leitgrapo. t k I? 1116 BORG, PA Oslo Morninz, April 10, 1302. rn N an advertisement published in Tel the Catholic public are net I vainst a female whn has been solic eunibutions in this city purporting to th. , benefit of the orphans of Conaway, coucly. I.i.frVERNOR. AND TIDE LEGISLATURE. —His ~,; , :y Gov. Curtin has formally invited ub , r 3 of b nth branches of the Legisla ir akeof his hos, Halides at the Fawn- , [l ,uSiOD, at 9 o'clock this evening. The bas been accepted. ;.hl, Of A D I SERTER.—Some two months roorg tlll7 by the name of Peter G. who volunteered in the 104th regl• detailed as orderly for hospital he Brig rde Hospital, Washington, de- m and Joc ited himself it) Allen y, J., as school teacher. Capt. Harvey his whereabouts, despatched iii officer to that place on Saturday , n o am sted him, and yesterday, with ,ner in custody passed through this lot,to 'or Washington. , ^Ar NT ON SUNDA.T.—There was a case be - court of common pleas in Philadel istorday, in which the discharge of a r asked for on the ground that he , n(lay. On the hearing, the en „uSunday wile admitted, but testimony uce l by the officer to show that the tot lunk when he presented himself, advised to delay his enlistment until he declined to do, and was then Le s,a;ing that he had difficulty at t was urged in argument that, as an tt tv is a contract to give service, it was ;Ig if made on Sunday, and the Die rnvy suggestel that the government oniteo laced all work on Sundays, and bk..ly to sanction enlistment on &ni -1 cue being a novel one, and the court i Lind to act hastily in. the matter, it was uiloor advisement. E SUSQUEMINNA.—The river commenced • n Friday night last, and continued Nuuatry evening, when it had attained the I height of our spring f wallets. The rain and LA the list two days will doubtless con : the " rise," and we may shortly look for d fashioned flood. It is supposed there is het on both the North and West branches, is s on as the flood subsides to rafting Rion, all the lumber prepared will be t fnr market. The usual quantity is lv weal to arrive in our market this ‘i the manufacturers assure us that t Aims In the pine regions—in conga t? of the many hands previously • its manufacture being now in our this year, fall far abort of 'C r . e viol] g seasons. The present and t - telt will, we expect, empty out both th.: the Susquehanna, and large nu of lumber be at our wharves, a a ee,tats will be enabled to judge yity aa i quality, and we have no • ,I•,s will be to the manufacturer i; 1.1,er ttille as last season. c . NULTY, Col. E. C. Williams, ,r_ll scattered, extending from H , 2utucky, to some distance be unessee. The first batallion I. noessee, under command of two companies of the second trksvillo, Tennessee, under I,,at. Col. James; a portion of ,'!‘ IL is some distance beyond command of Major Jordan; - ~te at Bowling Green under Q. Brown; and the balance lie, Kentucky, together with i.,antry companies command a:John S. Detweder. Bus "nest egg" of secession in ,s at that place that the Govenment was found, lq:i.oved to Bowling Green, 11 I North. The forces of the r .1 , 1 , ,o9(1 and Buckner wire en ale a considerable time; the ,we i _,imp Buckner. The present t ~t tie post, Brevet Major John t,a4, however, changed the name P.t, lie," A continuous line of rkpli'' has been extended along 1 : ul the Lochiel cavalry, and has been made its intent ' All letters to this regiment be directed to the Ninth Penn v', Nashville, Tennessee. ECCRQ PRILIALS COLLEGE.—We have ,Istn annual catalogue of the Pitts lrege for the year 1860-1. This ;41bo repot ‘tion of being one of :::or successful educational insti .lo o..kmtry, and is extensively pat ' br• ci.izons of Western Pennsylva htates. The course of in •••stn- nbive and thorough, embracing Ales of a solid and orntun-mtal ed ,iie the government is parental, on penalties for violation of law, :tion and mutual confidence, and of temptations to do wrong. Th e 1:m; is one of the best constructed educational purposes. Within Alie4litny river, it has all the adi. - and light, and while the exte : must imposing in the city, hrt.u.gx went, , have all been planned purpos,s f teaching. Rev. T. C. eloquent sermon in the t,et Methodist Church, in this City, be remembered by ur citizens, is tire President of the Kcal u '' d , occupiee the Chair of Mental and r. iJithsephy in the college. Rev. Mr: a bloater of C. L. Pershing, Keg t, ll ., l , u rcpt 11' r qrez %naive in the present Legit Ostablia county. OM THE WAIL Nsws from the South-west yes terday created an intense excitement through out the city, and for several hours the bulletin board in front of our office was fairly beseiged by crowds of people anxious to learn further particulars of the glorious Union victories. A STORY of the singular adventures of a bank bill is given by the Boston Transcript as follows: "A ten dollar bill of the Old Colony Bank, Plymouth, was brought to this city on Saturday last as a curiosity. The bill, while in the hands of a person in Bridgewater, was seized by a dog, chewed and swallowed before it could be rescued from him. The animal was at once killed, and the mangled pieces of the bill secured. The gastric juice had acted somewhat on the edges, destroying them, but they were very neatly pasted together, so as to pass current. The bill recovered of the bite ; the dog, it was, that died." ORDEL—Never leave things lying about—a shawl here, a pair of slippers there, and a bonnet somewhere else—trusting to a servant to set things rights. No matter how many servants you have, it is a miserable habit, and if its source is not in the intellectual and moral character, it will inevitably terminate there. If you have used the dipper, towel, tumbler, etc., put them back in their places and you will know where to find them when you want them again. Or if you set an example of care lessness, do not blame your servants for follow. log it. Children should be taught to put things in their proper places as soon as they are old enough to use them ; and if each member of the household would observe this simple rule the house would never get much out of order, and a large amount of vex ,tion and useless labor would be avoided. ParaTaas,—By the way, says a writer in the Philadelphia Prase, it is right for printers to know that for a while until a recent period, ac tors were legally designated " vagabonds" in England. A statute passed In the reign of Queen Anne, distinctly declares that printers, like attorneys, are gentlemen. The distinction arose in this wise : When swords formed a part of genteel attire, they were worn by many who neither by birth, education nor calling, were entitled to be considerated gentlemen. To place the matter out of dispute, an act of Par. liament was passed, In which was ret forth the various classes authoriud to wear swords or rapiers, as a part of their costumes, and in this statute printers are expressly named as entitled to what at that period was considered a privi lege. The word "printer," in Queen Annie's time, meant the compositor, who out of a chaos of type, put men's thoughts Into the form which preserves them, if worthy, for the future as the present. A Goon Move.— We have been informed that the children of Columbia will give a Union concert for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, on Wednesday evening next, in the Odd Fellows' Hall at that place. This, observes our reportorial cotemporary of the Lancaster Egret% is a nob'e movement, and is worthy of imitation by other communities.— The enterprising little town of Columbia is so patriotic that even tho little ones cannot rest satisfied without contributing their share to the comfort of the wounded and sick soldier. Look at that, ye slow coach, country commu nities, and resolve to " go and do likowise." This arrangement seems to us to be one of the most sensible that can be made—acting on the principle of our Young Men's Christian In stitute lectures, giving a treat to the audience as well as aiding a noble cause. We give this extended notice, not only as a !deserved tribute to the noble feelings of our Columbia friends, which prompted the thought, but as an in. centive to bring out something of, the same sort in our city. Who is the man that does not love to hear the music of children's voices, and would not willingly give his share towards helping them to attain their good end. Besides, the work need not be confined to the children ; those of a larger growth might follow in their footsteps and get up a concert which would do credit to the community which produced it. -....--.. Farms FERN has said some goods things in her way, but she never made a better hit or spoke truer than when she perpetrated the fol lowing : "It is just as sensible to get married without courting as to attempt to succeed in business without advertising." How are the public to know what you have to dispose of unless you make it known through the medium of the press ? A gentleman whose mind had been brought to bear upon this subject by reading an article on the subject of advertising, concluded to make an examination of the matter, and ta king up a paper examined the advertisements, made a list of those merchants who had adver tised, and then made a tour of the streets where they were located, and his experience was that those houses which advertised freely and liberally were crowned with customers, while equally as attractive looking stores next door to them were doing but little, and some of them no business. That which is true of the city is equally so of the country merchant. CARPET I CARPET I OARPIGT l—Having returned from New York, I now have on band, and I am•daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 8771 cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain meth; very cheap; splendid black silks at 76 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black silk at $l, worth 81 25 ; black silk 82 Inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 87 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 ; sum mer edits at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the .finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sales, which we prowise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. 8. Lzwr,' mBl-y lthoad's old stand. IMISH.---M - ackorel Nos. 1, 2 awl 3, in who:. or half barrels. Fresh invoi.e for „le low • NICHOL.; & OW, corner of Front and Itfar..et MAN streets. by m2O .y §TORK ROOM to' rent, apply to Dr `Kimbell. at Mr& liblolt'a boarding home, 811 oetaa We row, &mood street. jpennegluattia Alattp Cloirsbap morning, Ipril 10, 1862 Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH Several bills were reported and passed. The school bill was called up, and after various amendments having been adopted, it Passed finally. the bill to renew and extend the charter to the Cambria Bank was passed. House bill No. 79, a general bill concerning the sale of railroads, &c., was passed. The Governor's commuuication of his annual reception of members of the Senate, was read and accepted for to-morrow evening. Adjourned. The SPEAKER called the House to order at 0 o'clock, A. X. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Martz. NORTH PHILADELPHIA PLANE ROAD. Mr. EARLY moved a reconsideration of the vote had on a motion to indefinitely postpone a motion to reconsider the vote on the final pas sage of the supplement to the act incorporating tne North Philadelphia plank road company, (said bill having been defeated.) The SPEAKER decided the motion out of order, in accordance with the rule established, that when the House has acted on a subject and afterwards laid on the table, a motion torecon sider the motion to lay on the table, is out of order. The decision of the Chair was appealed from. The question, "Shall the decision of the Chair, be sustained f"—was determined in the affirm/. 6 , tive—yeas 92, nay 1. Agreeably to order, The House resumed the consideration of Beni ata bill No. 538, an act to re-organize the Con gressional districts of Pennsylvania, in aced dance with the late act of Congress. The question was on a pending motion *1 postpone indefinitely. After a full discussion, the previous questir was called and sustained. Pending the vote on the bill, the House ao.l - until three o'clock this afternoon. Naw Gnoos.—l am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below cost, or 25 Lair cent, cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 75 cts. to $1 ; shirts, 60 cts., and 60 cts. with linen bosoms ; night shirts, 60 eta ; under shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 cts., all wool; monkey jackets, 60 cts: to $1; coton and woolen hose 10 eta. to 16 cts ; silk ties, 12k, 15 and 18 cts ; collars, 8 cts. to 16 cts. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 6 cts.; cuffs, 4 and 6 cta. a piece; under sleeves, 18 cts.• ' fine cambric at 18 and 18 eta. per yard, worth 26 eta.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, and fast collars, 12} eta.' ' all linen bosoms, 15 eta. and upwards. If you want cheap and good goods just go to Tames A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manu factory, where he is selling off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &o. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. DR. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FUR FEMALES. "Read the firloailug certificate" from one of the ltrat ladle& in Utica, N. N.Y. who called upon my agents in that city (Mr. Wm. Bristol & 0o.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wish bier name amide public, boo tl — Afty oneshould. , dfiab. - t the wonderful efficiency of Da. tiortie oo'e Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her Knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to bar daughter, a young lad 17 years old. ;he was fast go lug into conamtiption—load taken oold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pint entire-' ly cured her, and site is now In robust health.— "We weir,. Articular in buying the genuine. Full and exphcitdirections accompanying each box Price Sold wholesale and , retail by 0. A Batrarvatre, No. 2, Jones Row, and 0. K. Emmy 91 Market street, Barris burg, Pa. By sending either of them 01 00 throught he Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will be sent confidentially by mall to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. 13.-I.mok out fair counterfeits. Boy no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box Is signed S. D. Howe. All others is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of 9, D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the raw_ betnr enutiterfelted. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A.. 7. Scuff. man, Mechanicsburg ; Marks, Lewistown ;8. Elliott- Mrlise 3 8. G. Newville ; J. C. Albeit, Shippens, burg ; J. Spangler, Chambersburg ; E. T. Miller, York ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville; 8. 8. Stevens, Reading; and it. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and vill age in the United States, and by IL D. MOWS, Sole Proprietor, New York'. eS-4m The only Haulm and Reliable Dyer Known 1 All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided Ryon wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beauti nil and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Bair or Skin. FIFTEEN MaDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wn. A. BlrOalfLOß since 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. W. A. BATCHEIAR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is weans:run not to injure% the least, however long it may be combs ned, and the ill effects of bad Dv es remedied. The hair Is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop- erly applied at No, 16 dond Street New York. Sold to alltheoitee and towns of the United States, by Draggling and Fancy Goods Dealers: The Genuine has the name" William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. ort2,diwly QTOLEN from the stable of the subsori k bee in Yairview township, York county, foTmerly the residence or Jacob Y. Haldeman, Esq., on Monday night the 7,13. A BAY MARE, about ten years old ; of medium heightli, bas a email white star ou the foretkad, the rititt bind leg is white from tte ho if to near the resins joint ; W e left bind leg lea tittle thicker than the risut, owing to a forme , ail ment ; pet welt is hereon and s oldie' not readily Weiland. Twenty dollars of the a . ova reward wig be paid for the return of the horse alone, or thirty dollars for the arrest of the thief and return of the home to the subscri ber HENRY YETTIR, a rB-d2tmaes Fairview tmenship, York Co. THE SSW. JUST RECEIVED:—The New Shaped Hart, th • finest article manufaciured. For ease at CATHCART% aprBy Nest door to the Harrisburg batik. OPENED THIS MORNING. A LARGE line of Prints and Do!sines, at obi prtoee. CATHCART &BROTRKR, apay Next door to the Harrisburg Bank CORSETS. ALARGE assortment of all sizes, in white au colored of the most desirable makes, at CAT.BOaRT & BROTBKR al rBy Seat door to the Harrisstug Bask. ROUSE FOR RENT. ABRICK HOUSE with six rooms, sit natal on Stite street between Front Cud Second Powo3slii glyen linsdedlat4y. Enquire of Jaa, WINGIMT. QCHUY LKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA ),,„3l4athoadOompeny, Office No. .211 h. Fourth *eat, rudidelphta, Apr 11362. The annual Nesting, of the Stockholders of tide Vow Pah/. and an election [or Prodded acid Mx Managers, wlu taire'phieirlit the 'Mikis °title Oompany, May sth, - at 12 o'clock, X. W. H. MoIIiELMINNEY, alleAltd Becrotry. SENATE WSDNEStLY, April 9, 1862 MORNING SESSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDSZSDLT, April 9, 1862 MORNING. SESSION. APPORTIONKIANT A OtARO TO MK LLDIKR HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! ! Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye WbolesaleiFactory, 81. Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York New 21Iturtisments. THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD Cl= eni 'Atrver Its enunts IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE riIHE ;AMPLEST, MOST PERFECT. 11 Cheapest and most easily wonted. washing machine ever invented. Vwnship rights for sale at such pr ea as will enable an energetic mechanic to earn b ur drillers p r ay. Call and see the machine at the White Hall HMO+ epposle the Court House. apr7-dBctro& TO RESTAURANT KEEPERS. FOR SALE.—The stock, good will and fixture , and lease of the Reaturaot under. Wyeth's Mal Harrisburg. dpply on the premises or to • J. dLiC RN, ialvot Brold street, West Harrisburg. CHERRY TREES. DWARF AND STANDARD Y native and foreign choice varieties , k) cf healtroul growth, 25 to by ce1.13 each $2 50 to $5 per dozen, $l5 10 $3O par hen red, at apr7y K BY 4 TONE NURSERY. SHADE TREES SILVER Maples large, 25 to 50 cents each, $5 per daz'a. Silver Poplar, Balsam Poplar, solve Cbe‘tnat, 0 aalpa, Moan* .In Ash, laugh& Ash, Pautownla 'bipedal's, Norway, staple, ,60 cents to $1 ea'b, $3 to £lO per dozen at apr7y KEYSTONE NIIRRFRY. EVERGREEN TREES XTORWAY Fir, lialgam Fir, Silver Fir, L' scotch Fir, Matt leo Pine, bor Vito, , from Ito 15 feet high, at all prices, from 25 coots and un ',ids. at KEYSIA)NE, :••• R 4. RASPBERRIES. IaRINCILLE'S , Orange, Faletolf Frantb -1-." raft, Red Antwerp, Borne , ike., at apr ; BSYSrONN NURSERY. DWARF PEAR TREES STANDARD PEAR TREES. CENT 6 each, $5 per dozen t at apr7y KBUTONE PiUilez Y PEACH TREES. IW RNTY choice varieties, $8 per hin t. dred, 2i per dozen, 1234 cente each for lonelier quantities, at Di r7yj liiiYSTONE NPRaiiiir• 100 BUILDING . LOTS PUB . SAL. riIHE subscriber offers for sale, on terms j 1„. favorable to purchasers, Gee hundred buirdinglote variously situated In the north western and eguitemparts of the city of Harrisburg. On Penn street, Foster avenue, hose street, Ridge avenue, wad ou State street, oast id Paxton creek, between said creek and the Harriahurg cemetery. For farther partioalars inquire of the subscriber re dding on Front street In said city. SNO. FORSTER. marlo-1m DELAWARE GRAPE VINES, DIANA GRAPE VINES, CONCORD GRAPE VINES, CALIFORNIA GRAPE VINES; MUSCADINE GRAPE VINES, REBECCA and other obo!oe Grape Vines, 50 cents to 51 .00 Mob. Catawba, Clot= and Isabela vines at 26 to 60 cents each. J. KISH, KEYSTONE NUNNERY. apr7 APPLE TREES. ALL the leading kinds $l2 per hundred, 31 60per dose; smaller au mattes 16 cents each, raptly! IC ItYSTONE NUBS CRY. UPHOL-STERING. PALM mill' MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS, &a., &a. On hand asid, for sale at the very lowest rata for cub Hair Illattreasee and Spring Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, •- LOVNGES, ...CHAIRS, _ HAIR MATTRESSES, &0., Repaired and made equal to new very reasonable, allat No. 109, Market street, between'Fourth and MIRK, by ' 2md , . . J. T BMINICZ. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 385 & 387 BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORE. PHIS first-class house—the most quiet, 1 homelike, and pleasant hotel is the city—offers superior Inducement- , to thosa visiting Nal' YOKE for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, In*connectimi with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments &I 1 be had at all hears, or served in their own rooms. The chug.), are modersste, the rooms and attendance of the first order—baths, and all the modern convenience attached . maB3m 11, S. TRIPOLI, TO CLEANING AND POMORINO METALIC ARTICLES, MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, 4to Warranted Free from Lad or Poison, For sale by W . W.I:IOGB, J r., 8t Co. 3. S. DELLETT, - . Wholesale and Retail Druggist s Cor. Main and Frederick streets, MECHANICSBURG, COUNTRY STORES and Physicians supplied at city prices. a 8 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF • MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BEST PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 bO, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at teelb y . SOLIBEFEWS Bookstore. CELEBRATED DANDELION COPPER, JUST RECEIVED a large quantity of superior Dandelion Coffee, which we will sell low to snit the times - ; also, pure ground Bin Coffee and Tur key Coffee all put up in one pound packages. Call and examine at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS di BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. PLANTS $1 to $1 25 per dozen, at apr.7y KEYSTONE NURSERY EVERBEARING RASPBERRY. DLANTS of the Oatawiesa 7 bearing a-full crop of. tine berries as late as November. $1 50 per dozen, single plants 20 cents each, at aptly `KRY:aONE NURSERY. STRAWBERRIES. ALL the most desirable varieties, and which have prodnoed fruit unsurpassed in the , by the dozen, hundred, thousand or ten thousand, at the (apr7yj EEYSToNE NURSERY. APRICOT AND PLUM TREES. OF choice varieties, 40 to 50 cents each $4 to $6 per dozen, at KEYSTONE EM MET aptly FLOWER SEEDS. ACHOICE lot of ASTER'S and TEN WEEK .529CES, With a general variety of Fresh 'tower and Garden Seeds, received and fur isle at No. 91 Market street. EZELLEK'S Drugstore. CRUSHED, broken loaf, fine and coarse pulverised and other sugars for sale by NICHOIg & BOWMAN, Career Frost and 'Market etreets. SMOKED BEEF.—A splendid lot, large and well cured.. WM. DOCK, it. & CO. TO 1 MACKERAL in Kitts, half bar- Di rola, and barrels, at the Mew Grocery and Prod Mon Store, Front and llLarhat streets. NICHOLS A 'BOWMAN wiAMILY WASHING BLUE, an .expel lentamailiage for•ltutsa : for sale at the ailioleaalo and retaitgrooarreterior NICHOLS &BOWMAN, maw of Mat and MulatitaieM. 2musemtnts BRANT'S HALL ! EMPHATIC SUCCESS. Positively the Last Appearanoe of Prof. Anderson. THE ENTERTAINMENT ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE GRANDEST EVER SEEN IN HARRISBURG• TO. .1‘ G T, (WEDNESDA Y,) GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE AT RALF PAST TWO O'CLOCK TIM AFTERNOON. PROF. ANDERSON, Known throughout the Gnbe as the GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH AIM THE ONLI • AMBIDEXTROUS PREVITIEGITATOR, THE FAMOU S MAGICIAN, ILLUSIONIST, PRESTIDIGITATOR, PHYSICIST AND TRAVELER umeek, otly Artist in the profession of Magic who performs with' the entire_ .awsiortg ! AP? MAIM, and Who din aiternete PellotiMftW histrations of the Mechanism of Magic, miss an rates which cost $30,000. 'No Master or the Mule Art has practised this aft s,toceesfully,. became more emltiont. traveled fa , achieved more wondrous deeds than PAU% ANDVlttfig. BADE EVENING- AS ANNOUNCED. Will be produced the Great Maglco-Drama of A =GMT Elf WONDER...WM . INa .e OR THREE HOURS IN THC REALMS OE ILLUSION, amid tits MYRTIO, WEIRD, WONDAYUL lerd -- Ml- IXIANTI.NR. The Entertainment being on the same scale of grandeur as recently producet by the Professor at the Academy of Willie, New York, Aoademy of Music, Renton; Academy of Mudd,. Brooklyn and Plica's Opus House, Cincinnati. Pianist, Retro laminar:int Clairvoyant sad Second Sight. ed Sybil Miss etNDERSON The Fairy of the Portfolio... .. . . M 1831% ANDERSON Mr.J. H. .aMDMISON, Jr., Rio-Dynamist Extraordl nary I I Doev open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o'clock. ..ddintAtion 25 . eats. Reserved Seats, (body of Ha 60 cents. apra-dtd THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST HON A. HUTAME I. Dea!er In BOOTS AND. SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION aadrat alt PRICES. Next door to thi Court House, MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TiIII,NRS, VA LISES and CARPET BAGS, a the lower cash priors. mar2B•dBm 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. OF Black and Second Mourning:Dress Goods, Shawls, Veils, Collars, Roll, yard wide Lupin's all wool Dela:nes. Supe-tor makes of nombatines. Splendid Styles or French. Nteghams. Large istoo2. of Lustres and Ipa - ass. Bmok ani Purple Dress Silks. Plain black Squish Rep Black and -white Floward Silks. Purple sad Black do. Plaindo. - do. as Small Checked do. to Neap elltan do. }all wool Datable/. FigM all wool uelaines. nhepherd's Pla Tern matuns. * Silk Challis. GO2 Rog. Chintses. Mottalrs, Long Black Thibbet Shawls. Square Plaid Black and White Shawls. Square Thibbet Black Shawls. 2 yard Wade Thibbet for eihawis, Very Superior angLish Crepe Vella, all sizes. large stock or it oglish Crepe Collars, all alias • Black bordered Dem Stitch Haudkeroblers. Black Gmves of every description. I=l Wh to Secmd Motu - Mug Collars. OW ma &Ate of Collar and Sleeves. Silk and Cotton Bostery, Pat Black Love Veils. an Jouvih's Kid. Gloves. I=l Englich Crepes. bFrench do. i= o 11 Mantis Ribbons. Belting do. Particular attention 'le pa!d and invited to oar atone of the above goods. We are constantly re ceiving new addi tone. Pure mars wilt 'aitoays Anti a full auertment. CATHCART St SRO SR, Nest door to the Efirriebarg Bank. N. 11 Market Square NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. THE new frame house now being built on State street oelowStoond, will be [trashed by the Ist of April, including paving, gas and water pipes. ell yly to GEORGE OuNKI,E, marl9-6tt No. 66 Market street. 20 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. ASHORT distance west of the capitol, fronting on Grand and Hammond Lane. Price' *no to 5200. Terms reasonable by GNO. CoNS.L2I S mar2l-d tut No. 66 Market street WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COUE'T-HOVSE. Consultations in German and English. mar29•ota WALL PAPER! ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 6, 10, 12, 15 and 25 cents per rolL the largest and most varied stock o f Wall Paper, Bor4ers, Window t Blinds, Cortina and Puitires ever offered in this city. Being bought ibr sash, it will be said at a Yery small profit. Mr Remember the place, Schellees Book Store, Market street, opposite Dross' Drug store, Harrisburg. i d m22-dam CCHOICE Teas, Green and Black, for sale low by NICHOLat Jr BOWMAN, Cebu , , Corner Front and Market streets. COAL OIL, Natrona, Magnolia, Lucifer, and other rim-explosive brands, for sale low by NICROLS & BOWMAN, Corner Yront and Market meets.- feb2 CROSS & BLACKWELL'S Celebrated PICKLE, SAUCE.% PRESER.VBFV:An” &o. A large bupply or the above, embracing every variety, just re ceived and for sale by 110 HP. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. •it is economical and Welly detersive. It con temns no mein and Will not waste. It is warranted not to injure the heads. It wilt impart an agreeable odor, and Is therefore suitable for every purpose. For sale by WhL DOCK, Jr. Co. CreNTAft,b, Glassware, ;stoneware, and Earthenware, new styles: for gale by NICHOLS a L WIWI; m 27 y 1 northeast corner of Front and Harlot Areal*. • d -Fruits. Fresh 4 - IRAN.I3EftRIM, D rie d ApPia,4eiri9nYi BoWmANI mAikeelatiort; KkiLiakitt'd bTlittS is the OSI6 tokbnyystee lledkthes. 66= TO PARENTS AND NURSES. INFANTILE PLEASURE AND HEALTH. PARENTS, if you desire your children to enjoy health and pleasure, you most provide the means for them to eit.telie and enjoy theoreiVell, and for dd. there is nothing eo good as (aloof those LITTLE LANCASTERIAN CABELI GES It not only pleases the little ones and gives them healthy exercise in the open air, but it saves the our-es much eare, and answers the place of a eralle—the older chil dren take care of the younger. The Doctors m-Ist, that children, to be healthy. must have exercise In the new air, and our venerable granimes velure us that exercise in a little carnage 13-events the baby From becowiog "livergrown" or getting the "optnetma." Tnev are r!ght. There is no two ways about it—but there are two kinds of these carriages—one kind that are to It to lancester, and aneitisr kind hat are not. The Laneasterian carriages are the Bost —the strongest and obeapess. Be stye and get stet They are made by PHILIP I BBZUJEft, S Queen Bt. opposite Comnes's Tavern, Lancaster, Penna. N. B. These carriages will be offered frr sale is Har risburg In a frw days. aprb.dbt SAS 33.110YED 818 WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE .p;•1 To No. 7, Market Square, - below the Buehler Boca E ir has constantly on hand a latgo stock WATOEIMI, JEWELRY and PLATED WARE of all descriptions. Watebet arid Jewelry repaired and warranted. apr2 dims HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner or Second and Walnut oreeta to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Halna's Agriculture Flare, where be intends to keepall kinds of Bows a^d Shoes, Gait Ts, &c., mud a large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage 01 his old customers and the publi• in general at hie new place of business. All kinds of work made to order I o the best style and by superior workmen. PepAlring d• tre at short notice. rapr2dtl] JOHN B. SMITH. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. ITAS opened a paint shop in Strawberry alley, near Third street, two doors from the Pa triot and Union" office,whore he is prepared to prompt ly execute all orders lett to his care. Reis else repared to whiten c-illtigs and Mate pleo sir rah*, mixed for parsons desiring to do their owa painting, and geld by the pound. aprl d2wit IHE Warehouse and Store formerly oo- L caplet by GroFa & Kunkel suitable fora forwarding hone and commission bash:woo. Lavin.: a private radio g, sod belog situated on the can .1 - turf Panneylran la rail read; there 15 ovary facility for doing a forwarding it nal- DAM .1190 suitable fbr a wholesale and ratal. grocery. Po SaitatiOLl given immediately. Inquire on the premises of GNU. U. KUNKEL. apr2-2wd* Canal e:reet between Etete and Walnut 1862. APRIL SECOND. 1862. SPRING OPENING DRY GOODS CATHCART & BROTHER, GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATOMSER & JEWELER, o.rd 3B, Optikek, Market Street, Harrisburg. H AS constantly on band a large stock WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. N B. Don't forget the place, 'opposite the Jones' House. merBl-41.3m LADIES CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFRAFINT SJ7MS, WHITE AND COLORED. The)best,:artirde manufactured, can be found at OSTHOARTN, Next door to the Harrisburg Ban k. PORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK. et-books, Stinkers' Cases, Ladles' Cabs .sitches, Ladies Traveling satchels. We are constantly reach , illg additions to our stock of the above goods, and nooeo sarily have a fine assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully invite persons wautiog to purchase any rd the above articles to examine the stock—knowing tha t a greater variety or better goods cane: be found in the city SELLER'S Druz and Fancy Store, 81. Market street, one door east. of Fourth steeat, south side. m 4. LAUER'S ALE, PORTER AND MR. NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of Harrisburg, that the undersigned has authorised ktr. B. Mager to receive orders for any el my zminturao ture.s. The collecting will be attended to by the under. signed. Alll orders left as above will be promptly at tended to. OMAGH LAURA, feb22-dent. Pottsville, Pa. NAZARETH HALL, 130ABDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS. N.AZARETE, Northampton county, Pa. Easy of ;mesas from Harrisburg by railroad to n, and therm seven miles by stage. Rev. EDWARD S. EItiOLIEL , Mike Principal GARDEN SEEDS.—dust received a large invoice of choice Garden feeds—oomprbiing a greater variety of imported and home groivit than has ever been offered la this city. Those who may desire to purchase, can depend up= getting the best 14 the world, at the wholesale and retail grocery store of WM. DOCK, Js. Ji 00. TERM HAM I—Tsri tierces of 6.0813 t,I Pally celebrated sugar cured haw, received anc or ea girt large or mad quantities. WM. DOCK, ja. k CU. FRESH Choice Teas, Black and lireen, la , and 1 pound papers, for sale at NICI3.OLO &BOWMAN'S id corner 'Front Itud Market streets. EW GOODS.—We invite attention to wAour new stook:of goods just received , and for sale I NioliOLS & BOWMAN, eorner of Frolic .¢d Starke[ artets. JUST REOXIVED. • ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 900, $1 2.5 $1 60, $2, 99, 94, $5 andslo. Also Pocket Bibles of dif [trent styles end prices at SCIELENTER , B Bookstore. febls y WM. DOCK Jr.. &Co SALAD OIL. Alarge supply of fresh Salad Oil. in lar g o 'and small bottles, end of eiffarent beads !net received and for sale by wit. DOGS, S>< & W. irtUARA JELLY.—A larks supply just pnetTel by WhL DOCK, JR. k Cu._ nIARIEB FOR 1862.—A great variety _IL/ at exceeding low price; at ROOKSTOHS- AtLOT of p4one Cheese just received and for male by NICHOLAS at BOW MAN, is 13 Cornerjraat and Market streets. Nati '2ovtrtistments. REMOVAL. °HOLES A. BOAS, REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH T. S. HUMES, FOR RENT A STORE ROOM, No. 14, MARKET SQUARE, Next door to the Harrieburg Bank MONEY MISES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers