THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERMS---anolitm SunellairrlOS. The DAILY TiasanaPtt is served to anbacribere In Olt. city at 6 cents per week Yearly eabacribers will be charged $4 00, in advance WIWiLT AND 81.411.WITRIT TaLZOBAFIL The TILIGBAIT is also publisned twice a week durini the session of' the Legislature and weekly during tht remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cash raterhvis : Single subscribers per year Ten 60 " .‘ 64 Twenty " " 44 ..22 00 tingle subscriber, Weekly 100 • TEI LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. Ii subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ere from the of to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. Inisultautons. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "RIG LY a9NCENTILI EEL" CCMPc EXTBACP BUCIII7, A Positive and Specide Remedy For DiaeaAes of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Ibis Medicine inersa-es the power of Digestion, and excites the ABNORBENTS int • healthy action, by which the WATERY OK CALCAREOUS depositions, and ell UN NATURAL ENLARGEriENTS are reduced, as well as PAM AND INFLAMeTIuN, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Finesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In. discretion or ,sbnse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,Trembling, Horror of Disase, Wakefulness, Dimness cf Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitudeloif the,Muaoular System, Hot Hands, • Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face PALLID IXRINTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this toed bane invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUIT bPILEPTIC, FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY kXPIRE. Who can say that they are not freque,tly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEAStS," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." • Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INS eNBASYLU . And the Melancholy Deaths by Conitimption, BILIS MOLT WITNESS TO TSB TH,LFTB OF HEIR ASSORTION. TEM ccauvurui.ti IN ONO°, AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAK ESS, Requires the aid of medicine to arengtheri and Invigorat the System, Which HITSIBOWS EXTRACT BUCHU iveariatily does • TRIAL WILL CONVICT TES YOST SIXITIOLL. FEMALES--.F.EALALES-FEIhtLES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TI~G MARRIAGE, j IN MANY AFFECIIoN'i PECULIAR, TO FEMALES, thelLstract Machu is unequalled by any other remedy, u iu chlorasis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Ruppres+ion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Eicirrhous state of the Uterus, Leueorhon Whites, Steril ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising Prom Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE 01 LIFE. 6131110M3 ABM NO FAMILY MOULD BE WITIIOUrIT 1 Ti No row, BLANAM, Nhccuiiit, oa umusenrr Run ORM /OR IMPLEAPANT AND DANGICROUS MEANS& HELMBOLD'S Kr7RAGT BUCHU MINS SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little .8 vense Little or no change In Diet ; No Inconvenience; ; And no Szposure. It cense% a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying ?dill and Imlllaiumation so frequent In the Glass M diseases, and expelling ad Poisonons,.Dsseased and toorn•oed Nader. • • 'ILHOCEASIDE 'UPON THOCISIANDE lalo HAVE BEEN 2HE VICT:MS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HEAVY mum to be cured to a. short time t have found they were deceived, anti that the "POS. EON" has, by the use of 'Towson asrahroarrs, been dried up in the system, to breat out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFI'ER MARRIAGE. Uee Rewapotzesysnuor BIICEM for all afroctions and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter cf HOW LONG STANDING. Amalie! of these Organa require the aid of DIIJRF.O IC HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT 80011.0 Id THE GREAT DIURETIC, • Aad Is certain to have the'do:ilred enact in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, from 8 to 20 yearn standing, Wren Mures KNOWN To BLIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 Delivered to any address, securely pacLzad from obser Talton. DESCRIBE EYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis • AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho olly of Pnlladelptds, H. T. HslailllOTA Who being duly sworn, Both say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely Time. table H. T. HELMBOID. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No umber, 1351. WM. P. HISSERS, Alderman, Ninth St. above Race, Phila. Atkins* letters for information In confidence To H. T. HELHBOLD, Chemist, • Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bol. Chestnut, Phila, BEWARE OF CoUNTE.H.F.VAPIPS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose Abe TIMM own' , and "omits" AJITIOLIS ON MIR IMPUTATION ATIAINID BT Rambold's Genuine Preparation s t 14 " Latract Be. hn, 46 " Sarsaparilla, , 6, Improved Hose Wash. Sold by 0. H.