Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 26, 1862, Image 7
etitgrapi). ARRISBURG, PA , siturday Morning, April 501, 1862. DING COURT. —His honor, Judge Pearson, eugoged holding the usual quarterly f court in Lebanon county. 1=1::=1 A PENNSYLVANIA BasEr..—The Lieutenant LTiell captured by Banks and his men, said g to the übiquitous Ashby's Cavalry, Heading, P.a. He is a desperate charm ttr. baring been a boatman for a number - ,of 0 ., on the Schuylkill canal, and is well '6OOOl. about Fairmount. A : ,617 projectile has been invented in New r , ,vhrse peculiarity is the expansion of the , the width of three feet. It lianid,to e man with a wheelbarrow --.carrylrig ,rd it. When this ball opens a lively ;, , ; ,ay be looked for. ;TAU , FAIR.—We have previously stated managers of the State Agrioultulal have re solved to hold a State Fair the tall, aid have invited proposals from r.ut county Sp.r e ns..,T to l/oidy pi by the noddy - 4k , .• borough of Norristown; BY A Hoses.—A young man by , the Fox, residing in Fishing Creek Valley, ~.ded a few days ago by thiY.kick•Of a As Mr. Fox was alone when the soot t happened, no ono knows certainly how it ,1, but when first discoverOd he was !vii,g uuda the trough in the stable r appa holy ill intense agony,: and WU' short time 'trf , te ‘ny as,istance could' be procured he had tharl, d hie last. Surely in the midst of life e a,e in death. A Pitts OF Amszotts.—Two young girls, Influ enced by love and a desire for adventure, tinese themselves in masculine habilimente one day last week, and vhiting , Bittanning, de tir,d t enlist in the gallant 78th, in which their -lovyers" are doing duty. The officer on whom ihe waited, "smelling a mice," refused to cowl them, declaring that the authorities wante I no more recruits, whereupon the twain expressed themselves greatly disappointed, and afters brier stay in the town retired quietly to their homes. There are a great many young ladies who manifest a very laudable desire to eb to arms just now, and there should be some provision made for them. BILLS SION MI —The following additional bills hive been signed by the Governor since the adjourn went of the Legislature: On April 17th—An act confirming the revised gra k and survey regulations of the first and recoil ee3tlons of the 'survey of West An a.t supplementary to an ant approved the ta , t,ty4eventh day of May, 1841, entitled an at t. , wthoriss the licensing of stock broken', Erlittlige brokers, and to reguAtaVettrfor iht• pdreliaso and sale of loan dat 0,, the 24th Inst.—An &c * o Emoilinteenkin, 110 e pietlletlttly to an act entitled an act to iu:"rmate the Reliance insurance 'and trust e , to reduce the authorised capital of eptny, and to change the corporate th ieof to that of the Reliance insurance topaLy of Philadelphia. to. trust Turnsoam.—On Saturday even- E. H. Turner, formerly of this city, of Altoona, Pa., was the recipient of ue testimonial, from his brothers of •ttic Tie," in the shape of a gold , we. The wood from which the cane ufactured was brought from Mount It was surmounted with a neatly ,' head, the top of which bears the inscription: " Presented by,Mountain rry, No. 10, to P. E. nom., H. H. a token of their respect and esteem." it source of pleasure to Capt. T. to • ~, 111 him so valuable a token of the a , Il and respect of hie brethren. He is of it. ruukrosmorra The Atlantic Monday following excellent. advice to news ,urrespondents : "Do not despise any lscr•t propitiation, however small, in. dealing It.thi,.ur editor. Look to the physical aspect Fo]r manuscript, and prepare your mann neatly that it shall allure instead of 4P-I. Use good pew, .rdoe white paper, and thty uf it. Do not emulate 'paper sparing Port, Whose chaotic manuscript of the 'lliad,' ort the hacks of old. letters, still re occs in the British Museum. If.. yOur dorm rket 6 slovenly, the presumption is that its /4 rarY ere ution is the same, Pope to the con trary no twithstanding. An editor's eye be comes carnal, and is easily attracted by a come 1Y outside. If you really wish to obtain his load will for your production, do not ilmt tax his tim e for deciphering it, any more than in, tki ting a millionaire solicit a loan you souid tkgin by asking him to pay for the hire (4 the carriage which takes you to his door. BIG THING FOR B ACCULORS.—It always agrees with our general corporogtg to do good.. feet, we dots upon diseennuating joy, haPPl ectssy and hilariousness with an nn %tin; hand upon all around us, more or lela, as the cue may bo. In this instance, we dare but ons chewer Unfortunate human beings lo do with. To wit : Bachelors. Bachelors are Nerally supposed to conititute the most mss. morose, misanthropic, and altogether gal morose, genus of mortals in existence. Therefore, we approach the pleasant task of re ieviug their main ailment, otherwise minister lf their most palpable defect, with gratilica iuelfable. Bead: 4; e 0 0 fodier wish to get husbands, good moral r geuteel young man (and a handsome li tl . c° :e) we are ourselves good looking, In. lulla and good housekeepers we are not sun of our hands getting spoiled (we also IlltVe handso me income) our_ age 41-0 .. -o " en . elAteen and t w uty-two. A ilent & bras ompany note requests us to dress the -wive 1, 1 11114 ie einltil better' stile" before Imbliehing'. e• VOlll4 do J usti c e Poleibl— other !`llll,llir 0 to the occasion. . _ OFFICER'S Per ROLLS. — Anottifit Supply, o officer's pay rolls, printed en fine white paper, has Just been printed, and can brad at THIS OFFICE Tua water in,the river has fallen to a good rafting condition, and numbers of these simple and original craft are ; hourly ,p44elpgpur city for the lower Markets. CHAMP Buxiii..jiliimaa Finley, the popular baker, at No. 74 Market street, advertises in this morning's Txtinsara that he is now dispo sing of bread at reduced prices. Loaves which formerly sold for fimr and eight cents can now be bought at his establishment for three and six cents. Faowaasi Furweas I—The attention of our lady readera 'is 'Called to the 'Public sale of !flowers which will take place in the lower 'marketbonse this 'morning itt ten o'clock The flowers are fresh fromthe celebrated con •servatory of &t. ,Buist &Son, of Thiladelphia, and all in fullbloomi presenting a molt beauti ful display. . , Tux Wraremr. Yesterday opened cloudy, with a raw east'wind,..rendering shawls, over , coats and anthracite very agreeable companionit. There were several slight eprinklings of soow„ which however melted as 800 " ; iiliteuchricl the earth. Alt* "'decide* • tqw,ol99wltole fo; %adds operations, and therefore. if any of our readers , notice a :dearth of items in our local columns they [ must ascribe it to the "clerk of the weather." !Asotrr APPLII. —The old apple' orchards are feata dying out through the country. They were iplanted many year's ago and hate done good 'service. When apples are $8 .00 a barrel and 'upward, there is e.drquate supply in the country. They can -be grown at a dollar per ;barrel with profit. The eastern cities, and In , fact the entire eastern country, pays oat an, ;nuttily hundreds of thousands of &dm for. !this fruit because they have not an adequate ;supply at home. Apples they niust have='' ;apples we mat havei—for setae, ,for' pies, for ;desert, for the dinner.basket. . We say then to levery farmer who has not a good supply of ;tree!, and desires ; 10 Eksk• j ~P64,4lliAnd :profitable investment hags, ,to plant an Orchard of at bait a hundred,irees. They can be had at the nursery,,weil grown and grafted, for a trifle. get thrifty.trees r of a variety that you know four years you will be reaping fruit from them. • ?Out an orchard this very ,montit. , , . ; A SIGN or PEOGNINd.—An exchange well re marks that a manieed not live long in a toWh to dlecovereffkofWM:itiltlntglVeleblintOiluccete ful merchants men. Let him come into a plaosa, pried stranger, and shut himself .ontirom all society except the society of, , theaswqmpera r and es a rule , le. can•-gain. its accar atll i ffiWt9! 4 1 / k ll / 8 41,4•Prn as issix months' residence .9rdfillif (IX WY:0 0 0E 48 . The mason is plairi.=:yeav Man idOallieadvertieei. 411110 that if "sign" L necesinmastarlikir dabc us* and !xiiholißxe tikAtAVNl.orktich , Pit fuk few persona wW happen, to see It- me r: : -., much more is hls !sign- needed_ in the, news papers, which Been and read" 'by the whole population. What narrow-minded enterprise to hurry to put up not one passer:in a hundred reads, and to omit ad vertising. No: sip, no customers; little, sign, little custom; great deal of idveitising, great deal of custom and profits. Adiertleiug costs, but it comes back again—nothing surer. If you doubt it, ask Barnum.. ,Ask thousands of men who have made fortunes by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for printer's ink. To man Puarmi—The junior partner of our firm, Kr. C. S. Bowman, hap just returaecilroui New York and Philadelphia, with a carefully selected stack of spring and summer dry goods, embracing all the new styles, to which we re iipectfully call the attention of the public, at the cheap dry goods house, sonth-east cornet , 'ett Front and Market streets.' Nerw Goons.—l am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below Cad, or 26 per cent, cheaper than , yonam,pnrchase. elsewhere, via: fine linen eldrti, 76 - ate-to sl'; shuts, 60 cts., and 60 ots. with linen bos oms; night shirts, 60 ots ; under gbh,* 'And tipt 4 ifers, 40 eta. to 87 cts., all wool ; monkey , Jeeketee 50 eta. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 ote. to 16 de ; silk ties, 12f, IVand 18 eta; collars, 8 chi, to 16 ctn. a piece . latlftte'-ix ,1 1 erec4 0' 6 cts.; cuffs, 4 and 6 cts. a. piece.;. under . iineves, 18 cts.; fuitiatintald4 10 and ;18 ete• per yard, worth 26 cts: ;''Maisilillee'llasonis of a new style, and 'fiat ixiiliti4t lif Icts:;• alillinen bosoms, 16 Its .and upward& .11' you want cheap and good goods jest go to James A. ynn, at the Harrisburg..Oheap Shirt ,Idanu actor?, where he is-selling off without reserve. . 13.--Bhkts, &o.' Medd to measure, 0 0 04. nex Market str t.t to Hum eemel & Killiager 0 grocery store l2' • - - • '' - .• • CARPET I Capra 1 Oman I—Having returned from New York; I now bare on baud, and I am daily receiving from the ; New , York auction sake, a hirge assortment , of geo4 Which I nffar cneaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 1371} cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautifui Pertain might', very cheap; splendid black alike •at 75 Cents, worth 90'cents ; good black silk at $l, worth $126 ; black silk 82 inehes wide at worth ;$lB7 ; very fine !black tombesen at $1 10r. worth $I 60 ; sum mer 'silks at 60 cents, a yard • 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 76 cents, worth $1; 1,000 hoop skirte;' at 60 75 and $l, very'cheap. Great :bargains in. stockings; 20 desert' hem stitched. hitrulkerohlak at 25 and 81:rieute,, cheap. Wliolireale buyera we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for (*eh at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job'lots from the weekly sales, which we prow lire to sell at city, Prices to wholesale buyers: mBl-y Ilhoa4 old stand. . . , • ALTHEA• • 1011IIRE White, Red, hose Colored,P" pi e and Vartegated, doctolo flowe r s' ibr a Bale at .1. dozen. eystlanter, 14 26 to 31X coda each: $2 to $3 pry raer2,l T. v i : tat e 0 0 , 2.-6 o Vous. _ sprig W. LICYL, JR., &00. CI UAL OIL, Nistsnolia, miter, glidtrotrisitithiive rrinds;t.iii• sal 111 — T -- •7 r• 1 .. •- • • ilatabilks At BOWmalf; tO2 • .oorakii Wont Ana: mar... it %%Iwo. TT- -ing Blue. la* LAN Hasa - mithavfor asa , by • 41.:11-tfi,theu MEE I== C==M:l Mum & Bowatess immeen ---- . _ ... ._ ....:- _ _ . . ran cara.a............ . ~ . , FElilAtEi ! Faiiikt PE NiALp.,•5 ! . two ual ut Salo, Pleasant Ree& t. was AM: MOLD'S EXT CI BUCEIU, 4 For all romp Inoldeo r t to the sex. No Family should be , ; Itlth i r r it,#_ . . r And 'Nate • Iruogefnme Tried by them. It• ' Is uspd,toy : I ;: , , - ' ? .- , i • ' YOUNO • O 1,. D 4, In the Moline or Change of re, After, An 4 are Marrfogo, /*Kip and After Cbnaneetent. f o Strengthen the Nerves,/ xenon+ Nature to Li Proper Channel, end Invisorateithe Broken-down Oonsfitunon. From whatemi anal& OrlOinatini7-- USE NO, MORE WORTMLESS PILLS Take ' " RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEU. See advertnennent in EScotne.r an M , num. C It and rend for tt. marl 2 d2m HAIR DIE! HAIR i l.)yß l l 1 WM. A. aidthet‘Pll pit The only . esii aia4f.AlJable.Threekno'wn I All oihors ar ere hri*Mint, slid - shook' "lye avoided ifyou wish to pe ridicule. • GREY, OR RUSTY HAIR , dyed 3notantly to a R 7 beautiful ant nektralßrowir or Macs; Without the least Injury to Mayor. ktilin, FIFTEEN lifiletliTD DIPLOMAS haYa been awar to..Wyt.:X- unft,elneil6llT trd iiriet 200 , 000 applicadieut bh. n madelo - the of itie patrons oF his famous D Wm.4: - DaTCSIELOIII HALE DYE produces 41 'color not to be distinguished from nature and is irAkkikrin cot to Were in the least, however bug it may be Isontin... ued, and the iff effect/Lot bad Lives remedied. The hair Is invigheistbdforltreiby ibis splendid 1:7e; setdoh is prop erlympphehsmdtro. 16 Bond Street New York. • - • Soldiliaartheintairand towne of or. undud 'Suttee,. by. Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " WIIII•vn I •:- .. . • and address upon a steel plat* *diva - mg on :•• l' _ Ilid Virei b st i a ttLi t .. ~ ~, - ... • • ~ . ay, Wrilloyif t t Paw abnertionntn , ts. - . FAVORABLE. I\TO weather could be wore tavorabie ~L 1 Was the present for PLANTING TREES, " ail Muds and elan of which can be has at the ', KEYSTONE NURSERY, -' . martiatittrii, at prices to milt the times and within 1 , ains of the poorest citizens. [awley] J. seat. DON'T . .DEFER 11010LANTING Qherry Trees., The seas. is advancing rapidly, and .he dma for Stioo9o4ll ' t - moving the Cherry will soon be paid. I;:uher trees, such as apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Stuidetrees,l well as Grape Vines, Haseberri a, Currants, Goosolut ties, Stra w berries . so., may be plantillater, walls 3 EVEII4,IIE„BNS - ins? be 11.1fely Vansplauted as late as the middle or he, rend of iday,, All,hoWeetw,abottl ..ti e planter; art earl,' is ponsible ' Weld there le no Nursery where better at: , oleo CIIG tretbad 4,r (I/0 same pr on, or hi bettor 'condi n than at the IC "yastute. rapr illy] JAM/a MISH LOWERSI FLOWER'at_ AT . AUCTION. 1 % Jr BIIIST AND 'SON of Philadelphia .. 5 1 1 . : I, irforms the ladies and gent'emen of Harrisburg and v:einltir, 'bat they will have ter second sale bf pttoi•w Flowers to roll bloom, on tieitarday next, the 26th n 0., at'lo o s'oeh, A. Y. These who have - lilt orders r.r flowers will please mill or them et the saki. . : : DMA L S _EARN, apr444l2t AuoJoneer. i BIOTINA, R OPIII4-.. , . , . . .:. 4,4 UNITED M O •al I . ITES' ' mastriaortraan Br may BIOTIN' ROOFIN - NO. 9 GORE BLOCK • 1• rer Green and Pitts Streets, Boston, blase. 18 Portable 'Roofing is the only article ._,. - ever offered to the public, which is ready prakarall , go on the roof without any anishin, operation. It tli Mut. han.9.4iiiinad alaidny.alppliail,itaid „. an be gale; g 0/4.107 tralinnorted to Pi r .Parl °f OW' ' Miatinalt oi;dttlielet , witurrtnaiiliglifir, lig on t, sad is - 44,01L , assaitfts at Very asaintbk:switelettrits onconducling properties Malt It espodalty to••aovar . nufactorna of various kinat, in.. it la 00111111111147 , - ! reredAs she public afier a tysk.ogfoar years IS in, 0 mak& atiniaew.a iana;ifiatatra, lii‘oovalibegir s..'ft, roofs Apt or pOobeg logellur 1.4 oarl,Stealpb sttl,:are • -it is bob chop and iturkble. , Whits. WP•oui!P to . Wb° 4 l 1 itt,ftlistutuotituKts are'oftrtia- 1•1; ' r4eltd for sample,Ci rctr• 1 iv, Aro. ' with ptirSoulars, to ‘ i i1:1100WING GQ.,. . j ;apriNt4B - th . N . 9 Gore Moue p o s t ,? n.' :.TO THE LADIEI.' MON' ' GQQDB I ;Tr*. • t: L... . . : - MRS. E. BRENIZER, _ • . ' MARKET STREET, ivAiß' .FOU.RTB. -• ' ~I rWks! AS just returned from'. the. city . .nrith a I ' ' ' large and spied .141 amortment of giirioit. Goode r i ;ICI/sting in pert of Ladimi', Preps, Goodly .TaittMete, Vueltas, limbrode'rliarler Bin ge ,, Bosley, .Giaveie,, dys' and Gents' eartaerobiele, Ladies' D reg ni - 4. li iiirga,'Hocip Bici , te, du:., 'Re. ' . .: . SEWING MAiDit - IN.ES. Elatrltig tiakan the neney or the' Celebrated * Piker rathileee Sewing Maattine, rwlll Cie.l2a AV tglaili theli 4 tdio Will ead'edtatattifilidiaidabintibefora ifitikebisi tug elsewheie. I amOdatall wilt recommend itself to ad who wooing, it obi tilliiedi• An expert:mei operator is in attend'int Whe, - Witt'l:Overt any lamentation ae oiredt, . [ar2B-dIMI . - MM. R. BRENLZER. T... PORTS_ MEN /8 /4 Foitair and Wit,-Itkagnjiiii „„; NICauL3ABOWMA/4,...... apr24 Corner Front and Unmet sweets. BACON;'tardjlikriii s 4riciedei4ed arid Wr enle by NICHua & BOWMAN, apr24 Corner :rent and Martetstreekt. U GAR, Cured Hama, priam lot,•jusf' re mix* anckfin , Bala by NlCELuerk.sombiAbf, ap ' Caberrtfinkattligagtiriarll: RIP D Ickicert&mtitip.-"*.iid lial BOWMAN, ad, Dales Prue", _Jote by CHULS a WMAN, Corper,Frontand idarkst.Atreets• opr24 .3t.ER invoice of those Tule .TEWOOt, Oranges, ale) Lemons, Cocoa Nets, tb r sale-low. by NIeEIOIB & %AMIN; Corps" *eat and Market Sreeta. apr2i \ sICEDAR Ware saidlew Ware; clin . i ating of thorn!, Tubs, }lactate, of all kind..BT lor awe by • NLCHOLe3 k&ISLIT E apr2iComers , : Front, bud iiiilkneatreatel• MEWBOLD RAMS.—A small lot of 401 these a. lebratitd just reed spr24 Wm. DOUC, Jr., & CO. • JERSEY HAM I— Tan tierces of . theesei justly celebrated auger cured hams, reoel red and . or tut eat Dirge or as gum:Utica. DELAWARE GRAPE VINES. § readily rooted, better than sold a year ago at $9 each, can mow be had at e Be atone Nursery for SI each or 310 per dozen. apr23 JACOB M.lsEt. fIUaRA. JELLY.—A large supply just kA received by IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. • • H,- surgeon Den : V . P. kist, Manufacturer of liberal Plate Drab, the Only etbod•thatrobvinuttresurrettectlon - to .The - RErZyr"arw eit4 0 4 k:41;0'40a Piligi' iiiiiiialifflObileliADlK -610 or pure and in estructielie,mineral, there i t erasing:if ffioaci*oialalionoteniall , OritolegOot I li OM thenettliknoollensive oder :Maths nreitkatort # taw.rierlittillbtr construction, Snare-can be tilt' iithic Oita eihritetahleitiate, - fiance-Ibn Mine idont4ttrarcistr so i e d . t w istv. w ai e ,tnroatisheseaabe, ko.:z Oft* PROW ?forth Shithhilifithiellyirediathrg. 1 norinanly p,t- w r ..-.%-. -,-..-..r. , . OJT AIIICRApreN . TS C ALL at Q 1 :Iriaaig9t. Pareet,„ where you win alsitga 'tad - 1411 eilecied, stuck_ of 'jowl 04. 1 0 1 /4- 4 :64cti0* 24 ,7.fifa1,05 1 p00.. Vint "11: rietrbncjili Oklye.ry Laaiee: wonr. nod tosioYailikViabaalerift n'W , N Nuts; other ipitadliMepariay Kea', c0nt,01.0W9.0410,.;c1Y gore. -IfioNTMerein'otipliand every . womr.-• ein - mut . pefdr oarsolvels. Wil. S. W AGGIONER . • aprlfadem-• HAY 1< HAY I I A . article 'of . Baled Hay,' it tilL.3ltobisitbalir yo,11411::-.43 Lri , / F.; ).411adji. Gaßtit, , Chisioe Byrn tii a ' 8 11 :1 1 = 89110 .-. 44 .00airW,d97410. ei I II *:e44. W FORSYTH & CO. 18 JOHN STREET, NEW Y ORK. OTer the following inducements to purchasers of VALUABLE ,T.F, WE 1 411 - OSSESSLN . unriv,alled facilities .. for P thia metlied a 'selling, we feel ocetildeat one give entire sakafeetion to all woo . petriattipe na. Ve eat one trial to miler inost"tuoreduibto inCtitp: ilfty is t • S; 4111419 . $50,000 W T ORTHOVAIUHIC 0.11 84. To be soh; loVOne - Doliar each wigiout it - 4W (0 01 ae and,sokio be pilititor. yottltaogr !warm, stela' re. a fire. LaalgrePAßglakt , orilleic.s: 4o be d i ffir $1 Each._ 160 Watches, v' in - lifeqrretisl6 to $lOO, all in good order and warranted. 200 each. *l6oo=o lgifel. loh a/flew , 2,600 Vest and nee= ns 36 00 t; 10 00 each 8,0 00 00 Good bawl bracelets..-.a 6Du to 6) 00, 10 00 wit.B ooo 0 C iided - orodther4 L .. * .. w . 4152 to 6 6o each. 8.000 Manua and jet brool4sp, co to 6 00 each. 8,000 Li:nand itorthilfictifirooches. - 4 00 to 600 each. , 100 0 046t0 PIII drops .t.i.: 4.00 to 00 op. 4,000 Lava and norenilite or" drop' "4 OD to 6 'do each 8,000 Coral ear drops 4 00 to 8 00 each. 6,000 Gents' br0unt5p1u54,...1,..1...'1 50'w 8 00 each. 3 000 Welch .. 200 lb 800 each. 2,500 Feb and ribbon shoes 200 to 6 00 each. 2,1100 Sato of bO3O/O, .... 2bu to 000 each. 2,000 Sleeve buttons.. 260 to 6 00 , etch 5,000 Pain rings 2 60 to 6 00 eaco. 6,000 &fon. set 260 to 600 each. 6,000 Locket. 2 60 to 10 00 each. 1 0 ,000 :fete ladieejewelry - 600to10 00 each. 10,000 Sold pane, finest a-ticle made 4 00 to 6 00 each All of the above list of goods will be sold for One Dol. lar each. Certificates of all the various artic'et, statiog what each one can have, will be placed la envelope, and sealed, wittiest rag trd to cholla. On receipt of the ntruflege Ynn can acelinq , rul a auk b0tY3.49 0 . 1 0.1 111 la at yotir owe, to tend bail' duklar flee the article or tot. In all ittntllnfibin inadt;we shall charge• fey for. war.ung the octuticates, paying postage, and .dolug the btnioess. 26 cents eibh,vh.eb mut 'be enclose f.tchan 'la a ()anneal° is bent , 'for. PaveOsrtillaateb will Tae: sent for 81, elevenfar.s2;thirty,for 14, elity-live foi 118 and one 'tundra:l for $l5. •'. 1110.. E. If T.B • Those acting at agents will be allewed ten cents • very certificate ordered by them, pr .vlded their remit anee emonete to one dollar. .dients w.ll colgeoL2s ants for every Carcithateastiqemlt lb pits to:atellber st cash 4f P9atedltegypetnimnbrae amnion ifoould , , too* ea • V our sorre.arondea.s - r.egard..lo; cornet ddrese, Vein bidinVy* - 0 - star.' • . send for Ceroutare; *bleb - Will be mailed' free.' Address ! q - • ! A I4I3 TANT QFARTIOUcAnnea Orrion, Il t &A.' i • .?!arrifrniiiv, April 22 1862. ADDITIONAL ROWS MANTEL?, p ROPOSALS will be received at this aloe until PktiraclaY.:Kny 1, 1862, : f0r ' ;- ONE HUNDRED.AND SEVEN.HOIIBEt3, addition to the' liundred and ten edver ; • tileirforldi s Aini 11th bust.; auer.Axk l roa„rwcr e yna r , , from 16 to Miranda:high, between: 6 and 9 years ()rage, oi dark colors,: free from all .de, cte, well:brokenitra-.lmkareas, and,to•Weigh• not than J. 106 pounds. • . • "- , Every lioniii,offarei4, that ; d oes pot conform Aa,tha spealiMlo44oe, wilt be rejected. The'CloVeniment 14.1 reeeriee ,tkriirfghe to ;reject. 11l hide deeerdW.StatiO l lo4.-- . •"! .mrox - 2241:' :e4 o Pexiiid Ai COIL (79 ,t 1) S. A. 4sseraril Qtriirti Ormi, U. S. A. } ! . . .