Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 08, 1862, Image 3
jlaxl tti el¢gra~g. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, April 8, NM. _ - las DMISLATURN will adjourned sine die neat Frig y Ti/re are a number of important bills yet to be acted upon. WgATEISII. —A line old fashioned snow goo prevailed for several hours this morning giving a decidedly winterish aspect to outside things generally'. :•11AD °lit—Our fish dealers have a fair supply of •l dun hand, at prices ranging from thirty one to sixty-two cents. Shad are said to be p l ea y, sad the belief among fishermen is that the A: 11,i10 will prove a profitable one. Names.—Toelxerx mines of the two sol km rowned while crossing the Shenandoah he ottwr day, of which we had a notice by tele rapt , were Morgan Richards and John Cannon hey twinged to the Fortpsiath (Col. Knipe's) 'euut‘y leduia regiment. I= Look TO YOUR OBLLABS.—The present Is a rely viper time to look to your cellars. Care rbuuld he always taken to keep them in a clooly condition. All filth and nuisances likely to b:, injurious to health should be immediately removed. Besides this, a cellar should be thoroughly whitewashed at least once a year, 'awl he swept and put in good order twice a month. UEN. NEOLBY, of Pennsylvania, bas a divi• lit , noun:livid is nJvr composed of the : Seventy-eight and Seventy-ninth Pdatisylvauia Regiments, Triirty-eight Indiana Regiment, First Wisconsin Regiment, Colonel tVpilzoop's Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania C dunel BArnett's Wisconsin Artillery Li seven !nil b Merles, and Captain Palmer's Company of Kentucky Cavalry. Eons Tium.—Mr. Henry Yetter, residing en the estate of Jacob M. Haldeman, Esq., in Fairview township, York county, a few miles below this city, had a fine bay mare stolen from his stable last night. A description of the animal will be found in au advertisement in this evening's TsLk:omPa. A reward of $BO is of fered by Mr. Yetter for tae arrest of the thief and recovery of the mare, or $2O for the recov ery of the mare alone. EMBALM. —The burglats appear to have made a dead-set against our amiable friend John Odd, cmdectiouar, iu Third Street, near tiarket. .His establishment has been visited by them several times within the past ye: r, but we believe they never affmted an entrance until last idgbt, when they got in through the rear window. The robbers finding the money till empty, contented themselves with a liberal supply of candies. I=E:=l A. FINS ROTAURANT.—The old established reotiuraut, at the corner of Market street and and Dewberry alley, formerly occupied by 11 , eithiger, is now under the management of Mr 'untie' D. Spayd, a gentleman well versed i , all the arm and rnyeterles of the cantina, and • winning ways and manners are well tied t walk into the affections of the . His establishment is filled with all delicacies of the season, and the employed in our office can bear testi : to the incomparable quality of his to The public should make a note when they experience a vacuity L waistcoat, drop into Mr. Spayd's p!,uitla the supplies. f 0. ALLEUAN, of Highspire, in this late Assistant Surgeon at Camp Curtin, ttlt a uuiuted by the Governor, Assistant the Eighth Pennsylvania Reserve ~ .inaiiitied by Col. George S. Hays. , D4l atuLtte Dr. Alleman upon hie ap lit, and particularly upon his assign , ties regiment, as it has the repots undoubtedlyubtedly one of the very f inest ar trout Peunsylvala. The Doctor re or rue night from Surgeon General 'tt j in his regiment forthwith ; he ac 1} lout in the next train for Washing . will moat likely have a speedy toty of trying h.ts surgical skill upon .tt won, as Gen. McCall's division is on t tad warch to Richmond. MODE or COMPUTING INTEREST. —"A new noting interest at six per cent. has hlt.Led, which appears simple. Multi given number of dollars by the number et thug est required ; separate the right ore toil divide by six—toe result is the • to interest fur such number of days at :e t. This rule is so simple and eo true, t nil bubiness us t gee, that every I t , t , lser, merchant and clerk should post r reference and use. There being no ug t traction in it, there is scarcely any • t true' or mistake. By no arithmeti ,,, c,u s , ) desiraole information be en few figures." • rove has been going. the rounds of our _rB for the best several weeks, and is but , exanTl e of the truth of the proverb, r, nutiong low under the eon." This is 1 rule of multiplyin g the principle by one, the number of days, and point off three • , for decimals, which we learned from the pl ier i ng book" in the sunny days of od. The old schoolmaster then and t tught us that the result obtained by this was not absolutely correct, but that it ay a Lmsenient mode, and sufficiently correct' only Small sums and a few days were tol The rule is based on the suppo. t , c 'hat there are only 360 days in a year, n the iot-Tefit, thus computed, will be one ittfet,ty thud too great. Thus, the interest on I t : 0 (1(.10 for s sty dale is $197.26 ; computed by 11new method" it would be just $2OO, , 144 1ng an excess l of $2.74. Beciuse of this netttctness, the rule his never fallen into litters; use. I t titie .,, cce, • la like most of the "new d which are but the exhumations, by mhe • n "icet of what the world has tried, 441111 011 0 and forgotten. Fat ur ma LOCK. —During the fire last night, on the opposite side of the canal, a colored boy fell headforemost into the Penn lock, at the foot of Walnut street. The alarm was quickly given, a light procured, and the boy was finally fished out by means of a lad der suspended over the side of the lock. Pao. ANDERSON. —Branes Hall was filled to overflowing last night by an intelligent audi ence to witness the prestidigitator y teats of Prof. Anderson—the renowned " Wizzard of the North." Some of the Professors's tricks were really astonishing and incomprehensible. He performs again this evening, and we invite all fond of the marvellous to be on hand. "On to Warts AGAlN."—Lieut. Mai les O'Neill, of Lancaster, who came here with ti,e remains of Col. Murray, left to join his regi ment at Berryville, in the neighborhood of Winchester, Virginia, on yesterday. He carries with him the heartfelt wishes of all his friends for a safe and speedy return to the comforts and enjoyments of horde. "Levan' BONNgra."—Oar milliners had their "opening days" last week, and their spring styles arc now before the public. The difference detwten the bonnets of this and last spring is about the same as the difference between tweedledum and tweedludee. The peak may be a little higher, and the trimming less volu minous, but aside from this the old and new fashions might be sold together, side by side, and no one be the wiser. I= Illeicauxrrx.—Sailors are suppose to be the most adept at "spinning long yarns," bug gar rulous old men, recounting to each other the exploits of their youth, will furnish stories which even the marines would find it difficult to believe. They feel &little proud of their in discretions in their young days, and chuckle together over a successful escapade or a reck less trick all the more if it is dashed with a ittle spice of wickedness. They do not assert bat they used to be considered sad rakes, but if one chooses to draw such an inference from their stories, it 18 not their fault, or course, if they are misunderstood. Shallow—Ha, cousin Siloam, that thou bad seen that, that this knight and I have seen 1— Ha, Sir John, said I well Falstaff—We have heard the charms at mid night, Master Shallow. _.._ll►_ TILE 1101111R111' INFANTIIT.—It seems that the picket guard, (comprising an entire company,) noticed in recent telegraphic dispatches as hav ing been surrounded by the rebels on Little Edisto Island, S.C., belonged to the 55th Penn sylvania, and not to the 58th Pennsylvania, as inadvertently stated in last evening's Tzt,e- GRAPH. As the "Roberta' Infantry," Captain I. S. Waterbury, of this city, is attached to the 55th, and as it was known to be located on that island, serious fears were entertained that it was this company that had met with the disaster. To quiet the fears of the friends of the com pany in this respect, we append the following extract from the New York Tribune's special correspondent at Hilton Head. which gives the full particulars of the surprise of the picket guard, as well as the part acted in the affair by Capt. Waterbury: An attack has been made by the rebels upon a portion of the forces stationed at North Edis to. Information was conveyed to the rebels of Ihe position occupied by three companies of the 551 h Pennsylvania, and their capture was at tempted by three battalions, each five hundred strong, moving simultaneously last Saturday morning, at daybreak, upon their separate po sitions. It happened that two companies had mot ed their ()Imps the day before, and the two rebel battalions in search of them were obliged to retire, having eincted nothing.— The third was less fortunate. Thirty men, of company F, Captain Bennett, under command of their first lieutenant, were at Hanna ban's plantation, on Little Edisto, separated from the large island and the main force by a creek, the bridge over which was destroyed by the rebels, and their retreat completely cut off This insignificant force, thus attacked by five hundred rebels, maintained a desperate de fence for an honr,falling back toward the bridge, of whose destruction they were unaware, avail ing themselves of the inequalities of the ground as a cover, and partially screened by the thick fog, through which, however, the flashes of their guns betrayed them to the enemy. They steadily maintained this unequal conflict until, when, within a hundred yards of the bridge, their ammunition gave out and no other de fence was possible. Still, they would not sur surrender, but, throwing their muskets into the river,sought refuge in thickets along the banks. Five men escaped by swimming, and were af terwards picked up by one of the Crusader's boats. Five are known to have been killed during the fight. The remaining twenty, some of them wounded, are missing, and undoubt edly pitioners. The rebel plans included also the capture of Col. White of the 55th Pennsylvania. He had moved his headquarters, like the two companies, only the day before, and the rebels, in their advance, passed unawares by the house in wuich he and his adjutant and quartermas ter were sleeping. At the other house they found Capt. Waterbury's company, which bad been roused by the firing at Hannaham's drawn op in line of battle to receive them, and es they had contemplated only a surprise, and were not at all eager for a fight, and only numbered about ten to one, they hastily with thew. Iu the house occupied by the thirty, a sick man was left in the upper room, and, un discovered by the rebels, he beard the address of the rebel leader to his men before the attack. The rebel flag was afterward hoisted on the house, but remained only a few min utes, their force withdrawing to Jehorse Island and making no effort to hold the ground. In this connection we append a few eztract3 from private letters received by the last mail from members of the Roberta' Infantry, dated Camp Roberts, Edlato Island, March 27, 1862 : One writer says : " Hooper, Lieut. Weaver and Tunis is out on picket to-night. We have it hard now. Every other night we have to go out on picket, and the rebel pickets are on the same bland. They come from the main land. We are going to'have to-mor row. Will give them fits and shove them off the bland. It is too pretty a place for them to atay on, and we want it ourselves, that is if they don't make us git. We shall, however, give them the hest we have got in the shape of our Springfield rifles, which are in good order and ready for a crack at them." Another writer says : " Our regiment is pretty well scattered now over Edisto Island, all doint picket duty, which is not the pleasantest thing in the world, especially here, as we are generally posted in a swamp, and you have no idea of the voraciousnes of the mosquitoes in this neighborhood. We have had an alarm nearly every night since we came here. The post Is within three hundred yards of a rebel pick•t.. gleunspinattia l 'Wally elegraph, 4ltteetrag: Afternoon, 'Sprit 8, 1862 Imortran POSTPONS.D. —Owing to the unfavor able state of the weather, the 'come which was to have been delivered to-night by Dr. Hay, on behalf of the Young Men's Christian Association;` will be postponed 'until further notice. TaufuTE ov Basysor.—The undersigned hav ing been appointed at a regular meeting of Fulton Council, held on the 7th day of Apill, to draft resolutions of the feeling of said Coun cil upon the death of our late brother James Donnelly, make the following report : WHEMEAB, It has pleased the Gnat Creator of the universe to call from our midst, in the prime of life,by the unrelenting hand of death, our friend and brother James Donnelly, who by his many good qualities had endeared him self to us, and Whereas, While we bow in humble submis sion to the Divine will, we cannot but mourn the foss of one bound to us by the ties of broth hood, sympathise with his family and friends. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the members of Fulton Council No. 85 I. 0. of 11. A. AL, deeply sympathise with the bereaved widow and orphans of our deceased brother, James Donnelly, in their af fliction and would remind them of the conso ling promise that He who "tempers the wind,' will be the "protector of the widow and a father to the faiheileFs." Resolved. That the Council Chamber be draped iu mourning for the space of three mouths. Resolved, 'that a copy of the above be trans mitted to the widow, and also be published in the two daily papers. All of which is submitted in honesty, industry and sobriety. LgT Us PATRONIZS Hunts INDIIBIBT.—"Oh ! Cousin Jane ! do you recollect when I wrote to you from New York, and spoke . or Aunt Van Reusallier and myself calling at the great dry goods house of A. T. Stewart & Cu., on Broad way, and described the beautiful goods we saw. But father is so queer; he sass wean. should buy our goods at home. Well, cousin, I started out last week to make my spring purchases, and now lam convinced it is just as father says— for, cousin, I gilled at Urich & Bowmaus, and do you know saw the very same styles of beautiful silks and cloaks, and at lower prices than I could have bought them in New York?" New (loons.—l am uow selling off my entire stock of gouda at and below cost, or 25 per cent. cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 76 ors. to $1 ; shirts, 60 cta., and 60 cts. with linen bosoms ; night shirts, 60 cts ; under shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 cts., all wool; monkey jackets, 60 eta. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 eta. to 16 cts ; silk ties, 12k, 15 aud 18 cts ; collars, 8 cts. to 15 cta. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 5 eta.; cuffs, 4 and 6 eta. a piece ; under sleeves, 18 eta.; fine cambric at 13 and 18 cts. per yard, wortu 25 chit.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, aud fast collars, 127 1 eta.; all linen boson's, 15 eta and upwards. If you want cheap and good goods just go to James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg, Cheap Stint Manu factory, where he is sailing off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &o. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & lidliuger's grocery store, 12 Market street. CARPBT I Ceiftrzx t CearErr !—Having returned from New York, I now have ou hand, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 37i cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents • good black silk at $l, worth $1 26 ; black silk 32 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 87 • very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50; sum mer silks at 50 cents a yard ; 10 pieced of the finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 50 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 31 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stuck, all bought for cash at New York auction. Baying a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. B. Lzwr, m3l-y Rhoad's old stand. CORSETS. A LARGE assortment of all sizes, in L white tt:s • colon dof the most desirable makes, At CATE° & &BOMAR sex door to the 'lstria urg Bata. B. BURST & SON, SECOND SALE Or fLOWERS VRIIIT and Ornamental Shade Trees, on Wednesday net et the lower m.rket holm at to oe eek. DANIEL S. BABA, at r 7 A uttioneer. HOUSE FOR RENT. A BRICK HOUSE with six rooms, sit- XL awe/ on &Au bt•e-t beiwern Front a .d tiecond. Pm *halo given immediate', Enquire of nri-elw* JaStig WINGERT. QOM:FY LKILL AND SIIzQUr,IIANNA sailread Covap,ny, Mike No. Irll h. Fourth street, ud .delptda, apri 8, 1882. be annual liming of the tstockholdera of this Com pany, and au election fur President acid six M wagers, ell tike place at the (Aka of the t; mpany, buy tith, at 12 o'e ock, W. a Mc.l.llnho.BY, ageklid seer•tary IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE SIMPLEST, MOST PERFECT, Cheapest and most easily wormed wasnina machine ever invented. T,woettp rights fir sale at aueh pr .c a as will enable an energetic mechanic M earn ur (tailors prr ay. Call ami , ee rte rnaztitie at the Waite Hall HotaP. oppos to the (Out tiou,e. aar7-dat*mas TO RESTAURANT KEEPERS. FOR SALE.—The stock, good will and =um, and lease of the Resturent under Wyeth's BerrisUtug. Apply on tha pr.mise3 or to J. ALC a2-Iw s Brold street, West Harreburg. 100 BUILDING LOTS FUR SALE. riiHE suliscriber offers for sale, on terms eavorthie to purchasers, cue hundred b sliding lots variously situated In the north western and eastern parts of the city IA Harrisburg. on Yuan Street, Fester avenue, seas street, Rtdge &moue, Aid Ott state etneet, aim of Paxton creek, between said 4reeir. and the Harrisburg cemetery. For further particulars Inquire of the subscriber re siding on Front street in said city. Jr Q. FogsTER, marlo-1m PROF. ADOLPH P. TOUPSEiI, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that ha will pentium to give instructions an the purr° FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOR.OI7OII BASS. He will with pleasure wait upon pupils at then homes at any hour desired, or tenons will be given his residence, in Third 3treot, few doors below lb Derwin Reformed Church. 4806-Ott F' "fi lot of choice Garden Seeds just reoeived, and for sale low by NICHOLS A BOWMAN, szt2ol corner of Prong and Market streets. CANDLES, Country soap, Fancy Soaps of all kinds, !A- sale by -NICHOLS & BOWMAN. Conker Front sad Market rtreete. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BOOMS and everything in the line, just received in large hematitic' and tar sale very low by Ww. 1X KV 4:Jr DAVID. L. FOILTHEY, DAVID CRAWFORD, Joas Fraz, MATTHIAS T. Mums; DANIEL Bessoits. Committee New Abnertiontents. Nem 21.613erttorments CHERRY TREES. DWARF AND STANDARD. S 1 K 1 Y native and foreign choice varieties of bealtblttl, 25 to sa. cents each 52 50 to 5.5 per dozen, $lB to $3O per hun at apr 7 9 , - ti BY "TO E NUR•ERY ; SHAD E 'TREES. iLyEtt, liaples large, 25 to 50 cents 1...) exalt, $5 per doz n. silver Poplar, Balsam Poplar, horse o..alps, Moult In ash, stogltah +,sh, Pautowthalmporiali,=, Y tw.ty, Mr, 50 Genii +0 $1 each, $8 to $lO per dozen at 4Zapr7y KEYBrOvE, NIIRztF.RY• • • EVERGREEN TREES. , .N ORWAY F i r, '.'alaarn Vir , , Silver Fir, Scotch Fir, Alsatian Pine, A'bor Ville, &C , from Ito 15 feet high, at alt paces, - from - '26 coma and uP rr+rfia. at • • KEYS ,, PNE NcrLis,Rr. RASPBERRIES. BRIVCKLE'd tOrange, Falstolf , , Fratico- El% Red Antwerp, Horne, &c., at epr EN r S PONE NURSERY. DWARF PEAR TREES STANDARD PEAR TREES. , 50 GENTh each; $5 per dozen, at apr7y,_ KareNNE NURSERY PEACH TREES. • HINTY choiceh varieties, $8 per bun -1 (Pei, $L 26 per dozen, 1234 cents each for em -tier, coautiti , s, at [a ad I{.6Ir,IONE NtritigtAY. DELAWARE GRA PRTINIO3, DIANA GRAPE VINES, ''CONCORD GRAPE VINES, CALIFORNIA GRAPE VINES, MUSCADINE GRAPEVINES, • - . ' REBECCA and other choice Grape Vines, 60 cents to $1 00 sun. Catawba, 011,ton lino teaeel•a - vines et 20 to 60 cents neon. J. MI4I. apr7 ICHINTONE NuesKRY. APPLE TREES. ALL the leading kinda $l2 per hundred , n 50 per dozen, bundler .411.11ti11e9 16 cents each, at lapr7y. ks.yaroNE NuxaGni. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE'S OFFION, Pftiladelphia, 4th April, 1862. 500 Team Berm Wanted Immediately. riIHEY must be sound, free from blemish, well trained to work, not less than 15 hands high, and from six to eight years of age. Apply at the William Pearl Hotel, West Phila delphia, Pa. (Signed) A. BOYD, Capt. & A. Q. M., U. S. A U, B. TRIPOLI, PON GLEANING AND POLISHING METALIO ARTICLES, MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, &o. Warranted Free from Add or Pohon, For sale by WK, DOCK, J r., t 00. J. 8, DELLETT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Cor. Main and Frederick streets, MECHANICSBURG, PA. COUNTRY STORES and Physioisiss as Euppll , d at city proms, ANOTH k.,lt SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, BEST PENS in the world, for 150, IN. 25 It 60,12, 13, and 14, for sale at iebls y fiCHEFFKR/3 Bookstore. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE, uST iiECELViD a largo quantity of di superior Dandelion Coffee which we will sell low to suit the times ; also, pure gr ound din Cons and Tur key Coffee all put up In one pound packages. Call and examine at the wholesale and retail Groan y afore at NIODOLS t BOWMAN, Gunter OrYrout and Market streets. LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. PLANTS i6l to 41 25 per duzen, at apr.7y lituYSD-INE N URSKRY EVERBEARLNG RASPBERRY. DL ANTS of the Catawissa, bearing a full j_ crop o' floe berries as late aa Novernbtr. $1 00 ver dozen, shog . le platbs 20 cents each, at aptly ERZ: TON IC NURSERY. STRAWBERRIES ALL the moat desirable varietiea, and which hive produced .hutt unsurpassed in the sate, by the dozen, hundred, toousasd or ten thousand, at the [apriyi KEYEIToIIit Ntatallit Y. APRICOT AND PLUM TREES. IF choice varieties, 40 to 50 cents each, IL/ $4 to in per dozen, at ICAYSTOnE NURSERY. apr7y FLOWER SEEDS. ACHOICE lot of ASTER'S and TEN W EEK eSiCKS, with a generd variety of Freak blower sad Darien Weds, rece,ved and !Jr sale at No. al Market street. KELISta'S Drugstore. UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTION TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COMM COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS, &c., &C. On band and Ibr sale at the very lowest rates for reek hair ElLAttrteses sod Spring Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, °HAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES, &c., Neutered and made equal to sew, very r• asonable, al tat No. lug, as ket street, between Fourth and . Nib, by m•ra 211 Ia T BARNI,Z. Will. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOB TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COUS7-HOUSE. Consultations in German and Euglir h. WALL PAPER! ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 6,10, 12,16 and 26 cents per roll. he targest aed moist varied /dock of Wall Paper, - Borders, Window Blinds, Curtins and Fixtures ever offered in this city. Being bought for oath, it Will be old at a very ani/il profit. sir remem b er the pm*, Schetterhi Book Store, Market street, oppumetiroet Drug ziore, Harrisburg. „ 5022-dzm CHOICE Teas, Green and Black, for sale low by NICHOLob at "110WIttAN, k bll Corner frootand liorket stmts. COAL OIL, Natrona, Magnolia, Lucifer, and other non exp:oolve brawls, for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 113b2 Corner Front and Marcel stream CROSS & BLACK WELL'S Celebrated PICKIM, BAUM, RUM BA'S'S, &o. a large s upply of the above, embracing every variety, Join re ceived and for aalo by jlO WM. DOOR. Jr.. & Co. P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW BOAP. H It is economical gad highly detersive. It coo. tams no Eosin and wilt not wade. It In warranted not to injure the bands. It wdt impart an agreauble odor, And is therefore euttabie for every purpose. Nur ado by WM. DOCK. Jr. *CO. 4EENSWiIith, Glassware, stoneware, and Bartheaware, nsw styles. Ibr Ws by 11101i0L3 m 27-y] nottliest korner of Wont and Market Amts. Di4Ul4 Ii 00 ie .tke ply - ► ;*te.:6l7 amustmtnts BRANT'S HALL ! EMPHATIC SUCCESS. LAST EVENING. THE ENTERTAINMENT ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE GRANDEST EVER SEEN IN HARRISBURG. FOR TWO NIGHTS MORE ONLY. T G .11 T, (7' UE SD A Y,) To-Norrow Evening, Wednesday. And Wednesday Afternoon at 2 o'clock. PR - Or. ANDERSON, Known throughout the Globe as the GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH AND THE ONLY ANBEDI=tOIIS PRESTIDIGITATOR, THE FAMOUS MAGICIAN, ILLUSIONIST, PRESTIDIGITATOR, PHYSICIST AND TRAVELER And the only Artlst in the profusion of Magic who performs wth the entire AD NCI OF ANY APPA. RA.11:18, and who can shalt:tile his Performance Iwtrations iaf the Mechanism of Unto, an appa ratus which eon Wyman. No Master of .he 114: is Art has practiced this art more suoceEslully, became more eminent trave'e a further. nr achieved Mere wow:llium thuds than PAuF.ANDc&ON. EACH EVENING AS ANNOIJNCED. Will be produced the Great Magice-Drama of A NIGHT IN WONDER4VORLD UR TEld.los HOU , * IN TB ti RFALII4 iumaroN %Told the MY:110, WONDERFUL and EN Elealorsuo. Toe Mileoluoineot ee og on th • same scs.m of gtandeur as recently produce by the I reamer at the Academy of %Maio. New York, Academy of Music. B stun; academy of aiu is, aroaltlyn end Pores opera Bons:., Cincinnati. Places!, Itetro F °celeriac' Olairvoyett and Seoond Eight 01 oybilMl-a atitt6ReoN The Fal'y or the PordeLo 111.98 F. d NOE ‘aUN Mr. J. U. eliDelltSuN, Jr., Bio-Dynamist lixtrawdi nary 1 I Door open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o'clock. Admi eton 26 , ants. Reserved Sent°, (body of as c,'; 60 Gems. apra-dut THE BEST GOODS FOR THRUM' MON b, A. HUMbigl.i, Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, or every :DESCRIPTION and•at all PRI.OES. Next door to the Court House, MARKET STREET, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash priors. mar2B dBm 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. Black and Second Naming Dress Goods, Shawls, Veils, Collars, &c. Full, X yard wed. Lupine ell wool Debelles. Supe for mitre of 'tomb Muer. Splendid Stylee of French birighamt. La: ge atoct of Lustres and - li a CAS. ea . H act ant YUCI3IO Oren Silks. es Plain blink kngiliti imp Si ta. ea ea Black an I white Floward Purple and Black do. . Plain do. do. c—z as Small Cher:Zed do. Wrap ilium do. X ad wo il De'ainea. rte.' all wool Veletas. o shepherd's Plaids. Tonmstuus. Silk Chill s. co Eng. Chintzes. Scharf, no. Long Black Thibbet Shawls. Square Plaid Slick and White Shawls. Square Thibbet. Block Shawls. 2 yard Wide Thibbet for :bawls, Very Superior hagfish Crepe Vella, all 51249. largel Stook of Snglish Crepe colors. all sous 13 ai Black bordered .m Stitch Handkerchiefs. 1- 4 Black Gloved of every description. AWhite Second Mourning Ooilara. es Setts of Collar and Sleeves. Bilk and Cotton Hosiery. rat Black Love Veils. to Jouvin's Kid Gloves. Engll.b Crepes. Frenob do. Mantu Ribbons Beniog do. Particular attention is paid and invited to our eto,sk of the above goods. Wa are coustantiv re ceiving new adcli tont. Pure Mien tviU always find a hat assartmenr. CaTHOART & BRO PH ea, Neat door co the li.nrrieburg hank. &IS Sc. Ii Market Square MONEY PURSES. PORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK et-books, Bankers' Cases, Ladies' Cabs IFatche.s, Ladies fravaling satchels. We are constantly receiv Col additions to oar stock of the above goods, and nese& easily have a fine assortment of the latest styles. We respectially !write persons wautlag to passingse any si We above articles to era nine the stock—kn Airing tissi a greater variety or better goods (sumo be louud in the city. . . _ KELLER'S Druk and Fancy Store, 91 Market street, one do Jr east, of Yourtn eteeet, south side. . J ERSEY HAM I—Tfn tierces of them justly celebrded sugar cured hams, received any for ea • Jn largo or skims,. quantities . NEW ROUSE FOR SALE. THE new frame house now being buiit on State street UelOW Ziebbpd, Will be MD. hcd. by in. tat of aprd, incluutte; peviag, nd Wale piers. Ap i4Y to tiEtdt.slit C NKLB, merl9-dtf No. 66 Market street. 20 BUILIANG Full, SA.Lh. A SHORT distance west of the capitoi, froo tog on Greed ...a :I....auti and Lane. Price 6170 to SAO. Terms reesonabie G. 60. C , NKLK, mar2l.-d.m No. 66 Mart street .1011E811 Choice Teas, Black anti Green, In X s )4 and 1 pouol yonerr;• fur hale at, NiCLItiL. 4r. BOWMAN'S in corner Front -04 biAricet etrcels. - - NEW GOODS.—We invite atteutlon to our new swokotgootbsjust received. and for sale 'ev , by diOL3 BOWMAN. corner o, ' , root •Lla .dancer streets. JUST RELIAIVED. A LARGE ASSORTMSNT of Family ja. fumes of Mersa styles of binding, at 000, $1 25 fl 60, $2, SE, it, Sk andslo. Also Posses Bibles of dß kraut styles and prices at SOLIEFFI2OB Bookstore, febl6 y SALAD OIL. Alarge supply of fresh Salad Oil. in bug• and small , bo ties, and of different brands inst reeelved and for-vale by WIC , DOCK, Ja. & CO. GUARA JELLY.—A large supply just rewind by WH. DOCK, Jr. & CO. n LAW Et 6 it 1862. groat variety at. exam/Ma g twr vrtv.e4, .1 Sit G 7 1 , 1.:1013 ROMMTnces. ALOT of prime Obsess just received and oresto by NICHJIAS & BAPM&N, Owner Stout and 14aricet streets. CRINB Dried Fruits ,, .I%reah Appk,Bemacr, at. moms mwmAwpa . wryer, Frouteand Hark " TO PARENTS AND NURSES. INFANTILE PLEASURE AND HEALTH. PARENTS, if you desire your children to enjoy health and pleasure, you meet provide the means for them to ex , tette and enjoy theurmices, and for litia there is nothing so good as one of thogo LITTLE LANCASTERIAN CARRIAGES It not only pleases the little ones and gives them healthy exerc se in the open air. but it saves the our es much care, and answers the place of a cralle—the older chll ren take rare of the younger. The Doctors in4st, that children, to be healthy. mu.t have exercise In the ores alr, and our venerable granimas assure us that exercise lo a Utile cur age p events the baby from becoming “iivergrowo" or ruing the eoptne tma." They Ire right. There Is no two ways about It—hut !hire are two kinds o' these carrlagm—one ki id that are bull In I ann. star, and aneuh-ir kmd , hat are net. The Laneasterian Carriages are the But —the stroncest and cheapest. Pe Byre and get rine ; They aro mid bg PHILIP LEBZ MAE It, S Queen St. opposite 00Mtley '8 Tavern, Lancaster, Penna. N.B. 'lbw() carriaecs will be ollared fo sale in Her nebnrg In a e aye, apr 6-ded HAS HEMOVRD 1118 WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE ow' To No. 7, Market Square, 0 .• I- below the Buehler Ho : e•. 4rc- E has constantly on hand a large stock 1. AA of WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WARE of all deseriOlon3. Watches and Jewelry repaired and war-owed. anr2 dims HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store om the come or r erond sod VirMout e'r-,to to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to ties vir ulture Ctere, where tie 'Mende to keepall kindi or k o s (4int, & trl a larg • eio k o Trunk, and every bung in hi. liue of be su.ess ; and wilt be tbanelni to receive the pa , . onage of his o d towers su-d the pith lin general at Ims new "lam 'Tim-loess all kwds .t..° k made I. order i i the beat i-ty a and by superior we. kale./ Pep.' log d no at short notice. r2dtg .14/11N 8. SMITH. T. J. HUMES, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER• HAS opened a paint shop in strawberry ale}, near Third a root, two doors lr m he •• Pa. mt and tu on" t eice,wheie he is prepared to promid ly ezei uta all orde a et in his care. bets also 1 repared to 'adieu c Mega and ca•itr a plec a. stints tame to , p olous dealrhig to dO ihotr own piloting, and told by the pound. aprl d2w* "lIRE Warehouse and Store formerly ou t cuplest by Oro s & Hooke) suitable ler a iorwsrdliag blase and commission business. basins a private 'Ales, and being sit i aloe oa the can •l' .3•1 Pennsylvania rail road; ihere la every facility for doing a torseardiug busi ness. ALSO suitable for a wholesale and read grocery. Possession given immediately. Inquire on the premisoe of Glfo. G. KUNKEL apr2-2wds Canal rreet between &ate and Walnut 1862. APRIL SECOND. 1862. SPRING OPENING OP DRY GOODS BY CATHCART & BROTHER, No. 14, MARKET SQUARE, Nev. door to thl Rani Awn Rank. GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, NO. 88, lanet. ia Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. Ai' N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones' House. metal-Om LADIES CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. Tbiejbest &Ahaba manufactured, can be found at O , ITHOART3', Next door to the Harrisburg Ban k. LAUER'S ALE, PORTER AND BEER. NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of Harrisburg, that the undersigned has authorized Mr. E. Mager to receive orders for any of my matudbc tures. The collecting will be attended to by the under signed. Atli orders left as above will be promptly at tended to. QMAU LAUB d, feb22-dem. Pottsville, Pa. NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. NAZARETH, Northampton county, Pa. Easy of access from Harrisburg by railroad td Easton, and thence seven miles by Stip. Rev. EDWARD H. REICHEL f lina* Principal GARDEN FEEDS.--just eived a large invoice of otioice Garden 6eeds--comprising d greater va inty of irnoorted sad home grovrtn than bee ever been offered to this city. those who may desire to purchase, eau depend up ea getting the bait in the word, at the wholesale stud retail grocery store of W 57. DOCK, JE. & CO. SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPaNION.— vary crnvonieut Writting ; also ; Portfolios, temoratidum Booze, PortmonoaleA, sc.. at 020 !CHF:RW:I4. 4 FMK% 'vox. W.g. DOCK, JR. lc (.0 CuAL o[l, and Cirbon Oil, it is now generally conceded emu ba .o.d lower by us than by any other house in kIMI3. All brands tor •ale by ble.bebt Sown' .n coraJr S' rent aud Markel streets. m7-y CRAB ClDER.—Constantly on hand a Very Superlur &meld of hat <4 CRAB cows. NVA. DOCK, Ja. & Cv FIBH--Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in whole or half barrel, for sale mow by NWHOLB k B Ow3fAN. m27-y] north east corner of Front and narket streets. F —Mackerel rod. 1, 2 ;ALA 3, in H.—Mackerel or bolt' barre Lt. Fresh inrui e for ode low NI. .I.IOL • & BOW W . corner of Front sad Mar at iltitctS. by ut '0 y 10RE ROOM to rent, apply t 3 Dr. S et Mrs. Slicks bc,rMug hoc's, dh oema ker's ruw, k mood street. 00AL OIL, Non.explosive, Chimneys, Covers, Eludes, Lazne of all kinds, fbr sate low by NlottuLB 1k lsoWhinie, m27-y1 north-end corner of Front and Market. streets. SOAP, tiarrieon, Country and Fancy, for sale by N14.11111,-, &WO', KAN, north-east earner of Front and Market streets. FAMILY WAbHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for indigo, for sale at the wholesale sad retail grocery store of CttliStlLD, br‘keu boar, flue and ouarae Weeding and other more for Bahl by Ntt,HolB & BOWILLN, allrrt mner F. 11.40 an a'reeta. SMOKED BEEF.—A splendid lot, large and well cured. WO. 1 MAMMAL in Situ], half bar rols, end berrotre Mow Grocery and Prod dm /WM Bract and bit streets. No) abratistmtnts. REMOVAL. CHARLES A. BOAS, REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH FOR RENT A STORE ROOM, NICHOLS k BOW WAN, corner or Front and Market atreeta Whl DOCK, &it. & CO =CHOU is BOWMAN.