TILE TELEGRAPH N PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 14 - V GEORGE BERGNER TERM 817BSORIPT,1011 the luny Timeozsre is served to subscribers . ID tbi it) at 0 cents per week Yearly subscribers will be torßed $4 00, in advance WELKIN AND BILID-WINICLY TILIGIIAPR. T;,r is else published twice a week dorini a j , ..seine of the Legislature and weekly daring UN remainder of the year, and furnlahed to enbeeribers at be snowing cash rath.,viz: Single subscribers per ye ar Seml-Weekly..sl 60 Teo ..12 00 .22 00 1 00 Twenty •• to -iugle subscriber, Weekly • nur. LAW or NIWSPAPIIII9 lt subscribers order the discontinuation of their news: papers, the publisher may continue to send them until 111 arrearages are paid. ti eubeckbers neglect or refuse to take their newepa from the office to which they are directed, they we responsible until they have Nettled the bills and ordered o.ro discontinued filisullautons. HEIMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "EtIG LY CONCENTRA MD"• COMP , UND FLUID EXPRACT 8110110, A P.itive and Specidc Remedy For Diseases of, the ttLADDER, KIDNEYS GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGN This Iledicinei loofas-es the power of Digestkitoted excites the A BBOKBENTS Jot i hemiCey action,•by which the WATERY OR CAI OAREAUR depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGE ABETS are !educed, as well as PAIN AND INFLabfaTkibi, and is . good fir MEN, WOMEN OR. 01MLDREN. • EIELMBOLIYS EXTRACT BOOED, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits or Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOIO Indisposition to Exertion, Ines of 'Power. LOBS of MeMory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,. • - Wakefulness, Dimness ti ' ' Pateßithe Back Universal Lessitudiriof the,liuseular ilystem, • Hot Hands, Flushing of the 1304 y, Dryness of the Skin Eruptions oaths Face PALLID tX)UNTENANOE, • These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this toed wine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, FPILEPTIO FITS IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEAShS," "INdANITY AND CONSUMPTION." memo , are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. TUE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Connimption, BEAR ARM WTHIMINTO THI TROTH OP till Arminian THE CONSTITUTION °NOS AFFECTED WITS ORGANIC WEAKNESS, deqeires the aid of medicine to strengthen and • • Initgorat.'the System, Which HiLMHOLIA3 ACIs BOGERT i.variabLy doss A TRILL WILL OONTIOZ THE YOST ISIOLITICLAL. FEMALES-.FEMALES-FEMALEB, Ili) OR YOUNG, SINGLE, HARRIED, OR CONTRILPLA TING, MARRIAGE, • IN MANY AFFECITON3 PEOULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Snob" M unequalled by any other remedy, as in Uhloroals or RetentiOn4CregularltyiPainfub3esa, or auppresilo nor Cugtowatry Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorhces Nybitos, Stern; tty, and ior all complaints hidden!: to' the sea, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the . _ DECLINE OR OF4'INOR OF 148. R. 818 BTILPTOI/8 ABOVII NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I TAKE NO MORE BLUME, MUMMY, OR wirroaAsAwr Luz FOE UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DINEASES. HILMBOLD'S EXTRACT BeKJEW CORM SECRET DISEASES, - In all their Stages, Little or no change In Diet And no Etrixnure It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Opetractione. ' Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Palo and linihunthation, ea frequent In - die class of abloom% and expelling all Poisonouf, Dsseared and worn-aut Matter. THOUEIMCDS 'men TnousAnne *RV HAVE BEEN ME nor, ms OP QUACER, and who have paid awl' ins :to be cured In a- short Mae, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI SON" hae, by the use of "POWIIIMOL snowman.; " been dried up in the system, to bream out in an , aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use ENLIIHOLDOr Bum!! for„ dleeaseaplLhO »_ _. lIRINAR`f Nws, whether exietlng In MATE OR FFER&LE, From whatever canlait ofighkattng 'and normatier HOW LONG Sir ANDINGi ' Diseases of these Orgeosgequire the aid of DIME exo asumolvs =TRACI' DUCH° I3THE GREAT DIEMETIO,k end is certain to havethe desired allot in all Diseases. 1. OE WHIOII IT TO RECOMMKNDED. &Menu of Me Moat reliable and rawest:Ole charaoter will accompany the medices. CERTIFICATES OF • /ref& 8W 20 r+ ll atandong win Nox MOWN TO SCONCE AND - Price $1 00 per bottle, or elk-for-$5 00.. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser ?allOn. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMAIIINIOATIONS. Dares Guaranteed I Advice - Gnats I - AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho oily of POlladelphis EL T. Hscasoin, wtio being duly sworn, cloth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercary, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table G. T. HELMBOI D. Sworn and subscribed before me this SSd day of No vember, 1864. WM. P. EUBBERD, Alderman, Ninth St above Race, Phila. Address letteralor r hiformation in oontidence io T. SEMIBOLD, 'Clienztist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St.,Ohesiztu4 BEWARE OF utiI:IN'VEttF4RITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose " 07 TOCIR owtt" and "MOS" ARTIOLNB ON TIM REPUTATION ATTAIN= NY • ' Reimbold's Genuine Preparation s, 44 a I.4(traCl f Burka, it " " Sarsaparilla, . 4 Imp:eyed Hose Wash. • Sold by 0. B. Keller, D. W, Cross, 3. Wyatt', 10 S. Bauman. Acip ALL DRUGIU3T.3 BVBRYIVELPICRIO. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. DM out the advertisement and send for it, • AND AVOID IMPOSIFION AND EXPOSURE. novlB-dly TICICErM.ItiIaJEL, TRAVELING AGREE' OP TIM OLD WALLOWER LINE. THIS OLD 'TRANSPORTATION LINE IrtUl in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between_ Philadelphia, flauvisburg,Bunbury,,Lewisburg , Williams not, Jersey Shore, Loclt:Eleven, and all pointann ' , Abe Northern Central, Philadelphia and and Williams - port and Nlmira Railroads. . • • - 4 4 1 11 Ageat at Harrisburg, • D. A. JaIIIINCH. Goods sent 19 - /PEACOO.II, ZBLL dc HINOHJIAII Wei 808 and 810 Market street, above Ilighth, by d clock, P. 88., will arrive at ilatriebrag, readyloi de lie 4 the meet morning.' • , . 0.1. 311110 Nelly apB4l Traveling. Agent: JOHN WALLOWEP6I'3III ,,, Agt GENERAL FORWARDING , COMMISSION MERCHANT.. fIOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly la forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Oamberland Valley and Pennsylvania gailteads And Canal. • HAULING AND DRAYIN6I to and from ail parts of the city to the difteient Rallread depots Will be done at the very lowest rater. • • FAKU.INS removing Will be promptly attended to. Orders ell at Brant European flptel, or at the store al E. S. Zoilleger, Will reeeive prompt attention. 000_ signments of , refight respectfully, aolielted. iftldN werlowza-TR., Am., one Moe Readtne Depot WHOLESALE - - `-'' • . UMBRELLA ILANUTAOTMIT I N 0.69 Market Street, below Third, ILARIMIStrEG, PA. ' M Et. LE E, ItfANUFACTURER- OF lIMBRELLAS, kVA. PCRSOLS and WALKING. 0411E8, furnish goods at LOWER PRIOD3 than can be eceiebein any of helfastern intim. Country merchants Will do We9t t 6 ail and orange* prle,ui and quality, and convince them, elves of this fact an23-dly " lii att l eotiont oni now stook of goods knit noshed, =MB). XfottoLS BO eitßiont ina Mari* Motto. • \ I //./ • ~, I •\ \\,. - ; , ...../. . ' .':f le I , --...._ _..,•:.# -.1 , ; -:: ' , ------ - fjtaip 4 . . ,„ _ .• ,1 - 10r,s•---,_ -"; IA ..,• ~.-;"11rA 9- 1 / --7:=/ - 10';' , -;':-1 '-•,..!,,---, . _..., VOL XVII pti4-40.,$QN. LOCK 1:1 A S discovered ttte niost cartain, speedy and treteual 1 emedy 1n the world fur , DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. MRS IN ‘ 131 , Z TO TWET. HOITES. No Mercury or li/wrin y.ll g Dina. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, is Um ono :to Two Days. - Weakness of the Back cr Llmba , Strimuro, Mk:clone Ofllle:nidnvys and-Bladder, Involuntary dlschargee,.rm. potency, Ueneral Debility;•Neryouseess, Leyemtpvy, Lau 'Hudr, Low bpirtt,s_ L ficinfe.ruxi of ictesis, Peipttattenol. tne eart Ilmiduy , Treniblingedihnness of eight or oicith tress, Deserts° or the Head, forest, Awe 'Or data, ALlteo done of the Liver, Lungs, oromaoli orinowels—,hose ter• nide disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youdi —moss Szoiiirr sad soriduy pruderies more dint to their victims ;baulk@ song ot yrens. to toe Mariners of Llys• st.S, bhghtAng their mind briniszt hopes or iditicepationz, rendering marriage, Sm., impossime. Young Men &specially, who have lita.uuao we victims of Solitary Vice, tout drumlin* and aestructive habit which auninu ly switeps to an undinely grav7e - luau awls of Young Men' °yule most exalied tuknie and brilliant uutulle,t, Whit might otnorwtce have enuauced lateuhig Senates whin ihundure of ebitiumme or waited to ecstasy the livL,g lyre, may mid win lull conlidenoe. marriage. Married Persona, or Yuwal hada contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weasneas, trganic &Ami ty, seformides, no. speedi y cured. He who pumas tiemselt under tne care of Dr. J. may teligkaisly 01.111.fid8 111 tus•Evaor as a-gentlesoss, &ad iiaeutly rely aped ids kWh as a Phydzisa. Organic Weakness Immediately Cute. , eulull vig..r neatored. This diatreaStig , Alliohona.ww.o'n renders Vita Misera