elebitai ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NNW' REMEDY PON RHEUMATISM& A NEW REMEDY, A CERTAIN EMMY," 7°ll ACM RHEUMATISM, URRONIO RHEUMATISM, .NHAVNAT/Sif OR Erater %IND; HOW BTUBBOkN, No Nam HOW LONG STANDING, PROPPLAJUIVI WHAT PT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN, Tax saw TESTIMONY, RAH MEDICAL AUTHORITY. Doc Toes PATIENTS BRUM Ert TRIED AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL grim Orrow..HoornatßaTowis.) RAT IP, 18410,—fillaa EL, mi.-A, tingle, never was very strong. Two years ago the bedsit, attaelrof acute rbetima tiem.from which she was confined to her bed Ptr two weeks and substhenLy troth aretapse fer four more. She bas been well since then till last Saturday, while entailed in house steanlngehe took cold had pain In her back, felt cold , . hot had l i erdethiensthfll.' Twd.Sitya hoer her sokletrbo. gin so swell, which was followed by swelling O f the knee Joints sup or the hands. She has tiOw Mill pale In l 4lmelders. and her knack:lea ire ieritekider, red and o " r. fel ; both Minas are affected, but the right, b most , This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as It lit niw fashionably Gaped, rheumatic lever. Ins a web enthused typical case . We will careftilly Watch' the , esse t an from time to time cell your attention to the visi on symjitoeis which preseat themselves. Illy etdef oiliest to bring gllnng her before you now, Is to call Wootton to a remedy which has recently bash recommended in the treatment of itsumatiam. lin .an propytositine. Dr. Awenarius, of tit, Petersburg, thee,. mends It In the highest terms, having denied Oat Oddeel !tom Its use In IMO cues whiehlthme Mid& hid care Vitamin COM mandatory testimonials regoecthig it hnve appeared id OUr Jourtalit, and I propose therefore to eve It another trial 'meet confess I ato always incredulous as to 'the worth of new thmetties, which are vaunted as •pectiles t but this comas te'.us recommended so nighty, that we are bound to give It a trial. Ski& 'USE Forra DAYS LATER MAT 2 ISllo.—lwtli now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylaanne, sod Ws s-thtio labor las under an attack of amine rheumatism. Abe has steadily taken n in doses of three grams every two bona (Intermitting it at night. The day after you saw ber; found her much more comfortable,. better than she ex; peeled to 00 roe.week or .16OrtOsalgtos lima her other attach. (lite patient now waited lute the room.) The itoproveat has afeadily prOltrll4.l6l, sad '30 1 9u caned. Gall , o notice a roszkiel change in toe appearanoe of her Joints, Whit% are bow stagy all of their natural else Thus far our experiment would have seeined very 'qua , costa ; but, gentlemen , we must wait a little while 'be fore we ou gives , deckled opinion ae to what in to be the result. Here 1140 W bs patient who was ',Moat on the , rise ol she mune I.toduqUe ou duziday ItUll she bat long 11100 sabring from c Lruulo rheumatism, and I thund her at that tune with an acute attack supurv . eiung upon her onrush: taut:Lou. The wrist ,'and Miamians were much Swot.° and tun se. Bile look the cnioralu of Prop/ 14- mitte to air/Au grain doe evary two boors, sal you Will perceive Min the sweitmg o 1 cue Jams hate. much Millie- Med. THREE DAYS LATER!! . May 28, 1860.—This is the cue of acute rheumatism trauma with propyiamme, the first of those to *Mutt I palled lour altretwo st our lest clinic 1-188 18 Bt.ti very comforiaole, and is UMW t king three grime thrice daily. to this case it has seems d to be iollowed by very Nil 181w:tory regatta. The secoutt C .co to Which yokir attain- tide wee called at our last ice , u re, bus Mao continued to do wel • , 1 wiltuow brims before you .. eery; coaracier• . 1 lath. cash Or Mew itieutoal6re, cud if We' irestAtlic eat. factory, I thing, as good Jurymen, w swell Justly reader oar verdict in latror A f propylatnin 7! • ' '., ~ :. Be is a setittian,lol. 26, Who was admitted . alletedayik ago. Has ha. ocaasional rheumatic pads, but not 'so as Ito keep his bed. until eight days ago. The pains began * hi his ri bt kites eutwequeney aittsned the left knee, and LILT, nub of thiupper, ettreatitits. thee& Joints are all lieVes 411 teDikte. Ville tongue AurrAj his skin, it p Vet f, Maim Otani has b tetkiti' sweating. Elie pulse wink and strong, and about 90. Ele has now mead hropylamide lbr twetay.rour Metre. TM' gent eaten is what may be called a strictly typical OM of acute rhettuudilaut. There was exposure touold and wet, and thiertliihedre It followed Ely 'a ibelbig h Or coldness, severe artiuular.peln, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower Jefille. 'Cheryl si never and the profuse sweating, so geherady ad - landau; on acute rheumatism. 