„. , ;,;;;; ; equi,40, 04, -.... Aprii 17, 1 8 82. jpROPOSALS will be received at this office, until Thursday May 1,1882, for ONE HUNDRED AND TEN HORSES, OVITABLI FOZ ALIFITLIFFIT, 'from 16,1- to 17 hands high, between 6 and 9 ears of age, of dark-colors, Iree from all de ,well broken to harness, and to weigh not kw han 1,100 porindi. Even*zliorsiviiffereit , that doe" riot cofifcinn to the specifications above ? will be rejected: The EfovernMenrredeirv — es•the right te'reject all bids deemed unreas on able. • " • EA). WitSON, /ap11.1441 , Clapt. and A. Q. M. (yol.) S. A: COAL ! COAL 1 . 1 Y;'rip 22 -.25 . Pki TON - OF , t 2,00 0 rms. - i ii. ii, ..i.o.itivr.i B:, ~. ....... ~ *. TICE and kard , on 'the Canal, foot of Aorlhatreet, 'Mall dealer in * . • ,-- :..., ..: .::-.:....:....... . wit. rE , FLARRE. , , . BROAD I'OP COIL Fat dhee and dealers my rely upon obtaining a drat rate . artiole, and MR weight, at theloweat rates. Orders p omptly attended to. At liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal When ordered. Present price, ES, and $2 CO per ton. Brerisburg, AprillB.-dly PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully Inferreu.lle `"-Olci -11 F.. ..-:PatrePs And tlitillgailliptlelig lie *hi, =nue= to - give tintrnetAmee, e . 0 FORTE, M. WDEON VIOLIN awake UM/ ee 01 THOROUGE Wa l i k trir git ellir to g': - ' rea a Pia r obideace, m Third Oita*. tatifiee Itibeeilikei itt neAli German - Reformed Chu . ;., ! . 1 - ~..,..„ ... ,teeelet.ol. SCHLEFFELIN BROTHEAS i WHOLESALE DILUGOISTB, A ND DEALERS in Fanar-erimilei:4o4t :tik_ Pantry, des. Mao agent/ fee aka itali•eti Petroleum, Marninating up, aupealef.4sciatr.4o0 4 0 • fundabled mane quantities at the lowest mesaat . _, ratys., 170 and 172, Willfiant.btrzee, ORK • • PR 9F'Y _ ja274111m • . unpair- . MAROML& AQUIPOrai. (PREi*i tn Box, VVeigelia ROr Jaignian, MhNorm. Lyrings, altheaU & liat4Y)A.* bring aluitobery at AoysOmmaiio6,44;leii picot.; '• spr2B •AJILIBEE APIES -V" OC ii _ B ovalctrattliatiticiririazo • .tuTE ANA 001.01gMy t , Ea etibestArldele manatacta!ok otin vas cit s , tkoadoorto the litarviibtrig Bak. WM. DOCK, JR. & CO Keystone plants at $6 per Wit. DOCK, Jo. & A F &mimed f. pluradry, 39 Icor. .1 KM HemfiCiT 7IN ~,_its.lerav Sugar Cured ewes, - ma a •apleadid lot of Owego (Act _ •re Fed Bow Caro ffitata joss received. aprld D B Ong • SILVIIE Maples laic); 25 to b 0 cent s tr ig r a eth pu ths , _ 11140 , 1414.14aimray,ilsosi: itiai so 'oebta 1.1; NOMPIATAINDS ram-- -rc 0 Ent sjlz-.4‘ 1. Plults. vudy eon.undersell u.. 5 ..1 . ‘'r WMP"I aon'axp w I411 . :41T *A: 1 i ittabitkra eutbeertiatmtats. a it ~_4,..Z..::- . .2 . 13. .. ...ALit,'_'6,A.1 N s Wik , FolllBl 1 &. 18 John etre.; Now York apr24 diltt LYX.EIVS VALLEY, BI7NBURY and OBECOA GB I% VINO. 74111 14 4 4 Is4llfri - , 1 .0448 74 ,1.1 titer a% pu^, e pow sod at the Nursery, IfiirlibllPV-at'76 cents. Smaller 1 Katir Al4 2 lsnlFtlftiell, Irma 13 nen. XACJB Matt DWARF PEAR TREES. W well rooted , well formed, 17 grown and thrifty trees of varieties but wabore as dwarfs. For male at Ufa Xeystone risborg, at fair prices. JACOB WWI. %ES of Oranges and I among, received an/tit:vigil. low) 91 . Ct TT er 3071, "Cor3i- TS, Baskets, Tubs, Oh , co ofCe.tur d lo ftlisf 4fflo, ,_!- iflisullancous. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market owe, Barrfsfiure , , Pa. DIALER LA 3L' A. IV CI . XTEW 1101314W00D kIANOS, from the 4-1 41 K gri # m k $P° T • I MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED It SMU )ICEINTS.' FROM $45 ACP - 1100,a. Guitars, Violins, Accorde9na, Flutes, :Irites,i4rime r rijot‘:Vamlmrha* ri Win aid ChlitaCeirhige aid;rdueij cal merchandise in general. :THE 1411154 17 IIiorBLICATIGFR,F ahrsys 444* a"rilail *Ai Ai pantry. SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES,. Suitable ! 6 i looks'gl all ]clads of icturry47. , Ttyl/W..- A fine.aeortment of best plated 0 0 &IV :)4 15 01 Wkilial3 E 8 !Rom smallest to largest, sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the Ishoitest•hotlee.: , 1 febl:9*-wifely C, 0 *LI w it. IA 1 DAL - 'itiEttlVßEi I . f i it)ll N consideration of the hard times, and 11. as I Dell exclusively FOR CASH,I have reducied the Iprtoe of Coal as foliovno : Lykena Valley Broken i',§‘ 52 910 Tilfr tea' • i It frirkt . : 6 2 . 90 a IS tit 4- .44,16 a, - 240.. tit Stove tt " ~2 to ,I 1 I i Wilkabarze '4'9o as Lorberry " 290 , f I Sakollgolki deliiered blithe avirriztraiaa'Caxra; It ican be weighed at tbe.purebasers, dcor and If tt..Nla Abort 10 MINUS the Cilei All IXatrorthstuat gasuky egged,' ikeoverf4 tree from pE impurities. ! • " I 49i Coal sold In gait:ties, at the tawny wsolasma • - ' ... • P u Ageattii , thiponee Celetkrated-Powdoi; P ly always on hand, at Manufacturers prices, idige tot tit ! auporlOr baled 'Llayror sate: ! r 23 ' 'JAM'S ir.