paiig ettegrafq. RAKRIBBURG, PA MondB3 Morning, March St, 1862. locannissioners of Lancaster county have Added another appropriation of $lO,OOO in aid of the familieg of volunteers resident of that couulY Tag WHIAT PROIPECT.—The present season iot a by those whose interest It is to keep booked up" in such matters, to be an exceed ingly favorable one for the growing of the' abed crop. So far as we have heard, the ii teat fields throughout the country present a very prorolilug appearance. I=Cl=l gaits FOR THE BLOEICADING Vsamm.—On t h e loth proximo, the U. S. steamer Rhode b lind will sail from Philadelphia for Port Royal, g e y West and Ship Island. She will carry letttra sod newspapers to the blockading no eete, &e., at the above stations. Leiterbags, Rill be open at the Foreign Letter Office, Pita o stielphia Exchange R. ow, up to the eventrig 7 of the 9th proximo. _ deers Vots—Their Vorielies.—The past Mir) yore has put forth many new , names of vines, but one that h ,ve established any just claims to merit that can place them by the side of our best varieties of well ascertained character. If we take the Isabella as a standard of hardi ness, we may place above it as more hardy the Delaware, Anna, Concord, To Kalon, Elsing burg, Diana and probably Cuyahoga. These may all be regarded es vary hardy, and in:the order in which they stand. As fully equal.,ip, bardinees, at least to the Isabella, may be men-. honed Allen's Hybrid, Lincoln, Lenior and Union Village, all of which excel in quality, though by very different degrees of excellence. LCOONOTIVI3 ON THIN OINTBAL RAXLROAD.—The Pennsylvania railroad company now have two hundred and twenty nine locomotives, of which one hundred and fifty-one are in first class oon-' Mon, sod fdrty-three are in running order. Of the whole number, twenty-three new en gines were added during.the year 1881. The total passenger engine mileage during the year was 1,118,187 miles ; of freight, 8,148,064 ; and distributing engines, 146,205, making the grand total 4,418,006 miles, or 779,694 miles more than was run in 1860. The average cost per mile run for repairs of engines and the cost of new engines added during the year, wax $7 81. A saving of 76 cents per 100 miles run pin fuel has been effected, by adapting more of the engines to the use of coal. In 1868 the cost of fuel per run of 100 mile% was $8 19, and in 1861 only $6 41. The company now own 8,192 eight-wheeled oars, and 678 four-wheeled ears. COL. MURRAY'S RISIAINS IN HOLLIDAIROURG.- Oar correspondent who accompanied the escort of the remains of WI. Wm. G. Murray from ttte city to Hollidaysburg, yesterday morning, wrote to us as followe, under data of HOLLIDAYSBURG, March 28, r 862. The remains of Col. Wm. G. Murray arrived hem in a special oar from Harrisbusir at.-4 o'clock this afternoon. The remains were accompanied by his tnotheri and sisters, the joint Legislative committee; pall bearers, and a number of citizens of Har risburg, including a representative from .th 4 Daily Evening Timiamtpu. At every - static* along the road,crowds of people had abenaded to get a glance of the coma containing the ;re',` mobs of the gallant deceased. At Altoona, it seemed as if the entire popu lation of the town were at the depot. The flap throughout the borough were at•half meat; and trimmed with crape; the church bells, and that at the Pennsylvania railroad shops, were toLed from the arrival to the departure of tlui, train When the train arrived about a mile west from here, it was stopped, and the coffin re; tamed to a hearse in waiting. A number of oedema were also on theground for the mown+ isolation of the family and escort. After they were ailed, a procession was formed, which preceded by a braes band, proceeded towards We place, and through the principal streets to the residence of the father-in-law of the de= ceased, John Dougherty, Esq., where the 0414 was depoeited to await the funeral obsequies Which take place at ten o'clock to-morrow. OUR NRIOHBOREI ACROSS 'MEI WAT.