Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 24, 1862, Image 2
JZbiti2 oi4eqrapl. Forever float that standard sheet Where breathes the foe but falls before us, With Freedom's soil beneath oar feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, April 24,1862, ONE OF THE EFFECTS or TIM REBELLION, and one which will be the most disastrous to the slave states, is that which will operate on free labor. Heretofore, the position of a white la boring man in a slave state, was embarrassing and equivocal, and hereafter this will be in creased by the stagnation and utter destruction of his means of support. The white laboring men of the south will be compelled to emigrate from these states to seek homes and employment where they can be more readily had and more securely retained. Many of the free states of the west are populated by emigrants from the slave states. In Indiana whole counties are composed of Kentuckians and their children, poor non-slaveholders, who fled from the stagnation imposed on free labor by the presence of slaves. Every eastern slave state has been drained by these filtrations of men and women wearied of the bitter straggle with poverty and ignorance, and anxious to se cure for their children the benefits of the supe rior civilization of a free society. The departure of this labor will tend further to the embarrass ment of slave labor and hurry on the frightful degeneration of the slave. However the white man was contaminated by a contact with the institution of slavery, however it brutalizes those who control slaves, and corrupts others who depend upon that labor for support, it is never theless a fact, that the presence of the white laboring man in the south, has had a tendency to strengthen slavery. It contributed by the strength of the institution by diligent example to the slave ; and in other instances it acted as an influence of intimidation to any unruly spirit that dared to show itself in opposition to the will of the overseer. When all these are forced from the south by the emigration of the white laborer, capital in slavery will not be so valu able, neither will living• In the south be so desirable. Instead of this emigration of white labor from the south, and instead of purchasing slave pro perty, to cast it free on the cold sympathies and stern prejudices of the north, why should this government not offer to purchase the estates of these slavers, and Induce them to leave the south, for such localities in which they could enjoy the patriarchial pleasures and personal pride derived from owning the bodies and labor of men and women. We shall not, like many of the despotic governments of Europe, interpose difficulties in the way. We shall not require passports or demand of the young man a term of military service before ho leaves the govern ment which no, longer satisfies him. Go in peace ; take your goods with you ; seek more congenial climes—sail to Cuba, or Brazil, if you will, where you will find even slavery existing to please you ; or, if you would revel in that species of barbarism, the whole continent of Africa is open to you, excepting only Sierra Leone and Liberia. Is it unreasonable counsel, this? Suppose the case reversed. Suppose that of our thirty millions twenty-eight were for Davis and slavery, and two millions for the Union, the Constitution and the enforcement of the laws, would not the same advice be offered to the minority—even though they were morally right I And justly, we think. It is necessary to have a government under which the peace, law and order are supreme. Those who are strong must maintain these ; those who are weak must succumb ; must obey while they re main ; must emigrate when they can or will no longer obey. TREASURY NOTES are subject to a dangerous mutilation by a society of rogues whose plan is to tear off the corners and appropriate pieces from them for the purpose of defrauding the Treasury by making up an entire bill out of the detached pieces, has grown so common that the Treasury Department has resolved not to re deem any bill at par unless it is whole, and to deduct one dollar for every tenth part of a note torn off, and in that proportion for larger amounts removed. The best way to deal with these mutilated Treasury Notes is, for the pub lic to refuse to take them ; just as they refuse to take clipped and punched coin. By refusing to take them, the loss will fall upon the rogues who originated the practice. Ws nap the following paragraph in the spe cial Washington telegraphic dispatches to the Press of to day: General Cameron and the Boker Contract.