-Seller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, 'A. Hannvart. . ...... . _ . AND ALL DRUOFISTI EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR REMIBOLD , S. TAKE NO OTHER Cut out the advertlrement and send tor it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. aov18•d1y C. F. 71111131EMCC1S, TRAVELING AGENI . Of THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. 2 - 11i it s ju O in Lp u TR f lisi pe S: t p ou ßLA p T re l p o .r N ed to LLN r g ``ht as LOW as any other individual line between Phil phia, Ilarrisbura,Bunbury,Lewisburg. Williams. sport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and all points on the Mortbern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Xbuira lisibtauls. Local Agvat, at Harrisburg, D. A. MIIKNOH. I}toOda sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & }MERMAN, Not. nil and 810 Market street, above Eighth. by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive it llarrieburg, ready for de livery the melt morning. C. F. MIIENCII, fhpB4l' 'traveling Agent. JOHN WALLOWER, IL, Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. (MOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly lbrwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Cantral,.thrmberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads sad Canal. ILAVUNG AND DRAYINO to and from all parts of the City to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel,Or at the store OR. S. Zollinger, will reeeive prompt attention, Con way:tents of 'mot respectfully solicited. .R.INcl WALLOWER JR., Agt., ap2 office Reading Depot. WHOLESALE umBRELLA MANUFACTORY No. 69, Market Street, below Third, .10 EURREKBORG, M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARSOLS and WALKING CANES, will furnish •gooda at LOWER racms than can be bouzin in any et befAstera cities. Coantry mnrchanta Will do well to all and examine price:es and quatiLy, and convince them elves or this hu.: an2.3-dly. ApyEW GOODS.—We invite attention to oar new stook of goods j net received. and flpv ; lesis ISIALOGiI 4 SOWSIELI, genet of Irma and MMUS streets. ... \ . \ .....',,,,..\ \ + . Ift ON- , - ----=-- , 4% (it /0 , ....-: .: • 1 r .-, ''''''':' .4 -----1/ -7.-7.-...„ - . eiiii'f, r 4 ' --------- . 9 6 - . •• i • 1111 tilills til am c ris„,e.,„,--__.,,._.,,,..)=.- . Di . tetallb 4 _...._ , . „ VOL, XVII. filtbitat DR JOHNSON A.Merradr.4oo3El.3o LOCK HOSPITAL II AS discovered the most certain, , speedy. ja. end ettetoual weedy to the World for DISEASES OF LAPRUDENOE. MELT IN SIX TO TWELVB NOUNS. No Mercury or Noxious Drup. A Care Warranted, or no Charge, in trom one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affeetlons of the ,> 'owls and bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, thuteral ilebilicy, kervOusuent, Lyep pay, lan- Lqr, Low zpiritS, Contusion of ldeas, Palpitation of the EL sit limiatty, Trembling; Dimness of eight or taiddk. neka, 11i kaaaa 01 the Head, Throat, Nose or data, attic lions of the layer, Luhad. dtoma,h or Bowels—atom ter rible uisortters arising front the LluLiary Hatuts:of Youth — , thoan agooir mad twittery pract cue wore 14.11.1 to their vlct ma thus the song of yrens to the Mariners of Lly a ate, blighting their most MAR tnt holm or antampallom, rendering marriage, ac., ihiposaio/a. • Young lien Especially, who have become the victims of 8011tiry Vice, mat dreadful and destructive ban,‘ which annual ly sweep's to au undaiely grave total ante of Yeang Men of toe meet exahed telaite and lindiarti IZlLene Who hi IP OtherWlth have enunaced hanniog Senates with the thunders of elogueuue or waked to eest&y the lyreonay earl Wlih fell conadenee. Ai &image. Married Persons, or Yuuog hied contemplating mar• rime, beiug tt ware of physical wealiuea, urgauto d.tbi oeformides, 6c., speech y cued. no woo pieces himself under the care of Mr. J. may religiously amble w hie i oiler as a gentleman, and co, ilueuily rely upon uIS ski L RS a Phy Organic Weakness Immediately Cnie.., on. lull vig.r aestored. ThLi doltrea ong alleottou—which rafters I lie misers ble and marrrao inipiwittde— is the penalty paid by Mk: victims of implo r er niduldbaceo, i oung porsoLa a.e 100 apt to roam.' 'excite:a • trow riot - home, awaro of Mk theadiul owed that may ensue. Now, wh3 ttiat Uutierelarala the subject. Fretting 10 eOO Vial sho pow er et ierour.ettou le ,eel homier y tootle lading into im p:okier haeite ihan by the pruient4 Mauler. being de prived the patieures of healthy offsphug, the meet se rious and atiatrucuta Syni,auma to hot!" body and maid arise. The eyftina becomes deranprd, the rhyabittl . anu Mental Functions Weatteued, Loss of nooresttlife Power, Norodom trrattbility„ Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigeadon, O.,uetiU lua.l heblliy, a Wasting of the braille, Cough; Conouraption, Decay Diatati. Office, .No. 7 coath Frederick Street LAIL tuuu side goitig trout na.timire atructis ww•aoor. from the earner.. Fail not to observe oidue andhuntber.• • . , .tters mdst, be paid acid owhaiu a Viazny. /kW DOO or's Diplomas haug iu his °Moo. A Lure Warranted in Tw o Day , . ivo dierrwry or' 1 , Id _ useous um Dr. Johnson Member of the Royer ijoirege c. ourbsons, London, Grad nets from one or the moat Galleon ouleges in the United buttes, Alta the greater ism of Whoe• hid hal been spent in the norpirsis of London; Para, l'imaleiphia and else where, has elfalopitsolie of the. Am* astonishing .urea that Were ever Known; many trJutiled'arith ringing in the head aui ears wins' asleep, grearnersoustusa t being alsrmed at sudden armada, bathfulnbu, With frequent Witching, attended sometimes whh derengemerit of mind were eared immealate;y. Take - .Particular Notice Dr. J. addresses al those who haveiujured themnelveS by improper indulge. ea and soluary wht.h role botu nody and mind, uuilt dug them fur .either business, study, society or marriAL Tnese are some or uio sad and melancholly effects pro. ducsd by early habits or youth, via: Weakness of tne Bead and Limos, Pains in the Head, Dimnene ,f Sight, Loss of atusJular Power, Palpitation of the' 'heart, Dys pe,psy, Nervous lzratibii ty, Derangement of theD geALVe flotations, General Symptoms of Consumption, dra., InsfrrallY.—The fearful effects on the mind are' much to be dre Ided—Lose of Memory, Contusion of ideas,: of Spirits, nvil Foroomags, Avers on to sor:tety, Se.f D.atruat, love of solitude, Timidity, do., are some of the e v tin produced. ' Tsouialuns or persons of all ages can now judge what is the CELUI33 of their declining tomtit, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearanoo auoutthe eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Bien Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in• dolled in when alooe, a Walsh frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render. marriage int r osnble;and dastroyi both mind and body, seould apply immediately. • What a pity that a man, the hope of hi coun try, the darling of we parents, should be snatched trom all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the cow eguence of deviating from the path of nature'euid indulging in a certain secrethabit. Such Ferman situer, belore contem plating Marriage, reflect that it,soundittind and budynre the most needia• wary raga :ilea to piomonionaubnl happineas. Indeed, Without these, the journey through life brownies a weary phgria.age ; the prospoct hourly, - darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despax and Ailed with the mendicholly ten olion that the happiness of another become', bughted with oar own. Disease of Imprudence. When, the tua g anted end hey...item v• t.ryofpleasure Bads that lie had imbiber the seeds of this painful dn• ease, it, t.o algal lluipODS that an ill-timed am/sent shanie Or uread of discovery, &ten him Loin applying to thole who, irom erne-ton and reepecutaildy, can alone be friend bun, delaying tilt the consaull nal symptoms ,oa this bdrr d sease mak their appearance, such as ul aerate, sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains is the bead AA limbs, annum. of bigot, newness, nodes On m the el bones and arms, blotches ou the h an, facet and extremities,prog.r,ssng with Irigatful rapluity, tin. at Let the palate or the mouth or the bones of the nose fail se, end .he victim of this &with ttidtEtze become a tiorr.d ebi clot connoldmatioa, till death pate a period to his or.sdl'ul Sneering', by sending hto '" that Urdiscov veredCcuutry from winner, no trdveler returns." , It is a sterancrrolly tact tide thousands fad vi _Alms to this terraria deem,* omit, to the ousadfuldiese of igr gat pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Poison, dfe.oisry, rule intecottatittiboa make the residue a lie to Notable, Strangers Trutt not your lives, or mann, to the care or the many Unlearned sod We tutees Pe menders, destitute of Mum. ledge, name or, characler, who copy pr. Jobutoti's ad vet. vertisementa,.or otyw teemeelvess le the nearapapara, regularly a:aerated ritesiCi.ns Incapsala of Carina, tees keep YouOhne, mouth atter moat, teats,' toes and poieonowid•sa compouudit, or as the snooks/ fee can ne artigned, and to despair, leave you wtta ruin ed health to OM over your geduig thesppuintment. 1./r. Johnson as the only Poymmuu ~uvertisi.g. Hte oredendal or diplumas aiwaye haulm to Ills odlce, His remedlesi or treetruum are ulknewe w au-ocher,, Prepared ,row life spout to the g eat Itsaptials of nu rope, the first to couutry 414141 iiitil4llllo Pri vataPractioa than any 'Altar tto mimeo In the world. Indorsement of the Prees. . , Thomann tilouuss-4i cursa at tu.s tne.t.tton year af. ter sear, and the numerous ilikiortauli barites/. Wier- lions 'Arum:sea by Dr. Johann., wituaneect by the re porters of the , •sun," ••cbyper,e Ana many ether pa• pent, notices of which have api e esred a.ain sad again before the public, beddes his standing aaa goatisinius of ch tract& Cad rempuaslbilth is a 4.llLient guarraLtee Loth* agticted: kin Disclaim speedily Cured. Pennons writing should be I.,..rt,cuitte in dirsistiug their letters to his InAitution. in toe telioiri.g masher : JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. o, the salt,more Ho•p LAI, iSaitisiore, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, DEBT PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 $1 60, $2, 33, and $4, for wile at i bl 6 y SCIIBFFER'S BoOkstioret, JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 960,51 26 $1 5 0, $2, 13, it, 95 and $lO. Also POCICAn Bit/1411 of 41f lewd styles and prim at IiffinITPSIVB Bookstore. febl6l "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NON E," HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 24, 1862. D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS., MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS do PAINTS, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pins Oi ls, Bottles, Vials and Lauip Globes, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beat manufacturers and Pe tumors of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their eatisfaction. v • PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can ofter inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil tamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. Those of you who have not given our HORSE AAiD . CATIIE POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping liorses :and Cattle healthy and in food condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the v business gives in the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a dlicrim hinting public. apl6-dly V IIRE Cider,Vinegar, for sale at NICROLS & BOWMAN'S, sonar trans , a York* strode '140130 NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PRIVN'A. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, OM, varnishes and Glues, DyeAltuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools; Pars Ground Spices! Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks. dm., Sisc., &C., dic., du, &en With a general variety of PAINTS, w tuTE LEAD, MIMED OIL, VAMISHIai, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND OOLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, re , ---1•.... .___ - v , Holsgig , - ••, 0.,- 0 DR uci2. a• . . 1 P;lP" , " , ..i.vis . _ =24-4R_Lci TEETH! TEETH!! RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietore. OWL OIL I OARBON 'OIL I FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, BY TELEG 1. From our Morning Edition. FROM CAIE,O. No Firing at Fort Pillow for Three Days. The Rebels in Possession of Four teen Gunboats and the Rain Manassas. ARRIVAL OF COTTON AT CAIRO. TIM TWELFTiI lOWA REGIMENT. 11)ZifrainfiVriVID 5 )414:9/011DOInVoccio CAIRO, AprU 28 iDicatch from the Fret on As 22d] For three days not a gun has been fired. The combatants 'seemingly satisfied to save their powder until something can be accomplished by its discharge. The enemy are reported to have fourteen gunboats off of the fort together with the Bain Manassas. The latter, and the seven former ' arrriviug on Sunday. Hollins has returned from blew Orleans with the McCrea. The Dasto left the fleet yesterday with one hundred bales of cotton for Cairo, the first shipment north elute the commencement of It is reported that the Mound City hospital has been suspended, until the water subsides. The sick and wounded there are to be transfer red to the other hospitals. The steamer Tigress arrived this P. M., from Pittsburg Landing, with the officers of the Twelfth lowa on board. They report the wa ter is falling. Their regiment has but twelve effective men lett. FROM CALIFORNIA. MILITARY MOVEMENTS. DEPREDATIONS OF THE INDIANS. INTERRUPTION OF TILE OVERLAND MAIL The Telegraph Liable to Deetraotion• Situ Fassicisco, April 19. Spring had opened, and the miners in crowds were leaving Victoria for the gold fields. Col. Carleton, with about three thousand California volunteers and a battery left the south eastern border of this State on a secret expedition, some say for Arizona and New Mexico, others for Salt Lake. Sax Faattotsoo, April 22:—Sailed—the 11. S. steamer Narragansett. On a cruise, ships Cam den and Keediek. The ship Devonshire has been chartered to carry a load' of spara from Puget Sound to Spain. The iridium are again showing symptoms of hostility on the eastern slope of the Serra Ne vadas. !!:1 A party of whites were killed by them on he 13th, near Howens river, in Emerlda die riot of Salt. Lake. It is reported they have deetroyed several mail stations, stolen much, killed several em ployees of the Over-land mail company. The mails are temporarily stopped. The telegraph is liable to destruction any moment. A regiment , of California volunteers now in this State should be ordered to duty on the plains at once. SALT Lase, 22d.—The Indians have stolen the stock from nearly every station between Laramie and Bridger, and killed several men, burned one station, and threaten entire destruc tion to the Overland mail company's property. The company in consequence are concentrating their employees and property at few stations for protection, and have abandoned all attempt to carry mails for the present. From Washington. THE NEW MILITARY BILL The bill reported 'from , the Committee on Military Affaits to-day, autteirrizeii and requires the Presideutto convene a board,.to oonmst of two officers of the.corps of engineers, one ordi nance officer, one artillery, two officers of the Navy, two members selected by reason of their scientific and practical attainments, and an officer of the corps of engineers as secretary, whose duty it will be to examine and consider our systems of sea coast and land fortifications, with especial reference to such changes as may be necessary or ad visable, because of the introduction of new ,elements of attack and defence, to examine new devices for defence, and test by experi ments such points in the construct'on of fortifi cations as the board may think needful. The board isto report to the President, for transmission to Congress, its conclusions and results with such supporting information as may seem appropriate. The President may, if in his judgment the exigencies of the country require it, order the work recommended by the commission to be commenced and prosecuted without the previous assent of Congress. • The bill further provides the amount ap propriated this session for fortifications, shall be expended under the direction of the Presi dent, upon such defensive works as shall be re commended by the Commission, and authorizes the President to accept any sum of money loaned or advanced by the several states for the construction of defensive works for the protec tion of the states, making such loans upon such terms as shall be agreed upon berween the proper authorities. The board is also required to examine and consider the propriety of constructing a navy yard and depot on the northern lakes, of a foundry for la avy machines and also an armory and arsenal of construction west of the Alle gheny Mount Ana, and for additional arsenals of deposit and repair, and shall be subject to the approval of the. President, and locate the same at such point as shall from purely milita ry consideration t appear best ter the de fence of the coun try... , • The bill also provides that there shall be I=l Csixo, April 23 WASHINGTON', April 23 ' NO, 94 added to the number of cadets at both the Military and Naval Academy a number equal to the present number allowed by existing law in those schools, to be selected one from each congressional district and territory by the academy board from such applicants as shall apply for admission, and who upon examina tion shall be deemed best qualified. Provided, That the number added shall have all expenses defrayed by parents and guardians, who shall be required to deposit with the Su perintendent of the academies at each year the estimated amount of money necessary to pay all expenses for one year, the cadets being sub ject to all rules and regulations established from time to true for the government of said academies. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF MR STEAMER PERSIA. Navy Yorts, April 23. The steamer Persia, with Liverpool dates to the 18th inst., has arrived. avrepoor., April 11.—The weekly cotton market was received by the Bohemian at Port land. The Manchester markets closed firmer, with an upward tendency. The breadstuff market is steady; flour still advancing, and active prices have improved 6d@ls. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn dull; mixed corn 27s 6@,278 9 Provision market dull.— Pork inactive; bacon still declininy ; lard quiet and steady; tallow steady at 45.,®46s 6. LONDON, April 11.—American securities quiet and steady. Consols for money 93i®94; the bullion in the Bank of England has mortased 33,000 pounds. THE VERY LATEST. Lrrintrook 12th April—Evening.—The sales of cotton to day were 7 000 bales, closing buoy ant but without change in quotations. Th sales to speculators and Importers were 3,0u0 bales. Breadstuffs—the market closed quiet and steady. Flour is flat. Provisions dull. Congress—First Session, WASKINOTON, April 23 SENATE. Mr. Taumstna., (Ill.,) presented the petition of W. C. Jewel, in favor of a defensive stand still policy at Yorktown, and to secure a reserve force of 26,000 men. Mr. Tausinu,n, (III.,) from the Judiciary Committee, reported a resolution in relation to the pay of the lust Senators and Repre sentatives from the State of Minnesota.— Passed. Mr. Hats, (N. H.,) offered a resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquire whether any General in the array before York town exhibited himself drunk in the face of the enemy, and if any measures have been taken for the trial and punishment of such officer. Mr. SIIKNEB., (Mass.,) suggested that it be ad dressed to the Committee on the Conduct of the War. Mr. HAMS referred to the statement made by Mr. Morrill in the House yesterday, and said he thought that it was high time that Con gres should take some notice of these things. If officers will thus lead brave men to be slaughtered like beasts, no punishment is too great for them. Mr. Foram, (Conn.,) said the Senate had not taken the high ground it ought to have taken in regard to confirming men known to be in temperate; and it becomes us to weed our own garden first, and correct our own laxity, and he was pained to say criminality in this re spect. The President, (Mr. Foote,) said tho General referred to had not been confirmed. Mr. HALE said he knew the Senate had not taken high ground enough ; but if officers got so drunk that they could not sit on their horse he thought some notice onghtto be taken of it. Mr. Vinson, (Pdass.,) said he supposed the resolution referred to Gen. W. F. Smith. He knew nothing of the case, but he (Mr. Wition) never propmed the name of any person of in temperate habits. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Atm, (Ky.,) introduced a bill prescrib ing an additional oath for the Grand and Petit Juries in the 11. S. courts. . The bill recognizing the independence of Hayti and Liberia, and the appointment of a diplomatic representation was taken up. Mr Susn s zn said that thus far our Govern mut had been unusually frieodly to new gov ernments, but it had turned aside from these nations. He thought it time to pat an end to this anomaly in the history of this Govern ment Mr. Simms made a speech in favor of the recognition of Hayti and Liberia. The confis cation bill was taken up. Mr. Dewes resumed his remarks in opposition to the bill. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Cox, (Ohio,) moved that the House pro ceed to the consideration of the Senate bill for the relief of the owners ' officers and crew of the Danish bark Gorgen Loreutzen. He stated that the Secretary of State, for diplomatic rea sons, desired its immediate passage. This vessel was seized by the blockading squadron under a niisacprettension and taken to New York. $1,850 is the sum appropriated. The bill was passed. Mr. Bnaia, (M 0.,) from the Military Coin mittee, reported a bill to create a board of for tifications to examine into the coast and har bor defences. The blouse resumed the consideration of the Confiscation bill, which was pending when it adjourned yesterday, and upon which the main question had been ordered. On motion of Mr. &EMIL% (It. 1.,) the bill was tabled—yeas 64, nays 48. The bill to facilitate the suppression of the rebellion and prevent the recurrtnee of the same, was taken up. It authorizes the Presi dent to direct our Generals to declare the slaves of the rebels free, and pledges the faith of the United States to make full and fair compensa tion to loyal men who have actively supported the Union, for any losses they may sustain by , virtue of this bill. Mr. Oane, (N. Y.,) said he understood that the Committee on the Judiciary had agreed substantially that none of the confiscation bills referred to them ought to pass. Mr. Tsontas, (Mass.,) remarked that they had recommended that none of the bills pass. Mr. Ow said the disposition of the House and the country was in favor of some legislation on the subject. As th: Committee of the Ju diciary could not agree, he proposed that a se lect committee of seven be appointed. Being untrammled by the House, they might be able to agree upon a proper measure of legislation. Cm Raving procured Stearn Power Presses, are are prepar ed to execute JOB add BOOR PRINTING of every descrip?, ion, cheaper then it can be done at any other establish - meat le the counter. tm CU , 1.1.0 V 4,31" Four lines or less constitute one-half equate , ig i g b l Inca or more than foer constitute a square. Dell Square, one day • one week.. ... tt one month... it three months..... IC tam months ........ one ear.. ....... ....• One. Square, one d y ay one week........ •• • • • ..... •• • • 200 it one month.. 00 u three months 10 00 " six months 16 00 One year........ 20 00 sir 'laziness notices inserted in the Loma ca untft, o r before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PUR T. , rqq; for each insertion. *ir Marriges and Heaths to be charged as regular ad vertisements Mr. Dorm (Ind.) was glad to hear Mr. Olin's suggestion, The subject of confiscating rebel property was one of the most diffrult questions before Congress, and on its decision was involved the restoration of the government to its former state of prosperity. He congratulated the House'aud the country that a bill had been laid on the table this morn ing which, if it had been passed, would have disgraced the civilization of this age. (Excla mation on the Democratic side: "Good—that's so."] A bill which at one fell swoop would have impoverished the people generally from old age down to innocent childhood. • Mr. OLut replied that the House did not re quire a lecture of the subject. It was clear that there was a contracity of opinion relative to the question of 'confiscation. He voted to-day to lay the bill on the table, not because a bill for this purpose was not proper, bat because he could find no warrant in the Constitution for the power which by it was sought to be exer cised. Mr. COLFAX, (Ind.,) advocated a select com mittee. mt. Dunt was opposed to a sweeping confis. cation bill; he wanted distinction made against tne leaders. Mr. Paonam,(Ohio,) maintained the propriety of a bill to punish all wilful rebels, depriving them of property. Mr. LEHMAN, (P.,) opposed confiscation bills, and looked on the march of our armies ea the proper mode of suppressing rebellion, and re establishing the Constitution. Mr. HICKMAN claimed that the Constitution gave the President ample power without Con gressional action. Mr. CRITTEDEN was against all confiscation measures that would tend to exasperate the war, postpone the time for putting down the rebellion. Mr. CRITTENDEN add - essed the House at length, asserting that the people would permit neither the abolitionists nor the secessionists to put down the Constitution. Mr. EDWARDS, (N. H.,) said that a large ma jority of the people North do not desire to in terfere with slavery in the South, and that a large majority of the Republicans here do not desire to interfere with it, unless it be neces sary to save the country. Mr. CRITTENDEN, replied he was glad of the interruption, he was gratified with the declara tion, it was what he ha i himself believed. He concluded by saying he knew of no safety for himself and his countrymen but in the preser vation of the Constitution and the Union. He took those as his shield and spear. The House then Adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW Timm, April 28 Cotton, quiet ; sales 800 bales. Flour, ad vanced ; sales 15,000 bbls. Wheat firm ; sales 19,000 bus. at $1 23 for Ind., and $1 25 for red State. Corn advanced ; sales 48.000 bus. at 58i@.,60c. Whisky lower at 211@,231. PROCLAMATION: Ii)V.HEREA.B, the Honorable Semi J. PEARSON, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Jacicial District, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphf n, and the Hon. SAIII7- EL Layers and Hon. Moses It. YuIING. Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having izsued t neir precept, bearing date the 4th day of March, 1862 to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence ox TEE trx Ifoxinv OF APRIL weir, being the 281/1 DAY OP APRIL, 1862,' and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Ins tins of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with taeir records, inquisition, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognixances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin coun ty, be then and there to prosecute against th..m as shall beJust. . . Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 25th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1862, and in the eightyaixth year of the independence of the United States J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. SIIERI3I . B OFFICE Harrisburg,Anril 25, 1862. j INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $901,901.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS 111,219,441.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make Macrame against less or damage by tire, either perpetually or an nuttily, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Rinks also taken. - Apply personally or by letter to WILITAAii BUEHLER, Harrisburg; Pa, act4.6l-dawl7 NEW MILITARY PUBLICATIONS JONGMORE ON gun shot wounds, 75 The Art of War by Baron de Jom ini, with appendices, maps and engravings $1 50 Infantry Tactics, by Brigadier-General Silas Casey, 11. S. A 2 60 Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Out Posts, Villages, Bridges, &c., in reference to the Duties of Officers of Picquets, by Col. Jebb. Royal, (English) Engi neers 4 76 Coppee's Field Manual for Battalion. Drill 60 Coppee's Field Manual of Evolutions of the Line 60 With all the standard military publications BERGN'Ea'S Cheap Book Store. NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. XTAZAKETti, Northampton county, Pa. Easy 04.8,004383 from Harrisburg by railroad. to Easton, and thence seven miles by stage. Rev. EDWARD H. HIMMEL „ fs.3m* Principal SHAWLS I DRESS GOODS ! FURS 1 ALARGE stook of these goods will be disposed of at very low prion. Flue fun very beep at Next door the Harrisburg Bank. LI UR newly replenished stock. of NJ. and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and _eeling confident or rendering sstisfaction, we would sew , i )ectiully invite a call. lISLLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth strest,sonth side. 402‘,10e2„11Aurirtitectesa variety of useful rttiC M ea MUTSU% BOOKISTOWS. ...$025 ... 126 ... 2 SO ... 4 00 ... 0 00 ...10 00 mar26Aawtd