Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 04, 1862, Image 1

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1b:J.318,-81sGtI StfIREIORIPTION
Ile Mull iILIORAPD IS Served to suite cribers to the
1.. w. at a 1 .,. 11 ts per week Yearly subscribers will be
na,ged 14 00, in advance
1;,,. 111 [SHAYS IS also published twice a week during
Of the Legislature and weekly during the
remanDter ~1 the year, and furnished to subscribers at
u ffletring cash rates,vis : e
mingle tibroribers per year Semi-weekly..ol 60
Teti ..12 00
Twrnty ..4t It ..22 00
Ingle subscriber, Weekly
ti r rffur lines or lose constitute oneehaltsquare. Slight
Iweenr murc titan four constitute a "Imre,
Il a n Fquitre, One day
ono week
elm month
three months
sot months ..
...... ........
one year
Oacy‘quere, one day
one week' 2 00
one month ..... 860
three months ..... ....... Ole
six months 10 00
one year 15 00
0- DuSniese notices Inserted In the Least Column, or
before ltarriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS VTR Txgrr, r m .
e arbinserPon ,
air Slarrigea and Deaths to be charged as regular ad
1.1 AS discovered the most certiin, speed)
aod efiectual remedy in the world for
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.
Two Daks. - lEE
eakuees of the Bark or mbs, Strictures, Pains le
he Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic
Wenkneee, Nervous ])ability, Decay of therhysica .Pow.
ors, ilynpepsitt, languor, Low Spirits, Confttelon of dew,
falf Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimnetie
01 Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affection,
of the Head, Throat, Nese or Skin—those terrible disco
dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits in
Youtb—thole dreadful and destructive practises whict
produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos•
efbio, and destroy both body and mind.
Young men especially who have become the victims 01
solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit wifiel
annually sweeps to en untimely grave thousands co
young men ortbe most exalted talent and brilliant intel
lect, who might otherwise hive entranced listening
&Italie! , with the thunders of elves:more, or waked to ee
boy the living lyre, may call with full confidence,
uvriert persons, or those contemplating marriage, be.
sz , drare of physical weakness, should immediately eon
ton Or J., and be restored to perletit health.
Immediately cured and fed/ vigor mitered.
lie who places himself endolthe cage of Dr. J. may
religiously contidein his hewn , gentleman, amci eon,
Healy rely upon his dkJi set '
eg - Olnce No. 7 South F.. ti wic Weed, Ealtheiore,
Al, OD the left hand side ge.e s , ,rom Baltimore street; 7
kart from the corner. Be particular is observin4 tbe
came Of number, or yen will mistake the place. Pa par
th,dhe f , ,r Ignorant, Trifling Quack'', with Was names,
ur Palley Iltoshog Cerifficater, attracted by the repute.
sea a. Pr. Johnson, lurk near
All loiters must contain a Postage Stamp, base on'the
Dr. Johnson member 01 the Royal College of Burgeons,
Isola, graduate !rem one of the most eminent Colleges
/the raked slr.tes, and the greatest part of whose life
lot Are spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila
delphia and elsewhere, has °fleeted some of the most as.
toulikm cures that were ever known. Many troubled
wit, ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner-
V 011.1.16, lif IlkW alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,
with inquit, I blushing, attended sometimes with derange.
scut , s• maid were cured Immediately.
reit3eB all those who having injured them
tdCtl i v, tumid Improper indnigenoles, that secret
aid &kcal , ~ b it which ruins both body and mind, un
iti,w Psi, for either bosinessor society.
lbe , arc some of the sad and melancholy enects pro
dic,9 hl early habits el youth,vls : Weakness of the
Oaf and limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight,
Lee nl ,111. ,, eular Power, Palpitation of this Heart, Dye
e.epha, N ervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive
Denims, General Debility, Symptoms or '..l)bsomp
110 i, Sc.
1111114 LT, the fearful effects on .
the mind are mush to
ovocaded :—Las of 1101nory, Confusion of Ideas De
proti‘di of Elpiritii, Evil Foreboding'', Avernion to Ideas,
tf iwlr•gOir eat, Love of Solitude; Timidity, ate., are some
or the KW'. •
Thotualuei 01 persons of all ogee, can now Judge what
Attie cause of their doctino to health, losing their vigor
becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have t
t Wolin appearance about the eyes, cough, and 'pi:pri
nt of oteßumptiou.
lino have Injured thomeelNG ME N ves by a certain Practice, fn
.(d to when alone—a habit frequently learned from
athitlaninne, nr at school, the effects of which are
dgluy reit, even when Weep, and If not cared, renders
snow imposeible, and destroys both mind and body,
nod! apply immediately.
that a pity that a young man, the hopes of Ids emelt.
the darling of hie parents, &outdate mistimed from
Prospects and enjoymenta of life by the conaequeneer
" [ denting from the path of nature, and indulging in a
gecret habit, etit ;p persons meat, before content,
ceAftltLiGi t
aect that a mound mind and body are the most necessary
reitioo r to promote connubial happiness. Indeed
sithets these, the journey through life becomes a weary
Silos males the pronpoet hourly darkens to the view; the
dud becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with tb
nclanehely reflection that the happiness of another be.
mama, bli4hied with our own.
if Tit:owls. INVIGORATING RilkiglPT FOR ON,
tb Ilex treat and important remedy, Weakness of th e
art speedily cured, and full vigor restored.
i e musanug 01 the most nervous and debilitated whit
tdd lest all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All
I mpediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Diaqualift.
lee Non, Nervous, 'frecobling, Weakness or Exhaustion or
crest fearful kind, speedilf anted.
bit The many thousands oared at this lusilialon within the
twelve years, and the numerous important Bures
lerations performed by fir. J., witnessed by th ere.
Nriers of the patens, and many other persons, notices Of
shch have appeared again and again before the public,
WM ha minding as a isadentan Of ukases/es and re.
ilauileilv, la a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
DisEASEB OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided
Si Imprudent votary of pleasure finds be has imbibed
Jig seeds of this painful di ease, it toe often happens that
lb sense of shame or dread of discovery deters
es from applying to those who, from education had
on . can alone befriend him, delaying till the eon.
%lima symptoms of this horrid dimwits make their
i lWarance, affecting th e bead, throat nose, akin,
fosessing on with frightful rap idity , tiii death pate
tiled to his dreadful safferings y, hin t to nth / A
woe from whence AO traveler returns. ' It is a mel
;t.ttnif fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible
'sense owing to the unsidifnlness of ignorant pretend.
the ON Who • by the use of that deadly poison, sientens
co nstitution and make the reshitie of life miserableruin.
To Ou tarostg.—The Dealer's Diplomas hang in his
nirlatiere toast contain a Stamp to us on the, reply
ttltelnedies sant by Mall.
0 "o. %tub Predoriok street, Baltimore.
O n n• newly replenished stock of Toilet
, and 'Pucci hoods 18 uosurpaSsed In this city, and
ull6 confident call.uderin
Dotully invite a c g we would res-
Market street, two doors east of Fourth street., south
420 and cutertaintug articles-- variety of useful
4: lan at %rapt" f rantportuti,
:IfinY ' ri • •
•••1 dr -7- 7 - 611 •
The Possenimr irralnis the, Penasylvania Railroad .
Company will dated ream and arrive , at Harrisburg anik
Philadelphia as follow :
SO 26
1 25
2 00
3 00
6 00
13 00
THROUGH IMPRESS TRAIN leavaii Harrisburg daily
at 8.20 a. m h and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 7.40
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday.)
at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West. Philadelphia at 5.10
HALL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday)
at 5.0 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 11.00
p. m.
ACCOMMODATION TRAM, via Mount Joy, leaves
Harrisburg at 7.80 a. m., and arnves at West Phila
delphia at 12.85 p. m.
bla, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 D. m.. and arrives at Woof
Philadelphia at 7 20 p. m.
THROUGH EIPBEBis TRAIN• leaves Philadelphia a
10.80 p. m.,.Harriaburg at 3.06 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a
m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. m.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., and ar•
rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves H wish urg at 9.00
a. m., Altoona, 3,30 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at
9.30 p. M.
FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.24 a. m., Harris
burg 4.05 p. Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at
Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m.
delpitht at 2.30 p. m., and arrives et Harrisburg at 8.00
p. m.
Lancaster at 11.83 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80
p. m.
West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. in. ;
Mount Joy at 7.43 a. m., Middletown at 8.25 a. m., and
arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. m., connecting with Mall
Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. in.
Rapt. East, inv. Penna. Railroad.
Harrisburg, January 24, 1862 .dtit
j BgR 4,1861, ,the Passenger Trains will leave the
Philadelphia sea Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg,
for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via
181P1U1218 LINE - leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a. in., on ar
rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Ripen Train from the
West, arriving in New York at 11.5 a. m., and at Phila
delphia at 9.00 a. in. A sleeping car is attached to the
train through from Pittsburg without change.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. In., arriving
in New York at 6.80 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p, in.
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival
of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving
York at 9,60 p.m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m.
— FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. m., and Philade I
nnis at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m.
NAM TRAIN leaves New York at 11.00 noon, and Phil
adelphia at 8. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10
REP LINE leaves New York at 18 p. m. arri
ving at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m., and connecting with the
Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping
car Is alma attached to this train .
Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the
Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley
Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville,
Wilksabarre, Allentown, Raston,
Baggage checked through. Faro between New York
and Harrisburg, $5 00; between Harrisburg and Phila
delphia, 118 25 in No. I cars, and $2 70 in No. 2.
For ticket; or other information apply to
No. 69, Market Street, below Third,
ELLnnwrintO, PA.
4 5 : 10
M. L.E E
PARSOL9 and WALKING CANER, will tarnish
goods at LOWER PRICES than eau be bought in any of
heltestere cities. Country merchants will do well to
ea and examine prices and quality, and convince them
c/TOMIE-Pdil_fiici• .
gent, Harrisburg.
Petmsylvania Legislature
1:411L0: 1 0.1:011:4:40;4 ,, 0 1 4 - .0):00:1:1 , k38Alr.14:0
TERIIMAY, April 3, 1862
The Housere assembled at three o'clixk,P. Y.
The whole of the session was taken up with
the disposition of private bills.
Correspondence of the Telegraph.] .
Szaassurto, .Va,, Mardi 28 t 1862.,.
MR. Thrum r---Tho recent siirelng eveols in
this region hive soSatily',--dortmg,ed:mmiviiids,
that you will pardon me for notlttgitlngearlier,
though I know. some uneasiness may exist
among those who have friendsin the 46th regi
ment, P. V., concerning it.
On Saturday morning our brigade received
orders to march. and by one o'clock were on
their way towards Centreville, being ordered to
join the "Army of the Potomac under General
el'Clellan at that point, the other brigade of
our division having preceded us, leaving Gen.
Shields in command at Winchester. Passing
through a beautiftil country we reached Berry
ville, distant eleven miles, by evening, and
"pitched our tents" just outside the village.
Secessionism here, as well as at Winchester,
strongly predominates, though a few loyal
hearts gave us a cordi;il welcome. Continued
our March on Sunday morning, but on arriv
ing at the Shenandoah river found the bridge
broken, and men were at once sent forward to
construct a pontoon bridge, the regiment. the
meanwhile reating upon the roadside. Just as
we were in readiness to move forivard,the whole
brigade was ordered back .to Berryville, from
whence it started at 11 o'clock r.