—lt ap pears that the great order given to Boker & Co., of New York, for 100,000 muskets at $lB each, and 18,000 sabres at $7 50 each, for which Gen. Cameron has been censured in the report of Mr. bolt, of the Contract Commission, was given by President Lincoln himself. General Camsfon is now in this city, and it is avid that he intends to make a statement on the subject. Now that the capital of the nation stands on free soil, men find themselves asking why the act of emancipation was not promulgated years ago?—Philadelphia Press. History answers the question. Because the slave driving Democracy of the south, with their cringing dough-face allies of the north, during all those years, either ruled in the Presidency or tyrannized in Congress. Tha Dsmocasric ' , Ka used once to have a policy that pertained to the great interest of the country, relating to banks, currency, inter nal improvements, &c; but its sole stock in trade is now its hatred to the negro, and the Attempt to make those who oppose them, po litically odious by declaring such opponents to have inordinate love for the negro. SHALL TREY GO UNPUNISHED? The following. from the Louisville Democrat but echoes the feelings of the messes of this country. Shall the guilty leaders of this cause less and wicked rebellion go unpunished ? They, and they alone have brought upon us a war, the like of which has never before been known, desolating thousands of happy homes, and making almost every house in the land a house of mourning and despair. There must be some hanging done for this greatest of all crimes, and if the government does not intend to execute the leadepp that may fall into their hands it had better at once have all the prisons of the country emptied of the smaller crim inals. There Is a class at the North toward whom the authorities are, in the opinion of many, acting too mildly. While theliet of killed and wounded is bringing tears of anguish to the eyes of mothers, fathers and wives of some of our truest soldiers, this class hang upon the street corners and exult at the result. They belong to the class that have never heard of a victorious achievement of the Federal arms, and who now assert that the late glorious but dearly bought victory of Gens. Grant and Buell was a disastrous defeat. It is well for such men that there is no punishment in this country for opinion's sake. The Democrat says: We cannot look over the list of killed and wounded without holding these leaders respon sible. There is one fixed, resolute determination in the hearts of the people of this State that there must be some hanging done for this war. The men who have taken up arms may. possibly be pardoned, but those with instigated them to it ought never to be forgiven. They should expiate their crimes by the utmost limit of the law. The blood of our citizens is crying aloud from the ground for vengeance; the lives of our citizens are appealing piteously to the government for protection. Mercy to such men is murder to the rest of mankind. A wreckless, characterless, wicked war is brought on and carried on at the sacrifice of blood and treasure, and the leaders are 'to escape with impunity ! It cannot be, and ought not to be. It the re bellion is right, these men are free of blame and deserve commendation. If it is wrong, they rightfully deserve to die and must die. They themselves took the responsibility, and must take the consequences. There are too many homes desolate, too many mothers and sisters mourning for their murdered kinsfolk, for this awful crime to be passed off in a polite palaver and chivalrous turning loose of the tiger among children. Jeff. Davis may transfer his property to Cuba, and himself also, to escape, but no matter where he goes, it is the duty of the government to follow him up with studied resolution over the whole world. We repeat, the entire country, with the ex ception of the rebel sympathizers we have re ferred to, respond awn to this. BEFORE YORKTOWN. The people of Pennsylvania must not forget that we have fifty thousand soldiers before Yorktown. Fifty thousand men, and all from Pennsylvania, having their relations and their affections in every circle. Men who were not purchased or cajoled into the army—men who voluntarily left their homes, sacrificing business and pleasure, that they might contribute to the success of the general cause. Thus the father left the little ones to the. charge and support of the mother—the elder brother turned from the furrow in the field, hastening to the fight, while one younger took up the labor at home, and went on with the work of production. Fifty Thousand Men! All from Pennsylvania. There is something grand and glorious in this fact, and something too that should awaken the energy of every men in the state, that we may be prepared for the issue of that fight. For every man that falls there is another ready to take his place. We must prepare our homes