CZ 11' !4_.! RA. P H r V el; V DAY. 1:\ c EMIG 1..; BERGNER. - server'. to subscriber, in the ' rier Yeurly subAuribers wlll tn. ' d i 1 110, in advance V:ze.sur Am) Siasi-W Y TVLIGRANI. , I iS aloe puhlt,, , lied twice a week durias ~ ibs Legislature and woody during the - 110 year, and IlirniAlEa to suuscrtbers al . cash rat.)l,,viz : nbumbers per year Semi- Weekly..B l 1;0 _2 00 22 00 1 00 oy u , ,, , criber, Weekly . Tae LAW OP NNWSPAITH.A , order the diacontinuance of their news L ruhh,her may continue to mood them until , :0 are paid. I,...ritict a neglect or refuse to take their newspe T.ll. I he oce to which they are directed, d they a'e . until ffi they have settled the Wile an ordered i. ,•,Ontied. alisallantons. HELMBOLD I S GENUINE PREPARATION :I,:cFNTII A FEL" COMP , UND FLUID E./MACY BUCHU, 1 , , I „. 4; ,d ! ipe,,tiiic Remedy ,•ot the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, :,;.,ic.iL toc:0-es thu power of Digestion, and it, AFS hiIiENTS lot Ilealtay action, by which A r-1:1' or: CAI UAREOUB doixedlione, and all UN- N LARGE dENTS are reduced, as well. is [Ai , . AA 11 INFLAMATIoN, and is good for BEN, WOMEN Dlt CHILDREN. sititMSOLD'S EX.TBACT SUMO, For Weaknesses An , , t! from illnesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In pot' or Abner, WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : .t. 0 inn to Exertion, Loss, of Power lots Slontttry, Diffieultratliteething, th, tit itryea, Trembling, fpror of I tittease, Wakefulness, 53 Li Vision, Pain In the Back Loon sal let , Antle'Of the, Muscular System, Sot Studs, Flushing of the Body, Drfu, 4,1 of the skin Eruptions on t h e Face PALI GuIIItIfENANOE, •yntroloo3l3, If allowed to go on, which thin med te:ue invariably removes, 110011(0110W8 , IMPOTENCY, FATHITN, EPILEPTIC - TITS, IN ONE OF WHICH ME PATIENT MAY kEPIRE. she can Fay that they are not [rogue. tly followed-by note "LASE UL DI:4IIASkS," .INsANITY AND CONSUMPTION? are UWilf e or the cause of their suffering, HOT NONE WILL CONFESS. TIIF EE. '+)l+ 'IF TR SINS ARE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, PEAR AMYL'S WITNICIB TO TIM MOTO OT THT. ASSUTION 'Mb CoN ,, 'Ll CCM ONUr: AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEARAESS, Rtverb , the aid of medicine to strengthen sort Invigorut. the System Witch Ilaktoom's EX PRAM' BUCEIU i.nariabty does A TRIAL WILL CONVICII THIL MOOT SEXTIIO.4I. FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES, OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, oa GONIEMPLA TING ItIARRIAGE, IR MANY' AFFECTIONS PI OULJAR TO PRMALE, tht. Extract Roam unequaled by any other rerninly, Rs in Wrests or Retool:10u; liregnlarl ty, Pain( ulness, or Asp:Tale not Customary Evacuations, UlcerstOd or &Wilms state of the Uterus, Lencorhcoa Wnitos, Stern; ay, bud tor oil couplaints Incident. to the sex, whether arising from Indistretiol, Habits of Dissipation, or In the DECLINE OR fIrAYGR OF LIFE. sita RSMITUMS AROVII NO FAMILY SIIOULD BE WITHOUT IT I TANS NO sou FILAHAM, 11.cuos, OR oxeLcmurtr .Mirot eLNI PUN ONNEN..ANT NNU D.NONNOUS DISNANEIN. HELMBOLYS EXIRACr BLICIIU CURLS SECRET DISEASES. In all their Ate.2cs, Little Or no unarm° In I'M:A , And no Exposure. It Mang a frequent aeon! Imo gluey strength to Urinate, thereby removwg I thstroction3. ['revealing and Cuinazarictores of tae Urethra, Allaying Pain and 'inflammation, so frequent In the ohm to diseases, anti expelling all Poisrm.rul t Diseased and womout Molter. THOVOMS "FON TOntroaxny AHO HAVEEEEY7fid VJCT,AISOP QUACKS, and who have paid HWY MLR to he thud lo a abort time, have found they acre doceived, and that the "POI SON" has, by the one of '•rnwsaroc awrouvagarnf, been thud up iu the system, to braes. out in an aggrairated corm, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE, GNo EsI3IIIOLD'B Etrkior But= for %fractions aid at the . U~aINAB ORUANS, whether existing In MALE OH FEMME, From whatever moo originating-and-no matter I r 110 W LOPW tit PANDING Cloves of these orgaue require Our aid of igIIREI I: IQ anal BoLD's mutt Ace Recta & • ••• - . IS THE GREAT GWRETIO, /al N eCtilllll w have ing deAlred anent in all Dinneen it* WIJICU IT Di RECoIiGENDED. Evidence of toe mot ratable and rorporuNe a r Aafacter site accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Enna to 20 yearn standing, Wlte NAMPA wows 10 - SCIENCE AND FAME, Price $1 00 per bottle, or Isla for $6 00. Ledvteed to any address, securely packed from Moor Val Ili , ' RIR S Y MP TOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Tarn Guaranteed I Advice Gratin I AFFIDAVIT. tappeiree before me, an Alderman `o4. the tt. l'ellatielphiA, 11, T. liattatedio, Who being t.dhly 1 , 1111 stty, his preparations contaln no narcotic, no er other It:Orton drugs; isn't; arid purely vege ta,' 0 H, T. FINLINDOT D, 1411 d subscribed before me, thin 284 day of No r, 054. WM. P. HI SHERD, Alderman, Ninth St above Race, Ptula. I ir,m, !otters for larormatioo lo confidence so H. T. IiELILLIOLD, Chemist, 104 Buuth Tenth St. bol. Chestnut., Pala, lib: WAKE OF tiouArII4SLFI4LTh AN() UNPHINCCIPLED DE&LERS, Wks, ende.vor to divomt "or VISOR OWN" and "gym" 0." llit REPITUTION XITAINBD BY Rettboti'd Getman Preparation e s ...xtruct &aim, " Sarsaparilla, " Improved Rose Waal'. knrart. z'ohl hy C. K. Keller, D. W, lirosa, J. W.Vetti 10 A. I= AND ALL DRUOFIST3 rear ;raze t 4• ASK FOR HELSIBOLD'd. TAKI9 . NO OVUM. Let out tho totvortLoomeat and send for it. ANII &YOU/L.lo'oBlllol AND EXPOSUM. unvl3,l ly airtrmivo.sEE, TRAVELING' AGENT OP TlDil OLD WALLOWER LINE,. TIIIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE .1 is still in successful °potation and prepared to carry inight I.OtY as any other individual line between Harrisburg,Sunbury,Lewisburg, Williams. li fori,lersey Shore. Lock Haven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Wlliianis , part sad Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, --- • Casts 105 sent to PEACOCK, ZELL At IKINCHMAN . Nos. ktiti 810 market street, above Eighth, by 4 o' clock , E AL, will arrive at Harrisburg, rosily for de livery the sett O. F. MUENCH, Traveling Agent. aoaN WALLOWER 1 JR. 1 Agt . OENEhAL FORWAaRDINa COMMISSiO 411.111 N MERCHANT. 121_00118 ANU MI! ' A uItiANDIS.N promptly kj forwarded by Phtla.nlelehlo mot }Leading Nortlern lentral, Cumberland Volley Au p,,,,,,,lva„ia'Reiroadi moi Could, HAULING AND DRAVLIG to and irom all parts of the City to the rent Etedentol dooota wilt be done at the very lowed eatee. ' rAiiittamii removing will be Prometif attended to. braerg ert at Brautbl EuroPeat , Hotel. ar at the store al t, t itilim ger r , will re,pme memo' ',dolman. Con.. ttkatunut a ot .r.4trlit reoPoaralLY eGlicited' :u.rft. MAI LOWEIIt JR., eat., !dice Reading Depot WHOLESALE irtBRELU., M4.NUPAOTORY I No. G 9, Market Street, below Third, tualturausG, PA. M. 1:l LEE, A . N 1.1 ru it ER OF lIMBRELLA . S,. L I t A118 " 1 .' and CANER, will nannati o 4,rL'jawlueB4K. P1 ; 1 " u : , ;„ 1 - 61i m " e r t it tin°lP:vulilliti)ll.sll of . q°11,4.:4;Kiir71,17..0,,,,.)ric, 41143'1,1.11V, and Coin iriaung3tiiv 4tento b;ur ew:gtook of goodg i ilitUeonitl it. andfo corner of Font ant Market VOL XVII DR. JOHNSON B B IarrINICCIrt.3II LOCK H.OSPITAL! ETAS discovered the most certain, speedy I_l_ and effetoual. zemady In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. HELM' IN SIX TO - TWELVE Mate. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, inlF4 ll 2 4 ; 1 0 to TWO. DAYS/. Weakness of the Back or.Limbe, Strictures, Alestiona of the vaidnoys and Blarider,TeVoitrinary disehatges,,lm pOtenoy, General Debility, Nervousness, Dysprpsy, !en amor, Low Spirits, tonfaelbb of ideas, Palpitation of the Heart Timidity , Trembllngs, Dimness of night or triddi nese, Disease or the Head, Throat, Nose or •Sgin. • Aires- Lions of the Liver, lungs. Stomach or Boweir—ihose ter rible cisorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those amen and writer) prazt cas more ra:al to their victims than the song or preps to the Mariners of [llya ars bhghting their most bran ant. hopes er anticipation', rendering marriage, gm., impassible. Young Men • • Especially, who hien become the victims of Solitary Vice, Oust dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly swoops to an uniimely graye tbou•angs of young Men of the most eiaDed talents add 'brilliant wbo might otnerwise have entranced listeniog Senates with the Menders of eloquence or waited to ocastrby the liviog lyre, may call wh arriagit full confidence. e. M Married Parsons, or Young - Moo contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic " ty, oeformides, me., speed' y cured. • 'I He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his t orior as a gentleman, and coo.