IPa EeitgraA.. PEOPLES' STATE COMMITTEE The members of the Peopled State Central Commiltele will meet at the Cohtinental Hotel, in the city of tbilsdelphia, on Thursday, May Ist, 1862, at three o'clock, r. m., to determine upon the' time and place for holding a State Convention to nominate candidates for Auditor General and Surveyos General, and to transact such other business as may be presented for consideration. A. K. M'CLURE, Chairman, Joas M. SuiitvAN, 1 secreiariec Gro. W. HAMMERSLY, HARRISBURG,. PA. Wednesday Morning, April 9, 1862. WHAT THE PEOPLE rarlyK. Any man who bas ever passed a year or six months in the south, could not have failed to observe that the minority rule in the land of chivalry as absolutely as a similar class rule in any of the kingdoms or empires of Europe. The construction of southern society is such as to preclude the majority from that prestige which rightfully belongs to them in a political sense. The influences are all against. the masses. Power is not vesttd in them, because they are unwilling to risk as rivalry with the wealthy minority who own the soil, control labor by owning also the larger force of thiselement, and thus the majority of the governing classes are really made the subjects of a power that is con stituted by capital, and which has ruled the south, as it is invested in slave labor, ever since the formation of the American Union. But there seems to be an influence at work which is working a most salutary change In localities where this power was heretofore moat potent. Slavery, no longer inspires the majorities of the month with awe ; it is no longer en overshad owing influence, controlling the preferences of those who have nothing invested in its success or failure, but it is beginniog to be made an issue bn which men exercise their judgment, their likes and their dislike, as do the people of any other section decide questions affecting theiresital interests. Wherever slavery has been made a fair issue, and whenever the people could fairly decide on its merits either, as a domestleinstitution, a political principle or a legal right, the decision has invariably been agaioth the institution. This is not mere idle assertion. We do not indulge it to gratify any feefigg *e may entertain in opposition to slavery. yfe make it to vindicate , the troll, andao prove-that the declaration. is based on facts % we have onlyto quote the result of the late Steelton in Virginia. The guestion was on the adoPillea of the new,Coustitution for West ern Virginia, and whenever the fame of gradual emancipation was made, the majority in its tavor,4oiebi the most unmistakable character. We'quote a portion of these returns as they were found in the Wheeling papers, as an indi cation of the feeling to which we refer : For. Against. Wheeling, (part,) 816 61 Marshall county, (part,).. 621 37 Uptshur couuty, (pact,)... 459 80 Elkwator 286 28 Vatnixont 160 4 Morgantown 280 maj. New ,Creek. 90 00 Qnxteron ' 80 10 T0ta1..... ..... Thene'figures prove the fact that the people of restern Virginia are opposed to slavery that they are in favor of emancipation, and that they are.willing to devise the ways to pro mote this emancipation, when they are left to their own preferences and judgments. And, yet, in &el face of these facts, Senator Carlisle, who professes , to represent the loyal men of Virginia, has been devoting his time arid talents to berating every man who has the indepen dence to avow just such opinions as the people of Virginia, at their late 'election, so tmani measly erlorsed. This case in point proves the truthfulness of our declaration, that the mi nority have heretofore ruled in the south, and when Senator Carlisle wages war on emancipa tion;he is fu'filling his mission as the represen tative, not of the majority, but of the minority of the people of Virginia. The result in Western Virginia is nothing morn then au indication of the real feeling of the people in all the border states. The free labor of those commonwealths, constituting, as it does, the governing power, is opposed to slavery. It is opposed to it as a political ele ment and power, with its indirect and direct influences on the government, and its monopo lizing, tendencies whenever it is brought into