Ilectric Powder, for Insects, &c. 111260 -w AND $4 041 BOXY& BOMA! Aso hock SS $5 S sax PLLITAILOItb any , Boats, Roma, /gado. CAUTION!! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by *minus 'and Highly -Pernicious bear /ions, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a fay siege of , the Proprietor s signature.,—. Examine each box, bottle,jor flask carefully be-, fore purchasing, and take nothing but ,4 006 tars." ASold EmrysoAcre—by All Wzorasexa Dwutonars in the large cities. Boma of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Bchleffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fabnestook, Hall & Co. A. B. &D. Bands & Co. Wheeler & %rt.' ' James 8. Aspinwall. Morgan Ft Allen. Hall, Elmira & Co. • Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. • Harral, Rislei& kitchen. Bush, Chile & Robinson.a M. Ward , CJoee & 00. McAlmon, D. B.,Barnes CO,. • Wells & Co . e. • • Laielle, Marsh awardner.- Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad rOx—sm) pumps. , Philadelphia, Pt. ' T. W. Dyatt & Co. B. A. faiineetook & Co. . Robert' Shoemaker & Franoh, Richards & *masa Dmmozni, Cirukam, firoxxximpsu and Rens- Inui generally In all Cousin, 'Tome and. Vulsoss in thu IIiITED STATES. ..• HARRISBURG. PENNA; ifvera by D. W. ()Toss & Co. • AND C. K. Keller Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at :,--and—brthe7Deinnuars, thou and Rentliauctenendly. or ojount. Terme Wad. feblideat - j inisulantous. i ~ • l: .. VERMIN. ~~ tatav oming, app r 3 LIVERWMTOR, LIFE BATTERS, ARE pure ye tae e extracts. They cure all bilious of the human system.— ey regulate and in the • liver and Mader khey give tone tnthe digestive mans ; they regal's* IM secretions, am:redone and eithelitions, equalize the oh — Nihon, and purify the 'blood. Thus all Mous ocicanha ,, —some of winch are !tepid lArar, Sick Headechla s ' mei; Piles, Chills and reverk Clositreassit or oast—are entirely sontroled anikcared by these rune, Mee. DARLING' LIVER REGULATOR dominos the morbid and Moos deposits from the atom• sob and bows* regbzotos the Moor sad kidneys, log every obstruction, restores a amoral and bobby mo tion In She vital wpm. his a ouparklr FAMILY IIitEDIOINE, iamb better than plibt, and much aster to take DARLINGS.LIFE BITTERS les superior kwlo and diuretic ; exoelleot Cases et kw of appetite, listulsoey, hanks weekneas, irrosuisri- We, pain, la leo sieo and Wireis, Wad, mimeo( and oleeding Sonna and Moral MOW. 1111 AD TELE FOLLOWING MUMMY ; Jas. L. Brumley, uerchant, 184 Fulton New York, writes, August 18, 1800 : 6, 1 km been with piles, accomps with Wealth& tbs lest three 4 81srii ;-I need DAUM'S • LIVER INVIGORATOR L1.N.2 B/1721/1111, A.. na now . oonelder myself mammy cenner." Hoer. John J. Oroes writes, *Brooklyn, Mara 10,1000. In the epritig of 19591 took a severe cold, which haw ed a violent fever. a took two doses et DARLIEG'S LTPTIJI 112GULA.7012. introits up, my cold and fuer at owe. Previous to this swot, I ban been troubled with dyrpepsla susral mouths i I bare felt aothism of h Otis Stadly, Esq., 128 &at 28th Street , IL T., writes : "August 12, 1801 L--I had a thillouliy with Kidney (Wm• plaint three years with cons ant pain in the small of my but. I bad used most all kinds of medicines, but Stead so permanent relief until t used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE 13MBEI8 I paned eloUed blood by the urethra. lam now Wk. Willy cared, and tate pleasure la recommending Mae remedies." Mrs 0. Tebow, Christopher threat, N. le, whet uleb 90, 1860. , -.4 have been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last twenty years. 1 hare never found anything Nato Darling's Liver Regulator, n lendi ediate relict. uW e thrwowtti User and bilious remedy:* Mrs. Yowl& or Brooklyn, writes, "febreary 18,,1800. In Keyless I had a serene attack or Pike , whioh eosin ed me to the home. Itook one bottle, of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and was entirely cured. I' ave had no attack ethos." D. Westervelt, isq., or South 6th„ near Oth Street, Wil liams:burg, L. I, writes : "August A, 1860.—flavIng beam troubled with a dlilloulty In the Liver, and subjact to bil ious sneaks, I was advised by a Mend to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, 1 did ea, and round It to operate admirably,removing the blle and arming the over to activity. I bevy also and u a N'AIELLY MMIOLME. When one children ere out of one* we give them • ammo; •ad It sets theiw 4l wit Hind It minim the general wants of the stomach esst hoWeir when disorder ed." Mood; W yot need dater or both of then most OX 000091 Doinedbx4, Inquire for them at the clone ; If you do not and them, tate no other, but Inclose One Dollar bialeder, and on receipt of t h e money, ;be Remedy or Iteniedlen will to cent scoordlng to your directions, by 'nail or t*rels, pott-pald. Address, DAN% a muninria., 102 Nassau street, New York,, Pula* In 50eent and $1 nottala amok. notiddem TRIENNIAL APPEALS FOR 1862' undersigned Commissioners of ir E D E auphln county, Pa., make known to the tenable 'tants within said eiounty and those owning real estate within the county aforesaid ' that appeals Will be had on the valuation as returned by the AMOK= of all real and personal property tamable fbr State and county purposes for the saidyearAskid appeals will will be halo /for the township of Dag, at the public , hems of MIAs, is fluminelstown, ' on friday, the 26th day of For the Sixth and Fifth studio! the city of Rarrieburg, at the Court Mouse, in the office of the County Commis bonen, on Tuesday, May 6th lug. For the Fourth ward of said city, at the rams place, on WedniM*y the 7th day of May. For the Third ward of said city, at the same plaoe, on Thursday, the Bth day of May. For the First and Second wards of said city, on Fri day, the 9th day ofMay, 180. lhe Commissioners thereby) hops that all persons knowing themselves aggrieved by their respective valua tions to Unposed, will take notice hereof and appeal at their respective places of ammalfor rents. Said appeals will open at If A. u. and ides, at 4 o'clock r. JACOB BIM OZORGI OARYBEICH, 11111NBY MOTKR. Cenunbabluos. Attest I—Joura Yuma. P. Q. damson are requested to be 'punctual fa their •tteadanee oa the day Wrapped. mddarwtd DENTISThY. D. GEO. W. STiNE, graduate of the slttmera Ootinge of Dental Surgery, 'haring perms Needy Mated is the any of burg, end taken the °Sloe kirvaorly occapied ay Dr. on Third street, between Market and Walnut, respectfully inform his Mends and the Kittle in genet*, that bele prepared to perform ail OPOratloll6 in um Until profession, either surgical or meaoanica/, In a miaow that shall /10, be surromed by .operators In Ibis or any other city. Mt mode Of toserting &millets! teeth is. pot the lata re proved scientillis principles. Teeth, trom one to a tail set, mounted en Ms Gold, Ri ser, Pleilna plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take Mg Planters in recommending the =nye den =man to al/ my former pane= of Harrisburg and vi, doily and feel con/Mont that he will parlinn all openi ng= Ina eoleatlec manner, trout my knorrindlbc or Div anifirr• linyildtr) P. J noRGAB. •D. S. CELEBRATED DANDELION COMM JUST RECEIVED a large quantity of rumen Deadelien Coffee, which wa will itell low to welt the tined; also, pure ground 810 Coffee and Tur key (Mee all put up in one pound patkayo. ORM and di us at no 'thole/olio sod retail grocery store of N/OHOLI & BOWMAN corner of and arket heel: ' 11.