ble and marriage impuebible- la the penalty paid by tar Victims afiminolior indul,eliCes. - i Ourigpets.i.a a,e t 6 apt to commit axon= sea' troctithot-being 'aware: or the dpeadiul oeuteq envie that may ensue. New, who trial uuderatinastansubjeet tuft, preteud:to eny that the er of pitairLatiou is tan cooner y mood lading into im. p.oper N tiatute than by the prcedent? Hawaii being de pr.vettkbe pastaures of healthy ollapriug, the m..t rioukfthd Destructive symptoms*. omit hotly and mind arise. The aykt.mi beetunea aeranted, the rby.ical situ Mental Irunehous Weaaenedi:Loaa of Pioureative Yaws') Neriliotts Irratibilny, Dyspepsia, ramuation of the Heart, Indigestion, /Al:kitty, a Wasting of the k rams, Denali, Dousumption, Decay AA Daith. • Moe, ni o. 7 south Frederick, Street. inde goirig . f . ,ruM*.natinn3re! stre4c;a• n Inis stiticvnter. Nal/ not to observe ep.nie and numuer. *AV little Expanse ; No inconvenience; Letters =Lot bti paid aua contain a stamp. the Dee tore Diplomas hang is tua (dace. A cure. Warranted, in Two Days. No Mdroary or , ivitiaccoitt , Dr. Johnson, gambol. of the tioym COdesti ut sturgeons, London, Grad nate worn ode col the most eminent t...otleges in tae Untied mates, and the greater part ••in WILMO Me hes been spent in the hospitals of London, Para, .PlltiadelPhia and else= where, has °treated some of the moat .itetoaLtulag sure° tbat 'were ever b.1.0W11; many mmbled aqua ringing in the mead laid ears when sateen, great nerimuntsei being elarmed• at nudden toenail, bmehrumeiss, wan frequent oluelong, untamed tomato:nes with derangement or mind were Cured latgintiatteiji, • 1 1,41kir Pattioular, .fle7.,attrisdatam , a.l those wiia have tejured the:twelves_ by imprOper Indulge ,us and souticy habus r win-rt ruin, bum body autpait.cri:natigung tnaittrin falter b gummy, study, sbalety or niarri ge. fuesamre le.rue ottauaadlanirmeiancholly.efects pro ducsd up' early habits ofyouth, : Weakness of tug la•amattad taruipsttk4m Gawk' , Gittonma tali Isdm tit Jaue,uler .1 3 ..wer, Paipitiabn of the hurt,Ltya psy, Nervous ir4litlit, liersittgauteutoftlteDjietnve rudad.dis; Gide; IiMA, .4ixwatims of tkiusympura, ALINTALLT:—The felletill;4eetii on (110 mirk are much, to,bis dreilted-I‘sit Titteattiry,'card Saran ,tif MIAs, liar premien of aptrits, a.vat Fiicimetugs, Avers on to tomtit/ aol D.et. be, 1 oust of ablilude, Timidity, dm., are some of THOURANDe or pertiOda'ol'ilt igen-can' now judge' Is the caws: or wow A reolhoos htatin, losing Utelr vigor, uer.Ointlig 'wenn, i.ale k ilerVOtti untt einnalitted; having eulgueti appCarauca a emit the ci) co'agh and siiiepefine. bl eenausepaor. • - Young Men- --- Who have injured thermal. as byr afcertaLtiLpractice bulged w titan alone, a habit frequently learned • POlll a~iluomptembia, °ruin:Marl, the etraetti of 'are nightly telt, even 'when asleep, snub if not oared -'rendeta Marriage isktinabie?anit destroys Moth mind and body, suodid Apply tritmentately. L Whet° pity mat - yi)..eciee4,. thts._hope i his coun try, the'dartlng ot jarbiltaeiniaddllietiantdized -from all pr,..peete tad enjoyments or ale, by the,euniquence of devietdieleozn the path bt matdia air. inettilitng in a e.rtelit secret habit.. bush persona wrier; berate adntein plating Marrage,i t. - ?. rei m. that a sound ,miud end 10...uy are the most neces sary requisites trobromete connubial happiness.' Inuied, ornithutlbsiseo the juarneyahrougaiittc Woomera *eery n 41014.48 ; the praspict lumrly oarkens.-to ntie view ; Me intuit becomes shadowed with ueepq.Kited td, WEw the menumuchly red. dein. Weal theheAnneti-Or another become, blighted with our own. • • the lrapruilece. . . What the iat guided - am; fin k ~..gent yof pleasure fade this he Itas itatithas the seeds of tine pilaw Me anie, ti 'am hapens that au di-timed sense hi shame dr orison of discovers „deters him 1, omapplymg td those who, irum Auo.tion and respecteollay, oda taune7pe. trtenu delaytds tilt tee etaminia.Leal symptoits on tins hoer a (yawed mak, lash. appearance, such Ite• .4k • cerateisore thrbet t . cliseaseil inuuturnel--pante-in the Ilene a..d limbs, nuunens sigut.awous+,no.tes on tile shin bones end arum, ladietimitsfiltiHte , te it 4 Goa btu extreauties,.progi 0.344 With truluttiu. ralsonyl, .tin. at Let tan fetlata4li the tranatia delta , oci4Oi or tne nose tali ug, and ate TiOtun oh this await disease bet:ohmit hOrt4 obi‘ot of eantrusibithon, tar nentio pute period urese.t4l etuterinssby neadinett ten) ` 4 .ttli.t iliaiscovr 2 oared Country_ frlnn wnebertimir.svelecrotart, It is 4 m e tanceolty fact that tnoussunts fart Tlctinto to thie torrAdsiloso.lt. oirin.4ll3 thi) uunkiUuluieiis Oifgpo aut koro t e h t lure, who by - the 11.0 ollbat Maly 'Pois6n: Ma ciry, relit thouoitatiteboa a-d make 'the 'resillwi ha t m iorablr. 