oomPetition with the labor that is free. There fore, the federal government should make it the law, wherever provisional governments are formed, for the states that are now in revolt, at once to submit this question to the people. It sitorild freely pe.mit the people to decide for themselves whether or not slavery should exist in the states thus about to be re-organized, and our word for it, even it is allowed to exist, it will be shorn of many of its privileges by the masses who are now claimed to be so enthusi astically in its favor. HURD, of the Brownsville Weekly Clipper, is daily becoming more deficient in memory and vision, because, when be quotes from the Tug- IMAM; he invariably gives credit to an "Es c:hence," instead of the simple acknowledgment which would place the credit where it belongs If °lir - friend Seth has any notion that a fash ionable tile would assist his memory, let him send me the measure of his head, and he shall have one of the best hate of the season. There is an old adligetOtite effect that a wink is as goc4aiitficktoft , : 0 14C,horse, and jite that of tootesaiwtrart Will take thowinitrof Mt; Paragraph- There may have been sound policy in the practice of the Congress in session when the slave states left the Union, which compelled the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House to call the names of the Senators and Representatives thus retiring, and yet no man can be so imbued with sophistry as to assert that South Carolina and her sister rebel states were then within the Union. As states, they acknowledged their organization dissolved the moment they neglected to send Senators and Representatives to Congress, because with out a state organization, such representation in either branch of that body cannot oe bad or claimed. Then of course the siatev are out of the Union, but the territory remains and for this it becomes the duty of Congress to provide gov ernments. There should be territorial govern- . ments organized and provided for every state that seceded from the Union, and such govern ments should be kept in operation until the people of the territory in question have formed regular constitutions and asked again to be admitted into the Union. The necessity for such a course is based on the fact that without such a government there can be no social order or security, and until these are establish ed and maintained, we.cen hope for little action in the direction of loyalty by the masses of the south. The success of the rebellion in the states where it has been rioting for a year, grew out of the destruction of all social order. There was no judgment at work to guide or control men in their preferences for the con federate or national government.' There was no fair issue made on which freemen could decide between the old and the new. It was tiwild burst of passion, which at first impalleNd the masses of men at the south to take part in the rebellion, and when that passion subsided,social order was gone, and thus the inducement to return to allegiance was very small, when the government was not at hand to prOtect men thus returning. WHAT WASHINGTON THOUGHT OF SLA VERY. Says George Beninglt,,and there is no more trustworthy historical authority in this country: On the 12th of April, 1786, Washington wrote to Robert Morris: "Towels not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery." In the following month be declared to Lafayette: "By degrees the abolition of slavery might, anck as. surtdly ought, to be effected, and that', 630, .by legislative authority." On the 9th.of Septem bet of the same year, he avowed his resolution "never to possess another slave by purchase ;" adding, "it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be: abolished by law." The . old confederation unanimously prohibited slaverY forever in all the territory belonging to : they United States. This was, done while the con vention was in session which formed our present cons' itution, and among ;Washing tOteri Area acts as President was to approve a law by which that ordinance might "continue to have full effect.''