,at., for Win
chester, making , a forced march, the night be
ing very dark—and arriving within sight of
the city just as the sun rose, when a halt was
made, and while momentarily awaiting for the.
order, and as eachrunior of ttie terrible battle
of the day before reached us, the excitement
became intense, and our boys were eagre for
the fray, as it was anticipated that .Jackson
might possibly renew the attack. • -
From what we could learn relative to the
attack, it appears that Jackson was misled
concerning the evacuation of Winchester by our
troops, supposing our whole force had left,skve
a' small detachment as guard, and conse
quently expected an easy victory, as on Satur
day afternoon, only an hour or two after our
departure, Ashby's cavalry were drawn up in
line, only a few miles from the city, and two
pieces of artillery placed in position. Towards
evening an advance was made by the rebels—
four companies of our brigade, including one
from the 46th Pennsylvania, under command
of Major Mathews,holding them in check until
General Shields' forces arrived, when a small
A skhmish.ensned, during which. the General was
wounded by the bursting of kshell.
On Sunday morning, Jackson hai , ing been:
renttoroed,-tho attaok -was iwnewed with-10DM
vigor, followed by very severe fighting, the
- rebels slowly giving . wayy and late-in the after:
noon a desperate charge was made by several
of our regiments, taking five or six pieces of
artillery, and ending in the utter rout of the
rebels. It was during this charge that the gal
lant Col. Murray, of the 84th Pennsylvania,
fell, while leading his brave boys on to vic
tory. Thus has another hero been offered a
sacrifice upon the alter of patriotism—another
generous, noble-hearted man—one whose low
will be keenly felt—taken from arcking us—
but ever will his memory be cherished. Peace
to his ashes.
By seven „clock we were twain ordered for
ward, and marching through WinchesVr found
all excitement and confusion, people running
to and fro, ambulances loaded with wounded,
whose groans were truly distressing, waiting to
be unloaded at the temporary hospitals which
had been prepared, and everything betokening
how terrible the contestJiad been. As we pro
ceeded along the Strasburg pike, the road. was
nearly filled with ambulances and stragglers
from the field of battle, nearly all bearing some
tropy of the fight, and all, more or less, be
grimmed with powder. Shortly after passing
the battle field, in which our two hundred dead
bodies still lay unburied, we threw off our
knapsacks, so exciting did the pursuit become,
and by evening, when within two miles of Ce
dar creek, on the other side of which Jackson
was encamped, weary and nearly worn out,
having-marched for nearly forty-eight hours,
we bivonaced for the night, building large fires,
and lay down upon the ground without any
blankets, and many not having overcoats. The
night was cold, but all arose in the morning
ready to push forward, and with some slight
skirmishing by our bateries in front,we reached
Strasburg about noon or a little alter. Jackson,
however„ proved too skillful at retreating to
allow us to catch him,but we harrassed him so
much that be was compelled to bury many of
his dead, which he had taken with him, along
the roadside, in order to lighten his wagons.—
lt was in fact the greatest rout of the war, and
while our loss was large, yet his was double
that of ours. The pomp and pageantry of sol
diering Is very fascinating, quite romantic, bat
when we see the dreadful realities of war as
we did on that day; the heart sickens with hor
ror over the bloOdy slaughter; yet the rebellion
must be crushed.
The whole of the Fifth army corps are now
lying around Strasburg awaiting orders, Gen.
Banks being here in person. I cannot tell you
Lieut. Whitman, of company "D," has been
detached and is now acting Aide de-camp to
Col. Donnelly of the 2 / 3 11i New York, who
commands our brigade, Gen. Williams having
been promoted to the command of the, division,
formerly under command of Gen. Backs. The
promotion of Lieut. Whitman to such a re
sponsible-position will gratify his many friends
at home. More anon. -
Direct letters to "Winchester, Ira," until
further orders.
We direct the attention of our Mechanicsburg
friends to the advertisement of I. B. Dellett,
wholesale and retail druggist, found in another
column of this morning's Trmacumpa. Mr.
Dellett keeps constantly on band a large and
well assortel supply of drugs and medicines of
every description, from which country mer
chants and physicians can make advantageous
GIORGI PPABODT, the American banker in
Tagland, has , realised a fortune which yields
him mamma income of 0/0,Q00.7i,,,,.:,
Bull Run Russell Ordered Away from
the Army.
p.I . AVAL.' 0 A.DETS
The - Mailoikn on State Prisoners
Tom,. t-lITEDT 11 , 1 4--f4 9 41 1 4 2170 -4r AF
Capt. A. H.'Herwnod, of the Bureau of Ord
nance and Hydrograpby, in reply to a letter of
representative Sedgwiek, says under the pre
sent system of appointment hardly fifty per
Centum of the naval cadets graduate. This is
because no care is taken in selecting at first
pupils who have the rudiments of education,
either ?intellectual or moral, and because an-
governable ' ignorant and idle boys, expelled or
permitted to resign, are sometim es re-nomi
nated by members of Congress.
Capt. Harwood expressed the hope that the
power to reappoint, after the nomination bas
once been rejected for cause will be taken
The naval academy board in concluding their
review; of certain suggestions, say a perma
nent locality of the institution is of great im
portlitrice; and alio attaching another frigate
for naval practice.
The latter bee for some time been contem
plated by the Navy Department.
The commission on State prisoners will com
mence their sessions at the Fifth Avenue Hotel
next Monday.
After complethig their business they will
proceed to Boston.
The bill, Which passed the Senate to day, for
the emancipation of slavery in the District of
Columbia, was intioductxl by Senator Wilson
on the 16th Of December and reported back
from the committee for the District on the 18th
of February, with amendments, which, how
ever, do not effect the principles or plans of
emancipation as embodied in the original bill.
The Uonse Committee on „Post Offices and
Post-roads have agreed to report a bill to se
cure the speedy transportation of the mails.
In accordance with a recotemendation.of the
Postmaster General, it requires all railroad
companies -too-contract with she department for
tiffs pnrpose, and ;
in case of failure to, agree
'upon the price, the Court of Claims is to f3e the
arbiter, whose decision shall be final on both
.• It is not probable the House will finally act
on the bill till Monday, and in the meantime
the many amendments made in committee of
the whole on the state of the Union will be
The following has been issued from the office
of the Provost Marshal:
. The stekimer Thomas Collyear, under the
control of the Ladies' Mount Vernon Associa
tion, will be allowed to resume her trips to
Mount Vernon. No other vessel or boat will be
allowed to land at that place.
[Signed] Major W. J. DOSTER,
Provost Marshal.
C. E. ROBINSON, Adjutant.
- W. H. Russell, LL. D. correspondent of the
London .Tanes, who had followed one of our
army corps into Virginia, has been ordered
back. He reached this city this morning, with
all his traps.
Information has been received here from
Richmond to the effect that the owners of to
bacco warehouses design raising foreign flags
over them, for their protection, incase of a
1 bombardment of the city by the Union troops.
Lord Edward Clinton, Lord Edward Caven
dish, Lord R. Cecil and L. V. Williams, Esq.,
all of England, arrived in this city yesterday,
And are now at Williard's Hotel.
Captain Ericsson, who built the Monitor, is
also at Willard's.
hnportant from New Mexico
Fort Union Reinfuroed And Safe-
The Union Forces Still Beleagured at
Fort Craig.
A !Ad Provisional Government, Organ-
hied at Santa Fee.
Sr. Lome, April 8.
Porrespondence of the St. Touia Republican.ll
FROM FORT UNION, Nsw Mum°, March 18.—
Col. Stough's Colorado regiment of volunteers,
950 strong, arrived here five days ago. The
effective fighting force now here is 1;400, suf
ficient to defend this depot against any force
the rebels can bring against us. We have
stores enough to last our troops three months.
This fort is the strongest on the frontier,
being seven hundred and fifty feet square, with
parapets seven feet high, and a ditch eight feet
deep and fifteen wide. it contains wells, stock
and magazines. Ordnance for the works have
been received, and will probably be mounted
At the latest advices Col. Canby was still
shut up at Fort Craig, two hundred and fifty
milesiosouth of here, and the Texans, twenty
four hundred strong, were at Albusquerke,
with twenty pieces of artillery, about half
way between here and Fort Craig. Other ac
counts say, the rebel Colonels Steele and Bay
lor,"with eighteen hundred Texans, are ad
vancing on this fort.
The Texans bold Santa Fee where they have
organized a provisional government with Gen.
Pelham as Governor. If a forward movement
cap be made, without jeopardizing this depot,
it will be done and an effort made to relieve
Col. amby,and then reclaim Santa Fee and Al
.Qolonel Stough as next ranking
olimerfikinsommanstotthie department while
go). Ilmby, is popnad up lin FortcOmig.
The Force Spike the Gum and Belk
'Without Loss.
Wastarrozow, April 8.
OFF Ismitsn No. 10, April 1,
2b Hon. Gideon Welke, Secretary of War:
Last night an armed boat expedition was fit
ted out from the squadron and the land forces
at this point, under the,command of Colonel
Roberts, of the 4241 Illinois regiment. The five
boats comprising the expedition were in charge
of Brat master J. V. Johnson, of the St. Louis,
assisted by Fourth Master G. P. Lord, of
the Benton, Fourth Master Pierre, of the
Cincinnati, Fourth Master Morgan, of the
Pittsburg, and master's mate Snoodle, of
the Mound City, each with a boat's crew of
ten men from their respective vessels, carrying
in all one hundred men, exclusive of officers,
under command of Col. Roberts. At midnight
the boats reached the upper or No. 1 fort, and
pulling directly in its race, carried• it, receiv
ing only the harmless fire of two sen
tinels, aho ran on, discharging their mus
kets, while the repel troops the
vicinity rapidly retreated, whereupon Col. Rob
erts spiked the six guns mounted in the fort,
and retired with the boats -uninjured.. The
commanding officer represents alt under his
command, from their coolness and determina
tion, as being ready to perform more hazardous
service bad it been required to the fulfilment
of the, bject of the expedition.
1 have the honor to be, very respectfully,
&c., your servant, s-.
Governor Sprague and the rest of the present
incumbents of the State officers, were re-elected
yesterday without opposition. The vote was
fight, only about 11,000 ballots being cast.—
The General Assembly is divided politically very
nearly as it was last year. The Democrats and
Constitutional Union Party, have a majority,
in grand committee, of about thirty-six.
XXXVIIth Congress--First Session.
The bill to abolish slavery in the District of
Colombia was taken up.
Mr. McDocoar., (Cal.,) proceeded to speak
against the measure.
Mr. TENNYCK, (N. J.,) said he would have
much preferred a bill providing for gradual
emancipation, and the submission of the ques
tion to the people of the District. '
Mr. SUMNER moved to amend the bill so as in
giving testimony before the commissioners no
witness shall be excluded on account of color.
Agreed to—yeas 86, nays—Messrs. Bayard,
Carlisle, Davis, Kennedy, Nesmith,' Powell,
Saulsbury, Willey, Wilson, (M 0.,) and Wright
—lO. •
Mr. Crarts's substitute was agreed to.
The question was then taken on the substi
tute offered by Mr. Wright, and it was rejected
—Yeas, Messrs.: Bayard, Carlisle, Davis, }Ken
nedy, Latham, Nesmith, Powell, Sherman,
Willey and Wright-10 ; nays, 29.
Mr. CLARK moved to amend the second sec
tion of the bill to require that the claimant,
in making his petition for payment, should
take the oath that be had not korne arms to
'rebellion to the government, or given aid and
comfort "'hereto. gr , t •
Little Damage done -to the Union
Fleet at Island No. 10.
The Guns and Mortar Boats Uninjured.
4 Owosso, April 8.
Eltweitlliispiten .4-214/iune4
0A320.--Aarnall craft tied to the at the
foorof Front street, opposite the Elt:Otutries
hotel, occupied by a poor man and family, con
elating of five persons, parted moorings during
the gale yesterday. Afyon board were drowned.
The wharf boat belonging to the Ohio and Mo
bile railroad vas blown across the river, and is
now entangled in the bushes on the Kentucky
At Paducah the storm was very severe, un
roofing thirty houses, including the marine hos
pital and a large warehousa adjoining the wharf
boat. The damage done to steamers and pro
perty along the river is immense.
The Evansville packet,
escaped destruction.
The storm was exceedingly *violent in the
vicinity of the Cumberland river, but we arc
without particulars.
'The steamer Universe has just returned from
a successful search for the steamer Philadel
phia, reported sunk. She was found one mile
this side of Columbus. Her crew were taken
off, excepting three men, who left the Phila
delphia in a skiff, and have, not been heard
from since.
Nothing of interest from New Madrid.
10.30, P. M.
The Pike has just arrived from the Island,
with intelligence to IP. x. The damage to
the fleet is less than was anticipated. The gun
boats and mortars are uninjured. Two trans
ports, the Pike and Swallow, are damaged con
The bombardment is Still carried on vigor
ously, but the results are unknown.
An Expedition 4irom the Union Eke
Capturee a-RebelYort.
Paovroxtras, B. 1., April 8.
Mr. TP.IIMBEILL moved to add a proviso that
such oath of the party to the petition shall not
be evidence to ihn facts therein stated. Agreed
to, and the amendment was adopted.
Mr. Snowmen moved to amend so that the
average price be $5OO, instead of 000, and that
one-half be retained by the Secretary of the
Treasuary, to be paid to the person liberated.
If he emigrates to another country, he said we
should do something more than simply liberate
the negro. He did not believe the two races
could live together with mutual advantage.—
Indeed, with all his horror of slavery, he was
not sure but that if the two races must live
together, the best way was to leave them re
main in the relation of master and slave.
Mr. BROWNING'S amendment was rejected—,
Yeas, Messrs, Browning, Davis, Harris, Hen
derson, Kennedy, Latham, McDougall, Hes
..:lll, Wiley and Wright, 10; nays, 81.
Mr. Comma* offered an amendment that the
owner of persons held to service shall file the
name and description of the person to be lib
, 04140 by the bill, within twenty days after
the ctaim for payment, on such time
M the oomosWoner shall limit, linden the pen
alty of forfeiture of the claim ; and that th.
clan: Of- 'the 4?ourt shall issue certilicetes of
manumission to the persons liberated. Adopted.
Mr. hi'Doroar.t offered a substitute for the
bill similar to the one offered by Mr. Wright,
providing for a gradual emancipation and com
pensation, and the submission of the question
to the people of the District. Rejected—yeas
10, nays 25.
Mr. Doourrie offered an amendment appro
priating one hundred thousand dollars to aid
in the voluntary emigration of persons liberated
by the bill, and other persons of color in the
district, to Hayti, Liberia, or some other coun
try. Agreed to.
"Courier," barely
The question was taken on the passage of the
bill, and it passed, as follows:
-Yeas—Messrs. Anthony, Browning, Chand
ler, Clark, Collamer, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessen
den, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Har
ris, Howard, Howe,K ing, Laue, (lud.,) Lane,
(Kan.,) Morrill, Pomeroy,, Sumner,
Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wil
mot and Wilson, (Mass.)-29.
Nays—Messrs. Bayard, Carlisle, Davis, Hen
derson, Kennedy, Latham, McDongal Nes
mith, Powell, Saulsbury, Stark, Willey, Wil
son, (U 0.,) and Wright-14
Applause in the galleries when the chair de
clared the vote. Adjourned.
An amendment was adopted ,that no writ,
summons or other process issued by a justice of
the pace in any criminal case or equity suit
commenced by the United States, or any State,
shall be subject to the payment of stamp
The medicine schedule was altered so as to
provide that medicines, cosmetics and perfum
eries, by whatever name the same have been,
now are, or hereafter, be called or distin
guished, shall pay, when valued or sold at
twenty-five cents, one cent; not exceeding fifty
cents, two cents; not exceeding seventy-five
coats, three cents ; not exceeding one dollar,
four cents, and for every fifty cent or fraction
al part thereof, over and above one dollar, two
cents. Praying cards shall pay twenty cents
per pack.
The consideration of the income sections,
which was passed over yesterday, was now re
An amendment was adopted, including tele
graph, gas or express corporations under
the income duty. - It was provided that the nett
gains, profits and incomes only shell be &Alma
ttd, and that the duties on incomes shall
payable on or before the 80th of Jane, 1865,
and in each year thereafter until and including
the year 1866, and no longer.
Among other amendments adopted was one
that fun of all descriptions , when made up.
shall be charged three per centum ad valorem.
All the sections were acted upon, excepting
the two relating to appropriation, and allow
ance, and drawbacks. The committee then
rose and the Some adjourned.
Cotton firmer—sales 1,600 bales.. Flour
firm—sales 14 000 bbls. Wheat firm—sales
11,000 bus. at $1 80(41 87 for red; $1 26 for
Chicago spring. Corn—sales 9,600 boa. at 68
®6oc. Beef firm. Pork firm and active.—
bird firm and active. Whisky steady at 2211
Fon Draawata.—This fort, to which the
Confederate prisoners taken near Winchester,
Va., have been cent, is a'powerful stone fortifi
cation on the Pea Patch Island, in the middle
of the Delaware bay.
The Pea Patch is a large island, in the centre
of which stands Fort Delaware, 'one of the hest
fortifications in the country, mounting three
tiers of guns. It is two miles from the fort to
either shore, and the island contains a number
of residences outside of the fort, so that it can
be made a prison place for at least a thousand
prisoners. The present installment of prisoners
will, it is stated, ba confined within the stone
fortress. The garrison of the place caudate of
a company of regulars, and a few itinerant par
ties of artillerists that go down to the Pea Patch
to practice artillery evolutions.
-RV Officer.
information him been received at headquarters
that Lieutenant A. W. Christian, Missiouri mi
litia, on the 19th instant, captured one hundred
and twenty-five kegs of powdtr, buried on the
farm of Mrs. Sarah B. Broker, near Warrens.
burg ; and that on the 22d, Lieutenant J. M.
Jewell, with twenty men, had a skirmish - with
rebels near the same place, killing four of them.
Oar loss wes'one killed end one badly wounded.
St. Louis Democrat, Slats/C.
Tae Ray. Da. Moons, of Richmond, delivered
a lecture in that city on the origin and mean
ing of words, in which many curious facts we r e
developed, among which were that the word
Davis means "God with us," and that Lincoln,
when subjected to etymological anaysis, means
"on the verge of a precipice." Wonderful
LSOTARD, the gymnast, has just concluded au
engagement for .two years, in England, by
which he binds himself to give eight perform
ances a week.. For this he is to receive his ex
penses, namely, suitable "bed and hoard," and
$6OO a week, or no less than £28,000 a year,
equal to $lB,OOO.
" Bra," said the doctor to the judge, " the
conduct of England toward our government is
infamous, and never will be forgiven. She has
completely destroyed all affections for oar
mother country—she; has cut the umbilical
cord." . " True Raid : the judge, "and thereby
lost her navalkirelmitcy." .
Nsw Yopic, April 1