-wtagrmt, HARRISBURG_GOAL OIL: DEPOT VOR the eafeur of eqnsumere, we have 11. establksbmia Co lOh Depot:at Ike corner of Fron nt Market targets. ell our one are t. aged and we peel lively Belluone except slut ati prove to be non.explosive, WPM and freetrum odor an Mr as practicable. We offer it present the lollowinfOustly celebrated b. ands. Meg ills, Bo team, Nabrona and Licher, lower than e sti b e Parcheesi elsewhere 'n. this place, either wi:haste or ttetalL, ex enstve assortment uf • I amps, Chim beyr, Bbader, alma Cones, tanners, Wa Will also Change fluid. or, tamphene !lamps,. so as to be used for Cost oat... Call and mad, yourselves at - • NICBOeS &BOWMAN, Corner of Frontiind. Market street. MEZEI H OL S.T ;ERZ N.C. rm.* LEAF. MATTRESSES, • COTTON TOP IdArISEIrtES, RUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, Mira CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, • CA,IdP STOOLS, ie., Ste— On hand and for sale at the very'lowest raw; for cash Hair Mattriakas : aod Pprtsg Bottoms made SO corder. WAS; • ; • LOUNGES, HAIR MAIIBEt3SIIS, Aka., Repaired and made equio to now, vary masotuable alt at So. 1 0 9 , Market greet, bettreed roorth and; rink by , mu.. 4 Rid J. T.,,BA.Stsq WALL - :PA.P 1- : ELEGANT. etyles and • patterns of . Paper for 6,10, 12,15 and 4 Ween'ta per 'Ate ... largest and most varied. stook 41, f Wall .Papar, Botderii; 'Window Blinds, Curtin) and. Fixtures . - emu • . offered in .this 04... :Being bought lbr sash,. it wilt be ,old at a very smell profit. i air hmuember the pare, • schetiees Book Store, Market street, oPpanteaross' prig tore t liarrisbing. m 22 drn+ THEO. .1"; BCHEFFER • BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, . :,NO. 18, MARICEI Mar l 1IARRI$131:111G. larPartionlar.attenti9n . paid - to Printing, PnlAug and 14amlut, itswrenthi n i!lSPll, aIeOPI Draft ' .6103, Pinta& at $44404 for thousin , 10111400eStli0.- •i. DEWY:ARE 011A.rE VINES, lirit - NAtiltA t PE VINE , . CONOORNGRAPE VINES, • OALIFORMA GRAPE'VLITES, IifIISOri.DINE,GIIAPE VINES ...11KBECOL and other . Odes EtnpeVlnee, 51); onus to it 00 431{W. Odeon ana hisoelia VIIISS 26 twee cents each: Wag " KEYSTONE NURSERY apr7 TIMEX CENTS PER*: ;PAPER. .O!iR foot' :stock of Ouporior" Fl oreti n d g;ic den Seeds` we bare determined to Pell .6 cents per pater.. Call at Jto. 91 Arita, street, .i..tUer , s drug and fancy, idlitsitd yon wilt get to toe tight place. • ", J. Wesley Ames' dna ;dedli*dstars and ten week stocks at acme price. . ; PWLEF 11:111i'lltgEs. STANDARD, P LO: TkUES., 0 .(1"14 each, $5 per-dxzen, • E NlLbasivir ,13181:10P 1 1.0:00Ntrt..-AT--LAlir i ob - ,Elep§iicrrUga Tp . It-TH'S' AUL, oßPOl§iiiki*Co URTHO USE p*Slittlitiapt Garmanand,English. .ILEMOIVED. • • J - 03 'SMIT H rjr.a.remowed:his.Boot, and Shoe,Store LILL, nouktoo oorwor of recood and Walnut onsets tO s i _IVO. 'loB' AtA ht/C8'.7 7 Next ddo.r-A0 irlVl 9 B 4 4flFUltilOb st4refitteb *intends to keeps/I kind of 5 Hubtalt-eatioes,-Gaisms, siid . . stoat in Trunks , and evegAti ng to his line of be ;cud wilt be tbauiduilttiriisiese the patrona g e at old customers and the pan& general at Sus new ideue ot, gwoilt work Made to order In the best style and by superior workmen. reptirlng d•tte at &art notice. [aproldtfj- JOHN M. 8111TH. EVERGREEN TREES: NORWAY''pale= fi r , Silver • Fir,' Stolch;Flr, Austrian Pine, arbor Vim, &s., from. to 15 fast high, at all prluar., from 25 Cedili Am up. hard at IEICY.I tiN It 6. (In tit jr. ANDE COFFFAB I— Fresh and 1 brio 0 1j ..2 14 a thassiesuLat co A. iresl-a a reetilnd WiL DOC/ & co. Ikv Dal - - EACH. TRIMS. t.IiWEN TY choo. •varieties, $B-per. hun dred, $l. 25 per dozen, 123 i cents each for inneller quantities, at [a rill Knpil ONS NUESEkr• CIDER 41- 1 VINBGAR iI I N irADE from.choice aidaeleotid Apples, .and guaranteed by ma tt•• be auictty porn- , - mat. 134KIFDrimo: . . . I - 114WPBEILKLE& - I" IppRINCIELFI6 orange, .4up-alsoted-Antwerp ; -nor!,•; • Lix _____ % •14 iT. 414, 1 tukkit I hageitit 4 -- ' 4hatik t 4 , 4 " . 