1 did net bride [Mir patio& htlibill*OXl with the i stal lions of giving you s lecture e n, all the p l ants eoneepten with rheumatism • tai to' &carol give .ii triiiP KO tide p i new remedy we are tes ug, and to , exhibit to yip; this ' typical tiagth stkthsive,o - til itiqnseriott 416140 uld i not be atelier opportun i L y for tesdfig • die lifeniftte ltt 1 quastlogr;llfe 101,,t4creforia_atittapeog the use of all 1 other millikdies, desidlino lyisea; ilia& fakir.. may be no misgivings as to trAdidildtill . thttlinlO l W: 0 . 11 0.V. : ._......10 1 11,/ shad sal the sue 01 a future clink THE RESULT. A FAV0R4131.4 Joule% 11160.—The next of our cenvaleaceaut Is the mum of acute rheumatism before you at our (Mule of May Mb, roblith I thee called a typical,ease, and which , it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our SOWreMcd.t.„ Ik was thorelor,e 'steadily given in three greiu doees e very two hours for four days. The patient bas got along very luckily, and Is oversbie to walk about, as you, see. Ido not hesitate to sty that I have neverseen al severe a wise of acute rheiLuilidni SO MOO restored to health as this man. has been, and without being prepared to decide polities by a s to the vat oo or the remedy we have 1/$ll4 I feel bound . to ste to that in the name In widen we have tried We o ProfTlimibm,the pinnate nave rezoned their health snob earlier than under 'be treatment ordinarily' per med. I Wish geetilimen, yea otelga yopiaetver`try It, and report the }tulle Abe ti WI report of which ,the above • windowed eistomit,heo Vat 'Philadelphia MrDbxil (rad Re roloat parte. It la the report after a thir trial by the beat med leal authority ih thletountry, and makes It unnecessary sivohootertini adil&Leatas from astonished' doctifirs .ad tglotolng patient& . BPEKDY CUM AN FiFBCTITAL OURS THE SAACI,NERIV WHAT Tr XIAS DONE Ballot* &Crenshaw, Ktirm well known to moat medi al men, by whom the illxlr Propylemine has been M traduced, have cold tone the exclusive right to manure°. lure It according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangeMenta of snob magnitude as to enable us OD BMW rt broadcast amongsl suffering humanity: A WORD TO DOCTORS. If yen prefer to nee the same rented? in another Mein Ire invite your attention to the pose aIMaTALLUD Cin.oatna PnoriLeenne Tote Peomentaa Lamm, Pau Pittitirtiania Coao■irrwtao, Peas tennis Paortiannes, of which:eh/are th • sole man ntliatnrere. igrWe-olatisi do other •Snue for the Bliilr Propylamlor Skin is catitalisecl to;;Purs Orysallzed Oblorlde;ot Propy.' tangs% SAS BS TO D ANEN, xokenim TritECTIONS. rfr ANY Mks BY MAY ONE. WOO RA 9 4RNIUDIATNIN'OF ANY KIND. • 801d,io Harriabbric by CAT 75 OTB. ANOMIE. I Orders my be addressed to PROP/MAN/NZ MAIVI77ACITIRING 011leo. Room No. 4 , V. Coi.lPoiatib lad Cbe(tent ptreett, PtII*ISOM*. ur to either of the Wlo* Ir.otee Mkt ante HPII.IOeR k CR NITIFIr kW. Famcn . Hfrif ARDS' a OU. JOHN H. MARIN ADD . OW. D. WVEDMA k (Op PPM t WRDynk. OD , ZRIGLER k mum, R. 11011a1,1 esitarea OD O ,, VCIUX gb Destroy—Rata, Roaches, &o. To Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. 21, Destroy—Bed-Bt s. • Dertray—Moths in Fars, Clothes, &o. 26.Destroy--Mosquitom and Fleas. • Denrey—lnsectsinn Plants and Fowls. To Degrov----Insects on Animals, &c. • /knorise----Every form and specie of Vermin 664CiOlertlartibVgaPP WILL CoNQIIIIIR IT, WILL CUBS IT, pouroßs BE Dooms las ail diNE, Dourvas TRY IT. mra "ONLY IMICROII EUTAIRLY EVERT FORM AND SPEOtEI3 OF Those Preparatioas (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Hato do not dio on the pionatees." "They come out of their holes to die." ' , They are Ftho - only , :infallible €, re edia known. • "12 years and more established in Now York city." Used by—the City Poet Oboe. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, ere. - Used by—the City ,Hospitals, Alms-Hotutse, Bto. las,' dm Used by--the City Hotels- l Astor'—‘St.Nictio- Used by—the Boarding Houses, dm., /to. Old by—more than 00,000 Private Families. OMe one or two gliainesse of what is derywhere said by the Peiggi—Aktoni—Maloi, Oro. HOUSEKERPERS—troubIed wilh vermin need be so no longer. if they use "Coma's" Exterminitiere. -1 1Atebave used it to oar satis faction, and if a box cost $6 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but th,•y effected nothing; but ` •Cosrsa's" artib e knocks the breath 'out of Bate, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can unite it. It is in gust demand all over the country.—Nedins (0 ) Grzutle. MORE GhAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin than would pay for tons of this Plat and Insect killer. Lancatte (Fru.)lleraltL , LIANRY 11. COST/a—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Bats c aliee, lioschea and VermittOWPo9l' rapidly. &XIS & BrCuitiat, "Costar's" Rat, Roach, ft.:Exterminator. "Costar's" "Coetar'e" Bed-bug Exterminator "Coiner's" ' • " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. Ia 28e. 600. ass St,oo Bozo, Ikrtnas AND ham, $8 tr" • S6ST POI pirswuovis saws, sons, Hama, &a, ION!! to prevent tho public (rob), being hiPosisi upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious ialiforthas, a new label has been proposed, bear ing a Vac sinus of the Proprietor'■ signature:— Examine each box, bottlmor Asa carefully' be fore purchasing, Jand takepothiog but' uCos- gr &Id illoaroliers—byl All Wnotesras DIMIXIIIIIII In the large dile! Some of the 'Wholesale Aim:de in New York City ficldeffelin Brothers & Co. B, A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. A. flAVD.Beilds - ' • • - Wheeler & Hart- James S. Aspinwall. Morgan &Alien. Hall, Wankel & Thomas & Fuller.; F. D. Orals.. • , Harrel, Itisley & Kitchen. Bush, Gala & Robinson. - 111. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson,& Robbins. D. 8. 111. mes & Co. F. C. Wells & Lasalle. Marsh lc-Gardner. Hall „Dixon /Pt .90. Conrad .rok=-sen . • " Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. fratmeatook &Co. • Robert ShOemaker & Co. French, Richards &Xo.,—AmeDmiunis. • Ditionnas, Gnoonas, tircenntsseue and Reran lea generally In all Comm! Towns and zusitTED Yludian ol i T lk th.,irmse WIIVERY (162 HENEVERINEVTA TR IO WHENEVER TRIED IT WILL DO AGAIN KnRECORVICNIENtIi Asn ALWAYS REA.Dy IfOR IKWEDIATI USE H:A I SILII Baia PENNA. Or Bold by D. W. 'Gross 4!4' C 0.,. • Prim:tined Wholesale and Retail Agents at irrisburir. and by the pineal/MN Sinai 11:slevas and. Rrresuras generally. IT Comm Thatures can order as above. Orsddrees orders direct—tor if Price, Tering, am, - is— desired, Or send for (1.8623 Circular, giving reauced Prices] to EXPIRY IL COSTAR, `Parsatm Vapor—No. 54 BroadwaY -- (ONW eite the Eit. Nkholoa Hotel,) Now York. Sth.llll.denr- Bio Pmnoplu istellantans . vrimpipmr EXTERMINAtORS. VERMIN. I:tst,o96i, WUKOM'ild' C. K. Keller, to etitgrqii, a ;; traunurus. FREIGHT REDUCED I Howard(tHope ,EXPRESS CO.'S 81101 IT & UK ROUTH TO AND FROM _ NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Moxning_ Returned the sanieWight. Leave New York at 71 P. L, by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at B A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF 'OAPS. Order idooda !marked via HOP 4 EXPRESS CO., General Offroa. 74 Broadway. New York Branch " 412 " 41 For farther information anquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen ifasammnia , Aug. 1861.-dtf M'CONNELL'S GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL EVERY body ought to join in oiroulat log li, It the ts 44 tre represeut are SO. All are lu ta, mieb, the well and afillo ed: the puLuEN SLWC .Itlo "It, la weld in Chronic and Names Demises, such as Ithetoratiste; Neuralgia, Itruncititis, Cat.,rrab, Scrofula, Kies,- Fresh' or Old Sores, Ulcers' tiatudular swelbnga, Female Complaints, Ears In teat thorn is no family inedlchte dud meta with sacb magic ,over as the Ocaclett illecitte 011. Hundreds can eerttir to its virtues. Fa the purpose of Introducdrg it into every Ihmgyi with two of my own•va• nab,* preparations ior Cougua, CrouW Weak and intiamod Bra, and as au induc. moot to Laude .woo ambit me to Mamma of 20 gross, 1 plane in avowal= of a comm it,. oChonorante, gentlemen the following raluahlearticies. thrStalidlatilbtltiOnuntutgat the purchasers : 1 Alm nnomvo Piano - • 1 Fine Dreading Bureau 1 File Cottage Bedstead 1 Film isugiah Gold Inver Watch 85 1 Fate Lautoo,' ...0....—....u0 2 Me alma- Watahee, 1 old 'Violin anti Bow 1 linsla Bo:-.... . 11.1ne Double-barrelled Gun kb)* Semi-lone Accordeori 4 Gild Bracelets, $1 00 409 boxes Valuable Pills, 26 tne 126 400 , Ikixes Tooth Powder, 26 ate:....':...:... 100 900 o:4l , tat Lice of ban rice, ait, 21 ote 60 1 Copy, 6 volumes, Christian Onloa, SI 00.... S llreoe MSc • 20 nl6 Whine Dreu.. . . . ... g.Fine Lawn Dralinekll6.oo..•:. a eine Gold Pencils, ill 00 6 20W.Elne throve dummy it% 0te........ 26 gailioe Ladies' Guards, 21 we - sttifta netts of Jewelry, 61 00 20 Srline Doutitallodainsatat,4 20 60415 e L'ocket Pine, ots, 96 :600,1ine Sena' Steals, 9{6 ctn. • 160 400M= 141:narat, hinge, 001 ..2._-”•••••••••• / 24 Ignt , yine Gent.. /Deere elution; inm ma 25 100 -)hoe alien's Swam Powder, 2605a:4.:. ..... 26 - Gin. Family ' • . Paarrel nom.. 70 On the payouintot aitotatibr eilth , Bottleor of iikei *tome, Ike purchaser, will receive a receipt and An order for an envelope, which will contain the nets of motor the abi.ve OM. Oa therlaYsof the 4 libblbolioll of gide, the envelopes will-bloplioett lit a box or Wheel, with Wit to pass the bans into it , the envelopes all pat Into the wheel, well chock op and sectreti, each purchieer will draw nor his other own wireloneilhe glitintmed therein - will be given ati soon as thrnirawing chem. No tie 6 vital be given to agents, and lathe papers, of the day' of diminution. Pwc.abere W Minahoe,Wilheivemt eviler share with thoserieddingt . 1n Balvistatirgo , re. cent of the money for one or. more dozen, the medicine, with herificals and orders, will be forwarded by, taproots, •tree of charge. In an easeitbe medicine 11 warranted to .oure or give relief, or no charge. Bee cenificeam. - • DR. W. litaxl—Etesk &Z I have learned that you . bsoreorchased the right to manufacture end sell WOon , Golden Electric Oil, ibr the helmet of thealincted, I. amid the following have,been enlisted with a run. elm sore on my Olt leg frO , ten years. During That time have been under the trbatnlenrof ten 0 the best Ik* - • tore In Ilarrieburgi Baltimore and - Cumberland minty ; but all could not ellocl a cute. -A Attie over a Yearlialit, :going Into my bbaseninith shop iafter- dark, I hurt my qrsgeg leg also, bakorthertnee: -rk spread altsround the leg, and became I ittnilleg Ore.' Eiteral Maori told me runlet have my leg taken off s mortilleatioa haying taken place. lertlngluely I gtoric bottleof 'Your Golden gigotito till for my child?* surmount. It cured so goon that I thought I would-try-it en- -my -lege. • I have been using it about lilt weeks, satiny:lege are now healed up and Well. 1 . ; •' 11LD3HA T. HOiJCEI. • • Wei ihii•undertflibod, Wler fite.wellAegastellittlifith IMO& T. Eitish, do earn* to the fact as stated above, and the Impends) effects of sl*Connell's ridden Riedel° Oil on many of our niestibore. • ..B.MnRY ANDltRif, MIMI; . 8.. KRB, post =Hotel.) J. LONUENt.CaIta, Msg. I have been =tug Dr. 'Bares [troop arm In my family for the past two years, I Would pot be without it at any price, as my children - are withject to Colds nd Croup. I believe I have soived•their Lives by the nee; of the medicine. No fondly. with children might to be' without it. F. SWARTZ, (livery.) Gantsburg. QUI o P Comm December e. Du. KM >•-a thank yomeat sin ' nconay for th,el 80a oint ment you gave me lot, my eyes.. I. have oily used!' alew d.une, and am now enirely tree/rem bdianuntonandtann 'which la more than 1 have been for the last Awe years.— / hope God will bins you for the free MG. ' Rio moon alktiona with week 'or tolletned sore eyes ought to be without it • - J. C. MU& being well acquainted with 3. O. litlett, what he nerd. flea to above la correct and tree, se *angular as It may lean. ' - -J. Ir -- /16L111, GC. fir Medford. nandrede Wive certified-4 hawe only the above. Nee, T.tter, Poison, Itch, Lark Jawi Goldifthina,abseg, Lem:torah% and abfamiret dikes* tuned With, Mae mac ron; or no charge: lea per emit. will be paid bi all parlous uaWng moor More dozen: W. hattit, jMktawtf - • t -Baniaburg, STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG • iy isztt - FARE REDUCED .TO 41.35 THROUGH. TO ' OICTTY&ORG: • _undersigned has . established a OP, dre(o . oleCEilts hole ileetunrica burg, corusectieg everylotfier =matt with Lou Clamber. aedNalley Nahroad here. r the douches leave. Oveip Toy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. returein,i every' day. Pesesoders for deeppardStOvra, lhllaberg . teraberr antirtiettycoarg are oarried at rein out neat, WM. J. Tallt DR. T. EB,'„ - sußemoN :DENTIST IFFERS his services tci the- citizen o n j Harrisburg audits vicinity. He soiigtts a share e the publics patronage, andvives iseerance tha' hie best widowers Mall be given toned .rsaUstaction to his pro. r eam p n . _swig autold,welLtried-Lentiat, AMU-Sate lb ovules Abe public 4csteraliy can on ten , eeenythy, beat Mai they * will hot be d bmatlened" with,ttle 010/73 . . Oak. So. Us Margot street, in the boast ehlherly upud by iskobiL Ely, 'boor the United States. Hotel, „ ftrothere„ ?IL . 1 004. TAY NEW Fruits, Currants, Raisins ` Citron Indassios,araisiasw ard i kuu.44 ..., %rel. : 111"i" 84 :r."1,-. !i7 13 ". 1 Aailliat, 1 ,121 , itgagRIMINVIAIC- ~f i rent» Morning, 'April LIVER REGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable entracte. They AM_ cure all bilious disorders of the human system,- They regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeyn they give tone to the digestive o mans ; they regulate lb e : %ZS WitlollB, excretions and exhibitions, equalise the el— lotion, end Purify the blood. Thus all bilious comniatre —some of whlob are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, v' Impala, Pikes, Chills and Fevers, Ooadveness or 7ACM ness—are entirely .ontroled and oared by these noo dles. LIVER RE . GULATOR Removes the morbid mud billion deposits trout the stom ach and bowels, reeked." the liver and kidneys, Moor log every obstruction, redone a natural and healthy so bon in the that organs. it is • superior idea betterlimoi pills; and moth easier to take. .1. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS is a superior 'tonic and diuretic ; excellent in oases of toga of appetite, fl atulency, female weakness, irregulari ties, pain, In the aide and bowels, blind, proVudlng and Weeding piles, and general Baattatrounciriso TizikoziVl JR. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton &elk New York, writes, August le, IMA 44 1 bars best it, amicted arm with piles, WOCOMWALUIW with t, Tem ; I twee .LIF.S 812711.149, And now . °wielder myself 10f112111.T oirgna,” Hon.. John A. Oro writes, 'Brooklyn, Much 16,1860. in the spring of UM 1 looks were oold, which induct ed a violent fever. t took two doses of —DA. LING ItITAR REGULAIOII.. tr Bathe up my mild and fbver at Duos. Predioos to this attack, I lan been troubled with dyspepsia Several month, ; I have lest nothing of It Masc. , * Otis gladly Esq. nil Bast UM Street, N. Y., writes : "August 19, 1890.-1 had a dinictihy with Kidney Com plaint three years with condant pain in the small of my , bbeb. 1 had.osed most all kinds medicines, but Aland 110 peraatent Slier until i used DARLING'S LIVU INVIGORATOR, I pamed clotted blood by the urethra.. 1 ere now en tirely cured, and tags pleeriure le recommending these remedies. Mrs 0. reboil', 11 Ohaistopher Street, N. Y., Witte "Feb 20,1800.-1 bate been seem% to attocks of Mob = the rut twolty years. I twee never round anythlog equal to • Darhug ri Liver Regulator, n affbnilog immediate relief. It Is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, at Brooklyn, writes, ulrebnutry 28,1980. lu Hey Met Ueda severe attack of Piles, womb 00IanD• el me lathe home. I took one bottle of and was entirely , cured. nave had mattock shown D. Westervelt, Esq:, of South atb, near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes "augost 6, 1890.—Elaving been troubled with a difficulty In the Liver, aid sublent to bil ious smut" I icau adinsed by a' triad to try $lOO DARLING'S LITER 'REGULATOR, I did % t eed found to operate adadratay, removing the elle and arbustag the liver to activity. 'I have also used it is it When our children are out or Nor* we eve - them a few drops and It seta thorn all right. 1 dad: it mesa the general wants of the stomach and bowels whelp disorder• ed." Rubin, if you °sod either or both of thee moot ex ceUent Remedies, impure for Wain at the stores ; Ir you do not and than, tate no other, bra lactose One Dollar in *Mawr, linden receipt of the mousy, the itatudy or Bionodien will be oent *wording to your dine Dow, by mail or express, post-paid. Addrenn, DAN'L B. DAILLIWG. 102 Nassau street, New York. Put up in 80 cent and SI annals each. T . ANT A T.R FOR 1862' :Is~'nnderiigned Commissioners of scanty, Pa., make known to the bitable abliante within said county and those owning real estate within the county aforeead that will be had Olt the valuation as returned by the of all real and personal property losable for State and county papoose ibr the said year, said appeals oammeneing dondey, March 24th, at the public house of George Rook er, ior the township o tau Macover. Tor Est Hanover, at the pubdo house of Abraham Boyer, on Tuesday, the 26th day of Marco inst. Tor Went Hanover, at the pebble house of John Buck, Weditesday. toe Ydth day of March inst. Nor Busquobanna township, It the tonnty Clout House, in uter Commindoners °Moe, on Thursday. the rt 'may or Maros ins t Po^ dwatera township, in the Court Home albreseld, on Fridley, the 28th dry of March Inst. For Ballets. and Rend townships, on Tuesday, the Bth day of April, at the pudic house oi John By rod. For JeMman township, at the house of john Huffman, (eleatton late,}p on Wednesday, Aprd 9th, 1802. ler Jackson township, at the- home of John Ittx/er, ~ on 'Thursday, the 10th day of April. ltorWaahiagto township, at the public hens* of James Hoffman, on Friday, the 11th day of April. For the township of Wiecentsoe, at the public house of ofJ. P. Mailman; in Lykenstown, on t aturday, the 12th day Apt IL Folayltemi township end borough. of Grata, on Mon day, at Bennett Tavern, in Grate, on Monday, the 14th day °fern. For thetownship of Minn, at the public house of Ben jamin Bordner, in Berrysburg, on Tuesday, the lath day of April. Poe the township of Upper Paxton and Millersburg, Jrealiutit's *loran, on Wednesday, the 10th day or OPtil 4 lior the township of Middle Paxton, Rush and Dauphin borough, at the pub lie hones of 000 k If ) Doornail, on ThuradAy, the 17th day or Aprli: Put the