- [Measly rely upon Its skill as a Phi; ' Organic Weakness Immediately Cure., an., full virr lettered. • This dietresong atlectioneewniett routers 1 Ile misera ble and marriage improsible- is the penelty paid by Ise victims ef improper ioduloinces t °meg perso,s a.e. too apt to cement excerissi born not bent aware or dreadlut cJuseq tones that may ensue. New, whe that uuderstands the subject will pretend to cony that the pow. er of procrratiou le last sooner ,y tnose falling into im proper habits than by the pruient f ILanies beirig do. prised the pleasures of healthy •affhprlng; the must" se. rieua and destructive symptoms to both , body and mind arise. The systam becomes deranged, the rhysloal and Mental Functions Weakened, Lops of Procreative Powe4, Nervious Irratibility, DYspepsirs, - PalpilatiOn of the Horn% Indigestion, o.instuu.lon . a• Wasting of th e Frame; Dough, Consumption,. Decay and •Dsath. Office, No. 7 south Frederick-Street. Lout bums side going from saltitn.irts low door, tram the ir.rner. Fail not to observe mime and number. Letters must be laid and ciintaiiiti stamp. 'Um Doe tor's Diplomas bang in tits office.' . A cure Warranted in Two Days: No Hereon, Or Amused: Dr. Johnson, Member of the Rapti College 4.11 burgeon% London; Grad uate from one or the most reoluentsmileges in the•Ligheil States, awl the greater put 01 whine hie his beak spent in, the ha ipi oafs ofLoncitli; Phil& lelphia and offset:9d idol) of the -most 'adonlstring Outdo that were ever known; many troubled with ringing. In the head and ears where asleep, great narratsness, being Manned at sudden. wends, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with' dernigilinrmt of Wad wean cured immediately. • • • -• • •• Dr. J. addresses all those who habeinjurodithemieties by improper indulge oce and scenery habitat, latish ruin both body and mind, gentling them fur either business, study, society or marriage.' • • •'' These are some of the gad and melaneherilFeifecte Orb dulled by early_ Wilhite .orywith, Weirroiiis 'of ttie BatrenclAws, Peke* ia •the Head, Plininess a Sight, Lets of ttesiehierPorei, Palpitation . f the heart t Dye popsy, Neiriheirratfinity; Derangeinent of then . gestive FueoLleis, General Debility,-Sympurms Criternmption, • , • . Marriau.r.—The fearful effects on the 4lnd: " are. mush to be do aded—Loss of Mombry; Cord salon orldeas ~ Db- Preesion of Spirits, Evil Fortrothugs, Averstli:to society, Serf Distrust, Love of bolitude, Timidity; Eo., are /cane of the eeils .produced, •• Tiroosegns of persons ofill ages can now judge what . is the cause of their decilullig health, loiing inch irigOr, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emulated; having' a singular appearance aoout the eyes , cough and symptarbs of consumption. Young Dien . Who have Injured themselves by. a certain: practice . lb dnlged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, ths edam;companions, of • whesii :are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not eifited 'reridars marriage tm,titsible, and destroys boMMInd- and body, srould apply Immediately. • • . What a pity that eryo-ing man, the ,hope.of hi coun try, the darting of hie parents; Should be instated trcim all prospects a ncl'eirjoymants of fife, by'the servo:l4o*e of devtating.frorn theliath Of nature and indulging llt a certain aecretimbE. SeWPerSolla MOsr,.bittere contem plating At little Ripens° ; No Inconvenience; , . : Marriages refloat theta sound mind'Slid body:are the most ;whoa. miry rogul‘ites to promote tionnubial ; happinese.,- Indeed, without these, iliejeurney through Ilf.; becomes a vrelsq, pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkbui - to' Itte - view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despar and filled.*Uh the melanebolly rein talon that, the happiness of another become., blighted with our own., Disease of Impitidence. i. When the thi'ginnen INS ImPi4oo4l , votary of pietist* finds that he his imbibet the seeds of this painful ds.` sere, It too often lumens that an all-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him horn applying to those who, trom elnaktiOn and respectability, et.n alone be friend him, deliYingillittbeinolostftnitinsil,syminome On this horr d d seams make theb.