1 ,400 , 4 ft es aim igag. M 7 inligg' 1 ;- i,".4A5 A E.Stit= -;. atprices to snit the present hard times, and re vectfolly call the attention of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEMONS, ORANGES. CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE. FLOUR, Fag, ago. We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of 'COAL OIL, All of which: We warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE, •TRANSPARENT AND • FREE FROM ODOR, as fax as practicable. Among others, we have on hand NATtort,AoiroLts, 'merits, - . ROBNOON. All of which we willetaell wholesale or retail, and lower than orgy other house is Ela 's Also, all kinds of CDT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well seleotal and eatenalve assortment of WM, MMOPMM, 98 Market street, . _ MONEY -PIURSEB. ORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK • I • et-books, Bankers' . Otess Ladles' Oaba eateheis, Ladlea Traveling z•atchels. We are constantly receirMlS additions to our stook of the *bona goods. and Rene tartly have a One assortm .nt of the laced, styles. We respectfully invite persons waiting to purchase any at the above articles to examine the stock—knowing that a greater tarlety or better goods nano fonnd in the city. SKLLER'S Drug and FIDOy More, 91 Market street, one dour east of fourth deist, Oath side. ad. REMOVAL. CHARLES A. BOAS, NAB RBMOVID 11111 WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE To No. 7, Market Square, AF: below the Buehler Ho:aa. E has constantly on hand a large stock LA of WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WASH of all descriptions. Watahat and Jewelry repaired and warnuned• aor2 dims GEO. W. AtoCALLA, WATOMMER ds JEWELER, NO. 88, las Na. Lt. Market Street, Harrisburg. ETAS constantly on hand a large stook I — j_ Of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, go., Watches and jawatryneany repaired. air N B. Don't forget the plan., opposite the j eees t House. ' marlit-dnot rill UST GOODS FOIL MK LIM MOF i a BOOTS AND SHOES, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash priors. mar2B-dBm OCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA kJ Railroad Oompuiy, OlUce No. 2/7 Is. Fourth atiroot, apri , 8, 1882. The Annual Ifeetlasof the Stockholders of this Com pany;' and an election for Pratdoot and Mx Mumpira, will take Maw at the Offkm or the Oompauy, May Mk, at 12 o'clock, 3r. W. EL IfoILHaNNEY, ageldid Secretary. • JUST RECEIVED. A SECOND LOT of Comic, and Sentimen tal Valentines, at Marian prices. lab Ili Y tiCaIiPPEIPIS Bookaters. FIFTH WARD HOUSE R. J. PETJERS, Proprietor. Corner of Forster and West Avenaes, go the Rear of the Reservoir,) Harrisburg, Pa. Boardingby the smelt s day or s ogle moat at remelt tole rates. wood stabling forjropes, !o. epic -dims , FLOMilli. SHEDS. A CHOICE lot of AST&R'S and TEN 101 . WEEK ST4CKI3, with a dense varlleLy of FrOsk Fleeter and Garain Seedf, received and ti. gals at; No. (fri. Market amok. KRUK s'd DruKsiore. laP. & W. O. TAYLOR'S NisW SOAP, •ix la economical and highly detersive. It com ma noliosin aud not walla. It te warranted not to Injure the hands. It wilt Impart en agreeable odor, ind is therefore suitatuo for every yurpos.... tale by WIC DOOR. Jr. *Clo. GARDEN B EEDB.--Juac received - a large invoice of eaohn Garden Seeds—comprising !greater variety of hardened and home growto Um* Ass ever. been offered to this city. Maus who nay desire to parchme, roe depend epic getting the bee; in the world, _ at the wools:14e and mall grocer/ Bono of WY. WOK, Js. k SUGAR CURED HAMS. DRIED BEEF, bEOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. • large and fresh apply just ready, d by leb:to Wd. uO:6.P. ROa CORSETS. A LARGE asaoruneut of all sixes, . an ja..11 , 140 sad cohlrtd.of too moo desirable molergit CAPEO4NI g 81EW.12 3 / 1 4 Nexi door w the Harris' oriair k: erzi MAPLE TREES. 1 - • TEN, to fi-teen feet high, 25 to 50 cient e $2 50 to $6 per dozen' $lB to 680 per bun rd. 1 aprlo9 KEYST , 1 1 .1 Up Ry. 0 ENIETENY LOT lIOLDKRS I NTOU can purchase at the Keystone Nurersty, Hurrisburg, kVergreen TREES AND &MUM, , • ti. namental r.hrubbery, Vines, Am of as good quality tad at as low prises as they 1111141 be Bold' by irrespona Ibis agents and pedlars, besides baying the adiraasaw at getting them fresh from the 'ground. an Jsoonials: SOLDIER'' OAMP COMPANIOg v vary committal Wrialag D e ",; 198. PoriMus, liemormaallin Boot; rortmotioaiea, am.. at 1129 BOngalnili . QMOKED BEEF.—A splendid lot, largo and well cured. WIL DOCK, Js. & CO - • • • XYKENS VA LLEY NUT COAL. Cr 'repeiTed,# full 'supply M of Lykens ales Bat LK, **endps a mie 7 4 1 !, 11 ,,tirr , ; 1 4 r... ftrufadaw . mn). NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streets. (V. Hummel's old stand,) ILAVE determined to , pm their . entire stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRII/78, &c, ite , QUEENSWARE Oall ate NICHOIS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. A. H.U . M 8 L. Dokter In of 'my DESCRIPTION and at all PRICE S. Next door to the Court Howe, MARKET STREET.