. Oa the tith of ,May, 1794, disposing-of lands the west. hie puvoNsmiloa n•rai; duing was "to liberate a certain SPeciere party which T possess)," :sada be,pverprepug neatly to my feelings." In lilePareiwell Ad dress he says: "Nothing 'is mere certain thaw, that Maryland and 'Virgin's must hair° laws for the gradual abolition of slavery, and at a period not remote." That sagacious patriot probably foresaw the calamity it must bring opan his beloved court-. try. And, if not convinced them wassomething wrong in it, why was the possession of slaves so "repugnant to his feelings?" This state is one of the most flourishing among the batch of etates tviiich,lie along the Gulf of Mexico. Mississippi is rich inmegroes and rich in cotton and sugar—that is, she was so before the slaveholders' rebellion broke •out ,and rendered her slaves and productions alike worthless for the time. Suddenly Mlmissippi was hurled down from the height of what she called her prosperity to her present forlorn con dition. It is slavery that has overthrown her social order—blasted her prosperity. If Missis sippi should succeed in the revolution she has begun; what will be her condition I' Woise even then thin not". By making.the revolution successful she will only the' more surely fix herself upon the volcano. She will more cer tainly prepare herself for another explosion, more terrible, more destructive than the pres ent. Mississippi has now about 450,000 slaves. lc fifteen years hence her slaves will be 900,- 00. In thirty 'Years they, -will be 1,800,000. In forty-five years, 3,600,000, and in sixty years, 7,200,000. -In the meantime, the white population will be, probably, very little greater than it is now. How long does anY-one sup-' pose that the white race 10B:continue to doMi-1 natein Mississippi? - What into be the upatot of this state of things ? Will Mississippi pre pare in any ,way to escape the catastrophe which impends over ber head ? No. She never will. She will hug the dread incumbus to her bosom till it orn-lissi her to death. ; 2,791 RATH= SHARP.-The-American Board of Missions, in 1860, dismissed their missionaries to the Cherokee nation, with an emphatiio de claration, in this wise: "The Cherokees are a Christian pap/e." "The Cherokee people have been Christian ized through the divine favor, and what re-, mains for buildiug up aed sustaining the insti tutions of the gospel—which is everywhere a work never brought to a close—must be lett to others; for, the reason . that our appropriate work is no longer there. Mr. Charles B. Whipple, one of the sharp opponents of the Board and its operations, quotes this allegation, and with it the , following passages respecting the battle of Pea Ridge, from the Tribune:. - . , "Scalping and robbing were; as of yore, their favorite pastimes. They plundered every wounded, dying and dead Unionist they could find, and very frequently murdered those they discovered so b.dly hart as to be incapable of ~fferiug resistance.' a•• ' • a d " The Lemma lA many ortespeuhl. r oot rra,fwge . 8134prai g 'th e ft ; eetinkiee r i*at.ipi 4d- that et many ate:tittered otioi,klei & en were thus barbarously treated. Thy fre quently scalped the dcad they foundion the Viennimthania ittlegreq*,—ltitftottap „Morning, 2kptill 9, 1862 SOCIAL ORDER MISSISSIPPI m= field, and in ten or twelve cases 00 eetvetl•sol diere who were merely wottoded." The Cherokees were not the only tribe, (it is fair to say) who served under Albert Pike, a renegade Yankee, in that battle, Nor ought the character of the Cherokees to be judged by the barbarities of that field afire, any more than that of New England from Albert Pike, the brutalized son of civilization, who was the leader of savages, himself perhapiasbesbarous as they. Pennsylvania Legislature. 