Altbiva ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, ME NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; A NEW REMEDY,I A CERTAIN REMEDY, I "' ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATISM OE EVERY Ella); No Bur= HOW STUBBORN,_ HOW LONG STANDING, PROPPLAALLIVE WHAT IT HAS DONE, TT WILL DO AGAIN. THZ BEST TESTIMONY, BEST MEDICAL AIITHoRITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE TRIAD AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL [FROM OFFICIAL HOSPITAL RIPOILTS.] May ]9, 1860,-Ellea S., let. 28, single, never was very strong. Two yeare, ago she had an attack of acute rheuma tism,trom which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and subseeent,y from arelapse for four more. She has been well since then till last Satur day, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain In her back, felt cold, hot had BO decided chill. Two days later her ankles 'be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both lianas are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, Is a ease or acute rheumatism, or, as it 18 now fashionably called, rheumatic lever. It is a well remarked typical ease, We will carefully watch tha CM, and from time to time call your attention to the -Vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you sow, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I m inn propyZantine. Dr. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having derived g reat umlerk from its use in 260 cases which came under his care. Various corn mandatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in' our Journals, and I propose therefore to give It another trial I must confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which aro vaunted as speeides ; but this comes to us , recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR OATS LATER 1 Max 23, 1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and was Wen labor• log under an attack of acute rheumatism, She has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting It at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attacx. (The patient now walked into the room.) The improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fall to notice a marked change in the appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thus far our experiment would have seemed very suc cessful; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little.woile be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been suffering from c monk; rheutuutism, and I found her at that time with•an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and terse. She took the chloride of Propyla - mine in three grain dues every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the Joints hue much dimin ished. THREE DaYS LATER!! MAT 26, 1860.—This Is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first of those to which I called your attention at our last clinic. rthe is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very bat lslautory resells. The second case to winch your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do wet.- I will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute iheumatism, and if the result be sat factory, I think, as good jurymen, we shall justly render our verdict in favor of propylaeum He is a seaman, wt. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has had ocausional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight'days ago. The pains began in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the mints of the upper extremities. These joints are all swollen, tense ano tender. His tongue is furred • his skin, at 'present dry, though there has been much ' sweating. His pulse is full and strong, and about 90. He-has now need propylamiue for twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called it strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism. Thera was exposure to cold and wet, and tins exposure is followed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower joints. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally atttendunt on acute rheumatism. I dittnet bring this patient before you with the inten tion of giving yon a lecture on all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical Ouse, as I have called it, than which there co uld not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, eves aLLO iylleS, that then may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. You shall see the case 01 a future clinic. THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT Join% 1860.—The next of our convalescents is the case of acute rheumatism before you at oar clinic of May 26th, which I then called a typical case, and which It was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to siy that I have nevea seen as severe a ease of .once rheumatism CO soon restored to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decide positive by as to the val. lie of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to sta to that in the cases in which we lasso triad the Chloride o Propylamine, the patients nova retained their health much earlier than under :he treatment ordinarily par sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. . For a full report of which the above is a eondensed extract, see the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Re porter. It is the report after a fair trial by the beet med ical authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY CURE, AN EFFECTUAL CURE. THE SAME RESULT WHAT IT HAS DONE, Bullock ktCrenshaw, ktirm well known to most medi cal men, by - whom the Cliistr Prupylamine has been in• traduced, have sold. to us the exclusive right to manufac ture it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter at broadcast amongst Butrering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form we invite your attention to the you earemizam CHLOIIIDA PROPTIAMINII ; PUNI'PROPFLOUNE Ptfla palirimakunt CONCINTRATED ; PORI Tempi PILOPYLLMINI, Of which we are the sole manufacturers. Apr We otalm rio other virtue for the Elixir Propranune than bv contained hiyure Crystalized Cblorida_of Propy. 