itiltbtLat ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM: A NEW REMEDY, FOR A CERTAIN REMEDY, ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHROME TIEVIdATION, -12HBUMATIBM . OR Br ghr HIND; No Num= 1 HOW STUBBOKN, - HOW LONG STANDING, PROP FLAMM' WHAT 11' HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. THE BEST TESTIMONY, BEST MEDICAL AUTIIuEITY. ixeroßsatiow IT,' PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, TRIED AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL [PEON oFFlcgAL:Hoarrrevyrrons.i MAY 19, 1880,—Ellea S., wt. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheetrut tisra,trom which she wee confined to her bed for two weeks and subseqenUY from a relapse for four more. She has beep well since then till last Saint day, while engaged In house cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her beck, felt cold, hot a d so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be ganispd swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee. johnlal, and of the hands. • She -11E18 now: dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so., This, then, is a case of acute rhempatlsm, or, as it is new faithionablY called; rheianatic fever. his a well remarked typical ease. We will carefully watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the vart oasnymptonts which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I m propylantine. Dr:. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends At in the highest terms, having derived great ueneilt from its use in 250 oases which came under his care. VariouS com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies,. whic4are vaunted as Opacities ,; Out this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. : SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER ! MAY 11.860.-1 ho, you the - patient for Whom I prescribed Propylamiue,•and we s then rabbi', ing under an attack nt.noute rheumatism: She hiss steadily taken it in doses of three grains' every two Itour (Intermitting it at night.) . Tim day:after you sal bei, found her much more comfortable, better than abteL'oa7 pected to be for a week or . more, judging from herother Wick: (The patient now Valkedinto the 'room.) , The; improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change , iu ,the appearance of tier, Joints, which are now nearl y all of their natural size . Mils far our 'experiment' would have seemed 'very sac, easeful q but, gentlemen, we must wait a has while be, fore we can give a decided, opinion .as td what is to be the result. ~ .. Here is another patient who was . placed on,the use of the same medkioe on Sunday laati she has ling beep waling from c eronic rheumatism, and,' found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection. 'The wrist, and knuckles were much swollen and %nose. She the mitoritle of. Prepylaz mine in three gram do,es every two nonce, and you 'Nutt perceive that the swelling et the pinta hoc mach dice tatted, THREE DAYS LATER, MAY 28, Utah—This is thecae of acute theuinatisni treated with propylamine, the first of those to which called your attention at our lost clinic. :AM is Still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily; In this case it has seemed to be followed by very eat lelactory remits. The second c.tse IV which your atten, Lien was called at our last lecture, has also do well I will now bring 'before your a very 'character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat. factory, I think, us good jurymen, ev.- snail justly render our verdict in fovor of propylinnu lle is a seaman, set. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has bad occasional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began, in hirright knee, subsequently - alfected the left knee, amt later, the islets of the upper extremities. .'These joints are all swollen, tense and tender. Hie tongue is furred ; Ms skin, at present dry,thougn there has been much h sweating. His pulse isfrill'aud 'Strong, and about 90. He has now used propylarnme fine twenty-four hours. Thia gentleman is what may be called &strictly typical case of,acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold: and wm,,, militias exposure is followed by & feeling 'lie ooldnees, severe articular pain, begitinimt, as it usually: does, in the lower joiuts. ihure is fever Old the profuse; sweating, so generady tollendent on eitule rheumatism.) I Old not brine r this ;lemma befhre you with the i a tem . lion of . giving you a lecture on all the points connected; with rheumatism but ,to twain give a trial to te& new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this' 'typical case, as I have celled it, than smell there cu old not be a fairer opportunity for testing ihe medicine is question. Weitre, therefore, arming the'; use of all other medicines, even 4toi lyres , Thai tiler 'may be no misgivings as:to which,ahui ~the efficient remedy. You Shall see.theattie of iretureicliate. THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT . Jura9, JB6o.—The next of our convalescents M the came of acute rheumatism before youtat our clinic of ;fiat' . 26th, which I then called a typical ; case, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity Igtr testing the worth of our new remedy, It w.ts thereture steadily gives lh three grain ttosee every two hours for four days. The patient WS got along very nicely, and is. now able to walk about, att you see. Ido not hesitate id s.y that I have . peves • seen as severe a, 0 , 1110- of acute rheu uatism Co aeon: restored to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decide positive oy au to the val, ue of theyemedy..we have. used, I feel bound to State that in thecases in which we have tried the Chloride o PropylarniUe, the patients b tV , 3 rh , hrth , d their health much earlier than under ,he treatment, ordinarily {init ialed. I wish . gentlemen you would ,yourselves try it, and reptart.the reunite. . . For a full report of which the above is a eondensed extract, see the Philadelphia an 4 Surgical Re porter. It is the report after a fair trial by the best med ial authority in this conntryi and makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates from astonished doctors ~nd rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY CURE, AN.EFEEVIVAL.CURE THE SAAR .13.Estaa WHAT IT WA DONE, . . Bullock ik.Crilliishaw,iaLdrrri well known to most medi cal men, by whom the' Elizir ProPylamine has been In• trodurad, have Belli to me the exclusive right to mitonfac hare it,ancording to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter It broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form we invite your attention to the PURE CETEDAPHID CHLORIDE PROPYLAMINI . Pont Reoertainsi POEM PROPYLAKIEICONONNERAIRD, Post TOMS Paosimexmo, of which we are the sole manufacturers. sarOolaint soother eertue for the Elixir Propylarritne than is. contained in,;Puro Crystalized Chlorider i of Propy. THE Mktg. AND MAY BR TAKEN, ACCORDING TO DOIEGTIONR, BY ANY ONE BY EVERY ONE, WBO HASEHEIIMATISKOF ANY KIND. Sold in Harrisburg by :AT 76 en. A'BOTUJI Orders may be addressed to PROPYLAMINR MANUFACTURING C 0.,! Office, Room No. 4, • . . R. W. tor.Woneth and Cbesnotatreete, Pldlade Or to either of tbofollowing wdo*e 4genw OU} dt CREbinj iv, FRE H, RIMARTIS & Cn,, JOl-51!) M. MARIS &CO., nth. D..REII3FRELL & Co., PETER T. WRRWT & 00., ZEIGLER & SMITH, T. MORRIS PEZROT & 00 m0r1417 - lb Destroy—Rats, Roaches, &o. To Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. To Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Fleas. lb Destroy—lnsectsion Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. To Destroy----Every form and specie of Vermin 156‘..4:::0geftgair516197 WILL CONQUER IT, WILL CURE IT,; DOORS READ, DOCTORS EXAMINE,. DOCTORS TRY THU ONLY INFALLTIILE REMFDIES KNOWN?: DESTROYS INSTANTLY EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on the premises." "They come out of their boles to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Used by—the City Hotels—lAstor'—‘St.Nicho &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &0., &c. Used by—more than 60,000 Private Families. fr'See one or two Specimens of what w everywhere said by the People—Editors—Dealers, S?c. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coma's' ' Exterminators., We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had triedpoisous, but they effectednothing; but "COSTAR'S" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and. Bad-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Nedina (0.) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, _than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, dike, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. L. EOKER & SrouFFER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. " Costar's " "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. " Colmar's" - " Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. IN 25C. SOc. AND $l,OO Boxes, gOITIAIS AND IPLAsics, $3 $5 Sizes Fat PLANTA7IO3I,, 5e.26, BOATS, BOMB, &0., &O. CAUTION !I To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious , Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a foe simile of the Proprietor's signature.—. Examine each. box, t bchtle,i,or flasircarefally be-. 'fore puiehashig, and tike,4nothing but 'CO stars.ol • - - • Or Sold Everywhere—by! All Wttorasein Dm:larm in the large cities Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller... P. D. Orvis. HArral, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gale & Robinson. M. Ward, Close &Co. _Mellisson & Robbins. D. - S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Marsh &Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox—eno mums. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker .& Co. French, Richards & AND BY Darrooisrs, GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS and RETAIL RES generally in all COUNTRY Towns and •• Villains hi the uEITED STATES: IN EVERY CASE, WHENEVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED IT Will DO AGAIN MORE CONVENIENT, AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE HARRI B‘Bilj N N Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., AND C. K. Keller , Prinoipal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, and by the DRUGGISTS, STORM !BITERS and Raieuxus generally. Or Com' DEALKEtS can order as above. Or address orders direct,--[or if Price, Terms, &c., is desired, Ire' send for [1862] Circular, giving reduced Prices] to XTEIV Fruits, Currents, Raisins, Citron HENRY R. COSTAR. . 11 and L'emons, at the 'new Wholesale arid Retail. Oro. , PRINCIPAL . DEPOT—NO. 612 Broadway—(Oppo, cery and. Provision Store, corner Front and Market . - site the St. Nicholas ilotelj2Tew York. street,,,Harrisharg,ra felel2rd6m • jr , , NICEOLIS & BOWMAN" "r litisulantous ITEBBILN EXTERMINATORS. VER - MIN. Pennimioania Mai aleitgrapt) frump "Afternoon, aptu 11, tbb FREIGHT REDUCED Howard &Hope SHORT:& . : - Q,..OOK::.ROIITTI, NEW YORK . Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 74 P. it., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. N. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. Order Poods Emarked Via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 " " For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen . Minimum, Aug. 1861.-dtf M'CONNELL'S GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL VERY 'body. ought to join;in oiroulaV• E ing It, if the Mots we represent are io. All are in- Wrested, the well and afflicted. The GOLDEN ELECTRIC VII, is useful in Chronic and Nervoliti Diseases, such tia Rheumatism Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Scrofula, Piles, 'Fresh or Old Sores, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Female Complaints, Sore Breasts,: dra. In fact there is no family medicine that acts with such magic power as the Golden Electric till. Hundreds can certify to its virtues. ' For the purpose of introduoirg it Into every family, with two of my own vai liable preparations for Coughs; Croup, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, and as an inducement to those wilco assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I place possession 'of aSommitteir of honorable gentlemen• the following valuable articles, for FitEE distribution amongst the purchasers': 1 Fine 6-oclave Piano 1 Tine Dressing ...... 1 Flue Cottage Bedstead . 1 Fine English Gold Lever 1 Fine Ladies' .... du • • 2 Fine Silvni . Watches,.ss 00 ' 1 old Violin and Bow. . 1 Music Box 1 Fine Double-barrelled Gun Fine .Semi-tone Acc0rde0n........ 4 Gold Bracelets, 51 00 .. 509 Boxes Valnable•Pills; 26 ........ ... 125 400 Flexes Tooth Powder, 25 cts 100 200,Copies Life of Dan hice, Embellished; 25 eta 60 1 Copy, 6 voluines, Christian Union, 51 00.— 6 1 Fine Silk Dress.-- 1 Fine Delaine Dress 2 Fine Lawn Dresses. $5 6 Fine Gold Pencils 54 00 200 Flhe Bleeve Buttons, 1234 Ms 24 Fine Ladies' Guards, 26 cis 20 Fine Setts of Jewelry, $1 00..... 20 Fine Doubleifeealliona, 1 00...- 50 Floe Locket Pine, 50 eta.... ... . 600 Fine Setts Studs, 25 eta..., -600 - Finu ltS=Willraf Mitt, 'lb Cis - 100 Fine Gent,' Sleeve Minions ' 12% Ms. 100 Fine Allen's Razor Ppwder,2s eta..... 1 Gilt Family Bible _ _ 1 Barrel F10ur.... 70 On the•payment of 26 cents for each Bottle or' Box of the Medicine, tee purchaser, will;recelve ;a receipt and an order tor au envelope r Which will contain the , name of one of the above On the dpi; of the.distribution of, gists, the envelopes will be placed in 'a thix'Or wheel, with' a hole to pass the hand into it,-the envelopes; all pnt Into' the wheel, well shook up and secured, each ' purchaser: will draw out big or her own envelope; the gift nameil therein will be given as soon as the drawing closes, NO' tide will be given to agents,and in the papers, of the day' : of distribution. .Purc.ascre at a ; distanCe will have an: equal share wit h. those residing in Harrisburg. :On re ceipt of the Money for one or. more. dozen, the medicine, with ceriticate and orders, Will be forwarded by kuipiem,i free or charge.. In ali; the:mimic:Me IS' warranted to, cure Or give relief, or no charge: see certificates. • DR. W. SAICR--4)1A11 SLR :—AB I have learned that you' hove purchased the right. to manufacture and sell M'Con Lien's Golden Electric. oil, for the benefit of the afflicted; I sena the Milo - wing :-.-l'havo been idilictied .with a run-I nine sore on my leit.leg for' en years. During that time I have been under'the treatment often of the best Doc tors in Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland ;county but all could not efrect a cure. , A little over a year past, going into my blacksinith 'lifter dark, 1 hart my rigut leg also, below the snee: • It spread ail - wound the leg, and became a runniog,soro. Several Doctors told! me I must have my leg taken off, mortffloation having; taken place.' FortuoatelyTgOi a bottle of yom Golden Electric Oil for my child's' sore mouth. ' . It cured so Soon that I thought I would try it on my legs. I hive been using it about six.weeks, andmy iegs'ar,e now hailed up --eound and well. . ELTSHA T.1(0 . We, the undersigned, who are well acquainted with Elh3ha. T. Hooch . , do certify to_the fact ea stated above; and the benoilcaul effects of il'esonaeli's Oil on many of our neighbors. , . HENRY ANDREW, C IBe.RLY, A. P. ;888, (Bridgeport Hotel.) RENJAhiIa CLAY, . J. LONGENhCBER, Esq.. I have been using Dr. Barr's Croup Byre') my family for be past two years. I would not be without it at any price, as my children are subject to Colds nd Croup., 1 ; 1 believe I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be without it. - F. K. MARTZ, (Ilovery,) Harrisburg. CAMP Caulk, December 6, 1861. Da. L'asts. :—I thank you most sincerely for the Oint ment you gave me for my.eyes. I have of ly used it a tew times, and am now entirely tree from intimation and pain which Ia more than I have been for the last five yekra.- 1 hope God will ideas you for the free gift.. No person afflicted with weak or inflamed sore eyes ought to bo without. it J. C. /414,9. Being well acquainted with' J. C. Miles, what he certi fies to above is correct and true, as singular' se it may seem... . J. B HELM, C. C. for Bedford. hundreds have certified—l have Only given - the above. Piles, Totter, Poison, Itch;Lock Jaw, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhss, and all secret diseaseg cured with same BW:t -ress, or no. charge. Ten per cent. will be paid to all persons selling one or more dozen. . W. BARR, j2o4lawlf Harrisburg, Pa. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE uRnIICED. TO 111.25 .THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. rIIHE undersigned has eetablished: a regular LINE OF STAGE COACHES hom .No6hanios.' bur g , connecting every - ottteilhdrhin g with the Oumbor and Valley Railroad cats. fhe coaches . leave yevory very Tuesday, Tnuisday and Raturd t iy, returning every her day.• :Passenger:. for Sheppaelscawa, Ihilsburg tors h arg an d 4ahyaourg .re carried et rata cud tac'es 11.-dtl • • WM,: J.: UTE DE. T. - J. MILES, . SURGEON DENTIST IFFERS.his services to the citizens o iLy Harrisburg and xichniy. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that : his beet endeavors shall be Ewell to render satisfaction in his pro.. ression. Being an old, well tried dentist, be feels safe in inviting the public generally to call on him, ssenring: beat that they will dissatisfied with his services, Odice bio. : lAl Market.strect, in the house formerly oo- ' i,hpied by Jacob% Eby, near tho United: States Hotel, Ilarrisburg, Pa. - roya-dly cu - untuum ,EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM LIVERREGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE, pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— they regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeys; ,bey give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate th , secretions, excretions and exhalations ' equalize the el— lation, and purify the blood, Thus alt bilious comulair , --some of which are torpid Liver, Sick Headache, - V tiepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or Louie ness—are entirely i.ontroled and cured by these reme dies. LIVER REGULATOR removes the morbid and billions deposits from . the stom ach and bowels, regluates the liver and kidneys, remov ing every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ac tion in the vital organs. -It is a superior auoh better than pills, and much easier to take DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent in oases of hiss of appetite, flatulenby, female weakness, irregulari ties, pain, in the side and bo gels, blind, protruding and oleeding piles, and general debility. • READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New Vorit, writes; August 18, 1880: have been athieted aith piles, accompanied with bleeding, the lest three rears ; I used , DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORAiTOR LIFE BITTERS, - And now consider myself sarrIIIIILY CUBED." Hon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, March 18, 1880. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induc ed a violent fever. ',took two doss. of DARLING'S LIVER REGULAIOR. 16 broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attack, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several months; I have lest nothing of it since." Otis Studly, Esq., 128 East 28th Street, N. Y., writes : "August 12, 1860—I had a difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three years with Constant pain in the small of my back.. 1 had used most all kinds el medicines, but found no permanent relief until I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, I passedclotted blood by the urethra. lam uow en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." . , . • • , • Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y., writes "Feb 20, 1860.-1 haye been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last LIN* years, I have cover found anything equal to Darling's Liver Regulator, n affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 1860. In Ma) last I hada severe attack of Piles, which' Gonna • ed me to the house. I took one bottle of and was entirely cured. ' I have had no attack since." D. Westervelt, Esq., of South 6th near 9th Street, Wil. liameburg, L. 1., writes : "August 6, 1860.—Having been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and sUbject to bil ious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try . $lOO DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, 1 did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used Kan a When our children are out of sorM t we give them a few drops and. it sets them all right. I find it meets the : general wants of the stomach and bowels when disorder; ed." RUDER, if you need either or both of these most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores; if you, do not find them, take uo other, hot inclose One Dollar In clatter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be cent according to your dire° Dons, by mall or express, post-paid. Address, DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau street, New York. Put up In SOcent and $L Botta' each. 0c124-46m 25. .._..:._1225 25 . 25 TRIENNIAL APPEALS FOR 1862 k . . pHs ,undertigned Commissioners of. A... Dauphin county, Pa., make known to the taxable inhabitants within said county and those owning real estate within the county aforesaid that appeals will be. bad on th'e valuation as returned by the Assessors of all. real and personal property taxabto for State and county' purposes for the said year, said appeals commencing ltdontity, March 24th, at the public house of George Hoek er,ior the township o t tenth Hanover. For East Hanover, at the public house of Abraham - Boyer, on Tuesday, the 25th day of Marcn inst. For West Hanover, at tao public house of John Buek, on Wednesday, Me 26th day of March inst. For Susquehatma township, at the tenuity Court House, in me Commissioners Milne, on Thursday, the With day of Marco inst. ' For lawatara township„ in the Court House aforesaid, on Friday, the 28th day of March inst. For Halifax and Reed townships, on Tuesday, the Bth day of April, at the public house o • John By rod. For Jefferson township, at the house of John Hoffman, (election -pia, e,) on Wednesday, April 9th, 1862. For Jackson township, at the house of John Biz ler, F.sri., on Thursday, the 10th day of April. For Washington township,at the public house of James Hoffman, on Friday, the 11th day of April. For the township of Wi.,Cunisco, at the public house of J. P. ,Hoffman, in Lykenstown,ion taturday, the 12th day of Ap, il. ' • Fur Lykimus township and borough of Grate, on Mon day, at Baum's Tavern, in (arms, on Monday, the 14th day of April: ' For tie township of Mifflin, at the public bouSe of Ben jamin-Bordner, in Berrysburg, on Tuesday, the 15th day . For the township of Upper Paxton and Millers burg, at FreeLinu's Tavern, on Wednesday, the 16th day of For the 'township of Middle Paxton, Rush and Dauphin borough, at the pub lie 'house of - Cockly, in Dauphin, on Thursday, the 17111 day of April. For the township of Lower Paxton, at Gilchrist's Tavern, on aaturday, the lath day of April. For the township of • Lower awatara, at the public house of Mrs. Lehman, in Gighspire, on Monday, the Ust day of April.' For the borough - of Middletown, (three wards,) at the public house of Valentine Dotson, on Tuesday, the 22d day of April., For • . For the township of Londonderry, at lielper's Tavern, on Wednesday, the 23d day of April. For, the ti•wnship of Canewago, snyder's Tavern, on Thursday, the 24th day of April. For the townshio of Derry, at the public house nf -- Tithe, in Hnanelstown, on Friday, the 25th day of For: the Sixth and Fifth wards of the city of Hanisburgi at the'Court House . ; in the office of ihe County Cemnue siouers, on Tuesday,..Muy eth lust; ' por tee Fourth ward et said city, at the same place, on Wednesday, the 7th day of May. For Lhe Third ward of Bald city, at the same place, on Thursday, the Sth day. of May. For the First and Second • wards of said city, on Fri day, the 9th day of May, .1.862. the Commissioners therefore hope that all persons knowing themselves aggrieved by their respective valua tions as imposed, will take notice hereof and appeal at their respective places of appeallor redeSs. Said appeals will open at 9 A. H. and close at 4 o'clock P. JACOB BaHM, GEORGE GeRVERICH, HENRY MOYER. • Commissioners. Attest :--joszYß NILIAR. P. E. asseesers are requested to be punctual In their attendance on the day or appeal. malitwtd IEIXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and ILI half •bbl. eackei also, wholesale and .retail at th ,New Grocery and Privlsion &ore, Front and Market ets. NICHOLS &BOWMAN. o cAL OIL, BEST COAL OIL Wholesale andßegally ior gilds by •moms & BOWMAN. comergroul pad Market draft, ftlistttiantous DARLING'S DARLING'S FAMILY MEDICINE, LIFE BITTE'RS DABLING'b' LIFE BITTERS FAMILY MEDICINE Johns 8& troslitio. SWEETHING FOR THE TIZESI gef - A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPE4 GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE 1N THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article or the kind ever produced which WILL 'WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boois,•_Ac. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan, it is easily re- IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That pleceiknoched out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a ahil ling, a shilling saved lea shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match. it, mend It, it will never show when'put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything . but Metals. Any /Aide Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT ;GLUE will not show where it is mended. EXTRACTS. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Y. limes. "It is so convenient to have in toe touse.”—N. Y. - Ewen It always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—hulepemiant. "We have tried it, and find it as useful in our homer as water."— Wake SintiCof the Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 810,00 per, year saved in every fenaty by One. Bottle of MERMAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyers TERMS CASH. ,p-For sale by all Druggists, and kttorekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, . (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW Y ORK Important to Hoase Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Bail Road Companies. Important,to Farmers. lb all whom this may concern, and iteconcerna every Body. JOEINEI & CROBLEY'9 IMPROVED GUTTA PERCHA OEMENIT ROOFING , The Cheapest'and most durable Rooting in use , IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New anti ow 11001 Pa of all kinds, steep or ILA and to 'Mims Boors without • removing the Shingles. The Cost le only about One. Third that of Tin AND IT is TWICE AS DUHABLE This article has been thoroughly tested in New York City and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and Booth America; on buildings of all kinds, such as Dimmed, kOUNDRIIIB, 011111dOkl&I, RAM ROAD DEPOTS, CADS, and on Flamm BUILDINGd .generaliy tiIeVIROMMIT 111311,D1NG5,.&C., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past roar years, and eas proved to ee the CilliAt'ES f and ROSA! BURAI3LS. ROOFING in use; it is ID every respect A FIRE, %FALBA, Wk.:AV:LEK and TIME etwohr covering for ROOFS OF ALL KI DSJ ma !lithe: ONLY material manufactured in the United State.. .which combines the very desirable properties of E/anioity and Duratißigh which are universally actin° w- Waged to be pbeseesed Ul2ll. .P 151881.4 'AND INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary roc . can be coverednnd finished the same day It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly lens RAW/ sur face with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Elva, Coin or Swims, 6aturnruto or. Apar BOARAtI, nor any ex tonal action whatever. • - .. - • rLIQUID GOTTA. PEEtC.II6. .C.E.MENT ; For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Walther, and FOR PRESERVING AND IMP&U:UNG METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS This Is the only Composition known which will imocesil fully realm, eggreme chiuiges of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, turning a body equal to coats of ordinary paint, strata much leas and will LAS'f TifithlS Tildb.'S LONG • and from its elasdailY 'is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and Other bletal Hoofs; consequent won sudden Changes of the weather. It idll not CRACK IN COLD E. 1.8 RUN IN WARM WEA2O.BII, AND WILL Nal WAall Leaky Tin and other Rem' Roofs can be readily repair ed with GOTTA PERORA CEMENT, and , prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring per fectly tight roof for many years. This Cement is pectiliarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOVE/41tANGI RAIRe, AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; &c., also, for general menu lecturers 'use. • GUTTA -,-.PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal' AOOll3 of every descriptiini,:froin its great elasticity, is not injured by the coetraellon and expansion of itstids, and will not crack in Udder riinin Warm weither. , . . These materials are ADMIX!) IV ALL mune, and we are Prepared to supply orders from any part of the coun try, at short notice, for: '4ll2rfta , PERCIIIA. ROOFING, in rolls, ready.prell. for use, and GI:VIA Pigs Q E . RENT in barrele with frill printed directions for cation. AGENTS WANTED • We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with responsible wiles who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business, - - - - OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our Improved Roofing baying applied them t o severa l thousand Roofs in New York City and vicinity. JOE! s & CROSLEY, stax MAi!JuFeertrRERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Corner . of_. Liberty Street. MAW YORK, Fall descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furniShed on application, oc3-dly UG.A.RS Crushed, Pulverized and §Re lined, for sale by NICEIO S & BOW MAN, eb2l Corner Front and ...Market streets. PORT FOLIOS-.WRITING DESKS. AX ,entire_now aaeortment of these useful ar tides just opened at BEBBXER'S Cheap Bookstore, filgOictat. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub. Joined varieties of Diseases : crofnla and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, Boils, Blain, and all Skin Diseases. Olsuvn Is ii, 6th June, 1869. J. O. Aria & Co., Gents : I feel it my duiy to acknowl edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Baying inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered f r o m i t in various ways for y ears. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hands and arma ; sometimes turned in. ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago A broi.e out on my head and covered my scalp ana ears with ono sore, which was painiul and loathsome beyond description. I tr.ed many meth. Me, and several physi. clans. but without much rel.ef from anything. In Tact, the disorcer grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alternative (Sarsaparillad for I knew from your rep utation that anything you male must be gcod. I sent to Cinc mutt and got it, and use it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a mouth, and used almost three bottles. hew and healthy skin soon began to lorm under the scab, which after a while fell off, my akin is now clear, and 1 know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that 1 feet what I am Buying when I tell you, that I bold you to be ono of the apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, . . ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettez and Salt Rheum, Scald Head Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. ?rabic writes trom Ealem, N. Y., Ikth Sep., 1869, that he nas cured an inveterate case or Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse vering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at tack of Malignant I'.r) alpelas by large doses at the same. says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or SwellediNeek. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, Write,: : "Three bat tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Gerrss—a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years•" Lencorrhwa or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Chinning, of New York City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent in saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a wait excellent alternative in the numerous complaints for which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in /mak Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. I. hive cured many inveterate cases of Leucorrhcea by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ul ceration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge equaln i far these female derangements." Edward B. Barrow, of Newbury, Ala. , writes, "A 'den gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females In my family, which had defied all the remedies we could emplo7, has at length bean completely cured by your Extract of Sar saparilla. uur physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains." ;Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NEW ORLEANS, 25th dugu6l, 1959 Dr. J. C. Area : Sir, I cheerfully comply with Use re quest of your agent, and report to you some 01 the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. 1 have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, anti have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Veneta/ and Mer curial DiSealla. Ole 01 my patients nad ophilluo ulcers nt his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla; steadily taker., cured him in five week. Another was attacked by Sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the oicereion bad eat en away a colusidararte part of it, so that _ believe thu disorder would score bram and kiL But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison in her bones. they bad become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she sneered excruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. 1 know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have net surprised me. Fraternally yours, O. V. LAsniss, A m.A Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Iteuarszatexus, Prectun Co., Va., 6th July, 1869 Dn. J. C. AYBY.; z•ir , I have been affileied with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which battled the Skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies licould ttn ~ until I tried your Sarsaparilla.— line bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far oetter than belore I was attacked. I think It a wonderful medicine. J. FRIA.b.I. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis. writes "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tailed to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for some years from no them cause than de. rummest ef the. Liver. - My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. liPpy, advised me to try your Sarsaparrilta, becsusa ue said he knew you, and anything you made WOO worth trying. By the blessing of tied it sae cured MO. I loco young again. The best that' can be said of you is not half good enough," Schirras, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great, variety of „eases have bean reported to u where cures of these formidable complaints have result:- form the use of this 'remedy, but one space here will not admit them. Some of them may be found to our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are. pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for theca. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made by ° the alternative power of this medicine. Ii stim ulates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders' winch would be suppose d beyond its reach. Such a remedy loss been required b y the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the /Whet' of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease iamb. isa remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and rung complaints, that it is useless here to publish rue evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence fur coughs and colds, and Its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made ii known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.— Yew are the communities, or even Machos, among them who have not some personal experience .of its eneets.— some living trophy In their miust of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need tint do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that ltdid have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., :Lowell, Maas. Bold by :O.:A. Bannvart, 0. 11..Meiler, tD. W. Gross k 00., J. M. Luis, & Co., Arinstreog, Harrisburg, and deal era every where. 00111-6mdaw • C . 0. ZIMMERMAN'iS BANNING STOCK, BILL AND COLLIOTING OFFIOS Han been removed from No. 281 Second St NO. 130 MARKET, I STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAS. eep24•dtt RUBBER GOODS ! Tij abbe jt Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORg "PURE Fresh Ground and Whole 6pice, Popper, Alspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at NICHOLS St BOWMAN'S, je corner Front and-klarketr steets. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE.. This good, nutrition!, and. fine flavored coffee, nowiofered for sale Vary low by' 21/CHOLS & BOWMAN, oorkeir,Frokifind Marko; @traits:a