- TRIPO p 10 viaain.Eo AND pia META.LIC ARTICLES, MILITARY RQUIPM:RW 4 / 1 8, ase Warranted Free from Acid or Poboi, For sale by WY. DOCK, Jr., a Co. TIXTRA FAMI4Y FLOUR fff - 6, 1862. rn soizrzawe FOR TM irA lerwsurr IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & cßosurs American Cement - Glue TEE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. MI MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. TEE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. TEE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE IN the eskr snide of the kind ever prodused which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, IT WILL MEND LEATHER, KM yaw Hamm, atm" Bat% Boob, IT WILL MEND GLASS, am to plam of that expenshre Out Ohm Doak WIITLL MEND IVORY, Doet throw away That brakes Ivory Yin, It is ossiky ro. Tour broken Mini C* and Sneers our be each as —all new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That Pros losookull out, of your *able Kande oso ba No smatter V ihdt broken PM aar did riot oast bat s That sully JUalmater Vasa le broken and you can't notch It, mend It, It utit never show rhea put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava and in fact everything but Metale. Amy artin f ratied. wMrs with %MIT . QM lELTRAOTIL axerair Besnekespert should have a supply of Johns taroolers Amara= Gwent Olas."-49. T assa. all Is so canmadent to have In toe haulm "—N. P. Ayres . 4 ri Is &Ways bo ready ; this ootamends Wolf to every "We have trled Auld Ind It as =aril Is our bones as waWr."-- WO? Alpkl If As lbws. SMNONY IS WZALTII, $lO,OO per weir lived In mai Ilnetr b Gael BotUe or , • itILEBIOAN aEmurr GLUE. Price 25 Condi per Bottle. " Mine 26 Cents per Bottle. • Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Puce 26 Cents per Bottle. Moe 25 Cents per l3ottle. Price 25 Gents per Bottle. Vuy Liberal Rehostions to Wholnald Burn. TERMS CASH. . 41-Tor ale by all DraftMtn, tad Sorekeepers gazers' iy tbirougboat eke oota!lte7. %Omer et Übe street. Important to House Owen. Important to Builders. Impartiug to Ito.4Road Companies.. : Important to Farmers. lb aloha* tla iota mars, aitileaneenu way body: avaffa & caostinre IMMO Guru PIMA OEMENT ROOFING,- The almapast and most durable Booting in use IT IS FLU AND WATER PROOF. Dam too applied to saw and ow soon of on kinds, stoop oe hat, and to ihnnuta nom rautovhnt the Shingles. without The Coals only about One.Thlrd Motor Thr ADMIT la TWICE AS DURAIII.II. This article hie been thoroughly totted to New York Qty and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Cenrod and Booth Amortut, on belldings of all kinds, Such ea norms% YOUNDII3IB, Olitruomig, /Lux liosn DIVOT% CAA% and on Pomo lIIIIIJMNed generally Claneemner Maumee, ho., by the prlacijul Goilders, Architects and others, during the put roar years, and has proved to be the CHEMIST and' moor DURABLE HOOTING is use; It is in every respect A Elel IR, WEATHER and TINN•PGOOIf .oeveriog lbr. ROOJ4 OF ALL KINDEL 274 bt d ONLYstatentslisanufactursd in Oa Mated Miss wtdatteombhses the my , desirable prowl* of listlatty and Durability, wbWh an nnivenuillyboknow- MILto be possessed by 61171.4 PAROKA AND L AUBBIII. No Heat is required in making application. Th. aspens of applying It Is trilling, as an ordinary roof ean be covered and finished the same day. It an be applied by nylons, and when Dabbed forms a perfectly Rai Plwor ear Cane with ea idaitio body, which cannot be adored by Haar, Caw or Sheame, Statunaso ROM BOAROIN law _say ez heinal edam whatever. lITTA PERCEA CEMENT, Pot Ot:ftlN *AA& of all Hinds when. eßosed to tie Adam of the Weather, and FOB rammanact AND EEPEARING Thhi is the only Compoolticni known which will sumo. hilly_ vadat extreme changes et. ancobnatee, kor any length of time, when applied to: metals , to why& ft ad_ hares Indy, tormlag a body equal to mate of ordinary pink costa much lees and will Lesrmamr. miss ea LONG • and from Its elaatioitY it:. not injered by the coatracfiloa and expansion of Mn and other Metal Reale, oteaseenent adOn sudden changes et the weather. aria mg ..0/11 OE COLD RUN rtf raw 'Przturis, ARID WILL NOT 1,43 S Oil. • • Leaky Tia and other Rend Roo& mat be readily repair ed with UINTA PUCKA cum; arid pomaded from further corrosion and leaking, thereby Insuring a per. *my tight roof ihr many years: - Ude Cittnenl is peculiarly adapted For the preservation of IRON RA/LLNed, IITOVid, FANGIO, AGRI. CULTURAL ULE'LlfAiltney also Ow general mans me. . , GIITTA PEROHA CEMENT Tor 'priiew' and miming Tin and other Metal itM Bever