'amine. THE ELMS 113 AND MAY BE TAKEN, ACCOADING TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY ONE, IBY EVERY ONE, WHO HAS RHEUMATISM OF ANYKIND. Sold in Harrisburg by AY 75 ere. A7sorna Orders may be addressed to PRO.FTLAMINE MANUFACTURING CO!, Office, Room No. 4 3 S. W. Cor.lFourth and Chesnut streets, Pniladelphla. Ur to'elther of the following Wholesale Agents BULLOCK & ORENKH&W, FRENCH, RICITARDS & CO., JOHN M.. 111 AR'S &CO, ' GEO. D. WETHERELL & CO„ PETER T. WRBIGT & CO., ZEIGLER & SMITH, T. MORRIS PEROT & CO 91. Pinuipauttuki qv7-dly .To Destroy--Rate, Roaches, &c. To Destroy—Mtee, Moles, and Ants. To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. To Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Fleas. Is Destroy—lnseetsion Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Aoimals, &c. To Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin "CoatistarviEs'y WILL CONQUER IT, WILL CURE IT, DOCTORS READ, DOCTORS : F.XAMINE, DOCTORS TRY IT. ;THU `ONLY INFALLIBLE BEDIXDIES KNOWN!! DISMOYB ntarexnr EVERY FORM AND SPECA t ES OF 'Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on the 'Remises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York oily." Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by —the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by —the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Used by—the City Hotels—Us tor' —'St.Nicho las,' &c. Used by —the Boarding Houses, &0., &c. Used by—more than 40,000 Private Families. %Off - See one or two Specimens of what is everywhere said by the People---.Editors—Dealere, HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Cosmsn's" Exterminators. We have: used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 wo would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Coma's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Medina (0.) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Eat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR--We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, dice, RoacheS and Vermin disappear rapidly. Egsea & STOUFFER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat Roach &c. Exterminator " Costar's " "Costar'S " Bed-bug Exterminator. Costar's " " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. Ix 25c. 500. AND $l,OO BOZO, BOTTLES AND nem, $3 $5 Slakla FOR PLANTATIoNS SHJPE , BOAFs, HOTRIS, aLO., CAUTION! I To prevent the public from being impoSed upon by Spurious and Highly pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a lac simile of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take„llnothing but "Cos tars." or Sold Everywhere—by All Wiwi's:aux DRUGGISTS in the large cities. ,Bome of the Wholesale Agents in New York . City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. HAral, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gale & Robinson. M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Conrad Fox—min arum. !Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & mum. AND BY DRUGGISTS, GROCERS, STORFKEBPERS and EXTAIL ERB generally in all COUNTRY Towsa and Vniaold in the'lr. (UNITED STATES. IN EVERY CASE, wHENEVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONY ENIENT,i, AND ALbAYS READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE HA R 11 I wßtr R:G.Z;P E N N A, fir Sold by D. W. Gross Sr, Co., AND C. K. Keller Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Higrisburg, and by the Darrarners, Slone- HiErioss and Mamma generally. it CouirrßY DZAIMISI can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if Price, Terms, &c., is desired, 1117' send for [1562] Circular, giving reduced Prices] to HENRY R. COSTAR. Ply:super. Dmos---No. 612 Broadway—(Oppo site the St Nicholas Hotel,) New York. febl2-d6st Igniteltalians VERMIN . EXTERMINATORS. VERMIN. I)ennevliginia "DailD etteVap4, tue.96av ifternoon. 2tpril 1, 1862 FREIGHT REDUCED 1 Howard Hope MORT & QUICK ROUTE NEW YORK. Goods: Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at n P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Order Goods Emarked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 64 For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen litaluserrao, Aug. 1861.