Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 05, 1862, Image 2
.lailp Ceitgrao. HARRISBURG, PA. Saturday Afternoon, April 5, 1862. STAND BY THE OLD REPUBLICAN' PARTY. We made an allusion on Thursday to our party. Since then, we priceive that other Republican journals in states are directing atten tion to the same subject. Thus, the Springfield (Ill.) Journal declares that at the late Presiden tial election Republican principles carried the Republican party into power. We agree en tirely with the Journal, because the good, and true and pure men of the country rallied be. 'teeth the Republican banner, and planted it tri umphantly over the capitol of the Union. De mocracy, all covered with pro-slavery filth, black with treason and rotten with corruption, was hurled from power jut in time to save the government from overthrow, the country from ruin, and republican liberty from extinction.— The soul of Republicanism is, Fannon. Its mission is to save free government from over th row, preserve our broad domain from division, give larger liberty to mankind, and by crushing molt and supporting atone, to show the world how sublime a thing a free nation can become. The Republican.-party is young, pure, and faith ful to the Constitution, the government and all the great iutereats of the country and human ity. The salvation of America depends upon Republican success. If God, in His providence, ever traced one line more clearly than another, it is that which declares that America shall be come a land of freedom. God has written this, and he who looks into the hearts of the people and gives attention to paising events can read it plainly. The Democratic party is not to be trusted. A party based upon slavery, and that bows at every shrine of wrong and evil that vott I may follow fawning, should be shunned by every man who values human liberty. The Democratic party of to-day is without one hon orable principle or ennobting idea. Its loyalty to the government is a question in which doubt largely overbalances hope, while of its devotion to slavery and other evils, and of its opposition to reforms calculated to advance, elevate and encohle'tnefiliiht:i„there is AO doubt: at all,. was a grand old party once, when, with Jeffer sonsaitalreed, It stood up for freedom and for right. But it has fallen. It symbolizes a Chris tian, whose soul wad once illuminated by the smile of God, b o at who now, fallen, rejoices in the approVing grin of the Devil. No good can clam out of it. The hope of the nation is in Republican success. When civil war burst upon our land Democracy made office a basis for loyalty, and Republicanism, with its great heart glowing with the fires of patriotism, abandoned its organization and voted for any Democrat who could plainly pronounce the word ~ ..trA i oN.- This was a . patriotic,, but an unwise move on our part. Now we call upon the Republician party to retrieve the error. Or ganize anew.' In every county, town and neigh borhood, organise and - unloose to the breeze that symbol 'of , loyalty, freedom and progress, the Reptiblldan banner. Rally beneath it, and battle as . Of old for everythiog dear to freemen. Republicans be up and doing. Despotion is ever watchful for advantage. Democracy, so recently defeated, stained with treason and rot tenwithixorruption,is notyet dead. It betrays its existence in Washington, where the Democratic members of Congress, under the lead of that semi-traitor Vallandigham, unite in a call'for a National Convention of the party that betrayed our country into the bands of the traitors of the south. Republicans, loyal men, lovers of your country and freedom, awake ! organize, go to work and ensure success. We call upon the Republican press and advocates of the whole countr7 to unfurl the old Republican banner and to stir up our friends to organization and action. We must strengthen the hands of our noble, wise, patriotic, liberty-loving President, and give him the power to carry out his plane for the rescue of our country from the dangers that ear/iron it. Rally, rally, friends of free dom and progress! organize, organize, and see to it that in the election of October the'illepuh limn banner waves over the prostrate foe of freedom, progress, humanity and our country. REBEL PROGRESS-NO MORE USE FOR TYPE. The progress of the rebels toward barbarism is evinced in more ways than one. Not satis fied with enlisting savages in their ranks, and scalping their fallen enemies, they are deter mined to drive every vestige of civilization from their presence. The Marshall (Texan) Republican of a late date, has the following: How would type metal answer, mixed with an equal quantity of lead f Our opinion is that is would answer every urpose. If so, there is any quantity of old rye in New Orleans and elsewhere, and when that is exhausted, let us take the new. It could not be devoted to a better purpose than shooting at the Yankees. Education and a spread of general intelli gence are irduwical to the designs of the Con federate leaders. The intellectual advance. next of the north is 'what first led them to read in the promise of events the certain down fall of the hateful tyranny which they estab limbed during the two last administrations, and they wish to eradicate every vestige of northern institutions. Just at present, too, the south has no need of newspapers. There is no cheer ing news to, communicate, and that which is calculated to depreds had better not 'be circu lated. The conversion of types into bullets, would be an act An.perfict consonance with rebel'aivillotion• *- • ONE YEAR AGO One year ago we were tremblingly hanging on the verge of rebedion, yet still is d ,übt that there were any parties ro desperate as to seriously contemplate the dismemberment of the American Union. The secession of South Carolina and her sister rebel states had in a manner demonstrated the determined purpose of the traitors, and yet the loyal free states were filled by men who persisted in urging that such acts of secession were not the result of any sincere deliberation on the part of the rebels, and that if the government would act discretly and wisely, the states thus in revolt would be brought back to their allegiance, and the authority they had forcibly renounced, would be once more peaceably recognised. And in this spirit the government treated the rebels so far as any demonstation was concerned. Its authority was asserted, but not enforced, be cause the enforcement might aggravate instead of allay rebellion, and thereby a band of brave men were exposed to the fire of a gang of rebels, and the national honor so long pent up in Fotts Moultrie and Sumter, was at last violated by the most dastardly attack that ever was made on any military force in the history of the world. In one year this nation hatraccomplished the most stupendous work of the age. Oar re sources were unknown, and in many instances, where developed, they were 'depreciated, and the superiority of the south extolled by the very men from whom the government and the loyal states had a right to expect other conduct and speeches. One year ago, the then Secre tary of War, .Gen. Simon Cameron, was left in a dilemma such as would have appalled an or dinary man. The other Departments of the government, as it were, stood idle and demanded of the Department over which he presided, the . means and the material with which to restore the nation to peace. The eyes of the nation were directed to the War Department while the head of that Department could ectucely trust a single officer of the regular army then in Washington, from the simple fact that treason first showed Itself with more effrontery in the army and navy than in any other branch of the government. Officers were resigning who had passed their lives in idlenes, drawing the money of the government for their support, while the proud capital of the nation was left defenceless, beseeching succor and protection from the lib erality, and promptness of the War Department. The experience of another year, if it main tain a like character of the year that is past, will place this government in a very strong position before the nations of the world. In one year we recruited, armed and disciplined an army of six hundred thousand men. In one year we counteracted the labors of the ablest and shrewdest villains in the world, as they contemplated the destruction of this govern ment. There never has been anything to equal it in the past, and there never will be anything to compare to it in the future, unless we excel the past in the coming year, by an achieve.. went of intunartal, .-inagialtdde. One condition of affairs is certain.' We have ccinqUered the rebellion, put an end to its mischievous jealouses, and re-established the federal au thority in all the states and territories of the Union, we will either have the world at our throats er our feet. Our war with traitors is as likely to end in war with foreign nations as it is certain that foreign nations hope for our destruction, and are ready at any time to strike a blow to hurry; on such a conclusion : Let tis 'then look forward to another year with hope and noble resolution to met every other emergency, that may arise as we met re hellion. With mote than a half a million of well-trained, hardy and intelligent 'fighting men in the field ; with a navy that is daily growing: in force and effectiveness, the wait thing that can possibly happen for our jealous neighbors over the waters, will be the termi nation of this rebellion. Let those who doubt this, wait a year, and then - expose our sophis tries if the assertion proves false. . A Decamp Nissans.—The fire-eating seceders believed, without doubt, that the general gov ernment wag powerless to put down the rebel lion. Through Floyd, Cobb, Thompson and Toney,, they had done all they could to make it impotent, and they fancied they had suc ceeded. It was under this mistake that the confederates undettook more than theyhad power to aclileve--the federal government was powerless. Had Mr. Lincoln been lees resolute than he was, their chances would have been better. Had their revolutionary plot succeeded in the as-assination of Mr. Linooln on his way to the capital, and the seizure of the treasury end 4 rohives of the government, their cherished enterprise would have been half achieved on the 4th of March, 1861. If those in the North who had pledged , their aid, had been as able as they were willing to redeem those pledges, the rebellion might have attained at least a temporary triumph. How they regarded the ability of the federal government, ratty be seen in the following pas sage from the Charleston Mercury, a little more than a year ago: "The coercive power of the federal govern ment, so long vaunted as, adequate to suppress the secession of a State, is rapidly proving it self to be—what it has icing been supposed and said to be—a wretched humbug—a scarecrow—a dirty bundle of red rags and odd clothes!' Tam Datswamm Cowry ADVIIRTIBER, in re ferring to the late rejection of Capt. H. Jones Brooke, the indefatigable and incorruptible United States Commissary at this point, uses the following language We are acquainted with some of the "pecu liar circumstances" of the case which , we with hold for the present in deference to the wishes bf those interested, and in conclusion have but to say, that a state of corruption unparalleled must exist, when such a man is liable to prose eneon for firmly standing between the govern- ment and the vile robbers and scoundrels who would plunder it. We trust that the Advertiser will not with hold those "peculiar circumstances" entirely rpm the public. Captain Brooke has been oonfirmed, and therefore the country has a right to know by what system of Vag he was at Bret !mailed and' rejected: "Let jOice be d9aft, though the liwen'is do. fell." Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE rusoßepa HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, April 4, 1882 EVENING SESSION. The House re-assembled at 74 o'clock, 1". a. On motion of Mr. ARMSTRONG, the appor tlonment bill was made the special order for next Wednesday morning, immediately after the reading of the journal. An act to extend the charter of the Columbia Bank. was Passed finally. A further supplement to an act concerning the New York and Middle Clearfted railroad and coal company, was Agreed to on second reading. The House refused to go to third reading. Other bills of less importance were acted upon. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SATURDAY,- April 6, 1862. MORNING SESSION. The SPEAKER called the Ildige to order at 10 o'clock A. M. .` The Clerk proceeded to read the journal of yesterday, when, on motion of Mr. CowaN, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. Several private bills were taken up and passed, when the House resumed the consideration of the bills remaining on the pubic calendar. A further supplement to the act incorporating the North Pennsylvania railroad company was agreed to, on second reading, but left over for third reading. Mr. HOMO'S, (Washington,) (on leave given,) offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Auditor General be re quested to inform the House what amount of taxes were paid by the Pennsylvania railroad company the fiscal year preceding the let of Jannar,y, 1861, on its capital stock, bonds, divi dends or property. The resolution was read a second time, and agreed to. Adjourned. BANK Bar..—After a lengthy and tedious dis cussion yesterday in the House of Represen tatives, that body produced the following bill. We presume however that it will hardly pass the Senate in its present shape. From a care ful examination it will be observed that the ban ks are compelled to redeem their currency in United States Treasury notes when demand ed. This will be a virtual resumption of specie payments, as those notes are now rating at par and we expect to see them shortly above par. The banks having aided the government dur ing We present crisis to their utmost they certainy expected a more liberal bill from their . Representatives: AN ACT requiring the Resumption of Specie Payments by the Banks. SECTION 1. Be it enatied by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Grounonwealtli of Pennsyl vania, in General Assembly met, and it, is hereby enacted by the authority of Me same, That so much of any act of Assembly as declares or authorises the forfeiture of the charter of any bank of in corporation having banking privileges, or in flicts any penalties or restrictions, or authorises any compulsory assignment for, or by reason of the failure or refusal of any each bank or in corporation to redeem its notes, and pay its liabilities in gold and silver coin, since the seventh day of October, anno domird oue thou sand eight huntiked. and sixty-one, be, and the same is hereby suspended until the first Tues- day in February, sumo domini one thouibuid eight hundred and sixty-three, and all forfei tures, penalties, or liabilities arising therefrom, or incurred, by reason of any failure to comply with the provisions of any or all laws regula ting the same, or hereafter incurred, before the said first Tuesday in February, anno dotniui one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, be, and the same are hereby remitted, and the ,notes of the solvent banks of this State, which were paying specie on the nineteenth day of November, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the notes issued by any bank incorporated under the provisions of an act, eutitled "An Act to establish a system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from insolvent banks," approved March thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred anti sixty, and a supplement thereto, approved the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the demand or other notes that: have been, or, pay be issued, and made a legal tender by - the gov ernment of the United States ; shall be deemed, taken and computed for all purposes as the notes of and balances due from specie paying oinks, from the said seventh day of October, anno domini tine thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, until the first Tuesday in February, auno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and all forfeitures or, penalties in curred by any bank or corporation for, or by reason of their having used, treated or compu ted the notes of such suspended banks of this State as were paying specie on the. nineteenth day of November, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the notes issued under the provisions of the said act of March thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the supplement thereto, as the notes of specie paying banks are hereby remitted. and so much thereof as prohibits any bank from making loans and discounts, issuing its own notes or the notes of other banks inoor porated under the laws of this Commonwealth, though not specie paying, or declaring, divi dends during the suspension of specie pay ments, or from loaning or discounting without the requisite amount of specie or specie funds as aforesaid, be, end the same is hereby suspen ded until the day and year atortasici ; Provided, That it shall be lawful for the said bar* to pay out the deMand or other notes that have been or may be issued and ma& a legal tender by the government of ~ t he United States ; And preroided, That the bank's of this Commonwealth, now or hereafter incorporated in pursuance 'of any law or laws thereof, may ' issue notes of the denomination of one,: two and three dollars, to the amount of forty per cent. of their capital stock now or hereafter paid in ; said notes. to be signed by or on behalf of the president or cashier of the bank tresitssu. lug the same ; And provided further That so much of the act of April sixteenth,.one thou sand eight hundred and fifty, section ten, article thirteen, or any other act or part thereof as provides that such corporations shall not be at liberty to purchase any stock whatever 'to greater amount .than one-third, of the capital stock actually paid in, shall not apply to the loan, or stock, or treasury, or other notes or bonds of the United. States or of the State of Pennsylvania, and in case the banking compa nies incorporated under the act of twentieth of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and the supplement thereto to besupplied, countersigned and stamped by the Auditor General as in case of notes of a larger denomi nation and the provisions of said act and sup plement. And provided also, That so much of the first section of the act entitled, 'A sal:oe, went to an act to re-charter certain banks" approved the twenty-third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twin: ty-nine,' as forbids the purchase of the loans or stock of this Commonwealth by the bankstrom any individuals or coporations, be and thesandi is hereby repealed. Provided, That it shall not he lawful for any bank to deciare,a,di.vidend rime Man Biit per, centum per annum, ti t le resuciption.ot specie paymenbi. , Sac 2. That for the purpose of paying in specie or its equivalent all interest which shall hereafter become due and payable by this Com monwealth, as required by the act of June twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and forty, the several banks who shall avail them selves of the provisions of this bill and who shall refuse to redeem their notes in specie, or demand, at any time within ten days upon or after the tinke when such interest shall b. come due and payable, shall hereafter when required by the State Treasurer by notice in writing. pay into the State Treasury in proportion to the capital stock paid in of such banks within thir ty days after the State shall have paid such in terest, their rateable proportion of such premi um for gold or its equivalent as shall have been actually paid by the State, and In default of such payment the State may sue for and recover the same by due <process of law. Sao. B. That in all cases when a bank that has been chartered by the laws of this Com monwealth has failed and made an assign ment, or may hereafter fail and make an as signment,. it shall be lawful for the hold er or owner of any note oinotes, certificate or certificates of deposits, or any other evidence of indebtedness of such bank to commence suit for the amount so held against any person or persons who hat, acted or may hereafter, aid in the capacity of President or Vice President or Cashier of such bank ; and if upon the trial of such cause, it shall be. proven that there had been any illegality Or fraud , or false swearing knowingly practiced or perpetrated by any such person so, sued in their management of such bank, - then, and in that case, the plaintiff shall have the right to recover the amount so sued for from such personas-in any other civil action against individuals. Ssc. 4. That after the termination of the sus pension of specie payments authorized by this act, the act of April, sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, entitled an act regulating banks, be and the same is hereby so altered and amended that the failing or refusal of any bank to redeem its notes in gold and silver coin, when properly demanded, at the banking house of said bank, during business hours, &ill be a sufficient cause for a court having jurisdic tion to order a general assignment as provided in the twenty second section of said act, not withstanding .said notes may have been en dorsed under the provisions of the twenty-sixth section of said act of one thousand eight hun dred and fifty. Sac. 5. That so much of any laws or parts of laws as are inconsistent with the foregoing sec tion of this act, be and the same are hereby re pealed. . Sac. 6. That the provisions of the first section of this act shall not extend to any bank that shall refuse to redeem its notes in United -St des Treasury notes when the same are demanded at the counter of the bank daring regular banking hours. Provided, that this section shall not be enforced until the expiration of sixty days from and after the passage of this act. Soo. 7. That in addition to all statements and returns now required by law, the cashier of each, and every bank in the cities of Philadel phia, Pittsburg and Allegheay, shall, on the first Monday in April next, and monthly there after, and the cashiers of - every other bank in this Commonwealth, on the same day, and on every first Monday of July, October, and Janu ary thereafter, make up a statement, and ver ify the same by his oath, or affirmation, show ing first the amount of its loans and discounts ; second, the amount of specie, and the demand, treasury, or other notes or bonds of the Uni ted States, and of the loan of the State of Pennsylvania respectively, in the possession of, and owned by said bank, and the amount due from other banks in distinct items ; third, the amount of its notes outstanding ; fourth the amount of its deposits, including Individual de posits, and fifth, the balance due to other banks, which statement, it shall be the duty of said cashier to have published in the next ,succeed ing issue of a newspaper of the said city or -county, In which the bank islocated, or if there No no newspaper in arch county, then in a newspaper of some neighboring county, and Any violation of this law, or failure to comply "with its provisions by any Wader of any bank, shall be a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, such cashier shall bepunished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court—one-half thereof to. be given to the prosecutor, and one-half to the county in which the bank is blotted; Pre:tiered, That in case of any bank' in this Commonwealth, not having a cashier, it shall be the duty of the president of suoh bank, to perform the duties aforesaid, subjeat'th all the penalties aforesaid. Sso. 8 That the second section, of the act of Assembly, of thirteenth October, anno domiei, r o thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, e titled "An Act Providing tor the resumption o specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors," be, and the same 4 hereby repealed. .. 1 , nu Ar cv , From Fortress Monroe. TUB REBEL LOSS AT THE BATTLE OF NEWIERN. Arrival of Ex-Sertator Givinn at Richmond: . . LLCM' WORDEN TO AMMER CO3- LAND OF THE MONITOR. s , `,t:; [ . 3 - FORTRESS Komos, April t AAlig # truce. Wu sea °Nit- 1 3'41 2 9 thigo4 b4day, and brought back two ladies, the first gigieengetr *lib -have been allowed , to "leave , Irbrffil,k OgS 104 ftti . einie week,,. . , a Frenci(lady ketninbig ,f: , otheotwastprooneding to • her 'husband o Baltimore. Copies of the Richmond Enqtrirer and Du cm* 01.4 reprising *aye • been ! received. The lamer is printed on a half sheet, and they iontrrely barren of Demi. lAn officlal report.from Gov. Clark, of North Ciirolina, states the rebel loss es follows: Killed wounded 101, and -missing and prisoners 11,8—total, 678. Wm. 61. Gwin arrived at Richmond yester day from Washington. He is a native of Yir gipia. Capt. John H. Morgan, who is styled the Marion of the. war, has also arrived at Rich mond. On board the Monitor to-day the vote of thanks passed by the New York Chamber of Commerce 0 Lieut. Worden and the officers arid men of that vessa, was read to all bands. Great enthusiasm was exhibited. Lient. Worden will resume the command of the Monitor as soon as he recovers fram his in juries, which awarding to the latest accounts be is expected to do very shortly. The weather continue pleasant and favorable for military operations. AN ARRIVAL FROM EUROPE. Boaroir, April 6. The steamer Niagara, from Liverpocd via, • ax, arrived about nine o'clock this morn :. Her audit; have been sent South. and IFIR due in Raii IroTlCatt,hogiuniestiveii FROM WASHINGTON. I=EMI ARRIVAL OF ENGLISH NOBLEMEN Resumption of Postal Arrangements with Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry. Employment of Contrabands. ARRESTS FOR DEFRAUDIPG SOLDIERS. I== The arrival here of Lord Edward Cavendish, eon of the Duke of Devonsire, and Lord Cecil, of the ride brigade stationed in Canada, and Col. Percy, of the Northumberland Percys now stationed in Canada, is regarded in official cir cles as an event which claims for them a cordial reception, they being considered as types of a more friendly and generous cliffs in England than the members of Parliament, Correspond ents of the press and others who after visiting the South returned to Great Britain sympa thising with the rebellion. The Secretary of War directs that hereafter no person not be longing to the United States service shall is permitted to take passage in any transport without the special permission of the War De. partment. Poet tl operations have been resumed with Martinsburg, Vs., and the office at Harper's Ferry will be opened next week under the di rection of the Post Office department. Many of the contrabands, who have been temporarily subsisted by the Government until employment could be provided, are now usefully occupied at the several hospitals. A consider able number have been engaged as servants in private families. The Provost Marshal, Mayor Doster, has ar restedeundry persons were prosecuting a flour ishing business by defrauding soldiers, under the pretence of obtaining discharges for them. Several of the parties are Englishmen. They are in confinement at the Central guard house. Since the reception of the intelligence of the recent victories, many of the convalescent soldiers in the hospital seem suddenly re stored to health. Judging from .tbe crowds who daily resort to the Provost Marshall's of fice asking to be returned to their respective companies, and expressing an anxious desire to participate. FROM ST. LOUIS. AFFAIIkS AT ISLAND NO. 10. The Rebel Floating Battery In Action. ;14 PAZOIB: 15 1 1 1 THE REBEL STEAMER WERRESTER BURNED TO TIE WATER'S EDGE. New Batteries Erected by the Rebels. The correspondent of the Republican, writing from the flag ship Benton on tbe evening of the Bd, says f Early this morning an attempt was made to tor t ,thsc rebel floating battery to point Wh6eit could command our mortar boats. A brisk fire was opened by our mortars; and in the course of halt an hour the battbry was struck several times; the apHotemirebtr thrown in all-directions and wend seteadisplaced.-- Ormittell eztrlorled directly insider thelatteiry, whetkit Wasimtnediately submerged to the wa ter's edge anditowed out o our range. The rebel steamer Winchester which was sunk soma time since to obstruct, the channel north of the Island, used as a point from which to Match our movements was shelled to day and burned to the waters edge. The skilful firing to-day made the enemy very cautious, and all of their tents have been moved far out of range. Advices from New Bedford lonfirm the pre voices retorts of the erection of rebel batteries oppositelhat point. All is quiet here. The river is falling rapidly, and oar troops can soon be landed at any point along the banks here. FROM CINCINNATI. .........5..,....... PUBLIC RECEPTION OF PARSON BROWNLOW KB SPEECH ON THE OCCASION INTERESTING PROCEEDINGS The public reception of Parson Browtilovi at Pike's opera house last night was an immense affair. Every available spot in the house was occupied. Mr. Brownlow was introduced to the audience by Mr. Joseph C. Butler, President of the Chaipber of Commerce, in a few appropriate remarks. Mr. Browulow's speech, relating to his experience of the operationaOtbe rebellion in East Tenneeaee, and the indicate of himself and other Uniou men, while immitoned at Knoxville, wait libteited to with profouditatten tion4 Speeches were made by Gen. S. T. Catty and Lieut. Gov. Fiske, of Kentucky. Resolutions were adopted demanding a vigorous and un ceasing prosecution of the war, and the punish ment of the leading traitors; resolving that the flag of the Union shall again float triumphantly over the the walls of Fort Sumter, and from ,every other fort belonging• to the Union, ex 63nding the warmest sympathies of the citizens of Cincinnati to the distinguished guest, and culling upon the Federal Government to afford a speedy relief to the leyal Uniou men of the, south, especially those of East Tennessee.. The exercises closed by the singiog of "Rail Colum bia" by a large number of children from the public schools of the city, who were seated on the stage. FX-SUBGEON GENERAL 'FINLEY SENT TO FOUT WARREN PHILADELPHIA, April 5 Theßulletin of this afternoon says: We learn from a gentleman just from Washington that Surgeon General Clement A. Finley, who heti been removed from the head of medical de partment of the army, has been sent 'to Fort Warren. He passed through this city last night. No information has been given as to the causes of this arrest, but there must be some thing more than mere inefficiency to induce the government to resort to such a str,ingent measure. -- - Surgeon General Finley was born in Ohio and appointed fro& that State; he has been a redden'', however, of the twenth-fourth ward in Philadelphia and is well known to many of our citizens. SPECIE FOR EUROPE. Nzw YORK, 4211 6 The steamer Edinburg has 218 passengers and $868,000 in specie; and the stunner Sax nia ikesseugere and 00,0130 in 9 0010 - - Bah Will mama. ISIARKETZ By TELEGR&Pa, PIILLADELPEW., April s . &XI Flourb firmer—hilt not much doing extra ; and corn meal ls. sup pr. s:sas 25 and low family $5 0. Ry7tlJiir st-ady a t sa at $2 75 Wheat Is (41 or red at SI 27@,l :30, and tea..hi $l4O 45. 2.000 bo-. rye sold at 70c. C orn ac. rive-53i054,1 for yellow, and 60@;c for white. °ars better rtgut-st with &ties at 31 36c. Cloverseed is in go9d demand at 65 1:a 5 25; small sales of timothy at $2 00 10ez...2. 15. Coffee dull—sm ill oak of Bio at 1 8@19c., and Laguaira at 21c. proyisioni held firmly—sales of mess . pork at $13,:41350 and 200 casks hams in pickle at 6c, Lord at sigq. Sales of 500 bbls. Ohio Whisky at 24c. WAsurriaTos, April 6 New Yon, April 5 Flour heavy—sales of 7,000 anged. barrels wh,xt doll, but nominally unch and unchanged—sales of 10,000 bushels 9Rie firm ; lard firm. Whiskey dell—holders. 28c., while layers offer only 22c. kik On the fib Inst., MAFOARIT E only daughter and MART BER,IIR aged 6 years and 3 Tao ['he funeral will take lane rn Youday 2 o'clock, from the residence of her piren,, rtahn•g, near Efammortra Tavern. The rflat,s, ant friends are respectfully invited to atieeie..t of W. E. Friday rad rye M. ni e.. s ng ata April 4th, BRIMIA, infnu [The funeral will take place on Sunday o'clock, from tbetr resilence in No. Lb s,sita berm Broad street.] '4. ST. Lours, April 5 heir bearing on that occasion, ucdrr see tr lantilable attack of fi bold and tirr,;vrir, 7 was worthy of the high remit rcio., w by the soldiers of Peons) I rani zit. 2 ruble fields of Drainesvllle, riorttio: at.; Newbern. The Governor is proud to reer•gr,-• able distinction thus gained the, Commonwealth, and trit4s rho, to r .; of the present wicked rebellion. y • 7 ' distinguished for similar kill II •it endurance, and that wherever i t the enemies of their country, tlre ran ; their fitness to sustain its ti rg. The example of the gal;am Col Mttr the 84th, who fell at the heat or l.n• in the conflict at \Vim hest-r, writ, : noble men of his command, their lives a willing sacriticr to tt.v!r must stimulate all who are vull,t,l :r, vice to increased devotion, %Lilo 1117 7- • will be cheri4hed by ev , ry t• honor to tne arms of Permsylva .1a Ir.. Union. The Governor directs that •r ..!•;•• March, 1862," be inscribed oo ur t 84th and 110th regiments, aid th.rt be read at the head of all the - Pennsylvania Volunteers. By order of A G. 1 . 1:1‘It. Gov. and Ccir - A. L. BUiSELG, Adj't Gen. I'. 31 CINOIILNATi, April 6 TO PARENTS AND Nt INFANTILE PLEASURE ASII "PARENTS, if you deire v vir to ettpy health and tecasnr. , . y • the means for them to ex Ici-e and e 0. , •• • and fir t bit ttere is nothing s)g. ,, t - LITTLE LANCASTERIAN CARRIAGE! It Dot only p'etifei the ittle one , and g re- t *Nero se in the open air. but it 9ays• t rare, and answers the puce of a era —l .ren take (are o 1 the ',awer. The 1 ,, r children, to be healthy, tuu-t nava ex. r . ' air, and our venerable gran loos a+'' .r t In a little earr age p acot , the ha y , r , ?! 'llvergro.n 'or g the t a right. There is n ~out MO kinds or Owe carrlize--one 4,i 1 I I &wester, and aroth r kind ,h e 10 , The Lancasterian Carriages are —the etronee4 and cheapcs'• to ,•,; -e They are m.d. ny PHII I P 1E1:7 .1: 8 Queen EL eprosiw co live. Lot c.r, N. B. There carrlaos will be o: . cheJ risborgio a Lei days. FOR CLEANING AND P. LIOIN I, METALIC AIiTICLES. MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, Warranted llAcid ar P°icp tl ' For tale by 1 " . "' J. S. D.ELLET T, Wholesale and Retail Drug.gisti Cor. Main and Frederick strretii, MECHANICSBURG, PA COUNTRY }RES and Plirsiciairbs smote* at city prica3. FLOWER SEE DS CHOICE lot of ASTEEr'Sarkaindrlie,li AM_ WEEK TJCIES, wita a . Vfiar and fir sale At Mower sod Garda Seeds, recili yg , j prog iwre. 91 kir99l street. i►ica N ew '2O nertisnuuts BOARDING. VOR married, r single geutlemen iu a plearant pvt cie Broad sir eet, o• the =0 ;,11,.. E. mun rtrt•e at t.the next door to Mr. Bibb'; alo r , e rd e PARTICULAR NOTICE. ALL the Stone Nfasons in Harrisbur g IF requested to meet at the hews of Mr Blackberry alley, on Satcroay er•ei o'clock. Punctual atten-:ance is rem r, Mit R RENT.—A frarpe buildinz ou the corner or loth aotl 'Erna 1 ther parUculers apply to. hr. {\ ,E, , aprs-d it* 03 11, FOR SALE. A ROUT forty acres of prime lad, ed frur miles above ktarrshu g 1; fence, and hae ttenotny end cheer timOthy eau deo actea of weed li n , The land is well calculated far TRUK SG, sandy nature, eanntug to tne canal a on, , glue Burling of wster ere also on the pl,' T 7 to suit purr:bloom For father , r , aped dlt-wlm TO THE TAX PAYERS OF THE FIFTH AND SIXTH WARN, THE delays iu the paynh?hz Tax on p - operty ;nth, Fir b arid r x h earj. ed by per ous nut o'ruok lae th • ,a sithng mithoht the 'tun N 0! e ws d . - r . beceiss y to give lh a puhi c F mar be paid before the t . n3 do of saying to the tan p yer ettr: et boos be 'eta'' , ed +he offl ••• f r = : The uudere'guel can ba fou• d it% s p reams ace, See , no at rev, one d or a or •rool, Weave WO3. Bait cis. M. H. 11 ()Mecum' 44 School Tax for the Ihirl nimbi Wards. DIPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENL Philadelphia, 4t it Art 500 Team Horses Wanted Immedl3telj THEY must be sound, ire. well trained to work, Et LA 14 de high, and from SIX to • t;'.! , 3% , of ace. 01y at the William Penn 11,1, \\',.t p ai l a deb:obis, Pa. (Signed) A, L. Capt. & Q)1 C HAW QUARTERA, PLNNA . Barrithury, April 1, GENERAL ORDER—NO :IQ The Governor congratulates, the turint,rt the 84th and 110th Regiment., i' nmy.ram Volunteers, upon their gill.intry is tie runt severe and brilliant action at 11, S. TRIPOLI, EERIE =I _., '