- .appee.renoe c tineh as pl westodsore'thrbat, 'diseased' nese, 'nocturnal Paint .in the head aid dimness, of eight, 4 , 4 1 0 88 1 mons inn the shin bootie lend arms, hlotches os.the h ad, face nd estremitlei, progi eat ng with.: frightful „' til l at list the palate of the mouth. or the bones' of the 11043 e. fail In, and the victim dtthls awfuliiiedit . i . temome a kiwi el .obj, ct of commisMation; death paw a wiled tb his Art-edit' I suiferings, by sending km to " that."Urelleicov vered Country from weence nu tr..volei returns," ; It is a inslanoilolly fact cha, thousands 'iletticio !to .this terrible Wow.. owing to the unettifehheas of Igoe •1168 pretenders, who by the use of that Dinuty Poison, Me, curt', ruin thecenstitution a.d make the residue o hie wearable. • • Strangers. , Trust net yourlives A nr brink to the care of the misty Unlearned and Wo totem Pretenders, destitute of kndw name,ur character, who copy Dr. Johnson?a adver epitimujune, or Style inernsatees in the nitespapers, regularly Educated Phimictins mcapsble of During, they kesp you trilling month - after nation tiling Burr d thy and potsonousn-ss compounds, or as long as the FMAiielit o can be clibellieei.o4. l l4 Oefelaftileriye yob 'lite ruin. ed health tosigh over your galling cifesppointment. Jonnspri is the only Paysiejan ~ a vertisiog. His credential or 'diplomas always hinp la his office. ni,,,rentedles or trpeaLlialL are unknown to all others, prepared rom a life spent iu the g • eat limPitals of hu rppet iha,drat to the country ands more entensive Dri .rate Practice than any other eh , Melanin the world i Indorsement of the _Press. The many tnoesa-da cure* at ma Institution year af ter, year, and the numerous important Sunkist opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witimeased by the re porters of the' “Sun, ,, "Clipper," and many other pa• ours, notices of which: have appeared a.aia and again before the public, bibides his standings' a gentlemen of character and respiinalbility, is a suilLient guarrautee tothe Meted. , it kin Diseases Bpeedil,y . Cured. • • Persons writing should be partioubuln directing their, linters to his butitnumi, in the following manner : ' JOHN M. JOHNSOIT,II. D. Of the Baltimore Look Ho:p.tal Baltimore, lid. • - „, ANOTHER SUPPLY. 0 1L. MORTON'S lIIIRIVALLED GOLD PENS. DE,St PENS in the world, for 750 f 1i 25 $1 SO, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at lebo B CIUMER'3 Bookalard. MST RECEIVED. iW49 4 1, :44 0 E,XEZ4, T.: of Family . 41AND . e_of end , DM - dint - at 201, 2 1 . ie)o3; ai apitc a e n 3lo ll ",.. " , 11113°;27/TitiballAt "INDEPENDENT 1N ALL THINGS---kEtTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA, SATURDAY AFTEMOQN, APRIL 26, Illebitai W. W. uirues 4 4 .? , ; tto., D W. GROSS & 00., WHOLESALE . AP) RETAIL. =l}.ll U G G.LS T S NO. 19 MARKET ST RE FT ATIABB4O. U.:4 P-EA A T : A. • • cl « 4 . DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERSAND 00N817MiliS, We are daily adding to our assortment of gixods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest . amibeit selided stook in fins•crty, of DRUGS, OR EM:TALS dg PAINTS 911.1 N varnishes and Gluei, Ors•Staffi, Glass and Putty, Astist.Colorsand Tools, , :Puire ground Spices Burning and Alcoho l Gard, Sperai and Pine 01le, Bottles. Vials and Globes, Castilo Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., ac., &c., &c., 14e. With a - general Tariety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES* 46160ted frcibi`tlie beiVitkiliiifacttercitt and Pe , lumen .ofzlEnrepeA l /40 1 14 8 ;9P. 1 4.4tPrY.?.. 4.1 Being' vifrt larg deilleit '' PAINTS, WIIITE LEAD, LIITBEEDIOII4 YMATISHES, , - ;;WIEIPVir GLASS, 4.ETIBT'S ' • ' COLOEB, PAINT AND k &ansrs BRUSHES IN ALL TNEIR VA ECULIE3, _ OOLOBS AND BRONZES SAE' ALL KIND?, • D Ptrrry l : l Ci -i9m ' • . ••• . • . . We respectfully invite a call, feeling,.cone dent that we can- supply the ,wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. ,TEETH 1 TEETH 1 ! JONIr S AND WHITER'SPOROELAIN.TWM, PATENT AiIF;DICIN ' ES HAIR .!ESTOR I?! R . A _ -1.. r TIVE..:S :' . '. ; Of all kinds t direct from the Proprietors. .oohoentritted Lys Wholesale Agenta for Saponifier, which we eel as low as It can be purchased in the " cities. L'EUYEEt'S MEDICAL FLED IMTRACTIS COAL ' CARBON= Of 1 8814 large pnrohrtra theeeyie,. r can oiler Inducements. to Ow buyers. 941. Oil Lampe, of the most Improved patterns, iery. cheap : All kinds of tempi! Clialiged to bun) Opal Oil. : FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our KORSE &ND 0/11113 POWDERS a trial know no tree; r' superiority, and the advantage- thOiare in keeping Horses and Cattle healthY'and in g.)od condition. Thommuds can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of Milk, besides linpreiing the general health and ap : pearance of their Cattle. Our long:eaporkince in the business gives us the advantage of . a thorough knowledge of the trade,. am i- our arrangements in the cities ars such that we OEM Wu very short time furnish anything aPpertaining to our business, on the bes — tof terms. • Thankful for the liberal pabrouage bestow.) OD our.hogs.), we hope by edict,.attention to busittooW careful seliption,of pxRE DRUGS at fair pricea,:anci the ,desire to please all, to merit a contiusance,of the favor of a dlabrizo- BEIM hating -public. IgleifitE.Qi4er Vinegar, km. sale at - . ilsieueLA,ApasfosAie, : j- ^ ti_corner Front &.rko, etraiMi Ectegrap4 [sires./ sort CHILDREN.