-dtf GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL. - LIVERY body ought to join in eirculate ing it, if the tis,:t3 we represeut are so. All are in terested, tha well and afflicted.. . The GuLDEN ELEC ERIC is useful in Chronic and Nervous Diseases, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Cinema], Scrofula, Piles, Fresh or Old Sores, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Female Complaints, :ore Breasts, iris. In fact there is no family medicine that sets with such magic power as the Golden Electric Oil. Hundreds can certify to its virtues. Fox the purpose of introducing it into every family, with two of my own 'minable preparations ler Cougus, Croup, Weak and inflamed Eyes, an das an inducement to those woo assist me to dispose of 20 gross, 1 place in possession of a committee of honorable gentlemen the following valuable articles, for FitkE distribution amongst the purchasers : 1 Fine 6-actavo Piano 8100 1 Fine Dressing Bureau 16 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead 8 1 Fine English Gold Lever Watcn 85 1 Fine de 'OO 30 2 Fine Silver Watches, $5 00.... 10 1 Old Violin and Bow 5 1 Muic Box 3 1 Fine Double-barrelled Gun 9 Fine Semi-tone Accordeon 4 4 Gold Bracelets, $1 00 4 609 Boxes Valuable Pills, 26 ets 125 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 et 5........ 100 200 Copies Life of Dan Rice, Embellished, 25 eta 50 1 Copy, 6 volumes, Christian Union, $1 00.... 6 1 Fine Silk Dress 20 1 Fine DelaineDress 3 2 Fiue Lawn Dresses. $.3 00._ . 6 6 Fine Gold Pencils, 81 00 200 Fine Sleeve Buttons, 1234 cis 25 24 Fine Ladies' Guards; 25 cis 6 20 Fine setts of. Jewelry, $1 Q 4).......... ..... 20a 20 Fine Double Modallioris, 1 00 20 60 Fine Locket Pies, 60 eta 25 600 Fine Setts Studs, 25 . eta 160 500 Fine 18-karat Rings, 25 eta ..... 125 4 200 Fine Gent,' Sleeve Buttons, 12% cts 26 100 Fine Allen's Razor Powder, 26 cm._ 25 1 Gilt Family 8ib1e.... . 3 1 Barrel Flour_ 702 On the payment of 26 aents for each Bottle or Box of the Medicine, tke purchaser, will receive a receipt and an order for au envelope, which will contain the name of one of the above gifts. On the day of the distribution of gifts, the envelopes will be placed M a box or wheel, with a hole to pass the hand into it, tee envelopes all put into the wheel, well shook up and secured, each purchaser will draw out his or hpr own envelope; the gift named therein will be given as soon as the drawing closes. No tice will be given to agents, and in the papers, of the day of distribution. Pure. users ai a distance will have an equal share wiih those residing in Harrisburg. On re• (Tint of the money for one or more dozen, the medicine, with ceridcate and orders, will be forwarded by express, free of charge. In alt cases the medicine is warranted to cure or give relief, or no charge. See certificates. pa. W. Beni—DNA SiR :—Aa I have learned that you have purchased tile right to manufacture and sell M'Con - nail's Golden Electric Oil, for the benefit et the alblcbod, t, send the fellowing nave been afflicted with a run ning sore on my lett leg for ten years. Luring that time 1 have been under the treatment of ten of the bent floe torn in Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland county ; but all could not effect a cure. A little over a year past, g o ing into my blacksmith shop after dark, I hurt my Tignt leg also, below the kbee. It spread all around the leg, and became a running sore. Several Doctors told me I must have my leg taken olf mortification having taken place. Fortunately I got a bottle of your Golden Electric Oil for my child's sore mouth. It cured so soon that I thought 1 weind try It on my legs. I have been using It about six weeks, and my legs are now healed up —sound and well. We, the undersigned, who are well acquainted with Malta T. Hooch, do certify to the fact as stated above, and the beneucidl effects of WConueli's Golden electric Oil on many of our neighbors. HENRY ANDREW, C .KBsRLY,' A. P. ERB,(Bridgeport Hotel.) BENJAILLIN CLAY, J. LON tiEN.F_Clibitt, Esq. have been using Dr. Barr's Croup tlrup in my family for the past two years. I would not be without it at any price, as my children are subject to Colds no Croup. I believe I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be without it. F. K. SWARTZ, (livery,) Harrisburg. CAMP Comm, December 6, 1861. De. BARR. :—I thank you most sincere ,y for the Oint ment you gays me for my' eyes. I have of ly used It a Lew times, and am now entirely tree from inflamation and pam which is more than I have been for the last live years.- 1 hope God will bless you for the free gift. No person afflicted with weak or inflamed sore eyes ought to bo 'without it .1. C. MILES. tieing well acquainted with J. C. Miles, what he certi fies to above is correct and true, as singular as it may seem._ J. B HELM C. C. far Bedford. . . . riundreds hive certified—lt:Lave Only given the above. Piles, 'fetter, Poison, Itch, Lot% JUNT, Gonorrhma, Gleet, Leucorrhw, and all secret diseases cut ed with same sue. cess, or no charge. • • Ten per cent. wit' be paid to all persons selling one o more dozen. W. BASH, j2o•dawtf Harrisburg, 'a. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBIIItia. VHE undersigned has established a regular LINE OF STAGE COACR.y here hicchanics burg, connecting every other morning with the Cumber. and Valley Railroad cars. the coaches leave every very Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returuinz every her day. eassengers for Bheppardnoiva, Uiflsburg iarabant and iiMissours ,re Carried at rn.ia Ceti :4,34 11-dtt Wit. J. TAT-r: DR. T.. MILES . SURGEON DENTIST IFFERS his services" to the citizens o ILI Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o Lite public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to rend.a- satisfaction in his pro fession. Being *Mold, well tried dentist, he leeht sale in nviting the public 'generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly cc. •fapied by Jacoblt. Eby, near the United Skates Hotel, Harrisburg, Pat - nityB-tmy NEW Fruits, Currents, liaisins, Citron and Lemons, at the new tyholesale and Retail, Gro cery and Proviaion Store, corner Front and 'Market street, liarrisbarg,.re. ' .11 NICHOLS & BOWNAN/ tlirLitrutuua EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM M'CONNELL'S ELISHA T. HOUGH inisultantons DARLING'S LIVER R EGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vt-getable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— fhey regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeys they give tone to the digestive organs; they regulate the ,icreticns, excretions and exhalations, equalize the ei-- lanai, and purify the blood. Thus all bilious comnlaler -some of which are rerpid Liver, Sick Headache, - v• 'l,erkia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, CONtiVelle HS or Lew ness—are entirely aontrolcd and cured by these Tame ,lies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR removes the morbid and hiltless deposits from the stem teh and bowels, regluatee the liver and kidneys, remov %'g every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ac tion in the vital organs. It Is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, such better than pills, and much easier to take DARLING'S LITE BITTERS is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent In eases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregulart ties, pain, in the side and bo.rels, blind, protruding and Weeding piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY ; Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street. New York, writes, August 18, 1860: "I have been afflicted eith piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years ; I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORAiT'OR LIFE BITTERS, And now consider myself sartlastx maim." Hon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, March 16, 1860 In the spring of 15591 took a severe cold, which induc ed a violent fever. I took Iwo doses or DARLING'S - LIVER REGULATOR. ti broke up my cold and fever at once. Preyloos to this qttami, I has bven troubled with dyspepsia several months ; I have lett nothing of it since." Otis Studly, ksq., 128 east 28th Street, N. T., writes : "August 12, 1860-1 had a difficulty with Sidney Com plaint three years with cor.starit pain in the small of my back. I had used most all kinds el medicines, but found no permanent relict' until 1 used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE MITERS. passed clotted blood by the urethra, lam now en tirely cured, and take pleasure itl recommending these remedies." Mrs C. Tebow, 11 Christopher :Street, N. Y e writes ""Feb 20, 1860.—1 have been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last tw .nty years. 1 have never found anything equal to Darling ' s Liver, Regulator, affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 11360. in May last 1 hada severe attack of Piles, which confin ed me to the house. 1 took one bottle of . DARLING'S LIFE BIImRS and was entireiy cured. I have had no attack since," D. Westervelt, Esq., of South sth, near 9tb Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August s,lB6o.—Having been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bil ious atiaek:S, I Waif advised by a friend to try DJIRLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, did so, and found. it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used it as FAMILY btEDICINE When our children are out of sorts, we givo thew a 'few drops and it sets went all right. I find it meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disorder ed." READER, if you nerd either or both of these most ex celicat Remedies, inquire fur them at the stores ; if you dia not find them, take no other, bnt Inclose OLIO Dollar In a letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies wiLl be cent according to your &motions, by mall Of express, post-paid. Address, DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nessap. street, New York. Put up In sto cent and slM:Miele each. oct24-d6ul TRIENNIAL APPEALS FOR 1862' undersigned Commissioners of Dauphin county, Pa., make known to the taxable inhabitants within said county and those owning real estate within the county aforesaid that appeals will be had on the valuation as returned by the Assessors of all real and personal property taxable for State and county purposes for the said year, said appeals commencing Monday March Zith,nt the public house or George Hoek er,for the township of eouth Hanover. For East Hanover, at the public house of Abraham Boyer, on Tuesday, the 26th day of Marna inst. For West Hanover, at tee public house of John Buck, on Wednesday, ttie 26th day of March inst. For Susquehanna township, at ttio County Court House, in toe Commissioners office, on Thursday, the 27th day of Marcn .lust. For Swatara township, in tho Court House aforesaid, on Friday, the 28th day el March mat. For think auditeed townships, on Tuesday, tho Bth day of April, at the public house o l John By rod: For Jefferson township, at the house of John Hoffman, (election p1a.0,) on Wednesday, April 9th, 1862. For Jackson township, at the house of John Dialer, Esq., on Thursday; the 10th day of April. For Washington township,at the public house of James Hoffman, on Friday, the 11th day of April. For the township oi Whadol/lS(:0, at the public house of J. F. Hoffman, in Lykenstowo, on Saturday, the 12th day of Api Jr„ Lykens township and borough of Gratz, on Mon day, at Baum's 'Tavern . , hi Gratz, on Monday , the 14th day of April. For the township of Mifflin, at the public house of Ben jamin Bordner, in Berrysourg, on Tuesday, the 15th day 01 April. For the tewnship of Upper Paxton and Millers burg, at Freeland's 'tavern, on Wednesday, the 16th day of For the township of Middle Paxton, Rush and Dauphin borough, at the pub he house of - Mock ty, in Dauptuu, on Thursday, the Tith day of April: Fur the township of Lower Paxton, at Gilebrist'a Tavern, oil eaturday, the 19th day of aprit; For the township of Lower ewstara, at the public house of Mrs. Lehman, in Mighbpire, on Monday, the slat day of April. . . For the 'hal ough•of Middletown, (three wards,) at the public house of Talendne Dotson, on Tuesday, Sao 22d dey of April. Jr"o the township of Londonderry, at Kelper's TaTern, on Woonescitty. the 231 day of 4. il. For tne tmustnp of Canewago, at Snyder's Tavern, on Than:day, the 24th day of April. • For tne township of Derry, at the pubic house of little, in ihunmeletown, on Friaay, the 25th day of For the Sixth and. Fifth wards of the city of Harrisburg, at the Court Hotta; in the oflice of the County Conunin sioners, on Tuesday, May Mb iuet. For toe Fourth ward of said city, at the same place, on Wednesday, tae 7th day of May. For ihe Third ward of said tity, at the same place, on Thursd .y, the Bth day of May. Fur the First and &cm:id wards of said city, on Fri :day, the 9th day of May, 1862. he Commissioners merefore hope that ali.persona knowing thernielves aggrieved by their respective value - lima as lati.osed, will take notLe hereof sad . appeal at their reep:ctire places of appeal for redess. .S.ald'appeals will open at 9 A. M. asta L close at 4 o'clock P. X. JACOB Beata, GEOnGE G AnVBBICH, 11ENILY MOYER, Commiseioners Atteat :--JOEIEPH MaLae 'P.:. esses.ors are requested to be punctual in their attendance on the day of appeal. ru6.4l&.wtd All Work Promised in One Week 3.:0 4 . PENNf3Y'LV ANT A: STEAM DYEINS. ESTABLISHMENT. 104 _Market street between 4th and :,sth o ITAREISpURG, PA., wIl - FRE every description of Ladies' and Gentlemen,' Garments, Piece Goods, hr., are Dyed, Cleansed and finished in the beet manner and at the shortest notice. DODGE dc CO., Nova-lowly Proprietors. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and halt bbl. sacks, also, wholesale and retail at th 'New Grocery and Provision Store, Front and Market eta. NICHOLS.' § BOWMAN. r'iOAL OIL, BEST. COAL OIL Wholesale I,L) andßetail, for Bale by" NICHOLS . & Boircot. i 9 career Front and Market rareeta. Jotins & erositgo. SOMETHING roa THE TIMES grA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE EN THEW ORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE LN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE L the only article of the kind over produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, /ha. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Blase Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan, it is easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Mao Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, • That plece . knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND 'PORCELAIN, No matter if thatiiroken Pitcher did not cost but a shil ling,a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken -end you can't match it, mend It, it will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lavit, and in fact everything but Metals. . Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT :GLUE will not show where it is mended. EXTRACTS. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johne d; Crosley's American Cement Glue."—N . Y. Units. "It is Is., convenient to have in tee house."—N. Y. &Press- "11 is always ready ; this commends Itself to every body."—lndepend amt. We have tried it, and find it as useful in our homes as water."— Wiiks' Spirit of the TiMCS• ECONOMY . IS WEALTH. $16,00 per year saved in every amity by Ono, Bottle of AMERIO.AN CEMENT GLUES Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductims to Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CASH. sarFor sale by. all Druggists, and Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROBLEY, (Sole Alan ufacturerad 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street Important to Home Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Importantto Farmers. 2b all whom this may conarn, and itecongerns every may JOHNS &, CROSLEY'S tiIitPROVED OUTTA;PERCHA OEMINT ROOFING , The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use IT IS PULE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to Raw and out anon or all kinds, steep or flat, and to RHINOLS ROOFS without removieg.tbe Shlngies, The Cost la only about One-Third that of Tin AND kV IS.TWICE AS DO i 14.131.161. . . This article has been thoroughly tested in Sew York City and all other Pane of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and South America, on buildings of all kinds, such as FaCrealie, CHURCH ; Kau Rost) Oseefs, eine, and on Pllsue BUILDINGS generally tiovsitsualik Bmworatt Sto.,•by the principal Builders, Arcanects and others, duriag the past four years, and pas proved to be the CHI AKEST and MW f DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect St FIRE, WA IRE:, WEATHER and TIME PROW covering for HOOFS OF ALLHINDS. .. This is the 017.5Yinaierial manisfactured in the United Sates which combines the very desirable properties of likuticity and Durability, which are universally iiognoW lodged be poesesged by GUI2,A PidiUILA• AND .1.N.0L1. RUBBER.. No Heat is required in leaking application The ex:penso of a:pplylisg it is trifling, ns au ordinary roe can be covered bud thbeheLl the same day, It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Fins PROOP one label with an'elisbc body, wider cannot on injured by Bear, Cow Or SWAYS 61LOINKING GO: ROOF 80/alum, nor any eX. ternal action whatever. - LIQUID GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOR PRESERVING ANDREPF,A RING METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. aThis is the only Composition known whicri will success- Sully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any letigth of time, wrien applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, terming a body equAl to coins in ordinary paint, cOsts much less and, will LAdf THHI.E TIMSAz ; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expatiation of Tin and other Metal Hoots, consent udon sudden changes of the weather. it *Wu& CRACK IN COLD OR RUN LN WARM WICATHRIL,AND WILL NUT WASH OFP, Leaky tin and other Metal Roofs can be readily•repair ed wit h Gum& piRLIghNI, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation . of IRON RAILINGS, STOVES, RANGM, SAFE.t AGRI CULTURAL IMPLRACENTS, inc., also for general man u lecturers use, GUTTA PEUCETA CEMENT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs .of every description, from as great elasticity, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and win not crack in cold or run in warm weather. These materials are ADAPIND 20 au criasarse, and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the coun try, at short notice, tor GIRLS f ejM ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, .and'GUTIS PERdila .11ENT in barrels, with fall . pruited directions for appli. cation. AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business, OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor or our Improved Rooting having applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York Ow and vicinity, JOHNS & CROBLEY, 90.1,..8 MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., :Coiner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK:; IV' descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnished on application. SIIG ARS Crashed, Pulverized and Re. fined, for Bale by S sig BOWMAN, feb2l Corner Front and Slarket streets. PORT FOLIOS--WRITING DESKS, A N entire new tumortinent of the useful ar 11 tides just operiectut - - BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the s u b. joined varieties of Diseases : crofula and Scrofulous Affection such as 'rumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptio ns , Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, Boil s , Blaine, and all Skin Diseases. OratranD, lo d, 6th Juno, 1666. J. C. Aran & Co., Gents : I feel it my drop to ackcoitl_ edge what ycur SarsatarilLa has done for me. tiering inherited a Scrofulous infecti • n, I have suffered fro m i t In various ways for Sears. Sometimes it bunt cut in mccrs on my bands and arm. ; sometimes turfed ward and distressed me at the stomaLli. Two years age broae out on my head and covered my scalp and e ar . with one sore, which was painful and ltath4omeb‘yoed description. I teed many medn the, and several phy g , clans. but without much rel.ef from atyttung. In tact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejo.ced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alternative (SarsapartLad for I knew from lour rep utatiOia that anything you made must be geod. I se c t to cinc nnati and got it, and use it till it cured me. I Mir it, as you advise, In small doses of a leasprcattil over a mouth, and used almost three tottles. New and , healthy skin soon began to lorm under the scab, which after a while fell oil', my skin is now clear, and I kEow by my feelings that the disease has gone Iron nay system. You can well believe thatl feet wrist I am saying WLCU I tell you, that I hold you to beone of the a t ovu es of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ILIBED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettet and Salt Rheum, Scald Head , Bingwornt; Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. RoberLM. Preble writes trom Sep., 1869, that he pas cured an invett rate case of Drop_ ay, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse vering use of our r., , arsapardlo, and also a dangerous bi tack of Malignant Er) 6 [peke,. b) large dome of the e ar n ,. says be cures the common Ernpuond by it eouslakny. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck Zo.bUlOO SlOlin of Prospect, Texas, write s ., : "Three hoc. flex of your SursaparU et la corn we from a tiornui—a hul eesswelling on the neck, Which I had eulrered from over two years." - Let:mornla or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, • Uterine Ulceration,Female Diseases. - Dr. J. B. S. Charming, of New Ycrk. City, wrorn ; most cheerfully comply with the respect or your s pent in saying I have Mead your darsaparubs a me t exe cunt alternabve In the numerous complaints for wises we rin• ploy such &remedy, but especially in /emetic DUealej of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 h .vu cured initLy iLeo erate cases of Leueorrbcea. by It, and some weere the com• plaint was caused by uJceradoit of We tit , rus. Th e ul ceration itself was soma cured. Nothing wads my knowledge equals it far these female derangemeriti." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A an. gerous ovarian tumor on one te the females in my lamely, which bad deded all the remedies we could employ, hiLs, at length been completely cured by your extract of it ar- Hapaniia. our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial ni your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Dr. J. C. Aug Sir, I cheerfully comply with the •e -quest of your agent, and report to you some of the cifeet3 1 Lave realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaint:, for which it is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Ventral and /fer mi& Dis e ases. tine of toy patients tied Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of Ins mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, stew dily taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the uleervtain had eat en away a considerable part of it, so that 0-Akre the disorder would soor..eacn his brain and .lm. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla : the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman gnu cad been treated for me same disorder by mercury was suffering irom this poison in her bones, they bad become to sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating riain iu her joints and bones. She, too, was Cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few %Ten. 1 know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that this rroparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy ; cousequenUy, these truly remarkebla resells , with it have not surprised me. _. „Fraternally. years, NEW Y ORK G.,V. D. „,Blieumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. LTDRIT.NDIINCS, rrecton Co., Vet., 60a July, 1859 Du. J. 0. ATER : sir , I bave been afflicted with a pain. Ad chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to mo in bytit, of all the remedies Leonid tin , until I tried ?our One battle cured me in two weeks, and restored my - gen drat health so much that I am far netter than before 1 wee &melte& I think tt a wondortut uteamme. J. FREe3I. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louts. writes : "I have boon afflicted tar years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tailed to relieve me • and I have been a broken down man for some years trout no titer cause than de rongmergvf the Liner. My beloved pastor, tne Rel. Mr Espy, advised me to try your &rsaparrdla, becau;e to said no knew you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God It net cured me. I feel young again. The best that can he said of you is not hail good enougn." Schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of ,oases have been reported Le ea where cures of Wiese formidable compenet, have forth the use of this remedy, but one space here win not admit thew. 80m- of tnem may be taupe iu our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia, Manyremarkable cures of these affections have been made by the alternative power of this medicine. It stim ulates the vitallunetions into vigorous action, and thin overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has been require.: by the he. cesaities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. ayer's Cherry Pectoral b OR Tag BAND GCE& OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief or Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease Ands isa remedy so umversaily known to surpaes ycy other tbr the cure of throat and meg mimplands, that •,1 useless here to publish Cue evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and coils, and its truly wonderiul cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the mull:L.- I%w are the communities cir even families, ameng teem who have not some personal experience of its accts.— some living trophy in their of its victory over We subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat dud lungs. As all know the dreaulul tatiday of these aisordera, and as they know, too, the elect, of this remedy, we used tot do more than to assume them that it has now eh the vir tues that it did have when Making the cures watch have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY ER & Co., Lowell, Mass. i_Sold by :C. A. Bannvart, C. K. Keller, ,D. W. Grow & Co., J. M. Lutz,& Co., Armstrong, Harm - Ann, and deal ers every where. ocil9.6mdaw C . 0. ZIMMERMAN'6 RANKING STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTING OFFICE Has been removed from No. 28 Second St NO. 130 MALIKET STREET sARKTatuRo, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAB ikep24-dtr RUBBER GOODS! Rubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOI36. PURE;P •. Fresh Ground and Whole spice Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at? NICHOLS & BOW MAN'S, j 6 corner Front and Marketr Steeta. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. This good, nutritious, and Ike aurpred coffee, k now offered for sale very low by ftteqfitf.! / binw OtusAss,_2slb August, 1c405 NICHOLS k cornet... From, and Market Wide,.