2 ' ' • • • • - 2 'I Strangers. a r e at earge n u ot a y n o:r w li o ves t , or opl a 3=ttr t:e d c o ar t it tu o t i e t many lucteo, ohm. or Li:tarots., who copy Dir..-.H.:11..Lu0a2e //dyer.: VoLflutlauhts, or styes tuounolvos -ut-tho' nowa v apare, l eg w ar kSo au Lo a ded Rhybiciats ineap..blo re Corm s , W a y. km/ yuk.triaiag moialillteemeatu Liable (new 41.tay .31in potsukiousn• as compounds, or as tong as the 031tOicill eArt be t.btatnea, and bialrepair, leave yowl* An ruin. oitirea,kh to si g h over your s atiat e; diapp l uantment. Lir.._.JULIIILOI I to th'elizay. PA/1111011W •• iilo orederCusi or diplomas . . way s Ima ge * S i l k r a m , firs nib:wane . ot treaukAa are unkuoVia ail' others prepared rain a kid spout fu th e g eat tusiknts Gest cops., tnidttrwlito - OOntitry ifiniAtntore extensivePl* Pat; Prionos inan-any tAttbr eno-siatid-'fuidla Indorsement , of the Press. Tha mEtuy TeiIOMpO.ALCUD/OD 4011. we Inedtbiton year al teryeaf, and the ntuneroute lmportaut hur t/ foal Opera doge pot-lava:wt. uy Johnson, WitUDDEDDMI by: toe. We partake of the **Cilpiler,! and many other , pow m ere, a uttee.tof-Whien-Lave -aypeared- again -mud itgain OMOrti•the pubho, btaldue hie ottaudinglna a 'iglu/ilea= of oh.liactier and ree punuteLliy, la fit euni c ient - itg axraotee hak e akketed." , • thin Diieaaes tpeedily Cured.. P•hows wojusio.cmid be p..rnottlar in dire. °du g -their letters tt. hts Inutunumn, in tne loliowlbg manner : , • JORNP ht. JOHNSON, Or the BallsaurelkolL Ho n t.al, battettbre, kid. SUPPLY . OF,. ItIORTWIPS • UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. EEST PENS in,the world,_ f0r..7,50,41a s 4 60,44 p; and 14, lor sale at Leblsl ieCtur.FFEws Bookstore. " .. • . k, ; JUST REQUITED. : .: LA.RGE,., - ASSORTMENT , ofj Family 814105 of different styles of bludingaL99o, $1 ssb ;IVA $B, $5, $5 andslo. Also Focket. Bibjes pf,dte Went oiled gust Flop tBWBll'llßooltstoro. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON,. APRIL 23, 1862 fitt6itat ID U). razz $ (go D W. GROSS It CO., 1401,17.5 A LE AND RETAIL. DRU...G GISTS ‘ NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEIVN'A DAUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS,STQBH KEEPERS AND DOWNERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your mention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DREIG, CHEMICALS PAIN'I'S, Otly varnishes and Glues, Dye Staffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pur• Ground Spiesst Barniag Fluid , and Alcohol, Laiid t Sperm and Pine 011 e, Bottles, ylals and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., &a, &0., &c., &c., Ate With a general variety of PRILEUELERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the be manufacturers and Pe tumersof Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In PAlN Pll lir aF rE : l4 !lVi l l I ' rai4gihr• imi,'VAßNisruDg; WINDOW (1-DASS A.I3,TWE'S • COLORS, PAINT AND • ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR , •VAREETTO,. COLORS OIEND-BRONZET! OF ALL'HINDLI; ac - 6 We respectfruly invite a call, feeling, confl limit that, we we supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction.. TEETH I TEETH 11 'TONE 3 'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, =1 PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR KgSTORATIVS Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Condentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it ' imn be 'purchased in the cities. MAWS'S ..11tEDIOA-L FLU MCTEACTS COAL curd CARBON OIL 1 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer induceinents to close. buyers. ,goal Oil Lamps , of the most improved patterns, you, . _ cheap. All kinds of lamps changed buns (Sized OH_ _ FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of yon who haxe not given our HORSE &ND °AGILE, POWDERS a trial .now no, thew supriority i and the advantage they are tu keeping 'ilorses and Cattle healthy. and , in g,iod'c?nditiork. Thorran s can y tothe_profit they have derive/ from the, use f of, on;_ Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besideS improving theta general health and 'ap pearance of their Cattle: Our long experience in the business given us the adrntage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities'are such that are caa in a very short time furnish. anything4Pertaining to our business, MithOi, best of , terms. tankful for: the liberel patronage , bestow° on Our' house, we hope by strict attentions to businees, a carefniselection ot ' • RURE: DRUGS at fah. prior, • AT:I the desire, to phise,{4l;h3 merit bouthitice of the favor of a :dtierinp hutting ppW- -(1 T., to ÜBE Cider,Vinegaiifor sale at n •; :1 raCHOLS is BO NS -,4 conga irsinat k Mar Meets BY TELEGRAPH. From our Moiling Edition, FROM MISSOURI. The Rebels Price and Van Dorn at hack• sonport, on the Whits River. ".