—The subjoined story, written by a young lady correspondent, is pubt lished' fne titiy; , klettrit!ed -Mothers, `to= amuse t heir sometimes reatleasianci petulant little ones. The writer makes nn_ pretension to, literary ability, but laving often witnessed the good effect or an - amtiing story among chililieni`con chides that the following might add to their enjoyment ] A Story for Little Ones. • Once upon a time (all orthodox -tales cora l mence its manner) there were three bears, Who lived in a nice house in the woods. "One was called the "Urea Huge Bear," another the "Middle Sized ? Bear, and the third the "Little Wee Bear." One day this happy family took a walk and forgot to lock the door ; soon a little girl named Silver Hair came by and seeing the door open she •walked in and being very tired sat down , in the "Great Huge Bear's'; chair, but it was Vic large; so she tried the "Middle Sized Bear's" -chair, but it was too low; so she sat down in the "Little Wee Bear's" chair and it just suited her; So she sat there till the bottom, came ont. Then she saw three kettles of porrige on the fire, she tasted the "Great Huge Bear's", but it burnt her, next she tried the "Middle Sized Bear's," and it proved too cold, and lastly she tried the "Little Wee Bear's': and it was just right, so ahe ate it all: up. Feeling quite tired by Ler efforts she thought she would lie down, so she went up stairs, but the "Great Huge Bear P s's bed was too high, and the "Middle Sized Bear's" too low but the "Little Wee Bear's" was very comfortable, so she lay down and soon was fast asleep. After while the Bears came home. Some body's been in my chair, said the Great Huge Bear," (in a2very deep voice.) "Some body's been in my chair," said the "Middle Sized Bear"( voice. -not so deep.) Some body's been m my chair, and set the hoitom out said the Little "Wee Bear," (in a thin squeaky voice.) Supper time was near, the Bears went to their porrige, when the "Greet Huge Bear" said "somebody's been in my pot rigs," then the "Middle Sized Briar," sung out "somebody's been porrige," then the "Little Wee Bear" said .!'somebody's been in my porrige and eat—it---all--up. I Then theywent up stairs, add the "Great Huge 'Befit" Valli eorhebedy'ii taere tit No , beg,".and the "Middko • Sized Bear" rtild "somebody's been in ray - bed," just - tbad the ,''Little Wee Bear" cried out in maize-- merit, "Here is the Somebody in my beid fast asleep," and they all: ran to-see who lt was, but the noise they made woke her I.lp and -she was so frightened at seeing. the Bears she jumped out of the window, and has not been heard.of since. -; , When Parson Brownlow will Join. the Democracy. The recent visit of Parson Browttlow to vtui .ous parts of the free states, and the fact thht he so very lately passed through this oityi, brings to recollection the following "atunneri" which travelled the rounds of the press in 1860, An irkansai currespondent, who probably de sired to "waken up" the Parson, wrote to him stating that he had 'learned with pleasure "that Rev Ali. .BrownloW had espoused the piineiples and had also attached himself to the organisation of Qie Democratio party." The Arkansas Democrat was delighted with what he considered so. distin guished a proselyte, aud . theieforawrote tothe ration 'for information as Le the Probable 'date of his conversion. Mr. Brownlow kindly furnisho the date; 'or at least the data for that interesting 'occurrence in the 'following, chaiacteilstic letter. As we wrote above, this letter has alietuly been published in our Columns, but its republicatibn now will be acceptable and instructive to nUr readers': " lir. Jordan Clark-1 hive your letter'of the 80th ult., and hasten to let you know the precizs tews.when expect to come out and fOr mally announce that I have joined the Demo credo party. When the sun shines at midnight and the moon at midday—when man forgets to be selfish, or Democrats lose their inclination to steal—when natare