fiiatital EllaXlßl PROPYI~MINJ ~ TXB JQEW REMEDY FOR Riititr .. .k_at't.t.4.4:': A NEW REMEDY, POE A CERTAIN REMEDY, .dIAKIT2 -NHEUMATHIM, CHRONIC REIEUAIATISH RHEIIMA77BM 011 : 4IVIIKI; KIND; MolarOUß. tl4 agr i ATUBB O e, • . • H t O) • pROPIPTIMILV If" NON .I; ' OtiNWERAIA WILL, CURS ITS, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. ! ? DOCTORS BK&D, AXAIONE, TRY IT. THE BEST TISTImoNY, - BAST IikDIOAL AUTiIoKITY. ./- 1 I: DOC.TORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE 17 • - orRIALLOANYPTKUM PENNS Y LV.,IA HOSPITAL. [Farm Conecisi, licist.rtat , MAY 19, 1860, --Ellen 214, single, tie e r was very strong. Two years agdzbe had ad Mutt* orients rheuma • tima t irom winch sher Was conflated to heabed tor two weeks and subseqem.y from &relapse tar four more. She ha ' s biiim well alone then till last Saturday, while engaged in nod* cleaning, elm took cold, had pain In her back, felt's6lll, hot bad so decided chill. TwO4syll. later her ankles be. gan so 'Well, which was *fOltd*Cd - by swelling of the knee Joints and of gap hands. She has now dull pain In her shoulders, ena her knuckles are vary tender, red and pintlfnl' , 'lfotblialitMare affected; . butkth,3 l rl bt is most so, Thle, then, Is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as it Is now fashionably called, rheumatic lever. It is a well remarred typical case. We wilitniteefulli welch the ; case, apd . trom -time to ti tee ash our attention to the vary; Outlay mptome Wiach presen t " themselves. My C.,tief obybol in bringing her before you no*, fitfebthathattthiben Ito , e remedy which has recenity,been,f eaten insulted In the treatment of rheumatism. 1 m :an propylnatine. Dr. wenarlus, of nt.a.lestersburgi recommends .It in the highest terms, having derived great,oeaeit from its use in 250 cast* *Meth him° udderMs hare. Various co to montialerpteetimonials respecting. it have , appeared In our Journals, and/ -propose therefore to give it_lnother trial. I must coadsmidam pismiys meredisionvesrto the worth of new retheinee, whion ern vaunted as Specifies ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOSE-DAYS LATER I MAT 1111,0110011wili nOroxiblbit the illtientfir" whom T. prescribed. Vro" pylanlid . 0, andilltalt thaltt. lattpr lug wader an attack of acute rheumatism. She bins madly taken it in doisiatif , Xttree grAiu, avery.liwo Were (intermitting it at ntghq The day after you saw her, t found her much mute ccutifdilahle, batik Ulan she ex pected to be for a week Or:lllorojudgtng from her other Witco. (the patient naiv room.) The Improvement sae t or prtworood, and yobs it.canuot fail to notice a Worked' change In the appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all'of their =Oat size.— Thus far our experiment would havq seemed ,very .suc easeful ; but., gentlemen; we must Walt little while be fore we can give a detained opinion ati,to to be the result.. Here is &dealer patient whb 'w planed on the use of the same medicioe on dundAy nisi; she has Wog been suffering from c urtinla rheumatism, and f found her et that time with an wine S„ttiteilt supervening upon her ohroults affection. the'wensind twenties' efere much awshilni and UMW. too* ohlortdo a..ErPPY I 4 - multi In three grain Oozed every two nours t and you will gamely° that the swentng of tue joints has much dimin ished. THREE DANS -LATER 1 ! MAY 26, 1860.