-•••••••• Pike with his Indians and Texan Rangers near Curtis" Command Rooms, Tams Coml . , Mo. April 19. [Correspondence Missouri Demand.] We have been amused at the reports concern ing the whereabouts of Price and Van Dorn.— (Me day they are reported at Pittsburg, Teno., and next at Pittman's Eerry, on black ..river, whilst we know positively that they are at neither place. Last Monday, Price and Van Dorn's commands were at Desark, 90 miles be low JaCksonport, on. the White river: So far from the rebels being at Pittman's Ferry, they have actually evacuated Pocohontas. The town is now deserted-, even ,the merchants having removed their goods. • Jacksobport is also nearly desertect,the troops having been removed ninety miles .south to Desark, where the rebels seem to be concentra ting in large force. Price is reported to have gone to Corinth. ' Albert Pike, with 2,600 Ludiaus and 600 Texan Rangers, were left on the border to harrass Curtiss, and engage -the liansas•troops if possi ble; while upon our south Coleman is in close proximity. One Edgar Ashbury is also trying to raise a regitnent for guerilla. arfare on the border. 06.1.. Schnabel is in Yellville, Arkansas, with 160 ihen. • • Mcßride had gone to general headquarters to get orders to vitae an independent command to opera° in northern Arkansas and southern Col. McFarland; with -his command, have gone to headquarters at Desark: Lieut. Col. Wood, commandant of the post, has been absent for nearly a-,week. He returned last evening, and already we are under march ing • orders, so look out for something in this district soon. From /Elton Head, S. C. Skirmish Between a Part of the Eighth Michigan BegiMent and a Body of Rebels. JYRTREAT cal TAN REBELS., The steamer Marion arrived at tide' , port day, from 'Hilton Redd.' tier advioei state th'at surveying - party 'of two 'hundrhcl; of 'the Eighth Aliciaigen regiment, weidabout landing. AG .Wilmington Island, bolos? Savannah, When . they were surprised by a bo'dy 'Of rebels' main bermg trom six hundred to eight hundred, who poured on them an effective fire, 'killingand wounding 'several of our men. 'The' Michigan , troops returned the fire and went gallantly into the fitht:' The rebels after making a short stanctretreated in older. I Tne Adjutant of ath Regiment was killtd with twelve or thirteen other's and twentpiive or thirty wouaded. The dead weietaktuto Fort Pulaski, and the wounded carried to Use hospital at Hilton Head. The rebel. loss is not known.. , Fort Pulaski is so much injured as .to be wholly unfit as a work of defence. A Nrrott shell.exploded in Fort Pulaski .on the JAth, killing tour men and wounding severalothurs: Another account of the tight on Wilmington Island, says it was the Adjutant of the 844. Michigan regiment who was killed in the skirmish. . • , . • • . The steamer Oriental has arrived with the remaining prisoners from Fort Pulaski. • From the Lower Mississippi THE FLEET AT.FORT wEICaT• TEE BOMBARDMENT 'STILL PRO- DRESSING.. The Levee of the diver Oats and Farming " Land Overflowed by the Reba • _ is ENCOURAGING NEWS FROM GENERAL ' HALLECK'S . ARMY. • CHIOAGO, April 22.. Speolai'to the Journa; from Cairo.] The news from the fleet at FOrt Wright - are nuimportant.,. The bombardment still, continr ,nes. The rebels gave cut the levee' on the Ar kansas shore opposite the. fort and the .fine farming linde there are "no* covered with "á lake of water for miles around. The residents are' reatly exasperated at this' .britrage. • ' Most.encouraging news continues to be re ceived from lit/neck's army. k' O E M ''SAN FRANCISCO: - • 'SAN FRANCIUM, April. Sl. ..Four steamers from Oregon and Bridals Col umbia have arrived within three days. " ' The+nditlieni mining districts were becoming accessible again, and steamers" will doubtless retur&Crewded witli pi:Waiters. ' Arrived to-day ship Lattui, Hoiig Kong dates .to the,eigtle of March,' and two , hundred 'and :fifty, passengers% Sailed; ship Uneowah Callas; fileamer Vriskabe. Pansitha, one . hfindred and , ferty,-,paimiligere, four ° hundred and seventy thpueandidbilars.in treasure for NeW York, and iwo i hnudred - and — forty - thousand dollars for ; England:'' Hon.'"Edward Stanley is among thl passengers": ' ' ' ' Srom, FOititss Momte• . far. Qll lyAsartiorN, April '22. I „ fr ilioluiet at Fort `bionrci3 . .and Yorktown to t y, l at one k. The army ia in high - heart,' sad