frina Ito great k not by Ship oantraotkai and expansion. ot Metals, and will not aria la *ado. ran in warm weather. . . Theft ii 4 rU4l•7riills are ADAITIO TO ALL MULATTO, and we . . ere preparaile Imlay orders from any nut of the eons. try, k Mahon nano% ier GUM PEACH& Geknnige in M y read Mr ig and GOTTA PEROGA e WWl' In wish Mil n printed direceione Air *M ir. . eation. . ' WI will mate liberal and sailelactory arrangemania with recondble partite who would like to wilibhabghwu lolus in a iftwailve and permanent Datum. • OUR "TERMS ARE CASH. " ' We oaniive aim - Mika proof cif..a li wit'clitim in flavor st our Improved Bootleg Wing Oppliod them to several thomend Rooa In New Tort City and vicinity. .JORDIB & CROSLET EMI MANIIMITEII.9, Whaisish Wareholum 78 William at, tumor of Übertyarest.- NIOW YORIEi iii , deneripitre Oirtsuiars and Prins NMI be ninatihed On applindkm. **a.. ; . • §:4s3s Arkelial, Pulverised 'aid Re Osied;Jbirsalely. MOHO, S k BOW MAN, Dias, i A liretithe etwateteitpusAter these neehdri:„ ' Map Bookdore, Jobni & troslttis liors your Wok= Fundturo. IT WILL IdIEND ANA, pat c Si !Wet Ili We% IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, Baca shilling laved in a &Mg aimed. rr WILL MEND ALLBABTER, JOHNS & CROBLET, (Bole lhisolhoturenj. 18 WILLIAM BTItEET, L,I Q D I I D ROOFS OF ALL Kink AGENThi WARTIM AYER'S BARSAPAII----4- FOR PITRIFYENG Tag B L A A ND for the speedy core of .11:1 ' 401. Mined varieties of teacakes i .eL. t,l„ Scrofula and Scrofulou s A l i. ect as Tumors, Ulcers, Bo re , .c on srt ythi Pimples, Pastilles, s Bi otche Plains, and all Skin B . ' 13 Meageg, J. C. firm & Co., Getty I 'ee g edge what your Sarsaparilla has inherited a Scrofnloua rote, ti• 1,, I L , In various ways for }Gas nitt .- inners On my bands and arm ward and distressed me at the EtA ray It broilsout on my head and with one One sore, whteh was painful ac i description. I tried many midi dans. but without much rei If ,r :,‘ the dinorcier grew worm. at b oink. I I read in the Gaeta! Lessen, r thdt Lag alteroathrs Varsaparilia, ) utittion that anytb log you ma e to Clot matt and got it, lon 1.,:s It ttrOt It, es you advise, in :awl do, - over a numb, and used alm,et the, healthy skut soon beg en to 'aria uh. r after a while fell off, my skin ••• - my feelings that the disease has tp,o, • Yoe can well behove mat I r, ." I tell yen, that I hold you to be age, and remain ever gratelinly „ • St. Anthony's Fire, Pose or 1,„ 9 stpe ak Tatter and Salt Metal, icala . , Leu Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy . Dr. Robert Y. noble orrna, trail . Sep., 11859, that Ito nu cured ha q„ which threatened to terminat e Is,, »hog we of our Sarcapar.ila sea , c, ", tack of Malignant Or) @web,- t.y Lir?, "' says he Cares the common druksko,, Bronohocele, Goitre or Swelled h bet Zabokaa Sloan of Prhrrthl, Tex.., r Mee tit your Sarsaparilla euren cn, Ira sou swelling on then eck, Sha h over two years." Inneorrhasa or Whites, ovar ian 7. 4101, Uterine Ulceration, Female Aleuts or. J. 8. S. Charming, of Nee Meet cheerfully oumius with die r.r . et in saying I bays found your • • alternative to the numerous com,,aut v for rk, s . - piny 10011 a remedy, but bipeCl tit) u the liMrofuloun dlathen:a. rk ekr d ck, v , Colkiss d Leacorrbce. by It, a n d MI( plaint was calmed by eitcerattnn or IL. - straws USW Waa 1100(1 cure; k mw s e d g e equate f r these imam!,,ar.cdk gdWisrd S. Marrow of I's , A . fielOwe avelian bow on one .1 the firm a a WW* had defied ail the remadim Re c,. az, at length been completely curd hv pour rx, Our physiuian thought tk, lien could afford relief, but he /Arlo: t I Eirlalartlia as the last reitiOrt b. ier ruu.ct , proved effectual. After talikg year no symptom Cl the unease fer.laa ' Syphilis awl Mercurial Diseait NEW Übiiale, Dr. J. C. Arse : Str , I dietnua, L Snag of your agent, and rep..rt k. you ceL I have realized with your haraapariaa I have eared with it, to my prat:are, .r *lots for which h Is rocommeuted, ua Lee Ohba truly wonderful in the edr, w ha Aw n ". one ot my palieute ga l In his throat, which were cobAnu,,, lop of tda Mouth. Your Sarra,ati: ,;ea : ; y oared him in Ave week. Another Onday Symptoms to his awe. sua tCe oonsiderslde part of a, ::_at :,I . .aze dYudor Would soon .each bt. brae aa yielded to my adminoravou of you aart4i::. s y ulcers healed, and be some dillardration to his fire. A v.:l.i. , raa treated for the same thaurticr by al:r;14.: from this poisOu to her .41 Sinidihre to the weather nua on a :lam, aofe::-. exarociatlng !solo to her joint, tun ow sna tau, a, mired malrely by your Sitraalar know trent Its formula, shin sou tir , ore Oda Prepanaleti from your ura.:r..:ry a, a grr may; oomequently, nt:,y vaariatqa rata: , whit It have net surprised or. fraternally your, i.e.ALliEr.. it al. NSW T ORS Eheumatiim, Oont, Liver Complaint Prectrio Ca., Vi.. 661tity, Ive J. R AVM: Sir, I Gape been Ica a Ad 'Elrod/ Elboomausm fur a log time, Ala the WWI of phystcutus, and 81:1Z zp iemedlee kihould On , crnll 1 tr..: yo .r ~,po l- UDs bolidifourod me Wily° vr.M. , , ona tt• o. dmral health 110 much that I sin tar °cite [rat, Man illikekid. I think It a wurideratl Jabal Y. Getchell, of St. Louis. -i C 172 L.<3 wed for years with sn stectiou eI ehe Leer, degrOrx l my health. 1 tried ever , bLag. ua t , t'• thing tilled to relieve me ; and Wire 02.11. down wout Ru. *WA years rem utt leer ctoio to— NINVINeNtaf the Liver. lly be:ovoi pseor, tur 'RP?, advised me to try your Sorsaoarno , maid we know you, and aoyttoug Ice ma I. vi 11. trying. By the blessing or GOO .4 rail CLL2r; 7.1 TV I S again. The best that Car he ..I . s flair good snoop Bohirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargentn . 'Uloeration, Caries and Exfoliation the Bones. A great variety of Med Mire IKrc ra0 , 71: 1 where ono* of these formidable coot ()amt., hare brat the use of this remedy, but one ,inze car: "- oda& tbem. Bum, of than may be lota Leo Almanac, which the menus bales theism , t to [WIWI gr atis to sit who call for theca DYsPO • push Heart Disease, Fits, Ep‘lo gy, Melancholy, Neuralgia , Many remarkably cures or were ti" kr, made by the alternative poser of MI OMB the vital function into vigorous n overcomes disorders which wool I up,•, l lri reach. Such a remedy has beau ee...1 r ue b ClEgliell of the people, and we are mudeut hui ads do for them all that medicine eau do . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral .012 THa KAPLD CCI,E u F el°Ulll4 Colds, Influenza, Hoarbensi, Group, Bronchitis, Incipient . Con inmption, and for the Belief of Consumptive Patient, in advanced stages of the Disease This lea remedy so wavers/di, anosT tc cure+ , ' ' 4 , Other for the cure ortnroat and lung c c iv maw here to publish the .vidoiLe abi unrivalled excellence for Lough nod Li.l wonderful ChM 01 pulmonary known throughout the civilized oats ap few are the COMMOolues even leg al...fiE who have not some personal elperieuLa tet",„ some living trophy in their mist or its vict a nd lbr; subtle and daogerous disorders oltbe Lbr le As all know the dreadlul fatality of ee , r ae ' as they know, too, the effects of this real do more than to assure them tout it bastiealW, Wee that It did have when making ttn.,,.ure3 .L won eh strongly upon the contldcob ma 1 3 Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB co • Lowell, itfass Sold by 0.. A. RanilVart, C. loner , P 4 is t ',., r d; CO., J. ht. Lutz, & Co., Armstrong, nog ors every where , acne emdmv G- O. ZIMMEItiri AN' O BANKING STOCK, BILL AND co r 4 sii UF Jt HAS beenr9moved from No. 28 •60.:0n d to -NO. 130 lil.AtiKla STREET lIARKISSURO, PA. TREMITRY NOM TAKEN AT I'AS , gota 44 RUBBER GOODS itubbe Bale, Rubber Watches, Rabbet Rattles, Rubber Toys geeetal()6'?"( ly!I BERGNER'S CHEAP 110001 pußs--"---ibFreah Ground and Peppar, Cinnamon, NtiltiWN,..F„ aro? td Sls6eir stoats. jOBLEBBATED DANDBLIoN GOV bt:: 11-1 1916, good, nutritious, and no &pod riorr.ofored for Dole Ivry iorra v o k ep t , _ ooeser Proms sad •