Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 08, 1862, Image 4
fltbical ELIXIR PROPYLADIDIE, THE NEW NEMEDY FOB RECEIIMAT/Eibli A NEW REMEDY - , _ A CIMATAIN BEILIDY, j ACUTE CHRONIC KIIBLIMATIBM OE Zrguy giND ; HOW NTUBBOKN, No lums HOW LONG bTANDINO, PROPYLAMINI WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT VILL DO AGAIN. THE IM TESTIMONY, MOT MIAMI AIITECLAITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BBLIEVA, IT, TRIAD AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. [Dion Unmask HoskTrakgßzrostma) Mar le, 1860,—EllefiD4'est.. 2 8, single, never was very strong. lire years ago she had of attack of seats Ancona. tiam,irom which shb Wee confined to her bed for two weeks and subsegenty lrom a relapse ter four more. She has been well since then till List Bator day, while engaged in house alelinhig, she 'kook cold, 'bad pain in bar back, felt cold, boiled ao'deilded chill. Two days later her ankles be gan sO swell, whiali was followid by . 'swelling of the laws and of the bands. She has now dub 'Whin her shoulders, and ber knuckles are very tender , pandul ; both hands are ails , ted, but the right Is m o st so. Tills, then, Is a case of acute rheumatism, or, es it 11 arm - faehtonably called, rheumatic lever. his a well remaraed typical ease We will carelally Watch the ease, and iron" time to time call your attehtion to the vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief ot in Winging her belore you now, Is to call an:ennui to g a remedy which has recently been mom ineadedin..the treatment of rheumatiem.. I mßropy/ amine I n Dr Awenarlus of St. Petersburg, m recommends it the highest ins, haying derive,' great mutant Item its use 260 trials which came under his care. Various co in glelidatory testimonthls re; ecUng it bare appeared Is Ohr jourashl,"repose therefore to giVe it another husk. I must confess lam sheave incredulous as to the worth of 'neW remedies, which are vaunted As &pm:Mies but this bathes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give It a trial. SAME CASE FOUa DAYS LATER Max 2E, 1880.-1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Fropyitunine, and was then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken a an doses of three grouts every two Weirs (Intermitting it at night.) :the day after you saw her, found liar touch more cociforteble, , better that) COO ex piated, to be for a week or Ogre, )1/Ogles from herether agent.' the patient nose walked lute inn mom.) . The improvement nes steadily progressed, and you caws, WI to outdo it mated change in toe appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all of natural sisei.—t Theater oar experiment would have seemed very sue sessful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a hula while be fore we can give a donned opinion as to what is to be the result. Sere is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been andiring from o bromic rinetutod*R, and I found her at that Ume with an acute attack 4epervening upon her chronic athropon. . The wrists and knuckles Were much otrollocand seine. , Site took the otaktride'or Propyla nalntiln three gratn'doses every two hours, and Vou will wait) that the'Sweiung of me Atm nag mut% (Want ed. THREE DAYS LATER 1.1 48,1860.—This la the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first of those to winch 1 called your gatemen tu. our lain clinic one is still very comfortable, and Is now tilting three grains thrice daily. In that case it has seemed to be tolloivitd by very tat. lelactormeaalut. The second cam to which your ,inten-, tido wasealled `Our last lecture, has also wounded. to, doirel r I will now briug beforo you a very coarsoter istio ante of acute rheumatism, and if the result tie sat fationrOjhbalt, as good jttrytuen, wq thalljeinly render our verdict in favor of propylamta Re is a seaman, at. 24, who was admitted a few days ago. Has ba-I ocaasional rheumatic pause, but nut so as to keep, bed, nnui elght days ago. The,palna began, r kutte, subeequenuy, agitated thole; knee, mid , tiethintinf the;poper extremities. - „These: jotter; all swollen, tense and tender. the tongue is furred ; his akin, at present dry, %heap there has been mach sweating. His pulse taint' and strong, and about 90. Re has now need propylamlne for twenty-lour hours. This golithignanie what may be called& ettiatly typical MP of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and thet,pwasure la followed by a feeling of *Oldness, sortie' intedlar'pabi, beginning, as It usually does, In We lower 404. 4 . There is fever end the profits° sweating, so gencratly attienatud on acute rheumatism. I did net bring tlll5l painietioefureyou -with the Inten tion of giving You a lecture oh Millie Points' Connected with, ,xnedmintett. but 'to &geld give win( to tee DeltlidiOle Ware , and 'to exhibit to yen this ITO . coo, I have 0404 it, thou winch there co did wi tortualty , kw Meting the medialoaln q . therefore 4 avonting the use of, ill other niedieftd*SVen iumiyette, mat there miy mdeglvnigstis to which was tee caldera remedy. . You dilß sits the Mute of a future Chino. THE RESULT A FANOBABLE VERDICT JOWs9, l lBoo.—'l2te next of our convaleseenta Is the MINI Of afintitheumanam before you at our ollato of May Midi, which 1 Wien Odaiali a Wpiodit use, and which it was remarked'area a fair 'optkirteulty for testing the Worth at our sew rlimedy, It was theratoro , pies dll y even in three girala duos every two Mauro for four days. The widest has got along very nicety, and Is now solo to walkabout, is you sea. Ido not addliarldi to aiy teat 1 have Saila Mewls severe a code of acute race umlaut 1011191X1 reallOrect to mouth es toil man has been, and IMAM being prepared to °aced° palliator° vy_tis to the val es of the remedy ara nerd aged, I feel bound to sate that lathe r:insets la widon we have tried tam thiloride o Prupytatatoe, the µMidriff II Wei glair health, much earlier than under Me Irtielment ordinarily , NS. wash gentleman, you would ; yourselves try It, and report the results. For a EMI report ol which ,the above to a „ eondenaed extract, lee the Philadelphia Ream! and Sergioal Re porter, It la the report alter aMr trot by the;bestmed teal authority ,m this actuary, and makes it unneesmary to give numerous aertldostee from astonished doctors aid veldt:ring patianta. ♦ FINCEDY CURB AN impruLt. ban THE ANNUL? WHAT IT HAS DONE, 8 0 0 * at.Cc,centhityr, ajlrin well known to most medi cal men, by whom the • Mir Propylamine has been in- Isminced, have odd to us the exclusive right to manure& tare tt according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to soatuir - irliroadcast amongst anffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. Et yea prefer to use the same remedy to another form In Wylie your attention to the Pau Oristaizzue Outcounif PROPILAMIIII, pow Piers' Woos Lome, Pool enorniaiuso Camara...ran, Ms loom eaorrtaiouz, of whifil we Ate the sole manufacturers. igrWe claim CO other virtue for the Elixir Propylandne than di giUdned itgure Crystalized Chloride d ef Propy lautioa. TIM MUER in AND IGIY BE TAKEN, Wawalibie TO INAWTIONS, BY ANY ON. . toY NFERTONII, WHO BAH,HHHIIHATISM OF ANY BIND. Sold In Hanisboan by AT 76 (M 1.4907.111 Norma" may be addressed w PROPYLAMINE 111i7714.01.17t1N0 00.0 Oflioa, Roo, *o. 4, w. Cor.Wronrth and Chesnut streets. Pagagelphle. Ns teelther of the following Wholeak "Amts. seriff-dis 7b Destroy—Rats, Roaches, &c. To Datroy—lence. Moles, and Ants. 7b Destroy—Bed-Bugs. 76 Destny---lioths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Meas. 70 Destroy—lnsects op Planta and Fuld's. To Destroy----Inßects on Animas, Fetb. To De strew---Every form and specie'of Vermin " C: o l€3t/St . • WILL CoNQUKR IT, WILL CUBA IT, o0OTI)R2 ROAD, DOCTORS =AMINE, DOOTuRS TRY IT. DIUSO7II WWI= EVERY FORM AND 13P4CIES OF ',Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poieone." "Not dangerone to the Human Family." "Hata do not die on, the pt tyn)WW, •' "They flAne bitt of tliVir holes to "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Poet Office. Lsed by—the City Prison& and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Sta. Used by—the City Hotela—.Aator'—‘Bt.Nicho lea,' &c. Used by—the Boarding lionses,.Bl4., Used by—more ttnin 00,006 PiNate Or See one or two Spowirisens ,of what is everywhere said by the Peopie=khiere—Deidere; ke. EN AVERY CASE, WiIt:NIVEA TRIA.D, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONY EMENT.,L AND ALWAYS READY TOR LIMED/ATI LW BULLOCK i l / 4 ORENETLAW, FRENCH, RICHARD:IA JOHN K. maim &co.; ' GEO. D. wwrianu. iLCOR• PETER T. MUTT po., mount &oaf - ' 7. MMUS PlUiMbe) fiLisitital t eaus VERMIN EX. TERMINATORS. TUN ONLY INFATY.ME REMEDIES KNOWN.', VERMIN. HafSEKEEPERS-.-troubled with ,vermin ,need be so 4 no-longer; it they use "Conran s' Exterminators. We have used it to our sails laction,,and it a box cost $5 we, would two it. 'We had trlixi Poisons, Mit they effected nothing; ;but "Coma's" article knocks the breath out of Bats, Mice, Ruaches and Bed-Bngs, quicker ;than we can write it. It is in great demand All over the country.—Medina (0.) Galatia. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed Annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Bat and Insect Killer.. i lancarter flerakl. kIENRY R. COSTAE—We are selling your preparations rapidly., . Wherever theytukyo,boen used, Eras, Mice; ktitiiiea and Titian disappear rapidly.;- Ecirsm tidotdritut;. ' Druggists, Windsor, Md. 'Costar's" Bat Roach &0.-Exterminator. " Costar's" - "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. " Cvetar's" " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, &a. is 260.600. AND 31,00 Boma, Born. AND ?LUMP, - SS as 36 Sum sum PLAArrAno fie sa Saum, Bohai, Hama, Mo., CAUTION!! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious -sod Ifighly Perniciass utaboru, a new linei has been prepared, bear ing a fag simile of the'Prciprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle,or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and takeMothlng but "COl - Fir &id Everywhere-41 All WooLotaLa DRUGGISTS in the large cities." , Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull* Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hail, Boatel & Co. Thomes & Fakir. P. D. Orvis. H+rral, Risley ,& Bitcluen. Bosh, "Geld & Roidoson4 M. Ward, Close* Co. BrXisson & Bobbins. D. 13. Barnes & Co. F. O. Walls & Co. Lasalle, Marsh &-Gardner. Hall, Dixon.& Co. . Conrad Fot-air inssas. Philadelphia, Pit. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. AM:mato& & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—exelccamas. AND BY Demeirrs, Gnawer, STOREKEEPERS and arum us generally In all Comm: --Tows and: VILLAGES in the UNITED STATES. ICA R I 993i11 R:G.72 E NA. or Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., Alb) C. K. Keller, Prbioipal Wholesale and Retail Agents a Harrisburg, and by the Dal:looms Bros! EAMES and Rireartaas generally. Or COUNTRY DRAINERS can order as above. ; Or address orders direct—[or if Price, Terme, &0., is desired, Or send for [1862] Circular, giving reduced Prices] . to HENRY B. COSTAR. PRZEOPAL DIPOP-NO. 612 Bnisidirkt — Ohlit 11 # a 0 ft 1198! , . Nipho,lps, gotel,yNew - YOrk. - esb ' citnovhgui* Vaitt=iltelffiral*, • Aciptiocw lfternotm, 'April 8, 1862 FREIGHT ,REDUCED Howard &Hope MORT& .Q111C1..-.111)11T1 NRWTO.RK. Goods - Ori*rfid . in tlke Mornfmg Returned the Night. Leave New York at 74 P. IL, by the Fast Through RquUsaiTe l 4; PtUriThiglOilirrkhwg at 8 .d. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OP OARS. Order 'Goods Emarked, Via HO,VE'ExpOss co, EVERY body ought to join in cit'oubit fag it, it the facts we represent, are so. All are in terested, tha well and afflicted. ' The GOLDEN IMMO LEW uIL, is useful in Chronic and Nervoue Damns, - such - as Rhandiatiam, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catarrab, Doroftdai now, Ft* or Old Sores, Ulcers Giandalar 'Swellings, Female Otimplabits, Sore In Oust brs; is no flintily medicine that sots wit/tench malo o Power*, the °olden „Illearfc Olf; Hundreds OLD certify W its virtues. , tFar the pivribiaS:oft hitrednoleg It Info every fluidly; with twoof my, own valuable preperatiemi i 3 O,r Croup, Sy* and an inducement la Ulm woo assist me to dispose of 20 gross, 1 place in ollpesetwicei of cOuttitiuk _t ohoooniole gentkosen th e owing *made articles, ;or FUJI dietribution amongst the purchasers 1 Fine 8-41mafavo Piatio 1 Fine Dr i ewdag .1 Floo,Ouuige 8= 1 Bine liegitskeold,Leverli'attitt 1 Fine 2 1 Mizato Box. . .„. . .... .. ...... 1 Fine " Double - bar r ell ed Gun kine Bann-tone Accordion.... 4 Gold Bracelets, 81 00 ......., WO Boxes Varnatile Pills, 26 ct 5....... 400 Boxes Tooth Powdor,46 5ti...;44.,.. 100 200 Copes We of Gan Mao, Embellishe426 Ina 60 1 'Dopy, IS volunaenjthrlitslim Galan, It 00.... 8 '1 Fine ADC Dress 20 1 Ftne DelaitteDress. . 8 2 Fee Lawn Dresses:lß 00.... 8 6 Pine 13old Pencils, 31 00 6 200 Fltue Stave Bunco!, 1234 its 58 24 Rae Ladles'43lpnrdz i 2o out 8 20 Pine PotnioP7evndri,'Bl" 00 ' 20 20 rine NM* Yedallioas, 1 00 20 60 Mae Locket Pitts;6o cts A 600 fine liens Studs, 26 its 160 600 FicolB-sarat how, 26 ct 5....... . .... .. 126 200 Fine ' Gana! Sleeve 41auerts, 12X 73; 26 100 Foe Allen's liasoF powder, 26 ca..— ..... 26 1 Gilt Family - Bige.... 1 Barret Meer.— - 70 On the Pa7 l 494l4l*llanta Wee* BMW* Box of the lisdanue, Yee pulaliptirrril Metre a rnoeiPt and an order for an envelopeothioe WW tainthe,nemeof one of the above eh*. On the day of the diaribinion of glue the etlYipP* I VA be PIS*Ale lb bosorwheel, with a hole to pabs the hand Molt; thei envelop* all put into poe wheel, well , shook up and ,settared, t ack p,urciamer NIG drew out his or bee' ditiiiinirOppe; the Ott *mid. thereln will be given u soon *Ate "Mewing chum Me ;rice will be given to imetits, =din the papers, of the day of distribution. IN:Raz:lto/11*a listen* will have an eqbal share with thmm i rmiumg I^o4.lm,burg. rie• ceipt of the money tbt bia,brtinith d**, them icine, ,with wildcats and.ordessi VW he ihrWarded by express, Poe of ell**. An ali casesithe ateukdoe la warranted to *rear idla rs let, ttr no Muir*. dee oenldrates. Da. W. Bann—timeitSaw x..ea 4 pate Maraedth at you have purchased toe right Mmeet4ftuapt **WrIPAI.'O. II- nell , s Houten gtentric ull.; for UM tam& orate - Mated, 1 WO*, lngenring,:--1 live beenagotalorlut a run nldg on 04 Mit Leg foF ten jail. llmbig that, time have been nodes the treatment of ten of the best DM tors in Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland toasty ; but all could not tillbOn Mitre. • llylOpref 1 year Net t going Into my bbuiltlmith ship` altaraitrit, I hurt my rig* lug sow, below the .pee. It:lmM all *mod the leg, and became a rutunog sore. rieveral : Manors tole me I must have my kg taken off, motudiation havitig taken place. porton:arty / got a bottle of your Golden Mon* oh for my onlidlinore mouto. It cared so soot that I thought I wound try It on my legs. I have been, warm It *entitle weeds, aid um l egs are notrlt*/*, ass ...GOMM and welt • - • ME faist ciiciasuum ,EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM General Office. 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 " " For further infornuktilorkenNdre of GEO. BERaina, Agen /IAIIuBBIMA. Aug.. 0.61.4tf , ; 0. - M'CONNBLL'I3 GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL. Fine Silver Ww&opeo r sP. PO tuld 'Violin and Bow walla Ty WWI. We, the undersigned, who are cquelated with globe T. Houck, do anus to the bust iute4,4ibore., end the beneaciAl efuci s of it' , Illeotrio 011 on many of our nelglibqm. NsT i4111)10*, 0 EBatl.4', A. P. IMI, (Itildrott HolsL) BENJAMIN J Dm. have been using Dr. Bares Oroug Syrup in my bunny for the peat Leo years. I would not be without it at any price, as my children are subject to Cello • nti Croup. I believe I have eared thsiz-livin brae use of the medicine. No family with obildran ought to-be without 11. F. K. SWARTZ, (Seery,) Harrisburg. Quiz Menu, Deomnber 0,1881. Da. Sams-1" thank you moat sineere.y hi the Gild smen& you gaze me for my eyes. I have of ty used it a tew times, and am now entirely tree from inflAuxt and pain which is mute than I have 'been tot' thelasi. Svc yea m— a hope will bias No.parson. prow .wittureak awe eyed ought to bs without it._ -,4. C, MMES. Seing , Well acquainted with J. O. what he 'cord. dee to ahoy, .Ntreal.., llolll l l .SALW , ti‘ may seem. J. .11 . Rairt,,ll C. ibr Word. dustlizidthaWlgosztillitti44tratiblek Teucr„ Poison, Itch, Loot Jaw, Gonorrhoea, Glees, Leueombikiumtahatmet diseases owed with same sue ems, or hO OhOpli t at„ 5 „.% Ten per lient.3rilkbelpahl Min Perim- selling one or more dozen, _ jSO•dawd Rama lillik-FO)IGETTYBEITRO • *AM. FARE REDUCED TO 1 tglS : //3301Je1l TO GETIIERBLIRGiIE: • ' • rilunderaigtied . has established a iguair LINT Of MOE 00M113105aena ldeolionkvi burkt *moo_ _ 1 1 1 5, 6 _77 , P4ter MatAing:WititAtto Camber - loud r "Hoy t ir oombes kayo °very very Tuohy, 'rhorodoy.oitd , returning ov,ery say.__Pselestareuror:smp a r D ahl berg_ !!burg 0,14 (31n4y4ain ,sre Cl&Mifiblt rola midi roan 11-dt/ WM. J. UTZ. DE. T: . 1 MUM, SURGEON DENTIST , OFFERS his services to the citizens o iur Harrisburg and its vicinity. He sonata a share o die public patronngs and girls I . ,t_sstnanos that bet best tdipriii renturaatistainiOoinlali pro. ream T m &gni rack', Well tried oenday•he hiebisale;ln .. v i tkng Ab e Tango genendly to call on hies, satotring r i en k Ansubsy will not be ineaussee with Ids services, 018 tie No. t2B Market street, ib die n oun h irmiirt , o . copied by Jacob S. Eby,..near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. l; NO-ay ATE .t Fruits - e RiesineLnoitrtai;iro. fittigis — ~tarlust St -"Ir16.11'41.; **440.70/(alit LIVEB,REGtTLA.TOR , LIFE BITTERS, A- RE pure vegetable entracte. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— ey regulate and . invigorate the liver and triixteyr, they give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate tij secretions, exeretions and extudations, equalise the ci— kilos, and purify the blood. Thu all bilious comnlair. —some of which are Torpid laver, Soot Headache, - v. pepsin, Piles, Chills and fevers, Costiveness or Locus neon—ere entirely connoted and cured by these reme died LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and Wilms depodts from the stom ach and bowels, regluates the liver and kidney*, remov ing every obstruction, restores a natural end healthy ac tion in the vital comma, it la • inperior Bloch better than pills, and, much easier to take DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS aunt:Mot Wale and dimetto ; excellent in oases of Hata of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, impart ties, pain, in the side and boccie, Mind, protruding and pleading SON and merAl debtlftY• BRAD THZ IROLLOWINO TEEirIIiONY ; Jae. L. Br umleyonercbant, St Fulton gm* New York, writes, August 113, 1800 "1 have been &Mated with piles, secomyanied with bl eedin g, the last three years ; I land DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORAITOE LIFE 11.12171.14 And now consider lornat Immix Conn." IBn. John A. Brow write', "Brooklyn, March 16,1860. In the spring of 18691 took n omere cold, which induc ed a violent foyer. I loot two doses of DARLIN4I'S',LMII REOULAI'OR. a li tta b" ck k. ; l uP las z t 7 ..tiemi col4 sall itorb er led ai w o r dyspe Pre ps Y ra I se ta ver th al is months • I have ieut . nothing alt. since*. Otis Sandy Q. 128 ffisatffith Street, N. T., writes : "August 12, 1800-4 had a - difficulty with Kidney Citan plaint three years with wiiisteun pain in the small of my back. .1 hid used, moat all kinds si medicines, bat found no permanent relief until L used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE BITTERS. I Poked 0 10 tled blood by the urethra. lam now en tirely cured, and take pleasure to recommending thane Maladies." Mrs a Tebow,_ Christopher Street, N. r, writes : "leb 20, 181X1.-1 have been edema tmattacks of ABM ma the last twenty yearn. them, never found anything equal to Darling's Liver Regulator , n affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver acid bilious remedy." Yrs. Yomig, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 93, 1880. Inlay last I hada severe attack of Piles, which condo - ed me to the hourie. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and wee =Cindy oared. 1 have bad no attack dace." D. Westervelt, Req., of South sth near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. L, writes : "August d,lB6o.—Baying been troubled,with e diglointy in the„Laver, and subject to Wl anaoks, I was advised by a Mend to try , DARlakiG'l3 LIVER REGULATOR, $lOO, 16 I did so, and fiend It to operate admirably, remcrring the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also mad Rae a .. 85 .. 80 When our children are out of sorts, we give them a .few drops and it sets 'llama right. I and it meets the testers' wards of the stomach and bowels when disorder ed." 11/11 11,Bruss, If you ne al either or both of these most ex milieu Remedies, Inquire for Went at the &toren ; If you .do not And them, take no othar, bat inclose Ono Dollar Ia &bitter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Amalie' will be cent aotordlig to your &re° tiona, by mall or express, post-pald....Addrees, DAN'L 8. DA.IILING. 102 isasiian street, Now York. . . ,IPat. up la 60 Gent. and sl,Botands each. cicat:dism frgENNIAL APPEALS FOR 1862. riratig - rinderrigiled , • C/OMMiBBioOerB of ...IL Dauphin county, Pit., make known to the taxable Inhabbaute wit said eounty and those owning real negate withiiithe county aforetad that appeals will be had On the "vitiation as returned by the assessors of all real and personal pro taxable for State and county purposes for the. year, said appeals commencing Mund.y, March 248 h, a$ the phiollnhouse of George Houk °r . ;or the kisomtup - ul Louth Hammer. ine Else Hanover; at the pub do house of Abraham Boyer, on runway, theldth day of Mann Inst. Nor West, 'bloom, at the pubis) house of John Batik, On Wednesday, the tnith day of March rust. Nor BuSquehanna township, at toe county Court goose, In me Otunudashmers Mee, on Th ursday, the' nth day of Maron inst. NO7 avitini township, In the Court Honse aforesaid, on Friday, the 213th day , of March inst. Nor lialliaxand Reed townships, on Tuesday, the Bth day of April, at the puollo house o. John Dirod. • Nor Jefferson township, at the house of Jorin Hoffman, (electun pia oisWedneaday,sapra 9 0 ,150. Nor Jackson toWnehlP,ltt the holne ar John Blx ler, Ead , on Thursday, the 10th day of sprtL , Nor Washington the pub no house of James Roffman, oo /runty, UM -ILA darn/ April. Nor the township 01 Wt=osanuo, at the petit° house of ;. Hoffman, In Lytenstowo, on satarday, the /Mb day of 4AL 7.r 4 Lykrun township and borough of Grata, on Mon - Illy, at /WWI WWII, ix Grata, on Monday, the lath forof April. • r the township of Mifflin, atThs public. house of Ben jamin Bordner, In Gerrysourg, an Tuesday, the 16th day et April. , Nurlhe township of Upper Paxton and Millen burg, at Prealsmes levant, on Wednelt.iiii.h the 10th day of AMU.. Nor the township of Middle Paxton, Rush and Dauphin borough, at the pub ho house of - Gook ty, la Datalutu, oa Thursd,y, the 17th day of April. Nor the tetteetuA hower.Paaton, at Gilchrist's Tavern, on naturtisy, the 19th - day en sprit. - Nor the township, of Lower owstara, at the public house of Mrs. Lehman„ to algtispLre, on Monday, the UAL dav of aprU. N o r the burougtiof Middletown, (three wards,) at the 'Who _house of Valentine Dotson, on Tuesday, we *ld day of P.m the township of Londonderry, at Helper's Tavern; onWenneauay. the 2701 day of April. Yur the t .arnanip of Oanewago, at linyder's Tavern, on, the 24th day of Apr IL Pot tin" townatuy of Derry, at the pubic home of Mlle, in buinmehnown, on hiotty, the Van day of Apra. Not the Ai:gland Ifilth wards of the city of Harrtabusg, at the own.; Bough In the office of the Couuty COMJIII4- ailonera,"cin Tuefiday, May. Oak lust. ' Foe toe Fourth ward of nOIO. City, at the lame place, on Wednesday, and 7th day or May. los .he Taira ward or eald (AV, at the same plane, on Thured , y, the Bah day of May. bur the rim and daoondd wands of said oily, on Fri day, the 9th day ofitay,.lBo2. ilie Commlatuortere therefore hope that all persons knowing themselves aggrieved by their respective value: Wu sabotinni, frill 'aka notke hereof and appeal at their reerketive paeces orampeatfier redeem held appeal+ and *pear at 9 4. >w andolose 04 o'clock. P. X. LEI Flarrieburj; ni„ Attest )—Joenir &use, d Arnaern on _areriltunned to be punctual in their • u ai . ° nolot4 zulld&wfd EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth • and halt bbl. aarka, also, irbolemale and retail at th New emery and lyeetank, taore ,_front and Market sta. NICHOLS & BOWMAN. gOAL e e ;,Brer COAL OIL Wholes& audisrA sole. by moms a BOinuir. s .-- , opreargircad and NAAS firedhl. liiittUatuout DARLING'S DARLING'S FAMILY MEDICINE, FAMILY MEDICINE. JACOB BAo.M, OKORGIC 0 4tkVititiCH, iiliNBY MOYER. lommiukmers Johns & troaltps SODIXTRING FOR THE TIIES ore NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE BTRoNGEoT GLUE IN ME WORLD THE CHEAPEer GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE HOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BIWT GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Bare your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Need your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Rae the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle WIITLL MIND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Tan, It k badly re paired, IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Was Cape and Semen can be made as rood es new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piemknoctied out of your Marble Mantle owl be pui OD as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Pitcher did not eon but a OR. Una, a staling savekla a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALELBABTER, That early Alabaster Vase a budien and you can't match It, mend lt, it will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone,, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything butMetale. Any article °mental with . InYhalCleN, MUM ALUI will not show where it is mended. p *4 :“.t "Every Housekeeper" should have • supply of Johns h Craglore American Onneat "it la no animation* , to have to tne house.".... Y. Shims& "It is Mows ready ; this nommen& Itself to every body."—hwkpoodiama. "We have meat it, and and it as metal In our homes as water."— *eke Spirit qf thi Thula& ECONOMY IS WEALTH• 5/0,00 per year saved In every amity by one. Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle.. Price 26 Conte per, Bottle. Price 26 Cants per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25C4ekte_per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Relmago to Whoiesak .Beyers. TES CASH. wfc eAle by . allpraniabs, Tad Star" keepers general ly ug - ii)ut'aie °Wintry. ZOHNS Bc'CROBLIirr, (Sole ilaeoreatorers„) 78 WI rliAti ST.II,KET,, Corner or Liberty sweat. Importpt to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Fariners. lb di idiom dis pay coacarn, arid A:mown' wry body. JOHNS at, CROALEIr'S IMPROVED GOTTA PRIMA OEMELT ROOFING, The Cheappet and most durable Roofing in : nee. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF: It can be applied to siw Lulu= soossot , steep or 11.4, and to humus Boon without removing the Shingles. The Cott is only about One-Third that of Tin AS)) I V as TWICR AS htIttABLIS This article hoe been tborougbly tasted In New York Qty and alt other parts or lice United - Midas, Osaade, Wen Indian Osatral and &nth 'AmorMi, on bollannii all lauds, snobs& PACTOIIOI, soomnsms, Cease Rani RoaD Woes, Cams, and on Pude lisupdmiS , vesteratly trovsimuszter Bounixtie, Be., by the pnotnisd diaddirrs,, .12011110C18 mud o th ers, durlngAtte past Cortr years, and ass proved to be the ClalideSSY sad - 1108( UVRAttut um; Si in every nmrpeet.s twig; %ilia, WEATrifit' t and JULE PlialOir covering ,(or 0,009 S Ad' This it tat 911Lneeitrial stanefactundin ina Unitas Salo welch teakettles the very desirable propertme ar Amenity and Ann 'bait', wince ate uni#ereelly seinen- Wipe , to be presaged by Or/22.4. PlifitlltAt '4WD No fleet is required in making applioation. The expense of applying it a Whin& re Ain ordinary root eau to covered and lin/shed the tune day It call be applied by any one, and when Prdahed forme* perfectly Rae throw/ warlace with in Glow pody,wtucti menet DIP U 44,0411. Dy Jima Cow or bra, casuarraria of itoor lkwine t war any ea. twirl &Om w bnt.Qer. LIQUID GUTTA PERCEA CEMENT, For costing Metals of all Blade when,exposed to the Action of, the Weather, and FOB PRESERVING AND REPEABLNG METAL ROOFS OF ALL RINDS. This tbe only Composition known ',bath wW SIIIMMI6- tuliy rods% extreme Mauve of all eihnait oh lOr any length of time, when applied to mettle, tow it ad tierce Orally, miming a way equal to alma of ordinary manl y opera much lave and will LAM Ttlitll6 Tll/1.1 As LAOand from 'it. elasticity In not inydred by th r protraction and expansion of-Tin and other Kraal !toots, oonsequant xidon sudden changes el the weather. will not CRACK IN COLD dS BAN iN WARN WZAINIA...A.NI) WILL NUT WASH OP,. Leafy 'All and other Metal ROOM can be readily repair ed with CARTA Palliate UNMAN; and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby"ensuring a per. Meaty tight root for many years. - • This Cement is peouttuly adapted for the preservation of IRON MA;LING4 sruinsa, R.AntailM, BAFJRs , Alittl. CULTURAL 1111kLAMMNIM, ac., also. Yor general mane. recturera use. GIITTA .PERCELI CEMENT For preserving and repaing ISn and other Metal Boors of every description, trout Its great etastseity, Is not iznured by the contraction and expulsion or Metais, and mil not crack in sold or , run in warm weather. These materials, are source so um =car" and we are prepared to supply order" trom any part of the coon at short make, for HUrfa YISAULLA Boons° in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GRATA PAROkin OY- MbNT 1n bpxrels, wits fall printed directions for appli- WWI: AGENTS WANTED Ire will snake liberal and sailiditotory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish them• melees in a lucrative and permanent Muslin:se. OUR TERIgt3 ARE CASH. We oan give abundant pre:t Of• All lin GinWl in favor et our lippreved Rodin; having applies' teem to severs , theinand itoool in New York City Ana vicinity. 30132113 & CROBLEY, BOLE htdNEIPACRIIRINN Wholesale Warehouse 78 WORM St. , Oorner et Liberty Street. NEW YORK Fall descriptive Circulars and Prices will be tarnis had Oil application. oeb-dly UGAR4 Crushed, Pulverised and Re 1. tinal, for sate by NIC9O 9Ss BOW SIAS, eb2l. Corner Front and Markel strode. PORT FOLIOB—WRITINO DEBITS. A N entire new sisortzuent of thesi useful sr tioterjnit opened it BERRIWRI3 Chop Bookstores' DYER'S SARSAPARII,LA FOR PIIRIiFYIN4 sp T B ND fo te eedy ct t re 0 4 131LtOLO01) ,Li. Joined vr a rieu h es 01 D seasea crofula and Scrofulous Affection sp t L as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, ir ll Ptiots Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, }Balsa, and all S kin Diseases. i,c, EL. , • J. 0. AMR a Co., Gents : I feel rt du y edge what your arta' &NIA bar clOtie 4r L. inherited a Scrofulous infe,ti• a, I In Various ways tor 311. re. Sometimes ' t b.; t n triefra on ley bands and arm- , e ward and Metres:Bad me at di, bh ms, h 1 broait out on ray head Lan CAltrtni na) , • with one womb viaa pan ad tor Iy h oesaipooo. lix evi many m. 4, claim_ but without moo reef m roe Meunier grow wurie. AL lLg L 1 „ read to the Goa) el a. essougtr ‘ll4t y alternative. (tairsaparita,., or ;Albion that airy la mg you mu . e ahue ,o Qum nnati and got it, and o:c Mt it, as you ad v ise, to .d dom. over a mouth, and used alrutet thrte hexithy skin aeon began to roan U - r - after a while fell off, my tk o is ILA, my feelings that the diactse has gaL., - You can well believe th,t I t.t., a l. I a „ I tau you, that I hold yon to be Dire . I age, and remain ever gratefully,lo . o- '. St. Anthony's Eire, Rose or itystpE,iii, Tetun and Salt Rheum, Ica o fl ~ tgL Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Moen D. PreWe writ., II tot Sep., 1869, that he bas larva sy, waist taresumea to tortuiL.o., 14L,. Ulie of our oaroupar.l4, aLIJ mot of Ilialivuut 6r) tupelo, IP) 1,g,. says be cores we Common trui.Lou, gretiehocele, Goitre or Swei,en NEck• Zobakm hat of Prospe s ,, r ex , , , We of your Sanaparida scree to, ~„ sous swotting on the ueCti, over two years." Leneorrh4na or Whites, Ovarian Uterine U lceniti on, einalv Dr. J. B. S. Chstuung, ot meat cheerfully comply soli saying I have wood ) our At attocuativ• 1.1 Use Litallerues cola ' 140,7 soon a remne), bet , ,y, the Scrofulous I C..r• ~aeaof Lee6o/TlLKess uy it, and LI, A ildlant Wee ee[Uell 0) likera:Un• all 14, cerahun keep wan nue“ anowlodge equals it 1.4 Wer...eull, li4tward S. harrow , :Ata , . goroos eelertiall toss's uo °Le Its winch bra dance Mt tie raile,ce as length bone Custpintely cur,. 1111141tUtly. u 11( tgbyes,LeAl Usuubuk c, dell °Mild aticrd rebel, but he Al•rle, AS Use Leal ro.otl provoo ollooloal. alter eiattg you TO, no symptom 01 the encase' byphilis and Mercurial Disease. New OSLEISS, ssisst, Dr..l. C. Aria : Sir, 1 cheerlu , , eased 4r your agent, star repot u, yu,;lit 1 have realized alto your twreop.rols. I have Oared with it, to pr., to t *Me for erdch W is IRK; .I.llalcULles, eitdets truly BrOntlerlUl to the Lure , Oarlial Diseases. Law ui toy p..tiguis ~p his throat, whlutr ware cou. , ..emu„ top of 12M mould. Your ratruseori.,,, , eared him lu the Week. Auu.lit.r a. =Miry 1113131180101 111 lilt DiNe, mammy a conahhirst.le part lit 11,,0 disorder WOlllo Bout ...act' sat.. Ufa, yielded to my Staullmairstam ui yr..l neassu, and lie IS Well .. s /mule disfiguration to LIS tore. aV. 'ILL.,. Waite& tor the same LITISOrdst by Ulcf.l.lf: 4.0 11 . 0111 this pole°. ur her 110000. ,Lie, LS. mmettive 10 t h e weather met OEI esernicaUng own in her fowls oL: le., to cored entirely by y.tit A ICOOW from Its turmttla, withuu you 411. LIM l'repandlon trona your Moordory • remody ; corisegoenuy, these truiy *Walt have net surprised me. IrStertMLll pouru, Rheumatism, Gout, Liver complaint Immrseconsm, v., DL J. C. ants: otr, I her , • flarduonis MIONIZOILLIsm Jut WI ulll of physicians, Boa _ rllOlOllOlOl /..,01/1111 MLR , ulna 1 ,1 - ups bottle cured me to two .1 end health SO much that 1 our Ir r Iran ausated. I thizut It s Bottler.- NSW Y QRS Mos Y. °Mehra', of St. Lou• 3 a • years with m admu.s ••_r.r, ausUreyed my MIAMI- I mei oscy.• tang tailed to relieve me , • down MAW for some years [rum 0.• LL,r Miligesulteit Me Laver. sly bs.over r, ,• IMpy i , &dewed me to try your Odd US UMW you, and auywur6 trying. Ity the nicosm,s, :t .:: • twong sigma. Th. boo Le..i , WA good enongu.” 6111 Cancer Tumors, Eniargents . Ulceration, Caries and istousuor , the Bones. griplit , nimbly ol ware Lace crei. FL.; Wbere Gurus Mean furatalawe the Me 01 11441 =away, Uut uu, admit Mem Sum ul LDVIII may DC Alining; watch the Nieu4, 10 fathigh gutty tU all who Cull iur tUr:z Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, zpi ey, Melancholy, lieuralgis , hithyreauirkaule cures 01 Lues sada py the almruadve pow-e/ ul Ltd , Luc... ablate We vital !unctions lUto u.J.-- Overcomes dboratr* wtPcp would MI reach. Such a remedy use„ ilsouttes of the pouple, and we arc , 110.1 or them all URA medical.: eau du. Cherry fectorai )Olt Tios ltAt lil t C°Ughila Colds, Influenza, hoarsen) Croup, Bronchis, Incipient t.,0 gumption, and tor the rauef of tonsuniptive Yentas in advgnced OtbgtB Of the Disease laits fsa remedy Wl tuevcr :..,.a': ether br the cure ()I turuat laud 03.100, OWO to publlett tot . =Malted ekoellt coo cur u,h wondered. Lures ot puimoar) Known throughout the ctv ni xed a fliW are the LOWCOLLOILItAi who have nut some perauu .1 Lai et if 0 Keeleriug trophy mtheir a, Pi 4 r subtle mina as ugerous diaortiore oIL t• a Ss all know the dies !sue es they know, too, e Ltlet.te t, r 4 " do more than to asau/o [Dew toat t Wes that HAM have When tuamuf r WOO so Strongly ore them ultotto LO. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYIR Lowell, blzos Bold by •O.A. Baarmart, C. K. het eHarr , 4:3°, li• LOS, " Lo ArmitroL ; arl nal Whore. 00n4.611 1,1 AW 0 • Os ..U.A•N RLMEING STOCK, BILL AND COLL Gli geriNJ Hail been removed from No. 213 . Secov i ro Nth 130 MAIIKtT rARELT 01.01,-.13CR0, P. 4. TREASUBY NOTES TAKEN f PM" sep24-du lIIIBBEB, GOODS Rubbe Rubber {Vetches, Rubber Redd, n st r g be ellE C A °Y !' BERGNE d Duie upki .. pitr, i kis re p d ic h e, u u r ij u i ,4o. , :; ; Fr.; , ,...z,.., „ s„ .„ corner Frau' gala Ittatteir. sok./nEvrrajossratiThisaßgoodfßAer,o jeztlUTrfilvorynnierillor.:ebiii:cull!oinel:sl4llt!sot";oo-r:tccell::0,1"!b. fittbirai , ERE