for the reception of the wounded—and we must prepare our devotion for any bereavement that is likely to follow the issue of the impend ing fight at Yorktown. Pennsylvania has more than a national existence and reputation at stake in this conteet. She has immortality to achieve. That must be won at Yorktown. THE SENATE or THE UNITED STATES adopted- a resolution yesterday to inquire into the truth of a statement with reference to the drunken ness of a certain military officer. The outside allegation on this subject is to the effect that Gen. W. F. Smith, in the army before York town, exhibited himself drunk in the face of the enemy. The direct charge is certainly grave so far as the individual officer is con cerned, and very humiliating so far as it con cerns the dignity and the efficiency of the ser vice. But it is strange that the discovery has jest been made, that military officers of high and low rank are fearfullyaddicted to the use of liquor. It is strange that this discovery should just have been made in the social and official circles of Washington city, into the inner re cesses of which men can only pass on their powers of libation. Men have been confirmed to commands in the army who were notorious drunkards—who were intoxicated when they were nominated—intoxicated when they were confirmed—and ever since, In the face of their own men as well as the face of the enemy, have continued their intoxication, a disgrace to the country and a danger to the service. We know that this is true. There is not a man who reads this paragraph, and who has passed the last year in this city, that will refuse to confirm the fact. Officers of the army, with those ex ceptions who alone maintain its dignity and discipline, claim the swilling of liquor as one of their peculiar privileges. Many of them would rather forgo promotion than surrender this privilege, at least, the freedom with which they indulge in this respect seems to warrant such a suspicion. We trust that the lagniry to be instituted by the resolution referred to, will resnltin the im mediate dismissal of the officer charged with drunkenness, if he be proved guilty, It is time that an example was made, and it is better that humiliation commence in the highest grade, where self-respect should moat prevail. Tin Democrat= leaders complain that they are charged with disloyalty. How could it be otherwise when these men affiliate with Val landigham and accept his leadership ? They Cannot expect to sustain men who refuse to vote men and money for the war, and yet be considered loyal and patriotic. pennovivania it Ti_firgniptb. elmrobag afternoon, 2 4 24, 1862 „ vl l Itil - /JAW' FROM WASHINGTON. Nail Letting of the' Western Routes. RETURN OF THE FRetNOR MINISTER FROM RICHMOND. CHANGE IN THE . CABINET. ________ S (I) At noon to-day was commenced the an nouncement of the decisions on the proposals for conveying the mails on the Pacific coast, and in the West and North-west, &c. Large numbers of bidders are in attendance at the Postoffice Department. ' The proposals for the Pacific are very much higher than formerly. Those for Kentucky and Missouri have considerably advanced, owing, doubtless to the military disturbances in those States, while in Illinois, Indiana and other States, the rates are lower. In all, the number of routes is about twenty five thousand, averaging ten bids for each. The sum total of the offers for the entire let ting is about equal to that made years ago for the same service. • A French war steamer arrived off the Wash ington Navy yard this morning, haying on board M. Mercier, French Minister, who has returned irom his visit to Richmond. A change in the Navy Department has been positively determined upon. The President is waiting only to fix upon the individual who ie to fill the place of Secretary of the Navy. Gen eral Banks, Judge Davis, of Illinois, and Gov ernor Sprague, of Rhode Island, are each strongly urged for this distinction ; but the se lection has not yet been made. From Fortress Monroe and Newbern. THE RECENT ENGAGEMENT AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. The Rebels Repulsed with Con siderable Loss. UNION LOSS FIFTY KILLED AND WOUNDED. The Old f'oint boat has arrived, but brings no news of importance from Fortress Monroe or Yorktown. Col. Summers and Lieut. Carnes came up this morning in the Old Point boat, having arrived there about an hour before the boat left, in the steamer Cossack, from Newham. They report that a fight occurred on Tuesday of last week, near the canal locks at Elizabeth City, between Col. Hawkins' Eighteenth ands force of rebels. The latter were repulsed with considerable loss. Our loss was estimated at BO killed and wounded. Col. Hawkins was wounded in the right breast