a Stebital ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, TOR NNW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM' A NEW REMEDY, Foa A CENTAIN.NOWDYI ACUTE RIIKUMATIBM, _ CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, BH:SIMA2ZSAI &MT KIND; BOW ES I TUBBORN, No amnia • NOW LONG bTANDING, PROP YLAMINI , • WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL DO AGAIN, THE BRIT TESTIMONY, BEST RADICAL AIITRoRITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT PATIENTS BELT V& IT, ThlnD AND TRU& PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. [Flung OFFICIAL BasraAL RKPORTILJ Mgr 19, 1860,—Eller S., set. 28, single, never was very strung Iwo y ears ago she had an attack of acute rbetana tism,from which she was coutined to herbed icr two weeks and suosegent.) , trout a relapise ter four more. Sbe has been well since then tili last Baur day, While engaged in house cleaning, ghe took cold, bad pain In her back, felt cold, hot Curio decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gun so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee lo.nts and of the bands. She has now dull pain In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painiul ; both hence are affix ted, but the right Is mees so. This, then, Is a case of acute rheumatism or, as It Is now fashionably called rheumatics lever. lets a well remareed typical ease. We will aarefolly watch the case, and Isom time to time call your attention to the Tart est symptoms which present themselves. My WM objecst in brfuglog her before you now, Is to call attention to, a remedy wash has, recently beenlooolll morided In the treatment of rheumatteni. lm fan pronto/Wm. Dr. Scenarios, of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the highest terms, having derives great °amen, from Its use in 260 GUM which came tinder his care. Various com mendatory teetimonlals itsanenning tt have appeared In cur Journals, and l prep", therefore to give Is another trial. I must confemetelm Slings incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as speclaes ; but this comes to use , leodlatiftlicted so highly, Sung we are boons 141 give it,ak SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 MAT 24 1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propyamine, and we s then labor ing under an attack or acute rheumatism. illie has seedily taken it in doses of three grams every two hours (intermitting It at night.) The day after you saw her, 1 found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack ( the patient now walked into the room.) The improvement has ateaddy progressed, and you minuet fail to notice a merited change in Inc appearance of her Joints ' which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thus far our experiment would have seemed very suc cessful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be the result. Here Is another patient who was placed on the use of the same tnediulne on Sunday last ; she has long been gearing from a monks rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack su pervening upon her change &Oilmen. The wrists and Knuckles were much swollen and twee. /Marcell the chloride of Propyla- Mine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will =ve that the swelling of tae Ma in he n much &min- THREE DAYS LATER II MAT 1866.—This is the cue of acute rheumatism treated with .propylamlne, the first of those to which I Galled your attention at our last clinic. bhe Is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrloe daily. In this Onto It has seemed to be followed by very 11114- 181satary results. The second case to which your atten tion well called at our hat lecture, hes also continued to do weir I winnow bring before you a very °Wronger idle case of acute rheumatism, and If the result be sat factory, I think, as good Jurymen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor ef propylaunn Ha lea Seeman, ml. ZS, who was admitted a few days ago. Hu bro ocaasional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began bible right knee, subsequent affected the lon knee, and later. tne Mints of the upper extremities. These joints are all molten, tense and tender. His tongue Is furred ; his skin, at present dry, though there has been much sweating. His pulse is fall and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylamlne fbr twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called a strictly typical mum of acutisrheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, an* this exposure le followed by a hang of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually doe., In the loWer,hrints. There is fever end the profuse sweating, so generally attendant on acute rheumatism. I did net bring this patient before you with the 'l men tion of giving you a lecture on all the pointa eimmoted with rheumatism, but to again give a trisi to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical was; as I have called it, than wnioh there no aid not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medloine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anolynes, that Uwe may be no miegivlngs as to which was the ethcient remedy. You shall see she case oi a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Joint9,los.—The next of our mumalescente la the Mae of souterheurnsalem before you at our clinic of May Iath.,•WIUM I thou called a typical case, and which it was mounted was a fair opportuulty for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given is three grain dawn every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicety, sail is mow able to walk about, as you See. Ido not hesitate to 5.7 that I have Deem seen as severe a case of acute rune elitism 10110011 restored to health as 1018 man ties been, and without being prepared to decide positive may as to the val ue of the remedy We nave used, I feel bound to sta to that lathe oases itt winch we have tried the Chloride o Propyhuniee, the paneuts n tve reeamed melt health much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. Fora full report of which .the above pi a, eondensed extraot, see the Philadelpnia Medical and Surgical Re- Font. It la the report after a fair trial by the beat med ial authority In this counwy, and makes it unnosessan , to give numerous pertilloalos from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY CURB, - AN ILPFBOTUAL OURS TUE aaits_kse uta With 2 IT HAS DONE, Wks* ik.Orenshaw, 'Ohm wall known to most medi cal Mt* by whom - the Elixir Propylamine has been hi. trodueed; have sold to us the exclusive right to mannfac tare it esoording to the, original reelpe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If yea prefer to use the lame remedy in another form we invite your attention to the nn CIITIMISIND CHU/JUDD PROFTLAIUND, Pun PlOr/LiJUNI LIQUID, Puss Pitoritanis Cosaurntaten, Pau toms Pacertante, CC which we are the sole manuthetarers. HirWe Malin no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamtne than is contained In;Pure Crystalised Chloride,of Propy famine. EE ELMS IS AND MAY BE TAKEN APOO&DING TO DIitEdTIONS, BY ANY ONB, (BY NVRILY ONE, WHO HAs.B.HETHEATISN OF ANY RIND. Bold in Harrisburg by At 15 Cn. gowns. k Orders may biaddresed to PROPYLAMINII 11.4111171PACIVRING CMA,' tkelloo, Room No. 4 B. W. cot.igourth and Chesnut otrioto, hilladelph/a. vt to - either of t h e following Wbolieide Agents tn: BULLOCK k.ORENBH&W FRENCH, EIDHARDB a Ob., JOHN K. HARTS &OM, GEO. D. WEISIDUILL & COy WEER T. WIWIOT & Oth, & MTH, - T. NOME PIEBOT*OO - - 1 PGBABEETMEI IMEI marMly 76 Detiroy—Bate, Roaches, &o. lb Destroy---Mlce, Moles, and Ante. To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. lb Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. 7b Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. 7o Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. lb Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin Ai Gc)astistammis" WILL CONQUER. IT, WILL CURII IT, DOoTORS HELD DOCTORS P.X.MINNE, DOOTuRS TAY IT. VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. THU "ONLY INFATLIRTS REMEDIES KNOWN.'; DEMO= IN/MX= EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF grbose Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Hummillanelz."-... "Bats do not die on rho total:drawl.' "Theypome dui of their Wier-to die." fthey ;are the only infallible remedies - known," "Ryes and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Poet Office. Used byi—the City Prisons and Station Rotuma Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alma-Houses &o. lits; U E by—the City Hotels—'Astor'—'l3LNioho . Used by—tye Boarding Houses, &0., &a. Used by—m Ore than 80,000 Private Families. 'See oneor two' Hriehnens of what w everywhere scud by the People—.Editors—Deakrs, dro. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coaxes's" Exterminators. We have used it to our otitis facdon and if a jam cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, bat they effected nothing; but "Coma's" article knocks the breath oat of Bate, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write It. It is in great demand all over the country.—Nedins (O.) Gantt.. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lanauter (W1)11=114 HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling 'your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Emus & lirounas, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Bat, Basch, ao.:itterminstor. " Costar's "Costar's" Bed-bag Exterminator. " Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Bisects, &o. Ix 250.60 a. Axs SL,OO Boxes, Barre ♦ID hum, $ $6 Faso sox Pl4=l'lloB'B ~ SsoPS , Bans, Hama, 8/3., CAUTION!! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious sod lighly Pensidous Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a lac siesik of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, beittle,„or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but " Opii tars." I!' Hold Everytohara—by AU Mimosas" Diwoorsis in the large cities. Some of the • Wholesale Agents in New York City. Bchieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahneetook, Hull & Co. • A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler 8c Hart. James B. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. H Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gala & Robinson.A M. Ward, Clone & Co. fddlisson & Robbins. D. 8. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lasalle, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon $ Co. Conrad Fox—min - mons. Philaiielphia, Pa, T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—ANDOI3I3III. AND BY Dimmers, Gammas, Soroasksmits and Raul las generally in all COMllpr Towns and Visuals in the ITX ITED STATES. IN EVERY CARR, WHENEVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED TT WIU DO AGAIN MORE CONY _ ,ENT AND ALWAYS READY Seri DSZ, HA 11 R I B!Biti RA.IP E N N A. tir Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., AND Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents a Harrisburg, and by the Dammam, &roan awns and Reraireas generally. or Cotunwr Durso can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if Price, Terms, Ito., is desired, IF send for (1 862] Circular, giving reduced Priam] REMY R. COSTAR. 1:3 . maim D ea r - - No. 612 BrolidwaY--(OPPG ' 4 :Site the St Nicholls Hotel,) New York. feblidam PamoVivania IratlV 'etitsirapty, fribcip „ffiornittg z2tprit 4, 1862. inisttManaus VERMIN. C. K. Keller, lin!!!!!!!!!! filistsiiunzuus p DI CU Mlli[ JDI'II Howard Hope EXPRESS MORT 81, UK ROUTH TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Oidered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at n P. IL, by the Fast , Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF GAR& Order LGoods buried via HOPE EXPRESS 00., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 . For further Information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen Hernagennw, Aug. 1861.-dtf M' CONNEL L' 8 GOLDEN ELECTRIC OM EVERY body ought to join in'oiroulat• lug it, If the facts we represent are so. All are In terested, the well and afflicted. The GULDEN ELECIRIO ui.L is useful In Chronic and Nervous Diseases, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catarrsh, Scrofula, Plias, Fresh or Old Sores, Uksrs, Glandular Swellings, Female Complaints, Sore Breasts, km In fact there Is no Emily medicine that acts with Boob magic power as the Golden Electric OM Hundreds can certify to its virtues: - For the purpose of Introduedcg it Into every Emily, with two of my own, val eat& pr.eparations for Oinque, • Croup, Weak and inflamed Byes, and as an inducement to these woo assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I Place in pained= of a committee of honorees gentlemen . the following valuabliertieles. fbr FitkEdistrlbutionaitioallot the purchasers : • 1 Fine 6-oc.avo Plano 1 Fine Dressing Bureau 1 Rae Cottsge Bedstead 1 Pine &glint Gold Lever Watch 1 Fine ladies 2 Fine Silver Watches, $6 N........... 1 Old Violin and Bow 1 Basle Box 1 Fine Double-barrelled Gun Fine Semi-tone Acoordeon.... ....... 4 Gold Bracelets, $1 00 200 Boxes Valuable Pills, 26 cts 126 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 eta.— 100 xio Copies Life of Dan Nice, Embellished, 26 ots 60 1 Copy, 0 volumes, Christian Union, $1 00.... 6 1. Fine Silk Drees 20 1 Fine Detains Dress.... 2 Fine Lawn Dresses. $8 00— 0 Fine Gold Pencils, $1 00 200 Fine Sleeve Buttons, 12X cis 26 24, Fine ladles' Guards, 26 ots 20 Fine Setts of Jewelry, $1 00' 20 20 Fble Double Medallions, 1 00 20 60 Flee Lookit.Pins, 50 obi 25 000 Fine Setts Studs, 25 ate 160 600 Fino 18-karat kings, 25 ets.... . . 1211 200 Flue Glemb.. Sleeve demons, 12J eta 26 100 Fun) Allen's Razor Powder, 25 OAS 26 1 tint Family 8ib1e.... 8 _ _ 1 Barrel F10ur.... 70 On the payment of 26 Gents for eat* BOUM or Box of the Medicine, tae purchaser will receive a receipt anti an order for an envelope, which will contain the name of one of the above silts. On the day of the dhtribution of gine, the envelopes will be plated in a box or wheel, with a hole to pass the han.l into it, the envelopes all put into the wheel, well shook up and secured, each purchaser will draw out his or her own enveiope; the gift Da me therein will be given as soon as the drawing okras. No. tine will be given to agents, and in the papers, of the day of distribution. POro , lllboll at a disnunte will bate an equal share with those residing in Barruhurg. On re• ode& of the money for one or more aaaag the medicine, with oerillcale and orders, will be forwarded by express, free of charge. In eh cases the medicine Is warranted to core or give relief, or no cturga. See oardliestec • W. ItAlLE—Dzaz But :—As I have learned th at you have purchased toe right to manufacture and sell Ir(km nell's Golden Electric Oil, for the benefit of the ambled, send the following TI nave bean amicted with a run ning sore on my lets leg for ten years. Daring that time 1 have been under the treatment of ten of the beet Doc tors In. Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberlaud county ; but all could not effect a cure. A little over a year peat, going into my blacksmith ahop aftar dart, I hurt my riot leg ate°, below the scum. It spread all Sinold the leg, and became a running sore. Several Decline told me .1 must have my leg taken or, mortification having taken place. Fortunately 1 got a bottle of your Golden Electric all for my child's sore memo. It cured so 1100 a that I thought I woad try It on my lege. I have been using it about six weeks, and my legs are now boded up --amid and welt. ALMA T. moat. We, the undersigned, who are well acquainted with Elisha T. Hooch, do eerier to the fact as Stated above, and the benearlsi °acts of seConneb's Golden Electric Oil on many of our neighbors. HlgnxY ANDREW, C. E.BsELY, A. P. BREI, (Bridgeport Beta) RENJAhiIa CL&Y, • J. LONGENhCtisR, BK. I have been using Dr. Barr's Croup Syrup in my family for the past two yens. I would not be without it at any price, as my children gra subject to Colds .no Croup. / believe I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be Without it. F. K. SWABIA (llvery,) Hanisburg. Garr Comm, December 6,166 t. Die. Him 7..4 thsat youmost sincerely for the Oint ment you gave me for my eyes. I have of iy,nsud It a sew times, and am now entirelyireafrom inilamationand pain which Is more than I have been for the last five yea rs.- 1. hope God will biees you for the free MG. No person afflicted with weak. or Inflamed 90111 eyes ought to bo without it. J. O. NILE& Being well aciriainted with J. 0. Mlle., what he certi fies to above L correct and true, an singular as It may Seem. J. B BELK G. 0. for Bedford. Hundreds have certilled—l have Only given the above. Piles, Tester, Pnison, Itch, Loeb Jaw, Gonorrhea, Glees, Lettoorrine, and all secret diseases oared with same into. ems, or no 'Marv& Ten per sent. will be paid to all persons selling one or more dozen. W. BARR, - 320.dawtt Harrisburg, STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG ME REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO ONITYI3I3IIIO. raundersigned has established a regulm..l.lNll OF iErAGS ODACE&S hose Mechanics berm connestlng every other morning with the Dumber and Valley BsDread oars. The coaches leave every very Tuesday, rhiusday and Saturday, returning every law day. Passengers tor Sheppardatowa, Dit isburg tareburg and Gettysearg are carried at re to cad ,11.dtt WM. J. TATP DIL T. :J. RUB, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his services to the. citizens 0 Harrisburg and its ty. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and givernamormooe that tile best endeavors shall be given to render in Ida pro. tension. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe In' "Nag the public generally to cell 00 him , motoring hem that they will not be diseatisded with his services, Moe No. 128 Market street, in the boas formerly oc cupied by .laoobß. by, near the Untied States Hotel, Harrtsburt. Pa. nyadke IVEW Fruitii, Currents, Raisins, Citron AA and Lemons, at the new Wholesale andthstaU Gro. sea and Provision More; Cori* had alb; Altiiice4 , streektlarrislplYlll.4t, st • - ' NVIEMS*IIOIIMANI LIYERREGULATOR , "It LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— ey regulate and invigorate the liver and Ittoder ; they give tone to the digestive organs ; they vegetal*** secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalise the el— aud pertly the blood. Thee all Moos comoierr psome or which are Torpid low, iiroir Headach pe* Piles, Chills and revers, Close& enema or e Laos ea—are entirely .tontroled and oared by time rams Wes. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR 6emo►es the morbid and billions deposits ham the stool anti and bowels, regleatea We liver and kidneys, remo►- tas every obstruotiOn, restores apatitei sod healthy ZO OM in the vital organs. It is a superior ilea batter than pil and much easter to take. 'DARLING'S LIRE BITTERS is a superior tools and diuretic ; excellent In asses of lose or appetite, flatulently, bawds weakness, irregunri dos, pain, in tbe Me and bowels, blind, protracting and Weeding piles, and general debility, RiAD TAX FOLLOWING TEITINONY ; Ala. L. Brumley, merehant, 184 Fulton street, New fork, writes, Auvun ]8,1880: "I have been Mated with pike, accompanied with bleeding, the but three years ; I need DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORAITOR tug .1112711128, DOW ocnakter myself noriguiT wimmw Han John A. Craw mina, 9140oldra. Sownll,liii. In the wins at /SW I.took a sovero.ocid, wbAolt ludo°. al a viokat *how. • took two doles of DeULLM . GPB UThift ILEGULAIVR. . . It bake up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this shear, I has been troubled with d seyeila rums) months ; 1 hare but nothing of it sloce.” Otis Btudly, Esq., 128 Rasa 2 8 th Street., . ~ writes : ' , Avoid 12, lltelt—l had a difficulty with Kidney Oom plaint three years with =dant pain In the small of my back. 1 had used most all !duds al medicines, but bend 111) permanent relief until I used D.&BUNG'S L1V&B INrIGOBATOR, I passed okeed blood by the urethra lam now an. tiredy cured, and take pleasure in reoommendlog these remedies." Yr& C. Tebow, 11 Christopher West, N. 2., writes "r6O. 20, 1860.-1 have been subject to attacks of nate ma the last twenty years. I have never found anythhm equal to Darling's Liver Regulator , n affording Immediate rebel: It Is a thorough User and bthous remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, ' , February 28, 1800. In May bus 1 hada severe attack of Piles, which oonftn ed ma to the bane. Ltook one bottle of a Elei:1111141:*:4 kalf4:l; and 1181 entirely cured. I have bad no attack shim" Westenpalt, Esq., of South 6th, near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. L, writes : "August 6, 1800.—Having been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bil ious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try $lOO "DAItLING'S LPTEM BSGITLATOII, I did ao, and band It to operate admirably, removing the bile and aroludos the liver to artUritY, I also used It as a When our children are out of sorts, we give them a few drops and it wets them all right. I find it meets the general weals dam stomach and bowels when disorder. ed." Ream, If yew need either or both of these most es oellent Remedies, Inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not end them, take no other, but inclose One Dollar In stetter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be ant according to your WI% doss, by man or express, post-paid. Address, DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau street, New Yorlc. Put up In 60 cent and $1 Bottida each. ~parl4-dein TRIENNIAL APPEALS FOE 1862 P 'WEB undersigned Commiesdoneri of ± Dauphin county, Pa., make known to the taxable inhablutute within said cowl and those owning real estate within the county albresead that appeals will be had on the valuation as returned by the Assessors of all real and personal property ADM, for State and county purposes for the said year, said appeals commencing Monday, March 240, at n thnlio house of George Hoot- Forer, tor the townsblp 1 r:ou Hanover. East Hanover, at the public house of Abraham Boyer, on Themmy, tite 25th day of Marcus inst. For Weet Hanova, at the public house of John Buck, on Wednesday, toe 116th day of March inst. For Susquehanna township, at the County Court House, in tae Commissioners (dice, on Thursday, the 27th day of Mason inst. Po: demurs township, in the Court House aftesald,. on Frldny, the 28th day of March met. Tor liallfax and Reed townships, on Tuesday, the Bth day of April, at the public house 01 John Byrod. For Jefferson township, at the house of John Hoffman, (election p 4. e,) on Wednesday, April Bth, 1862. Tor Jackson township, at the house of John Maar, Esq., on Thursday, the 10th day of April For Washington township,at the Abets house of James Hoffman, on Friday, the ltth day of April. For the towasinp of W6411114:0, at the public house of J. P. Hoffman, inLybuistown, on raturdsy, the 18th day of Api R. For Lykena township and borough of Grata. on Mon day, at Baum's Tavern, hi Grata, on Monday , the 14th day of April. For the township of Mifflin, at the public borne of Ben jamin Bordner, in Berrysourg, on Tuesday, the 16th day of For the township of Upper Paxton and Millers burg, at Preeianit's Tavern, on Wednesday, the 10th day of Vor die township of Middle Paxton, Ruth and Dauphin borough, at the pub Bo house of Oookty,.lta Dandian, on Thuradty, the 17th day of April: Fur the township of /Myer Paxton, at Gilobithrt's Tavern, on isatusday, the Mich day or April. For the township of Lower nwstara, at the public house of Mrs. Lehman, m Mighspire, on Monday, the Mat day of April. For the borough*of Middletown, (three wards,) at the public house of Yakut/no Dolton, on Tuesday, sue Ted day of April. For the township of Londonderry, at Kelper‘a Tavern, OD WODUOStIiy. the MI day of ern. Fur the tonal:tip of Oanewego, at anydaes Tavern, on Thanday, the t4th day of ApriL For the township of Deny, at the pub'to house or— nate, in Huminelasown, on friday, the 86th day of Apra. For the Milhaud Fifth wards of the city of Harrisburg, at the Court House, in the once of the Gunny Commis sioners, on Tuesday, May 6th last. Nor tae pourth ward of said city at the same place, on Wednesday, the ith day of May. for die • Thirst ward of said shy, at the same place, on Thursday, the 9th day of May. bor the Pint and Scarred wards of said silty, on id day, the 9th day of May, 1862. the Commissioners thereibre hope that au persons knowing themselves aggrieved by their respective valua tions as imi.osed, will take nodule hereof and appeal at their respective places of appeal for redone. Bald appeals will open at 9 A. N. anoclos• at 4 o'clock P. it. Attest a.-jostsu Mulas. P. e. esseleors are requested to be punctual In their attendance on the dity of upper/. mti-dhertal VITRA. FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and JC/ halt bbl. mks, also, wholesale and mad at lb New Grocery mad Prayiston Blare, hen and Market ata. NICHOLEI & BOWMAN. OAL OIL, BEBT COAL OlLWlolesale alt4aeor‘ors & BOWMAN.; aid Mad* WWII. lllisuUoattous DARLING'S FAMILY MEDICINE, LIFE MITIEBI3. FAMILY MEDIOINE. JACOB BOHM, GEoeGli iiigNia MOYER. Commissioners Ightul & Qtrosleps BOXITHING FOR THE TEM 1 I ire NE( =IN EVERY HOIP3KHOLD JOHNS & cßosurs American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD . THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. TEE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE In the Only article or the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture.. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend pair Harness, Straps, Halts, BustsOm IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glom Beale W) . :rn4. M AND Dm% throw away that b e en Ivory Pan, It ki easily re- IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Mu Caps and Saucers can binnede as good as new. /T WILL MEND MARBLE, Tut slicomookad out of year Marble Manila ess pot on ea strong se ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No mailer 11 that broken Pilaw a not cost but • shit. ling, a eldthlog saved Is a obfillog earned. • IT WILL KIND ALLBAI3TER, That oddly Alabaster Vase Is broken and you can't match It, mend 11, It wlll never show when pot together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any artieleSemeated with AMLBIOAN CSILINT {GLIM In AM show where It is mended. 4 t0 ,1 1.•,1 nintry HolffiekellPehl should have a sexily of Johan & Ceottley'a Umlaut Osman 131140—/i. BMA so convenient to have In too house."—N. Is ttlt I ts always ready ; tL4 ootantenda itself to every, body."—hodotenclant. • "life have tried ta e and And it as noted In our homes u water."— wake Spirit of Oa 2Taus. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. sio,oo per year saved in every family by One. Scatie or ABEERIOAN GEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Lamina Reductions to W7so4orde Ituyers. TERMS CASH. 4or sale by all Druggists, sad Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS_ & cßosranr, (Sole Maudecturerea 78 W)LITAm STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW YORK Important to Howse Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Ea Road Companies. Important s to Farmers. lb all taboo this stay mows, old &mom an JOENS & OROSLET'S lILPBOVIIID GUM MORA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing In use IT IS ITU AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to xrw and ma soon of all kinds, steep or Zit, and to Samna Boom without removing the Shingles. The Coi!t la only about One•Thlyd that of Tin AND IT ze TWICE AS DUAILABLIC . This &Mole has been thoroughly toted In i4ew York Qty and 1U other parts of the United auto, Canada, West Indies COMM Sod South ...wise, on bundler of all kinds, snub as EBI2OIIIOS, b outman, 0/111114R 1 / 1 1, Rasa Durum Was, and on Pow° Limuuscat generally Gomuumet Bountsom, no., by the pnumpal Builders, Arcultecta and otbers, during the past four years, and bas proved to be the caitarkar and MOSf DttEABLA L ROOFING 111 use; It la In every respect A MIRE, WA.III/t, WEATHER and Tatra PitUOY covering for HOOFS Of ALL lIINDEL ma is the 01/Lrbtotarial evantsfuettued its the United States which combines the very 'desirable properties of /Rusticity and Distabuity, wheni are universally mane w leased ul be tiosseseed by 0012.4 PISIWILA AND INDIA It 081188. No Heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it ia trilling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and dandled the tame day. It can be applied by any one, and when. Onlahed forme a perfectly Asa Paces surface with an elute body, whlc.b cannot be injured by Han , Gam or eattnuamo of Ito°. Somme, nor any ex ternal action whabter. LIQUID GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when =weed to the Action of the Weather, and : • : G : • : 1 (31. ri g 11 11 This Is the only Composition known which will success fully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when appium to metals, to *lack it ad berms limey, terming a Dotty equal to coats of ordinary paint, coats much less and will LAsr THltkg TAM AS LUNG ; end from it, elasticity Is not Injured by the contraction and expansion Of Tin and'other Metal !toots, consequent orlon sudden changes of the weather. itloinnot. CRACK IN COLD VS RUN IN MASAI *uvula, AND WILL NUT ;raw 01*. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roots can he readily repair ed with GUTTA PATAIIIA ChitiNT, and prevented irom further corrosion and leaking, thereby eusuring a per 4ctly tight roof for many years. . Thin Cement le peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, RAM , ILLNGSS, RAM, AGM, CULTURAL. IMPLEAUINTS, ha, also, for general manu facturers tuse. GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and ?epilog Tin mat other Metal Boobs of every deficApilon, from Ha great elamicity, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Metal!, and will no crack in cold or run in warm weather. These Materials are Anarrao TO AL. cantatas, and we are prepared to supply orders Irom icy part of the Goan -07, at short notice, for aura Phhelle RuO1?1NO is rolls, ready prepared for use, and tiClTfd PEMBA CE MENT In barred; with MI printed directions for appli auks'. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal and eatistactory arrangements with respcutsible parties who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERME, ARE CARR. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in Sivor of oar Improved Roofing having applied them to several thousand Roofs In New York Qty and vicinity. ‘TOELNI3 . & CROWLEY, SOLE idANDFAULTRERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Owner of Liberty Street. SRI W YORK lull thicriptive Orenlare and Prices will be Dubai bed coldly on application. Ci 1 1/GARS Crushed, Pulverized and Re fined, for sale by NICEIO 9 k BOW MAN, ob2l Comer Front and Market streets. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. /1 entire newassortment oUthese useful sr '"'.. 41 90 ,1 4# 1 ,a 1 099 14 1 1 1 BERGNEWStlaiiisiooilikr, fij 0r;r,.1 A.YER'B SARSAPARILLA FOB PURIFYING THE }3LOOD. AND for te eeedy cure he sub. Al. Joined varieties otp &stases : of t croft& and Scrofulous Affection etch as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, in i b t i Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, Boils, Mains, and all skin Diseases. OAKUND, Ind , Etn Jane, 455 J. C. A unt & Co., Gallia : I feel Ins tj edge what your Sarsatarala has done for t r 0 ,,, fahetited a 2esefuloua inataltn,l. have su. nd o :/ , a daaat to willow ways toe pure. Someumts it tut,, mo m cm my hands and arnh ; soibums torial ward and dastresa s d me at the stomac h Iwo ,- my a bro.* out on 9 bead and c. v.m . . 1 my wolf , S ear -, alto one Gore , , which wan palolol and Latti-onieb tore; ',; demerit:eau. I teed many niedF and several , io fl claim but without menu eel et' trbm atyln rig the dista:tor grew worse. at length 1 Wa.h ro w t o the Gasket assenger that you b rt,o eead alternative Olaraaparthao tor 1 knew; teUon OW' that abyth nig you ma mat 6 e . swans anti and 1.1 and got a, and use 11 cLted ©tut Gor, ta, as you advise, lo Email dosee, of a ba.Tl, 41111 f a moth, and used almost three tottles 4, wooly akin noon began to torn tinder the ,tab atot, war a wall a fell MI; my E kat IS how tie .r, .1:111 t 1,04 my goeus that te dineaae has rts You Ca nna ll behav h e thin 1 leo, Watt a l t am Lica yen, that 1 how you to be one of the E of age, and remain ever gratefully. .tons, ALFRKLI 8 . Trody St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or E r y s i Pe Tettet and Salt Rheum , Scold R y a Itrug . worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Rooert Id. Preble writem from Ncem, Sep., 1869, that be nes cured an harm. rae e cc, ay, which threatened to terminate fatally Ly ,c; wing use of our harsepar.th, aeo mak of Malignant kr/ !nada. b.} large Mem says he cure the Common &cisme by s Bronehoude, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Zebulon Moan of Prolitewt, Texas, w rites . • Ilea of your .1/tram:arida cured me Irmo , .00 swelling on th e neck, which 1 w..l,ed over two years." Lettcorrho3a or Whites, Ovarian lulu Marine Uleuaration,lemale Diseaita, Dr. J. R. 8. Charming, of hew Isr's lil y, sr MOM cheerfully oJrupty with the racism u . j,„ u, saying I hove !Maud your atirSaipli./3114 3.0 L alternative In the numerous composuac for wL, ploy suco a remedy, but esimatelly 1.we.7. the Scrofulous diatheaus. 1 h..ve cured rob., GYM of LeucortlicSa by it, Lad Bowe were L., :3 . phial wee canoed by ulceration di the ocrw OMMLIOD 1180/1 Ina soon cured. Knowledge equals d far these legible Lioral.“33 E dinird 8. Yarrow, of Newbury, Ate., r watts ovarian honer on one al the fetus** is fn., which had Mined all the remsares wa cvkloi at length been completely cured by year • 'manna. OW ishyStemn tbou4tu am mond &Surd rebel, but he IitIVISe g arimpar ui s as the last resort before proved elfectuaL after sating yea remelt' 4,,,i DO symptom of the disease retoutss." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease NKr (ALUM, apt auE. A'. d. C. Al= : 3ir , I cheerfully cocci gYeYt of your mud, and report h.l you roamed With your haraxparoLa. I have curia wuta it, In my pnieller, Ilvkl of plaints for 'NIA% it Id roc.cota.u.l.l, sul abets Italy wowleclul In We Care of gpird Deesues. uod co my pouous m !Ws Wrort r which were • top Or Ws =Math. Your Jarsawuthr., _„ cured htm In five wrek. A....Ler v.. ondary symptoms in ins node, aid the v' ea away a oonsideinkle part ut u , w tz,.t 1 Olmader would Boo[ .each bru.lu ac yielded to my laatuinlairation of you.- 00 - -.1.-ar deem healed, and he le wen asaan, not ,„. some cblinguratioe 10 hie feet. A insipid for the Ulan disorder by [Orr, ury irtui this phisou to her umou. eennithre to the weather that one chat, - eletticlehug oak' in her jowls 411-1 , oared entirely by your h'sraapar.oa tuoir AMU Its tormula, venial :-. this Preisistion from your taboret ,ry :re reMld7; consequently, these true retuarta.. MMEM ' Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. DONIPIXESIOR, ?talon Co., tts.. Da. J. D. 671': bit, I bare been . i.n. NI chronic Rhetimausto for a b Liz.., , Quo 0111 at physicians, and stuci w m. c, reamMeati °odd ha , uuui 1 wed Ow bottle Oared me in two vrach,, oral health No much that I ma tar ud:er eraaauial[ed. I theta It a wonaeriu. j :4,11 Joke Y. Gen:theft, of St_ Louts. ank ac -.• Meleted for years with en adectiuu L: destroyed my health. I cried user: - thing Jailed to relieve me ; mid / ha down man for sums years iron ca izer .. reeirrienrer /Aver. Uy beloreal pas gspy advised me to cry your Sdrm t ..ar imidiam WHIR ye; and anylinug yo, 111, , trying. By the bleeding of Goo a oi, crd vi- young &glum The beta that • - be good oneugu," Schirrtut, Cancer Tumors, Eniargeme:: 'Ulceration, Caries and isfonau3: the Bones. A great variety of was have bLo Where cures of Webb iiirmol000: cow, •L, form Moues of this remedy, but K. Le r- • - 11dIILlitheIDL SOM •ul Mom may • - • •1" da AhDiUlbey wtuch We ii,;eoLe Uelu to fend= gratis to ell who c.. 11 for tt.t..l Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, ay, Melancholy, N euralgia. Idanyrsmarkable cures of Loose made 07 the alternative potter ul top run • • dalltil Lai titel tonetioua tut., rtgorou..,,A corers:mm*l diaordem which tt uuhi lie tie reach. Sash a remedy Uas 000.1 Caliitlell of the people, cud wu are iu¢ do dolor them all Mot 1110111:d1W COIL au Ayer's Cherry fectorai YOR TEE Rani) Cough, Colds, Influenza, iloarEefesi sumponchitis, Incipient on, and for the iceliti Of Conscunpfive Patients in advanced stages of the Insease Thli lea remedy so ttmverAtAlly 1., other tor the cure of larval ttud .uhg useless hero to publish we ,vuleue, , I.:L. • unrivalled excellence fur cou,A , eL,LI ALt woaderml cures of pultotweryl -" known 'throughout the ClVlladd I• lew are the communities, our who ILTO 001 some laperbona xper,,e ,wry •- some hying trophy w ,ilol • - subtle and clangorous dinuslere it; Ii ,hr AL t- As all know the dreaulto fatemy of as they know, too, the acct. ui W., r,mtd: do more than to assw e them ued Jr, tnee that it did have when cutti-t,g the Di, 0- won strongly UpOU ctcniltiehee 01 so Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER 4.t Lowey, CO- ItO sally 11..A,Bannvart, c. ri..L 6ebrcp Co., Y. Lutz, al Co., Armstroui, Harr-ou era every where. oetleAmdhw • 0. ZIMME.I-04,0 7 RANKING STOCK, BILL ASD COLLECTI., 0f: ESN been removed from N 0 .23 SOO •1 ro NO. 130 MAKKET STREEI EISALOCRO, Pd. TREASURY NOMTIKEN Al PAF6 4t L._..-------"—_____ RUBBER GOODS lebe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, ~ 3. BERal.arceitiloSiojen rslr. 11:41 ` '. pURS Fresh Groutat and Wlttlii l-gc. ~,. Pepper, divine, LinnaaXL,g,,aly.o':. corner Front awl nt,. rigLEBRATED DANDELIOS COFIED :01.ogilarvineononnw Vol doneet et ee, n ' tatiiol.soo, , 011 corneorront and Marina aro" IMEMIII