township of Lower Paxton, at ellohlist's Tovera,on saturday, the 19th day or sprit. Por the township or Lower dwatara, 4 the public hotiall of Mrs. Lehman, to Mlghsplre, on Monday, the thst day or April. or the boronghtof Middletown, (three wards,) at the public' house of Valentino Dotson, on Tuesday, the Did day of April. nr the township of Londonderry, at Helper's Tama, •on•Tfisdnesday. the 784 day of April. Nor taw township of Chthawago, at linydart Tavern, on Thursday, the rAith day of April. Ifor ths township of Derry, at the pub'ke house of Auld, m ivamelstown, en Nifty, the thin day of itprd. Por the &Lath and MAU wards of the city or Ihirrlstium atlas Omni Boos*, in the office of ihalhonty Commis sioner., on Tuesday, Hay 6th Arer tee Fourth ward of said city, at the MOO puce, on Wednesday, the 7th day alley. • Mir ihe Third watd bald city, et the • Sanm plum, On Murat% the Bth day of May. Ror the Pima and &cowl ward. of said city, on Mil dly,' the 9th day of May, idea. the Comthisslciners ibereibte Mips that all persona knowing themselves aggrieveit by their respective value tham as used, U mite notice horiof aud Nipper' at their rag:olive places Of 'appeal for fedEML raid sinew will open at 9 A: at. andolose at 4 o'clock 16. JACOB 13 41100K111 AtiVPRICII, Halgra YOYKK . - Lonuldssiondni. Abed r,Tesres Mazza. P. r. diammeen are rozoostud to be plueetuel to their attendaumou the day of epßeel. zetkikertd All Work Promised-An One Week 4. • "Ar " AN01t .: 2 46. 1:1 " -11/31:11 F - - =sr Z.o • • ; 4. PENNEIV'L I ir A. NI eIL: STE' LW DYEING IiSTABLISKIDINT. 104 Mar* Street baloesii 4t7i and:Ads HARRISBURG, PA., WHERE every Aeacription of Ladies' wr V and Gentiounona' Gfrrnelltic, Ilene Geode, kr., are nyed, tied sad ta&thed ibekbeee inaman and at the aberteet DeGer, DODGE kW.. ieerE.dvay Proprietor& EXIAIA foairth and bait - bbL mock; atm, wbokiale and mai at ta Now Granary and Aruyit, den &ore Front. and Martel ate. wicams BowmAN. cog, OIL, BEra co.A.Loilivhowoloo - adau, ar Wig*. a/WU a BMW& - -gersorPlikeni sod ifsalletsintsle. flisctUantosue DARLING'S DARLING'S FAMILY MEDICINE,. DARLDIGPS LITER IN1“GOSAITIOR LIFE BITTEN. DARLING'S WE BITTERS FAMILY MEDIOLN& 0 1 1862 itifput & trositps 8011NTILING FOR THE TIMES I 1 mingErry IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue MR STRONGEST GLUE DI THE WORLD ITER CHEAPEST GLUE IN TEI WORLD. THE HOST DURARLI OWE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY El' IA Ma GLUE IX THE WORLD. THE DINT GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE hi the only article of the !dud ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Bare peer broken Parnitere. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, lead Mir Harem, Suva, Belts, Booteato. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glen Bowe WIITLL MEND IVORY, DWI throw away that broken !vary Pan, It la assity re. paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your brakes Oda& Coma and Saucers can be made as good as Dew. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That pisatikacadrad out of your Marble Yapese tan b. pet On la lOW, lit ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter If that broken Maker did not cost bats stilt. beg, a altUnng saved Is a shlllins owned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vass is broken and you can't notch it, mend it, It will direr show when pat together. It, will Mend Bone,. Coral, Lava, and in feet everythng but Meta ls. Any acute Demented with AIREICIAN CRMKNT NUM will not show where it is mended. aurrawra. slivery Boasekteriers should have • sapplj of Jams a Crosiers American Gamma (ilea."—.lY. 44 1 i is ea couvonkot to have In too Lowe."—N. Z. Apra& “It•ahttayaread74 Ode commends Iltoolt to every: body.".—hodtpeottost. "we two mod is ondllott it u =attain our booms as witor."— Wake Spoil of lAs nom. ECONOMY IS "WEALTH. $lO,OO i you saved lie of ver, Walt! by Gina BA* A mv.RIOAR OEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Prioa 25 Cants per Bottle. Price 26 Cents par Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Ltheral Redoetwas to Wholesale Buyers. T MACS CA13.11, /Error sale by all Druggists, tad Storekeepers viers' iy urrougnout the country JOHNS Si..CROSLEIY, (Sole liaoefacourers,) 78 NvjulAbi STREET, &truer of Liberty street Important to House Owners ' , , Important to Builders. Important•to Rail Road Companies. Iniportantto Farmer& lb cJi aka Mir nag ~ins and ikamiconi wry ;MO* dc, CROBLEtR, 1194:Ai•hplipp/141:7•1:0 1 1 OEMEILT ROOFING', The Cheepest and loud durable Boding in use. IT . 