—This Is the case of acbte rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first el tnose to which I called yourattnouuaatuur last Gallia , See is stilt very comfortable, and Is now t.king three grains Innen daily. In this ciao it has secmcd to bd'lbiiowcd by very eat islactory results. The second to winch your talon. lion was Callo4 at our last lecture, has also continued to do wet r I will fibwitiring bbfore very dbaracter laktiase of acute ihsuutatiste, and It the result be sat factory, "I think, as good jurymen, we snail Justly render our verdict in favor et propylaeum He Is a seaman, set. 26, Who weir admitted &Yew days' ego., .I;lantute OClaßiOnal rheumatic pains, ,bist, net BO dts to keep his bed, eau! men days ago. Tee pains began In his right gums, subsequenhy alluded the left:Knee, and later, toe loh (Whir 6ppdr extremities. These Joints are all inginien,joinne.npogumier. tLs tongnelteAcren.,.. hie eninoti prompt dly, Weep there thus been much . sweapig. 4rib - us fairield He Lagingy , ,tuteknronjleautielor tetentyirtete flours. ( TWls__lentleften wtiat Tay beicalipil,a Fig ty 0%1 osintret" Alta fhetithgdsdi. Theifi l Was ) di die ti cold anaPiW nedittits'efallasUrtf' lb 16116wha' b %Ifni' of notch** devtilif irttbiltrai Oh; Nekitalii; iut It 'fatally' , doec , lnrthirloWilijoinft.' Titter/ lb bai , eflkiNhh peerage suiritibb attieniiinnbd Stager 2•lieumatifilii: I Ind net bring this patluat, taboo you with the inlet - 1W Lion of glyips you a lecture on all the points conmekited' with Th*11%26114114 btu to lo g new remedy we aro testing, and to exhibit to yob. itllbir typical callous I Laps Calleka, 141.13 witine cadre co slid nut be Katip4 the , itiedlaiiile question:: ~.We areolierefors, alluding tne use, et nil other itedfifines, even atio Iyaos, that tlierd may be Ete, intskleingraitao wltlith taus thteefikrieutt remedy. P. You' shaliaisetlie case of *deters oltutm • +, .• 11 914 o =ME FAVORABLE _YEIIDMT._ Jthri9, 1860. ' .LThi next of our convalescents is the ease of souls rkrwat}tlttutp.sforikstot stppr elisioA t May 20th, which t thou Ltillea a„typtoti oaso,.artil__wlueh it Was remarked wacinkihle .opportattity ,tor ..toattog the worth of our leAc i rppiedy. it therefor.) nes elly tii given to tt . Oityor every two hours for four days. The page lot stoog_rory,qtroly, ow. is now able to weak abo •as you see. Ido not itesitsLo Lo s.y Lost 1 have wives. seen aslieverra dew ut,...cule rheumatism so BOOu restored to twalth)as I ietuni tan' been, Bud without beturprepitrod - tonecide postale ilea to the, ir al. to of did'retriedy we"tottfroidd,`t Ml hbolikt te 'stale, thattinnitibusea in welsh Werti.iVe Weld the•Ohlarftlie o Propounisoi arch outwits wow' eassateLt •Letstritettith.. muohuderitee than ander , lhetreatineta 'orchtnintp. Our+ suede.. ktrishlwatletneriaotr wouldoyounitelLes try it{ and reportettrowesults. ' t• • s! , • 4.. f ....... ... .... ~ - .. .-- For a tun rapt& ot-which,thaabove-ht a eondensad extract, see tie ..klObtZlitkpeit: Neon( cad ,4ire7cas: ,Re pertrr. It le the report alter a !air troll by the but pled lad authority In this Ointetly, and makes it unnieteasary r to giitf oniiadto - biz 'a eltibel!* , front: ea r l:ached doete . and rejoionig penetnt ' ••••", • r A SPEEIAAWN, AN drIACTUAL CURE TELEheilit pfiCriT . • ' ' IN X VERY-egg*, r. WHNNIVirigR Viral* ro.n grgeNgirglevagim, WHISIITILIS DON'S,LII • 0 , 11.1 P, Zl, .1 'ATINUISADOSAOAIN• .21 t. Bullock grereierhaw; ktirm well - known to mostmedi• cal oten;by'vitiotir the Elixir PrOpylanrifie' hat been lb. troduced, have arit,iwys . 4 , Obifud;%e tare it seasorthario the original recipe, and we have mad arTioiiiimiibta: or aural "iiignitiidicae ter enable-un to %o aiihriggt aditiring thhthl:l)lq! - ' 0,1 • r , • ftt9 v !I! ,E .1- • t. -11 , • A 35MP.TC 1 ../XXITORS.... If you prefer to.use,the, same reined,yebx another :Ruin we in V4y. ou w r . at t a .PN#' Poea.OP r Pauianituitirui LIQUIDO , - 1. • . PITNI Paornr wars CoproildaAtto, p ue. b:4444,144:12gii4 of istitistrwirszerthif ma7ru 3 t 131 7 21 ::,: : igif'Wiiiiill4ll46l.lo: ite 414 ? f0r MLitt' Propylainlno than is opoisaisiA *Ansa crystalised Chloride . , of Propy- lamina. ' THE D 3 AND ITRY - BE ACCOMMENII DiRKTIONS„ i BY ANY ONE, ' , aIY EVERY ONE, WIEO UNiTISit Or ANY KIND; • Sold Sn•Harrlsbnrg by Ai. MIL kilarnAL . k , ,Ordert may be addressed to PR9,I:WomfiztAkiIyWACTURINO Co.,+ Officei - No. - No,- 4i- - S. e aSiCabisaut exreeik , , to:od!dir or the following =2=l BULL OK kStigitf, EVNIE, RH:Milton uo:, _.— -Jam M. hi P i W gZer ril i rl b°" ‘ ' MOM; soT74li. PEROT dr 00 .ffl PRiumulag 76 Destroy—Rats, 'Roaches, &o. 7b Dest f pg 7 - 7 ,1110, Moles, and Anti. . lb fieitrcy—`434-bngs. r •'• • ' lb Destroy—Moths In•Ftltit; Clothes, &c. To Destroy—ldosquiteeli and Fleas. T 7s Dortroytosecte a cm Plants and Fowls: To Destroy = ---Ipeecte onittolmals, &c, Destroy—Everytorm and specie of Vermin . . rtnor bil C:OfiiiiSY Used by—the City Hotela—sitator'—'St.Nicho- I &c. .... _ _ b.:444-W Boat ftbilsetrisid.f tiA I Used InF-Inore than 00,000 Private Familiea. ftle one of two Specitnersk of what is is:wry - whim* by the People—Edit2te—Dealers, B,c. aiiMORE Gkigisi.and provisions are destroyed nuttily in Grant county by vermin, than w uld pay for tons of this Rat and Insedt Killer. (fria.)iieraki. ~. . • kINRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your p • parations rapidly: Whereverthey have been u. ~., Rats, diice,Boaches and_V ermin.dmappear. I istiy. BO HM & Srotrusa, -- : . - Drtigifyiti,:Wliidsor, Md. In - MORECONWIMIaT4 AND ALWAYS FOR IMMEDLiTR USE, Principal Whalenle-and. Retail Agents at HEirriabtirg. and . by the 'Datraciten, STOMP iviepirmsload Refir:uraegenerally. 1.. .. .. .. , . .. .. rab Coperayijltzways can order es above • 1 Cir Eni:dress, eiders direct—[or if Price,' ',...., Tertna, - the., is Atißireo; . [1" . send for [1862] Citinl4r;ifFinitrectue4 Prices] ,: ,1": le Doe ! " uttitirritSo,B%V., 1 4r4p0i.,640 612 ways-r.wppotk site - tlis Btr Nicholas Hotel;) New York.: , Ceitliy 7 tt ti;fiteTbfelated abo , de, and the bonerulti eflecta of M'Conaeit's Golden Blectrio 01 on many of our neighbors. HICNHY ANIArj ~ C EBaJILY, I A. P. SW3, (Bridgeport Hotel.) .1, --. Blibl.iMilint CLaY, , . a, , • J. LONG.bNathidsii,tigsq. . ~... Ihave been using Dr. Bares Croup Syrup Inlay ily - for the put teo yesre. I would not be without t any priceTairmy - chtlaren are - subject to Colds - inn C up. I believe I have - saved their Lytle - by the use of medicine:No family with Childrett outht hi be r , .. , ~K . TAM) PSotg4 Iv tiOw thou) G. , le - s w ii i, 4,th - tll4 1 Mute Cozzod. Dog? tly &All. 4.tattiC:—l theitiyod Most kincete,y rthe Viol you gave me for my eyes. Theme et ly used it a igw , tifoes, and am now entirely tree from indamation a adieus which is inure thantibitelbeerifor.thellina Ave years. ..- 1 tope God st Ut Isieassou for „the frAgglit No pernon effitetia with weak or fainted sore eyes ought to be w Matt it 104 ' " ' .1. '" , . . 5 1 CI? MI litit Being well acquainted with J.ll. AIM *blithe , `c of tles to above is correct and true, as Illngtitirrnet it ' may rlieem. J. B liEl2di cks.aplhdpork ir er, 'it r t 4 o, VaTior r i t ret - fi l ar:t e a ttg iv Via ' ta r e t; cents°, and all iteeeet diseivietecurikliwith same sue ,or no charge, ~ ~,- .. , i_...., 1 en per cent. witi be Paid, to At. Petalina,selling eye or m re dozen , . i , s4,ltlt, 20.dawtf t ' I - ' '' ' llartisbilig Pa. . . uasTE". FOl CLE i ItiSBURG ;11 . 1i $1.25 THROUGH. Y 0 GETITSBUNI - - HE Tundeonigiiid - fiarLestablished a reghhir yFO II :4T4A O CX13.1411- burg, cotsn Amery . C.* plows" withiyiShkelys, ao I'Vehey cars. The coaches Icave every ye 7 Tu es d a y 4 zeurasy aad..Satortlay.reisicaia4 every bar day. Passengers for Shopoesdswae„ 00 5 b 4rg teihburg . aad - fieslysourg - tre - tairrted at rtaelied•va:es Pik 0 1. ." URGEOI4 -- DENTIST FEE& ED3 qte' Borriaburg and "its re..o putdio pgronamanp Woes oh 'ahoy, dati efit MN SURE bpi grim i skroiploreatigfenttoriair Ms pro ion. Being anold i *ell tried untiiil„.lle,tesis sa t o , n tang gao publkwgeia to•vall.esAiiii assuring tnal,the.Y. witt l 4 ol-11 4.0nlooltgileiLontli• De No. 128 Market street, irkAboltiougejorgeees i mp,„ ed by Jasob B. Eby, near itip.,44044 . 444 40 ,u 0 ,04 b L i grAbt ,rot,- Ai; is'eSlaiiNlPAY illEil 1121 E Ilt_aluitsp_Gurrents,...Raisins _ Citron. , !and lainanroalitnnida =ad Gaol and PrfqinitarNMo94nat trmtaandAslarkeil APAIMAIMAIkau-Isis" :111MMOIBM BOWMAN: ii I=l=lll =MEM M'CONNELL'S iftisctliantour DARLING'S LIVERREGULATOR , AND LIFE. BITTERSp A: RE pure vegitUiblE 4 extrudts: They ;ink: e . itre aA' Winn,. dtsordere di the finnian zyinem.— rboy 'regulate and invigorate the. liver • and ltindeyv; 'they . *ye time to.tho dlys e tive organs; they regabite the .tiretiou+, oxen:boos and ezttalatiA nz, equalize th e of— on; and nerdy' the bided.'' Th&till bilious comnlide• —km. of which are .'dryid Deno, Bak deadaribe, - vi .,Flles,thille and Fevers, Coadveneas. or. Lowe. uZin. 7 fire entirely ~.oldsoled aqdczved by. ibese rem.. d. vr. ' ... • . '' ' ' • ' DE44:IIN ':- - 1 1 LIVER : REGIILATOR mov6the albrbfiCand Militia's deOgiti Crtott tbo illin. K hi t h and towels; re/Anton' thh flier and kklikya, remok:: to every obstrubdon, restores &natural and boallay aci. , titoiu t h e vital organs. ;Itla a ouperdr_ . , i ii u :, - FAMELY MEDICINE, 1, , ... ,pooh better than - 011 N and: inucli easier Wink°. : • '1 , : .PA 11 14 0 4 ,r. 'R 13M111$ ; . Isa s uper or. and (ninth* s. eXIZIWWt bli• Maas -011 , . s of appople, flatulently, female weakness, Irregnizp , peel e Side and Waal, blind, pttitrudldg add o DiAt "if Viileiscandigenneabdebillty. . ...... i R&AD4HIS FOLLOWING TEE/NAOMI ; . • • Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fallon 'Wet, New brk, writes, August 18, 1860 : "I have been afflicted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years ; I teed • . DARLINCI'S f V FAI titltillf "... , * ' LIFE BITTERS,'. . ` ." Lid now consider myself lIIIRILY CUPID... • 14 , oe.'Jotin A. Oro Writes, .Itrooltitn, March 16, 111 M. thispiiiig of 18691 took a severe cold; *filch istlne a violent fever. r took Iwo doses of . . , .: i DARLINGS LIVER REGULATOR.' . . . , . it broke up my cold and fever at mice. Previous to lltle atails, Lima been , troubled with dyspepsia several m utile ; I have Jett nothing of it since." I , fills:Aridly, E5q., , 128 East With Street, N. Y., writes : "August 12, 1260—1 had a eilaculty with Kidney . Com. plaint three years with constant pain in the small of my. back. •1 had used meet Mild:ids at medicines, but found no permanent relief until 1 need - DARLING'S .LIVRB LNVIGORATOB, LIFE BITTF,IIS passed clottedbissod by the grethrit. lam now en- II y cured, and Mk° please's° In recommending, these il r °dim." , , . ~ , • hlra , C..Tebow, U ,Chrletopher Street, N. 1%, writes : 1 1tob 20, 1890.-1 have been subject to &Wets of Assn. mit the last twenty years , I.h Lye sever found anything , - Darhnes:LiVer Regulator; ' n afibitting immediate relict. It Is a thorough !Ater arid birremedy!' ' , , . . Ire .'Young, of aboilyn,vrritits,,ltireibritary 29,18110. In easy Jest L hada severe ottastkof Piles, which condo. edime to the house. I to& one bottle o?. .. 1 DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS . , . . . era was,entirely ffitSed.„. I have Wein° attack stone." . D. Westervelt, Esqe, of ,South 6tb neat 9th Street,-Wil. lhunsburg, -L. I.iwrltes: "August bl•lBBo.—Raving been , trtubled with a difficulty in the'Laver% and subset to bil -1 lots attlielie, I-was advatedtbyte hiend : • i I DARI....ING's LIVER REGIIIATOR, • . 1 lid go, and found it to operate admirably, removing the , t and arousing the liver to noUvity. 1 have also used Ii It , , ~ . 4100 1 of is, FAMILY "ALCM ow ehlldien are out of aorta, we give them a drops and lt sato dsiro all rig*, 1 Add mess' the eral wants °flip stqWW,handSoKehi *hell dlsorder- P 1 If you Ned either or both or tbese most ex eat Remedies, Inquire for the stores.; if you not_lind them, teacup other, but inclose .One Dollar tatter, and on receipt-of themoney i the Remedy or . adios rill bo Gent soconlisig to yourdlreo Wiwi, by it or express, polibpaid. Address, DA.W.T., S. DARLING. Nassaulo2street New York. ' tupln 80 cent and sllBottete each. t24-d6Lu :41INt" ' IPPriaa - ro=s2" J. E undertignext Commissioners of Dauphin county, ra., Malta known to the taxable ttaots witultt said county, and those owning real L within the county aforesa i d that appeals will be pn the valuatteh ea.realintut by the di stwattra of all ad persJual prep?rty Latabla for State aud county ter tee •lucid limy, said appeals htunmencing Mara 24th, at the public house of George Hoak ,'r tee towusutp ti tr. oath" Mattoverc • • . 0 East Hanover, at We pebau house' of Abraham , on fuesuay,,the 26th datnf 'Baron Men ••••• West Hanover, at tno punho hhuses.os John Busk, eduesday. tut of...Wirth test. , • • Susquebannir.lownahlpv iat:tha county Cot ,in we CommLasionerm Maas Don ffnursday, a •' ' day of Mayon lust. . • ot. dwatara Wwnship, in the Court House albrasaid, (day, the 26th dty or liarr.h. mit • Halifax, and Reed towastilys, ou Tuesday, the eth .f April, ict the paella Louse O. John By rod. 6 - ' 1 Jeffersowtowaship, at•Um house of John Hoffman, r on pie e,) Woiluesday, Apr,' 9th, 1862. • Joskson tovauatup, at the house of John Mx on lhursday, 4im,loth day of April. Washitigwu tswaship,at the public house of James • an, oe Orulay, the tub day of April. .•• the township of Wi.cantact., the pub thrhouselir Hoffman, In Lykenstows„onaaturdny, the lath day 11. . . Lykons townebje And borough , or -Orals, on Mon . t Baum'a.Savgn,, la•. Grata, we Monday.; Ake 14th the towasiklipt MAUI, atthe public houee.of Bea . Bordner, 4t,Mer4ystiurtf r on lesidaritholath chly rtl. the tewuship of.Uppw Raiton and Millersburg,3t ..en 'tavern, on .Wetinasday, the Idth day -Of • 1 4 . 7, the township o (Middle paest.oo, Rush and Daup •it at the public .ttettse. l:Mck if, dm - D. LI;, on ThurodAy, tpa la day of April; the township Lowor Paxton, at Glicbrispa on katorday;lho . lilitt day of April. 3.• die township of Lower zwstara, at the pith 4o h of Mrs. LeMnpui, the bri011: • tbb bororigtf ottHirearli,) Ago. p 11; house of Valemine Dotson, on eitLy, iko • A' April. , the toviiushiti Of LondOndeilry,' at Helper's Tavern, eduedlilay, the tlid 114 of sprit. I • r tue tAvustrip of Omewago, at Snyder's Tavern, on T day, the 44th day of Apr il. .flllololollAbrplinThify' , of tie, m iiummalstotttii• uh Irldrif,"*the ?btu day of r • 'or the Sixth and Fifth wards of tlth city of Harrisburg, at . e,OeurtAloons, l iothe Mica of the County: Gomm- Menem, VI ,Tuaidny t May 6th last. . or toe Pourtit-ward of aaid city, at the same place, on y r the of MAy. • - —-• • - - -- - Taint ward or said city, at the same place, on "ur d S the litteday-of Slay. " • • orlhe the 9th'illay`o First and f ,plicood, wards 4: Ejsq : cityon Fit Md 4; CiimMiAondes tneAforli hOy Ihgt owing WO:agave/ aggrieved ty.tholr teipijotlye valnia,-; ra 141404 e; Wrilillte obtlee &icor a / 1 '1;40# Jr' rikilketthe -places Of aPPearfot'redeis• 40,4 g.,:nnusloce atTo'clotli P. JA.C.OB, lair.oicas ,o A itliSlaClE, HENitYIitOYEM. Commissioners. tteet:l4.lboule Mims% ,1?.. Merman* are requested tote punctualle their :edam* on the day of appeal; ni(l4ltwtd A!/1 Wa' Promised Ati 'Ohtr . , _. . 70 e,...:v ;;;::,-----:G 'ff--11r.tjAlkf - ::-. 40441 1,, _ t 41.0 D ' ~" c , ..4 - 1..7,17" - _,-.1 *---- J...,.. , Allikos, --'-- ek 0. .. ' 7 , r_CISr.. 7I }.. 1. ,L:M ' . ''. ' 1 " -rrir "'---:___-- I;—_,.-- ---- ' ,- N: NN . ‘ • • , . • iPEPINOTS EA*: DY4NG , ACEPTABLISILKENT i L I V A__Tfur AC O 4,;eiteiwei , ,i ith:.( . s4. 6t/i • ..-.41 1 / 4 .4 Al 11.01 GI, 'P A. , V HEREcilie.ll daticripijoia of Ladies' arldfientlemans'_Garminia _Piece Goods,..hc., are OF --, . Cleanse& and Eniahed. in thabast manner and at lA. shorteit notion. - - DODGE At PI, ' nrE.dawly Proprietors. _ . . i XTRAilatitLY: FLO Ultttio fourthratki I hall bbilikolSa also, Wholesale and retail at th Ne • Grodety 'amid Provision &ore, Front and Merkel sta. - - ' ---"-• . -0- r__,.. - - -NIVOLF.I At BOWMAN: , _ ,A OAL . M.L . 4 - . ,BEST COAL OIL Wileitsal la aa# Retail, for wile by , NICHOLS & BOWMAN? . . ~__._ :: • • owneelithrat and Rubel Amts. lotple Se; tgrositßa SOMETHING FOR THE TIRES! I fir A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Ceinent Glue THE sTRONGFsT GLUE IN TS E wok' D THE OREAPaY GLUE Lkl TEE Vont). THE NOSY DIIRARLE GLUE IN TIM WORLD. TEE ONLY RELIABLE OUR iN 7'Hfi THE nut! . Ocus T HE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE lo:the,OOly irlaclo or tho . liand ever produoo4 wbich WILL WITHSTAND- WATER: rr , Save your itrolcao , ForelLUSe. IT WILL MEN)) LEAVHEIt, Mend r . °°! Pa!atEii , str!l44Pe*Scitib IT WILL MEND-41.11.0313V r• Savolhe Pee& or ilia expenkre,s oat Wok Bottle', itt END ntoA 4 t Dam arm away that. aroicen Ivory Pan, t► to sully ro. ~! t••• • !air brakes . 1 40'it'!4"Oe s pe"! and Eauemil can tle made ati goid as sent . „ , • r .rNt 7l' L . - 1 010 1 41 BM / 144- k i; i 44 4 .1 O l g a l l " put on u i tirgue‘r.: - FL' WILL MEND `''OBLIELAIN;- NO tiled*, U um% trekei atriibtiCabil IA ling is abilline immectti • Walling lam& 14114; grin AIMASTEIr s Thate°l44lbibaluie .f4n1.411t mlto~6 It, rcieut it, it diver Witten ut together. It 'will Mend Bone, -and - in fact-everythingthntliethlo. • Aily'aralotieliteott ',Ni l Alllll.ldt btaisprr •will not crw itbsie kr tided." •.• • 7 ME ItTVz/ Efkatiektia , latt, 4 b)dlik, iro 10'2_01 or „pins lcUalere =anon vomest r. 2.llllEit: • to Bi 00/17011141111 whale kt tee .Irtideea"— - Y. *nu.A io • r , „ `it 2 i .. 11 ti away' reedy ; Wu commons, kw to every betny."ft—hulepesamet. ' ri ha S Medi sad and 11.. as nimbi In our homes es ureter.”— wake Spholl.qf desarMees. l i ECONOIfO4 110,00 per year savedAt emir , Dinar by 0001 BottM, . of AMERICAN CEMENT , GLUE. Price '26ointateiPattiti• '• •: *Prlce•2s Cents per 'Bottle. • • • ' Pricels Centre per Bottle: '• • • Price' 26 Centtipir-Bottle. - • • ' • • Tri0:5 4 26 Cents' per Bottle.: - ' ' Price 26 . 1:lents per Bottle.': t • Very Lik;rcd•ii,shret - to Wheksale Buyers • • TNRRMB•OABH. • • ggirFer Bale by all Dieggbrtir,aadtglorekeegeete genet* ly Utronsuout, the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, ( 018 MenerentnteM); i 8 ~YILLIAM. §TXXE74.. Corner 41?er . ty)nremt,.. Nay, y OA* Important to Haut Owners, Important to Builderst..l . . .i - Thippostit to-RI Roa4VoitiOhieit 211 impo' iirint‘ Farm —? liiik ' - aUxeonkehis.mamsprm, ani aorezi.. :. , : ..: . ~ . , .., b°#.l :., ....,, .1 ;:i .• I: ~. CROBLEY'S HIPROTED43IITTATHROHAti OEMENT:IIOOrtIiCi r , ephep t pffit and most dun4de 414:041n nip? IT INFIEN AND. WATEN PAM. i.oaxt.‘b4s applied to.momand oza noon or all kinds, ; . sloop or 4.4., and to , alumna Rom w.spont . 4 ai rezaiVink o Stilligroili.'''' -"• - ' • , R. Coat liattiy abbut One:Tlaitil Mkt airl'ln i -AA/al-QM ',VIMILCKAA .141.41.6,11/.41L.. 4 . lfttla.artiele has been thoroughly.. tented Ita.New Ater y and alt other wet el the unden, Steles, Canada, t Indies Centril end Senttr laeteVt a, on'traddlegs of lilt. SIMI aa t ll'antolunk..o,ollNed/O4l)lieeeeef‘ 1,0111, CARS, and un Pilaw° BULLDUeId geueisily .vaseaser BOU.DINGY. 800 4 by. thez.priticupsic4Suiltiers, IllteeLs and otbdrit, during tne patledr i yeent, and ds preyed w be the entzervir mkt 'moat mums .00trugo iumse ; it is in.every..Sespetd W,a.t XAVIER and UNE Paoot covering ter HMIs OY the ONLY material lnaharactured ifl the Ihtatti , .• . . whilltiVocnnlea Yin T . 0 ! 4 , Ylfileilleft O. a' . i - ana DifitibtlitY, vicuna are universally *cane w i god 'ro-be possessod-by 8U124 ~Pitafilliol"..AND Did RU88ER. ,.... _, _ . o Heat in required in making application. . e expense of applyhig it Is trilling, as an ordinary roof - can be covered and finished the - same Silty i ' "- - At can tie applied byln7 tine, — -•- • d when Indshed limas a perfectly Asa. Plows our MOO 4011 an elasiktnedy,- witlob-caoriet bib uttered by kiln, -c qr Swami ninulf, aian•OfAtoo!s!9s, our, any ex'. Eth Otani action whatever. ' - ' • L I.Q, UtD ~ - ---- - ' .1704 PAlCtia , OktfiErcr or Coating Metals Pf, all F4l l l*-wlteacaXPoaed : . to the Action of the Weather, and IlraEsplyuia AND k6EPEARINci IdElAl. 1100FS OF ALL .4t41)8. This IS the oniy Composition known which will success• by resist entrain° -ishangesief sit • elifustesy tor any -length of time, wben milled lxi ineutlit,..lo !filch it ad heres llintiy, loran oil a Doily to coats of oidlnaiy paint ; costs muclulest.and. will LAStirgitlig.T/JVCS as 141.1t4 ; aralfroni ..I“,ebuttlicity ,le not tikplipti by the ountraCtionaindqipatiaioi - rif Tin - int - nther.liffesiltools, ' consequent woo swltteuchouggeeufillie.vmulier, . AWL not .04,411 K IN QOLD OR. RUN IN WAR.M . WaLCTIZEN, •AND WILENU7 WASH OPP:" testy Tin othei Metal ROolVaan berm:tiny-repair 'ed wi h qUnekntalatfil. TicaltlENmi PrOTeinod atom ratthor corrosion aid leaking, thereby ensuring a pa y tightroof ftrinanlpyeem - rbit.Centeng ifl PlClabiltY ads4ol4 for ditio pzeserTaticia :o1,11(ON IaiLINGS, STOVES" LiNGIS, BA/IW, AGM. diPLEMINTeI; 11'04 also, far gement] .IIkalltl• .GUTTA PERCHA ?CEMENT for preserving and repot* Tdriend , otedir Metal Booth of aver] deabliPdmar train 41 no t Wand% by the conuarAion and ozpaggtou9 JlpWle r Mid crack In cold or run in warm wbalner. Tiede — materials are .aurriE To au, cazmilse, and wc} fire preltaxed to irappit wiled fibniradj 'pear of tnereotth fry,rav 'born • Dense, les , GUM,: Rums& in 110 4. re 1149 EreParqd.ssof. sad gum patoi4A OE. 1141 T,l4,Wrpis, with RIO prtniedllirstons appll• AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal, Waolor'y arrangement. with reeixmaible parties who w9alfl like le eaq.b*thein ; -ti selieeln i luOrativend'pbrinim eni tousbia.t :p,trivrgstosis. Ags„ "9/,girl abu itni proor allreduk divor nRc 'approved Roo linviainpp nO9 were' - I ho,Uiriloorsin NOW York'OnT ant ~ I S OHNS & CROttlEt •1140 LB IintrUXAMIURRRS, Wholesale Warehotum 78- WMiamlit avid titisiVsLiea. "kik W`WRK Full d4OcriptivBdli4443 and tiriceririli be n/I : oil* .-=" - - on allirtiatrmi:' DM 008-ctly t UGARgprushria k Iluive g. vier and . I lina,,plakeiy ittiO fr. feb2l ' • Cornet Frolit !aid liattiai eiretTe. POW IFOI,IOB-O#4.IIINO.DIERS: • r# etitiielg~p atoortolial tromedikidue ; tub e j as g wake ] . NA49IA: - 13.121GNEW8 Chesißooluskao, =I AYER'S SAISAP ..__, ARILLA FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD ) N D for the speedy cute of ti, . e ~..4 6 . A joined 'remota oi it . crofula and Scrofulous Affection Keil as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, trnpu OZit, Pimples, Pastules, Blotchesii ci, 4 , Blaine, and all Skin Diseases. 0Ax,...D, LI, eq. Jane, lied A m & Co., GOIAS . I WC IL lb:, ni, r 0 edge whFt your Sarataritla hat dop e ~r tv yeses]:;. ,.. inherited a Seroftilouti trifecti• u, I bavi E, .fttr'd f rfl in, various ways for 3e ire. -,cr,stiria, It b t!', Ultra on my bandy and lain- • sowed4l