—The Fire! of April brings a stir, not only in business and Anancial affairs, but also produces chance l Ili domestic and neighborhood relations4.Foy three months many houses throughout the ci have been labelled, "For Rent." These babe hare now been removed, and there is a coneh motion in and about the house and, curiosity mongers across the way are all agog. The old neighbors are preparing to "move out," and this new neighbors about to "move in," are making their appearance. Where are those going to, and who are these just arrived'? are the all absorbing questions. Moreover it - ii, , Important that these questions be correctly settled; and the movers, therefore, rivet not be annoyed at the numerous questiono,l6;ket observations and node of the people anon& the weY• If the out-goers were good neighbors it le pleasant to learn, they are not going far ; if they are bad neighbors it is gratifying to know they are entirely beyond reach. To know the Precise character, or nattier the received repura: Lion of the incomers is of still more importance: good neighbors are not only an honor, but they are a comfortable blessing daily experienced.— An effort, therefore, to learn the "position" of a new neighbor cannot properly be termed in= inisitiveness ; but is rather a legitimate search atter desirable information. Furthermore, the windows in the house "justopposits" were made to look out of, and it is entirely proper that they should be thus used., And should it so,finppen, that handeoute Meg ladies reside "just acme," it is of course their especial pilvilqge to see out of, and still more to be seen at, the windows ; for *lea— "A. thing of beauty is a joy forever," a beautiful lady at the windivi,. with a scenery of drapery and flowers, will be an abiding joy to a whole neighborhood. It is also a pleasing reflection for strangers to know that and %Wally noticed in their movements, and - th St. at often as they appear in front their prima bi closely scanned and their this clothes duly oredlied. For thus the world has it ; to see ad to be Noe lo the exabittou of atrium. Tim Brim —The river is in good rafting stage, and the lumber and timber' from above has been arriving all the week. The rush, how ever, is not upon us yet. Ms s. CARBON & SHARKLIN, bricklayers, give notice to their friends that they are pre pared to execute all orders that may be sent to them. See their advertisement in another col- LIMO 011GAMMATION OW CATS COITNOEL—The City Council pet yesterday for organisation. W. 0. HuMME, of the Second ward, was elected President, and David Harris, Esq., Secretary. Mr. Hickok ie an active Wildness man, and will make an energetic officer. "' i `fliYiagaß of tan Bar will expire Ina` A r days thus making it iactrmbent on councils to fill the positions. So. fir as We are politically concerned, of course we have no voice in the selection, but in obedience to our personal feelings, we strongly desire the selec tion' Of Mr. Frederick Haehnlen, the present clerk of the market. He has proven himself a faithful and vigilent officer:, and is in every respect the most popular clerk the markets have had for many years. Councils can do no better by any change, and we therefore hope that Mr. Haehnlen may be retained. TIEN CONEDINCII MIR, who were recently ope , rating in thii city, and who stopped at the Buehler House and left without paying their bills, and who no doubt had something to do with the robbing of Mr. Williams at the railroad depot a week since, were arrested in Pittsburg on Wednesday last. They had been engaged in their tricks in that city, but succeeded in eluding the police, until a dispatch and des. cription of the rascals watt sent to Pittsburg by Mayor Kepner, when they were at once traced to the Monongahela House and arrested. They gave the names of J. Reynolds and Henry Palmer. When arrested, they , had one hun dred dollars in money of the sxme description of funds as those lost by Mr. Williams