stops her onward march, to rest, or all. the water-courses in America flow up-,stream—when flowers lose their odor and trees shed no leaves—wben birds talk and beasts of burden laugh—when damned spirits swap hell tor heatireti'viritli the angels of light, and pay tkem,the boot mean whisky—when impossibilities are in fashion, and no proposition is too absurd to be believed, you may credit the report that I hatreloined the Democrats. , rfoin the Derneacts ! Never, so long ea there are sects in churches--weieds in gardens—fleas in hog pens—dirt in victuals—disputes in fami lies—wars with nations—waterk.the ‘bad men in. America, or base women in France. No,-Jordan Clark; you may ;hope—you may congratulate--you may ,reason--you may sneer -but-that catinotkbe. The thrones of the Old World—the court of the Universe—the Govern manta of the world, may all fall and crumble into ruin—the New World may commit the national suicide of dissolving this Union, but ail 410 must occur before I join the. Democ racy 1, Ijoitilhe Democracy Jordan (irk, you know not what you say—when I join the . Democracy, the Pope of Rome will join the Methodist church—when Jordan Clark of Arkansas lir'Pre- * sident of the Republic of Great Britain, by uni versal suffrage - of a contented people—when Queen Victoria consents to be divorced from Drinco Albert hy,a county court in Kansas— , when dung ess °tinges bylaw Jameeliuchanan id matey itlgaiolVean Princess—when the Popo lessecthe Capitol at Washington for ikip city reeidence--when Alegurier of Russia and- Na 14)160Pi0f YrEMOO erti.elOtitd - tenagors in C 472 greleirom New litetice4 , .. - wheit gpoitmea cease is:4g° toleaventoriemiiiee 3vorkitde toned et wide doww/ifFli Pte( apl6-dty A BEAR STORY. HATTIE HARLAiID. "Kiso=us, August 6, 1860 1;:et! 1862 afforded, both dear and untprestitinable, that there . is no God—when men tarn to.ante, and; ants to eleplutrits, I will change my political faith, and come out on the bide of the Democ racy ! SuppOsing that this frill and frank letter will -enable yott to fix upcin the period when I will come Out full:grown Democrat, aud to. coal inculcate t4same to'all whom it may concern in Arkansas. have the liotior to be, &c., W.!Cif.• BROWNLOW THE COAT OF A SIWE.—The siege of SO bastopol commenced in October,.lBs4, and ended by the reduction of the south side of the city in September, 1855-41eVeri months The French started 'with sixty - pieces of cannon—supposing these" to be sufficient. The allitie employed 2687 cannon, for which were served 2 0 184942 shot .and shell, and 11,484,804 pounds of powder, exclu sive of *hat was used by the fieet on "the day on which they assisted'in the bombard ment. The fleets`mounted 2156 guns, 'half of which were brought to bear on the forti fications Alexander. and 0 - instantine, and the quarantine and cliff batteries, mounting 261 guns, 200 of which were brought to bear on the squadron. The bombardment lasted five hours and a half, and 968 680 shot and shell were used. For the infantry of the'French army there was provided 61,- 606,869 musket cartridges. The artillery censtructed 118 batteries, requiring 800,000 sand-bags, And 50,000 gebions The engi neer department constructed 593( miles of entrenchments, requiring 80,000 gabione, 60,000 fascines, and nearly 1,000,000 Sand bags, besides 1,251 metres of mining-O . N terms, some of which were 50 feet below the surface. The French transported to the Lirimia 309,268 men, and 41,974 horses and mules, of the men they lost 69,229 by sick nese and caususlties. The reader can make his "own calculations as to the number and tonnage of vessels it would require to transport the men, horses, guns, &c. How Tan RIBEIS ARE GIVEN To EXAGGERATION! —The Huntsville Democrat, of the 9th, in re;. (erring to 'the battle at Pittabdrg Landing, Skirmishing occurred on Friday and Satur day, and a geuerattingagenma t began at Shiloh; near Monterey, live or six miles lrom the Ten nessee river, and about the same dktancefrom the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, about rive o'clock, A. M., Sunday, , and lasted till dark. Our troops began the attack, and are represent ed to have driVen the enemy from their rifle pits - and•earth works at the-tirst charge. • ; ,One account saya, we drove-them-across the river--another ; 811373, to their transports, under cover of their boats- 7 -capturing 88 cannon, all their ea* equipage, commissary stores - , a large quantity of ammunition and arms, -and.B,ooo prhioi2ers. . . : • . _On Monday morning the fight i was. resumed, and .continued until 11 o'clock at night, the enenieyhaving been reinforced by 'Gen. ^ Buell's isrmy,lwhich crossed- the rivevon.Sunday night. Our teoops attacked.. the ; enemy as vigoronsl) as on Sunday,. anti droNe,them twice to the cover of their gun-boats, with great slaughter. The number of -Federal prisoners is variously stated fr0m.6,000 or 8,000. to 16,000 or 20,000. Several thousand, were sent oil to Grenada, ColuMbits, Miss., and Tuscaloosa, Ala. One account is, that we captured -all, another says nearly-all; the enemy's -cannon and 8,000 stand of .ranskets and_rifles. Oxx of M'Clellan's soldiers, on the Yorktown expedition, tried to bnye pie at a house which the troops. passed on their march: •-The people were astonished, and exclaimed, 'lVhati a pie, and rnolaases $5. per, gallon The blockade in that vicinity does nat seem to have been 'a paper' onb and iiii - dokbt; the tahho is the case elsewhere; this cry of "paperblockade Is. in a: great messurs,,got •-up ;by %that class who croak at everything. , „ 'ecnikiegs-=-FiTtit, Session, WeakixerroN, April 25 SENATE Mr. SHIMMAN, (0140) presented the resolutions of the Legislature of • Ohio concerning tini rebel prisoners at- Columbruzir i saying that .the feelings of the loyal-peimle of Ouio were out 'raged by the fact that. the rebel prisoners at . oamp . Ohase, wire - allowed to retain their slaves by Col. Woody,. thus :practically estab lishing slavery in Ohio, and•ip. the name of the people of , Ohio soleinniy_p r otesting against this outrage on the loyalty the people. • The resolutions“were tibcompanied by a note from Gov. Tod,. strying,that 001. i Moody.did not vermit this state of affairs ;,that the slaves were sent there as prisoners, and MoodY was obliged to take care of them; ' Mr. ShEnatax saidathe fact was the negroes were•se of there qvith. their . masters as prisoners, anildidserVii their Masters, buehe believed no blame could be attached to 061: Moody or the Governor of 0140. Major Jones, the Xtespector, ,had reported Matters all 'right - at Own p`Chase: Theißeintte - theirisdjourned. 0118 E OF 'RB`EPRIESENTATIVES. Mr: 'Dawns said, - M.r. Stevens - oPpused' the government Committee- only whenthey- •inter •posad against a private speculation of .Stevenie brother for a large aipount of arms, the money 1(3 be drawn from the treasury. In the course of 'his reidarkete'said, althoush- Cameron de nied ever making a.contracti he did make one, involving a million and 41. third dollars for European musketuhree days before he left, the Cabinet, Which amount the on Saved. Mr. Dawes was very severe on Cameron, as giv , ' tug fat contracts to his:friends to reconcile .old political differences. , • , • ; Mr. KILL' condemned the committee as, not biting Reunited by a spirit'of jristice, - and com plained of their conduct toward' Alexander Cummings; :whom they had condemard :on an error of the printe,r, which as individuals they had refubed to correct. The consideration of the subject wat t poitponed till Monday, and the House they adjburned. • Markets ; by, Telegraph. Nsw Yoax April, 26 Cotton ftrta : --tiales, of. 8 . ,;000 bales at 29i1. Flour adv:aaged ; ;14,800 bbls. sold; State at $4 7044 ' 76, ' 0111615' 20(0.5 '67, aciuthern , ss 2045101:" Wheat fires 1 8,000 boat red. sl , ‘ 80 Milwaukee club .$1122. Coro declined 41,82;000 bus. 501d—a0...680600---Pork--steady ; 2,800 bb. ll iatem fe,!.. , BoXstr.alflPt , ,P*9 4 ,ll4dt $1 , elB. WhAsky`Tuan ; 24. tuM' ikettim tirti(3B. littftviserao 270213,-iiirreigiasirationidar. Atm wi1i.7r),214 .i) k.121r211 • ftsart Erinting U. 1-I.aine procured Steam Tower Preeeee, we are prepar ~. (1 to execute JOB add BOOK PIIINTING °revery deeerfp ion, cheaper than it can be done at any other estableeh - runt lc the oouotrt. Re I liti OF Ali V unTIANG. Four lines or less coortaute ono-half square. Arta nog or more than foer constitute a square. Half Fquere, one day one week. • one m0nth...... • three months... • atx months • one year One Square, one day one week 2 00 • one month ..... 6 00 66 three months ..... ....... —lO 00 6l six months 11 00 one year.... .......... . 