oporktiohe progressing fa . Al* TO • !ME NEW XORZ; Aiwa 22 , 'I ft === ,AT YOiIKTOWN Trouble with the Western Indians, Commwneation by the Overland Mail Route Stopped. The Pacific Telegraph Suppoed to be Destroyed. A dispatch from the operator st,.Salt Lake dated to-day, says the Indians have stopped all communication by the Overland Mail. No particulars are given. - - It is feared that the telegraph line has been destroyed. X.Xlll.lth Congress--First Session WAILELIAMON, April 22. SENATE. Several eriumeipation petitions were pre seated. Also,! petions for a Bankrupt law. Mr. (Amur. (N. H.,) from the , select commit tee on the case of Sanator Starke, of• Oregon, made a report ; whether it was adverse or not was nbt stated. It was ordered to be printed; Mr. A.NTHONT (R. I.) offered a resolution call ing on the President for copies of all orders of toe Coarmanding General, with the instruc tions, . Etc., giving Gen. Sherman, lately com manding the South Carolina Department. Kr. Aarraost said that the credit of taking Fort ?dear belonged to General Sherman, and he believed that the correspondence called for would show. He discharged all the duties required of him. • If Savannah had not been taken it was because he had acted in accord ance with orders. The bill.for the establishment of a Depart ment of Agriculture was taken. up. The sub stitute of Mr. Wright (Ind.) was rejected. Mr. DAVIS spoke for two hours and a half.— He recommenced by saying that he desired the annihilation of the spirit of secession. To war upon:and subjugate that spirit our arms in the field he deemed were the proper weapons. He would violate no single principle of the consti tution, if he should be charged •with disloyalty for his views, whether it were from malice or slander: He despised the insinuation and defied its authors, whether in or out of the Senate.— He would admit, that in great exigencies, mi na* powers might be assumed and he justified this assumption. He had faith that oar armies were efficient in numbers, in power and in dis cipline,-to suppress the rebellion. It was to be regretted that the measures should be intro duced,calculated in tne slightest degree to affect the harmony of the conduct of the war. Had party spirit been merged in patriotism it would already have saved many lives and hundred's of , ; . : , 'Helread extracts frotn,the showing, _who were affected by its provlsions, and assumed that the-Seeeded States, With'tlitee Million five hundrelifthiiiisandl , shtvet? and a loyal pope's don, rio,t.largen :proportionably ~than the disloyal , of., :the States, would have, a property .fiie thou sand .rnilliott dollars, subject' tic hoefhica Lion, to take ~w hieh would be- the , most • inhuman and !unjust; of measures, an act of usurpation _upon,part of Congreis,, which citizens, might resist by all means in theirpovier; subject of `course to the ordeal of . Jtidicial tribunals iu sustaining-them in their rights. He 'then showed the mutual, deriendenceof the manufacturing and :agricul total ind.usbry. of loyal states, and slave labor of disloyal buttes by statistics of trade between said. sections:' The -bill in effect was 'thus a great , revolutionary and insurrectionary measure.. -Like the rebellion, itself:. it. was -a great and most iniaditieus mean, tire if it became 'a 'law, A foil e - from - the country, would yet 'come upon and' be lieatil ancb obeyed in this chamber against this gigam tic • injilatice- then considered . . the legsl aspect of the bill, and discussed the principles of tbmrpon law, Which were opposed to it-L-tfa same generallegal principles which prevented Niolatictus ; flags , ,of truce, ' shooting or• . malt treating of prisoners, poisoing of wells or food left ito, the enemy, or hanging , of rebels that , might lead ' to 'cruel retaliations, would pniVent such a law as -this' He dwelt at. great •length , on ,constitutionali ,objeci tions to the bill, reading and commenting on the trarious.sectiona relating to treason as trot warnititing Sal; such legitilatioh as this'pro; posed:: Hwailudedito the ability and efficiency m times of .peace and war, of tbet•Conatitution and its supremacy:over every_ clasa of law eluding martial law. The bill condemned property 'without trial 'by jury or any judicial proceedings, end when the rights of trial by, jury was overthrown, liberty had fled thecenn try. It was clearly a bill of attainder, in.the meaning of the, dons titution; an he 'be lieved it was' exporft. facto, supporting these:position's he quoted-a number of legal, decisions. : He contended ,thitt,Con greea had no right to free the slaves, no . more than to confiscate the jewelry in the land.' , Without-Concluding