4,4v:4..,16:4110:1101 611 IA :11:7.1]:! SENATE. TUESDAY, April 8, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock, A, M. The various Committees reported all bills in their possession mostly of a private nature. The school bill, which was yesterday re committed, was reported with amendments. A bill for the protection of owners of logs on the Stesquelhuma, was Patted., 4 • The further supplement to the Union canal bill, after being amended by G. R. Slaw, to make it a comprOmise between conflicting parties, was Passed finally. Mr. LOWRY called up the bill . to punish fraud against bank creditors. After being. dis cussed at length, the first section was negatived by—yeas 15, nays 18, and the remaining sec tions, being distinct propositions, were discussed untilone o'clock, 'P. at., when the Senate , s Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tummy, April 8, 1862 MORNING. SESSION. The Rouse reassembled at ten o'clock, A. t. Pray& by the Rev. Franklin Moore. EILITART CLAM. The vote on the final passage of the act for the adlndication and . payment of military claims was, on motion of brit. OFSBNA, reconsidered by the liouse, and the bill wee verbally amended. ORDER OE BIIBISESS. The House adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the House ; bills remaining on the private calendar, and afterwards all other private House bids shall be the special order for the session of this morning. DXFENOES OP DX:LAWADX MI AND ILLY'AR.. Mr. WILLIAMS, from the joint Committee on Federal Relations of the Senate and Rouse of Representative, who were deputed by the joint resolution of the two Houses to visit the city of WaShington, in company with the Guv ernor, fur the purpose of conferring with the appropriate departmenW and committees of Congress in relation to the defences of the Delaware bay and river and the harbors thereof, reported: That in obedience to the request embodied in the said resolution they proceeded to Washing ton on Friday, the 28th ult.,- in company with the Executive for the purpose of performing the &airs imposed upon them. That as soon as practical, after their arrival, they repaired to the Navy Department, as that is one of the public bureaus which seemed to them most especially charged with the subject of river and harbor defences and sought an in terview with the chief officer ; that in °o live of that interview they were informed by the Sec retary that the government was strongly im• pressed with the necessity' f such a system of defence as should—be ationuai to the new and iormidable means of atial.k Which, but for the eamionable and provinhathiLlatioUention of,the : MOuitor, would, in the recent affair at Hampton 4dads, have inflicted a much more serious in jury upon the interests exposed, 4 thereto ; that they were further assured tap* OA government tacit not theensible to the nitignitude as well as the national charadter of the:interest- involved in the question of the defence - of the Delaware or to its obligations ikprOteat, in the fullest manner, ail the important ,hilets along our COML. That in accordance with.thlidaett, the Depart ment had already placed under contract two other iron clad vessels in aohittion to the Moni tor, and the most powerful 'of which is now in process of construction at the port of Philadel phia, and will be completed about the first of June ; and that under the appropriation already made, other contracts of the like kind, either have een or will be .entered irith'as rapidly as the manufacturing skill and resources of the country will . authorize; .that means and credit of the government which have been placed at the disposal of the administratien by the patriotic and untirndking liberality of the representatives of the peuple are abundantly adequate to all the watita; the service in this direction without drawing upon the re sources of the State government fur that pur pose, and that every undertaking on the part of the government, or any of their ..municipall ties to construct upon their*owntresponsibility floating defences, with the like armature, would only have the effect of embarrartsturth e federal government and prej udicin,g the gengalhateresta by bringing a new bidder in the market in a case where the supply of material .is already unequal to its own demands.' The undersigned were unable to confer per sonally with the members of tho appropriate committee of Congress in consequence of the absence of those gentlemen from tha city, and their own inability to spare the time which would have been required to procure an inter view with them. They are, however anthorised try,the nor, who was detained a day or two longer in Washington, to say that he enjoyed the oppor tunity of conversing informally with several of the members of the committee, who 'were un derstood to reflect the oped Ons of that body, and he was satisfied from the _tenor af their stenversation that those opinions wouldle'found in entire harmony with the views, of • the Department as already indicated. The undersigned have only to mad, t upon the assurances thus received they were not prepared either to question the wisdom of the policy of the general government 'Or to -insist on a departure from it in thezmint instance. All of which is respectfully submitted. THOS. WJLIZIAjIik Chairman on the part of the House tif Itepresenki- WINTHROP W. KgrOHAIIE, Chairman on the part of the Vi e,' In accordance with the resolution ration), to the order of business, the House discussed and acted upon numerous private bills uttillithe hour of one when the House adjourned to re- assemble this afternoon at three o'clock, Wreawserts, April 7. Officers who arrived here from Woodstock to day, report that the. bridge over .Btony Creek, wei completed yesterday, and to day our brit/des, when crossing, were created by a lively cannonading from Ashby's battery, The enemy was soon dispersed by oar guns, and we are now-in full possession of his late position. Ashby.' in retiring, rook advantage, as usual, of every pOsition to retard our progress. colonel Anisansel has• been restored to the command of the First Penfigylvania Cavalry. ICDINBORG, April 7.—,-Thrilh guns were opened to-day bye k enemy, from their new position, ripen our pickets. The fire was responded to by PapL. 11.nrrtingtiores Battery, with'rapid divi charges, and our ithells burst in their midst, eutteri4 them suddenly, A inividakleei. i, 46itiir Thirteenth Indlaria i Regiment, crossed the river• at ibis point, and fired, from a place of conceabrient,fifteen rounds . . , 10.1 body of Ashby ' sOrtniry. lie killed two New Term, ` Apra g . of them. ~ . Flour heavy ; 7,000 bbis. sold ; firatet.s 10 Col. Colgrave, of `toe Twenty-seventh Inett: 145 15, Ohio $5 70.55 76, Southern .10.„404 . Via, who w as det a ch e d to guard . . the supply: 1674ic tre 1,... , 1 ,,,.. 5 )36. Wheat quiet end drooping, Corn 'uo- train. to. returned this evening', nay, *weld ;2,000 bus. sold at 6i1.141031c, lie t ef g aaromp ,„ 0 excellent 'marphing„— pngol. 1194' .i t : jr • Liialikeid` Y:' ir Nike • I*x* ~ iThertreicrah,_ at Castle , y4,01,,i t *,:,,•,:: 4, era are free at s tercx4oot h eigain on their retwrn, and . ; a t c. - 1. ~. ' . it ; w eat 6,655 bus. ;a n woman and four mules were drowned, cornil2,Bl3l bus. A snow storm is prevailing here. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PRIIADIMPIIIA, April 8. Flour quiet ; sales at $5 60 for family, $5 62 (g,5 75 for extra ; very little wheat coming and but a small demand; sales of red at $1 28 (41 33, and white at 81 37Q1 40. Omit is scarce and in demand at 55c. Provisions:quiet. Whisky is unsettled ; Bala of 800' bbbi. at 23 2 4 0 - • ;--- • - -f" •-_ I' TN . _ 4 G A r7 , --sWb , , /x 41,91, From our Evening Edition of Yesterday GLORIOUS NEWS Surrender of Island No. 10 STARS AND STRIPES WAVING OVER THE REBEL WORKS. The Artillery, Baggage and Supplies of the Rebels Captured. THE OF 01 IA szj The Rebel Bitteries on the Tennessee Shore Evacuated. URGE (MOTIVES OF MUNITIONS RI PECTBD TO BB FOUND. I=l We have information that Island No. 10 was surrendered at midnight last night, with all the men, tranbports, Btc. 181005 D DISPATCH.] STSLYZA HUTCH, Of island No. 10, April 7th, 8.25, A. X. To Hon. GIDNON Wskras: Two officers have this instant boarded us from Island No. 10, stating that by order of their commanding officer they were ordered to sur render Island No. 10 to the commander. As these officers knew nothing of the batteries on the Tennessee shore, I hive sent Captain Phelps to ascertain something on the subject. General Pope is now advancing from New Madrid in strong force to attack the rear. I am ready with the gunboats and mortars to attack them in front. Col. Buford Is ready to co-operate, but it seems as if the place is to be surrendered with out further defence. [Signed) A. H. FOOTE, Flag oAer. [THIRD DISPATCH() FLAG BTAAARA bumf, on 'ISLAND No. 10, t April Bi.h, 1862. j To Hon. Gmos Wsr rs, Secntary of the Navy : My telegraph three hours riace informs the Department that island No. 10 has surrendered to the gunboats. Capt. Phelps has this instant returned, after having had an interview with the late commandant. I have requested Col. Buford, commanding the troops, to proceed immediately, in company with two of the gunboats and take possession of the Island. The batteries on the Temiesses shore 'hove been hastily evacuated where we shall find, no doubt, in the morning, large quantities 01 munitions of war. I communicated immediately with Gen. Pope, who has under cover of the two gunboats, which g allantly run the blockade in a thunder storm ottatiet) the Sips; Jo force, and was ready, as well as the gun and mortar boats with Geu. Buford, to hnvernatie a simultaneous attack - op the rebels, 'had they not so .hastily evacuated this Tennessee shore, And surrendered Island .. . . . , , A lull report will ben:lade 9.8 800C1 1111 we can obtain possession of the land batteries, and I tun able to communicate with Gen. Pope. [cigned] A. H. FOOIR, LATER. Se. Louis, April B.—General Halleck has just telegraphed to the War Department teat Isiand No. 10 was abandoned by the enemy last night, leaving all their artillery, baggage supplies ann sick. ROM FORTRESS MONROE Military Operations near Yorktown, Ya TER ABANDONED REBEL WORKS AT SEWELL'S POINT. Norfolk Vinitora at Sewell'a Point/ Rebel Accounts of a Great Battle at Corinth, Miss. Fortuna Monnox, April, 7.—Nothing done to-day in front of Yorktown except a recon noisance and some cannonading at long range. A telegraphic line has been built to our Head Quarters morning Yorktown. The Spaulding came in this from Shiping Point. The rebel works abandoned there are quite formidable. They took off their guns but left their bar racks complete. Shiping Point is about 6 miles from Yorktownaffording a fine base of opera tions. A great crowd of Norfolk people on Sunday assembled on shore near Sewell Point includinv. men, women and children eagerly engaged in watchinz the yankees. The Norfolk paper of this morning contains a despatch from Mobile dated 6th, stating that a great battle had taken place at Corinth and that the Confederates had taken 8 federal bat teries and a large number of prisoners, and it was expected that. the whole federal army Would be swept away. This is given as a specimen of the rebel mode of keeping up the spirits of their people and -the courage of their army. FROM GEN. BANK'S COLUMN ADVANCE OVER STONY . NUDGE The Latest War Intelligence THE SIEGE OF YORKTOWN, The Enemy's Works Examined by General McClellan. They are Found Very Strong and the THE REBEL FORCE 30,000. Operations at Yorktown and Fortress Monroe. WAARDIOTON, April 7—Midnight. The following is a summary of the intelli gence received by the War Department up to 10 o'clock last night. Yesterday the enemy's works were care fully examined by General McClellan and were found to be very strong and the approaches dif ficult. The enemy were in force and the water bat teries of York and Gloucester said to be much increased, There was sharp firing on, the right, but no harm was done. Our forces were receiving anpplies from Ship pirur Point, repairing the roads and gating up large trains. It seemed plain that mortars and siege trains must be used before assaulting the enemy's works. Another despatch, received at 10.30 A. a. states tat Yorktown will fall, but not without a siege of two or three days. Nsw Your, April 8 Some of the outer works were taken. A despatch from Gen. Wool states that Ma gruder bad 30,000 men at Yorktown. Another despatch to the Secretary of War states that a new rebel damp was discerned on the beach at the Rip Raps, and was shelled out by Colonel Holiday. Several regiments of the enemy's infantry were seen from the Rip Baps during the day. There were no signs of the Merrimac. A rebel tug was seen making a reconnoisance off Sewall's Point on tue afternoon of Sunday. On the afternoon of Sunday, libiping Poiut had been taken. Our ganboaU had shelled out the water bat teries. There was considerable delay caused in cros sing Deep Creek, at Warwick Court Noose, and resistance was made by the rebels, dating which several casualties occurred on our side. All the fortified places of importance before Yorktown bad been taken at every poirkt. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed among the troops. . Dispatch to the Secretary of War. A fuller detail of the operations of the army Is given iu the following dispatch: Bayou Yong:row, Saturday Evening. To Hon..Entmi M. &Amos, Becrerary of War: That portion of the army of the Potomac recently concentrated at Old Point. advanced yesterday morning in the direction of Yorktown, twenty-four miles distant. The right was assigned to General Mordles Brigade, of General Porter's Division, twocom panies of the 8d Pennsylvania Cavalry, and a portion of Berdan's sharp shooters acting as akirmishers. Nothing of interest took place until their ar rival at Big Bethel, twelve miles distant,where they met the outer pickets of the rebate. 'lhe troops were delayed there for two hours in reconstructing a bridge which had been de stroyed. the rebels retreated before the advance of our skirmishers to Havard's creek, where• they had some abandoned earthwork& „ Four shots were fired here b,y' the rebels, from two field-pieces, whiolt were soon silenced by the Fourth Rhode Island battery, when the rebels beat a hasty retreat, taking their pieces with them. The main body of the army have rested for the night, while General Mordli!s Brigade ,ftd vanced three miles to thickviLle, anti six miles trona Yorktown, and there encamped. • • By seven o'clock this (S aturday ) , :Awning the column was again in motion, and at ten o'clock was in front of the enemy's works - at Yorktown. Ihe first shot fired was by 'the rebels, the shell passing over the heads Of General Porter and staff, without exploding, The batteries of Griffin, the Third -and Fourth Rhode Island, and the Fifth Massa chusetts, were now placed in position, replying to every shot sent by the rebels. Tue cannonading continued, with but slight interntiWon, until dark. About four hundred shots were fired by both parties during the day. The loss on our side was.three killed, as fol lows : Edward Lewis and Charles L. Lord, of the Third 'Massachusetts Battery, and John Reynolds of the Fourth Rhode Island Battery. Wounded—Timothy Donahoe, in the hand ; Freeman Karrig and Cnaries Tucker, contusion of the chest—all of tue Third •MassachuSetts Battery ; Sergeant James Wade, company C, in the arm ; Cyrus Wilcox, company C, pieces of shell in the leg, and 0. W. Peck, company . F, in the leg—all of Berdan's Sharp-shooters. The position of the rebels ie a strong one, from present indications. Their fortifications extend some two miles la length And mount heavy guns. The ground in front of their works is low and swampy, making it utterly im passable. • , SumballipUNlNO t 8 tiTCl4.—Theirit is 'no heavy filing, - but an occasional elicit by the pickt3ts ; apparently no response by. the enemy. The report is they are.changing tile location of their guns, and have two gunboats 'on the York river. A rebel, on a white charger, ,her, linen seen by our advance all 'the way up from Great Bethel. He was within fifty yards of Company G, Capt.' Itobintion, Third Pennsylvania Cav a/ry, on. Saturday morning. He turned and curbed the Federals and then 'rimmed. Be rides a very fast charger. At Carly "Misery" he was behinalhe rear of the flying Mississip pians. -The troopers swear they wilt have that white home; : line men of the right amused themselves on Sunday morning .by -.fttc.bing oysters in the creeks, which abound here. If it were not. for the picket firing, no one would imagine that a battle was raging. The morning is beautiful and clear, and the birds are warbling forth their spring notes. The men stand ready for the action. As yet noth ingimportant him been done apparently. Lieut. Libby of the Fourth Maine, was shot in thwarm. He had been out tir some stragglers, when be was attacked by two men. Sunday mining, 9 o'clock.—The enemy are commencing to evacuate their batteries on the . COMAE/MA IN THE DISTRICT. The number of slaves is progressively di- Aninisbing by each division of removal beyond 'the limits of the Thsuict of Columbia, while others unceremoniously depart. Perso,ns fpm time to time arrive.h,ere to Um cootra*ds htit'their Yisititare aptended Id* little or no success. The post ebasida are. 'chargé et the iiintary authorities. Abraham Cutter, of Kansas has been ap pointed Marshal for New Mexico. Approaches Difficult The Day after the-Battle. PROM WABIIINGTON. I==m Westunrrox, April 8 .... The War ou the Mis , sisBi 'OCESSPUL MOVEMENT en. Pope Crosses to the Tuthesve 1101 GUN-BOATS RUN TUE GAI:N W t. , HIN•r• - The Secretary of War receir,-1,-1 day from New Madrid, which Pope bad just landed on the The whole movement had been , 1,1 rand CO3B. The General had receiv, d a terry t„ new route through the Another gun boat had rim th e h and was at Geo. Pupa's di-p SECOND DISPATCH WARECLNOTON. April 7, Slidof lowing chspamhes were PAPAIN-L.I IV this afternoon To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Seer,., The Chief Operator at CiuLinhan t. as follows : "Commodore Foote gqt ; past the batteries last nh:ht. now crossing opposite Nuw "There is hvavy tirin g (Received at Washiugtuu 7i NhW MADRID, April ;ft. Hon. E M. Swami', General Pope ha.s just !mole I t,, Division on the Tennesee i, 4e, 'The whole movement has 1),I. ,L CAM The whole army will bomort-,1 • and to-night. General Pope has four stoani across, one of which arrived IN t through the swamps last Another gunboat arriv,d thi , , I above Island No. 10. I will report from the bold a pOsEittle. The latest dispatch from 1 , 1,in N nine o'clock, Monday (re oirmi. t ing effect: A large force of infantry, Alt , airy have crossed the si six homy. Everything is working w,•di_ FROM NA6II.VILLE,TB Capture of 160,000 pound, 0: )` Rebel Mall direct front l'orintn taptut IMPORTANT INFORMATION IBIA I=l A special dispatch to th, Irl,ll nal, dated Nabhvffle, • •,‘ Dumont ia just now loaded with meat, weighiu. ; captured by COL ilaztr brtp !lu,. on the Cumberland Yesterday Colonel Duiti Id, at \ : • caroused a mail direct trot!'::,r r. wards of one hundred and ,t containing valuable luturinarwi, r strength and position of ten• eri From those lettere , Lieu ra, LI learned that a numtar of and Edge field, and has .IPEIMIth Congress-- F irst Sess)r, A; SEN li. Cowsw, (Pa.) pr,— r. p • :r the Board of Tradd couunlttees of Congress [,, • to frame a general baukr titlon from citistne of . , baukrupt law. Qn motion of Mr. Tsrmin tt. the Attorney Gear r d, G. c 1 , , Secretary of the Interior, 1,, ; the United States Distria t , I t op. HOUSE OF REPIiF:4IN I i Mr. Ird..LLANDIONAM, t t..)l4i ;;.: .; t• tion which was retell - r i d t.i . - Ways and MeanS, proix)..ine wit, zi of the Senate to adjourn the t.. : , .11 In May. Mr. ARNOLD, Foote to Seoret i .ry dm, log that two c.lllieers from l o. : boarded the steamer Iki,t'u ~„. der Island No. 10. lhe uew s rounds of applause. The House thou resumed , of the amendments to the titN. 1. ~ NEW YORK MONEY Money is unchanged. Sr. , r, quiet at $1 12k@1 1:4 p. • " th.m. ;Cumbeiland cod .; , , • Railroad tilt. Michigan oit York Central 81. 11t -a.11, , .; )' ' and Mississippi 36i. V ,;- 85.67 f. ales of Sllo,ooii Tennessee 85.67 c. °Liu ISI tw /Onerttseinenti FIVE DOLLARS ith.:IVAI:E ) . • T 9ST —A snail mon cc c.or. .L.l a number of 110111)%d *sad the above ,ev.ard d. L;_ , • • • me reo deoce at No. 151, 1 , r ptga. r the Fare Houao Han Abu , ap.B dlts WANTED. A GIRL to do gen , m . .il L 1 xbocanctvego.. r- iteui by enq•dring at [up d I t.] THIRTY DOLLARS liEll.‘l,L' • STOLEN irom the ~; ..• -.1••• brr io Filry ea , tJett-h, Imtk' the res dear° o Jacob a. ilatd,e.et night the 7.11 lost , A BAY MARE , about tan years (IS ;of med,uta h ' white Star no ate foreh ad, the , t . feint t .te he d t.) near the .a- t j , IS s 011.10 WWI' Ulan tie ru Client ; goes Well ia hyrt.ei-S aml III& treed. I as Twenty dollars of the a nye rerr)r the ret rn of the horse • lone, or tI rt) arrant of the thief and re.uru of th • lt ber cot rll,l2tmaos Fa ryi THE SKIIIT. UST Nor ...kah. &a etct, th dues& :laic... ;hi. 6 •: .a.e at aptBy Neat d •er in h. , II • ----------- OPENED 1:111S 3101iNINij, A. LARUE lino of Flints clti.l Iii -1:--" at old prizes. Csll l .4 1-, T ~ 3 ' ' I :::: . • pp r s— Y Nor! ,t,“ E., Ow II ,r ,- "% Iff,l. t. .m CN`e. FAMILY WAoIIING lent substitute for la Ilp.r, I , :r ~..i e s and retail grocery store of Corner of iN'Eri,,CL.:t_Ka'rEli;:lit).,(.lx,lstl.7l:!l.ll_,:,i, keu pniverisea and C g ilea SMOKED BEEF.—A and well cured. NO. 1 MAGOKAL in fOt.ti, j;1 ras e and bards, at did .Ilew wooly NOR More, Front aud Alariod si i rze c od ou.. , 6 poiN• CiNciNs.l A MIN