1,8 RUM MID WATIII, PROOF- It can be applied to saw and c a n noon of all kinds, Islip or gat, and to Mona Roots without, rembung the Mangles. ; • The CioetteiMay about Ono•Thbrill that of Tin Apo) kr nit TWICE. AS ArcILABLJA • . This arilolehas been thoroughly tested in New York Qty and all ONO parts or the United atatooyCiastin beat Indies Cenral and South ditneriosom beiblibto c t all kinds, sunken rAinxwill, vocrammass, affusonath RAIL ROAD Doom; Class, and on Yuman Bmtnume geinnally tiononsmon Binutuipe, Ali, by ilia pri impel Sunders, arcoinects and abate, during the poet foar Years and now proved to as' the manila and Waif' inikelßtit NUOYING w um ; • it is in every respect A BIBS, !Alga, WEATEAR and Prtooll covering KOOlfd OY Bala 1,4# * the ONLY 'material seausliatured Ow Ms amited Mateo which combines the very desiranie propertme of illouticiti and Durnbitiky, widen are universally acano w lodged to be possessed by Gt/124. PABOLLii 4IYA I.NDLCRUBBE.C' No H e a t . ia r.• equired in making application. The expense of applying it is trilling, as an ordinary' roof elan becovered and finished the same day. It can be applied by any one; - and when finished formsa perfectly ham Ramo surface with as elastic body, which cannot be injured by hear, Cow or ihrians, amazon of Nati BOULLII4 nor any ex. weal action whatever. LIQUID.. . GUTTA: PERCHA CEMENT, For Coaling Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and PRM3IIIIVING AND IDIPELRIti eIeCTAL • • BOOBS OF ALL SIND& This in the only Oompositionknown widdi will irticcess- Ray reedit adrenal Outages af all Moen of time, when applied to neetels, lad& it ad heres Arany, nmeang a body opul to coma of ordinary paint, owed ouch less and will LekSt TlLaMt Tides Ate LuNG ; and front itietistletty - Cs not Injured by the aOrtractian mut expazolee of Tin andochar metal scoie, consequent WWI sudden chant* of the weather. Railing MAU lif 'COM 614'llt&i'llr wtsk WILAILA2II, Will WILL BUT WASH WIS. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roo& can be may repair ed with GUITA name GaltieNT, and prevented nom farther aerreelob and lealtins, thereby .ensurbets a per_ IcilyMibsreof for many sous. This - Coned Is peculiarly adapted for the praorratios of IRON RAILINGS, MIMI; KARIM, RAS^ AGRI INHZUKAI. IMPLOLI:NTO, ha, aim, lbr general emu. gentarers us& GUTTA PERCHA. CEMENT For preserving and raping Tin and other Hst■l BOOM of every description, from Its groat elasticity, Is not Ii INCI by Ina coobractiou sad expansionist' Metals, and will not OM* la cold or ran In worm weather. Those materials are AILIFiID so us oestom and we are prepared to supply mewl hem any 'pert orese coma. r try, et abort notimoor tours rescas BOWING in rollready pared 63r use and GUMS Pliffeda CE. KIM bar pre rels, with fa primed dlrecdons for &ppd.- *Wow AGENTS WANIZD. it% will make liberal and satlidhotory arrangements! WWI responsible pante" who would Ime to estabilan them. selves IA a hieratrre and persimmon boalneen. OUR TERMS ARE G. • wean give &bandies. proof-of all we 0141133 In DM? Keels It oved Eoodng baling applied them to seweral thousand RROOoof in New. York Qty and vicinity, JOHNEI & CROBLEy, • SOLI 111A1TOTAMIRRio, Wholesale Warehouse 78 Wil li am St., . earner of Libamy &r am. NEW YORK ibll demeipstee Circulars and Priam will be thrnts bed oosd, on y application. UUARS Crumbed, Pulverized and Re- Mac anis bi N/C6lO S & BOW MAN, -4, te M'b 2l COM FrOlat and Market streets. ; I'ORT F94:6—..WRITING" DESKS. A N entrre alMortalent cotthise nu m al .- , . i IMOWNIB I B G9teap B4pkgiorts A.YEit'S SARSAPgRI FOR PURIPYING THE BLI A ND for the speedy cure of t ji lolned carteues of Doseasea crofnla and :excisions Affects as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, F r , Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, /Mains, and all skin Diseases. bto J, J. 0. Ana & Co., Gents : I feel it r0.,±,: 3. • edge what your Sersaterffla has don, t r mberited a 'im.ofulous infecit. tt, I Ltcm n , r to vartouc ways for )e.rs. Som. t Ulcers On my hands and Brim ; stnne ward and distress s d me at the Mahe h d bras out on my bead and cover,i, with one sore, which was paintul and , h ' description. I trod many rued, its dams. but without moon re, et cram ar st• the dlaoroor grew worse. At I, og 1.4 I. read in the Gosi.el kessehger fhtt y ilteratUva (Baraspard a.,/ for I too.. IltitlOM that etty th mg you ma e mstr.t, to Quo noel and got it, and use it tools it, as you adiee, lo rm,tl doo. , o: a over a mouth, sun used almeat throe healthy *km soma bee an to tOf EU Liu I, r after a while fell off, my tk•o Low t atr my hefting* that the dl...u.se has guts L You can well believe that 1 teen wmat I i.m • , I tell you , that 1 hole you to be OLO d f u age, and remain ever gratefully, 1, rr AI_FREL, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Tettei and Salt