the Senate went into 'executive aession, and subsequently-adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The-Hduse' was engaged for some time 'in sectiringitrquortnn. .14',X)rsigoos,. (Fa.,)presentsd six. petitions in favor of the establishment of a professor-. ship of Geirilan, in the West:Point kfilitery Acaderity, on the ground of the value of the study as a dibelphne • its practical Utility in! view of the number of Germanedn the army; and the richness of German literature in' the military, service. f k ,, One Of these petitiOni ie 'signed 'hi most i a the' distinguished literary gentrinien 'No* York, including •FresidenuCharles King,:Chan eelior Ferris, Ilishop fttter, Gardner Spriggs. William 'Adams, l4 ,Francis ,Vinton, S. Higbee and manY_Eitkecs. 'The Ho resumed th'ecore3idoration of - the fifteen or , sixteery-bills' heretofore adversely Imported on fromtheCommittee on the Judiciary on the subject of-confirscation of rebel-property. The pending. motion Wits today the-wholes:ft them on the table, Negatived-48 agaliast, 66. , , 'The first bill the series Wastlien L iateen i nP. to forfeit- thequoperty and slives"Of persbns• avho .shall engage in or aid andi abet wined' rebellion against the linitediStates,....l, Air. Sonatas had submithid an rimendrnent in the natdre of a substitute for thellitter Pro posed by , Senator Shernian's , ' bilk - which explained' by saying it dip:Paint:design totcordis- , cats/ the property of slaves of all rebel% but qf those holding orlicial_posittoeslo.4lle-sunY-and nay, -and civil 1/(0 77 14 other words,,,Aneldra • quarrel betweeen. the people and,,lheir fender. pi, former, gesuredt'of ourliidfealiki, s tould eignify theirwillingnase to allow s allegiance/4d tam twin gam . . baying procured Steam Power Pressen, we areprepar ad to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING ofecerYdesol.P ion, cheaper than tt can be done at any other estabßae • mantis the count., ita.iii. VS ''ALb c......1NG. Aar Four lines or less constitute one-half square ]sight ;nes or more than foie constitute a square. Half Square, one day 44 one week ene month . ... ~ three months ... ~, eta months ........ ... —.- 44 One year... ......... .... One Square, one day .... -.. II one week" 200 a one month ...... ..... 6 00 li three months 10 00 “ slx mouths. .... .... 16 00 , g ; ' one year ...... .... . ...... SO 00 /0 6 Business notices inserted in t h e i76 : ;ca tout, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER T.NNIE rnr sack lnsettion. NO. 93. Itarriges and Deaths to be charged cum regular ad. vertisenbints the government This bill would thus do more than any measure to Suppress rebellion. Mr. BINGHAM explained his substitute provi ding for the capture and condemnation of the enemy's property and to indemnify us for the expenses incurred in the suppression of the re bellion: The House heretofore had, by a large majority, recorded their vote in favor of the principle. Mr. WeuroN, (Vt ,) spoke la favor of Senator Collamer's bill, which he would offer, should the pending substitutes be rejepted. Ma: Wale= argued there ought to be some line of discrimination between the different classes participating in the rebellion. There ought to be a law confiscating the property of the lea.lers. Such men as Davis, Toombs, Slidell, Cobb, Xeitt and Mason are not only deserving of bonds but death or exile. If ar rested, they ought to suffer the penalty of the law for treason. If the confiscation act ap plied to all in rebellion, without deetinction, it would fail of its object and become a dead letter. QuoAG*, April 22 Mr. BIDDIA (Pa.,) said that after the speech of Mr: Thomas, (Mass.,) ar few days ago, and a speech from an eminent. Senator, he felt that nothing could be added to these great argu ments, which fix the constitutional limits of our power in the premises. Upon the princi ples therein set forth, he should vote against all of the bills which had been read to the House. The•pending bill was postponed until Tues day next by nine majority, The House refused by two majority to post pone the second bill, for which Mr. Bingham had submitted a substitute, and in place of this Hicxxxx had offered the following : - Wazaszis, the power of Congress under the Constitution to authorise the confiscation of the property of persons engaged in armed rebellion against the government `of the United States, or aiding in said rebellion is doubtful, and the powers of the Executive to act in the premises is ample. Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the President of the United States, as Commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, should make use of all means not it/consisted with the laws of war, which in his judgment may be deemed necessary to crush the rebellion, in cluding the seizure and final disposition of ail the property and personal of those engaged in armed rebellion against the government of the United States, or aiding in such rebellion, In cluding slaves, and that in the opinion of Con gress decided measures on the part of the Fate cativo have already become necessary. The above was rejected. The House then agreed to Mr. Bniartest's substitute, as follows Be it enacted, 4tc. , That if any person or persons within any State or Territories of the United States; shall wilfully after the taking effect of this act, engage in armed rebel ion against the eovernment of the United States, or shall wilfully alder abet such rebellion, all the property, moneys, stocks, credits and effects of such person or persons are hereby declared laNdful subjects of.-prize and 'capture wherever found'; for the indeinnitfOf thb United 'Straw against -the:e*penses.of suppresting, such re bnilinp.,. and it is - f.eiebir made the 'dirty' of the President bf . theilliited'States to cense all inch propetty, wherever found, to be seized to the end that the same may be confiscated and con demne f, as hereinafter - provided, for the use of the United States:: • Sac. 2. tin& be ;a turas. enacted, That all property so captured or seized shall be con demned in the district courts of the United States; and that the proceedings- of andemna tion ,shaliAbeln. them,. and 'alkali be instituted and, prosecuted in the name of the United States hinny district court of the United:States or the district court for - the , District of Odom- • bia, within 'any - district, lin.: which the• same shall be setae&or. situated, or into which the same may'be taken:and:proceedings first instl— . toted, and which proceedings shall conform as nearly: as may be to the proceedings in prize cases, or to cases of forfeiture arising under - the revenue laws,•and in all oases the property so seized and condemned, whether real or-persona 1 shail be sold- pursuant to such rules as tne Secretary of .the Treasury may ;prescribe, and the proceeds.deposited in the , treasury of the United; States for the sole use of the United St a r e& : ; Sao: "8. Bait further enacted,sThat the - Attorney General or any District -Attorney -of thelini led States of anyidistriet ; in, which the said: proper& or effects may at the time he, or into which the same may betaken, shall institute the riroceedings , of condemnation as herein be fore provided. - The vote on the above was 82-against 48. Pending the tjuestio6 on 'the' passage of the bill, the-Souse - " Adjourned. -• ,„, PROOLANUTION: HFAB I AA' the Honorable dorm .f. .ThrsonaN,. President of the Court: of Common Mleitsla the Twelfth Juolcial District, consisting of th., counties of Tabun& and Dauphin, and the Hon. Gene er..l2.t..-rths widgeon. Mopes Y,OIING. associate Judges in Devlin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 4th. day of March, 1862, to me directed, for trohlinea Court of Qyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and 'Quart& Sessions of the Peace at BarrisbUrg, for the county. of •Dauphin, and to Commence ox ran .4xn Moines or APRIL mars being the 21bn nix 05 AMU., 1862, andhatontinuetWo Weeks. ' Notice, is thelefore hereby gireihto the Poronor, Ins thee of the Peace, Aldermen, and Censtablet of the said county of 'Dauphin, that they be then , and there in' their proper Inartsoits, at 10 o'clock..to, the forenoon of said day, with their' records, inqfilsitiOns, examinations, aikd 'their own remerabtancee, to do those Wogs which to their office _appertains to be done, and those who are behind in fecognizitices'to prosecute against the prisonera that are or shall be in theiJitilorManptiin coca. ty, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall Given ander, my band, at Marrisburg„ the 25th day of March, in ihe year of our Lord, 1.802; and in the eightpsixtb year gfthe independence Of the United States. J. D. BOAS, Sheaf. itexarrir's OFFICIZ 'Harrisburg, Aprir25;18627 . 1 toar264awfa 4NB :11A.$0.F1 , AGENCY. nEt.AV - 00 morli SA . FATY. INSURxNCE 00,vIPANY. OF PHILADBIRECIA. iNIOOBPORATED 1885. bePthafAxe ASSETS 5b04,9w.61. 'J A " INST.E boStPkruir OF ANEIIiO4. o 1 E q ß/k i. 1. I*OOII.P.ORATE,,D ciATAL AND mans • . • • T ABundersigned . ; - as — Agent for the (7 Weil " nni;w ll ' tkiniPan;aa, 'will- lionunnari SOWS lose-or damkgebSrire; dikter" peipanni/Y nr . an ngallYundrnker.6"lnliather delvultri• Marine and Inlaild Trinstrirtittioadtleks aka taken.; t► Pig .trrixenally or by.tettee - 1:• . - AM EarriabargAra.. ge4gdawl4 m 24 1 20 2 60 4 00 6 00 10 06