at the depot in this city. They also bad tickets for numerous railroad lines, so that they could jump on the cars at any timF, and go -either east or West. They had no biggage at the ho tel, but had kept it at the depot ever since their arrival here. They are both genteely. dressed, and pretend to belobg to Louisville. The persons are detained in Pittsburg for trial. Two saw Barnes built over the Scluylkill• by the Pennsylvania railroad company, has been opened for traffic, and cars now pass overt it daily. The iron superstructure of this bridgi consists of three spans of one hundred and. ninety-two feet or one hundred aad eighty feet , clear between supports. The middle span, which is supported by a cylindrical iron frame upon the centre. pier, is turned by two men with ease, the time occupied being about two minutes. East of the bridge there is another iron bridge of seventy-two feet span, which passes over Sutherland avenue, and the abut ments of the two bridges are connected by a series of stone arches, fonr in number, each of thirty feet span. A temporary trestle work; seventeen hundred feet in length, connects the west end of the Schuylkill bridge with the Westchester and Philadelphia.radroad, in front of the Almshouse: Frouril4 latter point $ track is laid to the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad, at Washington street,i a distance of four . thousand two hundred an 4 fifty-two feet. From Washington street to the! main line of the Penneylvania 'railroad, the distance is nine thousand three hundred and twenty-nine feet. They s are now, laying north of Market street forte sidings, having an gregate length of four thousand and seventeen feet, and so located 'that they can readily be connected with the proposed junction railroad; which will probably occupy the ground upori which the Delaware extension line was Idereeed; between the Almshouse and the mein line of the Pennsylvania railroad. =I Two-Humps= rums of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin ,of the best make ; blue' checks, at 124 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 124 cents ; another lot of those gOod white rib , bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 121 cents; children's pocket handlunchiefsi with - border, 6 cents , ;, ; shirt breasts 121 i 15 and up to 871 cents; 25 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 121 cents; yard bleached muslin 121 cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 76 cents. Having bought the balance of the stink of a dtx wholesale house of plain and Ifgurlid Swirls nitilins, brillanur, white rim+ brim, Natalia and Victoria 'lawns, imitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scam and dear next summer fowls the time to taw. Our stock of Furs at cost. 8. DEWY, Rhoads' Old Stand. New GOODB.-I am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below cost, or 26 per trcheaper than you can purchasie elsewliere, viz: tine linen shirts, 75 cts. to El ; shirts, 60 eta., and 80 eta. with linen bosoms ; night shirts,"so ; under . shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 'eta, all wool ; monkey jackets, 60 de. to $1; cotton andwoolen hose 10 cts. to 18 eta ; silk ties, 121, 16 and 18 ate ; collars, 8 cts. to 16 eta. a piece ; ladles' collars, 4 and 6 cts.; cuffs, 4 and 6 cts. a piece ; under sleeves, 18 ele.• l fine cambric at 18 and 18 cts. per yard, worth 26 de.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, afid fast collars, 121 eta.; all linen bosoms, 16 cts and upwards. If you want cheap and good goods just go to. Tames A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Mann feotorv, where he is selling off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &c. made to measure, Boom next to Hummel & Nillinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the books and accounts of Col. Joseph 8. Knipe have been placed In my hands for settlathent and cofleotion, and all persons indebted are requested to call at No. 180 Market agrees on or before the 10th day of April, 1882. After said date all bills not settled will be lett in the hands of Alderman Peer for prompt celiection. C. ZikIMBRIAAN, msr.24-dlw No. ISO Market etrtet, Harrisburg. DIONAT PURSES. DORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK. et-books, Bankers' easel, Ladies' Caba satchels, Ladles Traveling catchel& We are constantly receiving additlona to our stock of the above goods, and noels eerily have a tine assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully invite persons wanting to purchase any of t he above articles to examine the stock—knowing that greater variety or better goods MUM' be found in the city. KILLMR'S Druz and Paaey Store, 91 Market Street, one door east of Fourth stood, s outh ea 4., NOTIONS. --Quite a variety of wain] sad enterfatido g at.ffolot—cdx",...," • mormrsalkeeenuaut. . I k s rap • LAsw On and after Monday, Jan 27, 1862, the mails will close at this office as follows : East. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. Way mail—For all places between Harrisburg and Philo, delphla, and those adja• Way mall—For all, places between Harrisburg and Philadel phia and thoseltiljacent to the Penneyivanjapail road • '' ...7. A. Id For lisw York. Philadel- Way mail—qui all phices between and those adjacent to the.Perinsylvania Rai , - road 8 A. For Pittsburg, Johns town and Lewistown, Pa., Cincinnati, Colum bus and Cieveland,Ohio.B. P. For Pittsburg, Alb Dons Tyrone,Huntingdon, Lewiettwn and Holli .dayaburg 9 P , .'worth. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Way mail—For all places between, Harrisburg and Lock Haven and those adja cent to the Northern Central Railroad 12. Way mail—For Washington,.D. C., and all places betireen Harrisburg and Bald, more, Md. , and thoso CUMBERLAND. PALELY RAILROAD Chambersburg, Ship, pensburg, Carlisle and Mechanicsburg. . .. ...7. A. M. Way mail—For all places between Harris:Lung and. Chain- hamburg and those adja- • 12.8Palley M . liCHLTIiLSILL AND dislTQ d . JJEHANNA RAIL ROAD. For Pottsville, Ellwood, AIL postage ,011 letters and .papers MUST BE' PENTAIR BY STAMPS or. they cannot - be forwarded. in „the mails. 'Office. Hours—From64 A.-. 31. to 8 P. Sunday from - 7} to B} A. IL, and from Bto 4: P.M. GEOEQE BERGNER, • • • !...Postmaster. SAKI FORD'S OPERA HOUSE) Thirq. -- StreS bekm _MOFeit _ , , S. tili. . ITIMpitD - Proprietor and Hanageri Also Sanford Opera House,Philadelphia. . . 'Adiniestai, 26c ts. 'I Orchestra Chtirs'; - SOcits.l 'Canaria . . • li ..' .1 nuts in frlvimebox, Ill.' t . .- 4 Aare. open .at 7 o'clock ; •Perforination -to commas( ,at .ix .oicis e k. . ~ , . ; : .: ~... .:. .. GRAND CONSOLIDATION TWO . CiPRARA: 'KR() VP4 w*o WM& APPEAR IN MUMS United storm FOrming 'Galaxy of .Btaiii; Wes. Batchelor's flair Bye . • The 'Okay Iran:dew and Litelielde DyerSzunni AR Others are nieralinitatione, Said should .be airrdded tryoe wish bleseape.reitrada. . . GUY/ MI OR RU S TY HAIR dyed instantly to. beauty,* and palatal Drown or Wick, without jba leash Injury te*Hair or Skin:' PIPTREICItaDAID AND' DIPLOMAS hwy. Mud altar-I dad •to Wn.-A., Bayamon Awn) ei and oyer:200,000! applioadona.batre beeninade to the bair of Ins Petrone of ilia Alpena oye„ • „ _ W. A. DATOHISLOIt'II HAIR DYE - produced' *a 'otikir not to be custingninhea from nature and itlirAitilarfili nano Injorein the leant,'beireyer long limey be ootitin-t tied, ant} the 111 effects of bad Dyes remedied. The badr. isinvlgoented ftir life by this tiplatidid. Dye, irhieh , arly applied atNo .'- 18• *tad Street New ' ork:: - ' theattee endlownnotthe Uinta& States, by Druggists' sold Abney Ocoee Dealers - - .• . I . Tiss Genuine has the wee William A. Batchelor," ind addressupon a steel pits engraving, on the bur wt:Wlii,wly A GARD TO THI LAMBS. ' ' ' DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALESI "Read the lbilosing certilinate" from one of Ike • ikag lathe/Alb Thiel, N. If; Who called upon nty Agouti bithat city WM. - Bristol &Zed and told them that Sher,' of =area l did not wigs her name made publio,but if say one should doubt the wonderful' et Da. Demon; cohi Golden Pills, they might. refer any Lady to her as she considered It $ ditty, as well as 'a plaisdrs, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as adnihdetered , to bet daughter, a young lady 17 years old. 'she was fist go. , tag into omaumption—had taken -cold—nature became obstructed- Two boxes of these Ooldea PUIa entire ; ly cured her, And site is now in • robust health "We wet, Articular In buying the . genuine. - Pulp and explicit directions accompanying each box Price 91.. 4 Sold wholesale and retail by O. A Itutirmax, No. 2; Jones Row, .nd C. H. Hammy 91 Market street, Harriet burg, Pa. By mending either of them S 1 Q 0 throughtisp Harrisburg Post Office the Phis will argent, confidentially by mall•to any part of the country; "free of poetago.r, N. b.—Look cutler counterfeits. Rey no clindini fills of any kind unless the box is signed S. 11.: Howe. Ad others le a base inipositkm and unsafe f" Hiarelbre, , as yen value- your lives and health, (to lay nothing of, bef tug humbugged out of your money,) , buy only of those who abow the , signature of 8. D. Howe on every' box; which haivecently 'been' added qui'ildocitint of the/ 0114 •babur , counterfeited. • The ingredients composing the above Pills 111 . 0 made known to every Agent, awl! they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T.'fi Lumberger, Lebanoe ; - A. J. Brae man, Mechanicsburg ; M. harks, Lewistown ; p l eb e - 8. G. Neervitie J. O. Altick , Shipping', burg; 3, Spangles, othambersburg; g. T. ulller, York J.:A. Wolf, Wrightarille ; 8. 8. &evens, Reading ; and S. P. Runter,lteadinic„ and by ' .ione druggist" In ever,* town and village in the United States, Rad by . 8. D. ROWS; .43 em . Solo Proprietor, New York . •' - 1 SYRUP, Lovering's and Stewart's, for iji, sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN t I. fetal corner Front and larket street. ' ODE from choice and selected AppieB and guaranteed t* en In be 'strictly pure .12.4 NOW Pi al'. ' NS he arges an. . . stook, from $l.OO to tot 08—warnintiii—,u, ,2 0 • affirtEß 8 WAIMBTO2,4 10AL OIL, lower. than any Souse; it ,i-Itanistnins,bria•br iiica t owaHoodi k ' fly- Ostair - Trcataut larketifikiast. fi FM Post Ofßoe, Harrisburg, Pa. ceni to ihe Lebanon Vsi ley, Best Penusyl yaula, and Plilladelphia and Reading Railroads. ....7.8 A. M PENNBY4VAITIA RAILROAD. phis and Lancaster For PhPadelphia, Lan- caster,Middletown, Bain bridge, Columbia and Marietta. •• • • • For New : MA:EV;(IcI. phis and lAncsater....9. P. id • Weft. Harrisburg and Altoona adjacent to the Northern Central Rai1r0ad..'......12 For Washington, : D Baltimore, Md., and For Hagerstown, Md., vent to ihe Cumberland Pioe,Gwve,Summit SU- , lion and. Auburn.. 12.8 P. M. STAGS ROM S, For. Li n gleatow,e, histisda 11114. West Hen- over, Ono and Jones town, on Monday, Wed- nadar i and rriday.. For !Lisburn and Lewis- . . berry, on-5atarday......12.8 P. IL Not tii,bo Eqtudied the: World ? 11,MR 'Eiji taili: pyg' t Wholegalelkotory, 91 Barolay.ek, Late 283 Broadway, New•YQeti CIDER 111 V ' EGAR 1I I tto Ithel-titsemtnts VHEREAS, the Honorable dorm J. Name, Preatent of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Jaidcial District, COl:Misting of th • enuntlea of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hon. Swa im Lanus and Hon. Mona It. Yocum, Associate Judges In Dauphin county, haviag leaned their precept, bearing date the 4th day of March, - 1862 to me directed, for holding's Cour,. of Oyer and Tessn?ner and General Jed Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Ittisraburg, for the cobnty of Dauphin, and to commence ON vas Ora Ificatier' OP Ann NM% being the 28TH DAY OF APILIIL, 1862, audio continue two weeks. Fotice is therefore hereby given to the Gef onor, Yes- Mee of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and trier In their proper pergolas, - atlo o'clock in the iorenoon of sat day, with' taeir. records, • inquisitions; examivall Us, and • their own remembi anises; to do dhows things which to their Moe appertains to -be cone, and those who are bound in recognisancea to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin coun ty, be then and there to prosecute against th m as shall beput.- Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 26th day of Ii • rcit, In the year of our lord, 1862, and In the eighty sixth year of the independence of the United States • - J. D. BOAS,*Sheriff. Pannuvra Oyrtoa Hirrisbarg, April 26,1862.. ...12. M 5. P.M. WALL PAPER! ELEGANT styles and. , patterns of Wall 'Paper for 6i 10,•12, le and 25venbr per roil I.he largest sod most vartedetozk or Wall Paper, Borders; Window Blinds, *Cttrtins and*Plitnres ever o . tiered this city. Being bought km cash , will be old it a very swill profit. ga r Remember the peel, ' • Schaller's Book Store, Market street, opposite . prosighug Ares, Harrisburg. attrosl_aususf, SEEDS!!! TETT-iedeived-titkl. , for ale at the Agri cultural Stotei 110 Market' street, the • LARGEST STOCK of fresh and gehtdfie azidee,Flotier and Field Seeds in the State out tdde'of Phdaihdphia. S.arders 8001 .at THREE CENTS PER PAPER, WeitneNTED .to oontain u mach as can be bad forfine cents anywhere else, and in bufk, at prices which csano. be under sold: Also Agricultural and Horticul tural-Implements. Am. the season. I invite attention to my stesc._ , ,DAVI Le HMO mall4Bt4l2w DISSOLUTION' OF PARTNERSHIP 1113 E imitnership heriitdOe existing JL under the name of Pa kirk Eat' this thy been dlasolv'edty mutua , consent of the partners. The books are plated Into the halide of • Geo) it. 'Parker, the anything partner . All portions. Indebted and .a lt halm bills against the firm will apply to George It:Parker. G. R. HES, m27-Sts " b; W. SHELL. P. M. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTESESEIP: .‘ IIO.E 00-Partnership Ipireto - fo' re . existing wrier the firm o Jones 4 Waggoner, Toy eincl Con-' lectlonory, lb by unitnal nonsentt his day' dlssiNvel by the withdrawai or J. W.: - Jones. Toe bumdea3 will .be W.H. Waggoner, at the old stand- No. -3: Market street, by whom an the cleat ,a. d to whom all the Mal= of ilto late Arm are to be paid. '?The undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage extended' to the old Arai of hues &Waggoner, (mate by atria attention to business and by keeping e wet , se• tented stock °tome soodenaries, toys - and- *fruits -to merit a condoms°, of theacme.Et WM. a WaUGONg. mar 24 Caw. . .7. A. la NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. THE new frame boUse -now,being built on &ate street odor Second, mil be nuirlied by the' lat of April, including paving, gas end irate' , pipes. Sp.; Ply to - SIEORGMOu MILS, • marl9.dtf No. SO Market street. 20 BITILDJ.N 0- LOTS FOR SALE.i . A SR . ORT. clistanee west of - the capitol,l Cron log on Eltand and , Mumma Larks._Priolle: $l7O to $200." - Ternssreasonable by GIiO:OuNMLI dB, inarti-d.os No. SO Market-street, ' - SALAD - OIL. A dexpi• -supply of -fresh- Salad . Oil; in lard* and anal boats, awl of. dillaiig. lateutis t i • DOM, Jr& :11i i 17111. RA. .T.E Y.—A large supply .just 1 131 - ieadved by • WM. DOCK; JR. t CO. ; ORAB OWE& —Oonstantly on hand - a vkij very. superior article of "ITU imam crow , . WIL DOOH, & 00. . , jERS EY HAkt I—Ten tierces of theew - justly' 'celebrated - auger carol hulas, received and , ibr satein large or'swan quantities. ' • DOOE, Jo. ir CO. _ . BEV.—A splendid lot, large and well otmil. •F'BH.LNoa. 1 and '2 Mackerel, in whole: ' or hair barrel, bar axle low by , • • ' NICHOLS OWHAN, stxr-y1 torthiest corner of Front andM e e rket streets. in GAL OIL, Non-explosive Chinmeys; mia,Covers, Rude., Lampe atoll Undo: Re sale low by i7 -y1 nortli-oast corner . OrFtlottBsuttraWriretrereets. O,OAP, klarrison, Countryand Fancy, for k,j..aid• by -• • d:I