Rheum, Eca Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Drops; Dr. Robert M. Preble writes tr.bt Sep., illtoil, that be naB Cured an jure! rd, ay, which threatened to termicak varing Tlee ai our Sursupard, tack or Malignant exygit , elts by sap he men the COMMOGI ErUpl,,p, nr Bronchocele, Goitre or Swell e d Zobnion Swan of Proetwt, r ti es of your Sarsaparilla cured we Ir, , th sous swelling on tee nect, oticti 1 u.,1 °tor two years," Letteorrhcea or Whites, Ovarian, Uterine Criceration,Fenial e Lis Dr. J. S. S. Chid/ming, of Net. 1 ., 1110E11 cheerfully comply with ihe rat ; is illying I have found ) our ours.,; alteroative la the numerous com o at, is War 1/11111b A remedy, but eepeot,,, • the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 b ems of Leuaerrbasa by it, ac..l plaint was caused by ulceration of u (*ratio° Itself was titbit curet. : knowledge equate it f.r these wind', , Edward S. Marrow, ,ef lieStury, A a Corot* oariara tumor on one which bad dulled all the rem w.•, at length been completely cured r sapssitts, wr physiciau thous:it the could afferd robed, but h, aiv „ esomputla EA the taut retort proved el:Fedlusii. After tAitia y , so symptom 01 the disease Alyphilia and Mercurial Dice fiiw Osizst., .;:qC Dr. J. C. AIN& : yr , I cher,: v vc:L. qne Of your agent, end rep , Ft hare realised witO yuur / base oared with It, ii my I.r.e.t.L plaints fbr which it it me .11111/a• elkeis truly wondertui U they I.re ;, Atrial rhatardi. uno m Criy in his throat, which were c.c...., top of his moan. Your Oared him in nee week. Auett...r A ondary symptoms in We none, a....'. IL j j : en away a considerable part t. disorder would sOoE earn 111,1 , , yielded to my admit:di y( akar' healed, and he is well 11100143 dierimaratlon to his !Ace, Aw. treated tor the same disorder by 1.,,Lr. from tale poison ie her e eue ,. eseidUee to the weather that h a eartructating nolo lo her jwl, oared entirely by y e ar tierat;..tr Mow from tut formula, welch u this Yesperation treat your tat , r,l remedy ; tonsomently, these 1.1,7 Oa le Imes net SOrpriaed me. Iraternally yOur6, NEW YORE Rheumatism, Gout, Liver camp!." /7/DIPLIDZE:II, Prectozi , , , L.y, I DIL J. C. Anti.: Sir, I bare 1 . !.. L. . thl °brook Resunikuun for a the still of physicians, and LL'L Noodles Igoould 6u , unul .• 6.! fJhe bolas mired mo in Lou , end health so much that 1 %IL :or was 'nuked. I thou it a wood Jake Y. Peached, of St. Loco. afdated fire years wlta as aJr U . destroyed my health. I tr:u4 thing tailed to rebore me ; 11 I down roan for sore years in. 061 LOW. My h, )v p r : gtpy, advised me to try your aid be knew you, and suyttll.:, tli7ing. By the bleasity, ‘,l , • :71 your Th e 'lll beetll" at " 1 good enough." 13ehirrns, Cancer Tumors, El tie moeration, Caries and .ElfoLati the Bone.. Agreat variety of pros ,•tr where easm of wale foromdeCom c• 0, ,, •• form theme 01 this reutr;ty, bct 00 ,• • admit them. SOM• of inn may tan Almanac which the acui•• 00•.•0•• • -••• to Ihrldab piths to all oho call for twe- Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fats, sy, Melancholy, liecra4,;a Sfaayramarkable cures of thr-e • .0 made Dy the alterovire ..; elates the vital lonetioos mato s• r., OVOTCOMES disorders otiothk Its reach. Such a rem.dy r , • - omaities of the people, •thol o'•.•arro -11. dolor them all that methe,or Coo Ayer's Cherry rector 40ft THE ' Mb, Colds, Influenza, lionris Croup, Bronchitis, incipleLt. Lo. gumption, and for tut, t,c_d of Consumptive l'atltl3o in advanced stages of the Disease lyras. Ur remedy so LILIITPrr,.., - • Other for the cure ui lroutit ked • ; tutelage hero CO pabitstt we • v.: , r o.: • anrivalled excellence fur rue, .d Wondertal cures 01 ultimo...a) m••. known throughout the cicihred Ls; - • • ew are the communittek,ur • v,u let- trim have not some pervon • I es; or e_ some living trophy ID their Ink ' subtle and daugeruus disorder . cv Au all know the dretal aa they know, too, ID e eaOvae ta, , do more than to senate then tbst 1..- tuts that itdid have when inat,.t. WOE so egroagly upOD tbe ctutidukc. th` ay. tr Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & t t•I'• 111.0Werl. Bold by '0.4. Bannrart C. 00., J. N. Luis, & Co., Arnuitru , g , • .." ere every where. oetl4.6mdevr C • U. Z.1.1V/A1E10.1.4—,\71 BANZING STOCIC, BILL IND COl.Li.cr..; Ras been removed from No. :;•ty*c ci.c To NO. 130 HABRIOCEG , TIMSETBY NOTES T,A.F.E:; sarda- RUBBER GOODS, Itnbbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Bobber NaiticT. Nu Orr To)!, BERGNER's (.:11 ,(1. reou Pepper, dlspicet reruer }rout 4/.4 1 , w goal nutritiens, lltfli tine I'ED nolyaireed for solo very 10wvti90501.5 comer WS md filtbisft, El V =V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers