ailjZetitgrao, O APRIBHURC PA p l ow Morning, April 'l, 1562. - The fourth lecture in the course a tick ilf 01 the Young Men's Chribti Asso i3Eitai, will he delivered by the Rev. Dr. Hay, it the Let! emu Church, Fourth street, on d& t.y evening next, April Bth, at half-p .st Sultject —" Reminiscences of a Residence criermany." 131 1 la LIT little three year old was sitting in 61, m other's lap, a few evenings since, when he askol, "Are the stars in heaven?" The rim „, cour6e, responded in the affirmative alit n the fellow put the further question, ” Ate file stripes there, too, mother?" NAP LEITER SYSTBM ABOLISRED.—On the 21st o f 1862, the President approved an act ptvsed by Congrese, authorizing the Post- Otb Drpartment to return all dead letters to ir write's, which new system works more staewidy and with less expense to the Govern- All lettere not reaching their destine tioo, instead of being burned by the cart load, are now carefully sent to the writers, and double postage collected. The following notice on the e ,relups enclosing the dead letter to the post master explains the further object of the new The enclosed letter is sent to the writer, under an act of Congress, approved January 21, 1:',61. If not delivered, and double postage col hied, as rt quired by this new law, it must be returned to the 'Third Assistant Postmaster General' within one month, with the. reasons for 13 ,,n delivery endorsed on it, according to Nihon 199 of Yost Office Regulations. "If retained a longer period, the postmaster will be held accountable for the postage, whether delivered or not. The date of receipt at the post.otlice must be marked on the letter. "The postmaster will not allow the envelope to be opened beforo receiving the postage." Too Mum Wniss.r.—The Norfolk Day Book —mash—complain that the rebels imbibe too freely of the ardent. It says :—"ln the cars, at the shanties, at the groceries, in village caverns and city hotels—whisky. Officers with gold Ltde wound in astonishing involutions , pou their arms, private soldiers. In simple owespun, and civilians in broadcloth, all drink ith great ene•gy and perseverance. They rick it, too, in quantities which would aston ,h the nerves of a cast-iron lamp-post. and of quality which would destroy the digestive or es of the ostrich. Truth is often unpleasant tell, but the public safety demands that the jce in question should be rebuked and re rrned, for it is a fact which the press should iither palliate or conceal, that whiskey which uo more akin to rye than rye is to 'coffee— hisky which is of the unadulterated tangle— , st, chain lightning distillation, is guzzled ,iv a in a manner alike revolting to public eucy and the general good." The PASSovnt.—This Jewish festival week , eneeces on the evening of the 14th instant, en there will, as usual, be a general sus eMu of business among all persons of the .brew faith, and religious services will be di in the Synagogue. During the *antic.- tweof the feast the faithful eat of unleavened d, and on the two first and last days ab •in trona all labor. In preparing for this, the of important religious festival in the Mosaic wader, a large quantity of unleavened bread manufactored and distributed throughout the • , ittd Stites, some of it being shipped even to e West Indies and other foreign ports, where re are no facilities for baking it in the aodtp required. Flour of the finest quality e9d It is mixed with water only, forming thiih paste, which is flattened out and sub , tui in an oven to a temperature of 212 deg. .ucii thoroughly dried, which forms it into deh=rand more or less hard cake, about the nner plate. From the small moisture it it mty be kept a long while without ou rhii; or becoming sour. Any baker may Cis. erunceion to make it upon agreeing to ru to certain regulations laid down for ' 1 ince A Moit.Yro (1 SOUTH CA.BALINA. CRVIALItt.- ‘, More ua a copy of a hand bill sent 1 one of our volunteers at Edisto •south Carolina, advertising the public e , Prime lot of human flesh, at the above ace. The bill reads as follows: ESTATE SALE /GUT Y NEGROES. B LOUIS D. DISADESIIRE. 'I ,, NsAr, 14th February, 1882, at 10 A will be sold at the residen..e of Vllijtllll tieabrook, Sr., Esq., on Edisto .4 Prime Gang of Eighty Negroes, d to the culture of ..Sea Island Cotton, to the estate of the late Robert C. k [am,. —For the Negroes, one third caeh ; and two years, with interest '/ ,, Y of s tie, secured by bond, mortgage P' secuilty, Purchasers to pay for lacy follow the names of the negroes in ,riral order, eel Jimmy, driver; 2 Daphny, r ` , . , servant ; 8 Charlotte, field hand ; 4 ' , de, gardener ; 5 ILtry, nurse ; 6 Bella, and so, on up to number 80, whose name °r , , ) , and described as a field hand and en tar `sale it seems did not take place on the I Ldie.ded, in consequence of the previous LlPatini of the Island by the United States ' Ps and the non attendance of the "chiv ," wh o had suddenly "vamosed the Niche" on the first appearance of the nee tomes. The following la written in ink at the bottom the bill: 'l3 the above property hail not been disposed ' 1 6- 9uratti it to Father ld'Oosker, Chaplain re4iLuent P. V. Dias. SARAH Sraintoofc." Nber It'Cottlier waa formerly the pastor in 4 4e of the Catholic Churches 'in Middle wti, this county, and Elizabethtown, Lucas tttlolluoty. Fie is certainly to be eongrata- Putt his good luck, but we fear he Is .• It/7111 tich in the condition of the man who °a tght the elepintot-:he won't know what to with theta. Tax QUARTER Mama GZNICRAL of the State of Pennsylvania acknowledges to, have received the following donations for the volunteers: From the "Mill Creek soldiers' relief associa tion," 'Doge, box hospital stores, consisting of 9 bed quits, 2 coverlets, .6 sheets, 5 pairs pillow cases, 7 pillows, 4 bed ticks, 1 blanket, 12 towels, 7 shirts, 11, pairs slippers, 2 checker boards, wines and jellies, and other articles. r rom Union aid society of ? Warminster, Bucks county, box hospital supplies, containing 2 cans peaches, 4 jars prunes, 4 cups jellies, 1 bowl grape jam, 1 jar stewed grapes, 1 jar gooseber ries, jelly and pickles, wine, cider, vinegar, catsup, mustard, prepared wheat, farina, cocoa, rusk and crackers, 12 handkerchiefs, 1 pair slippers, 1 box lint, 10 pillows, 2 pillow cases, &o. From the Ladies' aid society of Hat boro, Bucks county, box containing 8 muslin shirts, 8 Canton flannel shirts, 7 pairs drawers, 26 towels, 6 bedticks, 1 sheet, 1 package tracts, 11 pairs carpet slippers, 6 pairs woolen socks, 1 mattress, 18 head pillows and slips, 13 liob pillows and slips, 16 linen handkerchiefs, 2b muslin handkerchiefs, 4 double wrappers, 14 pieces of bandage, 3 sling handkerchiefs, and other articles. From Ladies' aid society of Coatsville, box containing 4 bedticks, 7 quilts, 18 ring pillows, 12 pairs slippers, 4 gray shirts, 6 pairs drawers, 8 red flannel shirts, 11 pails socks, 7 pillows, 22 muslin shirts, 2 bags band ages, 15 p tins drawers, 23 pillow cases, 24 tow els, 86 handkerchiefs, 18 sheets, wit many other articles. From Miss Anna M. D. B. Rigid, Mrs. Matilda B. Th . mac, Mrs. E. Lascelle, Miss Minerva Bennett, Miss Julia Bennett, Mrs. Sid ney L. Hawthorn, Miss Rebecca Hawthorn, Mrs. Harriet Withson, Mrs. klizabeth Ebbs, Mrs. Harriet Bennett, Mrs. E.iza Graves, Mrs. Sarah Carl, m}lene R. and Harriet Id, Shields, (two little glue,) Eli Thatcher„Miss P. Wintdr bottom, Mts. Lambert Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth Hush d, Mrs. L. A. W. Pyle, Miss Bell Husted, Uri. Joseph Jones, Mrs Julia Shea, Mrs. Mary Fullerton, A Friend, and five schools, all of Westchester, 8 boats of valuable hospital stores embracing every variety of articles. R. C. HALE, Quarter-Master General. Harrisburg, Pa., April Bed, 1862. BEADING FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. —Proba bly but few, even of the religious public, are folly aware of the great work that is going on in Supplying our vast army with religious read- Not far from six hundred thousand men 'train the field; our navy may be reckoned at tens of thousands, and there are from twenty to thirty thousand suffering in our various hos pitals. Liaddition to these, there are several thousands of prisoners scattered through the North, and the " Contrabands " at Fortress Monroe, Hilton Head and elsewhere, •who should be included in the charities of the be nevolent. At the commencement of the war, the American Tract Society, New York, began to supply the army and navy with their valuable publications in several different languages.— Some fifty thousand German soldiers in the army have been almost . wholly dependent on this Society for religious reading. Books, tracts and handbills have been issued and circulated in unprecedented numbers. It has been a common thing to ilsue e4itions of a tract num bering from fifty thousand to one hUndred thousand. And the whole number 'of pages distributed, and that of the:purest and choicest kind of reading, cannot be less than flora tw. nty to thirty millions. The demand for these publications is cone stantly increasing. The, pressure upon'the so ciety for grants ` the last' six Months has heen incessant. Appeals are constantly poured in upon the society from obsplains,officers, diem. army committees, nurses in the hospitals and others, throughout the whole extent of the army and navy, 'front karma and the Missis 841'0 gunboats, on the west, to Washington, Fortress Monroe and South Carolina on the east, and Ship Island on the south, urgently asking for the publications of the society.— Every day appropriations are made to meet renewed calls. The society has placed sixty thousand volumes of books in the hands of soldiers and sailors, beside tracts innumerable ; yet not a day passes but a number of applica tions are made which the society has not means to meet. Thousands of dollars have been ex pended in this generous and noble work, and the results have been most gratifying. ,Our soldiers are intelligent to an extent wholly un known in any, previous large army. They wel -1 come reading—they crave it. They cordially and courteously accept the offer of any religious hook, tract or. paper. Thaamount of, good that has been accomplished has been beyond all es timate. When off duty, when confined to the hospital, when thoughts of homa and friends have made the heart tender, when the prospect of battle and sudden death has quickened a desire for religious truth, then these boas, trews, hymns, papers and handbills, have pre sented, in simple and touching words, the story of salvation, and many , haye yielded to the power of the gracious truth. Carony patriot or Christian, any friend of the soldier and sailor, who peril their lives to save all that is dearest to us on earth, do aught else than en courage so noble a work f The society pluses just now, and asks for help to put out for our brave soldiers over two hundred thousand copies of a series of books lately written ex pressly for the army and navy. To carry on this great work, the society depends wholly on the charities of the people. We understand that the various evangelical churches of this city propose to aid in this work by taking up contributions. Let not our sons, brothers, defenders, be forgotten ; but while they fight our battles, and win our victories, let us seek for them the high and blessed knowlege of saving truth. CARPRT ! CrAJIPB 1 WARM I—Raving returned from New York, I now have on band, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which Inffer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 37i cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain ateslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black silk. at $l, worth Si 25 ; black silk 82 inches wide at $1 10, worth Si 37 ; `very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 50; Wm mer sake at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish .inen at 76 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 50 76 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the veskly,silea r which we promise to sell at city. ; prices to wholesale buyers.. . Law; • mB/Ty ° aced% old stand. Pettnsplucinia Mailp adegraph, ittonttav mourning. 'April 7, 1862. Nsw Goons.—l am now selling off my entire stock of gods at and below cost, or 26 per cent. cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 75 cte. to $1 ; shirts, 50 cts.., and 60 cte. with linen bosoms ; night ',hilts, 50 eta ; under shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 cts., all wool ; monkey jackets, 50 ets. to $1 ; cotton and woolen hose 10 cts. to 16 ets ; silk ties, 12k, 15 and 18 cts ; collars, 8 cis. to 15 cte. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 6 ets.; cliffs, 4 and 5 ets. a piece; under sleeves, 18 cts.; fine cambric at 18 and 18 cte. per yard, worth 25 eta.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, and fast collars, 12,1 cte.; all linen bosoms, 15 eta and upwards. If you want cheap and good goods just go to James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manu factory, where be is selling off without reserve. N. 13.—Shirts, &c. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. AITI, -- 1)Y.N11 - i HAnt DYE ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known. l AR others are mere imitthous, and should be avoided Ryon wish to escape ridicule. BABY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beatitiful and natural Brown or Blau., without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFA EN AND. DIrLONAS have been awar ded to W. A. Brronston sin - e t 8 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made the hair of tne patrons of his famous Om •• • Wal A. BaTCHNLOR'S GAIN DYE ryoduese a color not AO be distinguishee from ustare and is waitaitirren not to injure in toe least, however long it may be Gonda. ned, and the ill, ffeum or bad Was remedied. 'Phe:hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. whfeb is prop erly applied at No. 16 flood Street New York. Goldin all the eitee and towns of the United States, by Drlageists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Batelle and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the !bur sides of each box:, ont 1-daw 1 y OR. DUPONCO'S GOLOEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the Maw" ing certideate" front one of the first ladies In Utka, N. Y., who called open my agents In that city (fir "gm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not whit her name made public. but if any one should doubt the won , erful efficiency of , Da. Duroa co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she.conoidered it a duty, as wed as a pie 'sure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I edy 17 years old. she was fast go ing into cons imption—had taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sne is now in re host health.— . "We wer onrUcular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit diroctions accompanying etch box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A BANNS:LB; No. 2, Jones Row, .nd C. H. Ritmo, 91 Barka street, Harris burg, Pa, By sending either of them $1 00 tbroughi be Harrisburg peat Oil cs thn Pills wilViie sent confidentially by mail Lonny 'part of the country;'"freenf festage." N.B.—Look ont for counterfeits. Boy . no Gotten Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Heim. All others is a base imposition and ens ate; therefore, aa you velure year lives and health, (to say nothintof be lug humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those whO show the signature of H. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added eo _account of the Pills aetne unanterleitrol.. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every 'Agent, and they are:rida and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberge,r, Lebanon .• A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg; narks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott- Darliao ;B. G. Wi l d, Rewville ; C. Altiok, Shipper's, J burg ;J. Spangler, Chambersburg E. T. riper, York; J. A. woe - , tvrigbtevßle ; S. S. Stevens, Reading ; and R. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and viii "ge in the United Staten, and by S. D. HO WE, Sol , ' Proprietor. New York. lERI ew 2iDuirtistluents 1862. SPRING OPENING 1862. Black and Second !burning Dress Goods, Shawls, `Veils, CollarCh Fall, X yard wide Lupin's all wool Delaines. • Supe•lor make& of tiombazines. - - Splendid Styles of Peentsh Gingham,. • Largeitock of Lustros and A ipaeoes, ess ••• • Bolck-lent - POrPle - Bresh - E11116.--- * Plain black keglish. Rep •-• Black and' white Floleard Silks Purple and Black do. Plain do. do. Small Checked: tl6. • 1. Neapolitan dO. X all we'll Delatues. .* • • Ifig'd all wool Delaines. •22 Shepherd's Plaids. •• • ea Tamituttuns. Silk Challis. . Brig. Chintzes Bohaire, Long Blank Thibbet ' Shawls. ••,• Square Plaid Slick and Whir° Shawls. Square Thibbet Bleck Shawls. - - . 2 yard Wade Thibbet for shawls, • Very Superior t.ngli'sh Crepe Veils, all sizes. . Larks stook of Buglish*Ciepe Collies, all sizes. - . Black bordered Horn Stitch Handkerchiefs. Slick Gieves of every, description. I=l •White'Sec , od Maiming Cohan. I= • Setts of Coilbr and Sleeves. •-•-• • • Silk and Cotton Hosiery *" Zve _Black Love veils. • ' Jouvin'S Kid ' •a • ' Crepe? • - French do.' Manta Ribbouti. •-• Belting do. . , .„ la . Partici'lei attention is pa;'d and invited te our" stoix of. the above goods. ear constantly; re.- eeitlng quer addi igns. , -Purcut:era .1 4 / 1 atways Aid a full assittmett. C A.THCART ar BRO Next deur to the fl‘rr,isberk Bank, ab No. 11 Market Square. . • FOR, RENT'. qiwo Frame Holm on North Alley. En or ler3. IdU We AY, Corner of Pecoud aid Pine r treets. BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE.' I_LAVING removed my tobacco and P.e .ar tore froin Market to &amigo idreet k 54. 59, (Hedallic's old stand.) tri t ro Untllatl tur n pike' patronage, Sad hOOO by Ind 4ttenli bunnies '' to re ceqe a COIlkiall& ,Ge Of the same, I Wilt- btil Continue to as p a'good x apply of chswiog and sososink tobacco, setters, pipes, Mo. [apr3 d3VI WM. firif.tilfe. A LI: persong • havittg• dame against tho (IL *wide et Mrs. Rare late of 'ilia ...Ay of Aar risborg, ple prdeeftt the - s,ca at the law oiliOa of Jean W., Brown, Esq order tbit they may paid.' ADO Weep kncart g thee:Helios indebted to the fume WU/ please pay up witautifi delay. E. JORDON, aprB-3td • Executor. A BOOK FOR' THE TIMES. American Annual CValopedta and Register of Itrt portant. Events, for 'the Year 1861. In 1 vol• 8 VO. over 750 pages. Cloth $3, Leather $3.60. Published by D. :Appleton 4. (Z . —, Nero York. The design of this work is to furnish a record - of all the importhni knowledge et the y , The'emals of tbi otrieg to them prominence, will, trl course, ' occupy a con•puous par, bulsh other, brat chest—tie QUO% Alt, i ittrature, the Meehan% Arts; An. re •elve due at tention. The war,: wit' be published riabiblval by subso iption, and ready foi delivery io June next. Ad iteas J. F. stitestiAuGH, Harrliburg, Pa., General. Agett for D. APPLIICON & fcit'ehtulitra dosrziptive o the work. aprB-d241&4 • • TO RESTAU RANT' K.EEPERS. FOR SALE.— The catogk, good will and fixture, and lease or the Heeturant under Wyetb's Hall, Harrisburg. Apply on the premised or to ot.L.PORN, a2-Ites- • Broad street, West Harrisburg. A CHOICE lot of ASTER'S' . and TEN ZIL WEEK tl9, witlva general variety of Freak I+tu.~erandGar.tendeeds, received and fJit sale at No. al Market street. KELLF.MB Dragetoro. SALAD OIL. Alarge supply of fresh Salad Oil, in larto snd smaU be Vern, and of different brands lust noeived cad ibr sale by, WIC DOCK, is. & CO. Gu ARA .ISLLiTh-r-A: large supply just Wg. DOM, Ja a lay: IMIZEI WboletalePactory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York A cARI I .TO TEM LADI&R. TAKE NOrICE. FLOWER SEEDS New abvertisimtnts. CHARTIrIAL. Q. HAS REMOVED HIS WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE oce To No. 7, Market Square, ;- : 1:!elowl the Bailie, 80 , 'se. E has constantly on hand a large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WAGE of all descriptions. Viiatehe.3 and Jewelry repaired and warranted. apr2 dlm* *REMOVED. • JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store Pool the corner of Fecond and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET , • Next door tofiarne's Agrleultnie Stare, where he fiteirds to keep all kinds or 800 s a^d Shoes, Gait •re, Am, end a larg€ ate dr of Trunks, and everything in his line of bn sibeSs • and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old customers and the pitbd• in general at his new ffla ,s of Winces. „All kinds of work made to order to the best:style and byaunerior Worktrion. ifepstring , done ai short notiee. Enpr2dtf] JOHN B. 8111T11. T. J. HUMES ROUSE AND'': SIGN' PAINTER. nAS opened a paint shop in Strawberry alley, near Third r reel, two doors from the •• Pe t, lot and no•on ,, Mlice,where he is prepared , to prompt ly axe ute all Ordsfa re tto his care. Bois AIM Frepared to whiten c iliogs and ostle.pleo S. :Lori dlw* FOR RENT TIRE Wzitebtottse andacire.formdfly. coo , & ; copied. by Groli A: Kunkel suitable for a lorwaraing house and commission businesa, havina a private aiding, and being attested on the Canal and Pennsylvania rail read; there la every faculty for doing a forwarding bush nerd AISO A STORE ROOM, suitable for a wholesale and reral groberk. eseeeton given immediately. Inquire on ibe premises of, GKU. G. KUNKEL. apr2.2wd• Canal street between State and Walnut 1862. APRIL' SECOND. - 1862. SPRING - OPENING OY • . DR , Y. GOODS . HT CATHCART & BROTHER, ' No. 14, HAREET SQUARE, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. GEO. W. IicCALLA, WATCHMAKER • & JEWELER, NO. 38, ladireek LIE,: Market Street; Harriiburg. H AS constantly on hand a large stock WATCHES, -JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLANED-WIRE, &0., Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. /NB" N B. Don't Jorget the Ode., opposite the Retest - marBl•dam AGENTS; REA:DIRE _-CONTENTS OP DIME - PANPiti:PPHoBICIM ..141r7disTACKaGit. MAI 10 CANTS. . (Joann& 6 Steete .Commerelal Note 1 Deekto of Work Basket. err G.unes for tke tfootal Otrole. 6 Envelopes to Match. Deelgn.for ZonaveJaeket. 1 sheet B:kiting Paper. 1 ;Design Ladles' Under. Oeuteral.4dvioe to Letter sleeve. , Wrttefs.:. ~,, .1 Dealizaravelllng Drees. 26 Ways Mr Ma . king Monep. 1 Design 'for Girl's, 88. 1 111 6 . Artifice Ladies' Toilet;r, 1.26 Valuable !Wipes. Dawn for Boys' Gator. IC:lender. for 11304 ALSO A POWS OP vaLusecs JEWELRY . We only askone , vi/it frail:4"m customers to Convince Aremsenvaa. tend stamp for a circular. . , W. IL GATNLY CO,„ 1024Vattsatt street. muBl4 . . AGENTS` WANTED. RICHARD'S . . MU" . I_, M TV : R 0 0 N.. CONTAINING Jewelry Stationery itecipes and Designs' for L&DIES AND CIDIDEEN. - k4.4NTS can make one hundred and .(31. pei cent In ever Wilt or village by en gagwg in-'this new enterprise. • Jar Send !tamp for, circul ar. - S C. lilCll ARDOc 00. 2 mar3l.olw N 0.102 Naftali atreat,biew York. - •• - 01111 T . E PAU( LEAF'MATTRESS — ES, " COT ION : TOE MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS CHAIR CUSLIION, LOUNW.S . , - . CAMP STOOLS, Ste., ie. 04 hand and termite at. the very toweat rates for cash ;Rairlitittrehies and 'Sprint Bottoms made to eriler. SOFAS, • LOUNGES, CHAIRS, • HAIR MATTRESSES, &c., Repaired and made equal to uew, very rk monable, al iat No. 149, Ma ket street, oetween Fourth and ittb, fly m .r.28.2md. J : T 86tN14.. KEYSTONE NURSER. • fillE subscriber having taken the man: age ro eaten t-4s nurse y. ii repared to supply its old patrons and o hers with all the leading and well test rd, besides many new and highly reoommeuded van ties of • FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL TREFA, SHRUBS AND VINES. the varieties of fruit trees have been selected o and grown with epics reference t the wants of this market, and embraces the so at &dyable APPLES, APRICO rs, OtLERtiI&S, DWARF AND STANDARD. pRA uS, DWARF AND STANDARD, PEACHES, PLUMS, DRAPE VINES Wall good native varieties. CURRAN IS, GOOSEBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, LAWTON BLAORBEBRIES, - &c: . THF. Olvtitiki.NT . ' 'dB TILT Includes shade treat for streets and lawns, Bvertreen trees from oue t, waive feet . high, Rwrgreeri and De douous shrubs, dm. JACuB dials ' 144-tilw WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYRTH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COUET-HOUSE. Consultations in German and English: mar29-d2m WAIL", PAPER! ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 8,10, 12, 16 and 2b cents per roll. she Largest and 11106 L varied stoak o f Wall Paper, Borders, Window Blinds, Curtin and Fixtures _ . ever offered in this city. Being bought tor clash, it will be old at a very mull profit. jar Remember the place, Scheller's Book Stoie, mi ake t. s t ree t, apponteHrors' Drug time, Harrisburg. y• m22...dzm flagtiAs, - Yr 043 'G area . fitoile*Oei and Etgilikeawarep IstYLK *if, r is 6 * zalikaig smerAtil i tr= t •treets. 2musements. BRANT'S HALL ! METAMORPHOSED INTO A PSYCHOMANTEUM. For Magic, Second Sight, Preatioculancy and Prestidigitation. .FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY ! MONDAY EVENING, APItEL 7th, And the Two following Nights, And WednadarAfternoon at 2 o'clock. jor First appearance in Harrisburg for ten years of be pre eminent artist, PROF..:- ENDERS-ON, Known throughout the Globe as the GREAT WIZARD-OF THE NORTH AND n 32 ONLY AMBIDEXTROUS PRESTIDIGITATOR, THE FAMOUS MAGICIAN, HUMORIST, PRESTIDIGITATOR, PHYSICIST AND TRAVELER And toe only Art et In the profterion of Magic who performs w tit the entire AB KNOS; OP ANY APPA RAM), and who use slternite his Perturmanco with il lustrations of the Mechanism of - Magic, using an appa ratus urhich cost $30,000. No Master of 'he Mule Art has piacticed Oda art more seacemiudy, necame more eminent trove eti further. or achieved more woudrous dards than PROF. AND 6 WON. ON MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, Will be produced the GreatAtagico-Drama of ' A iVIG.Et , t WOSiDEVAIVORLD,' OR TEBEN HOURS IN TB& RRALIdi OR ILLIIIIIIPN, amid 'aka MY1•110, M,EII.D, WONDintrUL CIiaNTII•M. The Enlevainment- be ng • same cca aof grandeur as eeoently produce by tee rofossor at the Academy r unne,,NetrYorir, Aoarienmor hiuslo; Baton; academy cd. Male, Brooklyn and Pikoe'a Ipera House, Oinciduad. Pianist, Retro Remincient Clairvoyant end Second Sight ed t-yl3ll ANOFRaUN The Fet-y of the Porifebo... ... 51184 F..AN.DE stiN Mr.J.: H. 'A NrniftBuN, Atm:Dynamist' lNxtntordtt nary floors open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o , clook. Adel' sion 25 eats. Reserved Seats, (body of Pall,) 50 Genus. apra-dtd SANFORD'S •OPERA HOUSE Third Street, below Market. S. B. SANFORD - - - Proprietor and Manages Also, Sanford'e Opera House, Philadelphia. sdie salon, 25ata.I orchestra chairs, bads Chiloran 15 OMB in yrivadi box . , 7b • Door's open tit. I O'clock l i ornrinatioo to common.: at IX o'clock: - GF&AND coksoLibATloN OP TED TWO OPERA TROUPES WllO WILL. APPEAR IN THEIR , . United Welts [diming itilleinxl or Stets, Not to be Equalled in thelVorld t THE BESTiGOODSION - THE LEAST MENU A. HUMMEL, Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DESCRIPTION aad at. all PIt.T.OE S. Nexi - docetil MARKET,-.I3TBErt. Also s,geueral assortment of TRUNES,'V.A. LOSES and CARPET BAGS, • tit the lowest . cash 'prides, - ' mar2l3-dBra , INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 865 6i - 8674613:01iDWAY" CORNER OF •FRABILIANI: NEvirirdatix:' . first-class house—the moat quietsL homelike, and pleasant hotel in the clty—offers Superior inducement , to those visitiog liar YORK for business or pleasure. IL is central la its location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, iskoonnectlon • w ith TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments caa be had at all hours, or served in their own rooms. the eh tr4es are moderate, the rooms and attendance of the first order—baths, and all the modern convenience attached. malaria MoNEVPV.Rists.' DOSTEMONALES; WALLETS, POCK• ,- - ..Bilkettfitesta,iLiedies!,'Caba . Satekelis,' Ladles Traveling , atchels. We are constantly surely mi. additions to our dock of the above goods, and, memo eerily have a fine aseortment of tee r latest styles. > We respectfully invite persons wasill to, purehase any C 4 tae above ardetee to examine the stockz,kn as , lug bid a greater variety or, better goods canna . lar round In .the city. KgLLgR'S Drug and Banat Stare, , 91 Market street, one doer east of .Fourtti kteeet, iopth side. nil . TERSEY HAM I—Tfn tierces of-these OP justly oslebr .ted sugar cured banes. reoeleed.atie. for ea ain large or Belau quantities; • • ' W.lf. DOCK, At. 4t CO. UNION RESTA:URA.NT, BILLIARD AND BOWLIND'B4LOON, NO. 119 'BUJ:MET STREET, NEAR 1 1 19TH. THE subscribers haviiirerectUrt.alarg e building at tbeabove'place, I:acre - My for the pur,, sea above indicated, beg to cell tiler atteotion of the pub lic to the following': • • Tits ltstiscratar, on the first floor,.'with shining room attached, is timed op to Drat•cLsss style, and wtll at all times to soppted with the best OYSTERS to: be tad in' the Atlantic cities, together MRa terrhOle,:ttabould 'all kinds of game lh wrason. Oystarh• served'ap In every style, sad meals to be had at all,hours. The ales of all the celebrated breweries hi Alia cimntry constantly on . The Ten-pin Ailey, or BOwlingloon,ls in-the roar; and contains three alleys . of,modorn ccomtruction, where the lovers et this healthy etercias daa enjoy themselves. The Billiard Salarialai . iiigetailnley.:7 Aimed up, and cOritida6 three ,marble top combination cuahion ta bles, equal to any made. Tiarrusburg has tong felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the preprietore are determine to conduct it in a quiet and orderly. manner, and do eve rything in their power to make IL a fam , ionable resort, they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patronage -ja&dtf WILLI an C. IicFaDOWN at 00. NEW HOUSE - BOIL SALE. . rin tr i tr a n d e o rgt 4i n w ? u w iii b il t i r egi,b -b y u .ib ii! ibt of April, inuluarag pawing, gas sad water pips". Ap, ply to CuNKLII, ' imarlg-dtt ; No. 88 Market street, • 20 BUILDINa L tO , P.• ; 1 1 0:11 , P 3ALI6.‘ ASHORT distance w.catof the capitol, Crowing on Grand and Irtainioitd Lane. prima sl7b to S2OO. TetSlll6:4lBoliSble by GSIG. ;No. 86 Market street vit&Sti Choice Tess, Bidek and (ireen, 1n }(,'hand 1 PiniPulakersjor tribiat. NICHOLS BOW MA141% ' corner LFTout-seo , ktiflot streets, NEW GOODS.—We invite attention to our new iteekoripeedsjost reoeired. and , forseie `ow by NI,EOIS & BOwNA:f, ' terrier of Front and garketatreent. . , A 14R I GE ASi3oRTMENT of F4(kily 3.1-MirgsASA,9,r, ..trs _ * R . , tle 0 . kirent 4 V -. 0 11 . TOObirgirfk' U grolbiti • es, We sre prepar ' of every descrip: ay other establish dNa. — " -^ /e-halfequaiv. Eight NICIIOLS & BOWaqu"4. Corner of Front and Market!, (V. Hummers old stay' TT AVE determined to place... jlll stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS . 2 60 0 0 age. 6 00 .. 10 00 at prices to snit the present hard r.• ....... ..... .16 00 spectfully call the attention of tU the //eel Chime % el CKNTYIPtxt *." 3,1 t or Harrisburg and vicinity to their eel of goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEMONS, ORANGES, CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, &o. f cot ton We have also gone to considerable trouble learned getting the sale of several brands of COAL OIL, All of which we warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE. TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, as far as pranticable. Among others, we have on band NATRONA,, ' MAGNOLIA, LUCIFER, ROBINSON. All of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and lower than any other house in Harrisburg. Also, all kinds of OUT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE We also invite attention to our well selected and extensive assortment of . QIIBENSWARE. Cell at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Barrisburg, Pa., I') 3E 2 I A.' IV CO ' EL XTEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the be 11 makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MEETS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins., Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Eanjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and Mil& • cal merohandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATLONS always on hand. Musks sent by mail to any part of the country. , OVAL, SQUARE, GILT- AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, gultable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shertest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street. febl9•wasly 10,0 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 'EE suhscriber offers for sale, on terms jr, favorableto purchasers, one hundred building lots vadooely situated to the north western and eastern parts of the eity of ibuTheorg. On lean stress, Fosser avant% !Idle/treat, Ridge avenue, aad oil State street, east or Parton creek, between said creek sad the Harrisburg eethetery. For farther partieulars Inquire the subscriber re siding on Pront street In said city. JNO. FOSS. marlo.lm PROF. ADOLPH P. THITHER, TOULD respeotftilly inform his old patrons and the public genera_l th at he will centime to give Instructions on the PIANO FORTE, NE. 'LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. He will 'moth pleasure wait upon pupils at their notnes at any boar desired, or lessons will be gives a tile residence, in Third street, a. few doom below lb German Reformed Church. ff IdADIEB CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. The;beet article manutintured, can be found at CATHCART", Next dpor to the Harrisburg Ban k. LAUER'S ALE, PORT it'lt 'AND DEER NOTICE is hereby giyen to the citizens :12.1 of Harrisburg, that the wrierslgned has authorised Mr. E. Mager to restive orders for any of my -manufac tures. The collecting will be attended tdby the under. signed. All orders left as above will be promptly at tended to. Gatateg LAUE,t, Teb.22-clant. Pottevilie, Pa. 'NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. XT A ZA.RET , Northampton county, Pa. Faiy of access fro n .Rarrisourg by railroad to Roston, and Menne seven miles by st ,ge. Rev. &MARI) H. REMUS% Principal ihn* GikDEIC SEEDS.--Just received a large Invoice of a Woe Oar leo Seeds—compriming a greater re tat) , of int ,orual and home grow Li than has ever been offered ic this city. rho.° who may desire to puretutak we depend up hi getting the beat in the word, at the woolesam awl retail grocery store of WM. DOCK, J & CO. SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION.- A very crumicat Writting DWIK ; also, Portfolioe, xemorandum Boone, rOtimoaaates, atc., at n 21.1 :CHEF Figiv...4 EtnOrirrlAL COAL OIL and Carbon Oil, k is now generally eonoeded elm be scud lower by ne than by any other noose in town tall breeds tor ale by Nabobs Bowut .n, comic if runt and Market greets. 3327-y CRAB ClPER.—Constantly on hand a Ivry superior article of ►XT .. cepa amt. Wa. DOCK., JR. & 00 FISH.—Noe. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in whole or half barrel, for sate low by NICHOLS & B °WHAM n 47 y] north east corner of *oat and Market streets. F".—Mackerel Isles. 1, 2 and 3, in who.e or halt barrels. Break inroi e for a Lie low N.t.. ROL - tc BOW N carnal' of Front and Mu •et street& IRE ."10RE ROOM to rent, apply to Dr. Himooll, xY Kr& Etwrk s bo.rdlog, lab oemek. ear's row, teooad knot. al-Brs :00A.L OIL, Non-explosive, Chimneys, 'kJ Coven, PhAden, Lampe of sU Wade, fbr sate low by. N 1011043 m27 -y1 narth-out corner of Front And. Market. streets. r,QOaP, ttarrison, Country and Fancy, for sale by & BOW KAN, wW7-yl north-east corner of Front and Motet streets. FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo; for sale at the wholesale and retail grocery aloes of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner or Brent and Market street' -CRUS4ILD, broken loaf, fine and Cairn. pifferlased and other sugars for We by NICHOLS & HOWMANAII Corner From and market • street& • SMOKED BEEF.—A splendid lot, large and well oared. WM. DOCK, Jll. k CO. Co, MAOKERA-Vin Kitts, half bar mpg, aadlatritds; all Melba . Grocery and Prod ‘ BiOn More, Frout AndMireresirpote. P • um= a sowmas. out m 25 1 26 2 00 8 00 6 00 B 00 urged as regular 94- of one cent he let day .ton held