and his adjutant killed. This fight is said to have taken place on Tuesday, but it is no doubt the one alluded to in the rebel papers. DEFENCES OF NEW ORLEANS. Reported Abandonment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. The Havana Dairio states that persons ar rived there from New Orleans report that the rebel defences have been much exaagerated ; that Forts Jackson end St. Phillip have been abandoned and the cannon taken away, and that there is nothing to prevent the United States fleet from sailing directly to New Orleans. The Diario does not vouch for the truth of these reports. From General Mitchell's Division, TUSCUMBIA, ALABAMA, OCCUPIED. The "Star titazer” in Possession of 200 A special despatch to the flames from Pittsburg Landing, states that Glen. Mitchell's division has arrived at Tuseumbia. He has now pos session of two hundred miles .of the Memphis and Qharieston railroad. Large reinforcements arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the 22d inst. IMPORTANT RUMOR. The Governor of North Carolina Offers to Surrender the State to Gen, Burnside. It is reported by passengers by boat from Fortress Monroe that Gen. Burnside has received proposals from the Governor of North Carolina to surrender the State. SERENADE TO MRS. COMMODORE FOOTE BALTIMORE, April 14. The band of the Third New York last night serenaded the lady of Commodore Foote, who is stopping in this city. The music was very flue, and attracted a large crowd of listeners. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Breadstuff market is firmer, but there is not much doing-10,000 barrels of flour sold at $5 12k. For superfine $5 391i®5 50; for ex tra, the receipts are very dull. Rye flour sell ing at $3 25@3 34, and corn meal at $2 70. Wheat has advanced two cents-5,000 bushels sold at $1 25 for red, and 1 40®1 46 for white. Rye has advanced to 72cts. Corn in good demand aad 6,000 bushels yellow sold at 72 prime and 53 for unfair. Oats are active, and 50,000 bushels prime, sold at 3631r®35. No change in barley. Coffee is steady, with sales of rio at 18®19c and laguira at 21c. 4'700 bags of the latter in bond sold for export at 15. No change in groceries. Sales of Cuba sugar a®,t 4@ i 7 . 200 barrels of whiskey sold at 131 24. NEW YORE, April 14. Flour quiet, sales of 75,000 barrels at $4 60 @,4 85 for State ; 6 30®6 40 for Ohio, and 4 95@,560 for Southern. Wheat quiet, 10,000 bushels sold at 1 80®1 34 for red. Corn quiet 26,000 bushels sold at 58®57. Pork firm at 12®12 371 for mess. Prime pork unchanged. Lard buoyant at Wine. Whiskey is dull at I= I=l OF THE NAVY. WASHINGTON, April 24. I= BALTIMORE, April 24 Nvar Yonx, April 24 Miles of Rebel Railroad CHICMIO, April 24 Brarntouv, April 24. PEEwmulas, April 24 XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. WestimaxoN, April 24 SENATE. A communication was received from the War Department, transmitting copies of con tracts made by that department for 1861 Mr. Gams, (lowa,) presented 420 petitions from beer and malt liquor manufacturers, ask ing a reduction in the proposed tax on beer and malt liquors. Mr. PoMsuor, (San.,) presented similar pe titions. Mr. Powatx, (Ky.,) moved to take up the resolution offered by him concerning the ar reests of citizens of Kentucky, Ste. Mr. SVIINIR, (Mass.,) opposed taking up the resolution as inexpedient at this time. Mr. Powsu did not see why the Senator should make any opposition. It was simply asking how many citizens of a free State had been dragged from their homes without law, and calling on the tyrants and usurpers, to know where they are and what are their names. These were free white men. If they had been negroes, the Senator from Massachusetts would have made no opposition, but he ever is eter nally prating &boat the wrongs of the negro.— But white men have some rights, and he wanted the Secretary to tell tri why and wherefor these men had been thus unlawfully dragged to prison without charge or crime. Mr. SUMMER (Mass.) said the Senator from Kentucky had made an inflamed speech, and called a high officer of the government a ty rant and usurper. It was evident that if the resolution was taken up the whole question must be gone into. If the Secretary of War was a tyrant and usurper, there were men ar rested who were traitors. Mr. Powzrz, (in his seat.) "Who are they? Name them I" Mr. SUMNER continued arguing that it wee not best to go into an inquiry at present. Mr. PowaLL said that some of the men who were arrested were as loyal as the Senator from Massachusetts. He defied the Senator to point out any law by which the Secretary of State can carry oft the citizens of Kentucky and im prison them in the forts of Massachusetts and New York. The bill for the recognition of Hayti and Liberia being the special order of the day was taken up. Mr. DATA (Ky.,) moved a substitute, au thorizing the President to appoint a consul to Literia and a consul general to Hayti, with power to negotiate treaties, &c. HOUSE OF BEFSF,SENTATIVES Owing to the protracted ill health of Mr. Bailey, (Mass.,) he was excused from service on the Committee on Territories. Mr. VALLANDIOIIAX, (Ohio,) offered a resolu tion r. questing the President to transmit to the House, if not incompatible with public in terests, copies of such correspondence between the French and U. S. Governments as may have beenreceived within the last two months, relative to the present troubles in America.— Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. &mama, (Mine.,) from the Committee on Indian Affairs, reported a bill authorizing a treaty to be made with the Indians In Utah, with the view of purchasing their lands, and a bill authorizing the authorities with the Nava joes and New Mexico, defining their limits and extinguishing their titles to lands outside of the United States. Referred to the committee of the whole on the state of the union. Mr. Feerrox, (N. Y.,) introduced a bill to set tle the accounts of New York for advances made by that State during the war with Great Britain and for other purposes. Referred to the Com mittee on Claims. The House resumed the consideration of the confiscation bill from yesterday. Mr. LOYEJOT said that while the goverment is engaged in a serious war to put down the rebellion, it was seen that this unnatural and paricidal insurrection has sympathizers and advocates on this floor. Those who defend slavery are the defenders of the rebellion, lor slavery and rebellion are synonymous. They are unchangeable terms. The arch-fiend Sent forth with treason marked on his brow is re presented by the great British poet as roaming over the world exclaiming "Ye miserable, which way shall I fly? Whereer I fly is hell —myself and hell." it is precisely the same with his progeny arid first-born, namely—the sestepa of American slavery. Wherever slavery is there is rebellion. It is itself rebellion, its cornerstone, pillars and sup port. He took the position that either slavery or the republic must perish. He would tell the gentlemen from Kentucky, (Mr. CIIITTINDIN3 and all other advocates and defenders of the system, and those who cry themselves hoarse in attempting to throw the protection of the Constitution around this destroyer of the repub lic that there is no city of refuge. Like an infer nal assassin it has its knife down and is en deavoring to drive into the heart of the repub lic. We are bound to strike the monster, arid gentlemen need not cry out the Constitution for its defence. It shall, be said, be slain in the name of my country and my God. U denied, that slavery had any guarantee or r,ft' cognition in the Constitution. He argued that it was their right and duty to destroy slavery because slavery is destroying, or will destroy the republic. He was in favor of a restora tion of the Union with the right to stand on American soil anywhere and proclaim his sentiments. He wanted to stand any where on American soil without the en forcement of despotism to bold hie tongue. He wanted to speak in South Carolina,Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana without the threat of being lynched or served with a coat of tar and feathers. The gintleman from Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden) yesterday asked what would the four millions of slaves do if turn ed loose. Turned loose! this term was used as if the slaves were wild beasts. Now he had this to say : at present he would let them alone to take care of themselves,- which they were abundantly able to do. Slavebolders had bet ter turn their attention to another point, viz: What will they do when they cease to live on the unrequited sweat and toil of the slaves. He denied that he and his friends want to make this an anti-slavery war; but they believed that the only way to put down rebellion and restore peace and union was to destroy slavery. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET Nmw Yorm, April 24 Money plenty. Sterling exchange is dull at $1 12*(41 12*. Stocks lower, except Gov ernment securities. Chicago and Rock Island 64. Illinois Central at 68. Bonds 96*. Mich igan southern 44*. New York Central 88*. Reading 43*. Milwaukie and Mississippi 85k. Virginia 65.58. Missouri 49*. Tennessee 66. Carolinas Mi. Ohio 991. 'United States tree. sury 730 s I*. United States Coupons 1881- 91. Registered 99t. United States 58.1874 Gold 1011. ARRIVAL OF A SPANISH STEAM FRIGATE. NEW Your, April 24. The Spanish steam frigate Isabel Calolica, from Havana, with dates to the 18th, has ar rived. She brings the mails. Tua Emnaxaarr Somme of Liverpool, Hang, Cork, and other cities of Eurrpe, report fo shippers that large numbers of persons will leave Europe for the United States. If the civil war, in which we are now involved, is soon ended, this emigration will exceed that of all other seasons. FORTY PHYSICIANS, of Philadelphia, have volunteered their services to Secretary Stanton, to go to Yorktown, in the event of a battle 1u t hat *laity. Nm 2DaertisenuntB. NOTICE To ADVEltirisCitS.—All Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, ace., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. PUBLIC SALE WILL be sold at Public sale on Friday Apri/ 24th, 1562, on the premises, the following desmbed property, viz : HOUSEHOLD AND KIT CHEN FURNITURE, GAS FITTINOS, 20C1L.4 of all descriptions, and other articles too numerous to ention late the property of tiaras Crum; dec'd- Sale to corn mence at 2 o'clock, P. IL, when attendance will be given by SUSAN M. COWL E. apr24•dlt Admioistratrix. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! AT AUCTION. M. BIIIST AND SON of Philadelphia, Worms the ladies and gentlemen of Harrisburg and hat they will have their second sale or Choice Flowers in full bloom, on Saturday neat, the 26th comtneuclng at 10 0 clock, A. N. Those who here left orders Pr flowers will please mil for them st the sale. DANHIL, S BARB, aprtt4•d2t Auctioneer. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Henry Cunkle, late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphiu county decease I, have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Dauphin county. All persons indebted to said estate, to present them to the undersigned for settlement. RIISAH M. CUNELE, Administ•atrix. The undersigned hereby empowers iles-r.g. Valentine Hammel, Jr. &ad L. IL Kinnard, to adjust any Oa M 3 that may bo presented t 2 them duly authent cated on the above estate SUSAN . M. OUP.ICLE, ap24•doswew Adatin istratils. BIOTINA ROOFING KILNIIPACTITELZD BY THII UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING CO, NO. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner Green and Pitts Streets ; Boston, Mass. THIS Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public, which is reedy prof ared to go on the roof without any snishin , opratiou. It light, handsome and sully applied, and ran he solely and amply transported to any part of the world. It will not t ant or discolor water running over, or lying on it, aad is In all reefs to a very cesirable article. Its nonconducting properties adaft it especially t, covering manufactories of various kinds, one it is confidently of- fered to the public of er a test of four years in all Tonle tles of ci mate and temperature, for covert , g all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched togethor with cars, stem!). ats, the. It is bo•h chep and durable. Agents waste, to whom liberal inducements are offered send for sample, dm. ac., with parlinanre, to "U. S. ROOFING CO., apr24-d3in No. 9 Gore Block. Bost - " GREAT BARGAINS. W FORSYTH & CO. 18 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Offer the following inducements to purchasers of VALUABLE JEWELRY. POSSESSING unrivalled facilities for this method of selling, we feel cond.:teat woman give entire satisfaction to all who p ttronize nit We nek one trial to zatlify the most incredulous that wh=t we say is t ma. 00,000 WORTH OF WATCHES, CHAINS, &C. To be sold 'or One Dollar each without regard to value and not to be paid for till you know what you are to re e lye. Look at the following List of Articles to be Sold for $1 Each. no Watches, varying in pries from $l3 to 8100, all in good order and warranted. 200 Ladle.' gold watchae.......... 135 00 each. 600 Indies' a•td Gents' silver watches.... 1 00 each. 2.600 Vest sod ne:k elm ns $5 00 to 1 00 each. 3,000 Good baud bracelets........ 6 0•. to 1 00 eivh. 3000 do do do 300 to 00 each. 3,000 Cameo Oro° •bei. 400 to 00 each. 3.000 NI(111161G and jut broaches-- 400 to 00 each. 3,000 Lava and do enune brooches.. 400 to 00 each. 3.000 Cameo ear drops ..400 to 00 each. 3,000 Lava and florentine e.r di ops 400 to 00 e ch . 3,000 Coral ear do ps 400 to 00 each. 6,000 Gents' ..... 250 to 00 each. 3 000 watch keys 200 to 00 each. 2,600 Feb and ribbon 5h0e5....... 200 to 00 each. 2,000 Setts of no-out 25a to 00 each. 2,400 sleeve but ins 250 to 00 ia h. 6OW P ale r'n.e 250 to 00 cat 1, 5,000 -tone set ring 5............. 250 to 00 each. 6,0110 Lockets-- 250t0 1 00 each, It•,OW :tits ladies' jewe1ry..........5 00 to 1 00 each. 10,000 Gold pens, finest a tide made 400 to 00 each All of the above list of goods will be sold for One Dol lar each. Certificates of all the various artic'es, stating what tort cue can have, will he placed in envelopes and sealed, wittiest rcg ird to cho ca. On roceip tof the oertific toe you can see what you can have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take the article or not. In all transactions by malt, we shall charge fir for. warding the certificates, paying postage, and dot the a 5 cents each, which' must be enclose i when the Certificate Is sent For. live Certificates will be rent ior $l, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-live for 310 and one hundred for SO. AGENTS. Those acting as agents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, pr ivided their remit tance am.unts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate and remit 15 cents to us either in cash or postage smarm Grerat caution snould be used by our correspondents In regard to giving their correct address, town county and Stale. send for OireuMre, which will be mailed free. Address W. FORSYTH & CO. apr24 det 18 John street, New York SPORTSMEN ATTENTION. —Fishing Tackle, Powder and Ehit, for ssle by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, apr24 Corner Front . and Market, streets. B • ACOg, Lard, Hama, just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, awn Cor - r Front and Mark-elements. SUGAR Cured Hams, prime lot. just re ceived and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, apr24 Caner Front and Market streets. DRIED PEACHES, pared and impair ed, DOA Proems, Itaisfns, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, apr2ll Corner Front and Market stroete. FRESH invoice of those fine sweet Cranes, also Lemons, Cocoa Nabs, for eale low by IL:Rots BJWILIN, aprzt Corner Front and Market streets CEDAR Ware and Willow Ware, con staling of Chunks, Tabs, Buckets, of all kinds for sale by NICHOLS kr. BOW MAN, apr24 Corner of Front and Market streets. NEWBOLD HAMS.—A small lot of these a Isbrated Rama just reaeired. apr2l Wit. DOCK, Jr.,* CO. TO THE LADIES. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1 ! MRS. E. BRENIZER,. MARKET STREET, NEAR FOURTH. AB just returned from the city with a large and assortment of Spring Goods_ c „,i m i ng pi t y f Ladies' Drees. Goods, Jae °nets, Swiss Iduelins, tmbroderies, H Mugs,. Hosiery, Gloves, Lido le and Gents' midge' chiefs . , Ladles' Dress Trim mings, Hoop Set. tS7 SEWING MACHINES. Having taken the agency of the celebrated Grover & Siker Noisl es a Sewing Machine, I will be beoPy to have the rink gait and examine this maolnue before purchas ing elsewhere. lam cumin it will recommend itself to all who witness its operation. An experioacei operator la in attendance; who will impart any information de sired. [apr2B-41m] MRS. H. ORENIZER. - CANE SEATED CHAIRS; Ac - NEATL I' repaired and reseated, an all orders executed promptly by Mrs . SPRING-BR, rearal-dim Second street below Mulberry. DELAWARE GRAPE VINES. STRONGLY rooted, better than. sold readily a year ago at $2 each, can flaw ill had at the Ke stone Nursery fa $1 or $lO per Cara. apr2s JACOB MISS. ALTHAA PRE White, Red, Roee Colored, Pur ple and Variegated, donate ilme , g, for sale at .b,,,ysta lm , Nursery at 21 to 37% scats each; 42 u s litler dation. tapr2q Wen , abuertiormentS. FAVORABLE. NOweather could he more favorable than the present for PLANTING TREES, aa kinds and sizes of which can bahad at the KEYSTONE NURSERY, Harrisburg, at prices to sult the times and within the means of the poorest citizens. [aprl6y] J. Mina- DON'T DEFER PLANTING Cherry Treed. The season is advancing rapidly, and the time for successfully removing the Cherry will 80011 be past. Other fruit trees, such as Appli•, Pear, Poach, Plum, Shade Trees, as well as Grape Vines, nas-nerri s, Currants, Goo ,eber. ries, Strawberries, dry., m,y be planted later, while EVERGREENS ma; be safely transplanted as late as the middle or lat ter end of May. All, however, silent .be planted as early as possible, and there is no Nursery where better ar ticles can be bad for the same pr co, or in better condi tion than at the g [apr 'Sy] J . /Leda MISR OFFICIE OF LYELSB VALLEY RAILROAD & COAL FOIIP 4NT, } LramtsvOWN April 8 h, 1862. A MEETING- of tie s tockholders' of the Lykene Valley Railroad and Coal Company. wit be belt at bo. 4 South Seventh Street, Itilladelphia, ou Monday the sth day of May nest, from 10 o cfo kA. K. until - o'clock P. M , for the purpose of election a Prod dent, Secretary, Tree urer and seven Mau, gem, to serve for the mailing yesr. A. B. YuIING, epr9.ds awld Secretary COAL ! COAL ! I $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE and yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Retail dealer in TREVERION, WILICESBAREE, LYKENE VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD TOP COAL. Families and clenaere may rely upon obtaining a first rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders p - omptly kttellth.d to. a liberal discount pur chasers. paying for the coal when ordered. Preeent !Tice, $3, and i,2 tO per ton. Elarrisburg, April 18.-dly CALIFORNIA GRAPES. STRUNG Plant, 81 00 each, smaller 50 to 75 cents each, at IK.ystotte Nursery, Harrisburg. °p:23 J. MISR. BLACKING! MASON'S "CHALLENGE BLACKING. no Grow, ass.rded sizes, just received, and tor sale ut Wholessle prices, REDUCTION 40 PER CENT. T am now supplied wit;i a very fine as— sortment (over 180 different kinds,) of PLOWER SEEDS, from H. A. Dreer, seedeatau. Philadelphia, and Bell all finds at a reluctin of forty per rent from his pOl. lished prices. Also J. Walley John's Gale nrnied atockg and Asters, (the very best,) at three cents per payer. Cal aad examine my stick. DAVID HA VN 133, 110 int .rltet street- Don't forget the place. nprlo tin sat-trillw FOR gardening tools of all kinds go to &pal? th-sat-tudw tial"NE,' 110 klntketstre t. GARDEN SEEDS at three cents per paper, at IYNEs', 110 Market Street. aprlo-tu-sat tu3w FOR FLOWER SEEDS at three cents par paper, go to 'JAYNES', 110 Market street. eprlO th•mt tu3w CEI I LDREN 'S CARRIAGES, cheap, strong, elegant and data )le, at ap;lo.tli Fat tuSw HAYNES'. 1;0 Market Street. FOR Bird Seed and Bird cages, go to apeltth E a -ta-3w 1/AYNEi', 110 Market Sireet. CHILDREN'S GARRIAGES.--A very lar. c Et •ck of Chl`dreis Steel ipritig Carriages a , Perambulators or every style, ter sale at less than c ty pr. ces, by DAViD HtYNitizt, aprlo covat.tri2w 110 Market :greet. WALL PAPER! ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 6,10, 12, 15 and 25 cents per roll. the largest and most varied stock o Wall Paper, Borders, Window Blinds, Curtin and Fixtures ever offered in this city. Being bought for cash, it will be -Old at a very small profit. /Or Hemel:ober the place, Scheller's Book Store, Market street, opposite Gross' Drug store, Harrisburg. m22-ditin) APRICOT AND PLUM TREES. OF choice varieries, 40 to 50 cents each, $4 to $5 per dozen, at Ii.EYSTOSE INUB.SEKY apr7y GUARA. JELLY.—.A. large supply just received by LADIES CORSETS ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. The"'eat:article manufactured, Call 48 arEtCaLT ' Next door to the Harrisburg Run k. JERSEY HA lil—Trn tierces of these justly celebrated sugar cured hams, received two or sa sin large or smell quantities. RASPBERRIES. BRINCKLE'S Orange, Faistolf, Franco ni t, Bed Antwerp, Rome., &c., at e.prl KIt'STONE NUPSFRY. GOLD PEN 6 I—Tne largest and beet stock, from $l.OO to s4.ol—twurranted—at n2o SEIFSPER $ 800K8TORIL IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY DR. P. H. ALLABACH, surgeon Den. List, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the use of ern Betel teeth, embracing partial, half and whole pets of one piece only, of pure and indestruchale mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccu lotion of sm al I particles or food and therefore, no offensive oder from 1110 breath, as no me. MI is usedin their constructio; there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. thence the individual is not an !toyed with sore Mroat, headache, Atc. Mee No. 43 North Second street, Harrisburg. octl2- dIY PROF. ADOLPH P. TELIPSER. WOULD respectfully inform hie old patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science in THOROLion BASS. He will veth pleasure wait apon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given a his residence, in Third street, a few doors below th German Reformed Church. deels-d if SC HIBFFELIN BROTHE.RS & CO., WHOLES ALE D RUGG ESTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per fumery, Am. Also agents for the tale of Rased Petroleum, Illuminating uil, superior to any coal oil • furnished in any quantities at the lowest marset rates. 170 and 172 William. Street, NEW YORK. Ja27-dGm INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 365 & 367 BROADWAY, CORN= OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORE. THIS first-elass house—the most quiet, homelike, and piemnat hotel in the city—offens superior inducement, to thoss visiting Ns..W YORK for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, in:connection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments can be had at all hours, or served in their own rooms. The oh irtes are moderate, the rooms and attendance of the first order—nuts, and sli the medern convent nor a thiebed. mak3us ALOT of prime Cheese just received and ror sate by Nroujn,t A B,WMAN, tebil Corner Front and Market streets. 10AP, liarrison, Uoun 'ry and All'ancY, for 'ale by N Name, ta BOWMAN, at2Ty] nankeen earner of heat and Market 'teem. WM. DOOR. .ir.. it On WA. DOCK, JR.& CO.• V/ IL DOCK, JR. & CO