00 Business notices inserted he the . e;;I akesese, or before Barrios and Deaths, FIVE OEM PIM r.Tw% tie each ineertion. NO. 96: sir- Marries and Deaths to be charged as regahir ad vertisements BY Title 1 1 - Il i 1 u . From our Morning Edition, FROM WASHINGTON. COMMODORE FOOTE. Death of Pennsylvania Soldiers. The French Minister's recent Visit to ontraeta awarded for building Iron-Clad Confirmation of Military Appointments, Daniel R. Stickler re-nominated for Brig adier General. - Commodore Foote, owing to the wound re ceived in the battle at Fort Henry, has asked to be relieved from command of the Western fleet; but the Department has, it is understood, ordered Capt. Chas. H. Davis to repair to the squadron as his second in comutand, thus, re- Having him from much of the physicallabor of his responsible 'position. The following deaths of Pennsylvania soldiers occurred yesterday, in the hospitals here : William. Torrey, Fifty third; M. D. Keyser, Sixth ; William Henderson, Eleventh ; and Robert Hickman, Forty-ninth. A body of one of the victims of the Ball's Bluff. blonder, found in the Potomac and hith erto unrecognised, has been ascertained to have been that of a member of the California regi ment. In addition to what has heretofore been as serted in contradiction of the false statements of the Richmond papers. There is good au thority for stating that Count Mercier, the French minister, had no official commnocica tion whatever with the Southern authorities. The; report that Lord Lyons has gone, .or Is going, to Richmond is as untrue es the recent Unfounded rumors of changes In the cabinet. TheNavy-Department is quietly though effi ciently at work Increasing the means of na tional defense. The Atlantic Works and Har risen & Loring, Boston, have been awarded contracts for building iron-clad vessels tinder the recent law. • • The Senate to-day, in executive session, 0011- firmed the.nominations of George Cadwallader, of Pennsylvania, and George H. Thomas, of Virginia, as major generals, and Colonel Alfred EL-Terry, of Connecticut; and Miles !Katmai°, of Indiana, Major, Hoary W. Wersells,At tire Sixth infantry, ,Colonel John W. (;)eary,,Valor Samuel W. Crawford, of the Thirteenth infan try, Leonard . F. Boss, of Illinois, as -brititllNtr Rentals of- vol un tears ; Brigadier.Genetuhfiutres W. Ripleyto be chief of ordnance and William A. Hammond surgeon general, with the rank of brigadier ; also, Charles" F.Gen4ett as assistant quartermaster, and Harvey 311.. Smith, of Kansas, commissary of , subeistease. The Senate is said to have rejected Nathan Reeve as Assisiant Quartermaster,and..the fol lowing as Brigadier Generale: . John. "Cod:Wain, H. H. Lockwood, Charles F. Clark, and Miles Dana. John Trimble, of Tenneasee,•wait.oonAlised a B U. S. Attorney fcr the Middle diatKiptor get State. Owing to a misapprehension which • 'caused the rejection of Daniel E. , Sickles, the President to,day renominated him to be, Ar t igadlet (Pan eral. The prospect of confirttion is ffkyyruthie. From General Halle,tl's WAVY CANNONADING- HEARD IN Till y , lIECTION OF FITTSI3IIItO. -t. A BATTLE RIIPPOSED TO BB IN PRO ' MSS AT CORINTH. THE UNION GUNBOATS MUM , VILLE. ALABAMA. Carmine, April ker.! ! Special dispatch to the Chicago hirus.) "." Cairo passengers, by the Belle of Memphis, say thaVat Savannah they heard heavyleing in the direction. of Pittsburg. The cannona ding was - brisk, and gradually grew lender, being heard fox miles this side of Saituinalt.':— It is the belief that a general engagement was brought on, which is strengtheaed by the fact that, on Wednesday significant preparations were made by Geo. Halleck for en attack. Our gunboats on the Tennessee bad effected a passage over the muscle. shoals, and pene trated • as far as Huntsville, Alabama, where they captured a quantity of rebel; conunhisery stores. From the Tennessee liehroi. Steamers Fired into by Guam, TIIBIOWER MISSISSIPPI FRIRPULLI 'OUR- Great Loss of .Propex*. Como, April 26 t . Af The,steamers Belle of Memphis, and . Ciro tow, from Pittsburg Landing on liinteday morning, arrived last night. Thy *retailed into thirty-five miles belo v Pittsburg tips:band of-guerrillas, from behind dwellinge pn the,left bank of the Tennessee river. The,Oboctow re ceived seven shots and her mate Wet killed.— The Belle of Memphis received' tirelve its, triorlally wounding one negro boy on Wiz& _The:made at Pittcurg are improving. j •Bkfrotiehing of pigir t ete continue. The met there is s stali rising. iThe' loarlfteeisilipr is fearfully-Overid. fillategt . loss of puutipslatyta .;i ll►er „luelovnii , two - ensT :.7414, .01 SO 25 125 2 50 ..... 400 000 .....10 00 =1 Norfolk. Gnu Boats. WAsamerox, April 26. ~-= Division.: , E 23 FLOWED. E!E3 BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers